Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
You are not welcomed paciencia! No one is ever welcomed in this forum, but we are glad to help you through this difficult part of the process. You are in a forum where we know your pain, but can feel the elation when you are finally approved. I will continue to support this thread, because it is the most difficult and frustrating part of the process.

I learned and grew a lot through this process. Everyone can use a little work around dealing wiht one day at a time. Stay strong and possitve. Your AP is almost done.

QUOTE (paciencia @ Apr 4 2009, 12:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
and, 10 some months later, still on AP! Still sad, still trying to numb desires to plan beyond the next day, but still in close touch, still hanging in there, and still hopeful.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-04 09:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Ken, You need to accept that this AP/AR is just part of the process. Not for everyone which makes it difficult to accept, but common enough for us to know that it is just part of the process now.
I know it is shocking when you get the news. Frustrating at the lack of information, but you are not denied and that is the great news.

STay positive and trust the process.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-04-01 12:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
I am so happy for you two. Thanks for comming back to update us.

QUOTE (tprp @ Mar 31 2009, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for adding me.
My wife received her visa this afternoon.Thank you all and good luck everyone!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-03-31 13:25:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS
I just happend uppon this sorry if it has been posted already
USCIS Application and Receipting Update

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) advises customers that processing of fee payments and entry of cases into our tracking system remains behind schedule due to the tremendous increase in the number of applications filed. As a result, applicants are experiencing delays in receiving notices of receipt. USCIS is working hard to deal with the increased volume.
  • Date Received in Mailroom – USCIS will honor the actual date that an application was received in our mailroom; this date will be indicated on the receipt (in the Received Date box) when Form I-797, Notice of Action, is mailed. You can see a sample Form I-797 under "Related Links" on this page. If your case is affected by the receipt delay, arrival of your receipt may take up to 12 weeks for adjustment-of-status applications and 15 weeks for naturalization and other applications.
  • Weekly updates on Receipting – Until this situation is resolved, USCIS will provide these weekly updates on progress in issuing receipt notices to our customers. Additional information is available in Frequently Asked Questions, located under "Related Links" on this page.
  • Applications Received Prior to Posted Receipting Dates – If your application was received by USCIS before the posted dates below and you still have no receipt, please contact USCIS Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-375-5283.
We appreciate your understanding.

Contact Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-375-5283 for:

Change of Address – If you have submitted your application and are changing your address, but have not yet received your receipt. (If you have a receipt, you can report your change of address from our website, using USCIS' Change of Address Online.)

Unusual Delay – If you have not received a receipt within the timeframe indicated below for the Service Center where you filed your application.

As of January 4, 2008, USCIS has completed initial data entry and issued receipt notices for applications and petitions received on or before the dates indicated:

California Service Center
Form Number Date Received

I-130* 8/30/2007

All Other Forms Current

*All I-130s received after the indicated date have been forwarded to USCIS Chicago Lockbox for data entry.

Nebraska Service Center
Form Number Date Received

All Forms Current

Texas Service Center
Form Number Date Received

N-400 Current
All Other Forms Current

Vermont Service Center
Form Number Date Received

I-130* 7/29/2007
N-400 Current
All Other Forms Current

*All I-130s received after the indicated date have been forwarded to USCIS Chicago Lockbox for data entry.

Chicago Lockbox (as of 1/9/08)
Form Number Date Received

I-130 10/12/2007

All Other Forms Current

Los Angeles Lockbox
Form Number Date Received

All Forms Current
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-10 11:37:00
USCIS Service CentersCase Touch
I have gone the CR1 route right up to filing the affidavit of support. Once the CR1 hits the embassy, the embassy will process the CR1 over the K3. It take 7 months for a CR1 interview at the Nigerian Embassy and only 2 months for the K3.

Both our K3 and CR1 petition were touched on the same day. For the most part they do mean nothing, but many times people have been approved the next day. Recently many people have been touched. I think someone is going ahead and preparing easy cases for approval, but the USCIS can not touch a case until they are up to that processing date. That is just my opinion to what is going on.

You can tell your case has been touched by the change of the last activity date, if you have an account at the USCIS.

It is still to soon for my case so I will sit patiently and just dance when I feel like it. *wink good.gif
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-18 07:32:00
USCIS Service CentersCase Touch
Thank you all for your replies! My lawyer was trying to tell us that the K3 might be canceled because the I130 was approved so soon. I think he was saying that to cover his assets, because he didn't mail out our I129F petition until two months after we sent in our I130.
I fired my lawyer and stopped the cr1 process to go the K3 route. So my brother in law is having trouble trusting my decision. I just hope i made the write one. The Nigerian embassy is taking an average 7 months for a cr1 interview.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-12 06:16:00
USCIS Service CentersCase Touch
Two weeks ago I was dancing through the house because my husband's and I I129F case was touched by the USCIS. After visiting this site and reading some post, I have discovered that many VJ'ers cases were touched a couple days in a row that were not even pending or that just received there Receipt number. That burst my bubble.

No our I129f case was touched last night along with out approved already I130. Has everyone Else's cases been touched again? Or can I dance around the house?

Thank you in advance for you input.

Mr. Jibowu

Edited by Lurking, 11 February 2008 - 06:08 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-11 06:08:00
USCIS Service CentersEmployee Manual
Like other Federal agencies, the USCIS has customers both inside and outside the agency. These customers include applicants; the American people; the U.S. Congress; USCIS coworkers; other Federal agencies; American businesses; and American schools, colleges, and universities. While all these customers are important, this section will focus on the customer with whom you have the most day-to-day contact: the applicant. The same principles, however, should guide your interactions with all USCIS customers.

For many applicants, the entire application process is very stressful and filled with uncertainty. While your first duty is to make decisions based on the law, if you are courteous, professional and knowledgeable, you can help reduce some of the applicant's stress, help ensure a quality experience with the USCIS , and encourage the applicant to cooperate with you during the interview.

Basic Principles for Handling Upset Applicants .

Assess the situation. In most cases, by simply using good communication skills, you should be able to handle the situation by yourself. If necessary, however, call your supervisor. In a very small number of cases, an applicant may threaten you or become violent. In these cases, always seek immediate assistance, and follow your local office policy regarding these situations.

If possible, resolve the problem. In some cases, an applicant will be upset about a problem that you may be able to resolve. If you can resolve an applicant's problem consistent with the laws, regulations, and agency policies, do it. While there is no single answer to every possible problem, the following tips can help:

· Apologize . Depending on the circumstances, even if you are unsure about who exactly is responsible for the problem, you can sincerely apologize that the applicant was inconvenienced.

· Listen and empathize . This will enable you to determine exactly what happened and will demonstrate that you understand the applicant's position.

· Confirm that you understand the problem . Before you can fix a problem, make sure you understand it. Ask questions about anything you do not understand or need clarified. Then restate the problem back to the applicant to ensure that you have correctly understood the situation.

· Take appropriate steps to fix the problem . Depending on the nature of the problem, you may be able to fix the problem yourself or refer it to someone else. In either case, act as swiftly as possible on the matter. First review any available USCIS or DHS materials (e.g., the A-file, T-file, forms, and/or applications) that may shed light on the situation. If you are referring the applicant to another person, unit, or branch of DHS, if possible, first communicate with the other DHS personnel to ensure that they are available. \ 10

· Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness . If an applicant speaks rudely to you, you must still respond professionally. While responding with rudeness might make you feel good at the time, it will only escalate the situation and will not help you successfully complete the interview.

· Don't take an applicant's behavior personally . In some cases, an applicant will be angry with the USCIS in general or frustrated about something that has nothing to do with you or the situation. Taking something personally can often escalate the conflict, rather than help resolve the situation. The following example illustrates how not to take something personally vs. taking something personally.

Applicant: I can't believe this is taking so long! Why can't you speed this up?

C Not taking it personally

Officer: I understand that this process can take a long time.

D Taking it personally

Officer: It's not my fault!

· Avo id defensiveness . While you should always provide the applicant with as much information as possible to help calm a tense situation, a defensive manner will only worsen the problem. The following example illustrates a non-defensive vs. a defensive response.

Applicant : I can't believe I am going to have to come back for another interview!
C Non-defensive response

Officer: I understand that you don't want to come back here, but under the law, your application cannot be approved until you can establish that you and Ms. Smith are married.
D Defensive Response

Officer : I don't care if you want to come back here or not, but I can't approve your application unless you can establish that you are married to Ms. Smith.

· Stay under control . If you allow an applicant to upset you or allow prejudices to influence you, you will lose control of the interview. If an applicant says something that upsets you, don't take it personally; instead, remain calm and respond in a professional manner. Keep the interview focused on the task at hand. If you lose your control, the interview can quickly degenerate. The following provides acceptable and unacceptable ways of controlling the interview.

C Acceptable ways of controlling the interview

· Being alert, firm, assertive, and businesslike.
· Keeping the interview focused on gaining the information you need to decide whether the application should be granted.

D Unacceptable ways of controlling the interview

· Being intimidating, belligerent, or unprofessional.

· Listen . Active, empathetic, and focused listening will help you determine exactly what the problem is and how you can respond to it. In some cases, simply giving someone an opportunity to vent his/her frustration can help calm the situation. The following listening techniques are often effective.

· Empathize . Empathy demonstrates that you have listened to the applicant and understand his/her feelings and point of view. It doesn't require you to agree with the applicant's assessment of the situation. The following example illustrates an empathetic response vs. a hostile response.

A pplicant : "I can't believe I am going to have to provide so many documents. This is really difficult for me; I don't understand why you can't just adjudicate the application now!"

C Empathetic response :

Officer : "I understand that you need to provide a lot of information, but if you can provide me with the documentation that establishes that you and Ms. Smith have been married for three years, then I can make a determination about your application."

D Hostile response :

Officer: "Tough. That's your problem, not mine!"

· Restate the problem . A good way to demonstrate that you have heard and understood the applicant is to restate his/her problem.

· Ask questions . When you're not clear exactly why an applicant is frustrated, ask questions that provide him/her with an opportunity to explain his/her situation.

· Use selective agreement . When an applicant is upset about something, selective agreement can be a good technique to calm the situation. It not only allows the applicant to vent and shows you are listening but also keeps the interview on track. The following example contrasts selective agreement with complete agreement and a hostile response.

Applicant : "I can't believe I had to wait 11 months for this interview. That's too long!"

C Selective Agreement

Officer : "I agree. Eleven months is a long time to wait for an interview, but now you are here. If it's acceptable to you, I would like to get started on your interview."

D Complete Agreement

Officer: "You're right, that is too long. You wouldn't believe how long some other people have had to wait!"

D Hostile Reaction

Officer: "Don't complain to me about how long this took! Do you want to do this interview now or not?"

· Provide clear explanations . In some cases, an applicant will be frustrated because he or she doesn't understand something about a particular aspect of the process or why you are asking a certain question. Always be willing to offer clear explanations that clarify an applicant's questions.

· Pay attention to your non-verbal and verbal communication . Especially during hostile situations, how you communicate&shy; both verbally and non-verbally&shy; can either escalate or calm the situation. Specifically, if your body language conveys that you are paying attention to the applicant and if your tone and language remain respectful, you help calm the situation.

· Seek voluntary compliance in the face of resistance . In some cases, an applicant may ask you questions about what you are doing or express frustration about a particular issue. First distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable resistance; in some cases, the applicant's questions are not preventing the interview from moving forward. In these cases, listen empathetically, and answer whatever questions you can while moving on with the interview. However, when the interview has clearly stalled, utilize the following framework for obtaining voluntary compli ance: \ 11

1. Ask . Politely ask for what you need. "Mr. Smith, could you please provide me with documentation establishing that you and Ms. Smith have been married for the past three years?"

2. Set the context . If your original request is denied, politely provide the legal, policy, and procedural reasons for your request. "Mr. Smith, under section 319 of the law, you are required to demonstrate that you and Ms. Smith have been legally married for the past three years before your application can be approved."

3. Politely explain the applicant's various options if he or she does, or does not, comply with your request . "Mr. Smith, it is your choice about whether to provide me with this documentation. However, if you can't provide me with documentation that establishes this aspect of your eligibility I can't make a favorable decision about your application. If you can provide me with documentation that establishes this aspect of your eligibility, then I can make a decision about your application."

4. Confirm and move on . Determine whether the applicant is going to comply with your request. Either way, you will continue with the interview.

5. Act . If you come to the end of the interview, give the applicant one last chance to provide the information. If he or she does not, politely provide the applicant with an N-14 letter (for naturalization cases) or other appropriate notice that requests the information in writing.

6. If necessary, take a break . If you have had a particularly difficult interview, take a couple of minutes to compose yourself before you begin your next interview.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-29 06:09:00
That is wierd that she gave you that date, because as of March 15th they are working on petitions with the date of September 17, 2007.

when I spoke with someone before march 15th he told me they werwe working on Sept 20ths.

QUOTE (hyd617 @ Apr 12 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
guys just FYI i called VSC on friday morning, april 10 and they said they are on AUG 19 petitions for i130..... im an oct filer so she told me to wait one more month for my approval... :/

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-04-12 15:24:00
Letter to Ombudsman regarding Vermont:

Attention CIS Ombudman:

The confusion on USCIS new self-created policy on administratively closing I129f petition is causing much hardship on petitioners. We has United State Citizens have a right to be informed on this new policy. Through timelines posted in a forum it appears that the California Service Center is back on track with approving the I129f petitions, But the Vermont Service Center is still Ignoring (administratively closing) without any notification to the petitioner.

This new policy has petitioners waiting for the I129f approval without any notification that it will be ignored at the Vermont Service Center. We the petitioner deserve a notice of action on these petitions. One center(California) can not approve the I130 and the I129f, while Vermont ignores the petitioners request for a notice of action on their I129f.

The visajourney website is a cohesive forum that keeps better track of the USCIS timelines. Please visit the link below that expresses my concerns around the Vermont Service Center. This timeline is created when VisaJourney Users put in their petitioning information, It is comprehensive and accurate to the person entering the information.

I was told by an USCIS office that my case of was administratively closed. Then when I called back I was told that the USCIS will not close your case that they are working on September 20th, 2008 and yours will come up soon. HE also stated that if I do not receive a NOA in a month to call back. No who should I listen to? I have been waiting since September for this I129f petition, while I have an approved I130 petition. The waiting period at my husband’s embassy is 7-9 months for a CR1 interview and for a K3 it is 1-2 months.

Under the LIFE act I have a right to utilize my pending I129f petition for a K3 Visa.

The petitioners need to be informed.


Melissa V Ayotte

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-25 05:43:00
Darn, i did forget about easter. Maybe they make tripple time on holidays. I would work after church. LOL

QUOTE (hyd617 @ Mar 21 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Mar 21 2008, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think there will be plenty updates this weekend. I think they are holding off on the K3 petitions because of all the complaints to the ombudsmon. They have to follow the policy and procedure, which are established to protect us as US citizens. After reviewing all the peptions that have been approved versus not, this is my conclusion. They are trying to see if the can continue to just approve the I130. That is not there choice to make though.
As stated below. got the link from pushbrn

QUOTE (Sky2k @ Mar 20 2008, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not about making it easy at this time. Everyone who has applied for K3 in Aug and on is waiting for approval. In the last month or two VSC has not approved a single K3, and they are approving K1 from Jan & Feb of 2008. Nobody knows what's going on at VSC, but one thing is for sure that K3 filers at VSC are being punished and getting a long delay on the approval notice. I hope we start getting K3 approvals from VSC.

i hope we do see some approvals this weekend.. but i dont know they might be off today and the weekend for Easter??

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-21 17:57:00
I think there will be plenty updates this weekend. I think they are holding off on the K3 petitions because of all the complaints to the ombudsmon. They have to follow the policy and procedure, which are established to protect us as US citizens. After reviewing all the peptions that have been approved versus not, this is my conclusion. They are trying to see if the can continue to just approve the I130. That is not there choice to make though.
As stated below. got the link from pushbrn

QUOTE (Sky2k @ Mar 20 2008, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not about making it easy at this time. Everyone who has applied for K3 in Aug and on is waiting for approval. In the last month or two VSC has not approved a single K3, and they are approving K1 from Jan & Feb of 2008. Nobody knows what's going on at VSC, but one thing is for sure that K3 filers at VSC are being punished and getting a long delay on the approval notice. I hope we start getting K3 approvals from VSC.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-21 10:41:00
I was on the phone yesterday and got the exact opposite story. I do no think they know what is going on. He even talked to the supervisor who told him my case is pending and will be processed soon.

They are working Sept 20th 07 petitions right now. I posted all that is going on at the vermont with VJ users in another thread.
I am in the same boat as you, although I have been processing my I130 at the NVC, but I told the USCIS I was waiting 6 months since the approval date so I want to make sure that my case is not close. HE said that it would not be.

Got his ID number and recorded phone conversation. I now cannot locate my husband's police report so again I have to wait atlease to more weeks before I finish the process.

It is in god's hands.

QUOTE (Suitelady79 @ Mar 7 2008, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sitting here 6 months after my case was filed waiting for my I129F portion to be approved so I can get on with my K3 visa, (which is supposed to be the faster Visa). I waited until my receipt date was current and then decided to call and see what was going on with my case. On the online status it still says it's being processed. On the phone it still says it's being processed. So I decided I would try to talk to a PERSON instead of that damn machine.

The first lady said it was cancelled and that they sent the other portion to the NVC and that I should call them. I called the NVC and they said they don't have anythign to do with whether it goes through as a K3 or CR1. They just process what they get and that I should call USCIS back and pick my bone with them. So I did. I got the most incompetent lady EVER. She kept putting me on hold before she even asked for my receipt number. I had to keep repeating myself over and over and I am a very articulate person (if I do say so myself!! and I do say so!). She didn't even know what an I129F was... All I could do was roll my eyes and think to myself where the hell they found her. So after she put me on hold again, she comes back reading me some email she supposedly got saying that as of July 31 or something like that, they are cancelling all I129Fs that are sent in as K3 and processing the I130 only. blink.gif

IS THAT ALLOWED? Mind you I have received NO notification of this whatsoever! I said to her does she realize that this is going to slow my case down. She got all snooty with me and told me that there was nothing else she could do...which i'm sure there isn't but she didn't have to be all snooty about it. LOL

Anyway, HOW THE HELL CAN THEY CANCEL PART OF YOUR PETITION WITHOUT NOTICE and give you the slower visa? HAs this happened to anyone else?

Sorry for the long post, I tend to be a bit long winded when I'm pissed! smile.gif

Thanks everyone!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-03-20 15:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied Entry and Theft Reprimand
This will not answer your question, but might give you a little hope. In the US your record is cleaned again at 18. So knowing that you are a miner, they will consider that. If you are denied at first, with a lawyer you can get around it. Although, some visa lawyers will not take your case after you already been denied without a significant cost. If you geta lawyer first, his fee will cover everything until the end.

well of course you would want to verify the information I gave you regarding lawyer if you consider.

Good luck! I would think you woul be ok.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-02 18:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP (221g)
You can have the soap box anytime. I will contact my congress women next week when I am on vacation. They have an office near my town. I have to give them credit, because I wrote regarding the mix up in the K3 at the Vermonth service center. When I did not respond with the release form, the resent another one.

I will keep you all posted. I feel hopeful. Everytime there was a delay, I would say...I was not ready. To give him my all. Last night when praying I said , I am ready. Please let him come soon. Then I opened the bible, the first line I read was.. You are ready!


QUOTE (tony and tess @ Jul 27 2008, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Balogun4ever @ Jul 27 2008, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Jul 22 2008, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank you for taking the time to respond!
The person I got today had a tone and response that did not alow me to prod further, but I will keep trying as tess suggested.
She said our documentation is being verified, which is all it said.

QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Jul 22 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would definitely do what Tess suggested and call DOS. Sometimes they can give you more information.

Hoping for a speedy AP rose.gif

Yes I have talked to that one too many times. Chris is the best help at DOS. story...same as yours. Placed on AP...I hope this doesnt scare you...May 17, 2007. Our processing just finished. They interrogated my father in law and my husband re our marriage. I am 10 years older so they think it is fraud. He has an interview for the I130 soon. My prayers are with you. Contact your Congress person or Senator for addition help. Periodically email the embassy with questions on whatever u can come up with so they keep the case going. Right now your case is on it's way to the US for security checks most likely. Feel free to contact me with any questions. We have been thru it all.


I agree that you should contact your "Congrressman" howver.... I think you should be clear that they are basically worthless. At least mine have been. They are all about lip service but do not follow thru with their promises. I've been in touch with everyone you can possibly think of the bottom line is.... we're on our own. It sucks and it's sad but I'm telling you, I have even met personally with my Congressman's office. They do the very minimum... enough to get you off their ###! Maybe I'm being a little too bold but the facts are the facts! They are politician's and if they can't make a difference very quickly and with minimum effort, they are not interested! Sad but true. In my opinion, its up to US to make a difference... we need to write to and contact anyone that will listen, thats what I've done. So far it hasn't done a thing for me but.... I feel that I am an American citizen, I pay taxes in this state and this country and this is BS! I'm not going to shut up until I see a change, even after my man comes here!

Sorry, this is a soap box for me! This is a ###### up process and less than acceptable!


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-07-28 07:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP (221g)
thank you for taking the time to respond!
The person I got today had a tone and response that did not alow me to prod further, but I will keep trying as tess suggested.
She said our documentation is being verified, which is all it said.

QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Jul 22 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would definitely do what Tess suggested and call DOS. Sometimes they can give you more information.

Hoping for a speedy AP rose.gif

Edited by Lurking, 22 July 2008 - 11:27 AM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-07-22 11:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP (221g)
Hello VJ family,

My husband was put on AP (221g) July 7th, 08 at the Nigerian embassy. I been wanting to post, but still fixing my lap top at home.

His interview lasted a whole 4 min with numerous interruptions that had nothing to do with our case. The interviewer didn't even collect all the required documentation.

I called my husband to see how the Interview went expecting the best. He said "good, good". I said, "so you got the visa". No, she (interviewer) said she needed more time to review the case. Now his reality and my reality of the situation are obviously different. He is the most gentle and kind man i have ever met, next to my Osteopathic therapist. He was adamant that it went good. I have to wonder, if that was just relief his part was over. *wink

The (221g) does not request any additional information, but states we did not provide enough. HUH? So now we are in AP lost in space.

I read that many of you contact the DOS. What number are you using and what information do you receive from them.

Thanks in advance for your support and advice!!!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-07-22 07:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So depressed
THis is a quote from one wise lady! I needed to hear that too. Thank you!

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Sep 4 2008, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cassandra I had heard this for the past 11 and half months. It hurts and I cry every single time. But remember every single day you are coming closer to it. Do not worry so much and let this just be another day, you are not moving behind. You are moving FORWARD every day.

You will get this visa. We will all have our days soon.

Keep praying and remember the senators and the president or the ambassador of the universe can't help you. God will give this visa at the perfect time I assure you.

I have seen many waiting much longer and finally getting their visas at a time they realized was best for them.

So good luck to you and keep a steady pace of life. Meanwhile they will process this visa and you may hear from them this month.
I believe they are doing the CLASS check. It takes a week or 2. So maybe next week you may get results as you don't that to redo the medical.

God bless,

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-09-05 13:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So depressed
I am so sorry to hear your news. I just got sick to my stomache when I read. I can't even imagine how you must feel. I hope Inever have to either.

As much as I like to believe it is the process, how can they play with peoples lives like that.

Stay strong and blessed!

QUOTE (CassandraHaydar @ Sep 4 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ms. Walker,

To our regret, we found that more processing is required in Mr. Baqir's case. We are trying to make this go as quickly as possible. We will contact Mr. Baqir when we are ready to issue his visa. We really have no timetable on how long this process could take. We regret any inconvenience caused.

U.S. Embassy Seoul


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-09-04 11:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g and AP
Thanks for that post tammy2688. That was a great explanation. I hope you do not mind that I cut and pasted it into an email to a few family members who are concerned about our case status.

I feel calm right now and believe that it is the process. My husband walked out of the interview and thought it went great. I panicked right away. I went through sadness, disappointment and anger to remember that I have not control over when or if he gets here. I am doing great, but now my husband is panicking because he is asking people advise that is not substantiated.

I will now include you all in my AP prayer.

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Jul 25 2008, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well first of all I will tell you to do a search for topics by "tammy2688" (me) on this forum and look up all my possible explanations for AP, why we get it, and how its not organized, etc. Then you may want to read advice given by emt,belinda, nutty and many and the others because they provide you with concrete information about the specifics of why AP goes through these steps.

Honestly, this was already expected, if you followed anything on this forum. This pattern is repeated with every single person going through Mid East, Africa, South Asia (times vary but all go through it) so it would be strange if you did NOT get another 221g. Basically you moved up to the step where most people start. What typically happens is people have all the papers ready at interview and they are satisfied with them and so they conditionally approve the applicant and then put them in AP because security checks is a standard procedure for the regions I mentioned and worldwide (though these regions take a few hours and people get their visas upon interview unlike the regions we are from).

So you got to the step of finally have the paperwork needed, that was like an RFE, and not real AP. This is actually your "real" AP, meaning the standard security checks that people of the mentioned regions have to go through. Don't feel bad at all, they are not picking on you and you will not be stuck in AP forever (though for me its going on 11 months and I am trying very hard to believe it will be over for me).

New Delhi consulate sees over hundreds of cases each day and their consulate is one of the busiest in the world, overcrowded with people and staff is quite slow due to backlogs. So you can expect to wait a few months. It could be very quick for you depending on your name and if it is common, it may take somewhere between 4-6 months. This is considered normal. If your name gets cleared quicker, then you can expect somewhere between 1-3 months for visa.

As we have discussed on this forum many many times, the stats for AP are:
1-4 months - lucky
4-8 months - average
8-12 months - unlucky

I would not worry so much about it because there is nothing to do to expediate it. If you are the applicant, have the petitioner call DOS at 1-202-663-1225 dial 1 then 0 and get updates on your security checks every week for your peace. But do not give up and keep your mental stability by enjoying your time now and preparing for coming here.
All in all, it will come to an end and you will get the visa. God knows the right time for you and everything will work out in due time.

QUOTE (laurarajesh @ Jul 25 2008, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello Friend
i called DOS they said " name check"

When I called the stated that they were verifying documentation.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-07-25 10:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Confusssed!!
You have this posted in the wrong forum. Post it in the consolate forum or your portal.

QUOTE (cca @ Sep 25 2008, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Guys,

Our package left the NVC and using DOS arrived at the London Consulate on the 19th Sep. However, i called up DOS just to check the status of our case and they told me that the consulate had sent out package 3 on the 19th. I thought that was very quick, to recieve it and send out package 3 all in one day..but i wa veryhappy all the same smile.gif )
However, its now 25th sep and still no package 3. I wouldve receied it by now even if they sent it 2nd class so im very confused. Has DOS made a mistake? Does it stay in the consulate for a while before being sent out? Is there any way we can find out whats goin on? has anyone had an experience of same thing?

Any suggestions to shed light on this would be gratfully recieved!! My fiances calling DOS again but not sure itll do any good. Thanks guys smile.gif )

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-09-25 10:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP-Ended
Congratulations! That is a great story!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-09-26 09:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Field Visit
Hello Kelly,
Do not worry. Your mom-in-law not answering questions should not be held against you. I have read some of your post where they think it is fraud, but without any proof you will get your visa. It might take a little longer because of their intention on proving they are right.
They did not accuse my husband of being a fraud, but through his interview details i can tell they never intended on giving him that visa no matter what he said in the interview or brought to the table. I am glad to hear that they are doing their research on our case.
He has a verifiable backround of service to a church, work, and school. So that helps in our case too. Plus our ages do not bring question because he is 9 years my senior.

Stay strong! Thank you for your note. Keep me posted if you hear anything. Feel free to send me a note.

QUOTE (kelly1290 @ Oct 2 2008, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lurking @ Oct 2 2008, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to admit that I have so much stress in my life that being in the AP black whole has not affected me. My husband is such a spiritual & emotional support from such a distance that it has been significant through my recent struggles.

Today he told me that his brother and his address had a visit from someone from the embassy. I know this is great news, because it means the embassy is working on our case.

Does anyone have an estimate as to when we might get the phone call to come back in?

I just want to use this forum to thank all my VJ friends for their notes and comments of encouragement.

Wow Lurking, you too? My husband's family home was just visited by an embassy official as well on Monday, the exact lady that interviewed both of us in August at his original interview. His brother answered all her questions and then went to his mother, but his mother didn't realize who she was because she wouldn't identify herself, but just asked her to answer her questions, so my mother in law told her no since she would not identify herself. The lady just turned around and left. My husband's brother then told my MIL that this was a lady from the embassy, so she ran after her and said that she didn't know who she was, but she can state the fact that her son is happily married, but the lady ignored her and left in her car. My MIL now is concerned that this will negatively affect our case, but maybe not since my husband's brother answered all her questions. I, too, emailed the embassy to inquire about our case, but havent' received an answer yet.

I am so happy for you that this is going to be over soon. Maybe our husbands will be called back together, who knows?

Good luck. I will keep you in my prayers!


Thanks for your note!

I was so happy yesterday. It literally is the best news I have had since he got his interview date.

I emailed them about two weeks ago, so I should hear from them soon with good news I just know.

I will keep you all posted.

QUOTE (hyd617 @ Oct 2 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lurking i was so a hapy to read about ur update!

thats great news!

im sooooo happy for u and ur husband!

hope u hear good news soon!!
keep us updated

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-03 06:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Field Visit
Thanks Tammy,
That is just what I thought through what I have read. I sent the embassy an email about 1 1/2 weeks ago so hopefully I will hear back some good news soon.
The visit does feel good to know that they are working on our case.

This is the best news I have gotten since he got his interview date.

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 2 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The visa is usually given after they process the home visit and do a last check at the embassy level. This is around 2-6 weeks. Yes, home visits are progress! Lurking, I hope you guys get the visa soon.

No not everyone gets a home visit. If they have any question of authenticity, or if the applicant is from a high-fraud country such as MiddleEast, N. Africa, and South Asia as well as some Latino countries, home visits are done for some applicants. It is not bad it if its done to your nor good. It's just another part of processing, but for those who get one, they can know that work is being done on their cases. Otherwise little is known about what happens to a case from AP-Visa issuance.

I hope everyone is able to reunite with their loved ones soon.
God bless,

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-02 13:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Field Visit
I have to admit that I have so much stress in my life that being in the AP black whole has not affected me. My husband is such a spiritual & emotional support from such a distance that it has been significant through my recent struggles.

Today he told me that his brother and his address had a visit from someone from the embassy. I know this is great news, because it means the embassy is working on our case.

Does anyone have an estimate as to when we might get the phone call to come back in?

I just want to use this forum to thank all my VJ friends for their notes and comments of encouragement.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-02 07:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)call dos again
You need to walk up to the embassy with a confident positive appreciative attitude. Through your writing I can tell you are frustrated and doubtful. They will take advantage of those feelings. You state that You have this 221g and have been requested via phone to bring your passport. You do not act like you know anything differently.

Appreciative: you know they work hard at protecting the USC and you appreciate that your SO is in great hands. I know it is hard to feel that way, but it is the possitive way of looking at things.

Confident: you trust the process and you have been requested to bring in your Visa. You know nothing differently. If they do not let you in act confused and ask for suggestions like they are the GOD answer to everything. Give them the power they think they have gaurding the embassy. You will get better results that way.

Good luck.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-17 07:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)call dos again
Bring you ap 221g slip and tell them that the embassy requested your passport. They should let you in with that information. IT is worth a try. It says that you need that to reenter the embassy.

QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 16 2008, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i called DOS again , and the first question lady asked me have u submitted new passport ? i told her , embassy never called me , she told me please contact embassy for that , i told her anything else you are seeing in my case , she said NO , all i can see " passport requested" so please submit your passport to the embassy

now i really dont know how to contact embassy , in which way , they dont pick up the phone , they dont let any one to come to embassy , they dont reply of emails and they have also not contacted me ...................

embassy is acting like devil.gif

mad.gif mad.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-16 16:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG OMG OMG
Wow! I miss one day and come back to tons of great news! That is the best news so far. Congrats!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-16 06:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing Questions
My countdown is now counting the days since my interview. WE have been on ap since 7/7. The embassy did a home visit last week so hopefully our case is almost complete.

AP is just additional processing to make sure it is legitamate. A flag of doubt, but they have to prove anything. They cannot go on assumptions. You are all set. You just have to wait out the process.

QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Oct 6 2008, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see you have an interview coming up? Is this your second one? I see you had one on 7/7? Were you put in AP too?


QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 6 2008, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have seen more approvals in AP then denials. If they deny you they must have a legitimate reason. If they think your relationship is fraudulent they have to have evidence and so on. I know this process seems like we have not control over the outcome, but there are laws in place to protect us as citizens. Unfortunately, if any actions is taken that leads to a denial that is not warranted we endure more time and expensive lawyers.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-06 16:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing Questions
I have seen more approvals in AP then denials. If they deny you they must have a legitimate reason. If they think your relationship is fraudulent they have to have evidence and so on. I know this process seems like we have not control over the outcome, but there are laws in place to protect us as citizens. Unfortunately, if any actions is taken that leads to a denial that is not warranted we endure more time and expensive lawyers.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-06 15:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS
I called last week. She was able to tell me when my case was last accessed and what for. Too bad it was just to send me an automated email. Oh well. Soon, in GOD's speed!

QUOTE (CassandraHaydar @ Oct 29 2008, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just for sh*^&s and giggles, I called DOS. They told me the only thing they can see is that the case is in AP. They said 4 months ago the system was changed to only allow this information to show.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-31 12:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Remaining story after passport Requested
Everything sounds great! It is your time! God is good!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-02 05:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
Yes, I already have been pricing flights. One flight only had first class $7000. We might just wait until January. Sad, but true.

Best regards,

QUOTE (Beautiful_years @ Nov 8 2008, 10:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sorry didnt mean to pinch so hard... lol.
hope u already made flight arrangments? its so expensive this time of the year.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-10 07:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
Thanks for stopping by with your well wishes!

QUOTE (forchika @ Nov 2 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
CONGRATS on the good news.....what a great christmas gift!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Ouch! That hurt, but thanks beautiful years!

QUOTE (Beautiful_years @ Nov 5 2008, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 31 2008, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Can someone pinch me? It is just too good to be true!

This will be the best Chrismas gift you ll recieve this year...
I know how it can seem so unbelieveable...
I just pinched you and yes its real!

Edited by MrsJibowu, 05 November 2008 - 03:32 PM.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-05 15:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
Thank you, Yes it was needed time. I can see GOD's path for me. It is happening in perfect timing.

I love to report this news to you guys, because i know everytime AP was done for someone it gave me hope.

QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Oct 31 2008, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's awesome!! Glad to hear someone's getting some good I know you've been waiting for awhile. Congrats!!

QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 31 2008, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband's case is complete at the embassy.

He is to report to the embassy on December 2nd or 4th. I was so excited I can't remember now. I only remember that he will be here before Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas present.

Can someone pinch me? It is just too good to be true!

CONGRATULATIONS! I am soooo happy for you! What great news! kicking.gif

Thank you my inspirational one!

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 31 2008, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats woman! It is always great to get that call. I always tell everyone, AP can end ANY DAY. It's just hard because we don't know what day.
But it eventually comes. Dec 2 interview most likely means a few days after from passport printing, etc, yes he should be here by Christmas, that would be wonderful!

God bless,

PS: It's real, you betta believe it sista!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-02 05:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
Yes, at our Embassy they schedule a second interview. Most ask a couple of question then say contratulations. Thank you!

QUOTE (Nita&Assaad @ Oct 31 2008, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations!! This is great!!! But why so far away!?!?!? Is this a second interview??

nita luv.gif

QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 31 2008, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband's case is complete at the embassy.

He is to report to the embassy on December 2nd or 4th. I was so excited I can't remember now. I only remember that he will be here before Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas present.

Can someone pinch me? It is just too good to be true!

Yes, the lawyer caused most of the wait though. Thank GOD I found visajourney.

Babynursetobe we need to get together soon!

QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Oct 31 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's awesome!! Glad to hear someone's getting some good I know you've been waiting for awhile. Congrats!!

QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 31 2008, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband's case is complete at the embassy.

He is to report to the embassy on December 2nd or 4th. I was so excited I can't remember now. I only remember that he will be here before Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas present.

Can someone pinch me? It is just too good to be true!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-02 05:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
Thank you Zee Bee! I know it will be. This was the news I need to get me through till then.

QUOTE (Zee Bee @ Oct 31 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


Hopefully it will be a memorable Christmas smile.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-31 15:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Every day is the day they will call!
My husband's case is complete at the embassy.

He is to report to the embassy on December 2nd or 4th. I was so excited I can't remember now. I only remember that he will be here before Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas present.

Can someone pinch me? It is just too good to be true!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-31 14:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Medical exam only good for 3-6 months?
Tammy, I love reading from you. You are such a breath of fresh air! Stay blessed.

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 31 2008, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please don't let these things get you angry and ruin your day. I have found, through my AP experience that not asking for update until 1 month has passed is a smart idea. This way you can look forward to something actually happenning (I mentioned before, 1 USC day = 1 Embassy/DOS month, kinda like Earth vs. Jupiter days) and this way you will get some new information. You cannot call every sing week and e-mail every day and expect to get new information. AP, though it takes long, ends without notice as well. Remember that. So, it is better to focus on your life and treat yourself well. How many times have I cried after opening an e-mail that told me we were in AP and DOS saying it was in AP? If I had just focused on my life more and encouraged my husband to do that more, we would be in a better mental tate right now.

Listen guys, the bottom line is: If your case is valid, honest, and if your husband/fiance is not a criminal, you WILL get the visa. So since you have this gaurantee, you should be sound and calm and not get so upset. I only ruined my brain cells and nearly killed myself doing it, just wait it out. You will get the visa as soon as AP and review is done.

It is the best to E-mail every 2 weeks if you cannot wait a month, and not to expect visa issuance in the e-mail or DOS call because the applicant will already know that first, or you will get that e-mail after AP is completed, not any time before.

It is a painful, painful, process. But we will all get through this.

God bless,

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-31 12:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP & passport!
I was under the impression they did not take your passport unless they are putting a visa on it. My husband was put in AP and they did not keep his passport. Other people who have been on AP, once their case was completed that was when they were requested to submit their passport.

I am hopefull that a more experience person in your embassy will help you.

Best of luck.

QUOTE (SIBTAIN @ Nov 12 2008, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanx for ur replies and thanx for senior member reply.

Yes ofcourse in these days i m just focusing on the missing document,which i m gonna submit with my pasport in 2 weeks.

How many days they can keep your passports while they put on AP?
I have heard that the new AP which r on for these days r getting less time as compared to previous.

I wanna know that should i contact to congressman or senator for this coz my wife is really not well she is very sick.

CO also told me that if u think your visa is taking more time then you can contact to congressman or senetor.

Should i contact them?And if yes then when?
Will it work?

Waiting for replies?


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-12 09:48:00