K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy senator's office confirms that K-3s are being cancelled
Thank you,
I will cc them in my mailing to my congress and senate officials.

QUOTE (Delicia @ Mar 5 2008, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oops, looks like the previous list was from the 109th Congress. Perhaps the 110th is more correct:

Immigration, Refugees and Border Security

Jurisdiction: (1) Immigration, citizenship, and refugee laws; (2) Oversight of the immigration functions of the Department of Homeland Security, including U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Ombudsman Citizenship and Immigration Services; (3) Oversight of the immigration-related functions of the Department of Justice, the Department of State, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, and the Department of Labor; (4) Oversight of international migration, internally displaced persons, and refugee laws and policy; and (5) Private immigration relief bills.

Membership: (5:4)

Democratic Members

Edward M. Kennedy, MA (Chair)
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., DE
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Richard J. Durbin, IL

Republican Members

John Cornyn, TX (Ranking Member)
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Jon Kyl, AZ
Jeff Sessions, AL


Bill Yeomans, Democratic Chief Counsel
Matthew L. Johnson, Republican Chief Counsel

U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Majority Office Phone (202) 224-7878
Majority Office Fax (202) 228-0464

Republican Office Phone (202) 224-7840
Republican Office Fax (202) 228-2281


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-05 05:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy senator's office confirms that K-3s are being cancelled
Nope, I believe that the USCIS has told you they canceled your case. You could care less your I130 is approved. I do not remember denying your reality or anyone else's.

The humerus thing about his post is there is another one stating that their senator stated that the USCIS is still processing petitions for the K3 visa. So noelandtintin you prove to me, which one is fact! Prove the fact. This is a fact to you, but how are you going to prove what is fact. By presenting evidence in documentation.

QUOTE (NoelandTintin @ Mar 1 2008, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 1 2008, 05:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is just so humorous. Can anyone just wait to see something in writing. I have to say that VisaJourney is the most informed group of people that know what is going on other then the USCIS. More so then Senator's, lawyers, and ombudsmen.

Lets stick with the facts:

Petitioners are being told that there I129F petition is or will be "administratively" closed. They are then going forward with their approved I130.

OK wait that still is not a "fact", because not one person can produce anything in writing from the USCIS stating this information. oh wait if someone could just get this in writing they could have legal recourse with USCIS for discriminating their petitions for the sake of processing quicker, for failing to provide information regarding their policies around administratively closed cases, and cause financial hardship for people who paid lawyers to process I129F petitions that might not really exist anymore.

So there is still no factual information other then people getting quick approvals on their I130 petitions. That should make everyone happy and we will move forward quietly.

Are you saying that the fact that USCIS is closing K3s is not a fact because you cant find anything in writing about this from the USCIS?

I'm not really familiar with your timeline. Not sure if your I129 had been approved or closed yet. But, if your I129 gets closed (knock on wood), are you saying that it wont be a fact until you see someting in writing from the USCIS?

Meriam webster describe fact as a piece of information presented as having objective reality. Something that has actual existence.

Well... My 129F got cancelled. That is objective reality enough for me.

I'm just a little confused because I've been reading your post and you seem to be having trouble "accepting the fact" that USCIS is closing K3s in some cases.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-01 10:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy senator's office confirms that K-3s are being cancelled
This is just so humorous. Can anyone just wait to see something in writing. I have to say that VisaJourney is the most informed group of people that know what is going on other then the USCIS. More so then Senator's, lawyers, and ombudsmen.

Lets stick with the facts:

Petitioners are being told that there I129F petition is or will be "administratively" closed. They are then going forward with their approved I130.

OK wait that still is not a "fact", because not one person can produce anything in writing from the USCIS stating this information. oh wait if someone could just get this in writing they could have legal recourse with USCIS for discriminating their petitions for the sake of processing quicker, for failing to provide information regarding their policies around administratively closed cases, and cause financial hardship for people who paid lawyers to process I129F petitions that might not really exist anymore.

So there is still no factual information other then people getting quick approvals on their I130 petitions. That should make everyone happy and we will move forward quietly.

QUOTE (Delicia @ Feb 29 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just hung up the phone with my senator's aide. And he confirms the rumor regarding the K-3 application cancellations. He advised that another aide had recently (in December) contacted USCIS who confirmed that K-3s where being administratively cancelled at the USCIS level. He said he has not received any written notice from USCIS that this is happening or the reason why it is happening. He also could not comment on when exactly USCIS started this procedure although it appears to have started in July or August, from his research into this matter.

He was concerned that in his dealings with NVC recently, that the NVC is completely unaware of this process and are still processing the K-3's within 2 weeks of receipt as opposed to the IR-1/CR-1 which are processed in 10-12 weeks of receipt. Additionally, he expressed concern because the K-3s are traditionally given higher priority for interviews than IR-1/CR-1 applications.

He said he would continue to monitor the situation and call me if he learned anything new. Although he didn't have the finer details that I would of liked, the aide was incredibly helpful.

I urge anyone with concerns about the family immigration system and this recent news to write their lawmakers and inform them of these recent stealth changes that USCIS seems to be doing in an (I dare to say) illegal way. The K-3 option no longer seems to even exist anymore.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-01 08:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Mar 7 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
.just so you understand, you don't have "forums," VJ has forums (like the K-3 forum, the CR-1 forum, etc). You start "threads" or join in threads within VJ forums like this thread I'm posting in now.

With that clarification, I will be happy to stay out of your threads unless I happen to see something incorrect or potentially harmful to my fellow members.

Good luck.

That is exactly what I meant thanks for the better terminology. Sorry I was typing quickly in between doing 3 other things. I know how you have nothing better to do then go around and nit pick what people say. I do not know why I am even discussing this with you in this "thread"

Never said I owned this thread. What i was saying that since I started this thread it is evident when you see it that I will have post in it. So if you are tired of hearing from me do not come inside the thread. you are the one that said you were gong to avoid me. I was just schooling you on how to do it. But i guess you can't get enough of me, because you came back to see me.

I reread my first thread to see what I might have communicated to people that might be harmful. I did not see one thing. Since when is it harmful to start time-lines on VJ? What a joke! Get a grip. I guess you really are reading way to much into my original post. I think you are assigning meaning to my post that does not belong.

I asked for information. My careless use of terminology regarding forums versus threads was not why I created this Thread.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 21:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
If you post the sent date, then that covers it all. Doesn't matter what day the USCIS received the petition if it falls after the "sent" date.

I am posting people have received approved I129F, this is information anyone can find under immigration timelines.

I am not trying to prove anything NoealandTintin.

I am trying to collect information from people who possible are going the I130/CR1 route as Me, but receive information regarding their I129F after they have been told it had been closed or anyone who receives an approval with their I130.

I guess I do not know what you think I am trying to prove. Forums all over the place post peoples timlines and keep track as information gets updated. I do not know what the big deal is since the problem only comes into play if someone waits on their I130 approval, because they want to wait for the I129F as I was considering. But I would still have a month to wait to harass the USCIS and the fight would take just as long as the I130 interview date.

I have not posted one incorrect statement. I use the "k3" instead of saying the "I129F" whoopee I believe most people knew what I was talking about.

THe timelines are useless to you who are interpreting them for specific information you are looking for? I state what people put in their timeines here on VJ. I did not misrep anyone. THey typed sent date that is the sent date and noa1 and noa2 date.

I did not create these. I just cut and past them to start the thread going so I can add new people has the post or update the timelie. I learned this in a thread I belonged to when I was first going the I130/CR1 route. I am not stating anythingother then what people put in their own timeline. I did not make this up.

QUOTE (NoelandTintin @ Mar 7 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine was cancelled or closed but I dont think K3s are dead. I think it's just in a coma.

I agree with you. I dont think Lurking is trying to confuse people. Unfortunately, I think she does.
She post incorrect statements, matrixes, etc to back up what she wants to believe. And I think that is dangerous on a site full of people looking for help.

For example, this latest matrix she pulled is useless without a very important coloumn called "received date." That is the date USCIS was honoring when this fiasco all started.

Cheers mate. Good luck on your I-129F application!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 21:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 7 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I missed this post that showed NVC dates for one couple. FYI Mohammad & Luna don't appear to be a valid example. They filed their petitions in July and paid the old separate fees. The I-129F petitions in question are from filers who paid no I-129F for spouse fee.

Give it up pushbrk, I am creating a list of people of have approved I129f/k3 petitions. USCIS is saying that it is still I viable petition despite the fact that they waved the fee. I am just trying to see where this ends up. Go find someone to help. Will you. I do not need help over here. I asked for aproved I129f/k3 petitions.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 16:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Ok I guess I should have said I129f petition approvals. So thank you for clearifying that for me. we should always use proper terminology. When we do not know it, people kindly inform them that it is not correct. Not attacking them for stringing peoples hopes along.

No i was not acting like it, I was teaching how to avoid forums I am in. It states that I created the forum before you click to come in, so If you do not value or care what I have to say do not click the forum.

Affidavite of support, DS230 i think it is called. By CR1 was always at the NVC, because I at first I was told by a VJ user that her I129f was administrativly closed by a USCIS adjuncticator. That is why I never denied people were being told this information. Her I129f petition was then approved out of no where. She then stopped processing the I130 and then went the I129f/K3 route.

that is why I am here trying to figure out what "notice of action" will come into play regarding these "pending"/"administrativly close" petitions. I want to see if some will eventually get approvals. Will they come out with a new policy to note the new policy change. I also am still going ot right my senator and congress regarding what is going on despite the fact we have chose to finish the I130 petition.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 16:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 7 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nobody owns a thread.

The OP posts no objections to opinions they agree with. See post #2.

I was answering posts that were objecting and directed at me. pushbrk did i give you a chip on your shoulder? You have years of experience in these forums and a successful journey. You should use it to help not harass people.

So while I am here let me post another disclaimer.

I am not denying that people have been told that their I129f petition has been terminated.

My backround information

At the time my friend was told her case was "administratevly closed" I started to pursue that CR1. Her I 130 was approved they forwarded the petition to the NVC from storage. I did not come to this forum for a while. When I came back I was amazed that Her I129f/K3 was approved. That is when I started rethinking the I129f route, while my paper work was being processed at the NVC. The hold up was not me waiting. IT was my lawyer taking a month to tell me that the NVC wanted money. He was told on Oct 16th, I was told Nov16th. We overnighted the money. He did not sent the money until Dec 5th. Nvc did not recieve it until Dec 15th. Then he requested orinial certified documentation from my husband despite the fact that I sent him 3 email asking him for a list of what my husband needed he waited utnil Jan 17th when he recieved them affidavite of support request ten days after he recieved the request. Then I fired him and demanded my money and paper work back.

My husband sent me the information express from Nigeria. I did not get it until 5 weeks later.
The lawyer just sent me my paper work last week.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 15:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Make comments in a Post either direct or implied toward another member that are purposely designed to upset, antagonize, make fun of, belittle, or otherwise instigate an argument that takes away from the personal enjoyment of the Service by other users.

QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 7 2008, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 7 2008, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The NOA1 is the receipt date!



comments like
....looks like K3 is not being cancel whatsoever ... are PROOF that your opinions ARE HARMFUL to the community.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 14:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 7 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nobody owns a thread.

Anybody can post anything to a thread.

Posting an opinion when an OP requests otherwise is not a violation of TOS.

The OP posts no objections to opinions they agree with. See post #2.

The OP has ignored repeated indications that NOA2 in and of itself means nothing unless the petition is forwarded to NVC. Please add a column for NVC received or DOS case number assigned date so the information has real meaning.

I did not say I owned this post. Sean stated he did not want to read from me, I told him to stay away from forums where I posted.

No If you recieved documentation stating that your I129f petition is approved. I could care less where it goes after you recieve the documentation.

Not staying on topic is a violation. Being rude to members is a violation.

pushbrk I did create that colomn so when it happens I will update them. Did you not see thata.

So get a life!

I am almost done my CRI paperwork, Iwill mail it out tomorrow. This has nothing to do with me proving that the I129f is a viable peition.

My husband was granted his ministerial license. This allows him to travel to London and Canada. I live in Maine next to cananda. time is not of the essence anymore.

But at the time It enraged me that the goverment set forth policies and acts and the USCIS changes them to meet their needs. Just because my persuit will not benefit me, It will benefit future petitioners.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 14:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 7 2008, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 7 2008, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The NOA1 is the receipt date!


comments like
....looks like K3 is not being cancel whatsoever ... are PROOF that your opinions ARE HARMFUL to the community.

I did not say that K3's were not being canceled in this post, Administratively closed, or are available. Uscis is saying that K3's are canceled, administratively closed, and are still available. This forum is not to debate that information. So your rude comments are not needed. I am sorry that this topic gets you so emotional, but it is not meant to.

So let me make that statement for you or should we call it a disclaimer. will that make your feel better. I am looking for conflicting information for clarification of where the USCIS is going to do.


This forum is for anyone who receives information regarding their I129f petition. That does not include you, so move on to a place where your opinion is needed. Please and Thank you!

Stay on topic, because you are violating the Terms and Service of VisaJourney
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 12:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
These are people with sent dates in August forward.
Names------Ser Cent------I-129F------I-129F------I-129F------NVC------NVC------


Adewunmi & Debra--C S C 8/14/2007---8/27/2007---1/9/2008

Jaouad & Samira---C S C 8/13/2007---9/26/2007---3/4/2008

Ben & Sarah ------C S C 8/03/2007---3/04/2008---3/4/2008

Mohammad & Luna-- C S C 8/2/2007----8/15/2007---9/12/2007---11/1/2007---11/7/2007

These people are with NOA1 dates in August

Names---------Service Center-------I-129F-------I-129F-------- I-130


MAXWELL & TINA----California-------10/10/2007---11/2/2007------11/2/2007

Jaouad & Samira-----California-------09/26/2007---3/4/2008-------3/4/2008

ax & axel--------------Texas -----------9/21/2007----2/1/2008-------2/1/2008

Adewunmi & Debra—California--------8/27/2007----1/9/2008-------1/9/2008

Gloria & Keith---------California-------8/27/2007----1/11/2008------1/11/2008

suany & bob-----------California-------8/27/2007----1/30/2008------1/30/2008

KD & AB---------------California-------8/25/2007----2/13/2008------2/13/2008

mari & jody------------Vermont---------8/16/2007----12/12/2007-----12/3/2007

mari & jody------------Texas-----------8/16/2007----12/18/2007-----12/3/2007

Mohammad & Luna---California-------8/15/2007----9/12/2007------9/12/2007

my love & me------California----------8/14/2007----12/7/2007------12/7/2007

Mari & Michelle---California------------8/10/2007----12/11/2007-----12/11/2007

A & G-------------California-------------8/8/2007-----12/14/2007-----12/14/2007

GM & PM-----------California------------8/6/2007-----12/19/2007-----12/19/2007

Danny & Casandra—California----------8/1/2007-----12/5/2007------12/5/2007

It was my understanding that the NOA1 was the reciept date and priority date, since mine where the same.
If you are on this list and your priority date was not in August, please let me know so I can fix.

No one would be confused if they just stayed on topic. This is not a debate about whether the K3 visa is a good, working, possible visa. This is a forum for people to post if they have a I129f approval.

Now I am just trying to make a list. If you do not want to see them, do not look.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 12:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Sean then please stay away from my forums if you do not care to hear what I say. This is my forum that I started. I am not hear to harm. I am hear to get information.
Stay on topic, stay away from my forums, and you will live a peaceful life.
Oh I doubt that if what I say is bothering you, I am sure you will find another poster that will get you upset.
God Bless you and your journey sean.

I am not mad at the users, I am angry with USCIS.

QUOTE (seanconneryii @ Mar 7 2008, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 7 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 7 2008, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Posters like Lurking only confuses everyone more.

Oh because I show people that there are K3 petitions from August to September with approvals? Why would that confuse someone?

Let's state the facts in another forum that is discussing those facts.
Then you let people make decisions for themselves.

Filling a I129f doesn't hold up the I130 petition and it is free.
This stuff is being debated in another forum. Several other forums.

This forum is for New K3 approvals only. This is so we can see when someone gets a I129f petition approved whether they have an approved I130. People who have approved I130 are now under CR1 so I want them to let us know if they hear anything regarding their I129f petition that was administratively close.

Stay on topic, because you are violating VJ terms of services.

You post on many forums and join in many threads, and you have shared your unique views MANY let me suggest that you give it a rest and give us all a break. You're posted tables are there for us to judge and everyone can make their own judgments to their merits.

If you continue to post the same old statements, you will soon be dismissed and ignored. If fact, I'm already at that point.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 12:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Names------Ser Cent------I-129F------I-129F------I-129F------NVC------NVC------


Adewunmi & Debra--C S C 8/14/2007---8/27/2007---1/9/2008

Jaouad & Samira---C S C 8/13/2007---9/26/2007---3/4/2008

Ben & Sarah ------C S C 8/03/2007---3/04/2008---3/4/2008

Mohammad & Luna-- C S C 8/2/2007----8/15/2007---9/12/2007---11/1/2007---11/7/2007

I am not trying to confuse anybody. I got an email of an approval after a I130 petition, but they were going the CR1 route so their 129f is not showing up.

I want people to post if they hear anything regarding a I129f petition.

If you do not then there is no reason to post in this forum. Thank you.

My husband just received his ministry license. We will be meeting in Canada this spring and London this summer. I live in Maine. He will be able to travel about the country. Time is not a matter anymore.

But I am still trying to find out what is going on, so that we as USC are informed.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 12:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (NoelandTintin @ Mar 7 2008, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 7 2008, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Mari & Michelle---California------------8/10/2007----12/11/2007-----12/11/2007

What's all this Lurking? I admire that you dont want to give up your K3 hope but posting incorrect information like this are not helping anyone.

For example, I know for a fact that Mari & MIchelle's sent their I-129F petition on 7/27 and received by CSC on 7/28. USCIS have been going by/honoring received dates instead of NOA1.

I just checked your mari & michelle's timeline. This is the information they posted. If they posted the information incorrectly, please have them fix their timelines because they are confusing people.

The NOA1 is the receipt date!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 11:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 7 2008, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Posters like Lurking only confuses everyone more.

Oh because I show people that there are K3 petitions from August to September with approvals? Why would that confuse someone?

Let’s state the facts in another forum that is discussing those facts.
Then you let people make decisions for themselves.

Filling a I129f doesn't hold up the I130 petition and it is free.
This stuff is being debated in another forum. Several other forums.

This forum is for New K3 approvals only. This is so we can see when someone gets a I129f petition approved whether they have an approved I130. People who have approved I130 are now under CR1 so I want them to let us know if they hear anything regarding their I129f petition that was administratively close.

Stay on topic, because you are violating VJ terms of services.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 11:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Sad to say, but they are busting out I130 approvals.

Names--------Srv Ctr-----I-130------I-130------Updated


S & J--------VSC--------01/09/08--- 02/26/08--- 02/28/08

Christine----VSC--------12/26/07--- 02/22/08--- 03/05/08

m & j--------VSC--------12/25/07--- 02/21/08--- 02/22/08

Whatever-----VSC--------12/20/07--- 02/14/08--- 02/25/08

Tommy & Jo---VSC--------12/26/07--- 02/08/08--- 03/01/08

Yebusca & ---VSC--------12/22/07--- 02/08/08--- 02/14/08

Nadia & Jeff-VSC--------01/24/08--- 02/07/08--- 02/22/08

Marlen & Bi--VSC--------01/03/08--- 02/06/08--- 03/06/08

Dodson & M---VSC--------12/21/07--- 02/04/08--- 03/06/08

Es & Al------VSC--------08/10/07--- 01/31/08--- 02/22/08

Mariam & ----VSC--------06/29/07--- 01/16/08--- 02/22/08

Marry & Sha--VSC--------12/22/07--- 01/14/08--- 03/04/08

L & Q--------VSC--------06/21/07--- 12/05/07--- 02/11/08

Marcela & ---VSC--------10/20/07--- 11/19/07--- 02/19/08

Jihed & Ash--VSC--------09/18/07--- 11/14/07--- 02/19/08

mital & gan--VSC--------09/20/07--- 11/07/07--- 03/06/08

Bimbola & ---VSC--------07/24/07--- 11/05/07--- 01/23/08

QUOTE (jeca @ Mar 7 2008, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is happening with VSC?Are they working on K1 visa only?I saw only one approval of I-130 this month.CSC is moving much faster.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 08:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
I was under the impression that Texas was not taking family immagrant peitions. But this was as posted.

Names---------Service Center-------I-129F-------I-129F-------- I-130


MAXWELL & TINA----California-------10/10/2007---11/2/2007------11/2/2007

Jaouad & Samira-----California-------09/26/2007---3/4/2008-------3/4/2008

ax & axel--------------Texas -----------9/21/2007----2/1/2008-------2/1/2008

Adewunmi & Debra—California--------8/27/2007----1/9/2008-------1/9/2008

Gloria & Keith---------California-------8/27/2007----1/11/2008------1/11/2008

suany & bob-----------California-------8/27/2007----1/30/2008------1/30/2008

KD & AB---------------California-------8/25/2007----2/13/2008------2/13/2008

mari & jody------------Vermont---------8/16/2007----12/12/2007-----12/3/2007

mari & jody------------Texas-----------8/16/2007----12/18/2007-----12/3/2007

Mohammad & Luna---California-------8/15/2007----9/12/2007------9/12/2007

my love & me------California----------8/14/2007----12/7/2007------12/7/2007

Mari & Michelle---California------------8/10/2007----12/11/2007-----12/11/2007

A & G-------------California-------------8/8/2007-----12/14/2007-----12/14/2007

GM & PM-----------California------------8/6/2007-----12/19/2007-----12/19/2007

Danny & Casandra—California----------8/1/2007-----12/5/2007------12/5/2007

Edited by Lurking, 07 March 2008 - 06:26 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-07 06:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
One person is enough! They can't do it for on person and not another. Plane and simple. Did anyone inform the NVc

I did it in order of I129f NOA2. You want it differently you do it differntly.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 16:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
Well isn't that discrimination? Nope you can not count on this, but you can pray and keep it updated as I will to help eliminate confusion
QUOTE (calamitka @ Mar 6 2008, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hyd617 @ Mar 6 2008, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I wouldn't be so sure about this.
From those 5 recent approvals, only two of them(Jaouad&Samira, Ben&Sara) FILLED their I-129 after July 30 which seems to be crucial date to determined K3 present situation.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 12:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew K3 Aprovals
I know there are many people with I130 approvals that have left behind a pending petition that was claimed by a USCIS rep that the I129f would be "administratively" closed. If you have received an approval from your I129f/k3 petition could you please update your timeline to reflect that? Or post it in this board?


-------------------NOA1------- NOA1--------NOA2----------NOA2

Jaouad & Samira---09/25/07----09/26/07----03/04/08----03/04/08

Ben & Sarah-------06/26/07----00/00/00----03/04/08----03/04/08

Tula & Mike-------06/15/07----07/25/07----02/29/08----02/29/08

KD & AB-----------07/26/07----08/25/07----02/13/08----02/13/08

ax & axel---------07/12/07----09/21/07----02/01/08----02/01/08

Edited by Lurking, 06 March 2008 - 11:29 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-06 11:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy VJ is so valuable
VJ people are helpful and knowledgable regarding the policy. I had a simular experience with my lawyer, but I was fortunate that I discovered the errors of his way much sooner. He did not submit our I129f until 2 months afer he submitted our petition. but he never discolsed this to me. I had to figure it out on my own. Then he just kept on making errors. Through VJ I learned how to check the status at the NVC which made me realize that he was taking 4 weeks to notify me of bills needed fromt the NVC.
Once he realized that I knew about the process, he stopped taking my phone calls and emails. It is a relief to have the immigration community.

QUOTE (YOUTOO @ Mar 8 2008, 04:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My I-130 was approved last September, my lawyer filed the I-129F after he got the
approval letter. He did so, because he said that USCIS did not provide him with a
receipt number earlier. Yet, in some other thread someone made the statement that
it is against USCIS rules or policy to work on a I-129F if it is submitted after the I-130
petition has been approved. So that's one strike against him. As we all know, nothing is
happening and I am waiting for exactly six months with nothing to show than a touch on
Feb 10. Last week I decided I had enough and asked to go the CR1/IR1 way. The fees
were paid to NVA and the waiting begins anew. Then I found out from the lawyer that
" Automatically once the I-130 was approved the NVC issued the fee bills and a NVA
case number". This means everything was there and ready early last September!!! Yes,
sure no one ( maybe ) at that time could anticipate the upcoming K-3 problems, however,
a light bulb should have gone up and he should have suggested choosing a new path much
earlier in the game. Talking about not being proactive. Potentially we could have gone the
I-130 route way back then and I surely would be finished by now. If only I had known about
VJ then.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-08 06:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do if both I-130 & I-129F approved together?
Congratulations! You are the fortunate one!
I read in another forum when USCIS was approving the petitions together. IT was back in November when I heard about an administratively closed case.

*Disclaimer I am not using exact terminology. I am just trying to give you a quick and dirty answer until I can find the forum with the exact notice of action verbiage.

IF you your action notice for your I130/CR1 petition says that your SO is in the US it went to USCIS storage, while waiting the Adjustment of Status.

Or it will say that it was forwarded to the NVC.
You will have to see what the Notice of Action says.

QUOTE (shreyans @ Mar 8 2008, 01:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My blackberry woke me up at 12:05 AM this morning, and what do you know ?!?! was notification that both my I130 & 129F were approved earlier today!! I could not believe it so I logged on to the USCIS website, and sure enough they are both approved!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I had read somewhere here that the I-129F were no longer being honored by California Service Center, so I did not think much about what was involved. But now that it is approved and with the slight possibility open that NVC might actually process it, the question is how do I make sure that I-129F gets processed and I-130 is put on hold by NVC? If they send papers for I-130, do I just ignore them? Do I need to inform them somehow about my preference? I am very sorry if this has already been discussed; I searched for it but could not find the information I was looking might be my excitement is playing a trick though! Thanks in advance!!!


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-08 06:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Congratulations on your aproval!
If your I-130 was approved first, without the I129f approval then the I-130 probably will be forwarded to the NVC.
Are you from the Vermont Service Center?

i have not seen an I129f approval from the vermont center yet, just I-130. I am away on a conference so I have not been checking the timelines.

The Customer Service people who answer the phone do not know anything more then what you know. Unfortunately. They hire them to keep us appeazed and at bay. mad.gif We could answer the questions from home with a manual. *wink

Keep checking the automated system. Good luck!

QUOTE (nadzeela @ Mar 11 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know what's going on with my case... uscis approved I-130 on feb 19th but they haven't approved I-129 as of yet. I thought it doesn't matter coz I-130 has been approved and I should get that one processed, so I have been calling NVC since last week but getting the automated response that they have no record on file or they still haven't received the papers yet.
I just called USCIS to find out if they have sent the case to NVC but the immigration officer was ......, he was trying to be extra smart and not answering any of my question properly, he talked for about 20 mins and advised me I shouldn't get excited about I-130 as that is still taking years, however I-130 together with I-129F is a faster process, so I have to wait for I-129 to get approved, and I guess then they will be rolling I-129 all the way, I am really confused and thinking to call back and talk to somebody who can answer properly wacko.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-12 05:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 29 2008, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are K3 hopefuls posting here that are wasting time sitting on CR1 visa processes in the slim or none hope their K3 process will win the day, even in the face of compelling (to me) evidence to the contrary. Shall I blow smoke into their unrealistic hopes to make them feel good, or advise them to whip the CR1/IR1 horse to best speed their happy reunion with their spouse?

You make your choice and I'll make mine. OK?

I do not advice anyone to sit on their CR1. Not once. That is a Choice they have to make for themselves.
I suggest for difficult embassies to following through right up until the last step as I am doing. If they can wait then forget the K3 and do the time. No one case is alike. I do recommend everyone filing their K3 petition. IT is free. It does not complicait the process at all, which is what miss information is leading people to believe. IF you have a difficult embassy you should absolutely file the K3.

When I responded to grasshopper, he stated he had both potions in. He stated his I130 in his post. I wast stating that his petitions would be approved soon. I was not speaking to one or the other. That was not denial for me or him.

I am going the K3 route. It is my right that the USCIS provided me. I have a right to be informed with the process and a decision owed to me. I am the USCIS's customer. I am going to fight for justice that is owed me and everyone else who has been left confused by this whole process. Everyone wants to sit around and accept it as so. I am not sitting around. I am crossing my T's and dotting my I's. I will be victorious.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-29 16:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Feb 28 2008, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I suppose there's also the bitter "Denial Gruel". It's not on the menu but available for special order to those served grape juice but insist there's no such thing. :-) We're all hoping their dream comes true and they are nourished well by the Denial Gruel.

Pushbrk, it is called positive affirmation. You should try it some day, it truly works. I do not know who your god is, but through my GOD all things are possible. Ask and I shall receive. Say it and it shall be.

grasshopper, do not hope, people who do not have faith hope. expect, walk and talk with authority. Bask in his glory, because you have been granted this honor. Do not let the devil trick and play with your mind.

Your journey will be expidited and smooth. God bless you!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-29 05:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
© Basic Principles for Handling Upset Applicants . Assess the situation. In most cases, by simply using good communication skills, you should be able to handle the situation by yourself. If necessary, however, call your supervisor. In a very small number of cases, an applicant may threaten you or become violent. In these cases, always seek immediate assistance, and follow your local office policy regarding these situations.

If possible, resolve the problem. In some cases, an applicant will be upset about a problem that you may be able to resolve. If you can resolve an applicant's problem consistent with the laws, regulations, and agency policies, do it. While there is no single answer to every possible problem, the following tips can help:

· Apologize . Depending on the circumstances, even if you are unsure about who exactly is responsible for the problem, you can sincerely apologize that the applicant was inconvenienced.
· Listen and empathize . This will enable you to determine exactly what happened and will demonstrate that you understand the applicant's position.
· Confirm that you understand the problem . Before you can fix a problem, make sure you understand it. Ask questions about anything you do not understand or need clarified. Then restate the problem back to the applicant to ensure that you have correctly understood the situation.
· Take appropriate steps to fix the problem . Depending on the nature of the problem, you may be able to fix the problem yourself or refer it to someone else. In either case, act as swiftly as possible on the matter. First review any available USCIS or DHS materials (e.g., the A-file, T-file, forms, and/or applications) that may shed light on the situation. If you are referring the applicant to another person, unit, or branch of DHS, if possible, first communicate with the other DHS personnel to ensure that they are available. \ 10
· Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness . If an applicant speaks rudely to you, you must still respond professionally. While responding with rudeness might make you feel good at the time, it will only escalate the situation and will not help you successfully complete the interview.
· Don't take an applicant's behavior personally . In some cases, an applicant will be angry with the USCIS in general or frustrated about something that has nothing to do with you or the situation. Taking something personally can often escalate the conflict, rather than help resolve the situation. The following example illustrates how not to take something personally vs. taking something personally.

Applicant: I can't believe this is taking so long! Why can't you speed this up?

C Not taking it personally

Officer: I understand that this process can take a long time.

D Taking it personally

Officer: It's not my fault!

· Avo id defensiveness . While you should always provide the applicant with as much information as possible to help calm a tense situation, a defensive manner will only worsen the problem. The following example illustrates a non-defensive vs. a defensive response.

Applicant : I can't believe I am going to have to come back for another interview!
C Non-defensive response

Officer: I understand that you don't want to come back here, but under the law, your application cannot be approved until you can establish that you and Ms. Smith are married.
D Defensive Response

Officer : I don't care if you want to come back here or not, but I can't approve your application unless you can establish that you are married to Ms. Smith.

· Stay under control . If you allow an applicant to upset you or allow prejudices to influence you, you will lose control of the interview. If an applicant says something that upsets you, don't take it personally; instead, remain calm and respond in a professional manner. Keep the interview focused on the task at hand. If you lose your control, the interview can quickly degenerate. The following provides acceptable and unacceptable ways of controlling the interview.

C Acceptable ways of controlling the interview

· Being alert, firm, assertive, and businesslike.
· Keeping the interview focused on gaining the information you need to decide whether the application should be granted.

D Unacceptable ways of controlling the interview

· Being intimidating, belligerent, or unprofessional.

· Listen . Active, empathetic, and focused listening will help you determine exactly what the problem is and how you can respond to it. In some cases, simply giving someone an opportunity to vent his/her frustration can help calm the situation. The following listening techniques are often effective.

· Empathize . Empathy demonstrates that you have listened to the applicant and understand his/her feelings and point of view. It doesn't require you to agree with the applicant's assessment of the situation. The following example illustrates an empathetic response vs. a hostile response.

A pplicant : "I can't believe I am going to have to provide so many documents. This is really difficult for me; I don't understand why you can't just adjudicate the application now!"

C Empathetic response :

Officer : "I understand that you need to provide a lot of information, but if you can provide me with the documentation that establishes that you and Ms. Smith have been married for three years, then I can make a determination about your application."

D Hostile response :

Officer: "Tough. That's your problem, not mine!"

· Restate the problem . A good way to demonstrate that you have heard and understood the applicant is to restate his/her problem.

· Ask questions . When you're not clear exactly why an applicant is frustrated, ask questions that provide him/her with an opportunity to explain his/her situation.

· Use selective agreement . When an applicant is upset about something, selective agreement can be a good technique to calm the situation. It not only allows the applicant to vent and shows you are listening but also keeps the interview on track. The following example contrasts selective agreement with complete agreement and a hostile response.

Applicant : "I can't believe I had to wait 11 months for this interview. That's too long!"

C Selective Agreement

Officer : "I agree. Eleven months is a long time to wait for an interview, but now you are here. If it's acceptable to you, I would like to get started on your interview."

D Complete Agreement

Officer: "You're right, that is too long. You wouldn't believe how long some other people have had to wait!"

D Hostile Reaction

Officer: "Don't complain to me about how long this took! Do you want to do this interview now or not?"

· Provide clear explanations . In some cases, an applicant will be frustrated because he or she doesn't understand something about a particular aspect of the process or why you are asking a certain question. Always be willing to offer clear explanations that clarify an applicant's questions.

· Pay attention to your non-verbal and verbal communication . Especially during hostile situations, how you communicate&shy; both verbally and non-verbally&shy; can either escalate or calm the situation. Specifically, if your body language conveys that you are paying attention to the applicant and if your tone and language remain respectful, you help calm the situation.

· Seek voluntary compliance in the face of resistance . In some cases, an applicant may ask you questions about what you are doing or express frustration about a particular issue. First distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable resistance; in some cases, the applicant's questions are not preventing the interview from moving forward. In these cases, listen empathetically, and answer whatever questions you can while moving on with the interview. However, when the interview has clearly stalled, utilize the following framework for obtaining voluntary compli ance: \ 11

1. Ask . Politely ask for what you need. "Mr. Smith, could you please provide me with documentation establishing that you and Ms. Smith have been married for the past three years?"

2. Set the context . If your original request is denied, politely provide the legal, policy, and procedural reasons for your request. "Mr. Smith, under section 319 of the law, you are required to demonstrate that you and Ms. Smith have been legally married for the past three years before your application can be approved."

3. Politely explain the applicant's various options if he or she does, or does not, comply with your request . "Mr. Smith, it is your choice about whether to provide me with this documentation. However, if you can't provide me with documentation that establishes this aspect of your eligibility I can't make a favorable decision about your application. If you can provide me with documentation that establishes this aspect of your eligibility, then I can make a decision about your application."

4. Confirm and move on . Determine whether the applicant is going to comply with your request. Either way, you will continue with the interview.

5. Act . If you come to the end of the interview, give the applicant one last chance to provide the information. If he or she does not, politely provide the applicant with an N-14 letter (for naturalization cases) or other appropriate notice that requests the information in writing.

6. If necessary, take a break . If you have had a particularly difficult interview, take a couple of minutes to compose yourself before you begin your next interview.

Like other Federal agencies, the USCIS has customers both inside and outside the agency. These customers include applicants; the American people; the U.S. Congress; USCIS coworkers; other Federal agencies; American businesses; and American schools, colleges, and universities. While all these customers are important, this section will focus on the customer with whom you have the most day-to-day contact: the applicant. The same principles, however, should guide your interactions with all USCIS customers.

For many applicants, the entire application process is very stressful and filled with uncertainty. While your first duty is to make decisions based on the law, if you are courteous, professional and knowledgeable, you can help reduce some of the applicant's stress, help ensure a quality experience with the USCIS , and encourage the applicant to cooperate with you during the interview.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-28 18:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
From the USCIS employee manual:

(6) Individual Access to and Correction of Records . Agencies must allow individuals to gain access to records about themselves. They must be permitted to review the records, may be accompanied by representatives, and shall be permitted to obtain a copy of all or any portion of records in a comprehensive form. Individuals must be permitted to request amendment or correction of records pertaining to them, and such requests must be acknowledged within 10 working days of receipt. After acknowledgment, the agency must correct the information in question pro mptly or inform the individual of his right to request a review of the decision by applying to the Attorney General within 60 days of receipt of the reply. If the individual disagrees with the decision not to amend a record, he or she must be allowed to file a statement of his or her views which must be provided to any source that has received information from the record.

(cool.gif Grooming Standards . Appearance is a critical part of forming a favorable impression with the public served by adjudications officer. The Officers' Handbook, A Guide for Proper Conduct and Relationships with Aliens and the General Public , M-68, (revised 1981) governs the conduct, appearance, and grooming standards of all USCIS officers. Pages 16 and 17 of the Officers' Handbook cover grooming standards for all USCIS officers.

3.2 Mission Statement.

(a) Vision Statement . USCIS' customers will receive timely and accurate information and benefit application adjudications through our commitment to excellence, courtesy, process improvement, and employee development.

(cool.gif Mission Statement . To provide accurate and timely information and adjudication of immigration benefit applications to our customers in a professional and courteous manner.
To accomplish this mission, the Immigration Services Division will:

• Develop and provide information to our customers in the most efficient and effective manner, through phone centers, Internet, and community outreach programs.

• Analyze and oversee production management at the application support centers, service centers, and field offices to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of operation.

• Oversee implementation of re-engineered processes and procedures, and contract activities and management.

• Supervise the development, deployment, and maintenance of USCIS' immigration services casework systems.

• Ensure that employees have the necessary tools to attain excellence in immigration services.

• Develop a systematic approach to standard operating procedures that includes development, ownership, and mandatory system updates.

• Articulate performance and conduct expectations for all levels of the organization.

• Demonstrate integrity through a commitment to excellence in all work products.

• Ensure accountability exists at all levels of the organization.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-28 18:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Yes they are working on August as we speak. Yours will be approved very soon.

QUOTE (grasshopper @ Feb 28 2008, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I list'd my name on VJ as grasshopper,actually it's gilberto and I'm doing K3 for my queen in Santo Domingo. I file I130 and had NOA1 in Aug 22 and hadn't been touch'd in 6 months, I contacted my Senators and represntvs and I got touch'd for both I130 and I29F on 2/27, wow! Praise God. I hope all Aug filers get their aprovals very soon. kicking.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-28 16:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Attached File  list.JPG   105.91KB   20 downloads

there is a more current list. I left out the oldy, but goody. Those are the people that remember how it was really done. *wink

it is difficult to cut and past in this message box, so I created an image out of the test.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-27 15:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Names I-130 I-130 I-129F I-129F I-129F I-130 I-129f Updated
Sent NOA1 Sent NOA1 NOA2 NOA2 NOA1toNOA2 Last

KD & AB 7/16/2007 7/26/2007 7/16/2007 8/25/2007 2/13/2008 2/13/2008 172 /12/2008

ax & axel 6/4/2007 7/12/2007 7/14/2007 9/21/2007 2/1/2008 2/1/2008 133 2/24/2008

suany & bob 6/13/2007 6/26/2007 7/24/2007 8/27/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 156 2/2/2008

Thawai & D 6/12/2007 6/20/2007 6/29/2007 7/24/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 190 1/30/2008

Dora & Jam 5/11/2007 5/18/2007 7/6/2007 7/12/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 202 2/24/2008

Lucie & Gr 7/5/2007 7/19/2007 7/23/2007 7/25/2007 1/29/2008 1/29/2008 188 2/25/2008

Lanre & 5/25/2007 6/21/2007 6/22/2007 7/2/2007 1/24/2008 7/16/2007 206 2/23/2008

Natasha & 6/6/2007 6/19/2007 7/1/2007 7/6/2007 1/23/2008 1/23/2008 201 2/13/2008

Yijin 6/1/2007 6/19/2007 7/1/2007 7/6/2007 1/17/2008 1/17/2008 195 1/25/2008

chioma 5/30/2007 6/20/2007 6/29/2007 7/10/2007 1/15/2008 1/15/2008 189 1/28/2008

Ose & 6/7/2007 6/11/2007 7/27/2007 7/30/2007 1/15/2008 1/15/2008 169 2/6/2008

Gloria & 5/26/2007 6/7/2007 7/19/2007 8/27/2007 1/11/2008 1/11/2008 137 1/22/2008

Nab & Em 4/26/2007 5/25/2007 4/26/2007 5/25/2007 1/10/2008 1/10/2008 230 2/18/2008

Adewunmi 5/17/2007 6/12/2007 8/14/2007 8/27/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 135 1/9/2008

Acsah & 5/1/2007 5/24/2007 6/5/2007 6/7/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 216 2/18/2008

Jaser & 6/2/2007 6/6/2007 7/27/2007 7/28/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 165 2/11/2008

Kamal 5/18/2007 6/20/2007 6/21/2007 7/7/2007 1/8/2008 1/8/2008 185 1/12/2008

N. & M 6/27/2007 7/7/2007 7/14/2007 7/19/2007 12/28/2007 12/28/2007 162 12/29/2007

GM & PM 6/28/2007 7/12/2007 8/6/2007 12/19/2007 12/19/2007 135 2/25/2008

mari & 7/5/2007 7/13/2007 7/27/2007 8/16/2007 12/18/2007 12/3/2007 124 2/15/2008

Waleed & 6/6/2007 6/18/2007 7/17/2007 7/23/2007 12/14/2007 12/14/2007 144 2/4/2008

A & G 6/22/2007 7/6/2007 7/18/2007 8/8/2007 12/14/2007 12/14/2007 128 2/17/2008

DILI & JR 4/24/2007 5/24/2007 5/31/2007 6/4/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 192 12/14/2007

Wendy & John4/26/2007 5/22/2007 5/28/2007 6/28/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 168 2/25/2008

Farah & Tar 4/12/2007 6/14/2007 6/25/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 171 2/6/2008

mari & jody 7/5/2007 7/13/2007 7/27/2007 8/16/2007 12/12/2007 12/3/2007 118 1/9/2008

Mari & 7/12/2007 7/26/2007 7/27/2007 8/10/2007 12/11/2007 12/11/2007 123 1/28/2008

Predrag & 7/3/2007 7/13/2007 7/20/2007 7/26/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 137 2/21/2008

elisa & ke 6/1/2007 6/14/2007 7/22/2007 7/25/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 138 1/19/2008

my love & 6/15/2007 7/26/2007 7 /26/2007 8/14/2007 12/7/2007 12/7/2007 115 2/22/2008
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-27 15:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
I just showed everyone the whole list becasue people like to see the different times for processing.
Their are 13 people on that list that have a I129f NOA1 date in the month of August. I just did some extra work since I was in the spread sheet already. Some people do not knwo how to access or manipulate that information.

QUOTE (calamitka @ Feb 27 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Feb 27 2008, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Calamitla" So I pay overnight shipping and you mail through us postal and get there 10 days later you think that the USCIS is going to give your package priority over the one that was there first?

Exactly yours get there first so your priority date will be ealier, that what I'm trying to tell.
Don't you contradicting yourself ?
About approvals.
I'm telling:
Asumig most I -129 f petitions on your list gets to USCIS before July 30, theirs PRIORITY dates are not from August. Thats why I said I don't see August approvals.

OK, my English is still bad please someone here help me explain this better.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-27 13:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
NOA1 is the priority date for each petition. So when you check the timeline on the USCIS website you compare the date to your NOA1 that is specificly given to you from the USCIS for that exact purpose only.
I129f NOA1 I130 NOA1 are the priority for their individual petition. they do not switch once your recieve another NOA

I hope that helps clerify things for you.

Calamitla" So I pay overnight shipping and you mail through us postal and get there 10 days later you think that the USCIS is going to give your package priority over the one that was there first?

They were not approved in August they have a NOA1 date of August. Some I129f were arppoved in Febuary 22nd 2008.
QUOTE (JustWaiting @ Feb 27 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (calamitka @ Feb 27 2008, 04:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still don't see August approvals. NOA1 isn't important. Assuming by their sending dates, their PRIORITY (when USCIS received petition)date is before July 30.

The second priority date is for the I-129F and there are a few for August. When you're file the I-130 and then the I-129F later, the receipt day for the first does not count as your priority date. It's the receipt date for the I-129F. That is what was explained to me and what USCIS considers as my priority date.

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-27 13:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Names I-130 I-130 I-129F I-129F I-129F I-130 I-129f Updated

Sent NOA1 Sent NOA1 NOA2 NOA2 NOA1toNOA2 Last

KD & AB 7/16/2007 7/26/2007 7/16/2007 8/25/2007 2/13/2008 2/13/2008 172 /12/2008

ax & axel 6/4/2007 7/12/2007 7/14/2007 9/21/2007 2/1/2008 2/1/2008 133 2/24/2008

suany & bob 6/13/2007 6/26/2007 7/24/2007 8/27/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 156 2/2/2008

Thawai & D 6/12/2007 6/20/2007 6/29/2007 7/24/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 190 1/30/2008

Dora & Jam 5/11/2007 5/18/2007 7/6/2007 7/12/2007 1/30/2008 1/30/2008 202 2/24/2008

Lucie & Gr 7/5/2007 7/19/2007 7/23/2007 7/25/2007 1/29/2008 1/29/2008 188 2/25/2008

Lanre & 5/25/2007 6/21/2007 6/22/2007 7/2/2007 1/24/2008 7/16/2007 206 2/23/2008

Natasha & 6/6/2007 6/19/2007 7/1/2007 7/6/2007 1/23/2008 1/23/2008 201 2/13/2008

Yijin 6/1/2007 6/19/2007 7/1/2007 7/6/2007 1/17/2008 1/17/2008 195 1/25/2008

chioma 5/30/2007 6/20/2007 6/29/2007 7/10/2007 1/15/2008 1/15/2008 189 1/28/2008

Ose & 6/7/2007 6/11/2007 7/27/2007 7/30/2007 1/15/2008 1/15/2008 169 2/6/2008

Gloria & 5/26/2007 6/7/2007 7/19/2007 8/27/2007 1/11/2008 1/11/2008 137 1/22/2008

Nab & Em 4/26/2007 5/25/2007 4/26/2007 5/25/2007 1/10/2008 1/10/2008 230 2/18/2008

Adewunmi 5/17/2007 6/12/2007 8/14/2007 8/27/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 135 1/9/2008

Acsah & 5/1/2007 5/24/2007 6/5/2007 6/7/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 216 2/18/2008

Jaser & 6/2/2007 6/6/2007 7/27/2007 7/28/2007 1/9/2008 1/9/2008 165 2/11/2008

Kamal 5/18/2007 6/20/2007 6/21/2007 7/7/2007 1/8/2008 1/8/2008 185 1/12/2008

N. & M 6/27/2007 7/7/2007 7/14/2007 7/19/2007 12/28/2007 12/28/2007 162 12/29/2007

GM & PM 6/28/2007 7/12/2007 8/6/2007 12/19/2007 12/19/2007 135 2/25/2008

mari & 7/5/2007 7/13/2007 7/27/2007 8/16/2007 12/18/2007 12/3/2007 124 2/15/2008

Waleed & 6/6/2007 6/18/2007 7/17/2007 7/23/2007 12/14/2007 12/14/2007 144 2/4/2008

A & G 6/22/2007 7/6/2007 7/18/2007 8/8/2007 12/14/2007 12/14/2007 128 2/17/2008

DILI & JR 4/24/2007 5/24/2007 5/31/2007 6/4/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 192 12/14/2007

Wendy & John4/26/2007 5/22/2007 5/28/2007 6/28/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 168 2/25/2008

Farah & Tar 4/12/2007 6/14/2007 6/25/2007 12/13/2007 12/13/2007 171 2/6/2008

mari & jody 7/5/2007 7/13/2007 7/27/2007 8/16/2007 12/12/2007 12/3/2007 118 1/9/2008

Mari & 7/12/2007 7/26/2007 7/27/2007 8/10/2007 12/11/2007 12/11/2007 123 1/28/2008

Predrag & 7/3/2007 7/13/2007 7/20/2007 7/26/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 137 2/21/2008

elisa & ke 6/1/2007 6/14/2007 7/22/2007 7/25/2007 12/10/2007 12/10/2007 138 1/19/2008

my love & 6/15/2007 7/26/2007 7/26/2007 8/14/2007 12/7/2007 12/7/2007 115 2/22/2008
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-26 19:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny K-3 Approvals if you filed August 2007 or after?
Yes, 13 I129F/K3 petitions have been approved per VJ users. As late as NOA1 dated August 29th

The last NOA2 for a I129f petition was document on February 13th by a VJ user

QUOTE (JustWaiting @ Feb 26 2008, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anyone tell me if you've been approved for the I-129F if you filed August or after? I believe only the I-130 are getting approved now that I've read so many different threads.

I'm trying to determine if I should cancel the K-3.

Edited by Lurking, 26 February 2008 - 06:49 PM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-26 18:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved but RFE on I-129F.....advice me on next steps
Hello Windsor,
Are you going to go the K3 or use the CR1/I130 since it is approved? I read the USCIS manual of RFE's they have a policy on the amount of time they can take to complete the work you submit. So do not worry. If you want to go the K3 way your paper work for the RFE will be handled a timely manor.
It is too bad they can't tell you over the phone what is missing. This way you can get it done while you wait.

I wonder if you can call the USCIS with the RFE trick to find out what they need?

Maybe someone knows the answer to that question.

QUOTE (windsor @ Mar 19 2008, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am yet to see the physcial I-129's RFE notice ... so I cannot comment on what they are looking for.

As far as submitting documentation is concern, I submitted all the documents as per the instructions ....I am yet to come to terms with the fact they have issued RFE on my I-129 in the first place.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-20 05:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved but RFE on I-129F.....advice me on next steps
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 19 2008, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
one would assume he followed the directions for the I129F

QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 19 2008, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A request for evidence indicates something was missing or unclear in the petition submission. It doesn't matter if the needed information was already provided with the I-130. They stand alone, even when on the same desk.

Doesn't the directions on the I129F tell him what a petitioner need to provide with petition? I did not say they could use information from one to another. Sometimes two different people work on petitions.

But if you enjoy picking apart my post, keep up the good work!

Let me apologize to my fellow VJ friends and family on making quick statement that could be clarified more at times. I am a busy parent with my church, working and raising a 10 year old boy who plays a sport each season. If I ever type something that doesn't seem clear please just ask me to clarify it further. I always will be happy to when I get up at 4 in the morning. That is when I get time to myself. As you see I do not post much at night because I with my son or asleep.

So how is that marriage working out for you? I would love to come back and help people, but when my husband is here I know I will not be able to help out that often. You are very fortunate to be able to help so many people, while taking care of a household and making your wife happy.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-20 05:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved but RFE on I-129F.....advice me on next steps
Pushbrk, It kind of means as it would seem. If he provided accurate information for his I130 petition, one would assume he followed the directions for the I129f. I state that maybe he missed something on the form.

It was obviously I was not citing a policy manual.

I was not saying that it actually does. You are very knowledgably. I am happy you are here to help these people.

QUOTE (pushbrk @ Mar 19 2008, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 19 2008, 03:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Continue with the I130 is my recomendation. It is approved.

An RFE on an I129f kinda contradicts the I130 approval. If you had all the information for an I130 approval it should get the I129f approved. Maybe something was missing on the form.

Which embassy Will your wife be interviewing at?

The bolded above is not correct. Each petition must be independantly complete as to all forms and supporting documentation to be approved. Enough to approve one will not be enough to approve the other, since either only one will get to a Consulate or they will follow separate paths after leaving the service center. Forwarded case files must be complete in every material respect. One can't "borrow" from another.

Neither interview will take place at an Embassy. Montreal and Chenai are both Consulates.

With freaky little exceptions like Hong Kong no being part of China, there is only one "Embassy" of a Nation in any other Nation but there may be multiple Consulates in support of the Embassy's mission. Even when the Consular services are provided inside an Embassy, the K and CR/IR visas we discuss here are adjudicated by the Consular Service's Immigrant Visa Unit, not Embassy Staff.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-19 12:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved but RFE on I-129F.....advice me on next steps
Continue with the I130 is my recomendation. It is approved.

An RFE on an I129f kinda contradicts the I130 approval. If you had all the information for an I130 approval it should get the I129f approved. Maybe something was missing on the form.

Which embassy Will your wife be interviewing at?

QUOTE (windsor @ Mar 18 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Good News ... I-130 got approved on 03/17

Bad News.... I-129F got a RFE 03/18

This is very frustuating for me... especially after waiting for 8 months ... getting RFE on I-129F.

my wife lives in Canada, she goes to school there.

Marriage happened in India

I am yet to see the I-129 RFE letter so I donot have enough details.

could I continue to pursue I-130 ?.......

Will the I-130 get routed to Montreal ? or will that be India ?

Pls. advice on what should be my next steps ... I sincerely appreciate any suggestions.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-19 05:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswt is processing time at NVC for k3
averaget ime for the I129f at the NVC is 2-4 days. You can view this on my latest timeline under approved I129fs

Call the NVC for the I129f petition with the reciept number. This information is not put into the automated system.

The I130 will be on the automated system. They wil first send you a bill. When you recieve that bill do nothing, if you want to follow through with the K3/129f visa. They will just put your I130 petition in a file until you file for AOS.

Average time at the NVC for a I130 is 2-4 months. Some of the time depends on how fast a petitioner can get the information back and forth. If you go this route get the NVC porcessing timeline to get everything ready in advance. Unlike my lawyer who has taken our case 6 months at the NVC.

QUOTE (laurarajesh @ Mar 18 2008, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello friends
i got both 129f and 130 approved and the noa2 says both case transfered to NVC.
how much time it take to reach NVC and how u know that nvc started working on u case .
can we do anything about our case so it can speed our visa process?
we called nvc and they said to wait for there reply.

pls suggest how much time it take for k3 visa after noa2 and case reach after NVC

i also wan to ask wt i have to do if i wan to get k3 first if my both petition is approved.

Edited by Lurking, 19 March 2008 - 05:43 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-19 05:39:00