CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
Well, I understand what you're all saying and I have a couple things to reply, but, I still hear the bitterness in your words. So, I'm just going to take a break right here.

Thank you all for your input and I hope your situation all work out.


As far as the government program, my point was not to illicit sympathy, but when people say "you've been here illegally!" to me, it always sounds like they think I've been here living on thousands of dollars in a mansion. I have not. You want to make yourself feel better at my expanse, you go right ahead. I was raised in the real world, where No One, and I do mean No One does the legal right thing all the time. So to me it's just hypocrisy, like the person who wished so much bad things upon me, but that seems to identify as some kind of religious person.

Edited by Kittyfang, 12 October 2009 - 06:35 PM.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 18:32:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 12 2009, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 12 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree that what I did is not the best course, but what I don't understand is the hostility. I'm not sure what you're mad about. That I lived for 2 years under the poverty limit? That I couldn't file for any government program? That, as a person who love school, couldn't enroll in the local university? It's not even a question of "using tax dollars" since USCIS gets their money from the fees they charge. So yes, I can see why people would be mad/jealous that I am here (if THEY had to wait away from their fiance), or have been here for so long, but I would never wish ill (as in hoping people get deported) on them.

There is a process to follow, and delineated consequences for not following them. You chose to side step them. I'm sorry that your situation was not great, but that is beside the point. This is a board for legal immigration and what you did was circumvent it regardless of your intent.

So, because I did not follow a process I wasn't aware existed, I am... what? Not welcome? I understand (now) that there are processes and which one would have been the one to follow, but I don't think I should be chastised to this intent because I didn't follow it. It's not like I crossed the border with an evil plan to live here out of status. Our situation changed, and we were not able to file in time. If someone lives such a life where money and time is always available to them, then by all mean, trow the first stone, but you know what they say about that.

QUOTE (bradcanuck @ Oct 12 2009, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People become VERY bitter during this process and because we have all gone through hell to get where we are everyone feels resentment for others who don't go through the same things and processes the legal way (while I overstayed I was still completely within USCIS limits so technically I am not in the black, more of a grey zone)

I don't blame either group.

Though I do laugh when people (especially Christians (seems normal in the US)) say "Peace to all creatures" but then spew hate. haha.

100% agree with you, and that is my only concern. I understand why people would feel jealous or mad about my situation, but, like you said, the hate speech is never helpful to anyone.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 18:22:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
I agree that what I did is not the best course, but what I don't understand is the hostility. I'm not sure what you're mad about. That I lived for 2 years under the poverty limit? That I couldn't file for any government program? That, as a person who love school, couldn't enroll in the local university? It's not even a question of "using tax dollars" since USCIS gets their money from the fees they charge. So yes, I can see why people would be mad/jealous that I am here (if THEY had to wait away from their fiance), or have been here for so long, but I would never wish ill (as in hoping people get deported) on them.

Edited by Kittyfang, 12 October 2009 - 06:15 PM.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 18:14:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 12 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 12 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (almaty @ Oct 12 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
#######?/ over-staying is just wrong and there is no excuse...i hope they make you start over again..and ship your azz home

Nice, this is what Kathryn41 was talking about.

I felt tempted to reply directly to the person, but I will just say that it's a shame there are people like him/her. Or that they are so judgmental, they can't imagine someone else having a different situation than them... Or that it makes them so mad, they can't help but feel anger and resentment.

Edit, because it made me laugh.

Quoted from his/her signature: "Peace to All creatures great and small............................................" Not practicing what you preach there. smile.gif

Well, I hope this doesn't turn in to a slanging match.

Kittyfang, you can't really blame people who will say that. You were in a country illegally for 2 years. You overstayed your visitor's visa by 2 years! There really is no excuse for that. So if some Americans are offended by that, you truly can't be surprised. I'm sure many Canadians would be offended by an American, or any other visitor, overstaying their visa for 2 years as well.

Anyway, I have seen you post this question a few times now. I know that you would like someone to say that the interviewer will not ask you and there will be no penalty - well that may well happen, however, no one can tell you for certain. I'm sure it is nerve wracking, as you mention and I don't like to see anyone so worried.

Oh I agree with you. Overstaying for so long is not ideal. It wasn't planned that way and I certainly didn't intend on breaking any laws.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 12 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea... I always thought an overstay would lead to a ban. I guess I stand corrected.

I think the reason that they do not ban those who overstay is to encourage them to file for AoS. For them, it's probably better to forgive an overstay and cash in on that person's taxes and keep track of them than just spend money on tracking them down.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 17:56:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
QUOTE (almaty @ Oct 12 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
#######?/ over-staying is just wrong and there is no excuse...i hope they make you start over again..and ship your azz home

Nice, this is what Kathryn41 was talking about.

I felt tempted to reply directly to the person, but I will just say that it's a shame there are people like him/her. Or that they are so judgmental, they can't imagine someone else having a different situation than them... Or that it makes them so mad, they can't help but feel anger and resentment.

Edit, because it made me laugh.

Quoted from his/her signature: "Peace to All creatures great and small............................................" Not practicing what you preach there. smile.gif

Edited by Kittyfang, 12 October 2009 - 05:40 PM.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 17:38:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Oct 12 2009, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You probably won't find a lot of people who are in similar situations to yours, Kittyfang. Most of the people here entered the US after applying for the correct visa and going through the process and expense of getting it. Some were here on a work visa and got married while they were here and again continued the process from there. For those who decided to marry while visiting their loved one, I don't know of very many who waited a long time before they filed for the AOS. Most of them tried to take care of the paperwork right away.

Your situation is somewhat unique.

You should probably plan on having an interview and being asked about why you waited so long to file for AOS. The one advantage, as I mentioned before, is that it is hard to say you chose this route as a short-cut to getting a green card smile.gif and that is in your favour. Tell the truth and things should work out.

You might not want to keep telling people that you have an overstay of 2 1/2 years - some people have difficulty dealing with those who are going through the AOS from a visitor's status, let alone an overstayed visitor, and may respond rather curtly. Just focus for now on getting the AOS filed and know that you are filing as an out-of status visitor.

I agree it was a long shot. As you've mentioned, it is a somewhat unique situation and you are most likely right about people feeling like I took this path to avoid the K-1 (which I didn't). I have been unable to file for so long, that now that I can file, time seems to have stopped and I find myself waiting on different things, like birth certificate, translations, etc. It's nerve wrecking, but I do appreciate you replying. What you've said about the overstay somewhat proving that I didn't do all this for a shortcut to a GC made me feel better and I keep that to heart. Thank you again. smile.gif

QUOTE (familyguy @ Oct 12 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
3 Years overstay here and had our interview last Wens and approved 2 days later. The overstay was never raised not was the question of intent on entry. YMMV. Good luck.

thank you! you seem to have answered a question I asked in another post as well! kicking.gif

Congratulations on approval. smile.gif

QUOTE (bradcanuck @ Oct 12 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Technically I overstayed over several periods for a total of a year. Student visa overstay, travel overstay and AOS overstay....
All was forgiven. Even me working illegally was forgiven.

Though I think in the end it depends on the agent interviewing.

I'm so afraid that I will be facing the interviewer from hell. crying.gif

Edited by Kittyfang, 12 October 2009 - 05:21 PM.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 17:16:00
CanadaHow long have ou overstayed before filing?
As I've mentioned before, I came to the US to visit my (then) boyfriend. I ended up getting married, and have been overstaying for 2.5 years now. My excuse is financial. However, we will be filling soon for AoS.

So, to anyone who has overstayed; how long where you out of status, and how did it affect your case? Did they ask you about it at the interview, did you even get an interview?
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-12 16:27:00
CanadaCanadian Passport req.
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Oct 14 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You should be able to use your EAD for identification purposes for the passport as well, good.

That's right, I hadn't taught about that. I might not need the passport if they aprouve my AoS, but it's still worth a shot. I was just stressed out about not providing my taxes information with the AoS, but I think bringing it to the interview only should be good enough... Hopefully. blush.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-14 23:10:00
CanadaCanadian Passport req.
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Oct 14 2009, 05:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The passport office recommends that you contact the nearest Canadian Consulate and discuss with them your lack of documentation. They may be able to suggest other possible documents or provide an alternative. It may be that you will be allowed to use the expired health card under the circumstances. See what they say.

Kathryn41, someone needs to give you an extra big hug. heart.gif

The reason why I need the passport is so I can get an ITIN for the taxes. But, since I will send the AoS package without the taxes, and when I get the EAD, I will use that to get a SSN and fix up the taxes. It's less complicated this way.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-14 19:40:00
CanadaCanadian Passport req.
I have been told that in order to get a passport (Canadian... I will need it for ITIN), I need to show some IDs. The problem is that I cannot use my province health card because it's expired. I do have a birth certificate, but nothing else.

What can be used to get a passport, or can someone rely on a notary or something of the sort?
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-14 18:04:00
CanadaPolice Clearance needed?
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 15 2009, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you posted your question in the correct forum.... AOS From Other Visa. That's where I would have moved this thread if you hadn't posted there already.

Awesome good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-15 14:41:00
CanadaPolice Clearance needed?
Hi! I posted this in the wrong forum earlier. Sorry smile.gif

I am wondering if I need Police Clearance for an AoS. I am already in the U.S. and I never heard anything about that when I spoke to a immigration help type person. I jsut called USCIS and the woman told me that, in my situation, they (USCIS) do the background check. I don't need to provide them with anything.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-15 14:23:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Oct 16 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been biting my tongue here... I've come to understand the situation and I don't really have a strong opinion on your situation either way kittyfang. It is what it is. Here is what I don't understand... and forgive me for not being an "adult" and being "a child" and "not living in the real world" (laughing.gif) but in 2.5 years you are telling us there was no way you could gather up the funds to file AOS? I'm having a hard time understanding that. Its $1,000. No chump change, granted, but its not an insurmountable amount of money. There have been people on this board who took out loans to file, begged from family members, had their SO's work extra hours or take on extra jobs, sell things... There are lots of ways to gather up a grand. I guess what I'm trying to get is, did you really have absolutely no way of getting the money together to file, or were you not willing to make the sacrifices to do it? Or, even still, were you just so apathetic to your current situation you didn't really care to become legal? I just can't understand living somewhere with no status for that long... it couldn't have been easy. I guess what I'm wondering really, is why?

Nope, couldn't get money together. See, we don't all make 50k a year. I didn't marry for money, I married for love.

And with that, I'm really off now. Feel free to point and laugh. kicking.gif

QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 16 2009, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 16 2009, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry for the delay in replying, I had to spit out all those words you crammed in mouth...

No one ever said I don't care about breaking the law. I said, I don't care if people approve of it or not. My moral compass is doing very well. Thank you smile.gif

You can spin it anyway you like - the result is the same. I did not cram words in your mouth, I stated how I saw what you had written. I think I was pretty clear, but apparently not.

That you may (again, not putting words in your mouth, just reading what you wrote) have a concience about what you did - well that's nice I suppose.

You are smug and that won't get you very far on this board. You appear to be one of those people that likes to come on to a message board and just raise the ire of other people, perhaps that's how you get your jollies, I don't know.

One last thing, I coudn't resit. Yup, I'm smug, I know enough about bullies to know let them get to me. star_smile.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 15:03:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 16 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
obviously not... you are pretty worried about what you've done and the route you've chosen to take as you keep posting threads asking the same questions and looking for some sort of justification.


Aww, to read between the lines, stuff that isn't there...

Hey, now is the time where you hens all gloat, because I have to go away for a minute. So, I don't know, say something about how you "drove me off with your sharp as a dull knife wit" heart.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 15:00:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 16 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 16 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly, I could care less if someone went to Canada and broke the law. See, I'm not omniscient. I don't know everyone's story, so I don't comment on it.

As for me, no money, for 2 years, means no AoS for 2 years. And quite frankly, I could care less who approves of this. good.gif

And that's ok, i'm glad you did answer the question. I think that it is good that you clarified for everyone where you stand. You don't mind breaking the law and you don't care if others do as well.

I think that before anyone else bothers to have a go at you that they understand this part of your moral compass - because really folks, you are wasting your typing.

Sorry for the delay in replying, I had to spit out all those words you crammed in mouth...

No one ever said I don't care about breaking the law. I said, I don't care if people approve of it or not. My moral compass is doing very well. Thank you smile.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 16 2009, 01:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tis true. kittyfang is a ####### about this entire process and I hope karma bites her in the #######.

I really do.

What does karma say about wishing bad things to other people. good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:57:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 16 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 16 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They're talking about me, hun.

What I did was come to visit my (then) boyfriend. We loved (and still do) being together so we decided to get married.
The thing that pisses these people off is that I overstayed, by a lot (2.5 years as someone so graciously mentioned). We were not aware of the rules and the forms we had to file.
We were part of the group of people that thought "well we're married now, get a SSN, get to work and let's live happy every after".
The problem is that because someone knows the rules and forms, they believe everyone should know them as well. That because someone went one route, another person can't do anything different.

Believe me, now I know exactly what is illegal and what isn't, but I'm here now. I might as well get some money together and aply for AoS. They don't like that.

I don't want in on this fight, but also want to say that I don't think there is anything wrong with you adjusting status. According to what you state, you went to the U.S. just to visit, not to stay, you decided to get married and you are adjusting status - nothing wrong with that, all perfectly legal.

However. From what you have alluded to in your posts - at somewhere along the line you did know you were supposed to adjust status - that you somehow needed to make your residence 'legal' and you chose not to - until now.

Now, you also mentioned in another post that you couldn't enrol in school or get a job etc etc - because you do not have legal status in the U.S. - I assumed from that post that at the very least, at that point, you knew that you were in the U.S. illegally?

My point is, you broke the laws of that country. You entered as a visitor and overstayed, that is against the law - at some point you realized what you were doing and did it anyway.

As I mentioned in one of your other threads, I wouldn't support someone coming to Canada and staying illegally - in fact it would be rather weird if everyone was rallying behind you breaking the law....don't you think....

Honestly, I could care less if someone went to Canada and broke the law. See, I'm not omniscient. I don't know everyone's story, so I don't comment on it.

As for me, no money, for 2 years, means no AoS for 2 years. And quite frankly, I could care less who approves of this. good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:49:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (lgg @ Oct 16 2009, 01:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well Kittyfang...
If that's the case, why not just go and do it rather than coming 'round and making yourself a target? Just asking not trying to be rude.
Go do your thing, don't care what stranger's think of you but stay out of the way if you don't want to play, you know?

Well I haven't filed yet. That is why there are so many posts with my name. I'm still gathering information. But, from what I've seen, and from talking with other people, I'm told that the overstay isn't really an issue in my case (marrying and then adjusting).

Because, last time I checked I was still a member of this forum and have yet to be driven out by the desktop bullies. devil.gif

I'm fairly certain that at least ONE of my posts bring interesting questions, or help other people.

Oh what the heck, I'll just side with you guys instead and mock the little people that come around hypocritically asking benign questions. tongue.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:46:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 16 2009, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate stupid people.

At least we agree on something.

QUOTE (bowflex @ Oct 16 2009, 01:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 16 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They're talking about me, hun.

What I did was come to visit my (then) boyfriend. We loved (and still do) being together so we decided to get married.
The thing that pisses these people off is that I overstayed, by a lot (2.5 years as someone so graciously mentioned). We were not aware of the rules and the forms we had to file.
We were part of the group of people that thought "well we're married now, get a SSN, get to work and let's live happy every after".
The problem is that because someone knows the rules and forms, they believe everyone should know them as well. That because someone went one route, another person can't do anything different.

Believe me, now I know exactly what is illegal and what isn't, but I'm here now. I might as well get some money together and aply for AoS. They don't like that.

With the overstay and everything did you have to go with a waiver and everything? I didn't mean to start any fights or anything, I'm just curious as my wife was charged with an overstay from her original case with her parents even though we had documentation showing that wasn't the case. Was a HUGE headache and really drove the way we had to handle the entire case.

Well I haven't filed yet. That is why there are so many posts with my name. I'm still gathering information. But, from what I've seen, and from talking with other people, I'm told that the overstay isn't really an issue in my case (marrying and then adjusting).
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:41:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
QUOTE (bowflex @ Oct 15 2009, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ Oct 15 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Right. And I think people, in general, need to make a bigger distinction between doing what someone like I did, and simply overstaying. I was only there for 3 months before we got married so I wasn't even close to an overstay.

Completely agree that a distinction should be made. If someone is visiting for a few months and actually does get married on a whim or spur of the moment, by all means that should be allowed and I've got no problem with that. If someone, however, has the intent to marry when they cross the border and just plans on filing for AOS, I think they should be permanently banned and if the significant other knew and participated in that plan, they should also face heavy fines and a loss of their sponsorship rights.

I'm not really jealous of those who go through AOS about anything other than the fact that they get to spend time with their significant other while the process is going on. Now I was EXTREMELY lucky and only lived about 45 minutes to an hour away from my wife during our process, but it is in no way, shape, or form fair for someone to get around the process by lying and committing fraud.

In the end, if it was done in the way that the law states is legal, good for those folks and I wish them nothing but the best good.gif

QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 15 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Oct 15 2009, 06:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And those who overstay and live here illegally for 2.5 years. whistling.gif

And keep making newly titled and worded threads asking the same question in the upper forums seeking some sort of validation whistling.gif

Lol I need to spend more time here to get to know the inside information smile.gif

They're talking about me, hun.

What I did was come to visit my (then) boyfriend. We loved (and still do) being together so we decided to get married.
The thing that pisses these people off is that I overstayed, by a lot (2.5 years as someone so graciously mentioned). We were not aware of the rules and the forms we had to file.
We were part of the group of people that thought "well we're married now, get a SSN, get to work and let's live happy every after".
The problem is that because someone knows the rules and forms, they believe everyone should know them as well. That because someone went one route, another person can't do anything different.

Believe me, now I know exactly what is illegal and what isn't, but I'm here now. I might as well get some money together and aply for AoS. They don't like that.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 14:24:00
CanadaWOW Interview on Tuesday VISA in hand on Thursday
Congrats! That was soooo
Mrs. JazFemalePhilippines2007-11-30 09:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hello All....this is my first post after reading for a few weeks, so go easy on me if this question sounds absurd. I just called the 800 number to ask a few questions about our case. I was told our packet 3 was mailed on 2/19 and that it will arrive in 4 weeks. I know I sound impatient here, but why so long? If the packet has been placed in the mail I wouldn't think it would move that slow.
vivamexMaleMexico2009-02-21 11:16:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnline Banking at TD Bank..
I think it's funny, but she's right, other might get offended.

As a woman, I know I hate that word, but only when it's directed at me. So, you're ok in my book mister! good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-17 14:40:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnline Banking at TD Bank..
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Oct 17 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just curious, but what possessed you to create a username such as that?

I was kinda wondering the same thing.

It reminded me of the guy that was interviewed on some news channel and gave the name "Mike Hunt". I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe his parent didn't think about it when they named him... but either way, it's funny. biggrin.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-17 14:24:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnline Banking at TD Bank..
QUOTE (KittyKunt @ Oct 17 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 17 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KittyKunt @ Oct 17 2009, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok... It's really frustrating now.. Tried to logged In since yesterday and still having a hard time till now... Just keep saying that the log-In information I was giving was wrong even I KNOW its not... Then yesterday, They had a message that TD Bank online is out of service coz of some reason and also said it will be back by 2:30pm yesterday... I tried to logged In again on that time and it worked... about 5 minutes later when I tried to logged In to our joint account.. It said error again and keep putting me back to a some kind of new website they have..... and still it said " Information you entered is incorrect... change the password if you forgoten your password" !!!! wacko.gif

So I'm just wondering if any of you here experience the same thing ? I was also trying to contact the number that they giving but after 30 mins of waiting still on hold...

I had a similar problem with my husband's bank account. It wasn't TD however. I had to call the bank, prove who I was, have my husband confirm he was allowing to speak on his behalf (I'm his secretary... smile.gif ) and then I had them reset the login info.

I know that some banks will give you this kind of error when they are doing some website maintenance. my thoughts to you would be to contact the bank. The reason for this is IF you got a virus, or somehow, someone wanted to phishe your info, asking you to input you info would be one way to get it (trough a website similar to your banks).

Yeah that's what the message I got yesterday said " website maintenance " and they keep put forwarding me to their new website. Just asked my husband if he ever tried to log in on our account he said no.. So I told him. Well, he just said maybe the online banking just really have a problem now and everybody are screwed up LOL. But he said he'll just fix it later and it saturday today.

Thanks for the reply By the way.... smile.gif .

My pleasure. smile.gif

I just mentioned the phishing thingy because my husband and I play a lot of online computer games and it's a common practice amongst "hackers" to email you a web page similar to the game's web page, asking you to log in. They then steal that info and rid you of anything "valuable" your account may have held. I read something about hackers doing the same thing with bank. So, just be careful. good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-17 13:54:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnline Banking at TD Bank..
QUOTE (KittyKunt @ Oct 17 2009, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok... It's really frustrating now.. Tried to logged In since yesterday and still having a hard time till now... Just keep saying that the log-In information I was giving was wrong even I KNOW its not... Then yesterday, They had a message that TD Bank online is out of service coz of some reason and also said it will be back by 2:30pm yesterday... I tried to logged In again on that time and it worked... about 5 minutes later when I tried to logged In to our joint account.. It said error again and keep putting me back to a some kind of new website they have..... and still it said " Information you entered is incorrect... change the password if you forgoten your password" !!!! wacko.gif

So I'm just wondering if any of you here experience the same thing ? I was also trying to contact the number that they giving but after 30 mins of waiting still on hold...

I had a similar problem with my husband's bank account. It wasn't TD however. I had to call the bank, prove who I was, have my husband confirm he was allowing to speak on his behalf (I'm his secretary... smile.gif ) and then I had them reset the login info.

I know that some banks will give you this kind of error when they are doing some website maintenance. my thoughts to you would be to contact the bank. The reason for this is IF you got a virus, or somehow, someone wanted to phishe your info, asking you to input you info would be one way to get it (trough a website similar to your banks).
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-17 13:25:00
USCIS Service CentersSo Have you checked out the new USCIS website?
QUOTE (TracyTN @ Sep 23 2009, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
FWIW, taxpayer funds do NOT go to USCIS. It's strictly funded by the fees generated.


I hate to pay it, but the fee is there for a reason. Not only does it pay for the salary of those working there, but it also helps making sure that people don't start filing willy nilly just because they wake up one morning and want to be an American.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-10 13:33:00
United Kingdomhi

is it true that 2010 no more hpv vaccine required ? just what i read and i need to know exactly it says?
thank u need help to be cleared my mind/
KittyfangFemaleCanada2010-04-21 22:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFastest way to ship?

The problem isn't one of money - it's one of availability. There simply are no fans to be had.

We're exploring Russian websites also, to see if we can find something, but are saying fans are not available ("??? ? ???????") or deliver only in Moscow, etc...

Mmm, I've always used Fedex to ship things, but the prices go by weight, so a few fans might end up costing a lot. :unsure:
KittyfangFemaleCanada2010-08-07 12:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFastest way to ship?

Hi All,

As you all know, the heat in Russia has been insane as of late. My wife's family is now asking for help -- specially if we can send them some fans. I'm given to understand that DHL no longer operates in the US, but they used to be the fast option for shipping to and from Ivanovo...

Does anybody have any shipping suggestions? It would be somewhat tragic (albeit ironic) if I shipped a bunch of fans and they ended up arriving in a month, after the heat wave subsided... I'd like to get these delivered inside of a week.



I think DHL is still around. At least, I'm fairly sure I've seen their trucks around. I'm not sure about which would be cheapest. In any case, you can always send them money, it should get there faster than any package.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2010-08-07 11:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi just sent the 130 today thank god but i think i messed up and im scared,, help
QUOTE (aishahossam @ Oct 16 2009, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok i started my visa journey today thank god,,, and i been with my husband since 2007,, well i got all paperwork together ,, divided it into 2007 2008 and 2009 sections and i lost my 2007 chats, i had the pictures of us in egypt, and copies of the entry stamp for that year but couldnt find the chats, so i loged into my account i had in 2007 an d it wouldnt let me log in, so i tried and tried and couldnt, then i did all to open my account still couldnt do it, anyway to make a long story short, i sent it today anyways, this was this morning, and nowwwwww, i finally got it to work and open my yahoo and theres my chat archives, im not sure what to do now at this point, im nervous and scared,, please no one tell me im stupid please, i really thought my account was gone, thnaks aishah

Hi hun,

Sounds to me like you have your stuff together. If you missed anything, you can always bring it at the interview. It seems to me like they always ask if you have anything you want to show them, you can show them the logs then. smile.gif

Good Luck! good.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-16 17:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying in the US on a whim do I need to return to Canada.
QUOTE (Kittykisses73 @ Oct 20 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Despite the bashing your going to receive because of your situation, people do find themselves in your situation. Myself included! My now husband came here to the US in Aug 2008, we were meeting for the first time. He was here about 7 weeks when he proposed & I accepted. We got married Nov 2008. We gathered all the necessary documents from his country & were finally able to file Feb 2009. His greencard was approved July 2009 smile.gif

If you had no intent of marrying when you entered (which in my opinion, I think they sort of take your intent to be determined at you POE), you file the I-485, I-130, I-765, I-864 (& I-864A if needed), G-325A, I-693 & I-131, can prove you have a legitimate marriage, & are prepared for the fees roughly $2000, you should be fine.

Much luck & happiness!

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is true that I get bashed a lot. I do understand why.

As for the intent issue, I think this sentence: "I think they sort of take your intent to be determined at you POE" is the best example. If the CBP lets you trough, it's because he believes what you're telling him. Why would USCIS go back and suddenly doubt that?... Maybe if you tell them "Oh, I totally was coming over to marry and I totally lied to the CBP"... I won't be doing that!
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-20 21:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying in the US on a whim do I need to return to Canada.
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 20 2009, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 20 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Oct 20 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 20 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sousuke @ Oct 20 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think maybe I haven't explained things clearly? Consider POE and AOS two completely separate things if you come by way of a tourist visa you are eligible to adjust because A. Your in the US and B. Your married to a USC. Thats what they look at during AOS.

Now the only place that fraud actually can occur is at the POE in that the person lies upon inspection. (Ironically if you tell them at the POE you are getting married and you intend to immigrate AND they let you through then you committed no fraud and can adjust.) So its fraud that makes a person ineligible not intent.

Therefore to say "prove your intent at AOS" your saying "prove you didn't lie when you entered". I'm sorry but thats not how things work. You were inspected, they let you in so unless some evidence surfaces that shows you lied then thats all there is to it.

Not to mention its near impossible to prove that someone didn't lie (polygraph maybe...) but it is very possible to prove someone did with cold hard facts.


We'll just have to disagree then. It doesn't work that way.

This was discussed in detail in this thread as well. Case law examples were also cited.

I've been reading this thread with great interest. Specially because, in my case, it's just about impossible to prove that I had no intent to marry when I came (I didn't and did not lie at the PoE). I would love to have something smart to say, but I'm just not that knowledgeable about this area, but I do remember the post and I think it was "decided" that they do not generally ask/care about intent. Most likely because it's hard to prove for both side. They go with the fact that, if the person got trough the border, they didn't lie... Or at least, the CBP doesn't believe they did.

Now, you got Kittyfang all stressed out. Can I get someone to calm me down, or do I need to write 14 different posts? rofl.gif

I forgot to mention. I remember many people telling me that they were not asked any questions regarding intent, or if they did it was not very probing questions. But then again, our situations were the same and different from the OP's.

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-20 17:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying in the US on a whim do I need to return to Canada.
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 20 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Oct 20 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Oct 20 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sousuke @ Oct 20 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think maybe I haven't explained things clearly? Consider POE and AOS two completely separate things if you come by way of a tourist visa you are eligible to adjust because A. Your in the US and B. Your married to a USC. Thats what they look at during AOS.

Now the only place that fraud actually can occur is at the POE in that the person lies upon inspection. (Ironically if you tell them at the POE you are getting married and you intend to immigrate AND they let you through then you committed no fraud and can adjust.) So its fraud that makes a person ineligible not intent.

Therefore to say "prove your intent at AOS" your saying "prove you didn't lie when you entered". I'm sorry but thats not how things work. You were inspected, they let you in so unless some evidence surfaces that shows you lied then thats all there is to it.

Not to mention its near impossible to prove that someone didn't lie (polygraph maybe...) but it is very possible to prove someone did with cold hard facts.


We'll just have to disagree then. It doesn't work that way.

This was discussed in detail in this thread as well. Case law examples were also cited.

I've been reading this thread with great interest. Specially because, in my case, it's just about impossible to prove that I had no intent to marry when I came (I didn't and did not lie at the PoE). I would love to have something smart to say, but I'm just not that knowledgeable about this area, but I do remember the post and I think it was "decided" that they do not generally ask/care about intent. Most likely because it's hard to prove for both side. They go with the fact that, if the person got trough the border, they didn't lie... Or at least, the CBP doesn't believe they did.

Now, you got Kittyfang all stressed out. Can I get someone to calm me down, or do I need to write 14 different posts? rofl.gif

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-20 17:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreason to believe fraud

The only reason why someone would WANT to do this is if they had a medical problem (like open TBC) that would prevent them from being approved.

That's very true, I didn't think about that.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2010-05-18 11:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreason to believe fraud

doctor was paid a fee to fake tb results etc.

I don't see why someone would do this. T.B. test is very cheap and in some areas, like where I live, they are free.
KittyfangFemaleCanada2010-05-18 10:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Police Check
QUOTE (Alster111 @ Oct 3 2009, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum (and this situation). My Fiance is in the US and has just sent in her I-129f. In the meantime I'm applying for my Police Check Certificate and am concerned as the form asks if I've EVER been cautioned or reprimanded...what worries me is that I was 15 yrs-old and got hauled in and cautioned by the police for a childish prank (which I wasn't actually instrumental in). I also got a speeding ticket aged 21 or so (I'm 49 now).

Does anyone know if these will harm my application for my K1?

Thanks in advance

I'm not sure, but from what I've read here and from other places online. You shouldn't have any problem. I don't think anyone would hold against you teen pranks, or a ticket from 25 + years ago. smile.gif (but that's my opinion, others here, I'm sure, will chime in)
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-03 13:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBank account details for I-134
QUOTE (thepizzadude @ Oct 10 2009, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 10 2009, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe someone can correct me, but I taught that the income was the only thing they looked as far as a sponsor is concerned. blink.gif

No they look at many aspects to qualify you if you want them too. If you have a ton of money in the bank or large equity in your home or a big 401k plan balance and can show it you could probably qualify without an income at all, it just depends on the consulate and the $$$ we would be talking about.

Mmm here's hoping that AoS from visitor isn't as demanding... We're broke! lol

KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-10 21:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBank account details for I-134
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Oct 1 2009, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Simon and Janet @ Oct 1 2009, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey guys,

For our I-134 form the sponsors salary is around $20,000 which is a little above the 100% requirement used for the Sydney consulate. However the current balance of the bank account is pretty low, and i wondered if it was worth me (beneficiary) depositing some of my money into that account to boost that up for the form? Considering i'll probably be putting my money into that account anyway once i move over to the U.S...... i was wondering if this would be acceptable or do you consider it not such a good idea?

If his income is sufficient, bank balance is irrelevent. If you wish to also list the bank balance as assets, it will be valued at 1/3 vs. income. $30,000 in the bank equals $10,000 in income. If you have a substanstial amount to deposit, yes, it would look better, but probably isn't necessary. If it is only 2-3000, it will not make any appreciable difference anyway. If you do this have your fiacne obtain a bank letter which lists the total deposits for the last 12 months, rather than give bank statements. The consulates PREFER a bank letter and it doesn't draw attention to a large deposit which can raise red flags.

Maybe someone can correct me, but I taught that the income was the only thing they looked as far as a sponsor is concerned. blink.gif
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-10 21:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Oct 6 2009, 08:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My medical exam - if it can be used as a standard exam - was probably the easiest medical exam I have ever had. Basically, they take a medical history including any past history of drug or alcohol use or mental illnesses, they draw blood to test for communicable diseases like AIDS and syphilis, etc., take x-rays to check for tuberculosis, do a brief physical including listening to your heart and lungs, taking your temperature, taking your pulse, a breast exam for women and a quick check of gender - no gynecological exam at all. As part of the medical history they ask about vaccinations so bring proof of any vaccinations you have already had - and they can update your shots so you have everything that you need for immigration purposes. Basically, that is it. Good luck tomorrow.

Kathrin, I wonder, did you get your scealed envelop the same day? Or was this in the U.S.?

I was told that I will get a TB test (the one with the needle) and that I will have to go 2 days later to have it read. But the doctor is really far away and it's hard for me to travel. Can you request an X-Ray instead?
KittyfangFemaleCanada2009-10-06 22:01:00
Asia: East and PacificDirect Consular Filing - Japan Specific Question (Marriage Certificate)
Hi I posted this in the DCF forum, but was told I might get a better response here. I copied the original question below.

This is for anyone who has done the DCF process in Japan. For the marriage certificate, is the required document a "Juri-shomeisho" or the "Konin todoke"? We assumed it was the "Juri-shomeisho", but my wife just registered our marriage at the Brazilian consulate (she has dual-citizenship) and was required to submit a copy of the "konin todoke".

Anyone with experiences?

jj_154MaleJapan2008-03-23 06:00:00