CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
lol none taken. We have an unconventional relationship, for sure
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-27 23:06:00
CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
I got an email from the Montreal Consulate today saying this:

The Immigrant Visa unit has concluded its administrative processing and is able to issue an immigrant visa in your case. In order to do so, please send your passport (valid for at least six months) to:

U.S. Consulate
I.V. unit
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardins
Montréal QC H3B 3Z1

Please note the IV unit is mailing a letter to you today regarding same.

Thank you,

I'm doing my happy dance! I have not seen my husband in over 1 year, you have no idea who relieved I am!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-27 17:24:00
CanadaWhat do you refrigerate?
I refrigerate pretty much everything too :)
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-26 21:54:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???
I am anti-facebook. That place is a stalkers paradise :blink:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-17 10:38:00
CanadaZansGirl and the Consulate
Congratulations :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-05 20:47:00
CanadaPatriotic Tattoo
I have a Canadian inspired tattoo covering my entire foot and a bit of my ankle. I definitely wanted something before my immigration :star:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-03 17:24:00
CanadaWhich is which???
They do accept couriers, you just have to send the package directly to the consulate.
I sent my passport to them by UPS and it got there without a problem.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-19 07:19:00
CanadaPassport to be sent along with the additional docs??
I sent my passport in at the beginning of this month to have my visa issued. Who knows how long it will take to get it back. Ugh, why oh why do they have to drag out this whole process?!? :blink: :unsure: :crying:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-11 22:34:00
CanadaWe got the IR-1 visa!!
Congratulations! :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 20:14:00
CanadaEmails to Montreal Consulate don't appear to work either.

You think THAT is long? <haha> My husband's passport has been at the consulate since mid-December.

Have you received the passport and visa yet or are you still waiting?
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 12:28:00
CanadaEmails to Montreal Consulate don't appear to work either.

Yes it is. It seems everybody in AP is waiting an absurd amount of time. Our documents were just indicated as received (according to the tracking number not anything from the Consulate obviously) earlier this week. Sounds like we have a few months not weeks yet to wait. You know if I had known Montreal was so slow when we started this whole process I would have just stayed in Canada, kept the job I wasn't crazy about, and just waited it out there. This waiting is just nuts.

My wife and I are nearing the point of just forgetting it all and settling down back in Canada. I really hate this #######. Living in limbo for months and months and months on end severely wears on a person. The guys at work can't believe we've waited as long as we have. Anybody who has not immigrated from Canada to the U.S. has no clue how long and trying it is. I've yet to meet anyone who even knew this nonsense was going on for countless Canadians.

Maybe I should have posted in one of the venting threads :crying:

I understand your pain, trust me. My husband and I have not seen each other since October 2008!
My heart breaks at the thought of having to wait months and months to get my passport and visa when we have already waiting apart for so long :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 09:21:00
CanadaEmails to Montreal Consulate don't appear to work either.

My passport has been at Mtl Consulate since Jan. 4, 2010

The Consulate is not responding to email nor answering the phone.

Got Senator involved and heard today from his office the backlog is because of the Haiti situation.

The Senator's assistant mentioned he would try and expedite my passport.

Holy #######, I could be waiting that long? :blink:
What will the expiry of the visa be? I mean, if they date it from the day I got the email of my case being approved, but then they don't issue it for months, is the 6 month expiry still the same?

This is ridiculous.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-23 22:01:00
CanadaEmails to Montreal Consulate don't appear to work either.
I have emailed the consulate a couple of times since I mailed my passport to them and have not had a response. Our packages are probably sitting in a pile somewhere collecting dust :angry:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-22 20:28:00
CanadaMailing document to Montreal via courier??
I sent my passport directly to the consulate by UPS. Got there the next morning without a problem.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-01 19:26:00
CanadaI will NEVER contact Montreal Consulate AGAIN!!
Congratulations!! :thumbs:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-04 07:32:00
Wooooooo Hoooooooooooooo :dance:
What an awesome game! :thumbs:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-28 19:02:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't
I hope hope hope that I get my visa very soon.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-15 20:42:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't
Yep! :star:
I was so freaked out reading that a decision had not been made and my case was still 'under review', that I kept emailing asking what the hell is going on and got a reply in 24 hours lol. This is what it said:

"whenever we receive documents or the officer has it, we consider that under review."

so I guess they have my passport and are finishing up my case? They are kind of vague in their responses!

I made sure to get the name of the woman that interviewed me so I direct all my emails to her and I guess she got sick of reading them all.

I hope I get my visa soon, I have not seen my husband in almost 1 & 1/2 years! :crying:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-04 07:37:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't

Dont worry you should be good to go... I did the same thing back in mid january and emailed and all they said was "they are going to review the file and proceed and process your case." I kept tracking the case thru canada post. They sent it a few maybe 3 or 4 weeks later.. I Dont know why it takes so long when you mail it in... versus if they had approved it the day of the interview and you get it a week or so later...but im sure you will get it because from the words of the lady who did our interview. They dont like to keep passports any longer than they have to... In case of emergencies or anything of that nature. We offered to let them keep the passport during our interview when they asked us for further info and thats what she said.

Thank you that gives me hope! :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-27 22:11:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't
Okay I will call on Monday and see what they say. Thanks. :thumbs:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 21:13:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't
what DOS hotline? I never knew there was a number I could call.

Can you please give me the phone number, I definitely need to speak to someone.

This is so crazy and confusing and upsetting :crying:

Am I approved? Am I not approved? Ugh! :(
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 20:57:00
CanadaApparantly after saying my case has been approved, it isn't
Hi all,

as you know at my interview my case was put into Administrative Processing. A week later I get an email from the Montreal Consulate telling me the review has been complete and a visa can be issued in my case. I get a letter in the mail a few days later saying I have to send in my passport for further processing of my case.
I send in my passport and its been at the consulate since the beginning of February. I sent a couple of emails inquiring as to when I can expect to receive my passport and visa back. Today I got a reply and this is what it said:

"We received your emails. The file is being reviewed by the consular officer, as soon as the review is complete we will advise you with the decision on your file. thank you for your patience and understanding. processing delays are due to the high volume of mail, emails and cases pending review."

Ummm okay :blink:
Why ask me to send in my passport, after telling me a visa can be issued in my case and then tell me that they are still reviewing my file? Does that make any sense at all? I am so confused right now.

This is what the 'approval' email said:

The Immigrant Visa unit has concluded its administrative processing and is able to issue an immigrant visa in your case. In order to do so, please send your passport (valid for at least six months) to:

U.S. Consulate
I.V. unit
P.O. Box 65, Station Desjardins
Montréal QC H3B 3Z1

Please note the IV unit is mailing a letter to you today regarding same.

Does this make any sense at all? I am so baffled at all of this. First they say that I'm approved and to send my passport and now they are saying my file is being reviewed and they will let me know what is going to happen?

HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-02-26 20:22:00
CanadaHappy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patricks Day!
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-17 06:18:00
CanadaGot My Visa
Hi all,

Finally - today I received my visa in the mail! :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-17 16:49:00
I hope you get everything soon! :)
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-22 22:40:00
Congratulations! :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-25 19:41:00
CanadaHad enough..
:o Oh my gosh, that is terrible!
Why is it taking so long?
I hope it gets sorted out soon, that is not right to have couples waiting that long to be reunited.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-03-31 06:22:00
Congratulations! :dance:
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-19 14:55:00
CanadaApproval times in Montreal after the interview
When my case went into administrative processing, I started emailing a couple of times a day for a while - I got a reply after sending 8 emails. It bugs them and eventually they reply.
I was especially annoying because I asked the name of the lady who interviewed me so I would put all my email subject lines to her attention. Got a reply real quick!
I hate to be annoying like that, but when you want answers, you want answers!
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-04-12 17:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Anyone have any Canadian inspired tattoos or am I the only one? :P
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-27 22:57:00
CanadaPOE Tomorrow!
I POE'd at Queenston/Lewiston yesterday and was never asked for a list. I did number all my boxes and have a list but they didn't even look inside the UHaul. It was very easy.

Best of luck :)
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-08-10 16:54:00
CanadaDenied at POE
Wow, what a nightmare! I hope you are able to immigrate to the US soon.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-09-26 10:53:00
I don't want children and neither does my husband. We are both very happy with our decision and have no regrets :)
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-09-26 10:57:00
CanadaWhere are you keeping your greencard
I keep it with all my documents regarding the immigration process and my passport. I am not even worried about being stopped by the police and questioned about my status. I have plenty of Pennsylvania ID.
HisGirlFemaleCanada2010-12-07 20:24:00
CanadaTransferring Funds
I used Custom House. It is easy but kind of nerve wracking the first time you do a transfer, at least for me it was!
HisGirlFemaleCanada2011-01-08 09:10:00
CanadaCrossing to US via Queenston/Lewiston, Niagara
I crossed at the Queenston/Lewiston entry also and didn't have a problem. I was there at 3am, so I was the only person they had to process. Was very quick and didn't ask me any questions! :)
HisGirlFemaleCanada2011-01-08 09:08:00
CanadaApplying for credit cards
I applied for a capital one visa, one of the cards for people with little or no credit, and was approved right away. I had only been in the US 1-2 months too. Try and apply for that card.

Edited by HisGirl, 20 March 2011 - 08:03 AM.

HisGirlFemaleCanada2011-03-20 08:03:00
CanadaH&R Block did our US taxes
This is my first time filing taxes as a US resident and was wondering if I should go to H&R Block too.

Has anyone used Turbotax??
HisGirlFemaleCanada2011-03-19 08:03:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I am definately keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping you get your interview soon. smile.gif
Maybe you are going to find out in the next couple of weeks. My case was completed in July too and I just found out last month about my interview. You are next, they can't keep you waiting for much longer. good.gif
HisGirlFemaleCanada2009-12-31 07:35:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I can't believe they are making us wait this long. crying.gif
HisGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-18 17:29:00