Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Sent to AP for having a common name (CR1 Seoul). I'm devastated. Help!
Yes medical expires after 6 months.was told police record good for a year,but they told my husband he needed a new one
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-12-12 15:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Sent to AP for having a common name (CR1 Seoul). I'm devastated. Help!
Ya!!!!! My husband got another review.after being on AP for 6 months . Was told
told to bring a new police report,and new physical. Although I think
It's unfair for us to have to pay 500.00 again for a physical that was
Just done in July,But God is still good. Pray you all that this is it. I got
My congressman involved.

Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-12-12 12:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Sent to AP for having a common name (CR1 Seoul). I'm devastated. Help!
Zefaster the only thing you can really do
is wait. They usually update twice a week,but
thr is.nothing you can do. I email them every weekjust to
remind them were still here. I just get an automatic answer. Thr are ppl
that has been waiting for over a year. My husband interview was aug 6,2013.still on ap

Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-11-01 19:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Sent to AP for having a common name (CR1 Seoul). I'm devastated. Help!
Else yes my husband is a Ghanaian ,and he had his interview on Aug6, 2013,and were still on AP . It's because he is a Muslim,and he has a common name. I'm gng to travel to Ghana in January,and hoping he will be approve by the time I travel.
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-11-01 07:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Sent to AP for having a common name (CR1 Seoul). I'm devastated. Help!

Hi everyone. I posted this over at DCF but I wanted to ask a more general audience if they have had this experience. My husband is Canadian and I am American. We are both English teachers in South Korea. In order to do this job, we had to pass multiple background checks. When we submitted our paperwork for the visa, we had fingerprint based background checks from Canada and South Korea. Even so, the officer said that he had to send our application away to be verified by "another agency" because his first, middle, and last names are extremely common in the US and Canada and apparently there's some criminal on their database with a very similar name. He has only been across the US border a few times and never issued any sort of visa (Day trips are common for Canadians). He's never been in any sort of legal or immigration trouble. He's been a teacher and worked with children for years and has passed numerous background checks in Korea and Canada. 
To be honest, I'm devastated. My working conditions here are terrible. We had planned to stay until the beginning of March, but two days before our interview, my boss started attacking me, saying very rude, personal, and racist things against me. She also threatened to fire me unless I stop standing up for myself. My students have fights every day in class involving weapons such as box cutters, and a boy sexually harassed me without being punished at all. I'm a career teacher and I am at the end of my rope. We were planning to start packing and leaving when we got the visa for the sake of my mental health and well being, only to find out we might be stuck here indefinitely. 
The officer said "it will probably be weeks as opposed to months" and he kept the passport, which I was told is a good sign, but I am still devastated. I worked for months to present a "perfect" application so that we would be approved easily. The stress from my workplace has given me stomach ulcers and I was recently put on anxiety medication. I tried to find an English speaking therapist here, but to no avail. 
I feel like I am trapped in this country and in this terrible work environment for no fault of our own. I wish they had just needed another document or something, we could easily change that. We can't change the name he was born with! Why on earth do we even get all those expensive background checks and identification sources if they are just going to delay us due to some random database? It's completely absurd... 
I feel like a person who spent thousands on a fancy home security system only to have an asteroid land on our house. 
So.. there's my general rant. I guess these are my specific questions: 
1. Has anyone else had to go to AP for having a common English name? What was your experience? 
2. If I can't stay in Korea anymore, can we request his passport back, leave and continue the processing in the US? Or even Canada? How would that affect our case? 
Thanks for reading...

Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-11-01 07:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISA IN HAND AFTER 12 MONTHS OF "AP"
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2014-01-05 23:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g green slip
Cinderella my husband is in Ghana,and he was on AP for 5months
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2014-01-03 18:51:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanvisa's in ghana

I think they are on track. In other words, you will most likely get an interview date the next month after getting a case complete at NVC. Good luck. You can check my signature below (CC on 7/30/13, and Interview on 9/16/13).

Thank you Bismark. My husband had his interview on
Aug 6,2013, but placed on AP .I'm thinking due to the fact he
He is Muslim,and have a common Muslim. name. I read that a
a AP could take up too 6 months. Do you have any idea ?

Edited by Ryan H, 01 November 2013 - 09:05 AM.

Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-11-01 08:41:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanvisa's in ghana
Does anyone know how far behind or where Accra Ghana are in the cr1 visa
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-10-31 20:30:00
Africa: Sub-Saharananybody from ghana ???
New love my husband is from Ghana.we have gone through the process,my husband will be here on th12th
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2014-01-29 22:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC
USCIS do the background check ,and NVC looks at your paperwork to make sur everything is done,and all the forms ,and paperwork is in order b4 it goes to the embassy
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-12-27 00:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS Package
3yrs of taxes. Employment letter.not sure about the 864
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-12-27 22:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS Package
3yrs of taxes. Employment letter.not sure about the 864
3yrs of taxes. Employment letter.not sure about the 864
Bankerbox69FemaleGhana2013-12-27 22:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians

Hi there! This week marks the 11th month we've been in the K1 process. Our first package was sent the first week of December last year but was never acknowledged by USCIS. Upon their advice we submitted a 2nd package in early February which was received along with the 1st package, sequential receipt numbers and all. 


That probably slowed down our process and we've had to get my senator's office involved but they've requested an expedite on our case which was agreed to by USCIS. We may have progress soon.


In the meantime, I'll be going to visit my fiancé for 10 days over Thanksgiving in Denmark and I'm really excited! We met while working in Greenland and lived together for 2 yrs before moving back to the US last April. I haven't been to Denmark yet, so this will be fun. 


Now that I've introduced our case to everyone, is there any advice for my fiancé when he finally makes it over here permanently? Any Danes in the midwest? Oklahoma?



KK & JaleboyFemaleDenmark2013-11-05 10:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPost-Interview - Travel Without Passport?

This is a good question, also for those in Europe. My fiancé is Danish but has to go to Sweden for his interview. Will not having a passport affect his travel back to DK?

KK & JaleboyFemaleDenmark2013-08-12 15:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
AAAAAHA! I called the immigration number with his A number and the clock stopped on May 3 2010. Before his appeal but it says everything about the dismissal for April 28 2012. Im confused.
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-13 09:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such

Was the asylum application merely denied, or was rejected as a frivolous filing? This is an important distinction. Someone found to have submitted a frivolous asylum application can be barred forever from receiving any immigration benefit under the INA, which means he would never be eligible for an immigrant visa or a green card, and no waiver would ever be available to overcome this. It may seem severe, but it's necessary. Virtually everyone with feet inside the United States is eligible to submit an asylum application, even as they are being dragged to the plane after having been deported. The government doesn't want to be flooded by asylum applications from people who are just trying to postpone the inevitable, so they make the consequences for filing a frivolous application intentionally severe.

If his asylum application was merely denied then he'll have a ban of 10 years for the period of unlawful presence. He can't adjust status because of the EWI, so he'll have to leave the US. He'll probably be eligible for an I-601 waiver of the ban if you can prove it would be an extreme hardship on you if he were not allowed to return to the US. This is difficult under any case, but it's even more difficult if you're not married. If he waits until he's deported from the US then he'll also need an I-212 waiver. The upside is that the extreme hardship requirement for both waivers is the same. If the hardship is deemed sufficient for one waiver then it's sufficient for both.

The way this usually works is the US citizen spouse files a petition for an immigrant visa. The petition is eventually approved and forwarded to the consulate in the alien spouse's home country. The alien returns to their home country to finish the visa application and attend an interview at the consulate. The visa is denied because of the ban, and the alien submits the waiver application(s). A decision is usually made within a few months.

The President signed an executive order last year asking USCIS to devise a procedure so that I-601 waiver applications could be filed while the alien spouse was still in the United States. The proposed procedures have been published by USCIS, and they are currently accepting comments on them:

Note that this procedure has NOT been approved yet. USCIS will continue accepting comments until next month. It's expected that a formal procedure will be in place by the end of the year. The new provisional waiver will be called the I-601A. If you get married and your husband is still in the US when the I-601A is implemented then you will be able to file for the waiver before your husband leaves the US. If it's approved then he'll only have to leave long enough to complete the visa processing at the consulate. Having the provisional waiver is NOT a guarantee that the visa will be approved, but it IS a guarantee that he won't be denied for the inadmissibility that was waived by the I-601A.

The I-601A process will only be available for waivers of inadmissibility, like the overstay ban. They won't be available for I-212 waivers, which are requests for permission to reenter the US after deportation. If he's place in removal proceedings and ends up being deported then he'll still have to apply for the I-212 waiver at the consulate.

It sounds like you have three kids, which would make your household size five. You'll need a joint sponsor if you don't have sufficient income when it comes time to submit an affidavit of support. Any US citizen or permanent resident who is domiciled in the US can be a joint sponsor.

A good immigration lawyer would be a wise investment at this point.

I read the link that you sent and I do not think that I can use it because a person is placed in the removal category when they lose their case (I think... the phone service says removal)
I do not think that it was deemed frivilous (I had the lawyer email me the letter if seeing it would help)because he has the oppertunity to appeal in federal (or reopen the lawyer was not great, Muhamet did not even know that he had the oppertunity to include a personal statement or request to be at his Appeal hearing. The guy just took teh money and filled in the blanks) but we just dont have the funds at the moment. and the clock is not going in our favor.
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-13 08:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
Yes I did, I did not know the place for it.
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-13 07:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
Yes he was denied. We did not know about the wording either. We called and it said that the case was dismissed and he was like what does that mean?
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-12 23:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
My fiance and I have been together for two years and were waiting on a BIA decision from his asylum case so that we could get married without people wondering about validity. His case was dismissed on April 28th. I was born and raised in Oklahoma so I have no clue about any of this immigration business but the nore that I look at the more it depresses me. I am not ready to lose my best friend.
I have been looking at the things about bars and I have no clue where he would fall. He is from Kosovo adn he came into the country EWI December of 07 and filed in NY on emonth later in Jamuary of 08 as documented on his court papers. That is one month of being here butttt..... His origional case was dismissed when there were inconsistancies about how many people he was beaten by. His case was dismissed by the BIA On April 28th. He has a clean history here.
That is where we are. I dont know what to do and I feel stuck. What do you think that his bar is going to be or how do we find out? I know that he should take VD but I do not know how to get it going or if he has it already for thirty days after his dismissal...
I am a speech pathology student with children from a previous relationship and three years left for my masters I do not make the 33,000 minimum income to get married right now or file a fiance visa but will make more after I graduate. He has been the one to do nice things like bring the kids dinner so that I dont have to cook or buy me a new coat when my old one had feathers coming out of it.
Our communication is usually great but legal jargon is going right over his head and I need to understand what to do and have someone who speaks his language (albanian) stress important aspect to him in a way that can be understood. Does anyone out there speak Albanian language? From what I am seeing he is going to have to go home if he wants to stay and stay if he wants to go home (explain that in another language)
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-12 23:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
My fiance and I have been together for two years and were waiting on a BIA decision from his asylum case so that we could get married without people wondering about validity. His case was dismissed on April 28th. I was born and raised in Oklahoma so I have no clue about any of this immigration business but the nore that I look at the more it depresses me. I am not ready to lose my best friend.
I have been looking at the things about bars and I have no clue where he would fall. He is from Kosovo adn he came into the country EWI December of 07 and filed in NY on emonth later in Jamuary of 08 as documented on his court papers. That is one month of being here butttt..... His origional case was dismissed when there were inconsistancies about how many people he was beaten by. His case was dismissed by the BIA On April 28th. He has a clean history here.
That is where we are. I dont know what to do and I feel stuck. What do you think that his bar is going to be or how do we find out? I know that he should take VD but I do not know how to get it going or if he has it already for thirty days after his dismissal...
I am a speech pathology student with children from a previous relationship and three years left for my masters I do not make the 33,000 minimum income to get married right now or file a fiance visa but will make more after I graduate. He has been the one to do nice things like bring the kids dinner so that I dont have to cook or buy me a new coat when my old one had feathers coming out of it.
Our communication is usually great but legal jargon is going right over his head and I need to understand what to do and have someone who speaks his language (albanian) stress important aspect to him in a way that can be understood. Does anyone out there speak Albanian language? From what I am seeing he is going to have to go home if he wants to stay and stay if he wants to go home (explain that in another language)
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-12 22:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On Bars and Such
My fiance and I have been together for two years and were waiting on a BIA decision from his asylum case so that we could get married without people wondering about validity. His case was dismissed on April 28th. I was born and raised in Oklahoma so I have no clue about any of this immigration business but the nore that I look at the more it depresses me. I am not ready to lose my best friend.
I have been looking at the things about bars and I have no clue where he would fall. He is from Kosovo adn he came into the country EWI December of 07 and filed in NY on emonth later in Jamuary of 08 as documented on his court papers. That is one month of being here butttt..... His origional case was dismissed when there were inconsistancies about how many people he was beaten by. His case was dismissed by the BIA On April 28th. He has a clean history here.
That is where we are. I dont know what to do and I feel stuck. What do you think that his bar is going to be or how do we find out? I know that he should take VD but I do not know how to get it going or if he has it already for thirty days after his dismissal...
I am a speech pathology student with children from a previous relationship and three years left for my masters I do not make the 33,000 minimum income to get married right now or file a fiance visa but will make more after I graduate. He has been the one to do nice things like bring the kids dinner so that I dont have to cook or buy me a new coat when my old one had feathers coming out of it.
Our communication is usually great but legal jargon is going right over his head and I need to understand what to do and have someone who speaks his language (albanian) stress important aspect to him in a way that can be understood. Does anyone out there speak Albanian language? From what I am seeing he is going to have to go home if he wants to stay and stay if he wants to go home (explain that in another language)
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-12 19:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Albanian, Kosovar members check in.
If anyone visits this post. Let me know. I am having trouble with my zemer Muhamet's case and if we could talk to other people who have been through it, it would be amazing. We have been together for two years and I speak Shiqp shume pac (haha)and he speaks English well enough and we both speak a good amount of Spanish but the legal jargon is something new for him. I need someone from Kosova or Albania even to help me with the explinations. If you read this refer to my post and just type in "On Bars and Such" in the search and it will pull up.
Thaks! Lindsay B
LBB918FemaleKosova2012-05-12 22:30:00