K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Questions...death of child

Hi folks


I had posted some questions a few weeks back regarding my fiance and her 2 year old daughter in the Philippines, who had contracted meningitis and had become critically ill. I had asked about the possibility of getting them here to the US for proper treatment. Soon after my post the baby's condition worsened, she lapsed into a deep coma, and sadly 2 weeks ago she passed away. Now my question is do I have a case to expedite my K1 to get my fiance here?attachicon.gif20140304_173019.jpg She is distraught and depressed over the loss of her child, she's extremely poor, and has virtually no family to speak of to help her. I try to help her financially as much as i can (she didn't even have money for her burial service and the hospital would not release the death certificate because of the bills for treatment), but i would rather use my resources to apply and fly her here ASAP.  We have all the hospital records, death certificate, letters from staff, etc. and can prove severe financial and emotional hardship. My package is all set to send. My main question is should i send everything now, including the  I-134 and all the paperwork usually required for the Manila embassy? I believe we have a strong case. This has been a rough time for us both, We need to be together. Any suggestions or tips at all on what I should do next would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


So sorry to hear of your loss.... my heart goes out to your fiancee.


There is no reason or value in sending the I-134 or anything required at the embassy stage of this process to USCIS.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-13 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion bout G-325A

I am filling out my (petitioner) G-325a and I have  two questions?


1.  I cannot obtain the birthday and wedding date of an ex wife can I just put Unknown?


2.  On the addresses for the past 5 years I cannot find one of them.  I am in the Army so could i just put my Unit and Base info of where I was located at that point?


3.  Is there a way to expedite K-1 Visa's due to being in the military?  We are doing the visa due to it takes me currently about 4-6 months just to get an approval to go back to the Philippines to visit my fiance?


Thanks for any assistance.



1)   - you really blocked her out!  :lol:  if you don't know your EX wife's b-day or the day you married her then put unknown.  Hope you have the divorce decree ;)


2)  I would use the base information if that is all you have.


3)  There is criteria for expediting

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-02 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresX wife is on tax return

Me and my x were separated for more than 3 years. I met my fiancee 2 years ago. I finally divorced her this year. I filed my income tax last year jointly with x is this going to be an issue?


As long as you were legally free to marry at the time of filing the I-129F then all is good.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-14 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngagement Ring




I was merely explaining why a ring question might be brought up, Hank. As many have noted here, Manila COs have asked some people about their ring. (And believe me, they're really not worried about fraud in freakin' Australia.)


Yes an engagement ring is "on the list" of evidence of a genuine engagement, but being the OP didn't give one to his fiancee yet and was asking if it would be an issue, I wanted him to know that USEM would not consider the lack of a ring as a deal breaker.  As long as they have a genuine relationship and documentation he will be fine... without a ring.


Yes the embassy asks about ring, the poster you referenced was asked because she was wearing it -  ;)

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-14 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngagement Ring


Pretty sure they made casual convo with my husband about my engagement ring - and I wasn't there for the interview. I don't think it's unusual to not have it, but it's also probably not a bad idea to know they might ask, and you don't have it, you should explain why you don't have it. ("I don't like wearing rings/we're buying it together/wanted to buy & have it sized at the same time/it's not part of our thing to have rings" or whatever.) 


I suspect they're mostly just looking for evidence that there's been a discussion about the ring, rather than a ring itself.


In Manila it isn't a big deal and the OP is dealing with the Philippines, don't know about other embassies.  


I was there for the interview, the Filipino pre-screener spent more time chatting with me then my wife same happened with the CO, in fact the CO got so off track that he forgot to have my wife do the oath and had to ask her to come back to the window and do the oath.   Totally funny.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-14 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngagement Ring


Hank, I just got off Skype with my fiancé who had her successful US Embassy Manila Visa interview today. She told me that she was asked twice about her engagement ring, once on the Phil side of paperwork processing and the second time during the American CO interview. Both were very friendly and when she asked if they wanted to see the jewelers receipt, he smiled and said no.... 'Your Approved'


I'm not sure if it means anything, but I suspect given her observations that wearing an engagement ring is an effective 'ice breaker' for both parties during the interviews. But as you mentioned not a deal breaker


I would have to guess she was wearing the ring.  ;)    


My wife didn't wear hers and wasn't asked about it, and I know of many others that didn't have engagement rings and had zero issues.  Not having an engagement ring is not going to result in a denial of the visa.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-14 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEngagement Ring

My question is:


Does an engagement ring matter in this K1 process for proof of anything? I havent bought an engagement ring yet and I am filing for the K1 visa for my fiance.


Just curious.


For the USCIS phase of the K-1 the only requirement is having met in person within the past 2 years, they don't care about engagement rings.


As for USEM in the Philippines, they don't care about an engagement ring either - there are many ways of showing evidence of an ongoing relationship without an engagement ring.  So don't worry about it.    I did buy my wife one, but she never really wore it and the embassy didn't ask for any evidence regarding a ring.



If you asked that question on the Philippines forum I am sure you will find many that didn't do the engagement ring. 




Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-14 09:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQatar Police Clearance Certificate may not arrive in time

My fiancée Michael and I are lucky enough to have finally gotten our US Embassy appointment in Manila scheduled for July 16.  All of the paper work is ready, except we are trying to get his police clearance certificate from Qatar.  I hired a firm in Qatar to obtain it and have sent them the required documents via courier at great expense.  They now need a current Police Clearance Certificate from the Philippines, original form sent by courier!  Michael is on a cruise ship and will not return to Philippines until July 1 and then he can get current Police Clearance and then send to Qatar. I am worried what will happen if it does not arrive in time for the interview? I have kept all of the emails between myself and the firm in Doha, and the receipt for the US 800 it will cost to get the document.


Is it enough to show that we tried everything to get the document?  If it does not arrive in time for his interview then how does it get the document to the embassy if they hold his visa until they receive it?


Thanks so much for the help on this forum it has been the best place in the world to get help.


Thomas in Seattle waiting for my fiancée, and eating Sky Flakes, the best food in the world :)


Former residents should write to the Department of Public Security and General Administration, Ministry of Interior, P.O. Box 920, Doha, State of Qatar supported by the following documents:

  1. A letter requesting the issuance of a Police Clearance Certificate from the State of Qatar. The letter should include the purpose in requesting the Police Clearance Certificate, the first date of arrival of the person in Qatar and the last date of departure.
  2. A complete photocopy of all pages of the passport (include copies of all pages, regardless of entries).
  3. A set of fingerprints taken by a competent government authority from the applicant's current place of residence.
  4. 3 passport-size photographs.
  5. A self-addressed return envelope large enough to hold an A4 size document.

The Police Clearance Certificate will be issued in about two weeks and will be mailed to the applicant.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-06-25 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS page says no I-134 required for k1?

I'm a bit confused. Everywhere i look on the internet, I find that an I-134 is required at the interview for the K1 visa. However, on the USCIS's actual K visa information page, it states:



"Affidavit of Support For Fiancé(e), Spouse, or Child as a ?K? Nonimmigrant

If your relative is either a ?K-1? fiancé(e), a ?K-3? spouse, or a ?K-2? or ?K-4? child of fiancé(e) or spouse, you do not need to submit an affidavit of support at the time you file your Form I-129F petition. Instead, you should submit an affidavit of support at the time that your fiancé(e), spouse, or child adjusts status to permanent resident after coming to the United States."

When i saw this I felt a wave of relief, as I've been unemployed for the past three years. I've made the long recovery from depression and bipolar, and through treatment I'm back to my normal self and better than ever. I'm finally looking for work and I'm quite sure I'll be employed soon. However, I won't be getting a high-paying job. Something more entry level is more realistic, as i am still working on my degree. I am planning on going back to school while i work. So...I'm not likely to make enough money according to the I-134 requirements. My parents or sister and her husband would gladly co-sponsor, but from what I understand, the embassy in Manila doesn't really give a damn about co-sponsors.  My Filipina girlfriend and I have been together for over three years, and I've visited her on three occasions. We've traveled all over the place: Palawan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore. We have lots and lots of proof that our relationship is genuine. We haven't seen each other in over a year now, and we're getting a bit discouraged. Any advice? 



USEM does require income to meet the 125% poverty guidelines of the I-864P for the number of people you will be supporting, they are very difficult with getting a co-sponsor accepted and they will deny for inadequate income.


If you have not started this process you may want to consider the CR-1 spousal visa as the embassy has to accept a co-sponsor with this visa.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-07-19 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureseffective way to get fast approval

So it's ok if he is a student as long as he has money to support the application? Thank you.. You made my mind clear.. :)


For the petition process (I-129F) income is not a factor in the decision.  Income is a major factor during the visa process in Manila, and a large sum of money in the bank may not get it done, I have seen the embassy totally ignore assets.  If you fiance doesn't not have adequate income to meet the 125% income requirements of the I-864P then you are going to have to try using a co-sponsor.  A co-sponsor with the K-1 at USEM is a gamble as the embassy many times refused to accept a co-sponsor (you have a 50/50 shot here).  First and foremost with USEM regarding a co-sponsor with the K-1 is the that person must be a relative (close family - mom or dad, sister, brother are best), then you still have no guarantees.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-03-28 08:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy K-1 Visa Worksheet (work in progress)

Looks like you are well on your way.


I also suggest using the GUIDES here on VJ for the I-129F petition process.






Then when you have time pop over to the Philippines forum



Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-08 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!! Ds 160

Till how many times i can repeat my wrong ds 160?? Coz i made wrong like 3. May retrive it again??


You should be able to retrieve and correct the "oops".   You could even start over, then went completed print and keep THAT confirmation page to bring to the interview.


OR... if it's nothing too involved the CO can make the corrections during the interview.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-10 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a K1 Visa Be Extended?

As I posted elsewhere my fiance and I are having a terrible time getting thru the CFO bureaucracy in the Philippines. She has spent almost a week trying to get the yellow sticker that will allow her to get on the plane. Meanwhile we are hard up against the 6 month visa expiration deadline (we were close to it because she had to finish school). If they continue to delay in issuing the sticker from CFO is there any way I can get the 6 month deadline extended? We are in utter panic that the bureaucrats will push the process past April 16th when it expires. Thanks!

P.S. I tried calling the embassy in Manila 15-20 times this evening to ask them myself but could not get a human being on the phone to discuss.


I see this info isn't required anymore.... thankfully!  :thumbs:



I will leave it for the next person that :oops:


The embassy wants a written request if you need a reissue of the visa.


What if the fiancé(e) must delay their arrival in the U.S.?

The K-1 visa is valid for a maximum of six months. If the visa bearer is unable to leave for the United States immediately and the visa expires, a new one may be issued upon written request to the Embassy and the payment of another application fee of $240.

Edited by Hank_, 10 April 2014 - 02:26 PM.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-10 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A form for foreign

For boxes that are not applicable to us, Should we leave it blank or put none?

We read it in the instruction that we should leave it blank but we read it here in vj that we should not leave blanks but instead put 'none'.

What's the right to do?


Depends on the form.  


For the G-325A it doesn't state to leave them blank, if you read the G-325A itself, it states to write NONE for certain boxes, for other boxes like the "A" number which you most likely don't have leave it blank. (this is what we did and had zero issues)


For the I-129F it states to leave them blank.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-11 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent: Might have sent a bad cheque with I-129F/K-1 Application. What can we do?

Hello all,


So there it is. We had it SO perfect.

We crossed all our i's, dotted all our t's, turned this K-1 Application into a bureaucrat's wet dream and sent it off to Texas.

Then, this morning an email from my fiance:

While doing his tax returns, he noticed that his back account number no longer matches the one on his cheques. His bank got taken over by another one, so maybe that had something to do with it. He's sorting it out on his end, but, long story short, the cheque we sent out with the application was most likely a bad one.


Now, question is: What do we do? Can we contact USCIS in some way? Do we have to wait for them to send it back to us?

The application only arrived in Texas a few days ago. Is there anything we can do so we don't have to wait forever to correct our mistake?


I'm honestly panicking.

In your guys' experience: What would be the best course of action?


Thanks a million!






The checks from his old bank should be honored by the bank that took it over.  I used old checks for years after my bank was taken over.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-16 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of on-going relationship

Do we need to pass original copy of our letters, bills etc? Or we can provide a scan copy of each?

What type of conversation should we include? Like the sweet ones only?


Copies (do not need originals) of emails, letters, chat logs and photos together.   What conversations?  Only stuff you want the world to read. ;)

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-16 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the Biographical Information form

Thanks for the replies. I have another question. When filling out the employment history -- Do I have to use the full address of where I worked at for each line or can I use the City, State only? I work as a therapist in nursing homes and the corporate office is in another city -- I have worked at more than one location (all in Los Angeles) but still working for the same company. What is an acceptable way to write this in the G325a form?


Worked for the same company, just list the corporate address.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-16 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCouple of I-129 questions please

On the former spouse lines, do you use the married name or the maiden name for the family name? Also, my fiance has a 2 yr old daughter she will bringing on a K-2. I thought I read that we wont need a passport for her daughter because she's under 16. Is that true? My fiance from davao and will be going thru manila consulate. Any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.


For past spouse I listed their married name and had no issues.


Daughter must have a passport, no one travels internationally without a passport.


Make sure to list the daughter on the I-129F.


Follow the GUIDE here on VJ for the I-129F petition   http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide


Follow the flashing arrow below when you get to the visa application in Manila.  

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-17 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresXray cd and vaccination record for interview at us em manila?

Quick question pls, is it really necessary to bring the xray cd and vaccination record during interview at u.s. embassy manila? I will be having my interview this Tuesday and not so sure if it is really needed to bring it. Thanks in advance...


NO, embassy does not want that stuff, bring what is listed in the embassy instructions letter and you will be fine.   The DS-3025 you keep, you will need it come AOS time, the CD is just copies of the X-ray - no real value.


If you have it then bring it.  The xray will not be of much use because they will want their own anyway.  As for vaccination records, it may result in fewer vaccinations, so once more it can only help and not hurt.


So bring them but don't expect a huge effect from having them.



They are asking about the DS-3025 and CD they got from St. Luke's, wanting to know if they need to bring that stuff to the embassy for the interview.   Which of course the answer is  NO.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-19 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill b2 refusal affect k1? I haven't applied for either yet.

I will stay with .1% chance of approval.  Anyone holding the bets?   :lol:

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-18 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill b2 refusal affect k1? I haven't applied for either yet.

There is a 24.1% chance of being denied. It's only $160 to apply. The worst that can happen is it gets denied. But it'll save me thousands on traveling expenses going to visit. So its worth the gamble.


Is that percentage for the embassy in Manila or an average world wide?


For Manila I think it is more like 24.1% chance of being approved.  


It's only money and time... have fun.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-18 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill b2 refusal affect k1? I haven't applied for either yet.

I have read about people visiting while they wait for their k-1 visa. But they are all from Visa Waiver countries. My fiancé is from the philippines and they currently aren't eligible for that. My thoughts are that while we wait for the interview for the k1 visa. She could come here and visit for a couple months, return to the philippines and do her interview. She has ties to her country such as a bank account with money in it. Contract to return to work. She is finishing up her masters by october in which she has work for many years to get and she is almost finished. I know that there is 24.1% b-visa refusal rate and i'm willing to accept the gamble. I also plan to be completely honest with the visa of course and she will return to her country. What I am concerned about is if she gets refused the b2 visa will that affect the k1 visa? I do not want to jeopardize the k1. 


Applying for a tourist visa will not affect the K-1, but the odds are not good for your fiancee receiving a tourist visa... I think you stand a better chance of winning the lottery.  


CO:  What is your reason for wanting a tourist visa?


Your Fiancee:   To visit my fiance in the USA.  (!!!!)


CO:   Denied.   Next.



Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-18 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed breakdown fees for K1 Visa

Hi, I just recently sent my I-129F application fee for $340.  Now I just wanted to prepared myself and budget the cost I have to spend for my fiancé's processing for visa fee, medical fee, etc etc...what the new fees now in for the PHilippines.  Much appreciated guys!  Thanks!


Sweet_Cakes numbers are good.


If you fiancee does not live in the Metro Manila area you may need to add hotel to your expenses.


For more details on the process in Manila.. follow the flashing arrow.



Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-21 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused with our RFE

There is a note on top of our RFE that goes like this :


  • "All foreign language documents must be submitted with complete word-for-word English translation. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he or she is competent to translate. Do not submit the English translation without the foreign language document."

Question: I am a Filipino and English is like our second language. I don't have any documents submitted to USCIS that is in any other language. Should i write my written statement in our own language and have it translated into English?


Here's a brief background about me and my fiance.


Jeff, my fiance (the petitioner) and I (beneficiary) are both Filipinos. We've been together (2005) long before he migrated to the US in the year 2007 (thru his father) We have two children. One born before he went to the US and one conceived during his vacation here. He's a US citizen now. He had his oath of naturalization last year (2013). He filed I-130 for our kids and I-129f for me. 


Our RFE:

  • Circumstances of meeting
  • Last Personal Meeting



When my fiance filed the I-129f we included a statement on how we met and stated the times we've been together (his vacations). And this was supported with his passport stamps, airline tickets and boarding passes, photos, letter of intent (both of us) I don't understand why they would ask for this again. What can we send back to CSC to answer this RFE. I'm losing confidence with this. Do you have any suggestion on what else can we send them as a primary evidence? 



Any response would be highly appreciated. Thank you!


Were these meetings within the past two years (from the date you filed the I-129F)?  That is the requirement the I-129F and may be why they are asking.


The foreign documents translation thing is a standard statement, as long as everything you submitted was in English there are no issues.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-21 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorced Twice! Does he needs to submit two divorce paper?

My fiance is divorced twice, and he only sudmited last divorce.
We were approved and no get rfe for that.

- you got lucky.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-22 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Fiance's Address Questions

My fiance' in the Philippines sent me her paper work for the G-325A (since her portion require's her original signature), but I don't think she filled out the address portion correctly :(


She has resided in the Philippines for the past 5 years except when she worked in Singapore for about a year and a half.


She did not list the Singapore address under "Applicant's residence last five years.  List present address first", but she did include the address under "Applicants employment last five years"


It's easy to see where she has lived the past five years based on the information she has provided, but I'm concerned it will still not be considered correct.


I could hand write the information, but my hand writing is different of course and I don't know if that is acceptable.


I could attach a piece of paper behind her form explaining; although her signature wouldn't be there.


The question:  "Applicant's last address outside the United States of more than 1 year" is a bit tough to answer as well.  She just got back to the Philippines from Singapore in February.  So her Philippines address is her last address and she has lived there more than a year (since 2008 not including her work in Singapore), but if they want her last address which she continuously lived at for more than one year continuously that would be Singapore.  ><


I'd rather not have her fill it out and mail it again (due to time and I can't believe how expensive it was for her to send it by DHL).


Advice on how I can correct this on my end in the U.S.?


Do it correctly the first time, save having a RFE.  Complete the form on your computer, email it to her, then have her sign it and send it back.




Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-22 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI ask for a clarification regarding the form I-134 document.

My fiance's "income have met the requirement" for the petition because he is earning a range of  $ 3,000 to  $ 35,000 monthly. So,  annually it's like $ 36,000 or more.

He is living alone at home and if he counted me, he belongs  to 2 household members. But he is giving a monthly alimony to his ex-wife with amount of $200 (two hundred dollars) a month.

Here are the questions stated on the documents :

1. Derived an annual income of...

2. Deposit in savings bank in the United States...

3. Other personal property...

4. Stocks and bonds...

5. Life insurance....

6. With a cash surrender value of...

7. I own a real state valued at.................With mortgage.............

For an item 1. My understanding is that he needs to fill-in  here and just put his annual income.

Am I correct?

Item 2 up to 6. - Does my fiance (US citizen) just leave it blank or write NONE? or what is the appropriate thing to do?

Item 7. He is still paying his house up to now...Does he needs to fill-in here?

Again, I need your help guys...Thanks and May God Bless all.



1) Gross Income (ignore alimony to the EX, do not deduct it from INCOME), embassy wants a copy of the most recent tax return and W2


2) If his income meets the poverty guidelines of the I-864P you do not need to include this information


3) Do not need to list anything - same reason as above


4)  Do not need to list anything - same reason as above


5)  Do not need to list anything - same reason as above

6)  Do not need to list anything - same reason as above
7)  Do not need to list anything - same reason as above
yes you can leave 2-7 blank.
For more info on the process in Manila, follow the flashing arrow below

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-22 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need the transcript of IRS

my fiance paid/pay already the ITR 2013 and the transcript is still not availble on the IRS site....


question: do i need the IRS transcript during my Interview?


Embassy asks for the most recent tax return (1040) and W-2, the transscript is optional.  He filed his taxes, he should have a copy... have him email that and a copy of the W-2.  And send an original of the I-134 ;)




Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-22 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F and support ready to send.

Hi all,


We have the packet ready to send - list below of contents and we would appreciate if it looks complete.  But first a quick review of our story.  We both live and work in Dubai, UAE. I, Greg, the petitioner from the US and she, Jho, is from the Philippines. We met in August 2011 and started dating and have dated exclusively since at least twice a week and for the last almost 2 years are together every day.  So our story is a little different than most on this site.  To the List:


  • Check for $340 drawn on my US Bank
  • Form G-1145 (I filled my email and my UAE mobile number)
  • Cover letter with a complete table of contents
  • Form I-129F - Signed with Supplements:
    • Part 1, Question 2 a-i - my mailing address and phone (legal in US and Dubai) - signed by me
    • Part 2, Question 3 a-i - Her mailing address and phone in Dubai - signed by both of us
    • Part 2, Question 29 a-f Address Abroad & 30 Daytime Phone - Signed by both of us
    • Part 2, Question 34 a, explanation of meeting in person 
    • Part 4, Question 2 & 3 Daytime Phone & Mobile phone
  • My Birth Certificate copy of front and back
  • Fiance Letter of Intent - me signed
  • Fiance Letter of Intent - her signed
  • G325A - me signed with supplement on last 5 years addresses
  • G325A - her signed
  • Passport photo of each of us
  • Relationship letter signed by me with:
    • Email and picture (in plastic bag and noted on back with date and occasion) from 6 monthiversary (picture shows card from me)
    • Email from 1 year anniversary from her to me saying very nice things about us
    • 1 Page chat log
    • Copy of Receipt for engagement and wedding rings
    • 7 photos (in plastic bag and noted on back with date and occasion) spanning our relationship from start to current.
  • Divorce Decree copies

I know I may have been a little too cautious with supplements but I tried to anticipate any areas where confusion could come up because of the unique circumstances.


Any and all comments will be deeply appreciated.


God bless us all on our journey and speedy, speedy approvals.


Follow the GUIDE here on VJ, use it as your checklist:    http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide


Even though you are both in Dubai together, you need to include proof of meeting in person within the past 2 years- pictures, receipts, maybe in your case an affidavit from someone there in Dubai.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-20 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2 question


HI everyone, 


Just a quick question what next after we received our NOA2?anybody know about form I-824?do we need to file that I-824?




It is a form used by you to request further action on your approved petition.  Not something that is normally used in the K-1 process.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-24 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the K-1 Visa and Passport

Hi everyone,

I have been dating someone from the Philippines and we have decided to marry. I have been studying the K-1 process and have a question that I can not seem to find an answer to. My question is with the K-1 Visa will she also need a passport to travel from the Philippines? Meaning will she need to file for a passport before we start the K-1?





EVERYONE needs a passport to travel internationally.  


No she does not need to have the passport for you to file the I-129F, but she should get started so she has the passport by the time the petition is approved. 

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-28 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Medical Exam and Visa Fee


The medical in all countries check for TB with an x-ray. Do they do something more or different in Manila? Just curious.


I am not sure... this will be one to watch for me.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-23 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Medical Exam and Visa Fee

Hello VJ members,
Has anyone ever experience or heard of someone transferring different US embassy consulate if they have to do the medical exam again and pay the visa fee? I was originally supposed to be interviewed in Singapore, everything was done medical and visa fee, but for some reason in singapore they will schedule your interview. I had work permit in SG and I had my interview scheduled Feb 20 but my last day to work was feb 10.I took the risk and hope that I will be interviewed before my work permit expired. US Embassy SG said that they can't process my application anymore since after feb 10 I am no longer a singapore resident so I have to request for transfer of my application to US Embassy Manila. I did all that and now I checked my status online and it is saying ready. I can schedule for an interview, but my concern is it says there schedule a medical exam at St. Lukes and then at the bottom it's saying pay the visa fee of $240 before I can schedule an appointment. Does this mean I have to take the medical again and pay the visa fee even though I did all this in singapore around January? Please advise. Thanks!

I am not sure if you have to pay the fee again or not and I am not sure if you have to complete the medical again... you are a first for this that I know of.  Others have transferred their files before but I have never come across your situation where everything was ready except for the interview.   I would suggest you email/call the embassy to get clarification.  My gut says you will have to complete both again, plus not all countries screen for TB but they do at SLEC.
   Embassy Contact Information

local number: 632-301-2000 extension 5184 or 5185  ( 011-632-301-2000  ext 5184  or ext 5185 )

The Embassy?s main trunk line 301-2000 is experiencing technical issues and  prone to congestion. If your call can?t get through please use these numbers: 301-2166 or 301-2177

For visa appointment related inquiries, please contact the Embassy?s Visa Information and Appointment Service at (632) 982-5555 or (632) 902-8930.
**  (703) 520-2235 (this is a USA number)
For inquiries on a specific case, please call the Immigrant Visa (IV) Unit's during normal business hours, except between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m
In order to serve our visa applicants more efficiently, we have created this new e-mail , for early appointment requests and visa scheduling issues.  Please note, however, that early appointment requests will be approved on a case to case basis (i.e., aging out cases, or in cases involving personal or medical emergencies), and only if visa interview slots are available.
For other immigrant and K visa concerns, please send an e-mail to

To enable us to electronically sort the messages and provide better, more timely responses, you should follow the instructions below.
The subject line of your email should indicate the visa applicant?s last name, first and middle name (ex. DOE, John James), case number/USCIS receipt number, visa category and priority date.
Messages should be limited to 500 characters or less.  The mail size should not be more than 15 KB.
Do not submit documentation or attachments with your message as our system is unable to receive inquiries with attachments.
Do not send your inquiry more than once as duplicate inquiries will congest our system and delay our response time.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-23 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Proof of ongoing relationship

Do we need to send the proof of ongoing relationship for the I-129F packet?


No.  For the I-129F you need to send proof of having met in person within the past 2 years.


Follow the GUIDES above.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-30 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed employment, or money saved okay?


Actually it is only 3 times the amount for fiances and spouses.  So for a household of 2 its about 60,000 needed.  Still a lot though.




In order to qualify based on the value of your assets, the total value of your assets must equal at least five times the difference between your total household income and the current poverty guidelines for your household size. However, if you are a U.S. citizen and you are sponsoring your spouse or minor child, the total value of your assets must only be equal to at least three times the difference.
Fiances also follow this guideline, they are considered like a spouse. 


  3 times or 5 times is sort of embassy specific... Manila = 5 times

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-30 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSteps after NOA2

Hi everyone, I been lurking at this forum for a while and it has really helped me filing for a K1 visa for my fiancé. After only 1 month I got my NOA2 today. I can't believe things happen so fast!

What are the next steps after NOA2?

Is there a link or something I can follow and look at in preperation for the next step in this process?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hard to answer you without knowing what country.



Hank_MalePhilippines2014-05-01 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequest for Expidtition on getting K1 Visa approval



I am writing this to see if I can get the best answers for my situation.  I have been talking to a Filipino female everyday (night) for about 2 1/2 years and finally got to meet her in Cebu from March and April of this year.  We are in the process of getting all of our information sent in including the I-129F form and Letters requested.  However about two weeks ago after coming back home, I found out that she was about two weeks pregnant.  She went to the doctors and the doctor wrote up a confirmation letter with ultra sound letter for proof.  If anybody can help me with how about I get this request for expidition, that would be very appreciated.  


Thank you,


Kevin Vincent

(I am on Facebook under this name)


Nope.  Not a valid reason for an expedite.. if it were there would be tons of expedites ;)






Hank_MalePhilippines2014-05-01 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-160


Thanks Hank...


One more question but its for the I-134 form. At the bottom at the Oath of Sponsor there is a blank space, what do you put there or I have to sign there and also where it ask for my signature?




I just did my initials there and signed below.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-26 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-160


Ok great...last question is that I filled out the whole paperwork myself and the photo was approved also, so do I sign for my fiancé in Philippines or do I give her the information so she can submit it herself on a computer there?


Another is do I put that i was the preparer or do i just say "no" to that question?


In the "children" section for family , if i say "yes" it ask for the name, state, country, etc.  but then it ask if the child is traveling with you....well im the petitioner so of course my child is here with me in usa , so is this question for my fiancé in the Philippines?



BY LAW... you the petitioner are not supposed to "sign" the form.


Other people can assist you with your visa application. Note that under U.S. law (22 C.F.R. 41.103) you must electronically sign and submit your own application unless you qualify for an exemption. Even if someone else helped you complete the application, you (the applicant) must click the ?Sign Application? button, or your application may not be accepted.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-26 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-160

Hi VJ members, Im filling out this DS-160 form and also I have already looked up the example form but Im a little confused about a section. When you get to the "Family" section and it ask about the Fiance info which is me the petitioner, after that the next section is "Former Spouse". Is the section "Former Spouse" still talking about me the petitioner? Also the next section is "children" is that section also is for me the petitioner?




This form is from the beneficiary prospective; there are a few questions about the petitioner/fiance (you) but the FORMER SPOUSE question is directed to the beneficiary (not you, the petitioner),  Same for the CHILDREN section - beneficiary (NOT YOU).


Remember the BENEFICIARY is applying for the visa (NOT YOU), all questions relate to the beneficiary... yes they have a few questions wanting to know your name and address, but not much else.

Edited by Hank_, 26 April 2014 - 02:08 PM.

Hank_MalePhilippines2014-04-26 14:05:00