K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS SENDING RFEs IMMEDIATLEY !!!!

Sorry, I don´t mean to start a new thread and get everyone even more confuxed.

After USCIS released a statement today I noticed they had removed it just a few hours after.
Now it´s back and it´s different.

They say the RFE template has been approved and they will beging to send the RFEs immediately!!!!

I´m so happy I´m gonna run naked outside!

The link:

I'm joining you naked outside!!! yayyyy
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-13 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe Rock!
haha, thanks for making me smile :D It will make a great book one day!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-15 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill waiting for RFE papers to come to me from Fiance.....

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. It has been a long week for me. Moved from one office location to another and got all settled in. Attended meetings, worked on projects, listened in on conference calls, chatted with co-workers, chatted with friends during the week, went for walks, shopped with my sister. SHe is getting ready to go to Puerto Rico for 10 days vacation next week. And behind the scenes I am SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE THE PAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I received our RFE in the mail April 28th. I told my fiance what he needed to gather. It took him almost a month to get. Then he leaves the papers with his mother to mail to me because he leaves for the Greek Island of Mykonos to work and "keep busy". And here I am in a bustling city with lots to do and everyday I race home from work to see if the papers came in the mail. NOTHING!!!!
I admit I have never been a patient person. I always want everything NOW! NOW! NOW!!!! This is really killing me. I have prayed so much for patience, I printed the lyrics to the gospel song "I surrender" and keep it in my bag and read on the train commute to work. Any time I start to fret I pull out the lyrics.
All I want, like everyone here, is to start my life with my love. My mother said to me the other day "Sweetie, I know you can't see this now, but you have found one wonderful man, who is doing everything he can to be with you. He is giving up his life to come to a different country, language, culture to be with you. This is a wonderful time for you because you two have gotten the chance to really know each other. You talk about everything over the phone. You have learned so much about each other, your dreams, your fears, your past, your hopes for the future. You can tell from his tone of voice if he is worried, happy, tired, anxious, and he knows your voice the same. You look forward to his calls and enjoy the letters you write. You are having an old fashion courtship. He will be here soon and I you both will never forget how hard you fought to be together". That felt so good to hear from her.
But I Still want THE PAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta go and get ready to have friends over for the US vs Italy game today!!!

P.S. Thanks for being here for me. You all have helped in so many ways :D

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.....I think we are all extremely fond by now :lol:
I can relate to your impatience. I too am so very impatient and this process is just one huge test of what seems to be a subject I have never prepared for. Look at it this way, you have found each other finally, this is your soulmate, your other half. You have rushed through life trying to find him, and now you are here with him even though he may be in a different country, he's yours so don't fret and now is the time to wait. He's not in a hurry because he knows you're it, you are the final destination and although he is terribly excited of starting his life with you, don't you ever forget that this journey IS already part of your joined life. So relax and enjoy this exciting love story you have going on, in the end its only such a small part of the whole. I bet many years past this in the future you two and all of us will look back on these days and smile with a childish awe of a love-stricken puppy.

(L) i love all your posts keep writing :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-17 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched In

Recentley a couple of users got touched 3 times in Vermont who filed in late May as I did. Actually I recieved NAO1 couple of days prior to them. No touches for me...any thoughts?

Perhaps they are actually going in order of NOA1 date and dealing with March filers - that would be fair and would make sense. Oops - edited since I realized you said others who filed in late May as well. Well, there's no rhyme or reason to USCIS, right?

Maybe the guys coffee was on top of my folder.

:o oh my god, that would be horrible. NO coffee should be allowed at their desks!! lets make that a new rule :lol:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-17 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A place of residence if deceased and Russia address format
If you are filing the form online the Acrobat reader fills out the 4 pages automatically,just make sure to sign all of them once printed. They differ slightly in their appearance as far as I remember.
Also make yourself copies of all the paperwork you are submitting including all evidence you are submitting. When she attends the interview she will need to have all of these originals and copies present with her in the event they ask to see any of it.
(L) Aque
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-10-09 19:10:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I think no one is..
not even USCIS itself.

I wonder if they will respect the NOA1 dates.

They are not considering it to send the RFEs, that´s for sure.

Nope, I just found out they aren't. My friend who works at the lawfirm I am using as representation just came over for breakfast and told me that even though they were able to get them to start sending out RFE's sooner than 30 more days, the RFE's they are sending out are the ones they have on hand, and are most recent first which can take a month to get through. Then they will start sending us RFE's and will be processed in the order the RFE's arrive. So it's as if the NOA2 no longer matters. Once it goes back to the embasy, it will be put in the que in the order it was recieved in the very back of the line. So another 2-5 months wait once it arrives at the embasys before we get our interview dates.. So it's almost as if we haven't even applied yet. I expressed my outrage, and he explained that this is the kind of game they try to play. You ask them to do something and they do it half assed IF they even agree to it. So the next thing they are going to do is try to setup some meetings with some key folks (I have no idea who they are) at the DHS and work with them on implementing a true FIFO system to prevent this from happening again when they add other new hairbrained laws.

Okay, me again. My knowledge of this deal is that it was done by people who really don't want to see men getting foreign women. They don't think it is fair, they don't like it.

I'll take issue with this. That is simply not accurate. As frustrating as everyone is feeling about the delays, let's be sensible about this. The days may soon be over for Mail-Order Bride services. That doesn't mean if you're an American dating a foreign woman, you can't bring her over. It just means if you bought her out of a catalog, you're going to have some 'splainin' to do to immigration. Illegal immigration is a whole other issue that is being debated and dealt with by politicans right now - let's not try to compare.

No in many ways that statement is accurate. There are many politicians who are exactly that way regardless of mail order or not. They are so xenophobic that they will be making it harder and harder to get anyone here. What StevenJinky said was just one group of the many xenophob's that are causing such problems for us.

this is vey disturbing, I must say I felt the anger rush through my whole being upon reading this post. these half-brained morons :ranting:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-18 10:33:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

ok, here is my spin on the situation.....could it be the reason why Vermont is sending out the RFE's(or so it seems) to the later petitioners (not the recalled ones) is because they are already sitting on theirs desks, and not in a pile in a separate room somewhere? Perhaps also this is the reason why the electronic system shows them, and doesn't show us because we have been approved already? Which does not go to show that ours are not being worked on either....just maybe its not as easy to track??? Perhaps they need to clear their desks in order to start distributing the new recalled petitions among themselves...didn't they state they were going to process those first?
I'm just guessing, and still hoping to receive something in the mail by next week.

My guess is the problem with our recalled VISA's is the government's new problem dealing with a recall. Who how and where are oour recalled cases sent? How do we know they aren't on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific right now???????

Well I know mine is not on a ship because Vermont confirmed on the phone that they received my petition on June 1st. But I have not been able to call and ask if my case has been assigned to an agent to send out the RFE. Who the heck knows whats going on, and I was hoping the electronic system would update....but I guess its too much too ask. :whistle:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-16 15:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Well to be fair it is only 8:30 am in California at the moment, so hopefully they will be sent out later.

It appears the USCIS is sending out the RFE's in chronological order of NOA1 date. I'm only assuming this from the timelines of the people on VJ saying they've received a notice that an RFE was sent. It appears all of these people are in early to mid March.

so where does it leave us? the ones with the recalled petitions??I havent heard anything yet :no:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-16 10:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
ok, here is my spin on the situation.....could it be the reason why Vermont is sending out the RFE's(or so it seems) to the later petitioners (not the recalled ones) is because they are already sitting on theirs desks, and not in a pile in a separate room somewhere? Perhaps also this is the reason why the electronic system shows them, and doesn't show us because we have been approved already? Which does not go to show that ours are not being worked on either....just maybe its not as easy to track??? Perhaps they need to clear their desks in order to start distributing the new recalled petitions among themselves...didn't they state they were going to process those first?
I'm just guessing, and still hoping to receive something in the mail by next week.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-15 21:58:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
:dance: And now with the power of press on our side.....we are SuPER-VJ!! I wish we had a smiley with a big lettter S and a red cape!! :lol:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-14 07:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Someone wrote that because of "Bi-specialization", the I129f apps were going to be processed by California and Vermont...this is the restructuring that prompted the massive transfer of cases from Nebraska to California. But, I did not have a sense that any (or many) applications were transfered to Vermont for processing. Did I miss some member's reports? I recall maybe one being transfered to Texas (?), but all else went to California. How fair a distribution is that?!!

We have heard of the 1000 some returns of apps from Consulates to Vermont. I wonder how many actual pending applications were transfered from Nebraska to California...does anyone have a sense of the backlog at this point?

My guess would be because Vermont has their hands full right now with the 1000 odd petitions sitting at their facility waiting for some action. They are *somewhat* backed up. this of many reasons maybe is why they haven't transferred any additional petitions to them yet. Just a guess :D
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-08 22:48:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Mike, you totally rock!! :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-08 07:49:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Hoping an praying for us all (L) I really want to spend our anniversary together next month :blush: but it looks like a long shot from here
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 21:15:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
ok guys here is a REAL update on my situation. First of all the method to call vermont worked :thumbs: thanx

At first the gentleman said that he does not see it in the system, and that they received back thousands of them and it is possible that its there and just not entered. Then I kept him on the phone with all sorts of questions. Meanwhile he had looked up my fiances A# and said that they did in fact receive my petition back on Jun 1st!!

next step:

---they are still waiting for instructions from headquarters in Washington on how to proceed with these petititions. He was optimistic that it will be soon, although he was not sure.

-- he suggested looking online to see what they are requesting from the new 129f petitions, and said it may be similar to that for us, BUT he does not know for sure.

-- in response to if our petitions will be processed in the order of the priority dates, he said he sure hopes so, but again he does not know how deep they are going to dwell on this situation, maybe they will just use their own means of running background checks and then just notify us by mail that they have forwarded the petition back to NVC for them to send to the embassy abroad.

He also said that we the petitioners probably know more than they do anyway, :lol:

Edited by Aquelunya, 07 June 2006 - 02:44 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 14:42:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well, now I don't know if I should even worry more :unsure: If they sent it at the end of each week, Vermont should have had it ages ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahhhh :wacko:
Well the embassy assured us that there is no way that it got lost via this diplomatic mail/pouch, hence my only conclusion is that its just sitting somewhere, thats swell!!!! :whistle:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 14:06:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I am not sure if this was posted in this thread or not, and I am sorry if they already did, because I am not going to brows thru 60 pages. This actually gives me hope. It seems that they are requesting the approval of the new form by June 9, 2006. It also sounds like it might be done by e-file. Tell me what you think???

I found the '200,000 petitioners per year' number an interesting factoid. Always wondered how many K-1 petitions there were in a given year...

My email from the NVC:

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry.  When the petition is received at the NVC from the U.S. Embassy, it will immediately be forwarded to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS - formerly known as INS) for processing. All inquiries and submissions of additional documentation should be directed to the CIS office that originally approved the petition.  

National Visa Center

Not very helpful. I'm assuming that means the NVC hasn't got it back from the Embassy yet. This is really starting to piss me off. Someone has to have the damn file.

YEAH ME TOO!! I wonder if they are even tracking the damn things!! so far rlt seems to be the only one who got a definite answer from NVC about them receiving his petition. Well I am going to raise hell soon, its going to be a month this Monday since the embassy sent it back to the USA!!! :devil:

I'm wondering.. someone else said that they were told that the petitions were being returned visa diplomatic mail--I'm assuming that means the same as diplomatic pouch. If so, I think the posts wait until their pouch is 'full' or send once per month, whichever comes first.
If your file is coming from a lower-traffic post, that could explain the delay in seeing it get back to the US.

yes that was me, I did think about that myself.....well this is ridicilous, and that is all that I have to say! :yes:

And my congressman's district office has nothing to tell me either!!!!! They keep saying they're working on it.

Edited by Aquelunya, 07 June 2006 - 01:54 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 13:50:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Update----or not really, Called USCIS again, they do not have a direct number or email to contact Vermont, she said that I can write to them via snail mail :angry:
She wasnt very helpful at all really. She said there is no way to check, sometimes the system online does not get updated (this is the opposite of what they told me last time I called) I've lost all patience, something better happen soon!!!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 12:43:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

My email from the NVC:

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry.  When the petition is received at the NVC from the U.S. Embassy, it will immediately be forwarded to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS - formerly known as INS) for processing. All inquiries and submissions of additional documentation should be directed to the CIS office that originally approved the petition.  

National Visa Center

Not very helpful. I'm assuming that means the NVC hasn't got it back from the Embassy yet. This is really starting to piss me off. Someone has to have the damn file.

YEAH ME TOO!! I wonder if they are even tracking the damn things!! so far rlt seems to be the only one who got a definite answer from NVC about them receiving his petition. Well I am going to raise hell soon, its going to be a month this Monday since the embassy sent it back to the USA!!! :devil:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 11:45:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
[quote name='lisaf' date='Jun 7 2006, 08:19 AM' post='236918']
I think you looked at the OMB control number, no?

there was a number at the bottom . Name was Claire somebody...

Laura Dawkins and her number is 202-272-8350

Edited by Aquelunya, 07 June 2006 - 07:22 AM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-07 07:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Called USCIS again, and they still don't have my file back. I was told, however, that if thirty days goes by from the date it was sent back by the embassy and there's no sign of it, then they can take investigative action to see what has happened.


I think you should email NVC.

I think they will be able to check if your petition was sent from your Consulate and then fwd from them to VSC.

That´s how I got my answer.
I don´t know for sure, but maybe, the people in charge of answering emails are not the same ones who answer phone calls.

But I´d bet your case is back in Vermont.

I did that yesterday after you posted the address. I haven't heard back yet. I wish USCIS had email. I vastly prefer having things in writing; being able to quote those emails when on the phone seems to motivate people to do things at times.

I'm in the same boat, the embassy sent it back, they wrote to me that this diplomatic mail takes anywhere from 3-4 weeks :o But its going to be 4 weeks on Monday!!!!! And NVC still DOES NOT have it :crying:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-06 18:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Isabel, those are encouraging words, and even though I am grinning my teeth right now because of the delays, I have to agree.
In the end it is simply a test of our patience..and thats all....tough luck for me that I barely have any patience :lol:

Edited by Aquelunya, 05 June 2006 - 09:51 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-05 21:51:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
[quote name='Aquelunya' post='233862' date='Jun 5 2006, 06:57 PM']

Okay i'm pissed!!!! they told me they sent back our petition on May 11, same day they called to cancel the interview! This BITES!!! And NVC tells me they have recieved nothing yet! Who's LYING here? How can this "diplomatic mail" or what not take 3 weeks? I checked it out, and diplomatic mail is flown by PLANE!!! :angry:

I also didn´t get a response by the phone.
Only got that when I emailed them.

It´s worth a try.. It takes them a few days to answer.

Here it is:

good luck

The sad part is I did email them, and the response I received was that they did not receive it yet, and I should contact the embassy, we did that today and they said they sent in on the May 11 like I said diplomatic mail. :(

and by the way, in case you missed my earlier post, when I spoke to USCIS rep. on Friday, she had assured me that the recalled petitions are going to receive priority attention.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-05 17:22:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

rlt, I take it NVC has not confirmed that they sent your petition back to USCIS yet. You only have confirmation from the embassy at this point, correct?

Not really, I also got this from the NVC:

"Dear Sir or Madam,

Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

The petition has been returned to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS-formerly known as INS). Any further inquiries should be directed to CIS."

That was back on My24th !

Okay i'm pissed!!!! they told me they sent back our petition on May 11, same day they called to cancel the interview! This BITES!!! And NVC tells me they have recieved nothing yet! Who's LYING here? How can this "diplomatic mail" or what not take 3 weeks? I checked it out, and diplomatic mail is flown by PLANE!!! :angry:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-05 17:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Hey, guys.

As I posted here 10 days ago...

I emailed CSC even though my case is from Vermont.

I got this from them:

You should phone the National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 and inform them of your inquiry. They will either answer your question or send it to Vermont Service Center to answer. I phoned National Visa Center (NVC) today and they did return the petition to that Vermont location. Essentially the petition has completed processing. It was approved by USCIS, Vermont Service Center who sent it to the NVC who referred it to the Consulate for interview. The Visa was not issued by the Consulate and was returned to USCIS for revocation on our system.

just to let you know, my interview was scheduled and sent back with 30 others from Brazil to USA due to IMBRA.

What do you have to say about that?

rlt, I take it NVC has not confirmed that they sent your petition back to USCIS yet. You only have confirmation from the embassy at this point, correct?

Edited by Aquelunya, 05 June 2006 - 04:57 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-05 16:57:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Has anyone who had their petitions recalled had any news yet? There were different messages, some saying they were going back to the service centres and some (almost) saying that the petitions were practically void.

I had my petition recalled and have no news about it yet. Only that it´s been sent from NVC to USCIS.
That´s all.
No update on their website, no contact at all.

Did NVC confirm that for you? My embassy abroad claims to have mailed our petition back on the 11 of May via "diplomatic Mail" :blink: whatever that is. As of last Thursday NVC replied to my email and said that they did not receive my petition as of yet. ITS BEEN 3 WEEKS :angry:
How long did yours take? I'm trying to keep calm, but I think someone here is lying!!!!
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-05 07:31:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Oh right!!! i forgot to add to spec of info from my talk with the USCIS rep from this morning.

She said that the status on their online website would change once they have received my petition back from the embassy keep checking, for those whose petitions have been recalled :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-02 21:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
Well I spoke to USCIS today, and finally someone actually said something about this law, considering all the other times they knew absolutely nothing! Anyway, it looks like the Embassy has not sent my petition back yet!!! Even though they cancelled the interview on May 11th!! NVC still did not receive it as of yesterday, therefore neither did USCIS. Here is some information I got from the immigration representative though may be helpful to some:

-There will be a separate form/questioner sent out to the petitioner to fill out, as soon as the petition is received at the local center from the US embassy abroad.

- You will not be placed at the bottom of the "pile" and they will in fact try to speed up all the delayed petitions effected by the IMBRA law

-Therefore you should fill out this form ASAP, and return to them so they can finish with this new process.

She was very nice and understanding...not that it helps me, but does simmer the boiling a little :D

Edited by Aquelunya, 02 June 2006 - 04:08 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-02 16:07:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
So I was trying to find out exactly when did my petition go back to USCIS from the embassy abroad.Since all petitions go through NVC ( I think ) I thought they should have a date. Mind you they called my fiance on the 11th of May and made it sound like they are sending it out ASAP. I never bothered to ask on what date. SO I emailed NVC, and here was my answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your inquiry indicates the petition has been forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) for further processing. The NVC has not yet received this petition back from the US Embassy. The NVC will send further instructions upon receipt of the petition. Please contact the US Embassy to verify the status of this petition.

National Visa Center

I am flipping out!!!!I have no idea what the $%*& is going on!!! And tomorrow is a holiday in Israel so I doubt I can get a hold of them, plus they are not very forthcoming with information on this topic, as I've realized already
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-06-01 11:14:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

For whatever it may be worth, I received this email from the Ombudsman's office today. I sent my email Thursday night, so not a bad turnaround time, especially considering the holiday on Monday.

Dear Ms. [Tigre],

On behalf of the Ombudsman, Mr. Prakash Khatri, our office thanks you
very much for bringing the issue of the K-1 visa adjudication to our
office's attention.

Our office has received other inquiries, comments and suggestions of
similar nature. The information that you provided was reviewed by the
appropriate persons in our office, and it will be brought to the
attention of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Under the Homeland Security Act of 2002, it is the CIS Ombudsman's
statutory mission to assist USCIS customers, to identify problem areas
in the immigration process, and to propose changes to the administrative
practices of USCIS. Process change recommendations from individuals like
you are the best source for identifying systemic problems in the
immigration benefits process. Again, Ombudsman Khatri thanks you very
much for brining this important issue to our attention, and for taking
the time to provide your suggestions and comments.

CIS Ombudsman's office

OH boy! they thanked you like 3 times :goofy:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-31 15:29:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

Ok, fiance called the DOS and USCIS today.

I'll post the e-mail he sent me after he called.

"So, I called USCIS and DoS and here is how it goes. I called USCIS, got to talk to a representant, but this time it was different. It was see..they always ask your receipt number and your name and proceed to answer your questions normally. This time the women went like this...your name...your birthday...were you live? Your address? your zipcode? your fiance's name?were does she live? all questions a second apart...of course I answered all quickly as it was asked..but I found it weird...then she told me the IMBRA wouldn't hurt or halt the process and the the reason they havent gotten to us is 'cus they are at march 6 and I say how can that be last time it was different and she goes oh but that's what the machine shows...anyway...that was a load of BS why?
'Cus I called the DoS which were honest and helpful...the guy I talked to said look the law is halted the process a bit..but we are just looking at a month delay right now. Stay in touch for any changes."

Now we need to know if it's a month delay since the delay started or from today (that my fiance called). And USCIS is completely crazy.

Well, let me tell you if its a month from the time all this BS started it should be coming to an end by now, I think we should figure a month from now...I'd like to think it would be a month from the time they received all the petitions back...but no way of finding out when that happened. :no:

Edited by Aquelunya, 31 May 2006 - 02:22 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-31 14:19:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects


Those 1100 plus all of the petitions after March 6 that have still awaiting processing because the guidance on how to process them is not yet available.


I'm curious........

Has anyone in here actually used a marriage broker? Of any sort?


I didnt,and our interview was cancelled.
We met online on a russian FREE site. But from what i can make out, they do not care, they are recalling all petitions after March 6th, and I guess they will sort them out one by one ...all 1100 :lol:

Agreed, but eventually ONE day they have to get around to them...i hope its sooner than later :blush:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-30 16:59:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

I'm curious........

Has anyone in here actually used a marriage broker? Of any sort?


I didnt,and our interview was cancelled.
We met online on a russian FREE site. But from what i can make out, they do not care, they are recalling all petitions after March 6th, and I guess they will sort them out one by one ...all 1100 :lol:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-30 16:52:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I am a bit dissapointed in my Congressmans district office. First of all they received my signed permission form (to investigate my case) on the 18th of May. I called them today and of course I do not speak to the Congressman but I get to speak to the office that deals with the immigration issues, and they did not seem to care much at all. They said they sent an inquiry in and they are waiting for a response and they will let me know by mail. she also added it could take anywhere from weeks to a month. A MONTH!!!!!!!??? :crying:
I am losing hope, no one cares, they are just going to keep these petitions on their desks collecting dust, until they feel like sending them back! :angry:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-25 21:27:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

somebody correct me if i'm wrong, but the 4 service centers are all CIS.

something else i read on the uscis website was that on some applications (not I-129 F), they will have you come in to one of their fingerprinting centers for the background check. I have no idea if this will apply here.

I think so too, they are all CIS.
If they sent it to USCIS, there would be in Washington too.

I´m afraid my petition will get lost with all these trips...

:lol: dont be silly, as far as I know they do not use regular mail for these documents, they use Fedex or DHL. I think this should be the LAST worry on your mind.

Thank you.

It´s just that I´m worried about everything right now.

But come on.. ALL I129Fs after March 6th are on hold. They gotta be doing something about it, right?

I understand, I'm trying to just stay positive. it really doesnt help if you start to fall apart now. You need to try and be strong for each other. I am convinced that Vermont is working on the recalled petitions, why else would they switch the date back to March 6? The point is, dont let it get you down and continue to push on, we'll all get there eventually :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-24 19:47:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

somebody correct me if i'm wrong, but the 4 service centers are all CIS.

something else i read on the uscis website was that on some applications (not I-129 F), they will have you come in to one of their fingerprinting centers for the background check. I have no idea if this will apply here.

I think so too, they are all CIS.
If they sent it to USCIS, there would be in Washington too.

I´m afraid my petition will get lost with all these trips...

:lol: dont be silly, as far as I know they do not use regular mail for these documents, they use Fedex or DHL. I think this should be the LAST worry on your mind.
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-24 19:26:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
If Vermont is on March 6th then I think if they are reviewing old application...mine should be coming up soon(March 8)
:P , at least I can only hope. If this is the case then we are rolling somewhat again....but the status on USCIS has not changed for me, it gives the same message......perhaps the message is not going to change? I'm going to call my congressman's office again today to see whats news.

Edited by Aquelunya, 24 May 2006 - 07:35 AM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-24 07:34:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

If I understand this right EVERYONE that has a NOA1 after March 5 will get returned. :(
Only if your visa has been issued will you escape the return and RFE.

5. The Department understands the additional workload of
this process and the public relations demands of
responding to disappointed petitioners and beneficiaries.
We recommend that questions be addressed directly to USCIS. The USCIS customer service number is: 800 375 5283
:lol: i find this funny, The USCIS knows absolutely nothing and they are telling us to talk to them
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-22 21:20:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I've been checking my receipt number online as well and the message has not changed so far..."you have been approved on...blah blah blah"

Now when I called NVC last week I received the same answer from them, that they simply forward the recalled petitions from the consulate abroad to USCIS. They have nothing to do with the decision to recall and neither does the embassy abroad. They simple received intructions from the USCIS to send back all petitions dated March 6 and after. The way I see it, USCIS will not be doing background checks on everyone, just on those that fall under this new law I believe. The other ones I think they will look over and see that they're OKAY and send back. But the reason they have to recall all of them is because they no longer know which is which. I AM NOT sure, just an educated guess.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I contacted my congressman, and already signed their permission slip to have them investigate. I called today to follow up, they have started an investigation and will let me know once they hear something. I hope its soon. I will keep you posted. :thumbs:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-22 21:05:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects
I would just like to add.....that I have no more TO add. I 've been reading the posts all along, but I think I am completely helpless at this point. I called, and I called, I contacted my congressman, and now all I can do is wait. The system sucks :(
If I hear anything soon I will for sure let you guys know. I really hope that once they receive my petition back and notice that I should not be affected by this new law they will return it quickly to the embassy for a new interview date. I can only hope :wacko: I will however be calling my congressmans office tomorrow and asking if they had a chance to look into my case yet, since I've signed the waiver and allowed them to inquire on my behalf end of last week.
I wish the best of luck to all of you who are waiting in complete and utter disbelief and confusion (L)


Edited by Aquelunya, 21 May 2006 - 10:38 PM.

AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-21 22:37:00
IMBRA Special TopicsLets collect some information about IMBRA effects

It is all well and good to post timelines- but it doesn't fix the IMBRA, and bigger picture, USCIS problems.

Please, call your congressmen. Ask to speak to the immigration specialist on staff. If you live reasonably close, go visit them. Express your rage at the entire application process not only being stopped, but REVERSED! (interviews canceled, approvals reversed)

This is insane.

It drives me crazy to read posters say- Just wait. Be patient. Be a quiet sheep. That is #######- our rights as citizens to pursue happiness and love where and how we chose to was trampled by the IMBRA law.

There is no earthly reason a fiancee visa should take more than a couple months from application to approved visa. There is no excuse. People must be held accountable for this not happening.

Today I made my 4th call to my Congressman's office and I will continue to call them until somebody fixes USCIS.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Don't be a sheep! Make some noise!

I posted this to a different thread but the message needs to be communicated far and wide.

I think this is good advice. Now that I know how things work, it seems we'd all be better off getting our fiances air tickets to Mexico. Then it's simple, you drive down to Mexico, drive back into the US with the one you love. No waiting no, hassle. In a couple of years congress will make them citizens ahead of the people who did the right thing and went through this bullsh*t process.

haha :lol:
AquelunyaNot TellingIsrael2006-05-20 09:05:00