K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Fantastic post Uling. You have hit the nail on the head. I believe that people who get depressed about the process probably get depressed about other things in their lives. They are viewing the glass as half empty rather than half full. I am being positive about the whole thing rather than allowing it to eat me up I am looking forward to knowing that my fiancée and I will finally be together whether it takes 3 month or 6 months.

bebop + rocksteady - I have wanted to post my opinion on this particular thread but never have until now. I understand where you are coming from but your time will come (like someone was kind enough to write to me). Truly rejoice in the success of others only makes your success that much sweeter. There have been folks here that appear to be down right bitter (IMO) when others receive their NOA2 because of the unacceptable delays in their case. Maybe it's human nature or maybe it's just their personalities. Who really knows. I just wish that people weren't like that...


Sheriff Uling

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-07 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Ready4one, I was not lashing out I was responding to someone saying that I should keep my feelings to myself and not post!

When we entered the K1 process we knew it was going to be a long ride so expecting an approval after a month would have been silly. Jealousy is an ugly thing and just because others are getting approved does not mean a thing, be happy for them your time will come.

“Kirsten is, in my experience, a kind and thoughtful person”- Gosh you don’t even know her, from what she has written on here I do not perceive her as that only irrational and impatient and jealous. Her opening line to me was “ As for you” !!

Thank you for your comment, but if you honestly believe that I care how others perceive me you are truly mistaken. I tell it how it is and lets be realistic here, there are people who have been waiting for months to be approved so one month is nothing to complain about.

Wow Kirsten,

Well excuse me, I was not making a smug comment I merely think that at this early on in the process to be complaining is rather pointless when there have been people waiting for months. I am five months pregnant but I do not have time to ###### and waste energy complaining about the process as I recognise that I am dealing with bureaucracy and my complaining is not going to speed up the process. You are telling me to keep my comments to myself yet you are on here complaining because you have not been approved in a month! Please get a grip, and trust me I can bet that 95% of the people on here have problems that is life.

Kirsten L, you filed on August 1st and you are already feeling discouraged! You have a long way to go yet!

As for you, spiritee, do you mean to imply that my feelings are not valid because I haven't been in the visa line as long as you? I haven't seen my fiancé in seven and a half months already, regardless of my filing date. And there's a lot more going on in my life right now that you have no idea about that contributes to my feeling discouraged about the long wait that likely lies ahead. I would respectfully and politely request that you simply respect the feelings of myself and others on this board by keeping smug and self-satisfied comments to yourself. Emotions are emotions. Everyone has a right to their own. And you are not the arbiter of such things.

spiritee you do seem to be lashing out.

Even those of us who filed just a month ago have reason to be concerned and/or depressed as to our prospects of approval via CSC. And yes, some such as yourself at VSC get the same horrendous delay in approval. I for one did not go into this expecting instant approval and am keeping my hopes alive that perhaps we will get lucky.

But those such as yourselves who have gone before and experienced unreasonable delays in approval do make it hard to always be chipper even after waiting just a month. The sympathy I feel for those who have experienced long delays in approval, such as yourself, creates exactly the feeling which leads to the fear it could happen to us...

Kirsten is, in my experience, a kind and thoughtful person. Perhaps you could make some effort to be perceived that way yourself?

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-07 01:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Wow Kirsten,

Well excuse me, I was not making a smug comment I merely think that at this early on in the process to be complaining is rather pointless when there have been people waiting for months. I am five months pregnant but I do not have time to ###### and waste energy complaining about the process as I recognise that I am dealing with bureaucracy and my complaining is not going to speed up the process. You are telling me to keep my comments to myself yet you are on here complaining because you have not been approved in a month! Please get a grip, and trust me I can bet that 95% of the people on here have problems that is life.

Kirsten L, you filed on August 1st and you are already feeling discouraged! You have a long way to go yet!

As for you, spiritee, do you mean to imply that my feelings are not valid because I haven't been in the visa line as long as you? I haven't seen my fiancé in seven and a half months already, regardless of my filing date. And there's a lot more going on in my life right now that you have no idea about that contributes to my feeling discouraged about the long wait that likely lies ahead. I would respectfully and politely request that you simply respect the feelings of myself and others on this board by keeping smug and self-satisfied comments to yourself. Emotions are emotions. Everyone has a right to their own. And you are not the arbiter of such things.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-07 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Kirsten L, you filed on August 1st and you are already feeling discouraged! You have a long way to go yet!

I have a reversal of this for you. Imagine being one of the VSC'ers and trying to still be a member of this community. That was the situation for us. I remember trying SO HARD to never complain, to always be upbeat. I was almost embarrassed to post and occasionally I would get some nasty snarky comment about being a Vermont petitioner - it was almost as if we weren't welcome.

It was nearly as painful for me to watch my 'classmates' take so long to process as it was for them. I would feel so bad for them. I too felt it was unfair. I was ever so grateful for my own good fortune, but I really and truly felt terrible for those with other service centers. Back then, I should note that Nebraska was the 'offender' - now that's changed.

Just keep in mind that immigration is never done - not unless you naturalize and even then, that's many years down the road. Each step can bring challenges. We now await my husband's greencard. Our interview was March 9 and we still don't have it - his FBI clearance is not complete.

So just because people have the 'luck' of Vermont doesn't mean they won't have a hiccup later on. It's just this process - I hate to say it but you sort of get used to it after a while. If nothing else it helps teach patience with lifes other little troubles.


I think everyone here who's filed with the CSC has made it clear that we ARE truly happy for those that make it through this process so quickly, the bulk of whom seem to come out of Vermont. We do not exclude those people or attempt to make them feel excluded. I personally congratulate enthusiastically each person whom I notice as having received an approval, regardless of service center. It is something to be celebrated. We also do understand that there are people whose petitions are held up at the VSC. It's simply that when you're looking ahead to much more certain extended wait times at the CSC, there are conflicting feelings that occur. Watching someone get approved in 15-45 days is thrilling in one way, thoroughly depressing in another. And I think those feelings are completely normal and understandable. I suspect there's not one quickly-approved VSCer out there who wouldn't understand a bit of discouragement and even jealousy mixed in with our happiness on their behalf. I think it's reasonable that a few of us voice what is really going on inside for us. It's not a slam against VSCers. It's simply emotionally honest in a respectful manner. My saying I don't know how many more peppy approval announcements I can take is not a slam against VSCers, for instance. It's simply a frank admission of the level of discouragement I was experiencing yesterday. I would never wish for VSC approvals to slow down. That would be mean-spirited, which none of us are. I never said I wanted future approvees to keep their mouths shut. ABSOLUTELY NOT! Keep the happy news coming. If I can't take anymore, I'll quit signing in for a while. I'm sure as heck not going to rain on anyone else's parade.

We also know that this process isn't over when we get the NOA2 or the consular interview--that bumps can come for anyone down the road. But however difficult AOS and EAD and the rest of it can be, from where many of us are standing right now, at least we would have our loved ones with us through those later frustrations. Right now we definitely don't have that luxury. Thanks for understanding.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-06 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI feel like crying. Guh.
Don't be jealous, not everyone at VSC gets a speedy approval to presume this is ridiculous. My petition was received by VSC in June and I still have not been approved. I am not jealous I have realised that there is nothing I can do to speed up the process but be patient.

I know there are people that have been waiting a LOT longer than I, but I just got to the point where there are VSC people that sent in their petitions at the same time I did that are getting approved and it's making my stomach turn.

I am SO happy for people getting approved, but I am SO jealous. I feel guilty for being so jealous. I should be excited and giddy for people heading towards their next step, but I can't help but feel resentment.

I just got back last night from Canada, and seeing my Craigory for 4 days didn't help the situation. I'm grateful for being able to see him so often, but at the same time, it makes it harder. Because just as I start to get used to daily life without him, I go visit and I get reminded of how amazingly glorious daily life is WITH him.

Guh. CSC. C'mon now. Give us all a break.

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-06 05:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere comes the Beast!!
We looked into the DCF and from what I understood the USC had to actually live in the petitioners Country for a required time.

Andy, try and find irishgirl.. she had a long run in VSC too and felt unfaired on as you do. It happens sometimes & there IS nothing you can do about it.
The promise is that they will get petitions/applications processes in 6 months. If you're not there yet, you're not out of date range, no matter how many other peitions you find to support your theory.

Hey, how come you didn't go there for a DCF?

yea! your right! I'm inside processing times. I know, I know! trust me, I've preached that on here. As a matter of fact, knowing that I'm within processing time is the only thing that keeps me sane. I just wish they could tell you something. Just something to let you know where you stand. It's tough for sure.

I'm still going to look into it. I've been dragging my feet a little because I know it will take just as long if not longer that the process I'm in now. I have to go to court in Poland to get a "free to Marry" requirement waived before we can have our wedding. So I will go to Poland and file for that hearing. I wish I could stay there for the entire time it would take to file but I can't. That means I would need to fly back and forth $$$$$$$$$$. There is no reason for my petition to be dinied. I guess there is some reason why it should take awhile though.

I guess I will do all the normal stuff. I will build a case for my Congressman/Senator and request there help. I will contact VSC and get nowhere. But I don't think I can sit on my hands anymore and say it's going to be ok. I'm not a reactive type of person, I'm a go getter!! and that's what I'm going to do "Go and Get Her!!"

heheh.. sucks, huh? Their version of 'telling you something' is "6 months"---that's all there IS to tell.

As for the DCF--ideas: You can get a statement of non-marriage from your County, or better yet, your State's Secretary of State office. You can also usually get this for a fee from the US Consulate in the country of interest. I was charged something like $60 for it, but it came already translated English/Greek.

The USC only need appear for the first 'interivew' aka filing the I-130. The foreign spouse may attend the visa interview alone. One trip = get married and file I-130.
Do you know how long the wait is from I-130 to visa interview?

$$$$$ = now we find out HOW much of a problem the wait is for you or if you can dredge up some more patience after a healthy griping session. ;)

Electeds can't do anything for you until you are out of processing range; congresscritters are generally more responsive than Senators.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-09 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere comes the Beast!!
Don't worry Andy, you are not alone. Our timelines are similar I have an NOA1 date of 26th June and RFE Received date of 20th July and I have not heard anything. Be patient I am sure our time will come. I am pretty sure that your case was like ours where despite filing the new form we still received an IMBRA RFE.

Well the beast has been awakened!! I have no other alternative but to raise Cain!!

I’ve been patiently waiting, I’ve been supportive, I’ve been understanding to USCIS, I’ve tried to make sense of things, and now it’s over. I know a lot of you are still waiting for your approval from months precious to my NOA1, I understand that. The problem here is…. My wait time is not the norm for VSC. I’ve checked the VJ database and discovered that I am one of the only July NOA1’s to be waiting for NOA2. I would be fine with waiting longer if it wasn’t for the fact that everyone else has been approved. There is no IMBRA excuse anymore. VSC has proven time and time again they are back to speed.

This leaves me to believe my worst fears. There must be something wrong with my petition. I have convictions and reasons for other name hits, which are not a part of IMBRA so they shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve sent everything they asked for. I can no longer wait and see what happens, I must take action. I don’t know how I’m going to get around the canned 6-month wait response, but I WILL!!!

You can say wait and be patient but it’s not normal for a petition to take this long at VSC for VJ’s, just take a look at the K-1 processing times. Everyone has been approved, but me. What should I do? Do you think I’m right? How am I going to handle this one?

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-09 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe news I've been waiting for
Congratulations! Good luck on the rest of your journey.

Hard to actually believe after (how many days? I lost track):


This case has been approved. On September 6, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

Thanks to everyone for all of the continued support and assistance - I would not be in one piece without you guys! Gary you two MUST be next!!!

I will get to work on finding a brand spanking new HAPPY avatar . . . we have a long way to go but at least we can get out of the CSC hellhole soon.


spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-07 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLottery
Go easy on the OP. I recall one Woman bitching after 14 days! I will not name the individual but to me this was taking the living p$$$!

Maybe there should be a general rule that no one can complain until after they have waited for 90 days?
HA like that would work.

Edited by spiritee, 28 September 2006 - 12:40 PM.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-09-28 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
What I had meant to say was that we were approved on 29th September and that my Fiance contacted the Senator last week as he had filed using the new form in June at VSC and still received the IMBRA RFE.

Yes.. I did LOL mean 29th September! In all the excitement I am getting my months in a muddle!

We were approved on 29th January so he contacted the Senator last week. Depending on when the interview is I may have the baby in the US.


congrats, but I think you meant 29th september right? :)

Edited by spiritee, 01 October 2006 - 12:47 PM.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-01 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
Yes.. I did LOL mean 29th September! In all the excitement I am getting my months in a muddle!

We were approved on 29th January so he contacted the Senator last week. Depending on when the interview is I may have the baby in the US.


congrats, but I think you meant 29th september right? :)

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-01 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved
We were approved on 29th January so he contacted the Senator last week. Depending on when the interview is I may have the baby in the US.


Edited by spiritee, 01 October 2006 - 12:24 PM.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-01 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved at last
spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDarn!! Confused
We also filed using the new form and still received the IMBRA RFE. But your RFE may not be IMBRA related.

What does this mean??
I filed the new form what the heck!

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

On October 3, 2006, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case. The notice explains in detail what additional material is needed. If you have questions about the notice, what is required, or if 30 days have passed and you have not received the notice. Please contact the service center where you submitted your application during business hours.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED
spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!
spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase Approved
spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL!!!
Congratulations Kirsten,

God is good! I am so happy for you!

Good luck with the rest of the journey.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-04 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Power of Spinach
Congratulations Andy,

Praise God! I told you that you would be approved this week. I am so happy for you.

Go and celebrate!


Current Status:

This case has been approved. On October 3, 2006, an approval notice was mailed.

I wanted to say I'm sorry for driving everyone crazy these past few weeks. I've been driven on fear and stress of possible hold ups in my case. I'm glad my worst fears have not come true. I've made it through the VSC level, now onto NVC.

Thank you so much for your support and your occasional slap in the face!!!

This is exactly the news my fiancee needed to hear in order to pull her out from her depression. I'm going to go and call her now!! I'm really so happy!!

Thanks again!! and I hope everyone before and after me will be approved!! good luck!! and God Speed!!

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-04 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Approval
spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-03 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting During I-129F Process
I have PM'd you regarding this.

I get the impression that it will be fine, it really is just that fear of screwing up something this important.

I would think it would be a good thing to acknowledge the pending K-1 visa? Rationally [not that anything in the K-1 process seems all that based in rationale sometimes] I would think it would be obvious that we weren't intending to get married while he's here at Christmas, because that would make no sense if we've filed for the K-1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he'd just get kicked out immediately if we got married without the K-1, right?

I would think it would appear more of a risk if we HADN'T filed already. I might be wrong though.

Edited by spiritee, 08 October 2006 - 04:58 AM.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-08 04:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting During I-129F Process

When I visited the US from the UK, I was asked who I was visiting and I told them my "Boyfriend" and that was it I was allowed entry despite having the K1 pending. The best thing is to be honest.

Hola Boiler - So you're from the U.K. and visited the U.S. during the K-1 process? Did you bring proof of ties back in England, and if so, what? Did you acknowledge the K-1 or did you just tell them you came for a different reason? [tourism, shopping, etc.]?

Also, my fiance has one of the new fangled passports with the little tracker/antenna chip thingy in it. Haven't heard from anyone who came through with one of those yet.

Edited by spiritee, 08 October 2006 - 02:51 AM.

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-10-08 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage and Divorce Decrees
I am glad that you have posted this topic. As on my checklist it asked for all previous marriage certificates. I was under the impression that I needed to submitt my marriage certificate of which I do nont have a copy. I have had to pay for it to be sent to me. I will be pretty gutted if I will not need it for the interview!

Hi all,

I think I am thinking too much but I just want to make sure I submit everything I need to for the interview. If you were married before and you are divorced, do you have to submit both the marriage certificate and divorce certificate or will the divorce certificate alone be okay? Obviously if you have a divorce certificate then you must have been married before but I just want to make sure - can anyone help me out on this?

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-11-07 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-2 for unborn child
May 2008!!! Gosh that is going to be a very long pregnancy indeed! I thought 9 months was long enough!

On a more serious note, I am in a similar situation, our baby is due in January and we are currently waiting for our interview date at the Embassy. I have decided to have the baby in England so our Lawyer has advised me to inform them at the Embassy and they will issue a K2 at no extra cost, although the baby will have to for the medical. I will also register the baby as a UK Citizen when it is born. If you would like you can PM me about this subject.

My fiance is pregnant now and the child is not due until May 2008. I want to submit a K-1 visa now and of course want the child to be included. The child will not have any father so there is no issues of custody, the mother will not name any child on the birth certificate so the way is clear for her to bring the child without permission of any father. When does a K-2 need to be applied for. Does it also take as long as the k-1? Can i include an unborn child on the k-1 visa application?

spiriteeFemaleEngland2006-11-22 14:04:00