IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 package sequence
We are about to email the DS-230 package to NVC in 1 PDF file.
Please take a look at the following sequence and advise if this is good or needs adjustment.

1. Bar-coded IV document page
2. Email (checklist) from NVC instructing to submit DS-230 and to place case number in upper right hand corner of each document. This email copy included per NVC.
3. P3 Supplemental Information Sheet.
4. The DS-230, Part 1 signed, part 2 unsigned
5. Mandatory documents, such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, police clearance, etc.
6. Unsolicited additional post I-130 evidence, such as more photos of us together in China, plane/baggage receipts of my recent visit with her in China, notarized statement from me re: adding her to my medical and life insurance, more chat printouts, etc.
7. 2 PDF'd passport style photos (although not required).

Lastly, we are going to include cover sheets for all documents listed in 5, 6, and 7. The cover sheet will be simple, like: Cover sheet Birth Certificate, Cover Sheet Marriage Certificate and so on. Good idea or not??

Thanks so much for any input.

Edited by floridadave, 10 December 2011 - 04:13 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2011-12-10 16:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from NVC saying its in Consulate China

Hey floridadaye!
You may want to start your own thread on here so it's easier for folks to reply to your questions,etc.

so noted. thanks for the replies.
floridadaveMaleChina2011-11-17 14:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from NVC saying its in Consulate China
NVC has received my I-130 file but, they have not yet assigned a GUZ number. Yes, I call every day. In the meantime, I have drafted an email to OPTIN to EP with a PDF copy of my wife's signed DS-3032 as an attachment. I will send this OPTIN email as soon as I get a GUZ number.

When I send the email, do I even need to attach the DS-3032, or is it too soon?

floridadaveMaleChina2011-11-17 00:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail from NVC saying its in Consulate China
slight mix up. disregard

Edited by floridadave, 16 November 2011 - 11:26 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2011-11-16 23:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Insurance Card as a proof of continuing relationship

Depends on the insurance company and sometimes only depends on the HR person you talk to.

Yes, I was able to enroll my wife in health, dental and vision insurance for 2012 as I am hoping for her to join me soon. Needless to say, she has no SSN. Problem is, they only issue medical i.d. cards with the contract holders name on it (that's me), so they are useless for bona fide purposes. Sometimes you just can't win for losing.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-01-01 00:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE - CR1 : I-94 & Customs Forms

Having just returned from China a couple of weeks ago via our planned POE I asked them at the time. They suggested the Permanent Resident/Citizen line. That said, I've seen people going to every which line practically every time. It isn't as if they'll kick you back on the plane if you go to the wrong line. :)

Same here. I asked the immigration lady which line for CR-1 holder, she said U.S. citizen/Permanent Resident line is o.k. Then the officer there will direct the beneficiary where to go. As for Q. 15, I'm still working on that.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-02-06 01:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinCen 105 Question
To answer my own question: Yes.

I called 3 different CBP offices, and though I disagree, they all said YES. So she did and she flew through the POE processing with no hassles.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-04 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinCen 105 Question
My wife will be arriving in the U.S. soon and will be carrying over well 10K USD in the form of a bank check payable to herself. My question is: Does this need to be reported on the FinCen 105 form as it is payable to herself?
She is avoiding a wire transfer because she doesn't want to pay the bank fees for wire transfers.

Anyone with POE experience vis-a-vis FinCen 105 form? Hassles, easy, not easy????


floridadaveMaleChina2012-02-14 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBANK ACCOUNT WITHOUT A SSN
I recently opened a joint account with my wife at Bank of America and she has no SSN yet. They required 2 I.D.s from her. She was present to complete the signature cards. I also belong to a small federal credit union since 1982 and they will not allow my wife to have a joint with me as she has no SSN yet. According to the local SSA office we went to the other day, a SSN is not required to do business with a bank. Oh well, I guess they all haven't heard of this yet.

Edited by floridadave, 13 March 2012 - 10:33 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-13 22:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswedding pictures in submitting I-I30

You have to understand that everyone doesn't get the chance to show their arsenal of evidence at interview that's why we front-load. We are required to send in a BonaFide proof of ongoing relationship. Why would wedding pictures or pictures of trips to spouse not be included. For me I have read too many times the USC reading you don;t front-load no one will read all that save for interview than when interview comes the beneficiary goes in with binders full of evidence and the CO won;t even look at the extra evidence.

Until USCIS says DO NOT send why not put your best foot forward.

Agreed. At the time I did our papers the mantra here on VJ by the experts was to front-load, front-load, front-load. Oh, did I forget, FRONT-LOAD. This is serious business. Why take a chance. Yes it's an extra effort, but give yourself the benefit of the doubt. At interview time the OP's spouse doesn't want to get a "non bona fide" and then think in hindsight, "If only I had sent those photos."

Edited by floridadave, 20 March 2012 - 10:25 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-20 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswedding pictures in submitting I-I30

72 photos is a little bit bit of overkill lol. :P I sent about a dozen.

lol..agreed. I only sent 8.

Now you tell me :bonk:

It was my wife's ieda. Something to do with China. She wanted photos of us together with work bosses, mom, family elders, co-workers, etc, etc. I actually cut back some. :P

Edited by floridadave, 20 March 2012 - 06:41 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-20 18:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswedding pictures in submitting I-I30
I put our wedding pics with all the others: inside a light weight folder with plastic photo pocket inserts. I think there were 2 pockets on each side of a page. We sent a total of 72 4x6 inch photos (including the wedding pics). I can't recall the sequence I sent them, but I believe the wedding photos were at or neat the top.

I uploaded our photos to, and there, applied a text box to all photos. The text box at the bottom of the photo had the date/place photo taken and brief description including who was in the photo.

We ordered 3 copies, one for I-130, one for future use and one for us. Not too expensive if you have them delivered to your home.

Just thinking ahead: If you do electronic processing it will be much more easy. Simply insert the photos in a Word document and merge the Word document into your PDF file and email as part of your DS-230 package. Why? I had additional photos (and other evidence) taken since the I-130 was filed so I wanted NVC and the consulate to have these. Did it help? Dunno, but she did fly through the interview with ease--thank God.

Good Luck!
floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-20 16:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAutomatic conversion to IR1?
Also, a good thread on this topic: What is the difference between CR1 and IR1?

Edited by floridadave, 03 April 2012 - 01:12 AM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-03 01:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-3032 question

CenturyMN - good luck to you, really !
Ryan H has an excellent topic up on his EP experience - let me know if you can't find it?
You should read all of that, soonish. He's covered all the steps in clear (and concise) fashion.

Whilst yer waiting, though, practice a bit with PDF file generation on yer wife's civil documents.

Darnell, is this what you speak of? My (Ryan H) EP Experience

Also, in regards to the PDF generation, everybody has their favorite programs. So I'll vote for PrimoPDF which has a free version. Also, Adobe Acrobat has a full functioning download good for 30 days. This one should not be used until ready to construct the PDF files because once used, it quits working in 30 days.

Acrobat X You may have to create an account for the free download.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-06 13:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-3032 question
Once you opt in, you'll be on the fast track. Good luck CenturyMN!
floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-05 23:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnvc case entered
I opted in as soon as I got a GUZ number. I had no problem with AOS billing. Perhaps I was lucky. Anyway, Opting in now or after AOS is billed is but a matter of a few days. If you choose to wait, stay on top of it and do as Darnell suggests and call NVC.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-07 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-230 question
Perfect. You're good to go!
floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-13 01:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-230 question

Since we answered "NO" to if we have ever applied for a SSN. The best way to answer, "Would you like to recieve a replacement card?" whould to leave blank. Because to answer "YES" would suggest that we have applied for a SSN. I would like to leave it blank because it simply does not applie to us but I hate to leave any questions blank incase they see it as an incomplete ds-230. Thank you.

You did not leave question 43a blank. You answered NO. To start, 43a has 2 answers, Yes or No. Below each answer is another Yes and No box and this is where the confusion is. The 3 tick boxes on the left part of 43a if for YES, the 3 tick boxes on right part of 43a is for NO. Since you answered NO, then tick one of the two boxes below NO. If Yes is ticked then slide over right a bit and answer 43b (Consent to Disclosure) and tick yes if you agree. You are correct to ignore the Yes, Yes, No boxes on the LEFT part of 43. Also, to put "N/A" in the "give number" part per NVC is okay too.

Edited by floridadave, 12 April 2012 - 10:14 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-04-12 22:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question
Yes, it was a real pain. My problem was the issue of whether the wife was a resident or not for 2011. The IRS rep settled that when he told us to attach the letter saying we both wanted to be treated as residents for the whole year for tax purposes. It's the same letter you would file with a W-7. Turbo Tax almost gets you there, but even there, it's the residency issue and it doesn't tell you about the letter. A lot of trouble but I had to do it correctly, to the best of my ability, thinking ahead to ROC and citizenship for the wife.

Edited by floridadave, 27 March 2012 - 12:58 AM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-27 00:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question
This is what I finally did:

I first went to the local IRS office and they said they can not help with foreign type questions. That was a waste of 2 hours sitting. :crying: I was told to call the IRS individual tax help number at 1 800 829-1040. :whistle:

I called IRS 800 number and I gave them the same information I listed above in my initial post, but I didn't tell them my head hurts. Using a script, the IRS rep interviewed me for about 20 minutes asking me perhaps more than a dozen or so questions to determine if we qualify. The questions centered on whether she was a resident for tax purposes and whether we qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. At the end of the interview he said yes, we can claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. :dance: He said to attach to the 1040 the 2555-EZ and a statement that me and the wife desire to be treated as residents for the whole tax year, that we can't claim the foreign tax credit, and that I had to use the 2555-EZ worksheet included in the 2555-EZ instructions. Those were pretty much the major points he made. After initially being routed to the wrong person the whole call plus interview time was a little over 2 hours.

Whew, my wife had a much easier time with her 5-minute visa interview. Outrageous. Anyway, mission accomplished. Hope this helps somebody out there. My head is feeling a little better too now that this nightmare is over. :thumbs:

Edited by floridadave, 26 March 2012 - 07:18 PM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-26 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question

hi Dave,
I just wanted to add, You can file joint or separate and it does not matter if she set foot in the USA. She just has to have an itin or ssn. That said you just are giving permission for the gov to tax her non us income which may or may not be a problem depending on your situation.

I see. Then I'll probably opt for filing joint and, as Darnell suggested, attach a 2555-EZ to exclude her 2011 foreign income. Funny thing about the 2555-EZ: in the instructions is a worksheet whereby it turns out the foreign income is taxed to an extent. Still not as bad as filing separate but not as good as having the foreign income 100% excluded.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-26 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question

Hey Dave - other China folk have been in your exact situation,
and filed a paper return with the new SSN (most electronic checking for online filing fails the first time, as her SSN not exist with IRS yet, though it exists with SSA) with ACH / deposit on the refund amount.

Can use the 2555 to exclude her foreign income as non-taxable income (I think that's the right form) .

You won't read much about those China folk here, alas. Have you visited the other sites?

Any suggestions for "other sites?" Thanks.
floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-26 13:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question
Thanks for the info danat.

Darnell, I have not visited other sites. Any you have in mind?

Edited by floridadave, 26 March 2012 - 09:05 AM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-26 09:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother Tax Question
That time of year. Quick question, but first some background:

1. I am the USC and never resided outside the U.S. in 2011.
2. We married in China in April 2011.
3. Wife received CR-1 visa Feb. 2, 2012
4. Wife entered U.S. POE as LPR Mar. 2, 2012
5. Wife never set foot in U.S. prior to her POE on Mar. 2, 2012.
6. Wife received SSN card March 17, 2012
7. I have been studying this issue for many long hours and now my head hurts.

Question: Can I file Married, Filing Jointly for 2011 and exclude her 2011 foreign income, or must I file Married, Filing Separately because she never set foot in the U.S. during 2011?
Hint: She doesn't appear to meet the Green Card Test or the Substantial Presence Test for 2011 in pub 519.

I have read Pub's. 519 and 501 and I'm still confused. Any help will be appreciated.

Edited by floridadave, 26 March 2012 - 01:15 AM.

floridadaveMaleChina2012-03-26 01:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBonafide Evidence docs with I-130
Thank you so much to everyone for the assistance given through this thread.
I appreciate it greatly!

Thank you!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-04-21 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBonafide Evidence docs with I-130
I hope someone could help me out with the Bonafide Evidence documents.
I was wondering if someone could provide me with (or point me towards) a template to use for the affidavits for wedding attendees. (We plan on having around 20 fill them out and of a wide variety; friends, family, as well as some of the government officials who attended the ceremony.)

I would greatly appreciate any assistance.
Thank you & many blessings!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-04-14 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG325A Biographic information
Hello, everyone!

I would like to add some questions of my own to this thread in hopes of having some assistance with the G-325A, Biographic Information form.

"Signature of Applicant"
If the native alphabet is not English/Roman, should the applicant's signature be in the native alphabet or English? (Khmer/Cambodia coming to USA)
I know in the next space the name must be written in the native alphabet, but the signature above?

"Applicant: Print your name and Alien Registration Number in the box outlined by heavy border below."
Can this be typed as with the majority of the form?
Or, because it does say "Print your name", should it be printed by hand (and in English)?

Thank you in advance!
And bless everyone in VisaJourney for being so wonderful and helpful.
draygriMaleCambodia2012-04-21 09:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Certificate with I-130
I was hoping someone could assist me with a concern about my marriage certificate that will be sent with the I-130.

After much delay, my wife will be receiving our marriage certificate very soon.
When I send a copy along with the I-130, including a translation - Cambodian/Khmer to English, should I simply print out copies of each?
Should I print out copies and have them "certified"? If so, how would I go about "certifying" them?

Also, the statement that a "translator's statement" should be included with the translated copy was made in a previous thread.
Is this so? And if it is, what should the statement from the translator say?
Also, if this "translator's statement" does need to be provided, would a copy suffice or should the original statement be sent?

I apologize for all the questions concerning this small part of the process but I am wanting everything to go smoothly for us.
And I should say now that I will most likely be making more posts with many more questions in the coming days/weeks as the filing process and our Journey begins. You've been warned! :P

Thank you, everyone!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-04-30 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Assistance Please
Hello again!

I will be sending out the I-130 package sometime next week (finally!) and thought I'd hop back into VJ and look for some minor assistance.
(Note: I am the U.S. Citizen and my wife is Cambodian.)

1. Concerning my Birth Certificate / Passport (I am the U.S. citizen):

Is it best to send a copy of one or the other? Or both?
If sending a copy of the Passport, should every-single-page be copied; including the blank pages?
And which ever (or both) is sent, is it best to send copy-machine copies (B&W) or scanned and printed color copies from my personal printer?

2. Concerning payment:

Is it best to send a personal check or a U.S. Postal Service issued money order?

3. The package contents:

I would like to list my I-130 package contents and hopefully have someone (anyone! everyone!) let me know how it is. I simply want someone to verify that it's all good.

- Payment (be it personal check or Money Order...with VJ's assistance!)
- Cover letter explaining the I-130 request + list of contents
- Additional letter explaining my wife & my history together and future plans
- I-130 form with signature in pen
- COPY of my U.S. Citizenship information (be it Birth Certificate or Passport...with VJ's assistance!)
- COPY of marriage certificate translation into English
- COPY of marriage certificate in original Khmer/Cambodian
- G-325A form filled out by myself with signature & name printed in pen
- BLANK PAGE with passport-sized/style photograph of myself sealed in plastic bag attached
- G-325A form filled out by my wife with signature, name in English & name in Khmer (foreign alphabet) in pen
- BLANK PAGE with passport-sized/style photograph of my wife sealed in plastic bag attached

> Three separate Affidavits of individuals who attended our marriage. The Affidavits state their name, birth city and date, address, citizenship, declaration of their knowledge of my wife and I, declaration of their attending our wedding, declaration that an attached photograph is of said individual WITH my wife and myself during our wedding, declaration of knowing our relationship is ongoing, date and signature. With all the necessary and important declarations written in pen in both the native Khmer/Cambodian language as well as English.
> Three separate photographs, each one showing the said individual with my wife and myself during our wedding, printed as a 4"x6" centered upon 8.5"x11" photo paper.
> Copy of a letter sent to inform the Governor of the capitol city (Phnom Penh City) of the marriage request. Signed, sealed/stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Legal and Consular Department's Deputy Director. English translation.
> Copy of the above letter in native Khmer/Cambodian language.
> Copy of a letter sent to inform the Deputy Prime Minister / Minister of Interior of the marriage request. Signed, sealed/stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Legal and Consular Department's Deputy Director. English translation.
> Copy of the above letter in native Khmer/Cambodian language.
> Copy of "Declaration of Marriage Certificate". English translation.
> Copy of the above document in native Khmer/Cambodian language.
> Photo page which includes 4 photographs (upon the one page) showing various stages of our wedding & all containing myself, my wife and others together.
> Photo page which includes 4 photographs (upon the one page) showing various stages of our wedding again.
> Photo page which includes 4 photographs (upon the one page) showing myself, my wife, her family & different friends at various points of my last visit.
> Photo page which includes 4 photographs (upon the one page) showing the same as above with even more/different people.
> Photo page with 2 photographs centered - one showing my wife and a stack of phone cards I left with her on my last visit & one of myself and even more phone cards. Page also has captions beneath each explaining the photo and number of cards.
> Printed page showing Skype communications.

(Note: I use phone cards for communication daily.)

Thank you all so very much!
I wish I could express how relieving it is to have VisaJourney and its great community around!

Edited by draygri, 15 June 2012 - 07:05 PM.

draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-15 18:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Passport-style photo?
According to the official instructions for filing I-130, a passport-style color photo of yourself and a passport-style color photo of your husband or wife must be provided.
With the dimensions of the full frontal facial image should be about 1 inch from the chin to top of the hair.

I was curious, does this mean the photo must be Passport SIZED as well? The basic 2"x2" (or thereabouts?)
Or can it be a larger image but with the face in the appropriate 1" size?

Thank you all again!!!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-17 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS Lockbox address... (I-130)
Hello again, VJ friends!

I would like to ask about the USCIS Lockbox address.
I am about to send my I-130 package to the Chicago Lockbox and was wondering about how the address should be written...

USCIS Chicago Lockbox

For U.S. Postal Service:

P.O. Box 804625
Chicago, IL 60680-4107

For Express mail and courier deliveries

Attn: I-130
131 South Dearborn-3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

I assume sending it to the first address (with the P.O. Box) should be fine.
But is it OK to add "Attn: I-130" as it is with the latter? After all, the site shows both Phoenix Lockbox addresses with "Attn: I-130".

This is perhaps a simple and pointless question, but I am trying to take note of every-single-detail I come across as I do not want any problems to arise.

Thank you again, VJ!!!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-18 15:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresClips with I-130 pack
My I-130 pack is fully assembled and ready to go at 9:30 AM today!
But as I sit and stare at it, I can't help but wonder if my assembly is OK or not...

I have each individual piece with a cover sheet to make things easier for USCIS (except for the forms which probably don't need one).
But along with this, I've also clipped the individual groups of information together using small black binder clips.
Is this OK, or will it be too much unclipping for USCIS? (There are a total of 11 clips.)
Would using 2 or 3 large ones to hold everything together be better? If so, would it be wise to add colored tabs to each "section" as I was doing with the clips before?

Thanks a million!

Edited by draygri, 25 June 2012 - 07:43 AM.

draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-25 07:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Cover Letter
My I-130 pack is going out tomorrow.
I'd love for someone to have a quick look at this cover page and tell me what they think!

Thanks again and again!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-24 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Cover Letter
Hello again community!

I'd like to toss up my Cover Letter and see if there's anything anyone can suggest I change/include or if it's OK as-is.
I'm hoping for an "easy" hassle-free/RFE-free experience.
Thanks again!

Posted Image

The I-130 2 additional pages are 1.) Response to B#8 and C#8 - marriage location (included address) & 2.) #20 name/address of beneficiary in native alphabet
The additional page for each G-325A is Response to Place of Marriage - marriage location (included address)
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-23 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will the I-130 payment be cashed?
June 25, 2012 - I-130 Sent via USPS
June 27, 2012 - Lockbox arrival
July 02, 2012 - Email & text notice with Receipt Number

But the personal check sent is still yet to be cashed.
When should I expect the check to be cashed?

Simply curious!

Thanks everyone!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-07-03 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation of civil documents - yes/no?
For anything they will have in their hands, I'd have a translation into English accompanying it.
Play it safe: Provide translations for them.
draygriMaleCambodia2012-07-09 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130, staples & native alphabet

Don't staple anything or use plastic sleeves. When the file arrives at USCIS, it will be disassembled, scanned, and then reassembled according to their own preference. As far as sets of papers go, I clipped each individual set together and included a coversheet describing what the set was.

Do not try to hand write the address in Khmer/Cambodian since by your own admission, you are not familiar with it. It is okay to state "see attached" or "see next page" (as you wrote) and print the address on a separate sheet of paper. If possible, instead of using Photoshop, have your wife email her address in Khmer/Cambodian to you and you copy and paste it into a Word document.

Thank you so much, Ryan H. You are such a tremendous help!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-17 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130, staples & native alphabet
First off, I greatly appreciate all the help VJ has been.
Secondly, I apologize for multiple topics I've started lately. I keep questioning my every action as I bring all my documents together for shipping.

I was curious about stapling documents/paperwork together. Is this OK to do?
Is it OK to staple the Personal Check to A blank page at the beginning or should I allow it to "float" free?
Is it OK to staple other documents, such as the marriage certificate, together if they use 2 pages (one for English translation, one for original Khmer/Cambodian)?
Is it OK to staple the Affidavits to each of their partnered photograph page (used as further evidence)?

Next, should each "set" of papers be separated by a blank page of paper or placed in distinctive plastic sleeves?
Or is it best to leave it all as-is?

Lastly, #20 on the I-130 form asks for the spouse's name and address in the native alphabet if other than Roman letters.
As her native language is Khmer/Cambodian, it's definitely not Roman.
While she did fill out the G-325A herself which included a similar request, I mistakenly forgot to have her write her address & name in her native alphabet on the I-130.
I could try to write it out personally by copying as it is on our Marriage Certificate but am afraid that it may not be 100% correct due to my handwriting & unfamiliarity with writing Khmer/Cambodian.
Would it be OK to state: "SEE NEXT PAGE" (or similar) and slip in an extra page with the address/name copied from other documents (with the wonders of Photoshop)?

Thank you all again!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-06-17 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-30 mistake
Thank you all so much!
I'm finally able to relax and not worry about this mistake.

Now comes more waiting...

You all can expect to see more of me as time progresses as I'll undoubtedly have many more questions!

Thank you, VJ, for all the assistance, information & support!
draygriMaleCambodia2012-07-09 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-30 mistake

The I-130 is just to establish a relationship which would make them eligible for the next phase of immigration. Is it messed up on the G-325? If so that could be a problem. The DS-230 is the most important and you need to make sure that all the information is exactly as it should be. I'm sure during the review process you will get a RFE at that point you will submit biometric page of passport, birth certificate, etc to show actual date of birth and that the ds-230 is corrent.

The G-325's are both correct.

I suppose I will wait and not take any actions. Hopefully this will pass without trouble as I'm a bit upset with my mistake and really don't want to be forced into waiting longer.

Thank you so much for the responses! I am at bit more at ease.
draygriMaleCambodia2012-07-07 11:14:00