K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 question 32 and 33

I just put my main job i had here for the last 6 years and my schooling here in UK. 

As i didn't attend any colleges etc . 

Hope that helps you. 

justolemeFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-17 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

* Look at evidence of having met within the required 2 year period from the view of a third person. In other words 'I know it to be fact but will the adjudicator know from the evidence I have submitted'. Concentrate on providing strong overall evidence to support the fact, as opposed to an abundance of relationship evidence. Distinguish between the two.

* No gaps or overlaps on timeframes for residences and employment questions for past x amount of years on the G-325A

October 2005 to Present
December 2004 to October 2005
March 2004 to December 2004
June 2003 to March 2004
and so on...

For the first 2 years of the 5 years (employment) in question, my fiance worked abroad in Spain. It is difficult to obtain record of work as the company went into liquidation. Would it be possible therefore to just state "Unemployed" for those 2 years?

SachaNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-25 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProofs of address for UK Police Certificate
same here... i used utility bills but they want them to have a recent date on them... i think with in the last 3 months
jb67FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-14 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat will happen... date of marriage wrong
hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.... I have CR1 interview this friday in London, as much as im nervous im quite confident that everything is in order except one thing and i dont know how big of a deal it will be or what they may ask us to do... the date on our marriage certificate is wrong... by one day.. on all our other doucuments that we have submitted, we have put the 16th yet the certificate says 15th... it hasnt been picked up on so far and we only noticed ourselves after we had sent the ds-230 off with the original certificate. we have spoke to the town clerk and she said they need the original back to rectify it and spoke to the minister who made the error and we have a letter from him saying the mistake was made by himself and will be corrected. So basically... if they pick up on it on the day of the interview, is it likely that visa will not be granted that day?

anyone had a similar experience or know what may happen?
jb67FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-28 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!
I'm fully aware that it is their job! It is just frustrating, i'm sorry if it sounded like I was critisising the border patrol staff, that certainly wasn't my intent!

And i have no intention of saying i am staying with a friend when i enter in november. It's what i said when i went last time, and it wasn't strictly a lie, as i was not in a relationship with my fiance as such, i was going to spend time with him to see if things were going to develop into a relationship. At point of entry i technically was staying with a friend!

Hopefully that has cleared that up, i do appreciate your comments
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-31 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!
Arrrrrrgh!!! Now i'm super nervous!!!!

I had a little bit of a grilling the last time i went, and i only said i was staying with a "friend" hence why i'm worrying about the current situation! I clearly need to be honest now that we've started the application!!!

The thing that i don't understand is why they would think that i would be trying to "sneak in" - i mean why would you pay for the petition and then try to sneak in!!! I'm a professional person, from a good background, who is in a genuine relationship - i'm not in the slightest worried about being refused the K1 visa, but if it was refused, we'd just change our plans and he would move to the UK instead! Neither of us could care less where we live, it's the being together part that matters!!

Plus, if i did sneak in - they'd know exactly where to find me, because my fiance's address is stated on my ESTA (visa waiver) ;)

Well I guess I'd better get practising on the keeping cool thing...... as the way i feel at the moment i'm quite likely to burst into tears before they ask me a question! :)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-31 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!
Thanks, I've done a little research into the Dublin pre clearance thing, and i don't think it's going to be a feasable option for me. There are no direct flights from dublin to detroit, so I'd have to change a minimum of 2 times (one flight to dublin and then at least one transfer in the US) It would be virtually 24 hours of travelling, plus a huge additional cost! I've already booked my flights to route via amsterdam.

I think that if I go, i will have to take the chance of getting turned away - and having to pay the rediculous price for a fare home!

I just need to weigh up how much of a risk it is! I'd really love to hear from anyone who has been/knows of someone being turned away.

Thanks so much for all the replies so far :)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-31 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!

Oh that makes me feel so much better! I did wonder if there was anyone else out there who spent a lot of time in the US too! I know that a lot of it comes down to luck, but just hearing someone has actually got through makes me a little less panicky!!!

Unfortunately i don't have an official job offer for february as it will not be a contract as such. I'm an accountant, so i'll be doing freelance work for a company i used to work for. Although I could ask them to write a letter, i must admit i feel slightly uncomfortable doing that, as if something more secure came along in the meantime, I would take that instead - the main reason I've only agreed the job in principle!!

It's just great to hear people's personal experience!
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-31 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice needed before visiting my fiance please!!
Hi there

I'm getting a bit concerned about my upcoming trip to visit my fiance in the US! I was thinking in my mind, that worse case scenario would be being sent straight back home - but after reading some posts on here, i realised that i would be liable for the cost of a return flight home! Now i know from experience that same day flights home cost approx $2500, and that is a lot of money on top of what i've already spent on my existing flights.

I'm looking for any advice people can offer me!

I spent 87 days with my fiance, returning home on 23rd September. There is an 8 week gap between me returning (due to be on 22nd november) and i intend to stay for another 87 days. I am aware that this is the maximum i can stay in a 12 month period on the visa waiver programme.

The reason that i have opted for 2 long breaks close together is simple, i am currently in a position where i am financially stable without needing to work. I will however be returning to full time employment when i return to the UK in february (assuming they let me into the US in the first place that is) I will not be able to visit my fiance then, which is why we want to spend as much time together as possible before that happens.

I read on here about clearing border patrol in Dublin being the best option - now i may be being stupid, but could anyone explain this to me? why is Dublin different to other airports? I always fly from my local airport, to amsterdam, and then onto my destination in Detroit. And although i go through the border checks before boarding the plane in amsterdam, i clearly still need to go through border patrol in detroit!

This will be my first time visiting my fiance since filing the petition (we received our NOA1 about 2 weeks ago)

I know that it is suggested to bring as much evidence of my ties to the UK with me as I can. It is a little tough for me as i will not have a job when i go (i will be leaving my current job to go) and i have already sold my house (didn't realise it would sell so quickly) I'm currently staying with my parents so no lease agreement etc. I plan on bringing a copy of my car log book (to prove i still own a car in the UK) and a copy of my car insurance. I also thought of bank statements to prove i still have UK accounts, and i'll have travel insurance documents to cover my stay. But i'm struggling to think of anything else!

It's so frustrating, I know I have no intention of "staying" in the US, and i am doing everything legally - but how do i prove that to a suspicious stranger!!!

I was already worried about the whole thing, but the thought of having to spend another $2500 to be sent home is seriously making me consider calling the whole thing off. (the trip, not the engagement!!!!!!!)

I would really appreciate any information or advice people can offer me!

Oh and one more question - has anyone here been refused entry to the US? I'm just wondering what happens???

Thanks for your help

Sarah :)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-31 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - limit on visits?

Yeah, I know what you mean. At least you know about all this before anything happened! I was foolishly ignorant of all things immigration related, and almost got myself banned for life. They were nice enough to tell us at the last minute that they would leave it at just requiring me to have a visa in order to enter again. It's been 14 months since I've been able to go into the US, and my fiance has only been able to come up once every 3-4 months for a week at a time due to work =( Thank God that's almost over!

Best of luck, and I hope you can find out what the story is!

Oh no, that must be awful! I can't imagine not being able to come back for that long - because of the full day it takes to travel here, my fiance can't really come to visit me in the UK - again because of work - it's not really feasable to spend that much money, and 2 days travel just to come for a week! So it's up to me to do the travelling for now, and i'm trying my best not to get myself in trouble :)

You're absolutely right, i'm so thankful that i found out these things before i travelled..... i think it's because i worry about everything, so feel the need to research ;)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - limit on visits?

Even in an "extreme" scenario, you cannot spend more time in the US than outside the US. That means, in any given calendar year, you cannot spend more than 179 days in the US. Also interesting in this regard is that once you spend more than 180 days in the US in any given calendar year, you are a resident for tax purposes.

Although there's no written rule how long you have to stay outside the US after having visited, caution exercised by CBP officers will sooner or later really put the brakes on visiting too often.

This is what i find frustrating!! No written rule :) I'm trying to do everything "by the book" but i never seem to be able to get the black and white guide i'm looking for.... just a million grey areas.

I don't want to be seen to be visiting "too often" and risk being turned away, but i also don't want to spend more time than i have to separated from my fiance! I guess i'm in quite an unusual situation though - being able to spend so much time here, most others would have more personal restrictions!
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - limit on visits?

Well, the 6 months for me is out of the calendar year, so I would assume it would be the same. You're right though, I would probably call and ask. I can't say for certain because when I was turned away, I had spent 10 months total out of the calendar year when, not knowing any better, I tried to get back in the next year, so they had reason to deny me anyways =P

Well the thing that started me wondering, was when i went through BP in November, they didn't seem at all bothered with how long i'd spent in the country previously! I was expecting to be questioned on that - as i completely understand i should be spending under half of my time here!!! Instead i had an hours questioning on whether or not i was planning to get married while i was here..... much to my surprise :)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - limit on visits?
I'm sorry i should have been clearer - it's 90 per trip that i am allowed to stay for - but the information says nothing about a limit on the number of trips. I stayed for 87 days last summer, and i'm returning home in 2 weeks after another 85 day trip. The reason i'm asking is if it was per calendar year - it would mean i'd be able to return again - as i've only stayed for 2 months in 2011 (but 6 in a 12 month rolling period)

I know if i use the allowance up early in the year i wouldn't be able to come back until 2012 - but i seriously hope that our K1 will be approved before that becomes an issue!! (NOA1 rec'd in Oct 2010)

You're absolutely right though, there may be different restrictions on each country - i guess the safest way would be to make a call and ask them - i was just hoping that someone would have a magic answer for me :)
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVWP - limit on visits?

Could anyone tell me - i was told on here a while ago that the visa waiver programme limits your visits to 180 days per 12 month period, now that i'm very close to that, and i read something else that tells me it's 180 days in a calendar year.

I've checked on every official website that i can think of and i can't find anything that says i am limited to 180 days at all - only that i can stay for only up to 90 days at a time?

I'm just hoping that someone is going to tell me it's a year, not a 12 month rolling period, as it will mean i can come back sooner...... finding the prospect of a 4 month wait quite upsetting at the moment, as no sign of progress on the NOA2 yet :(

Just wondering if anyone knows for sure, otherwise i guess i'll be making a call to find out :)

sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-03 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngland to USA, K-1 Visa
It's such a shame that you have that picture of the UK! Like you said a lot of it is down to where you are living - but can I ask a question?

Is that where you have always lived? If it's all you've ever known, then yes life in the US is going to seem fabulous!

I'm not being negative, and feel free to ignore my post, but i just wanted to say a few things :)

How long were your stays in the US? I had 2 stays of 3 months each before i decided to make the move..... and i thought i knew what was awaiting me.... but I didn't!

When you are on holiday, life is different. When you LIVE here, thats when you really start to notice the difference! I honestly thought that i had researched..... but living here is soooooo much more expensive than i could ever have dreamt!

A lot of things are different from state to state, so there's no point in going into details - but if I knew then what i know now..... I think we would have made our life in the UK.

It made me smile when you said that everyone seems so polite and happy - that was exactly my first impression...... how I wish that was really what each day was like! I think it has a lot to do with the types of places you go to when you're a tourist compared to where you go once you're a resident :) People here can be just as rude as at home lol

As others have said it's an incredibly expensive process, and it takes a loooooooong time! We filed early Oct 2010, and my visa was approved June 2nd - I moved here 28th June!

Not sure if you've read up on the process yet - but if you do a K1, once you get here you can't work until you file for AOS, and either you get your greencard, or the EAD (EAD should come first in theory, but in my case it's looking like my greencard might arrive first!) So be prepared to support yourself for 6 months! It might not take that long - but it's already been 3 months for me! And that's only until you are ALLOWED to work...... then you have to actually find a job!

Like you've said - you're going to wait until she's 18, so you have plenty of time to save - but in my opinion - do some rough calculations of how much money you think you need...... then double it!!!!!! :) My husband works, and he pays all the bills (until i can work) but i don't feel comfortable letting him pay for MY things..... that's just the kind of girl I am! So I'm still eating away at my savings each week!

It entirely depends on how close you are to your family - but i'm very close to mine...... and a little something i had not factored in was the cost of buying & sending home birthday/christmas presents for everyone! I clearly came at the wrong time of year because i've had about 6 birthdays so far!!!! I'm becoming an expert at picking presents that don't weigh much! :)

But anyway, you are doing the right thing in asking questions early on, it's better to be prepared!

Just don't make the same mistake i did..... I thought that life here wasn't much different to life in the UK - BUT IT IS! It will probably be easier for you to adapt, as you're very young & haven't experienced a lot of responsibilities yet (not meant to sound patronising - i just mean things like buying a house etc) For me.... at the ancient age of 29.... I find myself saying "WHAT???? BUT THAT'S SO STUPID!" on a daily basis - everytime i discover something else that i think is easier in the UK :)

Ooooh one more thing - not asking about you're personal situation - but if you've built up a good credit rating - it doesn't transfer to the US. I'm only saying this as i'm guessing your girlfriends is non existant due to her age. If you do have one - remember you won't be able to get much in the way of credit cards/ car loan / mortgage - until you build up your score over here. Just another little thing I didn't think of before i moved!

So in summary..... save lots of money, and be prepared for the rose tinted glasses to fall off eventually.... not everyone will call you "sir" and have a big grin on their face...... but if i'm wrong and everyone is always happy..... i'm moving to your town :)

Good luck!
sarah9FemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-06 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa
Iam from Scotland and my Fiance(e) is from Texas we file a pertition way back in january of this year. When i go to the web side its still says Initial Review why is taking so long for it to change. Can someone help or advise.


Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-16 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhats happing
We put in a k1 visa middle of jan got the letter saying it was recived. I have heard nothing its keeps say review all the time. My girlfiend phone saying call back end of june ok its now the 12th of june and still nothing what is happing. Have we done anything wrong. The thing is i see people in the time line that put in for the same visa give or take 3 weeks and they were aproved in may or beging of june and there from the uk.

Please Help..
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-12 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa
we filed ours in januray still waiting been told end of june we keep beening told diffrent things what is really going on i see other members geting there visa from the united kingdom right away. I think something is not right and there not telling us. Its so fustrating i have a new house in katy texas and cant even be in even know iam paying for it.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-23 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Question
Looking at your time like you put yours in roughly same time as we did.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-30 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Question
We put our visa in end of january 2012 I keep checking the visa prossing it still says review. Now Looking at your site your time says there looking CSC feb 4 2012 amd Vsc jan 25 what does all this meen. Our visa application is dated feb the 1st 2012 does that meen they have denided me of there past this date.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-30 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFalse info
I know i keep asking questions but iam not getting a straight answers. My girl fiend as been calling the visa people and keeps getting told diffrent answers i keep going on here as well keep getting told diffrent answers. We put out pertition in end of january witch your indicator tells me your on the 1 Febuary my girl friend phoned the visa place about 1 weeks ago she was there still on januray the 2. What is going on here have we screwed up is that why its takeing so long and there pushing us away. This now july that pertion was put in 6 months ago and they say its only takes 5 months. We asked if we scrap this pertition and get married when i come over we told no and that would be faude. Again iam stuck dont know when i will get there.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-11 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsa Embasy Uk
The usa embasy told me this yesterday and i ment have we dome something far wrong typo soory
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-16 07:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsa Embasy Uk
My K1 was approved in July I had my medical in september. I call them end of september told to call again monday 15th october now being told it could be up another year possibly 2. They wont give an explination. I have we done something far wrong. I dont know what to do it putting a stain on our relationship this i fear it could end in tears. Looking for advice..

Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-16 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
I Sent a letter and Email To embasy asking what as wrong. I got a generated email from them saying they would answer in 4 to 7 day ok. I was Suprised to find in my email today a confermation and interview day of 20th of november wow and the also said a letter will be on its way.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-31 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
I called them yesterday afternoon again and they said they had recived my medical. I had my medical on the 11th of september and them on the 17th september i sent by Ds 2001 form in. I waited untill 16 th of october and called them again find out what stage they were at the told me there was a backlog of stuff call end of october so i did. Being told now the never recived any of the medical stuff or my ds 2001 Ds 2001 form. Now on the 16th of Ocober i was told that they had recived this info. I put my Appication way back in jan 24th. No one as any aswers and i keep getting told diffent story's. So either theres a Problem or they have decided to decline me anyway even befour the interview.I stress this is causing a lot of upset it been over a year since i have seen her and its taking so long.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-30 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
i called the london number
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-30 06:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
i called them today and was told my interview would not be untill next febuary march.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-29 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
medical exam was 11th september.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-28 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
I put my form in to the London embasy to tell them i would be ready for my interview. I put it in on the 16th september this now 28 october. I have not head back form them and the deadline is 4 months form july the 13th.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-28 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
i put my Ki visa for readyness in about 1 month ago been told diffrent anwers about this. Still not heard anything
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-28 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
My interview date 20th november can i book my plane ticked for departure of the 14th december.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-01 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIntverview
I have my interview tusday 20th All i have is photos of us and airline ticktes. I dont keep skye chats becaue my computer is shared at times. Is that a problem.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-08 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsa Embasy Uk
is normal for the usa embasy in london to keep your passport. the guy said aproved so what doned that meen now. can someone help me. Does meen its a done deal or what. help.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-20 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Question
I think iam getting paranod over this. Just to verify this and so iam not dreaming if your visa is not aproved they dont keep your passport and if its aproved they keep it and send it back by courier service. It was a bit of hazz of tusday i know the guy said aproved but wanted to double check. LOl :)
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-24 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
Does your visa packet come with ur passport after its been stampted at the embasy. just wonderd.
Ewen1977MaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-27 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Last time I only sent in my itinerary because I was in the U.S while we sent out the packet but this time I will send the Boardingpasses as well...because I flew already back home, before I din't had my boarding you have any other idea what we should send??

Thank you so much for your help!!!

It might help you if you send a copy of your bank record showing the ammount for the tickets you have purcased.
GabriellMaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-03 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage before K1...?
QUOTE (Shilps.Vik @ Feb 3 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Many thanks - The main thing for us is doing everything legally and above board, so we want to find out if having an 'unregistered' marriage ceremony (religious) will affect the process negatively. We don't want to be turned away after 9 months of waiting!

Although there's no legal problem with what you suggest you need to be very, very careful. If USCIS get the slightest hint of a 'wedding' of any kind it is unlikely that they will issue your visa. There have been two people that I know of on VJ who had that problem. I wish I could remember their user names, perhaps someone else will come along who can. There have also been people who have successfully done what you are suggesting - just bear in mind that it does carry some kind of risk.
English MuffinFemaleEngland2009-02-03 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp the italian!
Moving to K1 forum
English MuffinFemaleEngland2009-02-17 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew member, so many questions!
Hello and welcome to VJ. biggrin.gif

I will move your post over to the K1 forum where more people going through the same process will see it and hopefully be able to help.
English MuffinFemaleEngland2009-03-02 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescancellation of k1 petition
Moving to K1 forum.
English MuffinFemaleEngland2009-03-11 07:22:00