Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa delays costing US tons of money?
What does it cost for You to make an extra trip to visit your Sweetheart with the added wait times?

What do these "bozo's in control of things think We are doing for an additional 4-5-6 month wait? they think We are just sitting at home waiting?
Do they think we are like slaughter cows penned up waiting for our turn whenever "they decide to take us?

Do these fools realize "I".."YOU"..."WE", are not just idley sitting by while our loved ones are so far away from us....
An extra visit alone to another country to visit my Sweetheart costs a minimum 3-4 $thousand dollars. Add my lost wages at home here, and I am losing another 3-4 thousand in income.
An extra 2nd visit costs likely the same.
COME ON!!!.......I love My Soulmate, being with her is precious, and endearing....but this doesn't just take a bite out of My pocket..also means less money into this economy here!
tinmanMaleVietnam2013-04-10 08:10:00