K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOnce NOA2 is received how much time can go by....

I've read till my eyes are blurry so let's see if I have this correct...

Once I get back the NOA2 which seems to be about a 4 month or so time-frame, I then send off the I-134 with Affidavit of Support.

Here's the question: How much time after I receive the NOA2 do I have to file the I-134. Not the minimum time, I'm looking for the maximum time.

Here's why:

I have no job. I do have about $1k @ month income. I probably have the 5x the required amount in assets, but I've read that Thailand wants to see "a job." I can accept that.

I've taken a year off since my last job to build our house and so have not been employed, and also I used the time to visit my now fiancee. I don't need a job right now as my living costs are extremely low, after all, I have no mortgage, no rent, no heat bills (I cut and use wood from my land)and I have no debt. The reality is I could go years with out working--perhaps the rest of my life, though that's not my style--I prefer to work, but I prefer to have our house totally finished first.

So let's say that I get the NOA2 back in December. Then I expect to be mostly finished on the house, and I'll go and find a job. Even in this economy with my skill set I will be able to find contract work (which is normally how I work). The job may be only 30 hours a week, as many employers are doing this to avoid having to give out benefits, but the income would still be perfectly adequate as far making the required amount of income. The job I find might be a 3 month assignment, or it may be contract/permanent (which is often the way I end up working) but I'd rather know that I have a few months if necessary to find that job and accumulate 4 pay stubs to make the Embassy happy.

So how long can, if necessary, I hold back the I-134 with the Affidavit of Support before things go boom? Does the I-134 expire at some point?

A co-sponsor is not an option as the only family I does not have the means to be a co-sponsor.


You are a little blurry which has affected your ability to plan to the same degree.
There are many people here on V J that have waited 6 months or even more for the NOA 2. You do not send in the 134 when you get that notice.
After NOA 2 the case will go to NVC. If it is a K 1 it will got thru fairly quickly. That could be a few weeks to a month.
Its then sent to BKK which takes about 2 weeks until its actualy in the visa section of the embassy. They will send out notice of the need for P 3 docs. That is when you would need to send in the 134. That notification can take weeks to months.
Overall you are looking at 8 to 10 months to the point of needing the 134. You could delay the sending of the P 3 docs for quite awhile. Possibly up to a year. I am not sure of that.
Your present income falls about 7 K short of the requirement as you know. Your assets would help but may not be enough. What will become important is the timing of your income from the new source. You should show it has been sufficent for a few months prior to the interview timing.
Remember its is she that will interview so they will not ask questions about your future ability to earn. The decision will be based on the recent past & the present as it exists at the time of the intervew. All they will know or care about is what you submit as part of the P 3. They may ask for tax transcripts if there is any question about your income levels.
In K 1 situations BKK rarely allows co-sponsors at all. In your case I doubt they would. If you decided to try it the co sponsor should be a family member or close friend.
NingFemaleThailand2011-06-30 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresrfe many more days to get the noa2?

Your "NOA2" was your RFE. NOA2 just means second notice (Form I-797c). Your question really is when will you receive your Approval Notice. In our case it was about 2 weeks after our reply to the RFE was sent.

The NOA 2 is notice of approval & is not an RFE. An RFE is a request for evidence.
They are asking how long it will be after they send in the RFE docs to then get the NOA2. The real answer is no one knows exactly but people have given their own case info. In my case for example an RFE added 60 days.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-01 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes anyone know?

She wont be leaving Thailand without a visa. Two check points see to that.
Why do you think she wont be approved? There is no reason to think she wont if you have done the documentation correctly which will result in the interview. The interview is easy for her. However it is at that time that your ability to support her that becomes the important factor. You will submit the 134 form & should submit tax transcripts as well. If that is done there should be no problem.
This is no time to give up. Its tough to have to wait but like everything we have to work for its worth it in the end. Dont let this get to you,throwing away the future you planned.
For what its worth I was standing there in LAX as they detained a Thai female that had some visa entry problem. It didnt take 30 days, rather 30 minutes tell her she was leaving on the next plane to Thailand. She was locked in a glass walled room right there to wait for the plane.

I went back & read some of your early posts. It seems they want more info about support. I am suprised that they asked you to send in the 864 type forms which indicate they will accept a co sponsor in your case. This is very unusual for BKK & the only case I know of where they requested it. I think they did that because of your long term relationship in Thailand. What you may think is an officer trying not to issue the visa just may be the officer helping to make sure it can be done. Sometimes things arent what they appear to be.
From what I have learned here the problem you have is based around the officer questioning your ability to support her. That is because you were working in Thailand for an extended period of time & now have a new source of income. It looks like your income is enough but the officer must believe it may be too recent. You could consider writting a letter indicating you will marry very soon after her entry & then file the AOS which will allow you to use the 864 & a cosponsor. By that time you will have a longer work history for USCIS to review. Doing this shows them you are aware of the future process & will subject yourself to another review as soon as USCIS can schedual it.
If you get a cosponsor she will be approved or they wouldnt ask for one. Consider your self lucky that they asked.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-10 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes anyone know?

Just say my fiancee does not get her K1 visa issued to her,worst case senerio,can she still come to the USA without a visa at all, shes from thailand? I have herd a few stories but were not sure if they were true,like people show an have no visa but are allowed to stay for 30 days or something like that please let me know,im about to give up on the embassy over her,in bkk an get crazy...

She wont be leaving Thailand without a visa. Two check points see to that.
Why do you think she wont be approved? There is no reason to think she wont if you have done the documentation correctly which will result in the interview. The interview is easy for her. However it is at that time that your ability to support her that becomes the important factor. You will submit the 134 form & should submit tax transcripts as well. If that is done there should be no problem.
This is no time to give up. Its tough to have to wait but like everything we have to work for its worth it in the end. Dont let this get to you,throwing away the future you planned.
For what its worth I was standing there in LAX as they detained a Thai female that had some visa entry problem. It didnt take 30 days, rather 30 minutes tell her she was leaving on the next plane to Thailand. She was locked in a glass walled room right there to wait for the plane.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-10 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F wrote the petitioner's last name wrong NOA2 accepted

Sorry let me try and start over, I was really worried earlier today. Not sure if a mod can change the topic from petitioner's to beneficiary's or not because that is what I meant to say

Right now I am in a k-1 and just received the NOA2 today in the mail. When I looked at the NOA1 from September and the NOA2 from today I realized the beneficiary's last name was spelled wrong missing 1 letter in the middle of the last name. After looking at the I-129f is where we misspelled her last name. On the G-325a we have her last name spelled the correct way.

On Friday I called the NVC and they had not received our paperwork so I am guessing it will be there by Tuesday or Wednesday because Monday is a holiday. At what point do I try and get the name corrected at the NVC or at the embassy in Bangkok? Would I ever receive a new NOA2 with the correct last name?

The reason I said the AOS is because I know for the AOS I have to bring the NOA2 I received today. I know this will be long down the road.

Sorry for the confusion. If you still have questions please let me know. I was just freaking out earlier today and thinking about to much at one time.

Back to relax.
The case will be scanned into the NVC system in a few days. A K 1 goes thru NVC quickly, then on to BKK. It will arrive at the consulate section within about 10 days of them sending it. They take no action on the case but it still takes a few days to transfer it across the street to the visa section.
My suggestion is to have the correction done in BKK. You as a USC could ask the consulate to help you notify the visa section. If you want to do that send email to the duty officer at the consulate.
You could attempt to contact the visa section as well. They are at times unresponsive when using the email. Its worth a try. If you do either of these things you will need to give them the NVC case number or the USCIS number.
Your fiance could buy the pin number I suggested & use it to call into the embassy visa section. This allows her a certian number of calls per pin number. She can ask any visa related questions.
This visa will be put in her passport which will of course have her correct name. That is what is critical here.
You do not have to have the NOA 2 for the AOS meeting but if you want you could take what you have now. You will need I D to get in. You will have the invitation letter to show at the door. At the meeting you could explain.
NingFemaleThailand2011-02-20 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F wrote the petitioner's last name wrong NOA2 accepted

Thank you for the reassurance Ning. I just looked at my mail today and I got the hard copy of the NOA2 and her last name is spelled wrong on that as well. Another thing is we have to bring the NOA2 to the AOS and the NOA2 will have the wrong last name.

I dont want to be critical here but as I read what you wrote I become confused. First you say you have the NOA 2 with the name spelled wrong. Then you say you are worried about the impact at the AOS meeting.
She hasnt inteviewed for the visa. The AOS hasnt been filed. That meeting wont happen for about one year. ???? Do you mean the K 1 interview?
The last reference to the name problem says the NOA 2 has the wrong name. Is it spelled wrong or is it totaly wrong?
NingFemaleThailand2011-02-19 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F wrote the petitioner's last name wrong NOA2 accepted

Sorry if this is in the wrong place to post this. Please move if I have posted in the wrong spot.

We received our NOA2 on Monday the email not the hard copy yet. When we looked at the NOA1 today we realized her last name is WRONG we looked at the I-129F and realized we typed it WRONG. On the G-325A we have her last name correct. I am the USC. I really only have myself to blame. Will we have to start all over? Can we get it corrected? Friday I called the NVC and they did not receive it yet. I am not sure what to do. Please any assistance would be great.


Relax. This is a minor mistake that can be cleared up. What is important is the case number at this point. The case will pass thru NVC with the name as submitted where it will get a new case number. It will be approved & sent on to the embassy.
I suggest you wait to get that new case number & then send a message to the consulate to get the name corrected. In BKK all cases go to the consulate section & are transfered to the visa section.You as a USC can ask the consulate section to help notify the visa section. Email the duty officer there after you have the NVC case number.
Additionaly your fiancee can buy a special pin number at a Thai post office that allows her to call directly into the embassy. She could attempt to explain the situation & ask for help.
NingFemaleThailand2011-02-19 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild of Fiance and School Transfer

I guess the good thing is that they both speak english very well. My biggest concern is that she will probably have to spend a couple more years in school which might be a bit of an adjustment for someone thinking they were going to graduate in the spring. She is also a very sweet and respectful young lady and making the social adjustments might be difficult for her. Mae and I have talked about all if this a few times and she doesn't seem to have any problems with any of it.

I'm really glad to here that someone else has done this and things have turned out well.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question.


Her English will serve he well in her new life here & make a huge difference in her schooling of course. I would expect her to be shy at first & would suggest finding some classes that help her become one of the group quickly. We put our daughter in dance class at school as an example. She made friends fast there & loves being part of the team.
The additional time in school will prove to be the correct investment in her future for many reasons.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-14 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChild of Fiance and School Transfer

I have applied for a K-1 visa for my fiance and included her 16 year old daughter, Mae, on the visa application. They both live in the Philippines and the school system there is much different than the school systems here in Ohio. She attends private Catholic school in the Philippines and I think she is in her 10th year. Can anyone give me an idea of what will happen when the visa is approved and they come here as far as how they will determine what grade level she is placed in our school system?

I really feel a bit uneasy about Mae having to change schools and possibly being set back or something due to the changes.

I know this might not be the right Forum and please move it to the correct one if it isn't.



Its natural to be concerned but this will work out fine with a little understanding & effort. My husband put a lot of effort into making sure this went well for us.
The schools in your area will have a plan to take care of these situations. They will give the student some tests to determin what class level to start them out in. You dont mention if she speaks English. If not she will take ESL classes for at least two years. There are checks & balances along the way to make sure she is doing well. She will also begin to learn from her peers.
I suggest you go to the school in your area asap to learn first hand how this is done. Keep the young lady informed to ease her fears of whats to come. The initiation into the new school culture may be a little difficult but in time she will fit in fine. Have her review the school web site to become a lttle familer with whats going on there. Some schools assign a couple of students to these new students to help get them started.
My own daughter became a very good student in a short time with the typical social life ect so I know whats possible here.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-14 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThailand Specifi K1 question

Thank you for your answers.

Though a child is involved here, at this time the mother wishes to leave the child with her parents and continue the child's schooling in Thailand, at least for the first few years of our relationship, intending to go back to Thailand for a month or two, once a year (or twice a year for a month each time, if that suits her more).

Though that might seem anathema to Western thought about proper parent/child relationships, my fiancee's birth sister has done this for many years while she is off working in another country, so a sort of precedent has been set. Also, some years back my fiancee did the same for a few years.

Further, the child, who is ten seems comfortable with the arrangement. The child's birth father as well as the parents are ok with this also. So there is no legal issue to worry about.

I find the mother/child relationship interesting to observe actually, since being apart for a few years earlier has changed the child-parent relationship in a subtle and interesting way. The child appears (to my Western point of view, of course) to relate to the mother as though she was a significantly older sister, and less as a mother figure.

You have done well to understand how these things can work in Thailand. Its up to each couple to determin what is best now & in the future as these relationships evolve. Some Thais feel its good insurance to leave the children in case the new life isnt what they hoped or percieved it would be.
In my opinion based on my own experiances it is a mistake to think a child should be educated in Thailand rather than here. I thought the same but my husband talked me into bringing my daughter here to be educated. I cant tell you how much this has meant to me as a mother & to our family here. It would have been a huge mistake to leave her there & she has become an excellent student.
Children grow up accepting a situation that is very different than in American. You are also correct in the observation of how the child relates to the mother as a sister. So many of us are raised by our grandparents from a very young age we do feel exactly as you say. I was determined not to let this happen to me as a mother.
A friend is in Thailand visiting her daughter right now. At 16 the daughter now wants to come to the USA to live with her mother. After 3 years of separation this has proven to be almost impossible to get done.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-14 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThailand Specifi K1 question

The question on the form is only about prior marriages. If they were not married, just living together, it's the same as in the states. So saying no prior marriages would be the honest answer.

Child custody is another thing. That relies on Thai law. I think Ning is the expert on that.

I thought the O P was more familer with the form than I am so the questions was valid about the need for the fathers name. I was wrong on that point. Of course you & the other members are correct in your responces.
To be clear about the matter of child custody in Thailand I would offer some info. In Thailand we have custody laws simlar to the USA. However for immigration purposes the legal custody of the child dictated by a Thai court doesnt matter to the embassy. They follow American laws, policies & procedures. This has become paramount in these visa situations. I think the Elian Gonzalas & Haiti events caused a change in the way these matters are handled but I am not certian about that.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-14 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThailand Specifi K1 question

I get the impression that tiny differences can create problems so I thought I'd ask this simple question:

The K1, Part B (Information about Alien Fiance) Line 10, Name of Prior Spouse and Date marriage ended.

There was no recording of the marriage, there was no "Monk wedding," simply two people who moved in together, had a child, and then, as is common in Thailand the male moved on to another woman who he now lives with and who has had a child.

In Thailand, if I understand the law, since the marriage was not recorded, well, then there is no "spouse."

On the other hand, to not put down the name of the child's father might be construed as misleading.

Also, there is no real "date marriage ended" as there is with my prior marriage which has a date of divorce decree. In her case, he simply left and over time it became apparent to her that their relationship ended.

For those in the know about Thailand, would you please suggest how to best fill this out, to minimize any future problem. Fill in the father's name? Put a month/year or year, since there was no specific date that the prior marriage ended.


Many times the women dont want to marry legally because the laws then allow the man to access she & her families property. Also because Thai men are famous or infamous for expecting it to be acceptable to have these G friends.
I assume you will want to bring her child to the USA with her or at a later date ( to follow ). The child must have a B C which will indicate the fathers name.
The fathers name will need to be on the form. They understand there was no marrige in most of these cases. I suggest using the date she knows that he left as the end date.
The embassy will later require a document signed by the father that will allow the child to immigrate. The end of relationship date may become important at that time.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-14 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Bangkok

thank you very much, will get it done asap! :)

We all want to get as much done as possible in the hopes that it will help speed up the process. With this in mind you could make plans to have her get her shots at her local doctor to save money. Make sure she gets a written record to take to the hospital later. The medical can be done in advance but sometimes isnt a good idea due to travel distance & cost. The medical can be done the day before the interview for example for those that live far from BKK. It takes a few hours with the documents given before she leaves that same day.
The visa fee can be paid at many Thai post offices when the time comes. There is one across the street from the embassy. It is behind the high rise building. Its to the left of the parking lot down the little soi. Should her interview fall earlier than the P O opens she could interview then go get the fee reciept & return it to the embassy. Again all of this depends on where she lives.
You may have seen the recent posts indicating people waiting 8 to 11 weeks after P 3 is sent to get an interview date. You can download the P 3 info right now & send it in if you are sure the case is in BKK. Hopefully you have completed the 134 which is aprt of the submittal. Best to send tax transcript for 2010. Get that free from IRS on line or by calling. If you havent done this she could still submit the P 3 with a note that this will be brought in on the interview date.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-17 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Clearance Bangkok

hello everybody:
We've got the NOA2 and now we are waiting for the packet 3 from the mail which hopefully will arrive soon. We want to go ahead and take care of the police clearance first and I've seen some board members said they did it before the packet 3 arrived.

and my question is:

what does she need to bring in order to get the police clearance certificate?
(since the packet3 i downloaded on the web said she needs to bring the packet3 cover letter)

thank you very much

The police in BKK have reacted to the use of a copy of the NOA notices in the recent past. All they really want is something indicating the purpose for the clearance. It can take from 2 weeks to more than a month to get the document.

Edited by Ning, 16 July 2011 - 04:41 PM.

NingFemaleThailand2011-07-16 16:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdult Child Interview Questions
Hello. We are starting the K1 visa process and a question came up about my fiancee's adult 18 year old daughter. What possible questions will her daughter have at her interview?
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-05-29 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2
That was/ is a good topic and a lot of very good information. We are in the early stages of the K1, but a lot of questions I have thought about were explained and answered! Great info, questions and post!
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-06-17 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received
Congratulations and good luck!
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-06-20 20:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 interview successful!! What do i need for the port of entry?
Congratulations!!! :D
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-06-23 19:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresyahooooo finely i got my interview date
Congratulations and good luck with the interview!! :D
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-06-30 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-129F petition approved!!
Congratulations!!! :D
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-07-12 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 approval notice!!
Congratulations!!!! :D
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-07-13 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Refused, sent back and then recalled !
Congratulations!!! :D
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-07-15 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Refused
I hope everything will work out for you.
daryl&ladaNot TellingRussia2011-07-19 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Change of job cant support?
If it's not too late and you can still keep that job, I say keep it and get a second job for a few months. That way you will show stability in your work and still meet the income requirements.

quote name='mike42979' timestamp='1306948880' post='4697208']
Im a mess right now and dont know what to do, I am the petitioner my job just informed me they are moving me to a commission based sales position after 5 years of salaried work where i made $24,000 per year or $500 per week to the new structure of $200 per week gross + commission on sales. I am greatly worried that i will not be able to make my annual salary up on the commission part in this new division or even the poverty level for 2 people. I am maybe just months away from my fiancees I-129 F approval and my boss told me he will write any letter i need stating i still make $24,000 per year. I submitted 3 years worth of tax records to support this fact so i want to know what my options are.

#1 Stay with this company and act like i make the same salary. (Not sure if this is an option, do i have to show paystubs and bank statement at visa interview or are my tax records sufficient enough?) If i have to show paystubs she can potentially say im on a commission base and i had a bad couple months?

#2 Find a new job different company(Can i still be the sponsor if i make over the poverty line on a new job?) Or will the lack of history with the new job be a problem?

#3 Try and get my Sister and her Husband to sponsor my Fiancee <-This can be combined with option 1 or 2

Please help, im desperate and not sure what to do at the moment!

Edited by Lisamarie, 02 June 2011 - 02:43 AM.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-02 02:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidivate of support
My husband brought new emails, chats, photos of my recent visit, postal mail that we had sent to each other, my itinerary plus visa stamped page, and boarding passes of my recent trip,

hello guys as for the moroccain consulat what kind of supporting evidences are needed to be shown on the day of the interview ?

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-05 02:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms at LAX
Oh, I don't know. I didn't realize he would go through two different things. I guess I meant immigration, or both.......

Are you asking about US Customs or Immigration? Not the same thing.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-30 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms at LAX
Oh wow, that's a long wait. I don't want to get there late either, just in case for some reason he breezes right through (wishful thinking). What is LE? Will I wait at baggage claim or is there a better place to wait for him? Thanks!

Customs at LAX was a 4 hour wait, with no questions. Don't bother getting there early. I am LE from Ca and talked to the Security guards where you wait. They all said 3/4 hours, buy some flowers and wait.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-30 08:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms at LAX
I'm waiting for him:)) 90 minutes, wow that's a long time. I'm glad I asked so I know what to expect. Has anyone had shorter or longer waiting times? Thanks :)

Have all your papers ready and in order. Don't bring any replica or pirated items. The less you bring the better. Make direct eye contact and relax. Smile and say thank you. Should be no problems. I'd say up to 90 minutes is fair for hubby to be waiting for ya! Congratz!

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-30 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms at LAX
Has anyone here or their spouses/fiances been through customs at LAX? And especially anyone from a MENA country? About how long does it take?

Thanks :)
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-06-30 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Response Review
Oh, it should be done pretty quickly then:))

I mark No on criminal record and sign.Thats all.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-01-14 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Response Review
It depends on what the RFE was for, to know about how long it will take. If it was something simple it could be a short time but if it was more complicated it could be a longer waiting time.

USCIS received my respond for RFE, and now i am on RFE Respond Review stage.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-01-14 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere receives intervew letter

We received our approval letter on June13th,2011 and are still waiting for our interview letter. Where will the letter be sent? Will it go to USA or Ghana? My fiance lives in Ghana and so far all of the mail has been sent to the USA. We are both in Ghana and the mail has be forwarded to us. thanks for any replies.

Update nvc with ur email address and all will be sent to the email and u can just print from internet cafe
lori7734FemaleGhana2011-07-12 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa (How to go to school)
I'm the OP Thank you so much guys. I just read all your comments. it's really helpful !!! I love this site.

On a second note, does anyone have any idea if the junior colleges are GC required schools? He's trying to get into some missing classes before he applies to the graduate schools since the credit translation isn't the same, so he ended up lacking some units for lab + also missing speech for USA. :whistle:
DotNot TellingCanada2011-07-21 04:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa (How to go to school)

some junior colleges and trade schools not care what your immigration status is, ask around in yer area. (either face to face or via telephone)

Otherwise, for a big uni, (with some exception) get the greencard.

Good Luck !

Thanks I'll check the junior colleges for him and then oh no green card? :( That's long right?
DotNot TellingCanada2011-07-20 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa (How to go to school)

A K-1 is a NON-immigrant visa. He has no rights to work, to study, to travel, to do anything on his K-1 visa. Part of the process, is applying for his permanent residency, based on his approved K-1 visa and your subsequent marriage in the United States. This is called Adjustment of Status (AOS). I do hope you knew this going into the visa, and were just confused about the term AOS, because there is still a lot of immigration stuff to do for your fiance.

Please read the guides.


It looks like you are on step 8 of 23.

Thanks a lot for the reply and information. I did know what I was getting into (somewhat an idea) but it's all so confusing after the steps have taken so long for me.

I advise you not to do any thing with the K-1 visa. Get married and AOS. After that you can do what ever you want.

Good Luck

Do you know how long the process will take approximately? I think he will miss the new school semester :( Then will have to apply next year.
DotNot TellingCanada2011-07-20 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa (How to go to school)

NO, wait for GC. He cannot get any other visa until he gets GC or withdraw K1. Apply for AOS ASAP.

Okay what is AOS sorry that I'm still newbie :) Does it mean adjustment of Status? We are no married yet (wedding is set on 8/9), can we apply right away ?

Edited by Dot, 20 July 2011 - 05:14 PM.

DotNot TellingCanada2011-07-20 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresANNOYING...
It's coming, trust me.....
seabornMaleGhana2011-04-22 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 notification
email the Ghana at and they will get back to you in about 5 days, It worked for me.
seabornMaleGhana2011-06-07 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date

Would I be allowed to attend my fiance interview when she goes to the embassy? or will they make me sit outside and wait.
seabornMaleGhana2011-06-21 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan he be denied?

Really some kind of Sad thing to know.Its a big thing b4 the CO.Hope he doesnt get banned,cos he could meet badder (worse) on arriving at the states.You need make sure he is drug free,cos taking cannibal at that Age is sorta oooops..and who said he is a minor for trying what the Majors take :bonk:

Weed only stays in your system for 10 days if you don't smoke it everyday, but if you smoke it everyday then it can take up to 3 to 4 weeks or longer to leave your system.
seabornMaleGhana2011-06-29 17:31:00