US Citizenship General Discussionchanging of address pls help
I was looking for the answer to changing my address after AOS.

I have my GC but iam moving home and iam not sure about what process I need to follow.

any help? thanks

Is this waiting for a green card after AOS or after removal of conditions?

bigticket77MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-28 12:14:00
VietnamAm I potentially in trouble?

I'm trying to get some photos of my gf and her family. Her parents in any photos do not look like they want to be in them. They are actually good to me outside of the camera. But they really hate photos for superstitious reasons. In the photos her parents are in with us they really look like they do not want to be in them.

Among other red flags, I was introduced by a family member of hers in the US who I work with. Age difference is 12 years. She failed a student visa once. Mom failed a tourist visa once because she didn't get evidence for her house and bank account.

In light of the red flags combined with her parent's unwillingness to smile in photos or even look at the camera, I am serious considering ending this relationship because I fear even if I go the CR-1 route, it will be denied for lack of family photos and the way her parents look like they don't want to be in the photos.

Am I justified in this fear?

I think some people have been really unfair to you in their responses - they have assumed a lot. I can see where you are coming from. You just want your fears allayed. Unfortunately, I do not have the official information to give you that might help with that, but I can say is that if you want to be together just ride what may come. I think I read another poster say the same thing. Everyone has their own fears and worries about this process, but I don't think unhappy looking potential in-laws on pictrues is anything to really worry about. And, if the previous family red-flags do come up it may delay things, but as long as you have a bonafide relationship I am sure that will pull you through. Just fulfill all the requirements that are asked of you and to the best of your capabilities.

Wishing you the best of luck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-04 08:28:00
United KingdomFor everyone between NOA2 and interview in London
Blimey! My head is spinning, but it's all good. I am out in the USA with my fiance ( I am the U.K beneficiary). We received our NOA2 on October 22nd (while I was here) and just received the hard-copy of our LND case number (7th November). I am planning on heading back A.S.A.P and getting the medical sorted. I am just in the process of gathering everything for packet 3. So much stuff whirling around in my head - I know you all get that, though. So we have the medical await the interview date and keep everything crossed. Good luck to everyone. :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-08 21:54:00
United KingdomInfo on Visa Medical at Knightsbride London

So mentioning that I was in hospital as a kid to have my adenoids (like tonsils) removed might be unnecessary oversharing then? :P

As for tobacco I stopped smoking 7 years ago so hopefully that will not be an issue.

Definitely over sharing, ha, ha. :lol:

The questionnaire asks" have you ever used tobacco" and later on when you see the doctor I believe there is another form that asks whether you still use tobacco.

Here take a gander! :)

Attached Files

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-15 18:23:00
United KingdomInfo on Visa Medical at Knightsbride London

Does that include hospitalization for minor things or being an ex-smoker?

I would use your discretion. The more you divulge the more complicated and lengthy the process becomes, as long as you don't withhold any information about major illnesses that may effect you once you have emigrated I would discount minor hospitalizations. As for smoking, they ask you if you use tobacco, but you won't need any medical evidence about that unless you have had some smoking related illness. And, besides the chest Xray will be looking for any issues with your lungs. They only follow-up on the questions that you answer 'yes' to, so if you have not answered 'yes' to any of the questions on the questionnaire (apart from tobacco use) then they won't ask you to provide any other information.

Have a look at the medical questionnaire; you will see from that the kinds of illnesses they are interested in.


Edited by Vicky and Larry, 15 January 2012 - 08:49 AM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-15 08:44:00
United KingdomInfo on Visa Medical at Knightsbride London

They don't need your GP notes but if you have anything in your medical history then it might be worth getting some info from your GP. I had cancer 17 years ago and I thought that was history but at the medical they asked me to get a letter from my GP explaining my diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. It is also worth asking your GP for a printout of your vaccination record and if you are missing any your GP may well do them for free. I had to have MMR and a Polio/Diptheria/Tetanus booster and my GP practice did them both for free.

This information is exactly as I know it. We opted to get the vaccinations done out in the states as I had been out there for three months prior to the medical and we just wanted to just get things moving along.

Congratulations on being healthy!!!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-14 17:12:00
United KingdomInfo on Visa Medical at Knightsbride London

Thank you very much Vicky :thumbs: This is hopefully the next step for Jess and I to go through. Do they ask you to bring a copy of your GP notes, do you sign a release form in advance or is it based off the questionnaire that you fill in? Just so I can plan ahead and see about getting the notes if needed and what paycheck to hit with that :P

No problem!

It makes me feel good to know that I can offer my experiences to people in the same situation.

As far as G.P notes and such you won't need any of that UNLESS you have answered 'yes' to any of the questions on the questionnaire, or any of the verbal questions the doctor will ask about any illnesses. If you have had any previous or ongoing medical issues it's imperative that you get a letter from your doctor outlining when you were treated, prognosis and how your health is at the time of the medical. Again, do not panic if you have not managed to get this information at the time of the medical, they won't release your results to the Embassy without that information, so all you will have to do is fax it or email it in (they give you email/fax info when you pay).

Please don't hesitate to ask any other questions I am more than happy to help out if I can. :)


Edited by Vicky and Larry, 14 January 2012 - 05:09 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-14 17:06:00
United KingdomInfo on Visa Medical at Knightsbride London
Hey, VJ community.

This post is specifically for those people who will carry out their visa medical at Knightsbridge doctors in the U.K for the K1 and k2 visa's.

Okay, it's quite an informal affair, so please do not get yourselves as worked up as I was until I arrived. You will hand over your paperwork to the receptionist (which should consist of your medical questionnaire, passports, U.K sized photo's, police certificate(s) and immunization history) DO NOT panic if you have not yet received either your police certificate(s) or the immunization records as these can be forwarded on to the doctors at Knightsbridge once you have completed and paid for the medical. If you decide to wait to have your immunizations at the AOS stage then that is AOkay. You just need to identify how up to date you are with your medical records and then have them done in the U.S. Once they doctors have your results and paperwork it generally takes 4 working days for the Embassy to receive them.

Once you have gone through all of that you will be asked to sit in a waiting room. Then you will be called for your chest Xray. You will de-robe and wear a robe and then your Xrays of your chest will be taken. Once you have done this you will see a nurse about your immunizations where she will explain about you having your shots in the U.S at the AOS stage if that is what you wish to do. Back to the waiting room where you will see a doctor. Once in the room with the doctor she will ask you to fill out a few more questionnaire type forms with the same kinds of questions that you will have answered on the one you printed out and took with you.

She will weigh you and measure your height, next she will do an eye test (one hand over each eye one at a time) and ask you to read out the letters from the 2nd to last row from the bottom. Now she will take your blood, which I was informed by her is to test for syphilis ONLY. They only test for drugs if you have a criminal record related to drug or alcohol offenses. Next she checked my lower abdomen and asked me to cough, looked over my skin, checked my breasts and armpits and lymph-nodes areas, and then listened to my lungs. It was all over in about 30 minutes. Obviously, this is from my perspective as a woman, but my 16 year old son reported the same apart from the fact that she looked over his genitalia area to identify if there were any abnormalities.

It was pain free and quick and easy. They will tell you that if you don't hear from them in 2 - 3 days time that that is good news about your results. No news means good news!!!

I hope this helps!

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-14 09:32:00

So the embassy requested my passport and i have sent it by royal mail ( later i found out that i should've sent it by DX secure)
i called the Dx secure asking how im gonna receive my passport back when they issue me the visa and i've got 2 different answers. the first one is when my passport is ready the embassy will give it to the DX and then they will contact me and tell me that they have got my passport and they will ask me to pay the delivery fee on the phone...
the second answer was they are not sure if the embassy will accept the passport by royal mail, and they might send it back to me and then i will have to send it again via DX secure....
when i check the postoffice website it says delivered but i called DOS today and they said it doesn't show that they received your passport!
I'm totally stressed and confused :(
1- what shall i do ?? i know i have to wait and see but it's easier said than done
2- do you think they will disregard my passport since i haven't sent it by DX secure ?
3- how long should i wait before i start to worry ?
4- did it happen with anyone before or have you heard of any similar situation?
5- do you think i should write the embassy and ask if they received my passport as the phone call i made today wasn't helpful
and one more thing, i have sent my passport to this address :

Immigrant Visa Unit
5 Upper Grosvenor Street
London W1A 2JB

6- is it the correct address?

somebody answers me please :( :( :(

Have you tried calling the embassy for information?
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-21 10:58:00
United KingdomWho else is having 2 weddings?

Not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but I've been having one of those days where i'm trying to think past the K1 process, and about all the excitement ahead, just to stay positive!

I wondered how many people ended up having 2 'weddings' - we've agreed to get legally married within a few days of me arriving in the US (New Orleans) on my K1, but we're just gonna go sign the papers with our with 2 close friends and then go to our favourite restaurant afterwards, all very low-key (i won't exactly be wearing jeans, but i won't be wearing a wedding dress either!). Then we'll have a proper celebration about a year after that, to allow all our friends and families time to book flights etc. Who did/is planning to do this, and who is just going all out to plan everything in the 3 months we've got to get married?!

I wish I had seen your posts or your profile before now...sigh....

I can relate to what you are saying and what I think I can read between the lines. One of the things I have learned the most through this process is that we all have a template of the expectations that we have unwittingly created over the years, especially so when it comes to such special events, like a wedding. And, not just any wedding, our OWN wedding. The K1 process quickly teaches you how those expectations can be more of a hindrance than a good thing. It took me time, and being very open and honest about my feelings, to come to terms with the fact that how I had imagined I would get married was not as important as the fact that I am getting married to my best-friend. Seriously, it took me some time to be at peace with that.

I have been here for 5 days now and we are due to get married a week from today. I am making it special in that I am still going to go out and buy a special dress and get my hair done the morning of the courthouse affair, which makes me feel like there is still some ritual or control I have over the day we 'officially and legally' get married. There are ways you can feel good about the day, it doesn't have to be 'all or nothing'. Now we are living together and that's where the real work begins :star:

We have decided to have a reception in the summer and not have a BIG 2nd wedding - too much we will wear wedding outfits and just act like we just made it to the reception after the wedding. We are going to make that day about who we are and what coming together means to us, which won't involve lots and lots of money.

It's a month or so on since you posted this and I hope you are feeling better about that dynamic. :yes:

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 29 February 2012 - 10:25 AM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-29 10:22:00
United KingdomSending Personal Belongings

Hi all

Firstly, I'm sorry if I'm going over old ground here but the information I've read isn't clear to me.

I'm flying on a K1 visa on the 20th of April - Yippee! I'd like to send my few boxes of belongings on the 19th. I understand that there is a form CBP Form 3299 to fill in - OK so far - but I've read somewhere that you need to also attach copies of the visa and I-94. That can't be right can it as I wont have an I-94.

I'm very confused, I thought it would be simple DHL'ing my meagre possessions! Can someone please give an idiots guide to sending my stuff?

Thanks in advance, Anita

Hmmmm, I may not be the best person to answer this post, as I am unaware of the things you have listed in order to send over your belongings? However, I am in the process of having 7 boxes shipped to myself from the U.K to the states. I shipped with Anglo Pacific and they sent me a bunch of forms to fill out - from customs forms to Power of Attorney. I listed the visa I am here on and when I arrived, and why I came here (to marry a U.S citizen), but it didn't seem to go into much more detail about that aspect. There was more focus on the customs forms.

Anyhow, it cost a HUGE amount, and it will take from 6 - 12 weeks to get here. Over 500.00 pounds and I sacrificed a lot of stuff.

I hope that helps in some way? I am sure someone will answer you question more directly than me, but I thought seeing as I am going through that right now too, it may help? Maybe it's different as I am having them shipped while I am all ready out here?

Good luck!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-12 09:54:00
United KingdomK-1 Visa. Anyone from England going through it or been through it?

Hello! We submitted our petition in January too so you are far from alone! I am stuck here in the UK whilst my fiance is in Colorado. We're hoping to be together in September :)

Feel free to e-mail me if you wish, I'll PM you my address! I can't say I am a particular expert, but we're in the same boat as they say!

Hi guys! I am on the other side now (literally), but it only feels like yesterday when we began the process, and I can remember how frustrating all the waiting felt at times. I am just about to file for AOS, which is Adjustment of Status. Hang in there and try not to focus on your NOA2 too much. Make the most of being in Blighty for the time you have left. Spend more time with friends and family or arrange trips or day outings to places you would like to go before you leave. I learned that refocusing on my life in the moment helped with all the frustrations of waiting -- and believe me I posted about that a few times :-)

I am not an expert, but if I can offere advice or help you in any way please feel free to ask.

I am out in St.Louis Missouri - been here for two months and been married for the same amount of time. You will get there!

Hang in there!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 17:15:00
United KingdomIssues with Applying for a SSN Card on a K1 Visa/ i94 - Please Help!

BINGO! That may be the problem. People have so many experiences with the gazillion SS offices, but it seems like getting the K1's SSN in the maiden name and not mentioning the marriage is the smoothest.

They have to find your name exactly as it's entered on the I-94 in the S.A.V.E. database. When the POE officer tears off the top half of the I-94, it is used to log your entry into the US.

So various things could be wrong--

  • The SS person tried to verify you as Vicky 'Berkman' and not your POE entry name
  • Sometime after submitting, the maiden and married names put a spanner in the works and they couldn't find a Berkman.
  • The top of your I-94 fell behing the desk at POE so your entry never got recorded with USCIS
  • Your handwriting was so poor that they listed you as Vacke

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 13:10:00
United KingdomIssues with Applying for a SSN Card on a K1 Visa/ i94 - Please Help!

Hopefully you have better luck with them this time!

Fingers and toes crossed. :)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 11:37:00
United KingdomIssues with Applying for a SSN Card on a K1 Visa/ i94 - Please Help!

A K-2 would never have a marriage certificate - K-2 visas are given to children. lol....

Its doubtful that you did something wrong looks like THEY did something wrong which is - very common. I would go back to the office with your marriage certificate as it says but also correct them that its not a K-2 but a K-1.

I am so glad you pointed out that glaring mistake - K2. I didn't even register that! Hmmmmmm. My son is here on a K2, but we knew we could not apply for him yet. We took our marriage certificate changed my name and applied for the SSN in that.

We are going to go back and not leave until they have rectified their mistake. We are taking information with us to help them do their job properly, ha, ha:


What original documents do I need?
Immigration status

To prove your U.S. immigration status, you must show us your current U.S. immigration document, such as Form I-551 (Lawful Permanent Resident Card, Machine Readable Immigrant Visa), I-766 (work permit) or I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record). If you are an F-1 or M-1 student, you also must show us your I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status. If you are a J-1 or J-2 exchange visitor, you must show us your DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status.

Work eligibility

In general, only noncitizens who have permission to work from DHS can apply for a Social Security number. For most foreign workers, we only need to see an I-94, Arrival/Departure Record,showing a class of admission permitting work. Some foreign workers must show their work permits from DHS (I-766).

Student: If you are an F-1 student and eligible to work on campus, you must provide a letter from your designated school official that:

  • Identifies you;
  • Confirms your current school status; and
  • Identifies your employer and the type of work you are, or will be, doing.
We also need to see evidence of that employment, such as a recent pay slip or a letter from your employer. Your supervisor must sign and date the letter. The letter must describe:

  • Your job;
  • Your employment start date;
  • The number of hours you are, or will be, working; and
  • Your supervisor's name and telephone number.
If you are an F-1 student authorized to work in curricular practical training (CPT), you must provide us your Form I-20 with the employment page (page 3) completed and signed by your designated school official.

If you are an F-1 student and have a work permit (Form I-766) from DHS, you must present it.

If you are a J-1 student, student intern or international visitor, you must provide a letter from your sponsor. The letter should be on sponsor letterhead with an original signature that authorizes your employment.

If you do not have permission to work: Lawfully admitted noncitizens can get many benefits and services without a Social Security number. You do not need a number to conduct business with a bank, register for school, apply for educational tests, obtain private health insurance, apply for school lunch programs or apply for subsidized housing. You cannot get a Social Security number for the sole purpose of obtaining a driver?s license.

Government benefits or services: If you do not have permission to work, you may apply for a Social Security number only if:

  • A federal law requires you to provide your Social Security number to get a particular benefit or service; or
  • A state or local law requires you to provide your Social Security number to get general assistance benefits that you already have qualified for.
If you need a number to meet these state or local requirements, you must bring us a letter from the government agency. It must be on letterhead stationery (no form letters or photocopies) and:

  • Specifically identify you as the applicant;
  • Cite the law requiring you to have a Social Security number;
  • Indicate that you meet all the agency?s requirements, except having the number; and
  • Contain an agency contact name and telephone number.
Taxes: If you need a number for tax purposes and you are not authorized to work in the United States, you can apply for an <a href=",00.html"> Individual Taxpayer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Visit IRS in person or call the IRS toll-free number, 1-800-TAXFORM (1-800-829-3676), and request Form W-7, Application For An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.

If you are assigned a number for nonwork purposes, you cannot use it to work. If you use it to work, we will inform DHS.


You must present your foreign birth certificate if you have it or can get it within 10 days. If not, we will consider other documents such as your passport or a document issued by DHS as evidence of your age.

Anyone age 12 or older requesting an original Social Security number MUST be interviewed by Social Security. We will ask for evidence to show you do not have a Social Security number. If you lived outside the United States for an extended period, a current or previous passport, school and/or employment records, and any other record that would show long-term residence outside the United States could be used to show you do not have a Social Security number.


Social Security will ask to see a current DHS document. Acceptable documents include:

  • Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa) with unexpired foreign passport;
  • I-94 with unexpired foreign passport; or
  • I-766 work permit from DHS.

Thanks for your response and pointing out that K2 blunder to me :-)

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 18 April 2012 - 11:01 AM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 10:53:00
United KingdomIssues with Applying for a SSN Card on a K1 Visa/ i94 - Please Help!
Hey, all.

Some guidance would be most appreciated on this.

We applied for my Social Security Card about a month ago. We followed the step-by-step guide to the letter:

We were told that day that it would take two weeks to arrive. We received a letter yesterday (1 month later) stating that:


The Department of Homeland Security is unable to verify the immigrant document you submitted as evidence of your lawful status. You should contact that agency to clarify your current immigration status. We will not be able to process your social security number request as a K-2 until you visit the immigration office with your marriage certificate and update this information with them. Please visit the SSA office after immigration makes these updates.

Did we do something in the wrong sequence? I am confused?

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 10:03:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!

Hi everyone :) Just off the plane and back in the house but I wanted to say that Jessica and I got approved at 9.30 this morning :D

Thank you all for your help, especially Nich-Nick. A full write up will be done in due course.

Good luck to everyone still going through the process :)


I think Nich-Nick is the VJ angel.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 11:39:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.

I had a question here, but I read a bit more and found my answer.

That's good. :-)

Me and my son went to the Clinic and all of his shots were free, plus they will also make sure that all the shots he needs for his school records are up to date when we return for the second part of the MMR shot. It cost $100.00 in total for me.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 17:16:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.
Okay, I think someone above on this thread posted about going to see a People's Health Center, I spoke with one secretary of a civil surgeon and she suggested the same. She said they would fill out the i693 for 50.00 $$. So I went back on the Civil Surgeons Finder page on USCIS, here: https://egov.uscis.g...offices.summary , and found a People's Health Centre that is in our area who WILL do the shots. My son who is under 18 (he's 16) and needs all 5 of the shots will go for FREE and the two that I need will cost $100.00 together. You don't need to make an appointment with the center as they accept walk-ins from 8.30 - 3.30 from Monday to Friday.

Now I know this is not as inexpensive as getting them all done in the U.K and some of the Civil Surgeons that other people have found, but it's the best we have found so far and the least time consuming.

That all feels better so far.

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 11 April 2012 - 12:14 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-11 12:12:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.

That's really old information and Dr. Arnold in Austin closed his practice. The forms and requirements have changed many times since then also. Look for a thread call "Civil Surgeons who don't rip you off" started by one of our UK gals. Maybe you can find one near you in that thread.

The whole medical and immunizations has been my crusade for close to 4 years now. I've written to USCIS, posted on their portal, written the company who brought in the new contractors who were issuing RFEs like crazy to most of the K1s in Nov/Dec 2009. I've spoken to Congressman Ron Paul who was a medical doctor in my small hometown before politics and still lives there. And I have preached about doing your shots BEFORE your medical for years in hundreds of posts.

I think a lot of the problem is Civil Surgeons are not the cream of the crop. And they likely don't keep up with updates or read their technical instructions and bulletins. Most people who see them for immigration DO need a full medical exam. K1s are a real small minority and fall through the cracks everywhere. The Social Security offices are often clueless what to do with K1s. DMV laws have changed and left out K1s in many states. There is a limbo you go through as a K1 where you are a nothing. But eventually you get through the frustration zone and get that greencard.

So again....get ALL your shots before your Knightsbridge appointment K1s!!!! After the medical, but before leaving the UK doesn't help.

Yes. yes and yes to all you outlined. We were unfortunate with timing, events and me becoming ill for pretty much 2 months. You live and learn, eh. Thanks for the heads up on the other topic, I am going to check it out now. My husband is very good at writing letters of complaint. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-11 11:02:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.

I just posted some questions about this very topic today and was already thinking maybe he should wait till he gets here to take the shots but after your experience, thats definitely not an option.

Hope you find somewhere cheaper to get it done.


Now all the hassle seems worth it if our experiences can help at least one other person avoid the same pitfalls. Yay! :-)
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-11 10:59:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.

I'm sorry to hear you're not having a good time on this! Have you been through the civil surgeons list on the USCIS website? Absolutely yes make the complaint!


Yes, I am slowly making my way through that list until we come across someone who will just do the shots. I found a post on here posted by Nich-Nick that said you can use a civil surgeon in Texas who you mail and only charges for the shots, but that it takes some time. Gonna keep working through the list and see where we get before we see if that is an option. A long day of calling tomorrow.


Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 18:47:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.
I have some words of wisdom about AOS and immunizations :

So, I made it and I am here in the U.S and about to start the AOS process, but we have to find a civil surgeon to fill out the i693 immunization part of the form. and it's a tough process.

(I was out in the states with my then fiance' when we received our NOA2, so, I planned to get my shots taken care of when I returned to the U.K for the medical, but I got really sick. We decided to wait until I was out here as you have that option with the K1 visa. Big pain in the 8ss.)

I wish I had read-up on how difficult it is this side of the pond to get the shots. Finding a civil surgeon that does not want to make you pay for the whole medical process again, even though you have all ready got one that is valid for a year, is taxing.

I have rang quite a few numbers all ready for the area we live in and I have learned that:

1. no-one seems to accept insurance (my husband got me and my son on his insurance plan as soon as he could) they all want cash.

2. I was told by one secretary that it would cost $480.00 EACH for the WHOLE medical as they did not add on to what was all ready completed in London ( I made it quite clear that I was aware that my medical is valid for up to one year from the time it was issued, and that we should be offered the choice of JUST having the immunizations shots we needed).

3. I'm going to be calling for some time and we are more than likely going to have to travel farther than we would have liked to find a civil surgeon who only charges for the immunizations.

4. If you have the choice to get your shots done in the U.K or stateside, do it in the U.K if at all possible. I can't stress that enough.

5. All this is going to hold up AOS.

6. My husband is going to make a complaint about this as it seems to us from what we have all ready experienced and consequnelty read on here, that this is a loop-hole that doctors are taking advantage of in order to profit financially, or people are just ignorant and misinformed about the process. All in all it's not helpful.

I feel fatalistic about it at this point and have resigned to the mind set that this is where we are and it is another obstacle that we will just have to work our way around. There is still a lot to be done, but I am not going to let it take away from the fact that I am here and we made it - we are married and living as a family.

I hope this helps someone avoid this pitfall.

Epictetus said: "Not every difficult and dangerous thing is suitable for training, but only that which is conducive to success in achieving the object of our effort."

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 10 April 2012 - 06:17 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 18:14:00
United Kingdomthe wait

this 46 days.
it is so hard waiting for her.
tying up loose ends, getting her things shipped out.
saying goodbye, visiting family and friends.
it has just been too long since we been together.
we have rare fights. good news is they are less destructive, and no one needs to be right.
we seemed have learned its ok to leave it unsettled and open. no one has to "win"
still lonely and all is hard. i wish she was here.

Hang in there! Soon enough you will be together and traversing the next stages of life together and immigration. I can remember how those last few weeks seemed like an enternity, but somewhere within me I felt quietly confident in the knowledge that soon we would be together forever. It's a beautiful and conflicted feeling when you miss someone -- now we are together and married (coming up to 3 months) it feels like my old friend.

You can do it! You can do it! :dance:
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 13:21:00
United Kingdomhas anyone experienced trouble in the relationship because of this long process?

It happens. I wouldn't say it's normal just because of the visa. I've been around long enought to see people like yourself (NOA1 for K1) go from excited, to bored, to cheating, divorcing, bailing out, whatever.....

It happens. But those things happen to people who marry the boy next door.

Best advice I can give you is stop stressing. You'll get your visa but you can't micro manage it. It will happen "someday" and fretting each day away, obsessing over timelines, and wanting to know exactly when, is wasting your positive energy. Just carry on with your life, and let the visa happen in it's own time. You can't control it so don't let it control you either.

Life doesn't always get better. It just gets different. You gotta roll with the punches or you'll get knocked out. ::dead::

BEST advice! Exactly what I would have said, ha, ha.
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 13:03:00
United Kingdomhas anyone experienced trouble in the relationship because of this long process?

the same as the title - me and my fiancee are going through a rough patch, and im sure its down to the stress this visa is taking.

is this a normal thing, and is there the light at the end of the tunnel?

Perfectly normal. I think the things we experienced were frustrations over not feeling like we had control over our future, disagreements that were left up in the air due to the distance and time difference etc, etc. I never doubted that we would make it, though, because we are such good friends as well as lovers. The closer it gets to the actuality of moving the more intense those feelings can become, due to the big changes you both know are about to take place. I think sometimes you just have to let things go and be there for each other. I hate arguing and I know it feels all up in the air when that happens, but just keep communicating, reminding each other why you are going through everything you are going through and telling each other that the other is loved.

I am on the other side now (moved for nearly 3 months and married ) and we still have immigration issues, along with relationship issues and transitions issues ,which just equals life. Love, communication and respect for each other will see you through.

Send him an email telling how much you love him.

Hang in there!
Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 13:01:00
United KingdomTransition Issues

That is awesome, Vicky. I am so glad things are looking up. I find that reconnecting with nature.... especially water.... is really soothing to the soul. I just found this amazing garden centre not far from here. It is at least 10 acres large and is the most amazing place. It's acres and acres of plants and garden stuff, and two huge buildings with everything you could ever want for a garden, as well as a wine shop and bistro and little lovely "rooms". Everyone who works there is so happy and friendly. Today I am going to go there to have a wander and maybe have a bite in the bistro. I found an online coupon for $10 off so I am going to find some great rocks and build myself an inukshuk. That will be my Canada Day present to myself. :)

You found a friend! That's amazing! I still don't have any friends here. But I haven't really tried to find a friend, either. We just moved to this State (VA) a couple of years ago (from FL), but I spent most of the first year in Canada due to a family emergency. I did spend the day with my former physiotherapist one time, though. We had a really nice time. She is from Egypt so she can relate. I should see if she wants to come to the garden centre!

Yes! Ask her if she would like to go to the garden centre!!!! I think finding the things that make us feel connected and grounded are important at times when we can feel so ungrounded. Connecting with nature really helps. A. Lot!

I got lucky with my friend as she was an old work colleague of my husbands who retired early. She has a lot of time and enjoys spending her time with me. She is similar to me in her thinking and sense of humour, and we have had some fun adventures to different places. Having her as helped, because I can share how I feel with her. Just getting away for the day and not thinking about all of these changes, and just 'being' is very important.

The garden center sounds perfect! Have a good day !!! :star:

Edited by Vicky and Larry, 14 June 2012 - 01:41 PM.

Vicky and LarryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-14 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)letting USCIS know of change in address
I am a greencard holder of 1yr, and have just moved house. I know i need to let the USCIS know of my change of address, can anyone tell me the best way to do that?

bigticket77MaleUnited Kingdom2010-11-02 10:21:00