K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 lawyer
Bringing in a beneficiary from Iran will be a challenge. Bringing in a lawyer on your case is also a challenge--most notably, to your WALLET.

Do all you can on your OWN time, like filling out all the paperworks, organizing all your evidences of genuine relationship, making trips to visit her, etc.

THEN when you have all your ducks in a row, go consult an immigration atty for consult. No need to have him hold your hand thru all this mundane "leg work" at $250/hr.

BTW, we had great success with prepaid legal atty's. For about $25/month, you have free phone consults with good immigration atty's that can answer those "On the spot" troublesome questions and issues that pop up on your visa journey.

I'd hate to see you "on the hook" with an atty that will bill you to death for little things in the visa process that you can very well DIY.

Good Luck and we hope she is worth it.

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SuperDuper!Male02010-04-26 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing Nickname on letters/cards to Fiance (k1 visa)
So nice when Otto lets his hair down! :lol:

SuperDuper!Male02010-04-28 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer said to get married in 60 days not 90???

Okay so my fiance got his visa approved on March 3rd...his currently still in Mexico. I live in California and I called my lawyer to let her know he would be crossing in the next two weeks and she was freaking out and telling me that we have 60 days to get married from the day he got his visa...which means were pretty much screwed since it will be 60 days by the end of this week. I am so confused because I thought once he crossed with his visa, then we would have 90 days to get married, which was what the lawyer told me at first and now she's changing things around for me. So if anyone can please help!! I'd appreciate it....because this is really frustrating! PLEASE HELP!

Yet another reason not to use an immigration lawyer unless your case is hopelessly complicated.

You have 90 days to get married on a K1 Visa, from the day he enters the country.

Relax, and enjoy your time together!


Edited by Hopp, 27 April 2010 - 10:56 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-04-27 22:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMultiple trips to Thailand for K1?
You can do it with one visit, but beef up all your evidences, and have it well organized. Think about some friends and family making a notarized statement on your behalf, stating that they see you in a genuine relationship. AOS is pricey. Just cut the big check, and I am still a hurting, hehe. Good luck in your VJ.
SuperDuper!Male02010-05-01 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYoung couple

Where does USC stand for? (Srry I'm a newby!)

Also, University of Spoiled Children. :lol:

Good luck, in doing the visa journey, DIY, and starving the immigration lawyers :lol: :lol:

SuperDuper!Male02010-05-03 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForeign Fiance flipping out...
Ask her if she just wants to call the whole thing off! Then, get her to talk about the reasons she wanted to be with you. I feel ya!
SuperDuper!Male02010-05-06 00:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS CASHED MY CHECK FOR K-1 VISA

Did someone ask what the fee is for and whether or not they can get a refund :whistle:

That is what is so nice about VJ. You DON'T have to ask! :lol:
SuperDuper!Male02010-05-07 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow To: get my filipina's visa approved, already been denied once
Here is an idea. Marry her in Japan, and have her live there with you. :blush:
SuperDuper!Male02010-05-13 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP PLS G-325A how many copies?
we sent in 4 copies just to be sure. The more the merrier!

SuperDuper!Male02010-05-18 22:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of ongoing relationship
RE: topic of phone records for Visa Interview purposes.

Many folks skimp out and get the cheapest way possible to call honey pie.

But they do not consider the record keeping aspect of the call for USCIS purposes.

THen, it comes time to printing out evidence to show USCIS that you have been communicating to Buttercup.

I gladly paid my cable co phone rates (lowest possible as designated by Phil. Mobile Phone Rates) to have professional phone logs arrive in the mail to me each month, and then just file it away in a folder (DONE).

I loved the convenience, and forgot that I could have saved .03 cents/minute by using the El Cheapo Phone Card Co.

What good are the calls, if they don't come with complete documentation proof?


Edited by Hopp, 23 May 2010 - 08:52 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-05-23 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyers?
For the common, vanilla K1 or CR1 visa, you do not need a lawyer, unless you really want someone to hold your hand for $250 USD/Hr.

Why hire a middleman to help you fill out forms and do the paper shuffle?

You are on VJ now, read the guides and ask questions here.

Proceed with caution, the sharks are out there. Good Luck! :star:

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Edited by Hopp, 23 May 2010 - 04:02 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-05-23 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCancelling Interview date
It is my understanding that after the interview fee was paid, you have one (1) year to have the interview. Call back the USEM operator to confirm this. If you have another call left on your PIN, then all the better to make use of it. (I hate that $18 fee for 2 calls!).

Cancelling the interview may bring up a question to the CO, but he should also respect you for taking a time out to make sure the relationship is ready to move forward, and not implode on the US side.

Good luck and good choice to let things cool off for awhile, and confirm she is the right one for you.


Edited by Hopp, 01 June 2010 - 12:26 AM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-01 00:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind

How did this thread get resurrected after more than a month? :blink:

Anyway, the above is incorrect. A waiver is needed if two petitions were filed EVER, whether or not either of them were approved, or if one petition was approved within the past 2 years. The OP filed two petitions, one approved and one withdrawn. He would need a waiver for any future filing.

Your statement is not technically correct, Jim, and here is why. (and why does it matter if a good topic is resurrected. THat shows its vitality and importance).

Anyways, let's say a petitioner files a K1 on a nice lady in the Phils. And then, before the embassy interview, he finds out she is not so nice after all.

All the petitioner has to do is write a brief letter of explanation regarding his desire to "abandon the petition" and withdraw his affidavit of support (NO NOTARIZATION NEEDED!). Send copy of said letter to USCIS, NVC and Embassy Consulate.

In a sentence of the letter, the petitioner can state: "Please construe this letter as an IMBRA Waiver Request, should such a request be needed for a future petition" or words to that effect. THEN, the petitioner simply includes a copy of this letter in his next K1 petition for girl #2. And wala, no real IMBRA waiver is needed, no time lost in processing the packet for a RFE .

Oh, and BTW, I know this works, because it worked for me.

Cheers, and remember, ENJOY YOURSELF.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-01 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind
Re the issue of "To notarize or not notarize" in regards to withdrawing a petition and/or affidavit of support:

It has been my experience that NOTARIZING IS NOT NECESSARY.

You will get a response from USCIS just the same, whether or not you notarize.

If you have a friend that is nearby and will do the notary free, then fine, go crazy, if it makes you feel better.

But if you are going to go out of your way and pay for the notary, just don't do it. You have enough stress and real tasks to do in this tedious immigration process. No need for "make work" or "False urgencies." Forget the nattering naybobs that will insist you even notarize your RFE responses.

OP, good luck and peaceful resolution to you. Go back online and find your true love waiting for you now.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-01 00:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind

You are splitting hairs over nothing. No way will a person have problems if you have things notarized but may if you don't. As I said: AFTER a RFE I was requested by a USCIS officer to have my letter of cancellation notarized. I really don't give a flying fock if you do our don't listen to me. I'm just trying to save people hassels of what I've already been thru.
Been there and done it all mostly the hard way.

D. You appear OBSESSED with notarizing everything. Thatz fine for you. For the rest of us, we will just keep it real. :whistle:
SuperDuper!Male02010-04-18 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind

They no longer require notarization of the affidavit of support because the form explicitly says "I, <name of signatory>, certify under penalty of perjury...". This is the reason specifically cited by USCIS for no longer requiring the affidavit to be notarized. Since the notary stamp confirms nothing beyond the identity of the person signing the form, if the person signing the form is who they claim to be then they are bound by the terms of the contract, and if they are not then they are guilty of perjury.

The I-129F contains the statement "I certify, under penalty of perjury...". The G-325A states "Severe penalties are provided by law for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact." Unless you're going to include a similar affirmation in your letter of withdrawal, then it doesn't really carry any legal weight. For all USCIS knows, your spiteful ex-wife could have written the letter in order to screw up your visa petition.

Yes, there is nothing in the INA or 8 CFR that specifically requires a letter of withdrawal to be notarized. By the same token, there is nothing in the INA or 8 CFR that specifically requires a letter of ANY kind to withdraw a petition. 8 CFR only states that a petitioner can withdraw a petition at any time before it is approved, and that the withdrawal cannot be revoked. It doesn't specifically say HOW the petition is supposed to be withdrawn. However, USCIS has traditionally accepted letters for this purpose, and there a plenty of BIA cases on record that show USCIS has canceled petitions when it has received these letters. In fact, there was one BIA case where a petitioner sent a letter withdrawing the petition, and USCIS accepted the letter and placed it in the petition file, but continued to adjudicate the petition anyway, and subsequently denied the petition. The petitioner appealed to get the denial removed from the record and to have the record marked "withdrawn" instead of "denied", and the BIA upheld the appeal.

Getting the letter notarized may not be specifically required, but it wouldn't hurt if it was, and might even avoid an RFE from an ####### retentive adjudicator.

Thx, Jim for laying it out that folks dont have to notarize. Seems there is a myth out there that all responses to the USCIS need to be notarized. Maybe this can be a new conspiracy theory show. :lol:
SuperDuper!Male02010-04-18 00:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind

Well dude when I cancelled my first K1 USCIS requested me to notarize the letter of cancellation. Where did you get your information saying it wasn't necessary?? :blink:

I cancelled my first K1 with a simple request, not notarized and never had a problem.

No K1 documents require a notarization any more, dude. They used to on the affidavit of support, but no longer. Cool, huh?

SuperDuper!Male02010-04-17 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind
OP, Notarization is not needed for a request like this. Like adding salt before tasting food, everyone seems to like to Notarize all these papers! :whistle:
SuperDuper!Male02010-04-17 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent 1 month ago, Fiancee changed her mind

Actually, lots of people propose after a week together and many before meeting in person at all. The OP is asking for on-topic immigration information, not judgmental comments.

The OP has nothing to lose by letting his petition run its course. If she doesn't apply for a visa, so be it. At any point, he can decide to withdraw the petition by sending a notarized letter.

To be factual here,

1) nothing here needs to be notarized. Everyone is always too quick to want to get all immigration papers notarized, and it is an unneeded effort and expense

2) Should the OP no longer want to petition the beneficiary, all he needs to do is write a brief one-page letter, send copies to the USICS, NVC and Embassy, and declare the relationship as abandoned. Further, once the petition is approved, you can no longer "withdraw" it, but definitely withdraw your affidavit of support and declare that no longer valid.

3) Ask that your letter be construed as a request for IMBRA waiver, should such a waiver be required in the future.

OP, it sounds like you need to make another trip across the ocean to go be with her if you have any hope of proceeding with this relationship. I hope you are not heavily invested with her, emotionally or financially, but by all means cut your losses now if you see the writing on the wall.

May I suggest you seek out a Filipina girl next time. It's really rocking down there in SE Asia, and $USD goes pretty far down there, the ladies speak English, and it aint so freakin' cold, but is toasty warm!

Good luck!

Edited by Hopp, 17 April 2010 - 02:29 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-04-17 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhonebill question
Just highlight your girl's # on the bill. In the preponderance of evidence included, it will fit in and give you credit for talking to her!

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-05 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMexican Divorce
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Sep 22 2009, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Len* @ Sep 22 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Once again: Mexico is not part of the VWP.

Mexican citizens NEED a visa to come to the US.
USC's or LPRs do not need one to go to Mexico.

Yep, my mistake, bad assumption. headbonk.gif All those years I just assumed they could do the same, Canadians definitely can.

You are so right, dear. Remember, CAN is the first 3 letters of CANada!
SuperDuper!Male02009-09-22 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMexican Divorce
QUOTE (*Len* @ Sep 21 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It can be recognized brother Jim, but she would still not be eligible to marry. Been there done that.

Says who in the US, though? Please elaborate and even expound.
SuperDuper!Male02009-09-21 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

You obviously don't understand the severity involved.

The envelope contains her entire immigration file, in the original, of which no copy exists. Did she remove a document? Did she add one? Did she switch something?

They will have to look at every document and basically start over from the beginning. If they are unsure, you will have to resubmit documents in the original, to be inspected.

The resealing cost $1.00. The $299.00 is for tampering. Add a few hundred dollars for extended waiting and I hope you understand now why resealing is not really what this is all about.

Bob, you really nailed this one. Yea, the authorities need to confirm EVERY document inside. What if a terrorist tried to claim he opened it accidently and then slipped in some phony docs. A $300 fee is justified given what is at stake, and by means no simple process in revalidating all the contents of the envelope. I really think they should make the DO NOT OPEN instructions in day-glow neon pink, so we are SURE to see and understand how serious it is. OP, may your loved one get thru this setback on his Visa Journey, and good luck.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-05 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprenuptial agreement nuts & bolts ('when' and 'how', not so much 'why'...)

Tantalizing reply, Hopp. OK, I'm convinced. I won't do it.

hey, wait a're not my FIANCEE, are you? d'oh!

Seriously, though, I'm not sure how to check into the key details you mentioned - specifics of state law, that is. No complicated real-estate or offshore accounts, just my half-done mortgage, some IRA and 401K holdings, etc.

As for sources of local specifics, I'm thinking an attorney who specializes in prenups isn't likely to talk me out of signing up for one...I suppose a divorce attorney might be a good POC. It seems like an issue worthy of more than just "asking around", really.

Buy the NOLO PRESS book on prenups, it helped me make my decision.

But definitely be familiar with the family laws of your state. You may already be protected by them. Definitely document what assets you have prior to marriage. Collect bank and financial statements prior to marriage and file them away for your records. Keep cars and houses in your name prior to marriage. Don't intermingle assets that are yours alone--this is key!

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-17 01:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprenuptial agreement nuts & bolts ('when' and 'how', not so much 'why'...)
All good replies, well, almost all.

What isn't being included in the discussion is how your state laws may already protect your interests.

In the Western states, we are all "Community Property" states. Family law is BLACK AND WHITE regarding what is SEPARATE and what is COMMUNITY property and assets in a marriage.

Unless you have a complicated real estate or own your own business, you would be surprised how UNNECESSARY a prenup may be for you.

After you consider the awkward moments it produces, and then the expense of having 2 lawyers involved in signing it, you may realize how little it offers to "protect" you.

Plus, a judge has the discretion of just throwing your prenup out of court if he gets a whiff it is unfair.

You betcha!

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-16 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I begin?
OP. listen to pusbrk, he is never wrong.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-23 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill Waiting on RFE Notice
just keep watching for the yellow paper letter. hard to miss.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-27 01:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

You're reverting to a settled argument. Peace.

ok we agree, no notarized letter actually needed.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-24 01:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

Well, gee -- I'm at my bank for other reasons or at my workplace anyway. I don't think that I can handle ONE MORE TASK of BUSY WORK, no man. Peace.

Tx, I withdrew a K1 just fine without a notarized letter. Can you say the same? I thought not. Please dont assign folks here busy work. We are living real lives out here without a moment to spare. We dont have a nice bank like you that gives you all the freebies.


Do you get it yet?

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-24 00:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

I've always had papers notarized for free at my bank, or from a notary at my workplace.And maybe not, truth be known.

No matter free or a charge, going out of your way for a notarization NOT NEEDED gives the petitioner ONE MORE TASK of BUSY WORK that he does not need on his plate. When will this be understood. Instead, live life and ENJOY YOURSELF.

On your deathbed, you will not be saying, "Gee, I wish I had done more busywork in my life." :wacko:


SuperDuper!Male02010-06-24 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

But we aren't disagreeing. I said it is not required and I'm not the least bit surprised you were successful without notarizing pretty much anything in the visa process or to withdraw a petition or affidavit of support. It is definitely NOT a requirement.

What I said was that I advise doing it anyway. The reason is that you are making an official request that can ONLY be honored from you. In any such circumstance, having a notary attest that it was indeed YOU, who signed the request, CAN help and NEVER hurts.

Yeh, nice touch but one more expense and trip in the car to do a notarization that is unnecessarily. Most of us have all too many tasks to do while living life and in addition going thru this taxing, demanding and overly stressful immigration process. Why would you recommend an unnecessary task of notarization if it is not vital and needed. Just keeping it real, pushyb. Maybe you are too far distanced from the process to make a real world recommendation,
SuperDuper!Male02010-06-23 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

Absolutely NOT required. I recommend doing so for both, nevertheless. It's easy and usually free.

Sorry pushyb. I respectfully disagree. I did it and succeeded WO notarization. You cannot say the same.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-23 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawal of K-1 Visa

hello there.. same here we had a K1 withdrawal last Dec. 2010 my honey sent a notarized letter stating that he is withdrawing our case and after that he received an e-mail confirming that it is already withdrawn and me, after a month i received too a copy of it...

FYI, Notarization NOT needed in withdrawing a petition or affidavit of support. Really.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-23 22:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot an RFE
RFE no big deal. They happen to everyone. Send in what they ask for, and then your case will get back on track.

SuperDuper!Male02010-06-19 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust a questions

hi all
what if i send i-129f petition with 134 affidavit of support and support documents? would it be a problem?

Understand & follow the procedure for the best result. Any documents submitted to the wrong agency or department will be discarded & you will not be notified.
The 134 is submitted at the interview & should contain fairly current dates. It is part of the P 3 checklist.
NingFemaleThailand2010-04-25 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 lawyer

thanks for the advice. my situation is quite complicated, however, because i live in seoul and my girlfriend is from iran, which obviously doesn't have diplomatic relations with the u.s. and isn't exactly the easiest country to get into america from. we have a limited timeline too of about 7-8 months, so if we screw up or the process gets delayed because of something we've done, it will great a huge number of headaches.

A lawyer simply becomes an information funnel. You will supply to them all the required info which they fill in on the forms for you at your expense. The timeline will be extended by many months due to that alone.
It would be a good idea to attempt to fill out the initial forms yourself & see how it goes. If you have questions V J is a great place to find the answers. Because of the Iran aspect you can count on an extended timeline.
NingFemaleThailand2010-04-26 09:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs there a time limit to respond to NOA3?

With the recent unrest in Bangkok, we need more time to collect all required documents, especially the Police Record. When I received the approval notice NOA (I-797), it states that the approval is valid thru May 31st. Does this mean that we have to respond to NOA3 by that date (packet 3)? And is there anyway to apply for an extension to respond for Packet 3? Please let me know. Thanks.

The dates can usually be extended if you need more time. I am sure the embassy understands that may the case for your situation. Do you know if your case is in BKK at this time? Have you recieved P 3 checklist?
If your case is in BKK you could send in the checklist & initial documents at any time which will trigger P 4 or interview date. You could take the police report in at that time or as soon as you could get it after the interview & they would issue the visa after you submit it.
NingFemaleThailand2010-04-27 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA Address when filing I-129F from Abroad

Hi everyone,

I just filed an I-129F for my fiancée from Thailand. The instructions said to mail it based on my previous US address so I mailed it to the California Service Center and I recently noticed a small error. On the actual I-129F form the address field has "State/Country" as an entry. I must have misread this as State/County and I put our province names (in my case bangkok, in her's Nakhon Sawan). Her more full address is required later in the application where it has Thailand explicitly stated as the country, but aside from the G-325A there's no mention that mine is in Thailand. I know it seems sort of obvious that bangkok is in Thailand but this seems like then it picky stuff that the government likes jump on.

So my question is, where do they get the address they send future notices, in particular NOA1 which I haven't received yet?

The picky U S government will send the NOA to the address you gave them. You seem to be the petitioner which means items pertaining to your petition will be sent to you. The NOA 1 & 2 will be sent to your address. Contact USCIS to make sure they have a correct address so they can " jump " on it.
NingFemaleThailand2010-05-20 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

To anyone. This is what is posted on the Bangkok Embassy link "rsn" posted:

=== Start from Embassy page =====

Those combined 3 will just get one MMR Vaccine shot.then one month later will need one more. then the 3red and last will be 6 months after the 1st shot.

Tetanus and Diptheria toxide
You will get TD vaccine shot.

===== End from Embassy page =====

I know she has lost or never had any papers.

1) So she is planning to get the MMR. Did anyone here or their fiance(e) need the MMR and does it require six months for three shots?

2) Do they really require the TD ?

Again, thanks to all.

Its best to follow the hospital & therefore embassy criteria. She should get whatever they think she will need.
The follow up shots can be done in the USA later. She doesnt need to stay there to get them all if that is your concern. Later in the USA you can take her to your local health clinic to get the follow ups. We did it that way & got the three shots for 23 bucks. I took the form required by USCIS for the AOS meeting & asked them to sign & stamp it at the clinic. The officer at the AOS meeting didnt ask to see the form.
NingFemaleThailand2010-04-13 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

To anyone. This is what is posted on the Bangkok Embassy link "rsn" posted:

=== Start from Embassy page =====

Those combined 3 will just get one MMR Vaccine shot.then one month later will need one more. then the 3red and last will be 6 months after the 1st shot.

Tetanus and Diptheria toxide
You will get TD vaccine shot.

===== End from Embassy page =====

I know she has lost or never had any papers.

1) So she is planning to get the MMR. Did anyone here or their fiance(e) need the MMR and does it require six months for three shots?

2) Do they really require the TD ?

Again, thanks to all.

Its best to follow the hospital & therefore embassy criteria. She should get whatever they think she will need.
The follow up shots can be done in the USA later. She doesnt need to stay there to get them all if that is your concern. Later in the USA you can take her to your local health clinic to get the follow ups. We did it that way & got the three shots for 23 bucks. I took the form required by USCIS for the AOS meeting & asked them to sign & stamp it at the clinic. The officer at the AOS meeting didnt ask to see the form.
NingFemaleThailand2010-04-13 13:19:00