Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
It is great to hear from you! Thanks for sharing Moon.

QUOTE (moon1968 @ Feb 28 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So sorry its has been to long since I posted but I have been having trouble with my computer but now I think its ok.......Just to let everyone know that My Husband and I are doing great.....We have been married going on 3 years and this march 13th he will be here a year.....We are more in love now then before.......Things are going so wonderful I cant belive it......Just wanted to let you know that there are some that are for real and not all are scammers....Thanks for listening.....

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-01 04:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Great to hear from you. Thanks

QUOTE (WHAT_DA_????? @ Feb 7 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Everyone,
Just thought I would chime in for a moment, if the thread starts to get long, I usually start reading innocent.gif
I just wanted to say that my husband and I are still together, (happily), still keeping on, we are both in school, we're doing great!
We have been together for 2009-2004 = 5 years, time is flying by, we just had an anniversary in Jan..oh, and we have a 18 month old son named Femi, so ladies, and gents I hope this adds to your list of couples still together.
I'll try to drop by more often yes.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-02-09 07:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
My husband is from Nigeria. He is the most honest, honorable, considerate, and devoted person I know.

QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Feb 2 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Feb 2 2009, 09:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey now take it easy....that is NOT cool. Not all Nigerians are scammers, that is like saying all Americans are stupid. Lets take it easy and remember TOS please.

QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Feb 2 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or, just avoid Nigerians altogether?? A few have settled here in the boondocks and soon show that they can't be trusted in one way or another. That's not a good thing.

Even asking the question to begin with invited my kind of response, based entirely on personal experience and the experiences of others in this general community. I'm not given to stereotypes but one needs to be extra alert in befriending anyone now living in Nigeria.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-02-03 13:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Keep telling your story idocare. It is extremely important. If you can stop one person a year from being scammed your work is worth your blood sweat and tears you dedicate to this cause. Every experiences tragedy and set back. It would be a waste if we did not learn, grow and share to help others.

Unfortunately, at this part of the faze it is too late. They already have too much invested. Experienced criticism up the kazoo that they are just going to prove their family wrong.

I always like to ask the doubter to look within. If you were in a previous unhealthy relationship, then there is a great chance this one is too. We attract what we get in our lives. Not to say we deserve what we get, but take owner ship in how we failed ourselves by choosing something so risky.

QUOTE (idocare @ Jan 29 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, American men do scam some women/men; but it's not the same as being
scamed by someone from another country. It's totally different, as is the onset of
learning of the scam. I believe I mentioned this before, If the persons whole intent
is to scam you; no matter how much you pray; how much you try to cater to them
or how much you bend over backwards it won't work.

My ex-husband had 2visa stamps in his passport both dates were 2002 with the last
one stamped in December 2002. I met him in Janurary 2003. Most Americans are
like me and don't know how to read a passport, then again we don't even think about
asking them to see there passport when we fly to their country. For me there wasen't
alot of information online in 2003 when I met him. I was learning as I went along.
I didn't know the passport showed their activity and attempts. And still today I have
not comfirmed that's what those stamps mean, but someone told me that's what it
means so I feel comfortable including that information.

Thru reading books and talkin to Nigerians I learned that once a man can take care
of a family they marry. Not necessarily for love but to reproduction of live. A first son
is suspose to very special. As far as I know I have the first son of a first son. But
that didn't stop his medical doctor father from walking out on him when he was just
3-weeks old. It didn't stop him from starting arguments, yelling and screaming and
abrusing me. It didn't stop him from leaving our dwelling and going and telling folks
that I was abrusing him and that I threw him out.

The short of a long story is, we run over to their Country and meet them; some even
marry on the first meeting; and don't really know them. The end result cost much
much more then then dealing with the American brotha man. We think that because
we bring them here that they will feel obligated to stay with us; well that simply isn't
the case. Many people become part of the necessary paperwork towards an approval
on a sponsored visa. If your alien is using you to get them into America; that's what
they going to do. Many married people do that just to get here. They don't respect
the immigration system or laws; and look for a way to beat the system. That's where
these lonely unknowingly innocent American people come in. Trust; for me, I was
thriving well on my own. Witnessed what it felt like to be used by an American man
and decided to go for a Alien. The depth of the experience of dealing with this Alien
has changed me for the rest of my life; being used by an American man has no
comparrison to being used by an Alien. This evil Alien man tried his best to ruin me as
a person, he attacked me at my job, where we lived, and even looked thru my
address book and called some of my friends asking them to help him by signing an
affidavit saying that I abrused him.

Most of you americans are saying why would he call YOUR friends, that's a question
I don't have an answer too. But I know he did, one of my friends comfirmed it right
after she received a call from him. One of my treasured jewelry peices came up missin
I'm tellin you all; it was nothing nice, this man was lookin out for himself and his
interest, not mine. He had one up on me tho, because he knew that I was merely part
of the paperwork for an approval on his visa; yes that's right; I got him out of Nigeria
but I thought WE were gonna have a happy long life together and he didn't hesitate to
tell me how we were gonna die old together every step of the way. I trusted him.
Just as alot of us that have been scammed do. I even told him of situations that I
heard about others being scammed. WE HAD A BOND. (so I thought )

I say with deep sincerity that many more will be scammed, because many times it's not
until you do the necessary paperwork and all that they start their ploy to end the
marriage. Some will even stay long enough to go thru most of their University training
before trying to get free of their sponsor so that they can marry their original wife, or
bring their choice. In many cases American were their choice to get them into the
country ( necessary , but considered part of the paperwork )

As I stated earlier, many will use Americans just to send them money; with no intentions
of coming here. They are the ones that usuallly tell you stories of being robbed, or car
being tolled or having a hospital bill.

The sad part is that if they get here into America; their own people that have been here
for years will help them manipulate you and American law. It's just like going to live in
another Country; you will be drawn to Americans if you should meet one, and you and
them would become friends. The American that has lived in that culture for some time
and knows the law will assist you the best they can.

Many Aliens use marriage as a tool to get here; and as sad as it is; we (lookin for love) Americans believe a lie; and file our paperwork or marry people that we want to be
with unknowing that they are scamming us.

I know one girl ( I won't say her name ) her and I was going thru the visa process\
around the same time; she now works for U.S.C.I.S. she told me that the feeling there
is that these Americans ask for their spouse to come; ( I reserve the rest of what she told me) this person was also scammed; she went to Nigeria and married a man that she met on the internet. He has since graduated with a Masters degree. She has told
me of how his family in Nigeria was involved in his deceit; or so she say she now believes that they were. She even went as far as to say that she would of never been\
able to get a man that fine in America as she was able to get in Nigeria. And that fine man used her. My ex-husband used me too. That's why I continue to tell my story
so that people will stop and think before thrusting themselves full speed.


Edited by MrsJibowu, 30 January 2009 - 10:39 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-30 10:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Hello Endy,
My husband and I met with our Pastor last night. The pastor asked him how he is dealing iwth the cold. My husband said..."that is a whole nothing story, but my heart is hear so that is where I have to be." Oh did I menion my mom was sittng across from us.

One question that ran through my head was.. why would he move here to America when there is so much work for him in Africa. (he is a Pastor) I could never move there, because of my son although we are considering buisness ventures there so frequent visits will be an option in the future.

Good luck on your journey. May you be guided by your higher power to follow your heart.

QUOTE (endy @ Jan 22 2009, 03:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (totes @ Jan 15 2009, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see both sides.... I'm married to an amazing Nigerian man but I also have/am an advocate for women who have been scammed and have much experience with women who have been scammed and also with the scammer's themselves.

I've been married just a short time, 6 weeks to be exact but.... I knew my husband through and through before I embarked on this journey.

To the OP.... my husband is adjusting very well... the biggest problem thus far is the cold, lol. We live in Arkansas so it can get pretty cold, I think 15 is our temp tonight. Food, he loves everything American except for Pizza, lol. I don't get that! That's unAmerican! He's moving from Nigerian time (a snails pace) to our time (woooohooooo!). Reading everything he can and studying the driver's manual and checking into night classes with his time until EAD. He's anxious to go to work... it's not easy for these men! They are proud and as someone said.... the head of household so they want and NEED to provide for their family!

My advice to the OP is be supportive.... he has or will be leaving his family, friends and everything he knows.. if you think that's not difficult, give it a try... I sure have. He has/will have a language barrier, culture shock and will be totally dependent on you for support and guidance until he learns his way. At the same time... be real. You knew what you were getting into when you married him. It comes with some risks, no doubt but.... you obviously loved/love him enough to marry him and go thru this BS process so.... give it 200%. IF he's not in it for the right reasons, that's his cross to bare, not yours! Enjoy your happiness and love your husband!

Sure there are many men and women in and from third world countries who are looking to get out but..... to those who are in doubt.... I say.... follow your gut even if you don't want to!

Hi, am new to this forum and have been going through topics raised about nigerians and found your posting to be very very true.Am currently engaged,soory i must have to wish you all the best in your trip towards marriage.
My better half is American and we have been together for 2,1/2 years now,but the fact is that i never wanted to come to america at our first meeting due to the fact that she thought that i was a gold digger,but i love her so much that at a point we started talking about settling down together at a place.At the moment she has been living with me her in Nigeria going to 7 months and we are planning to file for the k 1 visa.but am scared of having to leave my entire life her in nigeria forAmerica and at the same time her carer is important too.
Some women feel that they can go to Africa on a shoping spree for men ,but at the end they get what they deserve by those men coming to America and dithching them.So in all we do lets make sure that we satisfy our consience and we will not regret any thing.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-22 04:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
If you would engage in an overseas relationship with someone who is scamming you, you would engage in a relationship in the US with someone who is scamming you for other reasons.
This possibility does not boil down to the mate you chose, but to how you feel inside and what you seek outside. Only someone who is going to say to you everything you want to hear can fill that negative void inside.

But do not let me discredited the scammer. The are very clever. The are prepared with every answer and question you are going to ask around this relationship. Even pretending to move to their country will not stop them from letting you book your flight and ship your stuff before you get there. They are ready for anything you try to say and do to test their sincerity.

What it boils down to is trusting you...not them.

1 month yesterday. He is better then I ever imagined. I was not prepared for this love, devotion and dedication he is showering me, because he did not do it over the phone or in emails. He says it with his eyes and his actions.
As I stated before, when I went to visit my husband in NIgeria I did not feel all in love with him. I felt like he was responsible, God fearing, caring and considerate so I should chose him as a Step father and a husband. Once I seen his eyes, I fell right in love. Roberta Flack the first time ever I saw your face rings true for me.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-20 04:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?

Yes, it is more then just respect. It is a reverence. Parent do not lecture their children by saying.. "respect your elders", then turn around and be disrespectful to someone. The children learn by watching their family respect people.
It is true sincerity!

QUOTE (Sylvia_n_Joseph @ Dec 30 2008, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Years ago when I was first learning about Nigeria from my best friend he said that he would retire there. I asked why. He said when you go there look to see if you find any nursing homes. Nigerians would never do that to their elders.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-12-30 11:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Very well said merijan.

My husband's culture has such a high admiration for in-laws. At our Christmas eve family gathering he greated my mom and dad (now serperated & remairred) as if the King and Queen had entered our home. I know it made my dad uncomfortable, but to know the love and good intention my husband has behind his greetings made me that much more proud to say he is my husband. Several days later my dad was quickly dropping off gifts from extended family he visited with. My dad being the stop and go guy he is was surprised when my husband jumped up to great him at the door from accross the room. My dad wasn't in my home long enough to shut the door behind him and didn't even come in to ask how everyone was doing. Yet my in-laws all had to speak with me at lengths about how I am. I just can only hope that my husband is not offended by my Dad's behavior.

Even my son's father arrived he jumped up to shake his hand and invited him to have a seat. Now if anyone of you knew just an hour worth of mine and my ex's past you would have gasped. Too funny. I have come a log way baby!

QUOTE (merijan @ Dec 30 2008, 07:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think that all of us struggle with the cultural differences no matter where our husband is from. The main thing is for both to have respect , accepting each others bad habits as well as good. And I find alot of times we Americans grow up thinking that other things in other cultures are so strange and how do they think like that or why do they do that... so on. However if we just take the time to know the culture and understand enough to respect that difference we can actually learn from each other.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-12-30 08:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
QUOTE (galaxy_2008 @ Dec 28 2008, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is sad that some people are trying to use this forum to sample the view of people about those united states citizens that marry to Nigerians.

On the contrary: it is fortunate that this forum is here to help people with the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the best place to discover other people who might have been a victim of Marriage fraud or whose relationships are struggling because of the cultural differences.
It is unfortunate (sad) that good God fearing devoted men might experience the backlash of the negative perception many Americans have regarding the high fraud country Nigeria.

If you are in a relationship based on visa fraud chances are you would be in a similar deceptive relationship with a USC.
If you were in a previous unhealthy relationship and did nothing to improve yourself emotionally or spiritually, there is a good chance you are in a similar type of relationship over seas.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-12-29 08:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Great to hear from you forchika! Sounds like your SO and mine have the same wonderful qualities. I will have to get some of those recipies for my husband. I have added fish to our menu, but not cooked the way he is used to.

QUOTE (forchika @ Dec 28 2008, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello babynursetobe....we will be married two years in April and will be filing for removal of conditions in the next five months. I like to say that we are still adjusting in our marriage but, so far so good!!!!! Husband has adjusted well here in the US. The only problem he had was that it took him awhile to find work and when he did it was part-time. Which was fine because he decided to attend school full time. He did have some problems with banking in the US ( withdrawing money from account and using debit card for purchases), he would sometimes overdraft his checking the hang of it after the bank kept hitting him with those $39 charges. He had no problems driving and getting a liscense. He adjusted well to the food here in the US and loves hotdogs and pizza!!!!! He is open to try anything that I cook. I have learned to cook many of the African foods and we alternate dinner menus. The one thing, I love about my husband is his frugalness, he can go into a thrift store and find brand new $100.00 Nike's for $10.00. He mainly goes to church, school and work and we hang out with our mutual friends on occasion. He does not like to see me upset and will quickly mend all disagreements. He has shared that he has heard that the women in the US are quick to want a divorce. I say long as you are faithful, honest and trustworhty we will have no issues. The cross cultural marriage is a continued adjustement and we are beating the odds so far with the help of GOD!!! I wish you a speedy visa journey!!!!!!!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-12-29 08:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGreat News
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-02 10:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA1 today!
Congratulations! That is another notch in the belt.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-07 05:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust wanted to say hi :)
It is wonderful to hear from you. Your story is wonderful and kind of sounds similar to ours. Isn't it amazing that the Bible crosses all cultural divides?
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-02-23 11:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust Wondering
What a sence of relief you two must feel. It takes 7 days usualy to pick up your visa after an approved interview. Randomly they go into admin processing which can add time to your wait.
Best of luck!

QUOTE (Des Love Cindy @ Mar 11 2009, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello All

We finally got our appointment for our interview with the Lagos Embassy on 04/07/09. We are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering if those whom have dealt with this embassy can give me some feed back on your personal experiences and any tips as well as answer a question for me. I was wondering how long will it take to get the VISA once we are approved at the embassy?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-11 12:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHi Everyone!!!
Thanks for checking in Moon! YOur story is a true testimate to the good things God has instore for us.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-09 06:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy Visit to the US embassy in Lagos as a USC

QUOTE (For Debbie @ Mar 13 2009, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is the update on my visit to the United States embassy in Lagos to be with my wife during her interview. I thank the so many contributors prior to this visit and the 165 people that read through my post. I will post a comprehensive review of wife's successful interview on the embassy review forum.

We arrived an hour early as our interview was slated for 7am. Of course there were bee hive of activities which included "shouting preachers" that later started for asking for financial help; police officers and touts everywhere, hawkers selling water, phone cards, pens, and even staple (per pay staple); a lot of handicaps (You will need to make a lot currency change if you intend to help them out); We sat down at the pavement close to the river which is very close to the east side and almost adjacent to the make-shift restaurants and "business center".

At 6:30 am, an announcer came toward the crowd and stated that within ten minutes, only people with invitation letter would be allowed in. He emphasized that all envelop must be unsealed before entering the embassy. he cautioned against rush and stampede and explained that the first group to go in are the people on 7am appointment. Ten minutes later, my wife and others for immigrant visa were asked to line up and walk towards the embassy. That was the last time I saw my wife until after the interview.

I saw someone sitting down on a plastic chair and my behind was already hurting from sitting on a hard cemented pavement. I asked the the lady where the chair came from and she pointed across the street at the security post and said the police officers would rent one out to me if I ask. Confidently, I walked towards a police officer across the street from "our side". I requested a chair and my willingness to pay the renting price. Pleasantly surprised, the officer told me I don't have to pay and only to return the chair when I'm through and if I like, give them anything (any amount). I took the chair and decided to sit conspicously where my wife would see me if I'm needed inside or for any reason. I sat close to the Almond tree and at about 9:15 am, the sun started setting and the almond was not protective as some of the branches were trimmed. Dark shade could not save me. I started sweating slightly and to my delight the same officer walked up to me and asked that I could move to a "better place". I initially refused the offer and 15 minutes later, the sun's rays were more intense and I started sweating like a fish. At that point, another officer beckoned at me and I walked across the street again and he told me that I can go in to a gated place at the opposite side of the embassy. I told him that I would take the offer of this place and I gave them back their chair and walked inside the gated and shaded area with comfortable chair.

I sat for about one and half hour and I saw my wife coming out. I stood up to meet her. I could not read her countenance regarding the result of the interview and she almost always want to keep me in suspense and to wait smile.gif. She finally smiled and said better. (Read my post on embassy review).

I returned to the police officers and thanked them for their kindness. Yes, Nigerian police can be kind without asking for money. Of course, I gave them something (money) in appreciation. My wife complained that the amount was too much and I told her to go to them during subsequent visits if she needs help.

My advice is that you will not be allowed to enter the embassy with your spouse, but you can enter as USC through another gate but you will not see your family member when they are through. While outside, politely walk up to the police officers and request if they can allow you seat comfortably, even with them. It is not all about money and you can give them whatever you wish later. Honestly, I was impressed.

I hope this douses speculation, assumptions, misconceptions about USC visiting for spousal interview.

COMING SOON: I'm planning to write a letter to the chief consular officer and US Ambassador to Nigeria, office of secretary of state for African affairs etc, over what people go through to finish their medical exam requirement resulting to vising Lagos for up 5 time before securing a visa. I will post the letter here for inputs, vetting, perusal to wit before mail out

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-13 04:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTravel plans CHANGED
That is amazing! Enjoy your time.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-02-28 14:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmails as evidence
I saved all my email from my SO in a separate folder in my inbox. Then I printed each page in the folder of emails. Showing all the correspondence we had. Then I printed 1-2 emails a month. Usually picking one that had several lines of back and forth conversation.

Edited by MrsJibowu, 24 March 2009 - 06:46 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-24 06:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanQuestion about AP
AP is common in your country. AP is just another part of the process. It is extreemly frustrating, becasue you never know how long you can be in AP. Could just be a month or could be a year. Please add your names to the AP tracker. Follow the link below. AP Tracker Forum
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-26 04:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanShe went to her 2nd interview this morning in Dakar
Yes, it sounds like you are approved. My husband was the same thing. We were on AP. When he came in the didn't interview him. They just processed the approval and took the passport.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-27 12:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanToo long!
Congratulations on the great News! Thank you for coming back to share. I notice the original post was in June 07. My husband's interview was the basic questions. that you can find under Embassy Reviews. There are tons of great reviews for you to go through. Your case sounds tight since you both have the same cultural heritage and children.

My husband was put in Admin Processing to verify our documents and they did a home visit, but this is not common so trust you will be in God's favor. We are all in God's favor. Some just do not chose to see it.

Stay blessed.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-28 14:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust a thought question, not serious - yet
Good luck! It will be a whole nothing journey in itself.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-28 16:34:00
AH ... yes they are really useless to process paperwork. I hired one too. I got $1000 of my money back in the middle of the process. Had I not had the stress of the process over my head I would have fought for every penny.

It is time to get refernces from someone who is experienced with your situation.

QUOTE (S&D4EVER @ Mar 27 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Mar 27 2009, 05:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to hear about your denial. Just on the statistics of this website there are a significant amount of approvals over denials. There are more satisfactory stories of the embassy then unsatisfactory. So unfortunatly you cries might go unheard. Get in touch with Sylvia and Joseph she has some same complaints.
I agree that if you persue your denial you will get it overturned. So keep the faith. I know a lawyer at this point his exgtreemly helpfull. It is important to keep your case at the embassy level.
Best of luck.

I have an Immigration LAWYER ... she's useless! I wish I could get back the $1,900 I paid her!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-27 12:15:00
Sorry to hear about your denial. Just on the statistics of this website there are a significant amount of approvals over denials. There are more satisfactory stories of the embassy then unsatisfactory. So unfortunatly you cries might go unheard. Get in touch with Sylvia and Joseph she has some same complaints.
I agree that if you persue your denial you will get it overturned. So keep the faith. I know a lawyer at this point his exgtreemly helpfull. It is important to keep your case at the embassy level.
Best of luck.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-27 05:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanShe got the Visa
Congratulations! kicking.gif

QUOTE (saidouwane @ Mar 31 2009, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Zeinebou just picked up her passport....I'm wayy too excited to write.
Thanks everyone for the advices and tips. I'm sure I'll have more questions as we get ready for the AOS.

Great thanks again!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-31 11:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSo discouraged right now

QUOTE (W H C @ Apr 2 2009, 06:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No don't be, this is the perfect time to show gods power. Remember he had given us the key, being the salt of the earth. So use it as and it shal be given. Declare in the name of Jesus what is it that you desire. and believe it with all your hearth. God is real try it

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-02 17:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHubby on his way to U.S. now
I am so happy for you both. What an amazing feeling. His travels will be safe and enjoyable.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-10 06:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA2 today!
Wow! That was nice and fast. Congratulations! This is hopeful to other petitioners. There is a way, God's way!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-03 06:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWishing Leedah and her SO the best of luck w/ interview tomorrow
This is great news! I feel you joy so thanks for sharing.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-26 04:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWishing Leedah and her SO the best of luck w/ interview tomorrow
I missed this. but I pray you have the best results.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-25 11:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA2 Approval-NVC
You can use the automated system. This allows you to make as many calls as you want. After 20 days of no information then ask for an operator. It will only be at the NVC for a few days, but it always feels great to hear the update at that level.

Your interview will be quick and successful.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-18 03:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana engagement- to do or not to do..
The embassy is usally aware of cultural norms. You should be fine following through on the emgagment. Be blessed!

QUOTE (gf97 @ Apr 24 2009, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did any of you do the Ghanaian engagement in Ghana before the interview?
If you are a ghanaian girl and you are marrying a Ghanaian man, you know that you should do the Ghanaian engagement-- where the man presents the money and gifts to the girls family , etc.
Its called the engagement.
My question is: if you do the engagement in Ghana and submit photos from that at your interview in Ghana will that mess you up?
Is it advisable to do?
because in Ghana, once you do the engagement, everyone in Ghana assumes that you are married. The whole engagement/knocking thing.
Its customary to do.

But if we go through the engagment and there is no wedding certificate, then we are truly not married. Its just the engagement.

Just want to see what you guys think about that, because any Ghanaian interviewer knows that engagement is the same thing as marriage. BUt in reality it s not, because no wedding certificate will be sugned.

its more of the cultural thing, So its a matter of cultural vs. reality.

what do u guys think..ask your Ghanaian partners what they think... i dont want my guy to get to the interview and be interviewed by a Ghanaian and have the Ghanaian say," oh, if you did the engagement, then you are married." because that will be fause-- theres no certificate.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-24 08:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCASE COMPLETED AT NVC !!!!
Thanks for sharing your Joy! Your love and dedication will shine through in every answer during the interview.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-24 08:53:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanrescheduling a missed interview
I recomend that she do an information appointment. They should give her an appointmetn letter then. The embassy has specific times for these such appointments. It would be similiar to picking up your packets.
God has a plan.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-29 10:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Thanks for sharing your story of blessings!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-28 09:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Approved

QUOTE (Theone @ Apr 20 2009, 08:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
His interview went well. we got the visa kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Thank you all for your help. thank u.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-21 03:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa in hand at last
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-28 06:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCASE COMPLETE!!!!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-05-10 11:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanP.U.S.H.
I love this! Thanks for sharing. I had a recent PUSH testimony that I shared in subsarah forum. God is good and faithful all the time.

QUOTE (kk_mine @ Mar 28 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My mother shared a story with me and it talked about PUSH. It was very encouraging & every second of the day I try to remind myself of that.

To my fiancé

I know this journey adds lots of heartache & stress. But WE have to PUSH= Pray Until Something Happens! This means that we look to Jehovah to help US endure the trials that come along the way. As you say something good does not come easy & I say you are my good!

For anyone on this type of journey they need to PUSH

When the separation is overwhelming for US both we must PUSH…

I will not only PUSH for US, but for others with a journey like ours & who just want to share their lives together!

I love you! heart.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-28 14:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa not issued
Did they give her form stating that she is on Admin Processing?

QUOTE (Beebay @ Apr 20 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My SO had her interview on April 2 and was told to pick up her visa on April 17. When she showed up to pick up her visa, they gave her passport back to her and told her that they were waiting for some "information from Washington" and that when they are ready they will call her.

I immediately contacted my state Senator's office and my Governor's Office as well. Both working on it.

This is very strange. I have read about everything that they do to people but not this one. I had already gotten a ticket reserved through 1-800-LIBERIA. Thank God they worked with me not to pay until visa was in her hand. It was a huge blow both to me and SO.

Thanks Zee Bee and everyone for all your help and suggestions. Always works.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-20 17:32:00