IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust / September I-130 2007 Filers
QUOTE (SusieK @ Dec 13 2007, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WaitingForK3 @ Dec 13 2007, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are probably on the lowest priority for these guys anymore. Of course it will take 60 days to sort out things because 30 days out of it will go partying and celebrating New Year and Christmas for them. Who cares if our loved ones suffer right?

Ok stepkids heres the deal,

The applications are not being forwarded to Chicago in our timeframe that I know for sure, well at least my lawyer states that and he had better know since he has strong ties to HS issues.

Second yes there is this backlog, but the 18 month thing hopefully will not happen to us. Lawyer says maybe two to three months behind but if that is a crock then I am off to Washington DC with this #######. I should have just done the fiance Visa thing and not gotten married......he would have been here by now or at least ready to pack a bag.

Why are we on the backburner......oh sod it, no one knows, and for sure of one thing, USCIS does not care. BUT I DO and this item is going to my congressman as it defeats what USCIS preaches to us all, we shall process in order received. Bull ####### might as well take the website down and revamp it with some poker tables since we dont have our mates here, at least we can call their bluff there.

Cheers and gl xxx

Hun I raise you two I 129s against I 130 being seen before the app gets touched

Edited by Kris and Susiek, 14 December 2007 - 11:24 AM.

Kris and SusiekMale02007-12-14 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust / September I-130 2007 Filers
QUOTE (HOHOHO @ Dec 12 2007, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Germanchick2502 @ Dec 12 2007, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@Stefank: you filed for DCF though and have nothing to do with the backlog at the service centers of USCIS. So, in that sense, you're pretty lucky. We all have been waiting for a very long time just to know if they received our petitions at all. Right now they are somewhere between Vermont, California and Chicago. Where they'll go next: who knows?

that's what all the "be patient" crowd does not understand. we all know it's going to take a hell ov a long time... BUT if your packets are LOST or not, we don't know. IF they are lost, we will have to start over, losing months, perhaps a year... At least when you have a reciept you know you EXIST in the system even if it takes 5 years. With nothing, you may as well not have bothered getting married yet.

All the hurt I feel right now is there is nothing to show for all this waiting

Yes all those that have had a reply Well done and good luck but have a heart for those still waiting and as for HOHOHO man id be climbing the wall

well i am now so I dont know how far you up the wall but I will catch you soon if we dont hear anything soon
Kris and SusiekMale02007-12-12 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust / September I-130 2007 Filers
We are fast approching out 90 days and My wife Susie is climbing the wall as am I no infomation at all nothing but silence God bless her as she has already emailed her congressman OHHH NOT PRETTY

We talk everyday and every day we read more and more of these and can see the frustration and anger in all

Hang tight and use what ever you can to speed the movement up

We have the same over here with illigals getting benifits and houses ffs there Illigal deport them and let the people doing the legal way in

girlwerewolf2xn.gif this is how we both feel at the moment
Kris and SusiekMale02007-11-24 14:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGOT AN INTERVIEW WITH RADIO STATION
QUOTE (tafeagans @ Feb 8 2008, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

I have some exciting news to put forward as I told Suzie last night. I believe it is a result of timing and the efforts of this forum, my Congressman's office and sheer determination to not accept they lost it, can not find it, do not know where it is or "hope your mother lives long enough" responses from the California Service Center I received. It appears many of us get these types of responses and it is time to stand up and say enough is enough. Well for the first part of my story see the beginning of this thread but here is the latest.

Yesterday, I contacted my congressman's office to status their request to expedite my Fiancée VISA. At that point in the morning they had not received a response and it was now approach 7 or 8 days after they had sent the request and was approach a month and half since I sent my request forward. Keep in mind I mailed it, then faxed it, called about and then was told they did not have it, faxed it again 3 more additional times. Every single response I received when I called in the check if they had received it resulted in them telling me, no we do not have it, we did not get it and there is no need for me to cal. Say what? It had then a month sent I sent it in the mail, certified registered mail and overnight, it had been weeks sent I faxed it and at the request of the USCIS faxed it an additional 3 times on different occasions. Mind blowing.

Well as we all know timing seems to be all so crucial these days. So, knowing this show would air tonight, I sent my congressman an email explaining to them I would be joining and would like their help to explain how this could happen, why could not a life request get some answer and that I had, had enough. Keep in mind my Congressman's office is trying to do what they can do to help. I believe they actually understand and bent over back wards to help me. I will shed light on that in a min. Back to the sequence of events yesterday, following a call I made to the back to reality program station in Florida to make sure I knew what they program was about and to speak with someone about what was currently happening with my situation, I was requested by my Congressman's office to forward the letter and doctor's note I sent to the USCIS so they could make further inquiries of the USCIS. Two hours later, I got a call from the USCIS in California and here comes the good news and some surprising answers.

During the call from the USCIS in California the official says to me Sir your fiancée VISA has been approved and we are overnighting it to the NVC. I am of course thrilled. He continues to say, he wants to say he is sorry for all the delays in my case and the problems that have happened. I let him continue to talk. He explains that until today when my Congressman's office sent my letter and the doctor's note the California Service Center they had not received anything. I said your kidding, I not only mailed it but faxed it to them 3 different times. He went on and told me that things were messy over there and there have been a flood of applications. I stopped him in hos tracks and said you knew it was coming, the USCIS can shift surplus efforts to other offices, no excuses will justify what people are going through as a result of bad judgment and actions which represent negligence and conduct unbecoming of their administration. He then agreed and I asked him to please explain to me, if he could, why are they taking so long to receive mail, to process applications and to inform citizens within reason the status for the petition. The 911 thing came up and I told him, 911 is understood but not acceptable for an answer for everything nor is it acceptable for poor processing, poor conduct, negligence in creating an action plan to manage the bulk of applications. If I told my boss, well I just do not know what to do, I would be fired. They need a sense of urgency I told him and one that goes to what citizens expect for their lives. We expect decency, common sense and the right to pursue happiness with our loved ones as anyone would in the world. I then asked him is their anything going on to change this problem. Answer, I do not know. There you go, no urgency, no hard standards to meet, no need to commit. Seems logical , I guess. NOT. I then went on to ask if they would be able to pass on the expedite notice to the file. Guess what, no system or process to do that. He informed me my Congressman's office was instrumental in getting my application processed and they likely could help. However, he thought my idea was a good one. Seems someone need to re-engineer some processing and put some technology and redistribute the workload rather than just waiting for the bubble to burst. What the heck.

In the end, my application is now on it's way to the NVC, but I still need to get it to Bangkok quickly and I pray about that. My mothers cancer is in her brain now. I called her to let her know the news and her response to me was how much longer will it take I am worried I will not be here. I told her I am working it and I am sorry Mom it seems our Government sometimes just does not work the way we would expect it to. So, I will ask my Congressman's office for help again and pray again. I do believe without my Congressman's offices help, the upcoming show, the people on the forum like Suzie, I would not of gotten this far. Thank God for those people. I pray for all of us.


- thanks for the great news and here is to godspeed on your application and getting your SO here in time. Will be listening from the UK tonight at 11pm my time - this is a great opportunity for us to show support.

We can also call in from afar and add our thoughts to the progam
Kris and SusiekMale02008-02-08 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGOT AN INTERVIEW WITH RADIO STATION
QUOTE (tafeagans @ Jan 31 2008, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This will definitely go out to the heart of Floridian's and to many. Let me see if I can do it justice in conveying the story to you. It is a real current situation.

The USCIS is reviewing my expedite request. It has taken them a little over month to get the details. Normally I would of not requested it, but my mother is dying from cancer and wants to see my fiancee and I married before she dies. Hope that happens, however, I am assuming we are minimal 2 months to 3 months out even if it goes quickly and mom is starting to show signs that things are getting worse. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, unable to opperate and it now has speard to her spine, brain, lung, liver and who knows where else. Looks like it is moving rapidly. Unfortunately she is also the caretaker for my 76 year old father and my 91 year old aunt and without her there, I will have to take care of them to keep them in their home they worked for their whole life for. I am making plans to temporalily reside there in Florida, not change my current address as I have a job where I can work form different places in the US, but to provide them security in their home. I sent off the heart felt request to the USCIS begging they help honor my Mothers wishes to us married before she passes and to allow my Fiancee and I to provide care for them as my Fiancee wants to help. My mother was a school bus driver and my father, a painter, both retired for a good number of years and have paid their dues in life. Anyway the USCIS requested additional information back on December 20th, 15 days after I sent the request, which I found to be some what unresponsive, but I provided a two page letter from me and the Doctors diagnosis, limited in detail because of Hippa laws. To date, I have heard nothing. I have made calls to the USCIS an been told literally "so what". Gee you think they would have a heart. Also, I called and was told they can not find my expedite request, so I faxed it to them again, pleading my case. Again, a week or so later I called the USCIS, now 5 months into my Fiancee Visa request asking for some update. At this point, I am told "nobdy has access to your case file and can tell you anything. Sit back and wait and we hope your Mom can live several months more, because it may take us some time to find your request. Say what? Find my request, your kidding. Nope, we do not see anything from you yet. At this point, I am speechless, begining to loose faith in anything happening and wondering what to tell my family. I can not imagine our Government being so unresponsive. I still pray I will make it in time and pray for a response, whatever it will be. I am not looking to bypass anyone but to just honor a life request. The last call I made this week, a kind woman from the USCIS practically was crying with me on the phone and said to me she was so sorry that the USCIS had not responded to me about my request. She read my plea and said she had recently lost her mother and would give anything to to do something her wanted to do for her. Well enough said, I thanked her and assured her this was not her fault but she felt compelled to me it is, because the USCIS should take ownership to answer the request. She had seen other requests for military personnel or ranking Gov officials that did not have anything like I was facing get approved quickly. Again, she appologized and said she was sorry. For now, I am left praying for help.

In the last week I have appealed to my congressman and so has my mother. There must be a better way.

I hope and pray for you tonight and i hope that my wife can convay this to the public ear and cause a stir their

I have tried the link from UK and it works so all UK can listern in as well

Kris and SusiekMale02008-01-31 13:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGOT AN INTERVIEW WITH RADIO STATION
QUOTE (SusieK @ Jan 31 2008, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SusieK @ Jan 31 2008, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

Having met a wonderful woman who does a great radio show here in Central Florida and gets broadcast around the world, have been given the greatest gift today and we get to do a live show i believe next week on all our issues.

If anyone is located in the Central Florida area, please send me a pm or if you just want to share your story that has heart and soul (they all do in my eyes) please let me know.

I have three of us right now going for the live broadcast, and the link for the show is here:

Here is the link for the show. Just click on 'Listen Live". We have
> listners from all over the nation and we have confirmed a couple from
> Switzerland also.

I will update as to the exact time and date ....she really is saddened to hear what is happening to all of us, but also has joy when one is approved, yes she does read the blogs, and is taken aback by such a great community of people coming together.

I will try and represent us well and send out my voice to get us heard with the delays and misinformation given. I will be careful not to mention any names, I just want more people and politicans to hear us.

Cheers to all and again, pm me or even post in this thread.

If you disagree with this - thats ok, we are not all clones, but I am going forth as I feel there is something here, and with Valentines Day coming.......sighs

Cheers all


This post is meant for all members, was just referring to Central Florida peeps in case they wanted to join the live broaccast interview...sorry


Kick butt my love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kris and SusiekMale02008-01-31 13:50:00