K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried, please help

I've been waiting since April 26, 2011 for my NOA2. Still don't have it! Before I was stressed, now I'm just completely pissed off. One week from now it will be 5 months for me! I cannot believe this #######.

I just caught this thread as I was about to log off, it made me chuckle. I am not laughing at you or your situation, it was just that you managed to communicate your feelings very succinctly with just a few words. :) Hang in there!!! If they go beyond the 5 months mark you will be able to call and talk to a real person to find out what is going on?

I will send out good thoughts for you and lots of luck!!!!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-17 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried, please help

I filled k1 petition for my fiancee in 06/21/2011. Uscis received on 06/24/2011 and i got noa1 on 06/28/2011.
Since I dont have any update about my petition, this is normal or what I need to do. My petiton last touched on 06/29/2011. Please give me any advise. I will be thankfull to you all.

I hope it offers you some comfort to know that there are many of us in the same situation. We are June filers and our petition was touched on the 9 of August and hasn't been touched again since then. If we take USCIS stats into consideration then the maximum time we could wait to hear anything would be around November - - 5 months from the date we filed. Lets hope it isn't that long or any longer. I try not to come here to often and instead focus on my daily life.

Luck to all of us. :thumbs:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-17 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2
I thought I would update this as I am here in the states with my fiance' and my son. Yay!

Going through customs was a breeze. I was more nervous than usual for obvious reasons, but I had a really cool, and funny border guy. He made lots of jokes and stuff, and although he did ask some questions while we were chatting and laughing, he did not ask how long I was staying for or when I intended to return to the U.K or whether I had my return tickets. I did take a bunch of supporting documentation with me just in case: bank statements, wage slips, employment contract, gym membership (with my current address) and my tenancy agreement. I did not need any of it!

We are here until the 28th of December. We will get to celebrate our first Halloween together, Thanks Giving and my 40th Birthday.

Thanks for all of your help and guidance fellow V.J'ers. :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-01 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

You may want to look at flying through Dublin and do your POE there. That way if CBP does have an issue, it isn't such a pain and expense to fly back to the UK.

Yes, that's an option. I guess I could visit Ireland if they declined me entry :)

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-08 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

One of the issue is the length of time - might make them question you more. While we were waiting for the CR1 process to complete I came for a 3-month visit with my husband but I started by booking a 2 week trip. Then when I was in the country I changed my ticket to come back just under the 90 days. I had no issues visiting.

Our visa journey took over a year to complete and I visited him about 5 times during that year - each time saying I was visiting my husband. There never seemed to be any issue - even though I took loads of proof of return material with me - job letter, lease agreement etc. I was never asked for any of it.

I always found it a bit weird to be honest that not one of the officers asked me why I was living in a different country to my husband.

Hey! That's a great idea to lengthen the time of your stay once you are there. Genius! Yeah, I guess that you were visiting your husband could cause red flags, but I guess, there are a lot of people who have LDR's for one reason or another.

Thanks for this - it helps a lot hearing other people's experiences. I am not sure what we are going to do at the moment? I want to be with my fiance', but part of me wants to make the most of my time in the U.K before I leave.

Thank you again! :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-08 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

Your disadvantage is going for 90 days. That could prompt questions like job or responsibilities to return to or if you have a boyfriend in the US. How can you afford to go on holiday for 3 months? Don't you have a job? Who are you staying with?

Your advantage is your age. If you've got a 16 year old son, then you probably don't look as suspicious as a 19 year old with no job, no money, no reason to go back.

Look like a tourist. Don't fill your bags with things that look like you are moving to the US now like your whole music or book colection. Don't put in things that would make them suspect you will be job hunting like CV, job applications, etc. Pack appropriate for a person strictly on vacation.

Dress smartly. They will believe you more than if you look like a rag-tag bum. I got this straight from a CBP officer I had a long chat with. He further said when we see people that look like bums who don't appear they could afford a cup of coffee, much less a 3 month holiday, we ask a lot of questions. Have a credit card and a bank statement to show you have ample funds to pay for a long holiday.

And you've got it right that it depends on the day and the officer. So look relaxed and smile to win him over.

Sorry, Nick-Nick I didn't see that was you. :)

I appreciate you posting and giving your experience. I will let you know what we decide.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 12:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

It is very weird how some people are lucky enough. It really depends so don't just think you won't have problems because some people did not.
June 28th was the day I landed in Atlanta and went through the customs for the very first time. I wasn't nervous at all, I answered all their questions, but they put me in custody anyways.

After an hour of waiting they started asking me questions about my trip, what we're going to do, how much money I have, what I do in my country and stuff. Then they told me not to work in the US and let me in the country. And it was my first time here, no visa stamps, I'm not in K-1 process or anything.

So just be careful, you really don't want to be sent back home, have enough proof and be prepared for anything. It really depends on the customs officer.

Anyways, good luck on your way of becoming a citizen! I wish you all the best. :D

Thnaks for this! It's really helpful to get a balance of positive and not so positive experiences.

All you can ever do is bring what evidence you have. Whether you have a mountain of evidence or nothing at all there is never a guarantee.

Personally I visited my boyfriend/fiance/husband several times within one year, the longest trip being for three months. And the only thing I was ever asked for was my return ticket. Which was good because I didn't have anything else. I was a student then ex-student just bumming around England whilst waiting to move to live with my husband. (The Canadians asked me how I bought my ticket, and I said student loans LOL.)
I was scared every time I visited though. But it's not like I had any alternative to trying.

Maybe I will dress in one of my work suits? Ha, ha, ha.

Congrats on getting through everything.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

Your disadvantage is going for 90 days. That could prompt questions like job or responsibilities to return to or if you have a boyfriend in the US. How can you afford to go on holiday for 3 months? Don't you have a job? Who are you staying with?

Your advantage is your age. If you've got a 16 year old son, then you probably don't look as suspicious as a 19 year old with no job, no money, no reason to go back.

Look like a tourist. Don't fill your bags with things that look like you are moving to the US now like your whole music or book colection. Don't put in things that would make them suspect you will be job hunting like CV, job applications, etc. Pack appropriate for a person strictly on vacation.

Dress smartly. They will believe you more than if you look like a rag-tag bum. I got this straight from a CBP officer I had a long chat with. He further said when we see people that look like bums who don't appear they could afford a cup of coffee, much less a 3 month holiday, we ask a lot of questions. Have a credit card and a bank statement to show you have ample funds to pay for a long holiday.

And you've got it right that it depends on the day and the officer. So look relaxed and smile to win him over.

Thanks for made me laugh with your 'bum' comments. I get what you mean, though. However, by the time I have caught the 3 hour train to Heathrow and then the 8 and a half hour flight to Chicago to then go on to St.Louis I think I always look like a bum, but just dressed in nice clothes, ha, ha, ha.

You have given me some great advice, which I will follow to the letter if I go? We are still deciding. I will just tell them my savings are paying for my trip.

I hope I get a nice officer? Chicago always makes me a little nervous, but I always answer the same way, "to visit with my boyfriend." the last time I was there was last December came back in the New Year.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

ya, don't bother mentioning it, but if it comes up have the copy in the bag just in case.

Thanks for your advise. :thumbs:

Good luck with the rest of your journey. :star:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

Thing is, I have ZERO ties... no job, mortgage, car, I'm living at home... Only my family there!
So, no, I didn't bring proof of ties.

I DID bring... my copy of the initial I-129f package... the entire package (proof that you are going about the whole thing LEGALLY, and are not going to jeopardize it by overstaying). I brought the Fed-Ex receipts that show when and where I sent it. I brought my fiancees phone number ( i have heard of the CBP agents calling the US citizen to confirm that they have an actual relationship with the person arriving in the states). I brought my return ticket, too.

What's your POE?

never asked for ANY of it though. Good to have, just in case!!

Oh and a bank statement, to show enough funds to support myself while here. Again, not asked for it!

Yer, I am pretty much in the same situation as you. My POE would be Chicago, that place always makes me nervous anyway, ha, ha.

I don't think I would volunteer the visa stuff, but if questioned I would be honest. I would take a copy of return ticket too, and proof that my son is still here, and the visa stuff just in case. I think what I am learning is that there are no official yes or no answers, it's down to me and my fiance' whether we take the risk.

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 07 September 2011 - 09:17 AM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2

Hey! I wrote this just last week. Take a look...

Wow! That's a great story. Gosh, I hope it would be that easy for me. Did you take any proof of ties to Ireland etc just in case?

Congrats, on successfully traveling.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Visting with my finace' and awaiting for NOA2
Hello, VJ'ers.

I am here for your help please.

I have seen this topic posted quite a few times, so I am going to read as much as I can, but obviously there are some issues that are unique to me concerning traveling to see my fiance' while in the K1 visa process.

Okay, we are 3 months in and awaiting for the NOA2. I am thinking about going to stay with my fiance' on a visitors visa for up to 3 months.

I know it's important to prove that you have ties to coming back to your own country in case border control get heavy. My issues are that I am working for a temping agency and would leave without a job to come back to. :no:

I am living in shared accommodation, so I would give up my tenancy here and plan to stay with a friend on my return while I complete the process. :no:

My 16 year old son would still be in the U.K - I will be applying a K2 visa for him as well as my K1. :yes:

Do I just travel as I have every time before and not mention the visa stuff?

I would really like your views, experience or knowledge in going through with visiting him.

Thanks so much everyone. :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-07 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBrits abroad in Missouri for 3 months...need help.

No problem, good luck and let me know how it all goes for you. I'm interviewing at 8am tomorrow morning and will hopefully be flying out very soon.

Oh my gosh! That's the interview, right! Sending out all the best vibes possible. How exciting! Keep me posted!

Luck!!!!!! :dance:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-17 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBrits abroad in Missouri for 3 months...need help.

I think this same dilemma can apply to people of many ages that move to a foreign country. It was actually a worry of mine when we decided to make the move to California as I would be leaving behind all my friends etc.. I decided to be proactive and join a local expat rugby club way in advance of moving plus a few of the sports and social clubs on the meetup website. could be well worth a look depending on what sort of things your son is into!! for instance, is there a particular sport he likes to play? I'm sure you'll be able to find a local youth football (soccer) team he can sign up to. There are also mountain biking, hiking and kayaking groups which is a big benefit of moving to the US, all of which advertise on the meetup website and are often free.

As the other member said volunteering is an option but its not very appealing for a 16 year old lad as I remember what I was like at that age. There are organisations like the junior marines (kind of like cadets) and the scouts if that sort of thing interests him.

Like yourself I also spent 3 months with my fiancee in the US whilst waiting on the NAO2, it was a great way to prep myself for the pending move. It also allowed me to meet with local expats and sports clubs to build a relationship in advance which I keep going via email until I actually make the move (hopefully next week).

I hope this helps as I know how tough it is for me let alone a 16 year old lad....good luck

Thanks for all this info.

It's especially helpful to hear from people who have direct experience. I am going to look up some of the things you have suggested.

Yes, 16 year old's are a special case in many ways, ha, ha. At the end of the day he is going to have to invest his time and energy into connecting with people if he wants to make friendships. I think that aspect is hard when you are at that age, because you feel so self conscious and aware of other people. It will be a good learning experience for him.

Thanks again.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-15 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBrits abroad in Missouri for 3 months...need help.
Hello fellow, VJ'ers.

If any of you remember my last post you will know I posted about coming over to Missouri from the U.K to be with my fiance' for 3 months whilst awaiting for our NOA2. So, we made it. We had no problems at Chicago and sailed on through. I am here with my 16 year old son who is taking a gap year from his studies before we are settled out here.

Everything is going well and we are learning what living together as a family unit is like - it's good! :yes: I am going to start researching all the options we have so that when we are eventually out here and awaiting for our AOS we will have already set some wheels in motion. The biggest issue we are finding is how to consistently entertain my 16 year old. He's finding it hard being away from his friends and being couped up in the house all day is not so good for him.

We do have some resources: Larry works at a school and they have been kind enough to allow my son to attend one day last week. My son was quite withdrawn and really felt awkward with the cultural differences he found with his peers there. The school is very different from what he has experienced in England and I think he's afraid of taking a risk of going there again and not feeling like he belongs. We will work on encouraging him. My fiance's family are very supportive and have been available when they can, but we would much rather find him something to do in the day time.

So my question is has anyone got any ideas? We are here until the end of December. We keep looking for things to do, but we keep hitting brick walls. We both want this experience to enable my son to make friends and have some connections here for when we finally settle.

Has anyone got any experience of this situation?

I would be most grateful if people could shoot some ideas our way.

Thank you in advance.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-13 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 after 92 days!!! :)))))

Today after 92 days we got the notice of approval for our petition!!! :) I`m SOOOOOOOOOOO happy! and to think that we were JUST discussing about when were we going to meet again and then he got the email!!! This is GREAT!!! to feel that the time is coming :))))) :D

BIG congratulations!!!! Yay for you! :yes:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-15 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship for K-1 Interview.
My fiance' uses Google Chat - it redirects the calls through his cell phone. So far it's the best deal he has found on his end and it's very straightforward to get call logs etc. It costs him 10c a minute to call the U.K and I believe it's free to make long distance calls within the US and to Canada. We have used Skype, VOIP, Messenger calls, Rebtel (at 24c a minute!!!), and I even purchased a Skype phone for a time a few years ago. Ugh! Right now I have a top-up service that gives me free minutes at the end of every month every time I top-up.

I hear what you are saying about having enough evidence else where. I hope one of these suggestions helps you in the future.

Good luck with everything.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-21 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a tourist visa while awaiting NOA 2 from K1 application

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts / ideas on the matter. I think at this point we will just wait for the second NOA and the K1 interview. At this point we have been waiting for 4 months for the second Noa and are starting to feel a bit frustrated that it takes longer than what we had initially expected given other approvals from similar time frame as ours.
Thank you again!

I came out to the USA over a month ago on the Visa Waiver program, which allows you to stay in the country for up to 3 months. And, we have just received our NOA2 while I am out here. We knew there would be a risk that I could be turned away at the POE, so I took a letter showing my employers details, a rental contract/agreement, bank statements and anything thing else that highlighted I still have ties to the U.K. I was really nervous at the POE, but we had a really friendly officer and , well, I am here. I will go back for my medical and interview wrap everything up in the U.K and then return for good - all being well. I just thought I would share, because I remember asking a similar question as you while we were thinking about spending this time together.

Good luck with your journey and the NOA2. :star:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-28 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC ... How long does it take?

Hi, yes, it will arrive to the petitioner address, and there will be your alien number in the doccument :)

Thanks, Sheep. I will be watching how things go for you. This is the next learning curve. Goodluck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-26 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC ... How long does it take?
Is it okay for me to jump in with a question? We just got approved on Saturday - 22nd. I am unsure what you mean when you say 'hardcopy' of NOA2? Do you mean it arrives physically through the mail?

Thanks. :thumbs:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-26 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS CSC

I just checked the ignor's list and CSC has started approving June filers! I'm hoping they keep on approving VJ members everyday!!!! I know I'm too obsessed w/ this... I'm just so excited! :dance:

There are a few of us on here who are June filers that have just been approved . I hope everyone on here who filed in June starts to get some good news. I think it's positive that things are moving along. We were just 3 weeks from waiting for 5 months for the NOA2. Keeping everything crossed for everyone else. Keep up the positivity.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS CSC

Also, our application hasn't been "touched" since August 9th... does that even mean anything at all?!

It does not mean anything that you should worry about. Our application hadn't been touched since the middle of August and we just got approved.

I think things are starting to move along now.

Good luck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Question

He is basically going to do everything you do. There are some exceptions like very young children do not have to be present at the interview. Follow London's K1 instructions x 2 (one for you, one for him)

Step One
Complete the Form DS-230-Part 1, Form DS-156 and DS-157 for each family member applying for a visa. In addition, the principal applicant is also required to complete form DS-156K.

Notice you will have the DS-156K because you are the principal immigrant, but he won't do that one. Mail all those forms in together.

Each of you will bring documents to the interview. List: http://london.usemba..._documents.html
If you read that whole page you will notice a few comments about children.

Passports: A Passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least eight months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. Children may be included on a parent's passport, but if over the age of 16, they must have their photographs attached to the passport.

If he's under 16, he doesn't need a police certificate.

Note: Your affidavit of support will be the I-134. The lists don't make that super clear. The I-864 is for spouse visas.

And here's the link for documents that used to be on the K visa page, which is slightly better so bookmark it. London has been revising their pages again, but made it worse. http://london.usemba..._documents.html

It has this which is important for you:

Custody Decree: A single parent must present a court decree awarding custody to the applying parent, or a notarized statement from the non-applying parent granting permission for the child(ren) to immigrate to the United States.

But wait, there's more~~~

Yet another list of documents here http://london.usemba..._checklist.html that doesn't include some of the things mentioned on the other two lists. :bonk:

Thank you for all of that! Phew! I am glad you posted the part about being a single parent - I have my sons fathers' death certificate on it's way to me. I hope a copy of it will suffice? So much to do now. I just compiled all of packet 3 and I have checked the check-list for the documents I need to to take to the embassy with me. We are just sorting out some accommodation in London and I will head back for the medical. I need to update my time-line for the folks on here, but my brain is all mush right now.

I can't believe how quickly things have progressed since the NOA2.

Thanks once again. :D

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 08 November 2011 - 10:46 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-08 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Question

It looks like you are correct. I found this other thread which may help answer some of your questions: http://www.visajourn...filed-together/

Thanks for that! :star:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-08 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Question
I think I found the answer here: K1 and K2. I think that means that me and my son attend the interview together and we apply for both Visa's there. I just need to ensure I take all the documentation they require for his visa. I have all ready applied for our police certificates so that we can attend our medicals together. Am I correct?
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-06 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Question
Okay, this seems like a dumb question because I was sure I knew the answer to it, but well, I have some short-term memory issues due to a head injury I am still recovering from. And, sometimes stuff just seems to vanish right out of the old grey matter. So.....we have recently had our NOA2 approved and now we are patiently awaiting for our new case number from NVC ( I am going to call them tomorrow as it's been a little over two weeks now). Anyway, I am also going to apply for a K2 Visa as I want my son at the medical and interview with me so that we can leave the U.K at the same time. Where exactly do I get the K2 forms from? And, when? When we get packet 3? Before that point?

Thanks in advance once again VJ'ers. :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-06 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresY is p3 showing that my fiances kids are traveling applicants

Even though my fiance downloaded packet 3 and already submitted it back to embassy, he just got packet 3 by mail and while reading it
it states his two adult children are traveling applicants.
Why would this be? He never claimed them. I looked over the I-129 F petition which is the only place that he was asked to list all kids for the beneficiary.
But it doesn't ask on the I-129F form to list all children that are traveling with beneficiary, only asks to list if he has children. So should we just email the consulate
and tell them that it is only my fiance traveling and not his kids? Is there a certain way of doing this?
We also just found out today that we got RFE because even though we had a real nice camera and took our own passport photos on white background and
they were 2x2, but they are asking for RFE because they say they are not readable. Hmmmm? They are were very clear, but maybe not readable if the consulate scans
them into computer.
That really blows!! :( We are now having to go and retake ALL pictures and get a total of 8 passport photos.
The other thing that is asked for on the RFE is the confirmation page of the ds-160. We have that printed and saved in the binder for the interview, but didn't realize we had
to submit it with the hard copy of the ds-160 after we submitted it electronically.
As much reading as we have been doing here on VJ to be as prepared as possible, we still got RFE.

I am just in the process of packet 3 and everything else, including the K2 for my son. From what I have read on here the Embassy just assumes you are traveling or including your children for a visa too. There is no specific K2 Visa, the children accompany the beneficiary of a granted K1 Visa are just added to the process once the K1 has been granted. Scenario: If you were taking children then you would include them in the medical process and take them and the extra paperwork to the interview -- there are specific forms you fill out for the beneficiary's children whilst completing packet 3. So, if they are not accompany at all then I guess, you could call the embassy just to clarify that. I think on the interview day it would speak for itself that no paper work for his kids have been filed or received.

I hope that helps.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-09 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiance visit in the US this far into K-1 process?

We've got our NOA2 and our case has been sent from the NVC to the London embassy. My fiance received information in the mail about paperwork and interviews about a week and a half ago, but he's still waiting to hear back about his police certificate. He doesn't have a record, but they're taking kind of awhile and when he called to ask they basically said, "It's done when it's done."

At this point, I'm not sure what to expect scheduling-wise. I last saw him in August and I really want him to come visit for Christmas and New Years (I'm thinking December 20 to January 10, given current airfares), and the only thing stopping us from booking a ticket is scheduling. I don't want his trip over here to conflict with stuff he's gotta do back in England, and I especially don't want us to buy a ticket only for the government to approve his K-1 and allow him to move here a month or so later.

Anyone have any advice on the issue? Thanks. :)

I am currently out in the states with my fiance (I am the U.K beneficiary). We have received our NOA2 and have started packet 3 etc. I was nervous about coming out here and being asked all manner of question with the possibility of being denied, but I got on just fine. I took proof of address, bank accounts and anything else I could think of that highlighted I have ties to the U.K and intend to return. We booked tickets for just under 90 days stay too. I am sure you will be fine. I think it's always reassuring to see someone in the same position with a positive experience. Good luck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-09 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHeads Up For People Applying to ACRO for Police Certificates
I just wanted to be able to give back to the forum through my experiences in the hope that this information may be uselulf for some people in similar circumstances.

We filed all the paper work and supporting documentation for ACRO: proof of current address - typed letters with address and full name dated within the last 6 months, signed all the declaration parts and had someone endorse our pictures who fulfilled the criteria for that, photocopies of passport page and FULL birth certificates.

Okay, so we were applying for myself and my 16 year old son. He didn't have any proofs of address in his name as he is only 16 and hasn't really received any official letters as yet. I duplicated the proofs I provided for myself and included them in his application.

Once ACRO received our file they managed to loose ALL of the proofs of adresses (about 12 sheets of paper in total). Anyway, I spoke to one of the customer service representatives (who was very helpful and great at communicating exactly what they needed - she was fine with me resending the proofs of addresses by email for both myself andf my son as long as I added a covering letter stating that my son was living with me at my current address) this was due to the fact that he did not have any letter in his own name.

Secondly: ACRO sent us a form to print out for my son to sign - there was a discrepency with his signature in his passport and the one on his application. I explained that as he's only 16 he hasn't really been required to standardize a consistent signature. They are aware of this in younger people, which is why they send out the form for them to sign.

Although, there have been a few hitches I have to say that they made every effort to contact us in order to rectify the issues ASAP. They sent me two emails, two voicemails and a day after that I received a letter through the post. I am impressed with that part of the service.

So, if you are sending off for the certificates for teens be sure to get them to sign the forms as closely to their signature in their passport. And, duplicate prooofs of addresses and include a covering letter stating that they are living with you at the current address.

Hope this helps someone!

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 30 December 2011 - 08:37 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-30 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA courthouse marriage followed by 'wedding' 8 months later?
Me and my fiance' just got off the phone after discussing this very subject. I have just (Jan 9th) completed my Visa Medical and it all went fine, so just waiting on the U.S Embassy interview now! Yay! :thumbs: :dance:

My fiance' has looked up how the whole process of marrying at the courthouse in his state works: Marriages are held on a Wednesday and the cost of the license is $48.00. They start wedding procedures from 1pm on a first come first basis with the actual ceremony lasting no longer than about 5-10 minutes! Not very romantic, but it is what it is and we will make the best of it. Larry will take off the rest of the week from work so we can at least have some time together as newly weds. And, then around May or early June we will have a blessing.

I just want to get the AOS moving along as quickly as possible. Someone told me you can also audit classes if you are thinking about going to school or continuing on with your education. I believe you just have to AOkay it with the college that you wish to go to. I am planning on doing some voluntary work too.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-15 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstarting on the K-1 process.

Good day to all of you guys!

My girlfriend is a U.S. citizen (naturalized) and me had been engaged last June we decided to use the K-1 process to be married officially. since she can't come home in the Philippines permamnently, (she's a member of US air force) i had to adjust and i need to live in the USA to be with her.

Let me tell you our story, we had been in a relationship 6 years ago here in the Philippines when we were still college students, now she gone to the USA after her father's petition had been approved and she went on to work in the military...we had been separated and had our own lives the past 6 years...last may 2011, by chance we talked again in facebook and from there we both confessed that we still love one another (we are always happy back then)

so there, we met last January 2012 and she will be passing our K1 petition in few days (she just got back in US yesterday) and we are more in-love with each other after we met again personally, we had fun and we're very comfortable around each other.

i just want your opinions on our packet if we ever missed some things:
i'll list the packet in order.

1. cover letter
2. form G-1145
3. form I-129F
4. explanation of meeting in 2 years (single page attachment)
5. proof of meeting in 2 years * her boarding passes and itinerary (her flight had been canceled so we included the canceled boarding passes too)
* our receipts of flight reservation, itinerary/tickets and boarding passes going to our vacation.
* photos of us inside the plane
* our hotel/resort tickets, food order receipts
* photos of our stay in the resort
* other activities places we visited receipts
* photos on the said places we visited.

6. form G-325A for me and my soon-to-be-wife and our 2x2 passport photos.

7. letters of intent to marry from both of us.
8. me and my fiance's ring reciepts (we bought each other a ring even though we're just engaged--- its the same rings we will use on our wedding day <3)
9. the reciept of FEDEX i got after i sent a christmas package to her and photos of my gift to her and a copy of my handwritten letter for her (with translation)
10. the story of our relationship from the first time we met and until we came to this decision of getting married and living together and our future plans.
11. proof of ongoing relationship * facebook messages (with translation) about 20 pages.
* yahoomail messages (with translation) about 7 pages.
* skype call logs (we blacked out the conversations and just highlighted the dates and durations of the call)


1. will our packet pass on the standards of USCIS (or adjudicators)?
2. is it fine to highlight stuffs using a marker?
3. is it ok to black out (as in drawing a black line to hide it) our conversations and just note that its a personal conversation?
4. we used blue pen for our signatures, is it ok?
5. we wrote notes (explanations) on all of the pages of our petition (except for the forms and cover letters)...will it help?
6. also, how long is it gonna take to get your petition approved?

That all looks great and very thorough, and as the other person stated be sure to make copies (we made two) of packet one. We just got approved today and it's taken 8 months in total. I am a U.K citizen (beneficiary) moving to U.S.A. I think the highlighting and blacking out is fine (I would initial and date those changes - blacked out areas, so that it is obvious you have made them and not someone else), apart from that it looks like you are ahead of the game. Obviously if either of you have been married or divorced you will also have to include that paperwork. I can't think of anything else, but if I do I will get back on here.

Good luck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-15 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy son's birth certificate does not have his father's name.......

Hi Everyone!

I just noticed in the instruction form that birth certificate should have the names of both parents. My son's birth certificate does not have his father's name in it. I never been married to my son's father that's why he have been asked to come back the next day to sign the acknowledgement form. He failed to come back and the hospital forwarded the birth certificate without his name in it. I never had worries like this before regarding his birth certificate. All his documents doesn't have his father's name such as school records etc. Now that my interview for K1 visa is coming and one of the requirements is my child's birth certificate. I'm kind a worried a bit. I wanna be careful & skeptical as well in every document that I need to submit. Is anybody could tell me if this will cause me a problem or I might be asked to submit a secondary evidence showing his father's name?

I hope someone can give me an advice. Thank you in advance.

I had the same issue with my son - I never listed his father on the birth certificate and his father had passed away. When I went for the interview I took the death certificate along as well, and they told me that I didn't really ever need that as his father was not listed on the birth certificate, which means he was never considered as his legal guardian. I just had my interview on the 15th of February 2012, so the information I have given you is current. I hope that helps you.

Just make sure you have the long version of the birth certificate and you should be fine.


Edited by Vicky and Larry, 26 February 2012 - 01:58 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-26 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about PoE

At point of entry, when you hand your papers and whatever else is required to the CBP officer... are you subject to any stricter rules in regards to being checked for customs items, than perhaps that of an ESTA entry ?.. example: is there a mandatory search of your bags or anything like that? just a question as im gonna be needing to get through the whole airport immigration very quickly so that i can catch another flight right away with my fiancee.
Thanks in advance for any help

How long is your layover? It's not advised to have a short layover time when entering with an immigrant visa (even if the K-1 is technically non-immigrant)… I would plan minimum 2-3 hours.

I agree with didopage. The Immigration officer at the interview suggested we get a layover with a minimum of four hours in case it took longer. They did not go through our luggage, but the queue was really long and it did take some time for all the paperwork and questions to be answered. I was glad of a 4 hour layover as it reduced my stress levels by not worrying about our connecting flight.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying To Understand The Process.

Time for the pic! :D

Posted Image

Ha, ha, funny , but it feels just like that at times. :star:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Holder Leaves Country Before AOS

He can not re-enter and has abandoned his chance to file along with the parent with their AOS filing.

The USC can file for him as the child of a LPR.......but the parent must AOS and receive their GC BEFORE any of this can happen because the immigrant is currently out of status.

It will probably be more than a year before he can gain re-entry....I trust you all are OK with that?

He would be returning next summer, so yes, we are okay with that.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-26 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Holder Leaves Country Before AOS

I vote for the USCitizen Spouse filing an I-130 on the child.

Be 'ware of the age out issue...

Good Luck !

Me too! :-)

He's 17 right now.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-26 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Holder Leaves Country Before AOS

(1) The embassy might be willing to re-issue his K-2 visa if you can show the reason he left was an exigent situation beyond his control. The expiration date on his new K-2 would likely be the same as his old one, and I believe they are only issued for six months, so if he is staying in the UK for six months then this may not work from a timeline standpoint. This won't work as your timeline indicates your K-1 and K-2 were issued in February, so their expiration would be ~August.

(2) Your husband could file an I-130 on your son's behalf as his stepfather and petition him for an immigrant visa that way. It would likely take ~8 - 10 months from beginning to end, and your son would automatically receive a green card upon entry to the US.

(3) You could file an I-130 for your son, however the current waiting time for F2A classification from the UK to become current (unmarried minor son or daughter of a permanent resident) is over two years. Option (2) is superior for this reason.

(Edit) Advanced Parole would not apply because they have not applied for AoS yet.

Thank you so much. We have had a very tricky situation, which meant he had to leave before I could do any research about re-entering. Seems like the I-130 is the way to go. We will start the filing process as soon as possible, so he is not waiting around for too long.

Thank you again, I feel some comfort knowing that information. :-)

Did he apply for and receive his advanced parole? If not then he may have to reapply to enter again. Not sure but it's quite complicated without and Advanced Parole, which is permission to leave and re-enter the USA.

Thanks for your response! :-)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-26 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK2 Visa Holder Leaves Country Before AOS
I came to America on a K1 Visa and married my fiance' before the 90 days. We have not yet adjusted our status and my son who is 17 and came with me on a K2 Visa has had to leave the country, for perhaps up to 6 months. Does anyone know what our options are when he's ready to come back to the USA?

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-26 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion regarding G325a
QUOTE (neil wood @ Sep 3 2008, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Sep 3 2008, 06:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It shouldn't cause any problems.

We simply put "Unemployed" for my fiancee (USC) with the time frames. For myself, I put "Unemployed" with a footnote with my dates of school.

It really doesn't matter though what the reasons are/were for unemployment, just so long as you account for the years on the form.


yeah we didn't write any of that. we just wrote the jobs we had and nothing else. oh dear.

well hopefully it isnt a major issue.

i hope this is the only thing we got wrong. i keep coming across little things we did different and i start panicking.

such as the passport photo size thing, i read they have to be american size? well i had them done here in the UK, so im guessing they may be the wrong size sad.gif

Fingers crossed, Iam sure it will be ok for you..

I am finishing off the G325a but there is a question iam not sure what to input ( not sure if iam being stupid) Where it asks for 'Applicants last address outside the u.s of more than one year' what am I meant to put if i am British and ive been living in the UK the whole time? just the last address that I stayed at for in excess of a year?
bigticket77MaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-03 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion regarding G325a
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Sep 2 2008, 12:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bigticket77 @ Sep 1 2008, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Should I add that I was a full time student in the section Applicants Employment Last five years? as otherwise my employment history would be a year short. It seems trivial, but I dont want to get any aspect wrong.

Yes you should account for the entire five years, including any gaps (for those reading that may have had a spell of unemployment). good.gif

thanks for that. just as one question is answered and other ones come up :-)

I am getting passport photos taken today. Do they have to be US size ( 2inch x 2inch) or can I send in the standard UK passport photos which are slightly smaller with the I-129f.?

also the supplement sheet which my fiance writes about how we met etc - does that have to be in any particular format ( with addresses of the USCIS and To whom it may concern ) or can it just be titled "SUPPLEMENT: PART B, QUESTION 18" at the top? with a few paragraphs below on where and how we met? I havent found any examples to guide me..

thanks a lot..
bigticket77MaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-03 09:06:00