Middle East and North AfricaMap game
21 out of 22...why does U.A.E. and Oman have to be so dang confusing? :blush:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-01 02:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaHalal Food Poll

OK, I fudged Q.2...there should be "whenever it's possilbe" as my DH and I can't get to the halal market all the time.


Huh? Sorry my Net lingo is off or something but the snaps is Q.2 and DH? SOrry for sounding ignorant!

My husband is here in the US. We get to the halal market when we get to the halal market. There is no "whenever is possible" on Q.2 for him...only yes, no, he does now, i don't know. I said YES, but it's really between Yes, and No...therefore, the "FUDGE". Not exactly true, but not exactly false. :whistle:

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-02 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHalal Food Poll
OK, I fudged Q.2...there should be "whenever it's possilbe" as my DH and I can't get to the halal market all the time.

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-02 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow old are you and your S/O ?
I'm 40, Noureddine is 31. :luv:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-10-31 01:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow old were you
39 :luv:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-02 01:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaConsulate in Casa

He has his medical Wednesday. I was hoping he could get another packet while there. He said he would go over there and see, just in case? We'll see how far that goes! uffffffffffffff. Inchallah everything will work out. It's just a little frustrating.


It's not unheard of people picking up their packets after it got "misplaced" by the Moroccan post. Did you ask Casa via email if this was possible? They usually are more proactive via email since they "don't get paid enough" to deal with us on the phone. I hope all goes well.

Christine :luv:

I was just about to write another complaint about Casa, and was actually about two paragraphs into it, when casa emailed me back! Thank god! He can go and pick it up! :D Ok, I can quit my bitching now! :)

I'm glad it all worked out for you. I personally think they sit at their desks all day sending emails and ignoring the phones. :whistle:

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-07 20:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaConsulate in Casa

He has his medical Wednesday. I was hoping he could get another packet while there. He said he would go over there and see, just in case? We'll see how far that goes! uffffffffffffff. Inchallah everything will work out. It's just a little frustrating.


It's not unheard of people picking up their packets after it got "misplaced" by the Moroccan post. Did you ask Casa via email if this was possible? They usually are more proactive via email since they "don't get paid enough" to deal with us on the phone. I hope all goes well.

Christine :luv:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-07 03:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaTourist Visas

I will tell you that a family friend got her mother here...with no money and no ties to Morocco, after sending her tax returns and bank statements showing how much money she made. What we did was ask for them to come to visit their granddaughter and my family. Since both parents were retired, one homemaker(i.e. no money :blush: ), I wrote an invitation letter stating I was a RPCV, why I wanted them to come, how their expenses would be paid, and that I would ensure they follow the guidelines withing their visa(i.e. no overstay). I also included a copy of our marriage contract to prove that Noureddine and I were married and our daughter's bc, proving they had a granddaughter. I had an employment letter from PC when I was in service to add more credibility to my invite :whistle:.

At the interview, they were asked a lot of questions, since N's dad was in the military and they asked a lot of questions about N. They were ask how they supported themselves and added that their children support them. When asked how long they wanted to stay, fortunately they did not say 10 yrs. like my FIL wanted. They got their visas. I think that if his mother was coming alone, they wouldn't have been questioned so much. I am glad they were both approved. They both have travelled to Germany and the fact that they returned might have added weight to their case, as well.

After your DF gets his visa, I would apply for his mother. N is still a CPR, but once he is a PR/USC, I think the process may be easier to have her visit. Best of Luck.

Christine :luv:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-08 19:44:00
Middle East and North Africainterview done
congratulations :dance: :dance: You should get your visa after the administrative review, which is a background check done in DC.

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-08 03:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat does your candy heart say?
Your Candy Heart Says "Hug Me"

Posted Image

A total sweetheart, you always have a lot of love to give out.
Your heart is open to where ever love takes you!

Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a surprise romantic evening that you've planned out

Your flirting style: lots of listening and talking

What turns you off: fighting and conflict

Why you're hot: you're fearless about falling in love

What Does Your Candy Heart Say?

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-08 21:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat 2007 car should you drive?
You Should Drive a Saturn Sky

Posted Image

You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona.
Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down.

What 2007 Car Should You Drive?

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-10 17:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

Oh boy did this strike a chord with me! So yes now that we have some extra money we do send money home to Youssef's mom. His father died 5 years ago, and only two of his 5 sisters has a husband that makes a decent living. So with the baby coming in January Youssef was disapointed that he couldn't go home for Eid (it's on 1/1/07 this year). But obviously he wants to be here when the baby is born. So I did happen to come across a cheap ticket for less than $600 from Chicago to Marrakech and told him he could go at the end of November and stay 2 or 3 weeks if he wanted. But then he decided that he couldn't go until he bought enough presents for everyone and had at least $1000 or more for his visit. I really can't understand this. I've tried to have him explain it to me but he says he doesn't want to go back until he can do this. We have been buying presents gradually (TJ Maxx woohoo!) and I'm glad he's not set on having to spend $100 per person or we'd be super broke! His family does not understand what life is like here and think that because he is here, and his brother and he has another brother in Italy they should all be able to send a lot of money back for them. Apparently news didn't hit that life is a lot harder here. Sometimes we argue about it but not directly about sending money home. We are trying to rent a new place to live and the arguing over money to spend on our bills never ceases.....Oh well..

Man, I feel your pain :thumbs:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-10 01:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

kofuku, ur husband is good man, dont understand it as bad thing, its coustem of arab, as same as american, american woman have to work and that is fact that arab men cant change, and if u dont work, everyone will be attacking u and saying u r bad woman, same for arab man, if he dont help his family, he will say he just left and never care for his family, so even if he paid too much that he can afford, so dont say no and support him, cuz as arab man, if u didnt support him, that means u r acting bad way, and asking him to give up on his family, and i dont think u need to go that way down

plus most important thing, if the guy have sister that getting married, and his family cant afford it and he have to afford too much, that is fact u have to do, cuz if he didnt, the sister inlaws will say she is not good girl cuz her family not taking care of her, its like marrying a american woman that spend most her life in prison cuz of ####### and prustetution and have aids and have 100,000$ loan which she used on drugs!
same shame of that is lefting ur sister marry without afford her stuff

In Jordan, the groom pays for everything. I mean EVERYTHING. He buys the bride's dress, pays for her hair/make-up, the entire wedding, he even gives the bride alot of money upfront for new clothes suitable for a bride. There is not much expense left for the Bride's family. Is that the same in Morroco and Egypt?

In theory yes, but reality means something entirely different. Like ahmedosman said, you have to take care of your family. Otherwises, it's hsuma. And no wants shame on the family.

JP- In most ME/NA countries and even in Soouth Asia, the custom is that the groom pays for the wedding, but these affairs are more than the single event. The Bride family also can throw a party. In South Asia for example, the day after the wedding (for which the groom pays) there is a party equal in size and expensive given by the Bride's family. Or is it the other way around :P I'm tired today.

In Jordan I image weddings are also multiday affairs. does the bride's family spend any mney for these?

Yes we do. First we have an engagment party. THe week before the wedding, the bride's family will host a party only for the bride's guest and they will invite the groom and his immediate family. After that, the grooms, family will do the same. On the day of the wedding, each family will host a luncheon at their home where the bride/groom get dressed and their families will come to celebrate and help. Then there is the reception which is becoming less and less common in Jordan. They usually have a gathering after the honeymoon too.

The groom will pick up most of the cost for this stuff. I'd say about 75%. Sometimes the Bride's family will pay for the engagment party and they always pay for the brides party before the wedding.

sigh...I want a four day wedding party :crying:

Believe me, you'll be happier with an 8 hr. party. Changing a zillion times in a short span of time is tiring :yes:
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 21:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='557728' date='Nov 9 2006, 03:21 PM'][quote name='kofuku' post='557721' date='Nov 9 2006, 03:16 PM']
[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='557698' date='Nov 9 2006, 02:59 PM']
[quote name='ahmedosman' post='557672' date='Nov 9 2006, 02:44 PM']
kofuku, ur husband is good man, dont understand it as bad thing, its coustem of arab, as same as american, american woman have to work and that is fact that arab men cant change, and if u dont work, everyone will be attacking u and saying u r bad woman, same for arab man, if he dont help his family, he will say he just left and never care for his family, so even if he paid too much that he can afford, so dont say no and support him, cuz as arab man, if u didnt support him, that means u r acting bad way, and asking him to give up on his family, and i dont think u need to go that way down

plus most important thing, if the guy have sister that getting married, and his family cant afford it and he have to afford too much, that is fact u have to do, cuz if he didnt, the sister inlaws will say she is not good girl cuz her family not taking care of her, its like marrying a american woman that spend most her life in prison cuz of ####### and prustetution and have aids and have 100,000$ loan which she used on drugs!
same shame of that is lefting ur sister marry without afford her stuff[/quote]

In Jordan, the groom pays for everything. I mean EVERYTHING. He buys the bride's dress, pays for her hair/make-up, the entire wedding, he even gives the bride alot of money upfront for new clothes suitable for a bride. There is not much expense left for the Bride's family. Is that the same in Morroco and Egypt?

In theory yes, but reality means something entirely different. Like ahmedosman said, you have to take care of your family. Otherwises, it's hsuma. And no wants shame on the family.

I understand, but its also considered shameful for the bride's family to pay for a lavish wedding for the groom. At least where I come from. Helping out with other expenses is definitly true with the families expenses but not the actual cost of the wedding, I have never heard of that, not in an arab-arab scenario. I can't really speak as to what happens in other countries.

That's why it was a "gift" from us. Our family has NO money for a wedding. To make sure she could have the wedding she wanted, we gave her money to spend as she pleased. :whistle:

[quote name='jordanianprincess' post='557798' date='Nov 9 2006, 03:47 PM'][quote name='kofuku' post='557793' date='Nov 9 2006, 03:45 PM']
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='557771' date='Nov 9 2006, 03:36 PM']
[quote name='kofuku' post='557603' date='Nov 9 2006, 02:08 PM']
[quote name='sarah and hicham' post='557149' date='Nov 9 2006, 11:20 AM']
[quote name='honeyblonde' post='557000' date='Nov 9 2006, 10:23 AM']
Abdel and I have a joint account and we deposit his check together in the night deposit. I've taught him how to do the envelope and use his card, but he doesn't remember his pin number so he just uses his card as a credit card sometimes. We agreed up front that his overtime is all his, and if he gets a raise, that money is his too. We pay the bills first, and then split what is left. I tend to just pump all of my extra money back into the house, and don't take an allowance for myself because I just use the card if I want something. I usually spend less on myself a month than what he takes for an allowance, but we have a lot of debt we made on the house right after he got here, so I don't care if I have pocket money or not - I have my bathroom all fancy now and the water heater that never runs out of hot water.

Abdel's parents are deceased, and the sister that raised all of them offers to send money if we need it. We never let her of course, because we don't need it. One of his little brothers asks for money because he is unemployed, and of course the kids ask for toys and things. His sister seems to be the only one who realizes that life here isn't some magic fairyland. We do intend to open a special account for them and take a bank card over to give to his sister when we go visit so she can just withdraw money from the account as she needs it. She raised him and his siblings after their parents died, and he feels like now it is his turn to contribute to the family. As soon as we are able to (January) we both intend to send money every month.

I think the hardest thing for us is that there are so many people in his family there that any money we send will be split so many ways that it will have to be at least $250 to even be worth sending. He's really homesick right now, but even if we had the money for the ticket he wouldn't go because he feels that he has to take a present for every person and the kinds of presents he is looking at are at least $100 each. He has 8 siblings and some are married with kids, so we're talking in the thousands for presents alone. He said it is also normal when his brother from Italy visits for him to slip pocket money to each of the ones who are unemployed each day that he is there, so we'll have to have at least an extra $1,000 per week of our visit in our pockets for that. With his expectations he won't be going home for a couple of years unless he gets a nice raise soon.[/quote]

Umm this sounds very strange to me. Why is he expected to birng thousands of dollars in presents? I would think that his family would just be happy to see him since he is so far away and they haven't seen him in so long. I would hope that his family understands his financial position and not expect something that isn't possible. I assume they know what he does here? I guess to me it seems like they shouldn't expect him to be successful and rich after one year in the US- that's just silly. I would hope that his family would welcome him with arms open no matter what. Does his family really expect those presents? Hicham's family doesn't expect gifts or money from us. They know it's not easy here and they are proud of him for working and not needing money from his family. They can't wait to see him- presents or no presents. I don't know, I guess that just struck me as sad for your husband because he is homesick but can't go home because he can't afford thousands of dollars in presents.

Nothing strange here. It's cultural. My husband said the same thing about bringing gifts to Morocco. I was shocked. But, then again, I was shocked that our lunch on the train was shared with strangers. It's hsuma to eat without offering food to people in front of you. Just like it's hsuma to keep your "wealth" to yourself. You are family and everyone shares. Think about it, I shared their food in one dish, their drink in one cup(until I had to drink separately becuase the water didn't agree with me :blush: ). We are all one family and as the saying goes, what's ours is yours. They don't have much, but his parents have already bought us gifts for our home..rugs, couscous dishes, tangines, gifts for the baby, etc... to bring when they come to visit us. I tell my husband I don't need anything from Morocco, but he keeps asking me, "hon, what do you want? they'll bring whatever you need"


I understand bringing gifts, and I agree with what you are saying. The thing I think is strange is that he thinks he needs to spend thousands of dollars on gifts in order to go see his family. Like it has been said before it's great to bring gifts and I'm sure most of us do it but there are ways of bringing gifts without spending a fortune. I don't think his family is going to ask him how much he spent on them.

Agreed, but when people have a large extended family, you can end up spending like it's Christmas time. Personally, I'm doing my shopping at Ross.[/quote]

Heck ya girlfriend! :lol: That is exactly what I did! Where else can you get a Ralph Lauren sweater for $20? I mean who really cares if one sleeve is longer than the other. :lol: jk Serisouly I am bargain queen addict. ADDICT I tell ya.

:lol: :lol: My sister is training me to be a bargain queen. That's her store and I'll see how I do.
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

Abdel and I have a joint account and we deposit his check together in the night deposit. I've taught him how to do the envelope and use his card, but he doesn't remember his pin number so he just uses his card as a credit card sometimes. We agreed up front that his overtime is all his, and if he gets a raise, that money is his too. We pay the bills first, and then split what is left. I tend to just pump all of my extra money back into the house, and don't take an allowance for myself because I just use the card if I want something. I usually spend less on myself a month than what he takes for an allowance, but we have a lot of debt we made on the house right after he got here, so I don't care if I have pocket money or not - I have my bathroom all fancy now and the water heater that never runs out of hot water.

Abdel's parents are deceased, and the sister that raised all of them offers to send money if we need it. We never let her of course, because we don't need it. One of his little brothers asks for money because he is unemployed, and of course the kids ask for toys and things. His sister seems to be the only one who realizes that life here isn't some magic fairyland. We do intend to open a special account for them and take a bank card over to give to his sister when we go visit so she can just withdraw money from the account as she needs it. She raised him and his siblings after their parents died, and he feels like now it is his turn to contribute to the family. As soon as we are able to (January) we both intend to send money every month.

I think the hardest thing for us is that there are so many people in his family there that any money we send will be split so many ways that it will have to be at least $250 to even be worth sending. He's really homesick right now, but even if we had the money for the ticket he wouldn't go because he feels that he has to take a present for every person and the kinds of presents he is looking at are at least $100 each. He has 8 siblings and some are married with kids, so we're talking in the thousands for presents alone. He said it is also normal when his brother from Italy visits for him to slip pocket money to each of the ones who are unemployed each day that he is there, so we'll have to have at least an extra $1,000 per week of our visit in our pockets for that. With his expectations he won't be going home for a couple of years unless he gets a nice raise soon.

Umm this sounds very strange to me. Why is he expected to birng thousands of dollars in presents? I would think that his family would just be happy to see him since he is so far away and they haven't seen him in so long. I would hope that his family understands his financial position and not expect something that isn't possible. I assume they know what he does here? I guess to me it seems like they shouldn't expect him to be successful and rich after one year in the US- that's just silly. I would hope that his family would welcome him with arms open no matter what. Does his family really expect those presents? Hicham's family doesn't expect gifts or money from us. They know it's not easy here and they are proud of him for working and not needing money from his family. They can't wait to see him- presents or no presents. I don't know, I guess that just struck me as sad for your husband because he is homesick but can't go home because he can't afford thousands of dollars in presents.

Nothing strange here. It's cultural. My husband said the same thing about bringing gifts to Morocco. I was shocked. But, then again, I was shocked that our lunch on the train was shared with strangers. It's hsuma to eat without offering food to people in front of you. Just like it's hsuma to keep your "wealth" to yourself. You are family and everyone shares. Think about it, I shared their food in one dish, their drink in one cup(until I had to drink separately becuase the water didn't agree with me :blush: ). We are all one family and as the saying goes, what's ours is yours. They don't have much, but his parents have already bought us gifts for our home..rugs, couscous dishes, tangines, gifts for the baby, etc... to bring when they come to visit us. I tell my husband I don't need anything from Morocco, but he keeps asking me, "hon, what do you want? they'll bring whatever you need"


I understand bringing gifts, and I agree with what you are saying. The thing I think is strange is that he thinks he needs to spend thousands of dollars on gifts in order to go see his family. Like it has been said before it's great to bring gifts and I'm sure most of us do it but there are ways of bringing gifts without spending a fortune. I don't think his family is going to ask him how much he spent on them.

Agreed, but when people have a large extended family, you can end up spending like it's Christmas time. Personally, I'm doing my shopping at Ross.
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

kofuku, ur husband is good man, dont understand it as bad thing, its coustem of arab, as same as american, american woman have to work and that is fact that arab men cant change, and if u dont work, everyone will be attacking u and saying u r bad woman, same for arab man, if he dont help his family, he will say he just left and never care for his family, so even if he paid too much that he can afford, so dont say no and support him, cuz as arab man, if u didnt support him, that means u r acting bad way, and asking him to give up on his family, and i dont think u need to go that way down

plus most important thing, if the guy have sister that getting married, and his family cant afford it and he have to afford too much, that is fact u have to do, cuz if he didnt, the sister inlaws will say she is not good girl cuz her family not taking care of her, its like marrying a american woman that spend most her life in prison cuz of ####### and prustetution and have aids and have 100,000$ loan which she used on drugs!
same shame of that is lefting ur sister marry without afford her stuff

In Jordan, the groom pays for everything. I mean EVERYTHING. He buys the bride's dress, pays for her hair/make-up, the entire wedding, he even gives the bride alot of money upfront for new clothes suitable for a bride. There is not much expense left for the Bride's family. Is that the same in Morroco and Egypt?

In theory yes, but reality means something entirely different. Like ahmedosman said, you have to take care of your family. Otherwises, it's hsuma. And no wants shame on the family.
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 18:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

So for those of you that voted that the family depends/expects money to be sent everymonth, has this affected your relationship? Do you fight about it or are you in agreement?

:P What do you think? My SIL's wedding cost more than ours and we paid twice as much than our own wedding so that she could have such a lavish wedding. My husband said family is more important, than say a newer car or home. I eventually got over it. I was more PO'd about him agreeing beforehand that he would give xy amount without consulting me than I was about the actual amount. He's since learned his lesson.

Why did he pay for his sister's wedding? :huh: I thought the Groom was supposed to pay or is that not the same there?

It was our 'gift' to them. It was not a cheap affair.
kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 17:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

So for those of you that voted that the family depends/expects money to be sent everymonth, has this affected your relationship? Do you fight about it or are you in agreement?

:P What do you think? My SIL's wedding cost more than ours and we paid twice as much than our own wedding so that she could have such a lavish wedding. My husband said family is more important, than say a newer car or home. I eventually got over it. I was more PO'd about him agreeing beforehand that he would give xy amount without consulting me than I was about the actual amount. He's since learned his lesson.

Edited by kofuku, 09 November 2006 - 05:34 PM.

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 17:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family

what honey blonde says, that shows how much this man is good, but things isnt stable yet, thats why he saying he aint going back home yet until he can do it, ofcourse that is too much for what kind of gifts he talking about, but that shows how much respect he got with his family, which u will be his family one day, and be sure he will give u the same respect!

kofukuNot TellingMorocco2006-11-09 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
congrats all the febs on their progress. hard to believe its almost been a year since we started this mess. we got our green card friday... yay! i guess we don't have to worry about anything for the next 1.5 yrs until we do the 'lifting of restriction' or whatever that is you're supposed to do a few months before the 2 yr green card expires.
confusingMalePhilippines2011-01-30 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
thanks for the comments everyone... i'm still confused tho :P but at least we can figure it all out without being 10,000 miles apart. much better.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-06-17 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
she arrived today! i want to thank everyone on vj for their help. we couldn't have done it so easily without their help. i remember researching lawyers, and then some how stumbled on to this forum... what a life saver.

hang in there everyone! it feels so good to finally get what you both worked so hard for.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-06-16 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Confusing, way to lead the charge. It is nice to actually see someone get through all of this. I know you aren't finished with USCIS for years, but you have jumped the biggest hurdle. We should be reading in a few more weeks about some more visas in hand, you showed us the way.

thanks... i wish i could share my secret, but i think it was just pure luck. either way, hopefully they will move their asses for everyone pretty soon.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-06-03 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....excellent news!!!!

thanks! now we just need to get her cfo stamp and we're set.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-06-03 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
visa in-hand today! yay.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-06-03 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

LOL.. I'm pretty pick when I'm in PI.. I have grown so used to "International Hotels" that some of the local ones are a bit tough to stay in.. When I'm in Davao I only stay at the Marco Polo.. :blush: :blush:

yeah, i know what you mean. i usually stay at pan pacific here in manila. but she wanted me to stay at their extra house here in qc sunday night, monday night, tuesday was a resort in subic, wed and thurs was pan pacific, fri was here in qc, and tonight will be pan pacific so i can get them to shuttle me to the airport for my flight home.

but trust me, i know what you mean... im the same way. very very picky when it comes to hotels.

Don't feel bad, man.. I've been here in Morocco for 4 months enjoying the turkish "toilets" and fabulous water "pressure" (like, trickle).. you're not alone ;)

oh my... thank god they have normal toilets here :) but the water pressure depends how high i hold the bucket from my head :P
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-28 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

CONGRATS! Wow, that's some FAST turnaround they have over there in Manila! Have a safe trip back to the States!

yeah, amazingly fast. i hope everyone from feb. still waiting has a similar turnaround. im still here visiting manila and showering from a bucket.. oh my :)
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-28 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
we passed the interview today!

the consulate was very polite... the filipina prescreener was a smartass, even with me there with my fiancée.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-26 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Received a txt message from USCIS today at 12:17pm while i was at lunch, that my case had been updated, I checked the web site and our petition has been approved. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

congrats on the approval! get ready for the fast lane.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-22 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

congrats for the quick interview while you are there visiting her. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

thanks! im still just speechless about it.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-20 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
wow, embassy received our documents today, and we were some how able to schedule an interview for may 27th, the week im going to be in manila visiting her! i dont know how we got so lucky. thank god.

Edited by confusing, 20 May 2010 - 07:22 PM.

confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-20 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
we passed our medical today... yay. im still waiting on the embassy to acknowledge receiving our packet from the nvc though. it's been 2 weeks, and i called and checked with the embassy yesterday and still nada. hope it's soon.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-18 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
anyone from philippines whos packet left the nvc for embassy around may 4th had it arrive there yet? i keep calling but it's not in their system yet. i wonder how long it takes?
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-18 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
congrats to everyone approved, and thanks for my congrats:P

i got the MNL # today from the nvc, and the hard copy noa2 yest... it's on its way to the embassy!
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-05 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Congrat's on your approval :dance:

thanks! at least it makes me feel like we're making progress.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-01 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
it's now listed under 'Post-Decision Activity' which i assume is correct :) wow!
confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-01 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
got an email and text today

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

confusingMalePhilippines2010-05-01 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I am so happy.
Last night I logged in as I always do every day to my greatest surprise it was still reading 02/04/10.
Then this morning I saw that it was approved yesterday 04/27/10.
So I expect the hardcopy by friday or latest next weeek.
I will keep you all posted, GOODLUCK TO EVERYONE.
February is moving on!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

congrats!! i hope ours moves soon too.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-04-28 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
feb filer here...

I-129F Sent : 2010-02-08
I-129F NOA1 : 2010-02-11

good luck to everyone.
confusingMalePhilippines2010-02-25 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Visa approved !
Sorry about the break-in... but congrats on the approval!
HarukiMaleChina2011-06-20 04:12:00