Middle East and North Africawhat do you miss about Morocco?
I don't miss anything about Morocco, I was sick most of the year I lived there and got sick the time we returned on vacation. I am just grateful to God that Farid went through the system without any problems and we are here together in the USA. We are truly blessed. :thumbs: :thumbs: Our family in Morocco also doing well. :dance: :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-01-08 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaTime to start thinking about removing conditions


I got your message and replied. Thank you Posted Image

I have emailed you what you needed Lisa. :dance: :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-01-27 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaTime to start thinking about removing conditions

It's that time already, my how time flies...... In a couple of months we'll be sending paperwork to remove conditions. Any words of wisdom for us? :)

Happy New Year!! I hope it's a year of good health, love, happiness, and prosperity for all of us :D

I will PM you Lisa ok :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-01-07 14:18:00
Middle East and North Africarelieved

Just thought I would let everyone know that after four and a half months of being here in the US, my husband has finally been hired for a full time job position. So now he will be working full time, and also keeping his part time job. YAY!!!!

Hope that his job turns out to be great. Sending you much love and happiness gf. :dance: :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-02-26 18:02:00
Middle East and North Africahow much time until interview & any advise Algeria

Hi. You can do a timeline search on this site and get a basic idea of what the wait has been like for others. It looks like the average time from NOA2 to interview in Algeria is 98 days.

    My husband scheduled his interview date himself, but that was years ago, I'm not sure how it's done now.  As far as the questions they all depends on your case.   They ask case specific questions, along with the basics : How/where did you meet? How long have you known eachother? etc...You could try reading the reviews other members have posted, there might be some more info there.  Good luck!


You are such a smarty pants Mahboula, that is why I love you.


R and FFemaleMorocco2013-05-21 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Good afternoon everyone, All is well with Farid and I, my parents are doing great and God has blessed us tremendously. We are cooking out today, it is 85 degrees here in South Texas. Fajitas, chicken and halal chicken as well on the grill, got potatoes, rice, beans and salad to go along with our late lunch/early dinner this evening. Familiy in Morocco doing well. Thank you God. (L) :luv:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-02-10 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Hey guys hope everyone is doing well. :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-10-10 12:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I am here now again on Daily Thread, hope all is well with you guys. :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-08-23 20:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Thays awesome foreverwaiting lol omg!! Well only mews here is we aren't doing Ramadan BC I'm a milk making bank for my trio and finding myself runnongvlow on funds lately lol hubby said triplet boys us enough to worry about minus the fasting so he's being naughty this year. Otherwise nothing going on here mimolicioua whens the interview???

I tried sending you a pm and it says you can't receive any. :blush:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-07-22 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Well I am up and just on the net. Fasting all day long with Farid who will sleep all day long. :blink: :whistle:

What to do? What to do? :help:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-07-21 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

hi Peeps. Stopped by to say hi to everyone. I'm having a blast in Jordan. God I missed my husband so much!!!!

Am happy you made it to Jordan, lots of luck on your interview. Please let us know the results. Much love to you. :yes: :dance: :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-07-14 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Hey everyone just at home doing absolutely nothing except being online. Hope everyone has a great day. :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-07-08 12:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Hey everyone have a great day. :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-06-25 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I am here today to join you. :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-06-22 14:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan't reach consulate by phone or email (Casablanca, Morocco)

If you don't get to reschedule for whatever reason please have him attend the interview come  hell or high water  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.goofy.gif His interview is next Tuesday, too exiciting.


I remember this so well and finally not having to deal with immigration any longer.dancin5hr.gif

R and FFemaleMorocco2013-08-08 10:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaPolice Report

I am being told we are missing or didn't submit the correct police report. We sent in: The Imprisonment Sentence Report and the Anthropometric Certificate. Both documents were translated and stamped. Can someone one tell me what we are missing from Morocco?

Thank you,

Please send me a message to my inbox. Thanks. :dance:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-10-16 14:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaOlder American woman Younger Algerian man


I really don't think anyone is trying to change your mind.  I've read the whole 7 pages over the last couple of days. I don't remember every post, but I didn't notice anyone degrading him either. I think most people were sincerely trying to offer their best advice.   I'm going to do my best to offer mine without offending anyone.

The first few replies after your original post offer the most important advice for you at this stage. Slow down. Spend as much time together in person as you possibly can before you file.

Save everything: chat logs, emails, pictures, boarding passes, receipts...the list goes on and on.  You can search these forums and find hundreds of threads discussing the evidence people send with their petitions and/or bring to the interview. 

Before I answer that, I wanted to say that a denial is not supposed to be based on age difference alone, even though it seems people are denied for that reason often. So, again, take your time. Build a strong case. Don't let them find another reason.

Anyway I don't have numbers for you, but I've heard/read about plenty of approvals for MENA couples with similar age gaps.  A few of those couples got through the process without a hiccup.  Most of them, however, didn't have it so easy.   Some of the couples faced a denial the first time around. Some of them waited two or three years or longer, and dealt with multiple denials. In the end though, they got what they were fighting for. If you search the MENA forum for denials, refusals, 221g's, age gaps, etc you'll find loads of information. I won't tell you it will be fast or easy, but I do think your chances are pretty good if age difference is the only issue.  


Like the others have said, if by "happy endings" you mean the visa was issued, then there are plenty.

If you mean still together after citizenship and financial independence, there are some, but not too many.  I think some of those ladies already shared their stories with you.

Personally, I don't know any.  I've stayed in touch online or in person with some of the couples that went through the immigration process around the same time as I did.  They are American women married to Algerians or Moroccans.  I could probably remember more, but right now I can think of 12 couples. Of the twelve, five are still married and seven are divorced.  In 5 of those couples the woman was ten or more years older. All five of the younger man/ older woman couples are now divorced.   All of them say the age difference was not the reason for the divorce. Anyway, those are just the people I know,  I'm not implying in any way that those numbers mean a damn thing.



Honestly, I do hope that this man is everything you think he is.  I do believe that it's possible for a couple with your age difference to have a successful marriage. 

  Yes, most Algerian guys are great. They love their country. They don't want to leave their home.  But here's the thing...there are tons of Algerian guys online looking for women to marry as a way out of Algeria.  They look for Europeans, Americans, Canadians...wherever they think they will be happier, and find more opportunities.  They tend to look for older, divorced women who they think will be more financially stable. More desperate for a man.  Easier to fool.  Most likely to come to Algeria and believe their silly love stories.  These guys exist.  And they do think like that. And they will tell you anything you want to hear. How on earth can you logically dismiss the possibility that this guy might be one of them? It makes no sense to me at all.  You've got all of these little red flags waving at you.  Please, don't ignore them.  Investigate them first and then hopefully you can dismiss them.  Just stop pretending they are not there.  He could very well turn out to be everything you think he is, but what if he isn't?  People keep telling you "eyes wide open", "blinders off"...and I agree with them.   This is not the time to "follow your heart", you've got to let your brain do some of the work here.  Be happy, be in love, but don't be a fool. 







Whatever Maubola says.  Smarty pants.


Edited by R and F, 16 October 2013 - 06:31 PM.

R and FFemaleMorocco2013-10-16 18:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat was it like to see him for the first time?

We just returned from our trip to Morocco (3rd one for me) and of course I got sick again.  My stomach just not seem to agree with anything I eat or drink.  I remember meeting him online, meeting him for the first time at the airport, marrying him, living in Morocco over a year then finally us flying back together to Texas after he got his visa.  Nothing can ever replace all those memories because I hold them inside my head and in my heart forever.  Living together has had its ups and downs but we are fighting hard to stay together no matter what.  God has always been at our side and I am thankful for this.  goofy.gif

R and FFemaleMorocco2013-08-22 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat was it like to see him for the first time?

I arrived at the el Nozha airport in Alexandria at around 2am after having traveled for about 24 hrs (14 hr layover in Frankfurt yikes). It was the teensiest airport I'd ever been in. I didn't realize ppl had to wait outside to pick up passengers so while in line for customs I scanned the area and got nervous because I didn't see my soon to be husband. I finished with customs and was met by a man with one of those luggage carts asking if I wanted help with my bags. I was so out of it so I was very thankful that someone offered to help. I pointed out my luggage, the man collected it and pushed it to the exit for me. I gave him $5 USD and was on my way. Again I scanned the area and spotted a tall man waving. It was him! He came over to me, stuck out his hand and welcomed me to Egypt. I ignored his hand and hugged him lol. He then took my hand and led me to the car. Once inside the car I asked what was up with the attempted handshake. He told me he didn't want to seem too forward or make me feel uncomfortable. He also told me he was happy that I hugged him. :). It was all pretty surreal. We drove to his family's home and I met his parents and sisters who were all up waiting for me. I thought it would've been way awkward staying with ppl I don't know but it was totally cool. It did, however, feel like I was in another world.

Yes that feeling as if you have stepped into another world. And people staring at you as if you are from another world. :rofl:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-06-23 20:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat was it like to see him for the first time?
I remember getting off the plane, going through customs and seeing the tallest person I had every seen waiting in the crowd. I knew it was him and he quickly kissed me on the forehead and told me there was a taxi waiting for us outside. I thought where in the world am I? Then we talked some in the taxi and went to the apartment he had rented for a week and I need say no further. :devil: :whistle: :blink: He will now be a naturalized citizen on July 6th and things are going well for us. I will always be thankful for my family and friends and especially to God for bringing us together.
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-06-23 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
QUOTE (pixie1846 @ May 30 2009, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
please pin this topic...... we were returned 3 weeks ago

Please fill in a timeline and tell us a bit of yourself.

Edited by Rosie and Farid, 01 June 2009 - 09:57 AM.

R and FFemaleMorocco2009-06-01 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage in Morocco????

My marriage contract does not list my religion. I don't know where they would get that. In the translation to english however, it does list me as a spinster and my husband as a bachelor.... I didn't think that was too fair! I was only 25 at the time and already a spinster!

Don't worry I am a traveling ho fak all together and I am proud of it. :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2011-05-25 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

i found this in this site

What does a 221(g) refusal mean?
We initially refuse most immigrant visa applicants under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. There is usually no need to worry: it is almost always a temporary refusal.

What is Section 221(g)?

Section 221(g) simply says that we cannot issue your visa until we are sure you are qualified for the visa in every way. With immigrant visas, we almost never know on the day of the interview whether you are truly qualified. So, we will need some time to verify this. Sometimes, we need you to give us additional documents or information. We will let you know, in writing, what we need.

What is "administrative processing?"

Many cases require administrative processing. Each case is handled individually, so we cannot predict exactly how long it will take. However, we will try to give you an estimated time at the end of the interview.

We ask that you not contact us to check your case status until the estimated time has passed.

Will you still issue my visa?

We end up issuing almost all cases that we refuse under Section 221(g). As soon as we determine that you are qualified, we will "overcome" the refusal under Section 221(g) and issue the visa.

If you will issue anyway, why do you refuse in the first place?

The law requires us to adjudicate (issue or refuse) every case on the day of the application. Since we usually are not yet prepared to issue, we must first refuse.

We will not overcome every single person's 221(g) refusal. For example, if we ask you to provide a birth certificate or additional proof of your relationship, and you do not give it to us within one year, your case will remain in refused status. Finally, if we discover that you are not eligible for the visa for some other reason, we will also refuse you under the new, appropriate section of the law.

Now I am losing my mind. :innocent:
R and FFemaleMorocco2011-06-09 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbefor my interview they give me so much paper pleas help

why you are stil saying they denied it if they denied it they will write that on the case the will not feel scared frome me and nobody know why they refusing it under the section 221 g so with time i will know what happend and i will see what i will to do thx for everybody whos help me not the poeple try to make me sick

Why don't you ask your wife to kindly set up an account on visa journey and she can address the issue. Obviously you are making yourself sick and are under alot of stress and we dont' want to see anything happen to you. :unsure:
R and FFemaleMorocco2011-06-09 13:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Denial & Trip to the Consular
[quote name='pushbrk' timestamp='1308324961' post='4728752']
Seems you're in denial. Your friend would have had to show primary evidence of meeting in person during the two years prior to filing the petition, or her petition would not have been approved. Also, her case circumstances may not have fit a fraud profile or had the red flags yours does. (We know nothing about your friend's case except the errant information you gave above.) If you want a better understanding of why the visa was denied, provide the following information.

Detailed report of all questions and answers from the interview. He should make it as verbatim as possible, so the sooner the better. You'll need this to know how to proceed, whether you post it here or not.

You're ten years older than him. Do you share a religion? Are you divorced? If you are both Muslim, when and why did you become Muslim.

Please don't go off on how age and religion don't matter. As a matter of culture, in North Africa, they DO matter and that's what is important, not your perfectly understandable feelings about it. The sooner you get your head around that and set the indignation aside, the sooner you'll get on a path that will actually help you be together.

:thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by R and F, 17 June 2011 - 10:43 AM.

R and FFemaleMorocco2011-06-17 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved! :)
Wohoo Congrats :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2011-10-19 14:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED IN CASABLANCA!
Congrats :thumbs:

Congrats :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2011-11-23 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurest recent inquiry frome uscis pls i need helpe

and i think we cant have a lawyer because we don't have the money so i think it the end and maybe i will give up

Unbelievable :no:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-02-18 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresaffadavits from family members
Hey please email me your email address and I will send you some samples that we submitted ok?

thanks Rosie

Edited by R and F, 24 June 2012 - 10:47 AM.

R and FFemaleMorocco2012-06-24 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Employment Letter helpful?
Hey Sweet so what were the results of your interview in Casablanca? Please let us know as this helps all others with sponsor/cosponsor issues. Thanks :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2012-07-11 22:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestranscribe marriage Certificate

my wife and I married 12/21/2012! I have the marriage cert from DR Dominican Republic obviously in spanish. I need to transcribe this however I cannot find ANYONE including USCIS to do this for me. anyone know who can do this? I reside in pittsburgh pa.

we married in DR and now I am back home here in the US.

We will be forwarding to the USCIS I-130 G-325a (one for me and one for her) her 2X2 passport style photo, my birth cert, my passport pictures etc.

thanks for any help,

Please call me I have sent you a private message.
I am a certified translator. :thumbs:
R and FFemaleMorocco2013-01-03 11:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHassane, IS HOME WITH ME
wow great

Have great faith in our Lord and he will guide you and your family always.

R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-03 18:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStay and file DCF or file in the US?
QUOTE (txladykat @ Jan 17 2009, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone. Seems all think DCF is best..but if I had to add three months on top of the 6, you get just about the same timeline. I need to be working before I have to file the Affidavit of Support, that is why I considered to file in the US. But, I guess I could file DCF then immediately return to the states.

Well I did not work the whole time I was here with my husband in Morocco so I only had to write a letter stating this fact. But I did have to get a joint sponsor since I did not work and thank the good lord that my dad was the joint sponsor and we were approved. Listen once you file at the Consulate they will adjudicate you immediately then more than likely call you like really soon and set up an interview within two months. We filed on Oct 22nd then he got called for his interview on Dec 22nd. So that was two months and it went by really fast. But then like you say you have children and I didn't.
So whatever is best for you, Good luck with your process.

R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-17 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStay and file DCF or file in the US?
QUOTE (txladykat @ Jan 17 2009, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we applied for my residency in December, hence the reason we have to wait until June. They told us that once I get my residency permit its valid from the date of application, not the date of issuance. I sure hope that is the case, otherwise, that adds a couple more months to our timeline. I tried to read the timelines but that is sooo confusing. Can anyone tell me what the timeline is for filing in the US? IR1

Ok well I know you will hate to hear this, but, I arrived on December 2nd and applied for my residency in February and it was given to me in late March, but when I picked up my card it had an issuance date of March 2nd which meant they had me first as a tourist for 3 months which they give you as US citizen and then I had to add 6 more months to the March 2nd date to file. So I could not file till Oct 2nd....

Do not know how it is in other countries, but this was in Morocco.

R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-17 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStay and file DCF or file in the US?
I would also stay and do the DCF. Remember to go get your Dannish residency as well in order to file for your husband. Is that spelled correctly?
Ok now I am hungry.
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-17 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in hand. Hubby arrives tomorrow (01/31/09) :)
wohoo God bless and congrats.
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-31 18:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoriginal marriage certificate and original divorce decree
I would suggest you somehow get your originals for marriage and divorces. In MOrocco they specifically asked us for the originals of both.

I would also hate you to get a paper saying you need to provide originals....
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-01-05 16:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Question...
Probably best for him not to bring them, you don't want to give them any reason for detaining him. You want him to have the least problems at the POE.
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-02-26 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG I really need your advice
Maybe they did not receive yet your marriage contract. Did you send it overnight? Did you get a receipt to check the status of it getting there?
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-04-23 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864--Using Assets Instead of Income
I would suggest you get yourself a co-sponsor. I too was unemployed but had a large amount of assets yet I got a co-sponsor and they did to look at my assets and instead accepted my co-sponsor.
R and FFemaleMorocco2009-04-16 12:17:00