Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCheck Cleared
Congratulations! kicking.gif Yes at time Vermont can be pretty fast. My I130 was approved in 2 months time. WOW.
I have many friends on here that sent there I130 in Sept. that did not get there check cashed until just last week.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-01 10:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDIVORCED WHILE ON 2 YEARS GREEN CARD.
Sorry things did not work out for you. you must be dying to return to your farther land.

QUOTE (galaxy_2008 @ Jan 1 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i want to confirm the procedure of divorced while i am still on 2 yrs green card. can it affect my filling for 10 years green card. pls i will apperciate a comprehsive explanation,

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-02 11:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce almost final (Hearing on feb 9 2009)
You should be all set. You must have worked enough hours to sponcer yourself. Ok i am not sure exactly what it is called, but look up on the application. You have to have worked so many hours or something. Good luck!

You have proved your relationship!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-17 18:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me

I am so proud of myself. I am back to just share my story so that someone might see the trend. I wish other women would tell there story too.

I hope I am an encouragement.


QUOTE (What Happened? @ Nov 12 2009, 07:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good for you!...

I always say, the best revenge against those who would wish you to live the best life possible.
People who don't want the best for you, won't be able to stand the fact that you have managed to be happy without them.

So do your thing..........and live a good, fruitful, blissful life........without him.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-13 15:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
Thanks Rlogan.

You are right. Immidiatly I let a million things run through my mind the how the who and the whats and whens. But that is just torture on me and no not him.

It is in God's hands.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-12 06:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
Thanks Pman and Lola. Wonderful things are to come. God is good and faithful. When you experience things like this you know amazing thigns are to come. Well of course if you learn from them.

Lola we were married in Nigeria. My prides made, Who just seemed like a wonderful friend and Angel at the time, took the pen from me when I went to write my correct name Melissa. I also was going to put my real address and she pu his address.

QUOTE (Pman's Wife @ Nov 10 2009, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, it sure is raining!
My word... I never saw this coming . I'm glad you and your son are okay. Things could be much worse. You are blessed to hold it together through such a surprise storm and to have so much revealed to you so you're not confused and trying to piece things together. You've been through so much and you've been so supportive of others on the journey. You deserve better and better will come.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-11 16:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
At the time I said, i would work with him to ROC, I was in denial. I wanted to pretned that our relationship just did not work out. DENIAL as many people stay in the relationship. Less embarassing to say it was cultural or just didnt' work out.

When he called the cops that caused me to open my eyes. Pull out the evidence I had collected and tucked away for a rainy day. Then hyjacking his email just solidified everything. A man who remained so quiet and cooperative in person and verbalized differently when communicating to his brother is just a pure manipulater.

I will submit my proof and evidence and let the chips fall where they may. I coudl care less if he stay, after what he did to me and my son he will never enjoy his stay here in America.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 20:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
All emails have been printed, scanned and properly stored.

He wasn't associated with a church when he left, He claimed to be, but I think he just said that because I was telling him he should. I read a letter he wrote to his supervisor at the church because of a bad review he had recieved then later getting terminated. His brother worked for a bank of america, but has since changed his job.

He first applied for a student visa was denied because he failed to show ties. He claimed he was married on the student visa. I have a copy that he left in his suit case.

It is scary that he was so faithful to God, why doesn't he believe that he will suffer for his sins. Amazing.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 16:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
Mind you he came and went as he pleased. HE did this in front of my 11 year old son. Who just ten minutes prior was at football practice for 2.5 hours. He could have done it then. He waited for me to leave and pick him up at practice. Coward.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 15:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
1. His brother in US gave him the money. His brother sent me brother on occassion when needed with promises my ex would pay him back once in the US (read emails) Once my ex arrived the money stopped. My mother paid for the CNA school.

2. I ended thing s with him 2 weeks prior to him calling the cops. Offered for him to move to AZ and be with his brother or he could stay as a roomate. I knew he was lying and scamming, but wanted to end thing amicably for the sake of my son. What a relief when I ended things, I just didn't need to figure things out anymore.

3. He came and went as he pleased. I would come home from work he would not be home. Didn't call to tell and I didn't call to look for him. Later I found an email where he was meating a girl at the library. Gmail has a way of keeping the whole back and forth conversation,.

4. Never once did I say anythign in general about NIgerians. But I can name about 7 women on hear and one not on hear that where scammed for immigration purposes. Common in all third world countries.

5. his brother who claims to be a christian was in on this the whole time. I read emails between the two when I hyjacked his email account discussing me and the interview.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 15:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
I am not sure how this got passed immigrations.

What would a US court say about a document that does not have my legal name in an attempt to get a divorce? This is why I brought this up in the forum just for some ideas. I want to use it just as another proof at his attempt to defraud the Gov.

I have no idea just things I am pondering in light of my information I have gathered.

QUOTE (Minya's wife @ Nov 10 2009, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You brought him here on a IR/CR-1 visa...If they issued him said visa, I assume USCIS examined and verified that your marriage was legal according to both US and Nigerian standards. I'm not sure how you can now claim that the marriage wasn't even legal at all. Maybe a divorce would be a better option? Take care of you.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 11:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
Thanks for the sympathy all. I have had time to process. I am doing great. I hvae accepted and grown and appreciate the process.

Yes he was a Pastor. I have read correspondents, emails he has had with the church he worked at. This was not a lie, but in his coutnry less then a year course will get you the certificate to become a pastor. He woke up prazing and praying to God.. he spent his free time reading christian inspired books and aurthurs, and went to bed the same way he woke up.

QUOTE (evanscholly @ Nov 10 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is shocking!!!!!!!!! I really sympathize with you right now and hope you get through this season. It's a shame that this is happening after everything you have been through and you have been such a support to us in our journey. I pray all works out well for you. [i thought he was a pastor] Interesting!!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 11:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
I am american USCIS.

I am going to immigration. I want to give them a copy of the certificate. I just curiouse is why. He will get reported. I am not sure what he is doing. If he files VAWA then where do I send this. ROC doesn't happen for him until next September 10. 3 months before the 2 year mark is what I read.

I do not know why he kept these emails. I am sure his brother is pissed. He kept a lot of things that he printed out. He used an internet cafe, so he printed a lot of correspondance to read later.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 11:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
Ok, I do need to get a copy of the Policy report.

When the cops was there. Right away I told him that my husband his here on a temp GC and he just called you to prove that he was being abused or afraid of me so he can ROC on his own. Cop seen that I wasn't even mad. I knew what my ex was up to. When I followed my husband into the house, when he returned. The cop seen that I wasn't even irrate. I said to my ex why did you do this infront of Elijah. You could have left tomorrow while we were at work and school. Then he proceeded to show the cop the suit case I cut into. Why did he need the lock.

The cop then said...HUrry up, I have stuff I could be doing. I said ..yeah here you are using the cops time when someone could be getting robbed or murdered. He is here to protect the community not watch you pack. Then when he was outside I followed and said can I have the house key. My ex hesitated the cop a aggrivated town... give her they key. you wanted to leave.

I could tell he was frustrated and believed me, but I never collected the report.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 10:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
He told Immigration he was never married.

On a Student visa application he claimed to be married. During his interview he told them it was a marriage by tribal and no documentation. I have a copy of the student visa found in his suit case.
But his brother asked him in an email before we even met..did you divorce her. He said do not get involve with any nigerian woman again. I will find someone to mary you in America or Canada.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 10:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
I have all the emails i found in his suit case. I have a copy of the first class plane ticket. copy of a credit card he never told me he had.

When we were first talking about getting married.. I was not sure if i wanted to do this. He asked for my information to post on the board like birthdate and I would not give it to him. ONe of my many moments of doubt. He said do not worry, he would make it work. He said he could have his pastor mary us, but I now know he still needed to post. I remember seing the wrong birthday date someplace.

My name is Melissa V Ayotte the marriage cert says Missy M Ayotte. When I thought the marriage was real, I was willing to overlook this minor problem.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 10:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHusband Called Cops on me
I posted my story in another forum. Here is the quick and dirty version.

I ended the relationship about 8 weeks ago.. Told my husband he could stay as a roomate or move to AZ wtih brother. He pretended he wanted to stay. Two weeks later he tried to start a fight with me. Well I wanted the rent money and I was not having it. He tried to bate me. I left to pick up my son from football practice. When I returned he was gone. I went outside to see if he was sitting on the porch and there was a cop standing outside. Stating he was called because me and my husband were fighting and my husband wanted to get his stuff out of the house. Now mind you I told him he coudl leave two weeks ago.

He might just use this to prove he was at my house and the relatiionship didn't work. I found the following evidence in his "locked Suit case"

1. An email between him and his brother talking about him trying to get to Canada, his brother saying he would pay someone to marry him so he could come to the us. That he should get a new passport so Canada did not know he tried to come to the US on a student VIsa.
2. An email where his brother asked him if he got a Divorce.
3. An email after we met where his brother stated he wanted to talk to me. Asked my husband what he had told me already, because he did not want to contradict anything. He asked if he told me he was married. My husband claimed he never was. Asked my husband what he told me he did for work.

I hyjacked my husband;s email account and found a first class plane ticket for Oct 25th. This would dispute a claim of VAWA. My husband also had a credit card he did not tell me about, which I have a copy of. He had his drivers license and has been through CNA school. Anyone who was abbused would not be afforded these luxuries. He might not claim that though. He might just use the policy report. Found an email of him communicating iwth a woman he met at the LIbrary. Where he did not claim we were married.
Found an email of him communicating with his brother regarding the interview process. Can be innocent allone but add impact with everything else.

OK. another question I need feed back on. OUr Marriage Cert. does not have my legal name. it states Missy (nick name) M (my middle initial is "V" for violet), but does have my last name. He did not post our marriage legally on the board has his country requires. I am sure he palmed some hands to get this marriage done.
Can I deny the marriage is legal?

Thanks for any feed back.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-11-10 09:26:00
PhilippinesDallas or Philadelphia
Lived in New England most of my life. Never supported the Patriots until my son was interested. What a great year to follow them. LOL

QUOTE (myangel2 @ Dec 16 2007, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Dec 16 2007, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

GO Patriots!!!! 14-0 kicking.gif

Congratulations on the win today...... wacko.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-17 10:58:00
PhilippinesDallas or Philadelphia
Attached File  patriots.gif   24.18KB   3 downloads

GO Patriots!!!! 14-0 kicking.gif
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-16 12:58:00
PhilippinesTo all of you...
Your interview will go smoothly and your love and devotion will shine through in your interview!

Good bless you.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-08 17:30:00
PhilippinesI passed the interview...
Congradulations! kicking.gif
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-08 17:48:00
Congradulations to you both! I see that your love and devotion shine through every answer.

QUOTE (kits_24_faith @ Jan 9 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello my fellow vjers...

First, me and my fiancee would like to give our deepest appreciation for all of your help and prayers, and for all the information that we have learned throughout this journey.

Yesterday, January 9, my fiancee went to the embassy for her interview. I'll go ahead and skip everything and go straight to the interview part.

When her number flashed, the consul (lady) was still interviewing a gentleman with the same type of visa application (K1) and she could hear her asking the guy so many questions and this made her feel more nervous. When it was her time she smiled and greeted her and the consul did the same. She told her to hold on for she was doing something with her computer. And then the questions began. TOTAL OF 4 QUESTIONS ONLY!!! THANK YOU GOD. Here are the questions:

1.) What does he do for living?
2.) Which state does he live in?
3.) How did you meet?
4.) Is he a Filipino?

She was very relieved and calmed because the consular and her had a CASUAL talk instead of an interview type of situation. On the third question about how we met, my fiancee told her that we met all the way back during our elementary years for we went to the same school til 6th grade. Then when the consular saw our class picture from the yearbook back in 1993 she was smiling so hard and chuckling and asked her to point where I was in the pictures and so was she. After showing her she laughed like in "kilig" way and said to her that we had a very beautiful love story for she hasn't encountered this before. So they started laughing together about that. Hehehe.. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for answering our prayers.

After her interview she asked the consul if she could pick up her visa and all she said was..."OH SURE!!!" So she got the pink slip and filled out her contact information so when the visa is ready she can go ahead and pick it up. Now we are praying that the visa would be ready in a week for pick up.


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-09 13:15:00
PhilippinesMy first Post
Congratulations on your marriage. The VisaJourney is a true testament to the love you have for one another. People here understand your celebrations, frustrations, disappointment, and your said times. You are welcomed!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-18 17:04:00
PhilippinesK3 filers with administratively closed/cancelled I-129F application?
QUOTE (Gradie and Jane @ Feb 21 2008, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband filed K3 first but no response for almost 4 months then because of the lawyer's advise he filed I-130....g yes.gif

You can not just file a K3 visa. You have to file the I130 first then file you I129f/K3. The uscis has finally realized that it is less time if they just approve the I130 so they do not have to do double the work with the I129f/K3. It has been common place for the uscis to pair up the I130 and I129f if they are there at the same time. The send the I130 to storage until the so gets in the us and files AOS.

I have an approved I130, but I am waiting ofr my I129f/k3 to be approved because at my husband's embassy (Nigeria) it takes 7 months to get a CR1/I130 interview. but only 2 months for a I129f/K3 interview.

People have been told by the uscis that there I129f/k3 petition has been cancled but after she started back on the CR1 (nigerian embassy too) she recieved an approval for her I129f. She was so happy and surprized because three people from the uscis told her that her I129f was gonig to be terminated. This so far has been false information and no one has been able to show proof of this policy.

Rumors so far. My I130 was approved in Sept. My I129f/K3 has a reciept date of sept and still states that it is pending. the are not just going to cancle it without telling me. makes no sence.

thats my two cents about it. Good luck every one.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-02-22 09:45:00
PhilippinesVisa received
Merry Christmas! My husband got the same gift this year. Our patience has paid off.

Bless you!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-12-12 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Journey Morning Prayer
Thank you GOD for the blessing of additional love in our lives. We are grateful that we are blessed with the abundance of the American life style.
Please bless us with the patience to finish the Visa process.
Please bless us with the strength to handle the disappointments that might come our way.
Please bless us with the knowledge to understand the process enough to eliminate unneeded stress.
Please reunite us with our loved ones in a quick and painless process.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-11-28 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow Often Do You Refresh the USCIS Page?!
Other: Never
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-16 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!! :)))
QUOTE (chispas @ Dec 17 2007, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG 5 in the morning?

Yes, I usualy get up at 4:00, but it hardto get out of bed in this cold weather. Storyangle was the only one that was up at that time.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-18 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!! :)))
Congratulations!!! Who will play the numbers game with me at 5 in the morning. crying.gif

QUOTE (StoryAngel @ Dec 17 2007, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Eli the Barrowboy @ Dec 17 2007, 03:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to you both - hope you still play the numbers game from time to time!!!

Thanks!! I just posted in there!! Hehe
Might not be around too much for the next coupla weeks while my SO is with me but I'm still here!!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2007-12-17 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!!
You are a witness!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-01-13 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Hey Chelle & Keith,
Let's start a thread in the Off Topic area and call it the New England Area or North East area Thread. I would love to arrange a meet and greet in the New England area.

This is currently under the K1, which could be over looked by other petitioners and petitionees.

Have a great day!

QUOTE (ChelleKeith @ Nov 4 2008, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hellooo everyone, I am so sorry that I havent been able to reply, We have two computers but the monitor broke on mine and on his for some strange reason it wont let me reply or post in here sad.gif but thankfully my soon to be brother in law found me a monitor so here I am !!!

Welcome to everyone and I so look forward to continueing on this page.

Hey Beans, I am returning to maine on the 1st of december, I will be staying with my oldest daughter for a few weeks while looking for a full time job and a place to live. I will also be living in the Hampden /Bangor area woooot. we need to keep in touch so that when you get here we can meet.

We all need to meet in the summer time. Maine is beautiful then esp. on the coast. It will be so nice to get together and relax and have all of this behind us and have our loves with us smile.gif

Lets tell a little more about ourselves so that we know more smile.gif

I am 46 years old, a mother of 3 daughters ages 29, 16. and 14, I am a grandmother to two little boys ages 8 and 6 smile.gif .. I am so in love with my man and pray that everything works out and that we will be done with this stuff for a while very soon. We are still waiting on the NOA2 but am in hopes to get that this month. time will tell. Not much left to tell lol... ok comon you guys tell me about youuuu


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-05 05:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Welcome! You are very close to Maine.

QUOTE (beans @ Oct 17 2008, 05:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not from Maine, I'm the Canadian. But when all this is said and done, I'll be living in the Hampden/Bangor area. So I figured, I should peep in and say hi smile.gif

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-11-05 05:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Other areas have had successful meet and greats. I would welcome that once my husband is here.

QUOTE (beans @ Oct 17 2008, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Oct 17 2008, 05:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're not in Maine but in Massachusetts (well he is, I'm from England), which is right next to Maine... it would be good to meet up with people that have had a similar experience once it's all said and done. smile.gif

Yeah, it would definitely be neat. And from what I've seen, I like Boston lol.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-17 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Must have been you then.

I met my husband through a mutual friend. I had made numerous changes in my life and practicing Christianity. He sold busses from the US to the church my husband worked for. I was always joking with him about fixing me up with someone. He was calling me from my husband's country Nigeria one day. I sent him and email to ask what he wanted. He said, "I found your husband". So he sent me pictures and his information. I started emailing and talking over the phone. We talked about getting married, but I would not make that commitment until I met him in person. He set up all the marriage arrangements on that end just in case. I didn't have that excited all in love feeling, but I thought he was someone I should marry. Compared to the many I had that giddy feeling about that went no lace fast. When I met him I had that overwhelming in love feeling immediately. Him and my son hit it off great. He put my son first on everything.

So he had our wedding attire made up in two days. Traditional African attire. He asked me what color I wanted my dress to be. When I picked pink I did not know I was picking the color for everyone.

We were working with a lawyer that delayed our process. I fired him and got back half our money. Now we are in Admin Processing, but it is all in god's hands. His country's embassy are very cautious for fraudulent relationships which are rampid. Many even here on VJ.

Hopefully we are comming to the end of our process. Maybe even by Christmas.

Hiya from southern maine and welcome to this topic .... I wonder if that was meeeee by the old orchard beach board walk as that is where my guy proposed to me... Tell us your story as it is so much fun to hear about it...

Where abouts in southern maine are you?

Oh this is getting good lets keep it up !!

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-02 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Hello from Southern Maine,
There is another user in my Portal that lives less then a mile from me. I have also seen a picture of a couple by the Old Orhard Beach board walk.

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2008-10-02 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow that it is 2009 how many pre 2008 filers are apart
Hello Sylvia,
You should be almost done. Have you tried calling the DOS to check for updates on your case. Has your SO had a home visit. This has been common in our region.

There is a AP list started for tracking people in AP. You should join this list to help others and gain support.


QUOTE (Sylvia_n_Joseph @ Jan 4 2009, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wondered how many people are stuck in visa hell. I filed in Nov 2007 and we are still apart. How many of us are there still trying to get to be with our loved ones and are way way outside the normal time line. AP AR or whatever reason

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-05 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE GOT IT!
Congratulations! I missed your post 2, because I do not usuallyread K1 threads.

You will get a speedy interview date! star_smile.gif

QUOTE (2gathawestand @ Jan 15 2009, 07:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greetings To All

We Got it kicking.gif whistling.gif The NOA2 has arrived and Most Importantly

THANK YOU GOD.........Hallelujah, He is good and never falls short of his word. Amen

We received the email of approval on 1/14/09.

Vermont Service Center
Consulate : Nigeria
I-129F Sent : 2008-08-08
I-129F NOA1 : 2008-08-18
I-129F RFE(s) :
RFE Reply(s) :
I-129F NOA2 : 2009-01-14

Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-17 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYes He Did!!!!!!!
What an amazing day. Just a taste of the wonderful things to come. I am so happy for you two. Thanks for sharing the great news.

QUOTE (2Hearts2Joys @ Jan 20 2009, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
On this Inauguration Day (1-20-2009) My Hubby was approved for is US Visa kicking.gif . YES HE DID!!! luv.gif luv.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif luv.gif luv.gif Love ya Babe!!! heart.gif heart.gif biggrin.gif

I am in Washington D.C. for President Obama Inauguration. While awaiting the start of the Inauguration in cold frigid weather my hubby called my cell phone to inform me that he got approved today for his Visa. OMG!!! I was so excited that the cold weather was no longer cold for the news of his approval warm me throughout. dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif heart.gif luv.gif luv.gif luv.gif.

I will update Vj later on the interview questions.. I am still walking around Washington D.C. enjoying and celebrating our Nation Historical Day!! kicking.gif


Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-01-20 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsquestios for k3 visa interview
You can read examples of peoples interview by clicking above Reviews:Ebassy/USCIS Then select Nigeria.
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-05-14 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE WERE APPROVED
Amazing Grace!
Enlighten one :)FemaleNigeria2009-05-14 08:28:00