K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved!!
so happy for you :dance: :dance: :dance:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-01 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespoint of entry/envelope
I was wondering if any of you wonderful people could tell me how long after the interview this BROWN envelope is received. My baby's interview is next week and I'm hoping he can buy a ticket right after...but I dont want to be in a pickle when the flight is coming up soon and he still hasnt received the brown envelope. :lol:

Any feedback would help

Thanks :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-07 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis case has been
THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance:
Wish you best of luck on the rest of the journey!!!! Whoooopiiiii :lol:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-09 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????
**big sign****

Love is stronger than law may be
Love is louder- than rumor be,
Love will reach that finish line,
Love will pass the wrath of time!

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-12 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????
I just called USCIS and explained my situation to them. They said that they have nothing to do with this. All the lady said is that the Embassy is just doing more checks. I told her about this new law and it did not seem that she addressed it at all. She said there have been laws in effect the whole time and the Embassy has full authority to cancel the appointment and do more checks, and she said they are doing checks on him. I thoght it was done with the police certificates, before the interview was scheduled....and she said it does not matter they are entitled to do further checks, again ON him, I'm confused. He has no criminal record. I dont think my question was answered properly.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-12 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????

I don't buy that "new law" excuse. Something is ust not right! It's not fair! Only 3 days away and they drop us off just like that.

Why not? If the "new law" is not good enough of an excuse for you, then maybe the USCIS shouldn't be the one to blame, or so I would think.

Ever since the US started with all of its Immigration Reforms, things have been made harder and harder for non-USCs, and rightly so!

The reason I did not "buy" it was because when I called the Embassy myself after they have phoned my fiance, they did not mention anything about a law..the stories did not match up, PLUS back then I was not aware that such a law did exist. :huh:

Well, ####. My NOA1 is dated 4/11/06; we've been waiting for him to receive packet 3. Presumably we'll be going back to step one now.

Christ, this pisses me off. It shouldn't, as the law is designed to protect women going through marriage brokers, which isn't a bad thing. But I just want to have this over with and have him here. I knew our speedy processing was too good to be true.

Dido that :yes:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????

:angry: It's time for the American public to take a stand against these backroom secret congressional decisions...
You can sigh the petition to repeal this law here... :thumbs:


What will this petition do? I agree it is wrong, but will it help?
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????

I dont know what's brewing.. but it isnt good...

to the OP, I'm sorry about what happend! This new law shouldn't apply to you, Unless you have a history of husband beating!

:lol: ummmmm no I wouldnt hurt a fly...let along my husband. Usually the husband is a lot stronger than me :blush:

I'm trying to cheer up, but it's sad really, the law should not apply to me, plus we did not use a marriage broker, so this is a double wammy.....what can one do? I've been stressing about this, and the only advise I have received from family and friends, is not to stress since it is now out of my control, I did everything I could and I just have to settle with the news and the delay. It breaks my heart regardless :(

Edited by Aquelunya, 11 May 2006 - 09:53 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????

I'm sorry but I think it does apply. I feel horrible for you :crying:. IF I'm reading it correctly it has to come back to the US to go back through the USC to approve it then I imagine they'll send it back to the embassy who will, I would think, call and reschedule the next available interview for you.

I am deeply depressed, I emailed the Embassy in Tel Aviv anyway, I feel its not fare, PLUS I'm not a "gentlemen" I'm the lady USC, so why should they call my case back!!! :devil:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????




But the post says that if my NOA 1 is after March 6th, then the security was already applied to my case and hence should not be recalled, My NOA1 was March 8th, What should I do?? Should I try emailing the Embassy, or calling them again? :help:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview CANCELLED!!!!!!???????????????
Today was an awful day, just 3 days before my fiances interview in Israel, He gets a call from the embassy in Tel Aviv and they say that they are sorry they have to cancel his interview. He asked why, they then gave a story about some new law as they put it that requires all fiance visas to go for an additional check of some sorts. Something didn't feel right, so I called them myself.
The lady picked up, saw in her computer that there was an interview date on May 16th, and the said, oh yes i see a note here that they called hin today. After putting me on hold for some time and talking to someone in charge I assume, she returns and says to me very quickly we are still processing his appplication and we are not ready to interview him. I ask in confusion what is the reason for this since we have already gotten the interview, she would povide me with no more assistance, she said it has nothing to do with me or my fiance and it has to do with their administrative side and then said the same thing to me as my fiance......we advise him to call in a month if he hears nothing from us. :crying:

I dont buy the new law excuse, something is not right!!! :wacko: It's not fare! we were 3 days away, and they just drop us like that :help:

I've been crying non-stop since then, and I have no clue as to whats really going on!!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification on IMBRA Recall

When will you know for sure if your interview is confirmed or not? London is a very easy Embassy to go through my interview was so easy and pleasant. Hope this helps aleviate some of your stress :)


The guy I spoke to confirmed it for me. In fact, he confirmed it about three
times because I was just so freaked out from his first phone call in the
morning that I kept asking him over and over if he was sure. I believe him
because he knew very specific details about my case which he couldn't
have known unless he was on the inside in some position of authority
with access to my documents. He even went over what forms I needed to
bring, making sure I was ready to go, and he checked to see if my medical
results had arrived (they hadn't - must phone Knightsbridge Doctors today).

I don't know what's going to happen with everyone else whose appointments
got cancelled. Perhaps they'll just be rescheduled and sent a letter. I think I'm
something of an exception because I really need to be in America ASAP.

I dont really think it was made an exception, i mean, all our loved ones REALLY need to be in America ASAP. The fact that your NOA1 is BEFORE march 6 is what got you to keep your interview. My congressman said they were cancelling petitions left and right, and he was getting calls on this, and when he inquired about it, the embassies did NOT understand what was fully going on (thats sad), and were canceling petitions. I would hope most of the embassys now have the knowledge that any petition before March 6 is ok to go onto the interview without delays or problems. Glad to see your still on for your interview.

When you say cancelling you mean we start from scratch, its all no good? This is a very scary thought!!!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-12 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification on IMBRA Recall

If this is about a marriage broker shouldn't all the other K1s still move on smoothly?

You'd think so..but one or more of the people here who've had a recall didnt meet thru an IMB
I have really no idea whats going on - and I suspect the people at the sharp end - the Embassies - dont either.
Hopefully someone will be able to make a definitive statement on what WILL happen, not what 'should but doesn't' or 'what shouldn't but has'

I just got off the phone with a very helpful person on the USCIS customer service line.

As far as the USCIS is aware, there hasn't been a mass recall, but they said there have been several reports of this happening, and they expect to have a definitive answer for me tomorrow. She told me to call back around noon tomorrow or watch the website for updates as they finish looking into the reports.

If I get any more definitive answers tomorrow, I'll post them here ASAP.

Where on the website are you watching?
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-11 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis is crazy

The I-767C has two dates on it:
The Receipt Date
The Notice Date.

I have yet to find someone who can say beyond the shadow of a doubt which date is the date the USCIS keys on.

Someone responded that it's the date and time they stamp the Petition package with.

That helps ... absolutely for nothing.

We don't know what the date-time stamp is they stamped the petition package with.

I wonder if anyone knows which date the IMBRA is keying on.

The reason I keep asking is my Receipt Date is 3/1; the Notice Date is 3/7.

One is before the cutoff and the other is after.

'Larry and Maria'

Please yourself...I gave you the information as to what the receipt date on your NOA1 was.......I guess I need to explain further.

The receipt date on the NOA is the day the service center physical received your petition which is the date-time stamp on the petition. The NOA Notice Date is the date it was entered into the system and a NOA generated. Anything to do with your process including guaging whether your case is overdue is taken from the receipt date (the date it was phsically received at the service center)..not the NOA notice date. The NOA2 has nothing to do with whether you will or may be affected by the IMBRA. Any petition received after March 6 (the date stamped on your petition which is the receipt date on your NOA1) are the ones affected by the IMBRA. As your reciept date is 3/1 then you filed before the Act came into effect and should not come under the IMBRA.

wow... ok aussie... I have a strange case... I recieved an RFE for not sending them the check (duh)...

I'm looking at my I-797C and it has a "Recieved Date" of 2-13-06 and a Notice date of 3-10-06....

So when you say "receipt" date you really mean "recieved date" ?

I'm not sure which date to put as my NOA1 date in my timeline!

Maybe I'm just nuts...

Ok.. I just realized when I was looking at the timeline it says "Receipt date" next to NOA1... duh. ok i'm updated now..

ok... updating my timeline didn't do anything to change my estimated noa2 date... so .. either way it doesnt matter... but I guess since my receipt date is 2-13 I shouldnt be subject to imbra.. but who knows what they're doing these days

I had the same situation, and they sent the whole package back to me with my incorrect check, so I had to resend the package to them with the CORRECT check, I dont think the receipt date counted the first time around, your case may be different though since you didnt say that they sent the whole thing back to you
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-14 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

i emailed the embassy telling them our situation. i dont think it is anything i did. i think they realized the mistake and fixed it A.S.A.P. =) gotta tell my congressman not to follow up on my case now. :lol:

been therr, done that :(
NVC could not help me, they said it is solely in the hands of the embassy, and they have not heard of any petitions being sent back to them. She said try calling the embassy again. I did, and I think I got the woman I had the fisrt time, who refuses to help or answer my questions! :angry:
I had to squeeze the information out of her and she would only admit to what I said. Then I said that this new law should not apply to me, and she said why not? It applies to all visas after a certain date, regardless of us meeting through a marriage broker or not. I"m pissed!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so wrong!!!!
plus she said to me again that the checks are going to be done by the NVC, the idiot! after I said I called them and they had nothing to do with the petition! I hope my congressman can help!

Edited by Aquelunya, 15 May 2006 - 07:41 AM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-15 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

we got our interview date!!!!!!!!!!! may 17th 9am!!!!!!

Tell how it happened, maybe I can help speed up my process this way.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-15 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman
Well calling the embassy does not help. It seems that they have just put our case on hold untill they hear more news from the NVC. The assistant just said to contact them gave me their number and she could not give any news about anything else and was not aware of a law when I did mention it. So there you go, I'll call NVC shortly, as soon as they open. Let you guys know how it goes.

Edited by Aquelunya, 15 May 2006 - 06:30 AM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-15 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman
I hope so too!!!!!!!
That does sound weird, I use a phonecard too to call the embassy, maybe you can find some way, I hope you do.
Good luck this week, as I think we are all hoping and praying for some change. I 've been praying everynight religiously, if anything it helps to boost my moral just a bit, I felt I was heading for depression. :(
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-14 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

Aguyel... any news on any new interview date for you?!

No, not yet, I emailed the embassy on Thursday and my Congressman yesterday. since its still the weekend now...I hope I get some answers tomorrow from the consulate at least, if not I'm calling them early in the morning so I'll let you guys know if anything new happens.
**sign*** The interview was supposed to be sad it all is :(

my fiance got the call the day before his interview (1/2 hr before the embassy was going to close) to tell him his interview is cancelled. I sent a letter to my congressman (since they asked for my authorization form and proof of approval and an explanation of what happened) and i have been calling uscis nvc and my fiance has been calling the embassy. none of which are helpful cuz they dont know anything about where our petition is or what the imbra is. ughhh. we are in the same boat. lets hope it works out by this week.

I've been told by someone that us the petitioners should be the ones calling the embassy and all that good stuff, and that they will do very little if the foreign fiance calls. Plus I've been told we need to keep on calling and not stop!!! Its all a matter of just beating the system :hehe:
This information I got from a woman friend who came to the US on a K-1 visa, who was not supposed to come within the 3 years after her visit here, but after her American fiance pestered and called, and begged and called,she was allowed to come, and very fast I may add. I hope this gives us hope too!
I'm calling the embassy in Israel tomorrow!!!! Unless I get an email reply from them first!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-14 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

Aguyel... any news on any new interview date for you?!

No, not yet, I emailed the embassy on Thursday and my Congressman yesterday. since its still the weekend now...I hope I get some answers tomorrow from the consulate at least, if not I'm calling them early in the morning so I'll let you guys know if anything new happens.
**sign*** The interview was supposed to be sad it all is :(

Edited by Aquelunya, 14 May 2006 - 11:30 AM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-14 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

Well, I received a letter from my Congresswoman today. It did give me more hope than I have had in awhile, she stated in her letter that she would help find out what the hold up was. I just had to fill out a form and give her written consent to contact CSC on my behalf, she responded really quickly. I just emailed her on Thursday and I got the letter in the mail from her today. So, my hopes have gone from nothing to actually feeling much better, knowing that their is someone out there that will at least "try" to help me with this. Even if she gets no more of a response than I did, I will know that I have taken the steps necessary to get the information I makes you feel a little better anyway. I just want to thank everyone on this site for being here for me through all of this, it is the toughest thing I have ever had to go through, as I know it is for everyone else as well.

Calidreamer, I would say you should go ahead and contact your Congressperson also, or have your fiance do it. At least they may be able to do something we cannot....

Wishing everyone the best of luck


I would say go ahead and email him first, they will probably send you an authorization form to sign so they have your permission to speak with CSC on your behalf. I have to say my Congresswoman was very prompt responding to me, hopefully yours will be too, just make sure to put your address and all of your details in the email so they know where to send the authoriztion form to. Best of luck to you.


I was typing a letter for my Congressman too, and was planning on sending it via Fedex since I thought they dont really respond to email, but your post gave me a new hope. :lol:
I think I will email him first, and maybe call and see if he received it later? What do you suggest?

THANX :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-14 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter from Congresswoman

Well, I received a letter from my Congresswoman today. It did give me more hope than I have had in awhile, she stated in her letter that she would help find out what the hold up was. I just had to fill out a form and give her written consent to contact CSC on my behalf, she responded really quickly. I just emailed her on Thursday and I got the letter in the mail from her today. So, my hopes have gone from nothing to actually feeling much better, knowing that their is someone out there that will at least "try" to help me with this. Even if she gets no more of a response than I did, I will know that I have taken the steps necessary to get the information I makes you feel a little better anyway. I just want to thank everyone on this site for being here for me through all of this, it is the toughest thing I have ever had to go through, as I know it is for everyone else as well.

Calidreamer, I would say you should go ahead and contact your Congressperson also, or have your fiance do it. At least they may be able to do something we cannot....

Wishing everyone the best of luck


I was typing a letter for my Congressman too, and was planning on sending it via Fedex since I thought they dont really respond to email, but your post gave me a new hope. :lol:
I think I will email him first, and maybe call and see if he received it later? What do you suggest?
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-13 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT HAS POSTED NEW PROCESSING DATES
I hope so too!!!! :clock: waiting still......
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-23 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVERMONT HAS POSTED NEW PROCESSING DATES

AS OF MAY 22, Now processing cases dated MARCH 6th....

no steps forward, one month back...

OMG :unsure:

really? what was the date posted before this?
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-22 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers!!!
oh WOW, you are taking it well!! I would have gone to his office and personally strangled him :lol: How irresponsible!!!I would be very worried about trusting him again with any other petition.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-25 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMY Case GET RECALL after my Interview APPROVED!!!

Okay....this is the biggest ####### I have ever seen!!!! There is no possible humanity to cancelling the issuance of the Visa AFTER the appointment and AFTER the approval. Especially since this is someones life they are playing with. She quit her job, probably purchased plane tickets and now this..................UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Wendy...your fiance, the USC..needs to walk into his local congressman's office tomorrow and request some answers and help!!!!

I am SOOOO Sorry this happened Wendy........... :angry:

I second that!!!!
This is really unbelievable, they should not even mess with your case at this point!!!!! SO WRONG!
I really feel for you, since my fiances interview was cancelled too, 3 days before the interview itself.
Wendy I am very sorry you have been caught up in this disasterous mess :( I hope the congressman can do something.

All my love (F)
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-17 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Will they tell us something soon already???!!!!!

Ok, now I feel better. :blush:

Did you contact your senator and/or congressman? My feeling is they will not tell us anything anytime soon unless they get pressure from senators and congressmen all over the country. If they had a clue, they would have handled this correctly. And unless they start getting bombarded with calls from state government officials on behalf of their constituents, they'll sit around with their thumbs up their asses while the petitions gather dust . . . I wish I could do something to feel better. I am FUMING knowing that we had just filed our petition 3 weeks earlier we would have avoided this or better yet if this stupid USCIS had a clue none of us would be going through this #######.

I did contact my congressmans office and signed their form to allow them to investigate on my behalf, and now all they said is wait because they're waiting to hear back from USCIS, I ask how long, they say weeks maybe a month :devil: When they know they will send me news in the mail. there you have it :whistle:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-27 23:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Will they tell us something soon already???!!!!!

Ok, now I feel better. :blush:

Edited by Aquelunya, 27 May 2006 - 11:16 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-27 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA applies for 'marriage brokers' only?

How are individuals who hasn't used online/offline brokers affected? For causing undue hardships and emotional distress, could someone file a class action law suit for applying a law which is being applied to individuals who hasn't used marriage brokers?

I think I saw something online about a class action suit perhaps in the future, let me try and find where and i'll post it here if and when I do.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-27 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA's real approach

Hi everyone,
Well, i was just thinking and well wondering about this whole IMBRA thing it seems that it's really more of an approach to mail order bride angencies but yet it effects us all. I wonder if they are taking it in to consideration peoples responses to question 18b. for example for someone who has seen there fiancee on a regular basis e.g. US/Canada relationships what would be the reason for a background check, they both get to see each other regularly and well if you don't know things like criminal record about your Fiance(e) you've got problems. I hope that maybe they will take these situations into consideration due to it will alleviate a back log of stupidity of our governments mistakes. i just wanted to throw it out there...for a different discussion. because we're all doesn't matter how much you pester them it falls on depth ears. what we really need is to know people on the inside so then we don't have to wait on phones for 2 hours just call a friend or acquaintance up who works at NSC,VSC,TSC and CSC and find what they are actually doing at work. sitting around not touching paperwork or sorting out the back log?....anyways we're all in this together so better make the most of it.

Thanks for your time everyone,

So just a thought here, but if any of you saw the movie "my date with Drew Barrymore" and of their logic that I must know somebody that knows somebody else that knows somebody.......that knows Drew. Well perhaps we can get inside USCIS. It would be a much better resource than talking to their automated operators for hours on end and then being politely disconnected. <_<
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-25 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRA FACTS!!
I have to agree with GaryC, until we have some facts we can only speculate. I think that if we spit out enough ideas and speculation we will eventually fall upon the right one, that is the one that will become fact. So let the people speak, it eases the pain and anxiety. Personally I feel a lot better from reading every tiny little scrap of news whatever it be it gives me hope, rather than sit and have the same fact sheet in front of me saying "we have no facts, just wait" Honestly I think we wont have any facts until USCIS just starts to fix their mistake. I believe they just will keep us in the dark until they are half way through dealing with it, to avoid panic. Just a thought...of many that is on this site :whistle:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-30 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe March 6th Thread!!

i think this is the worste just looking through people's timeline's.

someone who replied to a post of mine. I really feel for this couple.


The journey the package together sent FedEx OV 2/22/06
Packet received in VT Center 10:53 AM Signed by G.Merrihew 2/23/06
Packet returned, check made out for the wrong amount, I feel stupid :( 3/4/06
New check made out, given to Fedex today but will go out Monday morning 3/6/06
Packet received SECOND time signed by same person at 11:00 am, please God let this be it! 3/7/06
NOA 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------3/8/06
Check cashed------------------------------------------------------------------3/9/06
NO2 approved electronically!!!!!!!!!------------------------------------------3/22/06
Touched, I guess they mailed the petition out today-----------------------3/23/06
NVC sent out approved petition!!! YAYYYYYYYY-----------------------------3/27/06
Packet 3 received by my fiance----------------------------------------------4/9/06
Medical appnt.-----------------------------------------------------------------4/10/06
Packet 3 sent back------------------------------------------------------------4/14/06
Interview Date Given for MAY 15--------------------------------------------4/24/06 Interview cancelled 5/11/06

Thanx for noticing, after the initial shock and chest pains....I calmed down, but i was really mad with myself, and my mom warned me about rushing everything too!!! Oh well you cant turn back the time :bonk:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-31 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am ready to pull all my hair out!!!!!

I think I will be bald by the time he gets here!!!

:jest: ME TOO!!!!!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-02 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm taking a jet plane.......
I know exactly how you feel, I get all sorts of pains in my chest or stomach from stress too. I started to think there was something wrong with me, but the doctors said I'm perfectly fine, and all of them ask the same question, "what are you stressing about?" **sign*** where to begin.....
I wish you all the best on your trip, soak it all up!!! :P

P.S. try some valerian root for the nerves, totally natural way to calm down :thumbs:

Edited by Aquelunya, 06 June 2006 - 11:10 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-06 23:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntervew tomorrow

Well guys I'm here in Montreal and after a nightmarish day. I think I'm ready. I hope I'm ready. I'll post the results as soon as I get back. I'll tell you the details of the day as soon as I have the energy. Just send your prayers that tomorrow is a sucess and a quick and painless day. Freda

sending all my love (L) your way
LOTS OF LUCK :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSome Fairly GOOD IMBRA News from My Senators Office!

Hi all,

Just wanted to update everyone here, and pay back the love everyone's shown during this difficult ideal.

Someone just called me from my senator's office regarding IMBRA. A supervisor there attended an immigration conference over the weekend, and she informed me that word will be coming out to petitioners within the next 1-2 weeks concerning what we will have to do!! While I wish it happened TODAY, its better news than none.

She said it seems most likely we will need to just answer 3 questions, and submit them to CIS. I also spoke about any possible backlogs, and she said that it appears that the Vermont CIS will be expediting existing recalled petitions, and that there shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'm not holding my breath on any of this....but am happy to hear the news :)

If anyone else has heard this, I apologize for the repeat. For anyone who hasn't- keep the faith- resolution is on the way :)

RFEs are forthcoming, it seems.

This is all such GREAT news!!! Thank You
I hope they start mailing them out at the end of this week....doesnt hurt to hope :luv:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!!!

I'm in the same boat ..... ready to sail, but still tied to the pier.
According to the CNN story today it sounds like the "draft" for was approved in an "emergency" clearance (or something to that effect). I'm betting that it'll be available soon. And even it's another week or two, it's probably still better to wait for the new version than to file the old version and have to wait around for the RFE.

Just curious which CNN story you were talking about? Perhaps I missed something, please share :star:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS SENDING RFEs IMMEDIATLEY !!!!

Well I'm March 8th, I hope they keep some kind of order :D

let's party :dance:

I'm march 8th too! I certainly hope they do. I remember reading last week that you couldn't get information on your recalled petition even though it had been sent back ages ago. Did you ever find out if it was received? NVC kept telling me they had no info on mine which made me very nervous!

Yes I did, I was able to get through via phone to Vermont and they verified that they received it June 1st. A day later ( on my third email to/from NVC) NVC confirmed that they had sent it to Vermont. :lol: How strange it is
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS SENDING RFEs IMMEDIATLEY !!!!
Well I'm March 8th, I hope they keep some kind of order :D

let's party :dance:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS SENDING RFEs IMMEDIATLEY !!!!

Sorry, I don´t mean to start a new thread and get everyone even more confuxed.

After USCIS released a statement today I noticed they had removed it just a few hours after.
Now it´s back and it´s different.

They say the RFE template has been approved and they will beging to send the RFEs immediately!!!!

I´m so happy I´m gonna run naked outside!

The link:

I'm joining you naked outside!!! yayyyy
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 19:11:00