United KingdomAnnoying travel agents
I'm searching for flights to Phoenix for 17th May and it seems that 1 way is cheaper. The travel agents keep annoying me by trying to scare me into buying a return. They keep saying that sometimes, unless you have a greencard, even with a visa you get rejected if you travel to the states on a 1 way!! I tell them the visa I have is not like that and they argue! How annoying are they - just wanna increase their commission by selling me a more expensive flight!!!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 12:39:00
United KingdomInterview question
ok - with less than 2 weeks until my interview I have a couple of questions I hope someone can help me with!
1st off - for the $100 visa payment - is it ok to actually pay in $'s???
2nd - I have the signed and notorized I-134, a letter from Jamals cheif commander confirming how much he gets paid every month etc and attched with that a statement of earning (payslip), W2s and Jamals orders confirming his military rank and the date that he will be leaving the military. The thing is, he has been unable to get a letter from his bank to confirm how much is in the account. He has been calling them and chasin them, but he still has not received it! What will happen if I turn up at the interview without it? He is now living on the west coast but his bank is on the east coast so he cant just pop into a branch!! I'm gettin a lil nervous!!!

Any help or info would be great! Thanks
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 12:09:00
United KingdomNOA2 at interview

In packet 4 it states all I need is my appointment letter to get in???

And your passport, obviously! ;)

Lol! Cant forget that one!! :innocent:
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 14:29:00
United KingdomNOA2 at interview
In packet 4 it states all I need is my appointment letter to get in???
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 14:03:00
United KingdomNOA2 at interview
yea - I see that, but I have not had one piece of corr from the embassy asking for this, so I was wondering if its 100% needed or its just a suggestion? Who was actually asked for it at the interview?
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 12:56:00
United KingdomNOA2 at interview
Where does it state in any of the corr that the embassy sends, that the NOA2 HAS to be presented?? I'm hjaving a panic moment as I wait for the NOA2 that Jamal sent me, that seems to be lost in the mail somewhere!!! All I have is a print out of the email confirmation of approval and my interview is next week!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 12:31:00
United Kingdomchip and pin on credit cards?
yea - he tried that. Some places said that they didnt have the system to take anything but chip and pin!!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 16:29:00
United Kingdomchip and pin on credit cards?
When Jamal was here just couple weeks ago, some places had a real problem and refused to take payment from his card! It just depends where you go!!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 15:33:00
United KingdomMMR vaccination

Hi, I have been to get my vaccination history from my doctors for my fiancee visa today and I had my tetanus while I was there. The nurse told me that I will probably need the MMR as I only had rubella and measles when I was younger and not mumps but that I had to wait a month for the first jab and then had to wait a further 3 months for the second one. I can't wait that long - it's been long enough!!
Does anyone know if this is true as I have read different things on this forum?

I got told the same thing! Apparently in 94 (when i got a boost for rubella and measles) they didnt give a boost for mumps. I'm not sure, but I havent got time now before I leave to get that shot! I'll have to deal with it in the states!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 16:51:00
United Kingdomwhat to wear for the interview??
I have my interview 2moro (scared!!!) and was wondering what to wear ...... what kinda dress is it there? casual? office?
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 08:43:00
Thanks so much guys - I couldnt have done it without you!! This site is the best! (that sounds so childlike! lol!)

Great news Tam!!!! Congrats to you both!!! Now, when are you flying to Arizona????!!!!

I'll be flying out on the 17th May with BA direct to Phoenix! I paid a lil extra for direct flight coz I can not be bothered with the hastle of changing flights! lol!!!

Congratulations! :thumbs:

Please tell me you're going to stop panicking about stuff now? j/k :P :P :P

Lol! Yes I'm done panicking for now! But I'm sure that it'll start again right around AOS! LOL!

Yay, congrats, Tam!!! That is fantastic...! Time for some little dancing/kicking men, I believe...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

There! :D


Fantastic news, Tam! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Well on your way to joining the ranks of the Air Force Dependosaurs!

~Candace x

Yup! I'll soon be joining you!!! :)
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-05 02:44:00
:dance: Yey! Just got back from London and very happy! I waited just over 2 hours at the embassy (about 1 hour after I gave my birth cert, polic record, divorce cert and I-134 to the 1st window) The woman who interviewed me was so nice - all she asked me was how we met and how he proposed (noone actually did - it just happened! - I told her that and she laughed) she didnt ask for ANYTHING from me, not even letter from employer and bank or pay slips or evidence of ongoing relationship. It was done in less than 5 mins! I'll write a more detailed review later! I'm really happy! :dance: :dance:
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-04 13:24:00
United KingdomApproval London Embassy US
Congrats! :)
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-05 09:26:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
JamalnTam....K1....4/02......4/02..........4/18..........5/04 10.30 A.M....APPROVED
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-06 02:54:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
:blush: Well .. I just knew that by posting my worries would help me out! lol! Sure enough, today I received my passport, visa in it, and that mystery brown envelope! lol! Typical right? I'm so happy now - theres nothing stopping me - I'm off to be wit my baby a week today! Thanks for all the encouragement and to Oath - I'm sure yours will arrive any day now! :D O yea and they never did text me!!

Edited by JamalNTam, 10 May 2007 - 01:05 PM.

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-10 13:03:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....

It can take much longer than 3-5 working days. That's the standard time frame but it can arrive sooner or much later.

I'm in trouble if its much longer! :wacko:
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-09 15:49:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
I'm kinda getting impatient now lol! I was expecting the text from sms telling me my passport will be delivered tomoro! They advised me that I should get it within 3 wrking days (which will be 2moro). I'm hoping that its because they just didnt txt me! Wouldnt be worrying but my flight is next week!!!! :) Anyways - u guys know me - the serial worrier!!! Lol.
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-09 15:37:00
United KingdomMMR
Well guyz - I'm leaving tomoro to the states!! :) Everything is sorted, I'm packed but I'm just wondering now about AOS and the vaccinations required. As my medical here was for a K1 I wasnt required to have the MMR put down on the vaccination sheet. I had MMR in 89 and the boost for rubella and measles in 94. During this time they did not do the reboost for mumps. I was told that I will need this for AOS and so I contacted all my local GPs, travel clinics etc and were told that they dont do single vaccinations. I guess I'll need to get it done over in the states. Do I need to have this done before I can apply for AOS? It'll be fine if I just need one more shot but I'm afraid that they will tell me I need the whole course of MMR redone or summin which can take several months. I want to get my single shot after I get married (I'll be insured on Jamals military health insurance) but am afraid that it'll be a couple months from then until we can apply AOS coz I'll need more than one jab. Hope that makes sense!! Anybody who can advise me?? xxx
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-16 07:01:00
United KingdomFear of Flying Remedies
I also get very, very worried when flying, especially during take off. I absolutly hate it! My palms sweat, I start to cry and if I'm traveling by myself I feel sorry for the person sitting next to me! Luckily, I've only ever canceled a vacation once due to my anxiety. (cheap weekend trip to Sweden). I do fly quite frequently- last year alone I took over 13 flights because I refuse to let my anxiety get the better of me! I refuse to let it stop me from doing one of the things I love, which is to explore other cultures and places. Anyway - I was taking hypnotherapy classes back in England and decided to ask my hypnotherapist to help me out for my up and coming flight to the states. Well, the last flight I took to Phoenix may have been one of the most bumpy flights I've taken but I was at ease! Even during take off I actually looked out of the window and felt calm. Normally I have my face in my hands crying and shaking!! So it worked for me - granted I've taken just 1 flight but it was nice to actually sit back and relax for once!!!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 13:56:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
We are in the US because Jamal is still in the airforce and he had to return! But when he gets out he wouldnt think about living in the UK. He lived there for 2 years and just didnt like the weather!!!!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-04 22:09:00
United KingdomMy hair is wavy
My hair is naturally wavy too. Sometimes I like trying to make it really curly, but most days I straighten it. GHDS are the best straighteners out there - although they are the most expensive, they really are the best!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-08 08:26:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today

We put the England flag up last summer for the world cup - of the LAPD decided to investigate every incidence of inappropriate flag use those coupla weeks I would have been worried.

It was all fine until after the Portugal game when it got ripped down in disgust by a certain englishman who had too many beers for breakfast.


Edited by JamalNTam, 12 June 2007 - 12:16 PM.

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-12 12:16:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today

Be careful how you fly your UK flags. They cannot be flown without the US flag being flown. The order in which you fly them is regulated as is the relative sizes.

I got it wrong and one of the neighbors called the local PD. My RAF flag which I flew on Memorial Day was bigger than the US one.

It was all rather light hearted as my wife used to work for the local PD and we know most of them including the one that came. But I was very politely told to remove my RAF flag or fly a US flag of the same size which fortunately I did have.


Who has enough time in the day to call the police over a RAF flag being bigger than the US flag??!!! Some people have way to much time on their hands!!!!!! I cant believe it! :blink: :wacko:
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-11 23:53:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
I dont know why, but I really dont like British food that much!! And I'm from England!! I could happily live my life never eating another pie, curry (british style or otherwise), fish n chips etc. The only thing that I will want to eat again is good ol english chocolate!!

Edited by JamalNTam, 17 June 2007 - 12:58 PM.

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-17 12:56:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.
Sent Packet 3 of today so I guess I'm now in the 'waiting for packet 4' club!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 16:30:00
United KingdomCalling the US
My family use 0844 720 6000 to call me. It's 1p a min from landlines and that's to cellphones and landlines.
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-21 22:31:00
United KingdomTaking wedding dress over
My grandma brought mine over with her in her suitcase! She just packed it really well!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-28 17:51:00
United KingdomYey! Hollyoaks! lol
I was very surprised and happy when I flicked onto BBC america and saw that they show Hollyoaks 5 day a week! lol! It's only about 6 months behind the UK so soon I'll be watching episodes I havent seen!lol!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 14:10:00
United KingdomUK Filers future or current locations?
It looks like I live in Mexico! lol!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-02 00:32:00
United KingdomUK Filers future or current locations?
Nevermind - I got it :P
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 14:53:00
United KingdomUK Filers future or current locations?
I cant seemt o figure out how to place a pin! lol
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-01 14:46:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
I was born in Bath but have lived in Cornwall, Bristol, London and Newmarket!! .. and now Arizona! and Jamal is from Philly, PA

Edited by JamalNTam, 28 June 2007 - 01:28 PM.

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 13:27:00
United KingdomHow Did You Meet Your USC/UKC?
The first time me and Jamal spoke was online - I think he sent me a message on facepic as he was going to be stationed in England for 2 years. We met a few weeks later in London when I showed him the sights of the capital! We remained friends for 6 months and when I moved to London we finally decided to get together and we visited each other everyweekend. 10 months of weekend trips to London or Newmarket, I finally moved in with him!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-27 11:39:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jul 19 2008, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay!! Welcome back Maven - we missed you too!!!

I feel totally out of things in the middle of the desert - maybe I am the only one insane enough to live here?! As for central air - I am kinda fed up with our whole apartment sounding like it is about to take off cray5ol.gif Ohhh for a peaceful night's sleep!!! I swear there must be better systems than what we have but as it is our electricity bill is looking to prevent us from ever having a mortgage or children or even for me to visit the UK ever ever again. It really sucks and it is all so alien to me that I don't know what to do about it cray5ol.gif

Your not the only one out in the desert! I've been in Tucson, AZ for just over a year now and I really like it out here. I love the dry heat and the monsoons in the afternoon smile.gif
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-07-23 19:17:00
United KingdomDrivers License
If you do need to get a state license - they are nothing compared to the Uk tests! I didnt have a license when I was in the UK - but I know how hard they make them! I've been in Arizona for a month now and have already got my AZ license. I got my permit a day after I got my SSN and a week later, I passed my driving test!
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-18 10:55:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship- Your Opinion
I'm def gonna keep my British citizenship. The thought of if anything would happen to my husband and I wouldn't be able to return home is enough for me to never want to loose it.
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-23 17:02:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
I miss the NHS .. I cannot stand the healthcare system in this country so I'm glad something is being done .. even if it is 'baby steps'.

Edited by JamalNTam, 26 March 2010 - 09:24 AM.

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 09:22:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Hi :)We will be moving yet again :) Leaving Louisiana and moving to Avondale, AZ :) YAY!! No more Louisiana!! (JamalNTam: Jamal (USC) and Tamsin (UKC))

JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-23 16:58:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
I might as well update this now sad.gif((((((((( ... JamalNTam - Jamal(USC) and Tamsin (UKC) - Tucson, AZ will be moving to Bossier City, Louisiana in March -- I'm SO unhappy about this!!! Thanks smile.gif
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-01-15 22:54:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
just found your topic! We are due to be in Tucson, AZ - Jamal (USC) and Tamsin (British fiancee)
JamalNTamFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-12 11:25:00