Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Sci-Fi fans?

I'm not a big fan of Sci-Fi, but ?????? ????? was actually shown in the movie theaters a few months ago in San Francisco. It had English subtitles. We went simply because I had never seen a Russian movie in an American movie theater.

Yeah it was playing here in Tucson, seems it was highly regarded in the movie circles!

I was impressed and I liked the sequel also! 'cept the subtitles kept freezing on me, which I thought was odd! My Russian is still not very good! :o

I'm curious though, I have heard it is suppose to be a trilogy yet I saw little options for a third movie! :unsure:
Marc and OlgaMale02006-07-26 21:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny Sci-Fi fans?
Ok so before my trip there was BIG news about a RUSSIAN sci-fi film similar to the Blade series, the first movie (night watch) was playing in a local theater but I could not see it since I was busy planning and preparing for my trip! :(

however I found it on eBay and asked Olga about it, she said "buy it and tell me what you think". So I did and I liked it, a little bit graphic but AMAZING special effects (on par with Hollywood!)!

Today I received the sequel (Day Watch) and am going to watch it soon!

The Russian titles are:

?????? ????? (Night Watch) ? (and) ??????? ????? (Day Watch)

There is suppose to be a third movie but I'm hoping I can figure out what it is called so I can get it too! :)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-07-26 14:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs Relationship a Secret in RUS?
I going to side with akdiver here. During my trip to Russia, I met her family but no friends, we did go out one night to a nightclub and were seated with a couple of girls, I got the impression that Olga told these complete "strangers" about why I was in Russia!

Olga did not seem to mind the fact that I showed my co-workers and friends the photographs from my trip!

Just my opinion though...
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-01 15:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow long for the police certificates?
I imagine each region is different but I am curious and a little concerned.

Olga was to go get her police certificates in Vladivostok in June but her mother became ill with appendicitis. Now her mother is doing better and she is planning on going this week or next.

Since we received NOA2 I have explained to her that it is very important that she gets the police certificates ASAP since I know some places this can take a LONG time.

My question to you all is how long did it take for your other halves to receive theirs and where they received them from! I'm hoping to get a good idea how much of a delay this may cause.


Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-01 15:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMedial facilities

If she's anywhere in the Far East, (or goes there on any of the missions) it's possible to get the medical done in Vladivostok prior to the interview.

Slim, can you get me the information on this? Olga has to go to Vladivostok to get her police certificates and this would be great for her to have the medical done there!
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-25 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOverseas Cash Flow

The check I wrote for I-129F (K-1) to USCIS was $170USD.

I know there will be other costs.

Back to the money and such. I could not believe it when she asked if when she got here if she would have access to money. I told her once she felt comfortable that she could take over the family budget so that she would be familar with just what our money situation will be like. In my opinion there is nothing like doing a budget to drive home how important money mangement is.

Her parents are retired and she has been supplimenting their retirement currently and I told her once she had the budget down if we could swing it we would continue to help her parents. It is very improtant to me that her family be taken care of and I have never felt she has been demanding or eager to get access to money that will be ours anyway.


They are referring to the actual visa application which is paid at the embassy in Moscow at the time of the interview.

Currently we are trying to figure out how to get funds from here to there...we are going to try a bank transfer. Wish us luck! LOL
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-24 17:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCR-1/IR-1 interview

We are considering when and where to marry and which visa to go for this time around.

So, if we go for a CR-1, will I (the USC) need to attend my wife's interview in Moscow? Are there CR-1 folks here where the USC did not attend the inteview at the embassy?

The American Citizen petitioners may not attend interview with adult applicants.

US Embassy - Moscow website
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-06 08:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrip to Kazan

I am pretty much down to one now. So I get my passport yesterday and they forgot my blank pages for the visa. I sent it back today. Hopefully it won't take as long this time. So I will have time to get the visa before October 4.

Good to know, good luck and have fun! :)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-06 06:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrip to Kazan
Hmm going to meet 3 girls and HOPE one of them is the one.

Good luck!

When I went to Russia, I went to meet Olga! I had been writing to a few Russian girls (one from Kazan) but after reading each of their letters, I choose to concentrate on Olga.

I don't like the idea of going to meet more then 1 girl because how do you know the other 2 won't take you to the same places? Boy that would be a waste of your time and precious money.

I admit, I cannot afford to fly back and forth either though I wish I could, I really enjoyed my time in Russia and I believe it had everything to do with whom I choose to spend that time!

As has been mentioned make certain they know that you are going to meet other girls or else you will have wasted your time not to mention aggrivated 3 girls that THOUGHT you were going ONLY to meet them!

My opinion is you should decide on 1 before you go and concentrate on that one, much more efficient use of your time AND money!

BTW, welcome back Slim, I was wondering what happened to ya! :P
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-05 07:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrip to Kazan
I was nowhere near Kazan but I would suggest the common sense thing and rely on the person you are visiting! If you are going alone and have no guide then .... Hmmm I dunno what to tell ya! :unsure:

Every time I went out, I was not alone so I pretty much depended on Olga to keep us away from gangs and such! She did a fine job! ;)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-07-25 08:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPurchasing plane ticket

I admit the climate shock is the part that worries me most about bringing Olga to Arizona! Though down here in Tucson, we tend to be a few degrees cooler then you folks up in Phoenix!

Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-28 01:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestion
I did the BofA exchange before I left but my saving account, which I used to save for my trip, is with Bank of America, I think I got around 28? to $1, in March.

If they ask how you want it, tray not to get too many 1000?! They asked me if I wanted a mix but it was VERY difficult (and not very wise) to try to "break" a 1000?! Hindsight is 20/20! :(

If/when I go again, I'll be doing the "search for the newest $100 bill" route.

I left the USA with about $40 and 33,000?! Again hindsight says that was WAY too much! :lol: :yes:

in Korea, I was a little hungry so I had to exchane some of that to Korean Won IN THE AIRPORT, that exchange was around 900 to $1, the approximate exchange for that is 1000 - $1. Even if I wasn't hungry the internet machines worked on Won ONLY so....I was kind of stuck, and $0.50/3 minutes, I did leave with some interesting suveniers (Won, Roubles, and the teeny Kopeks ;) )

Edited by Marc and Olga, 20 September 2006 - 06:53 AM.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-20 06:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Language Self-Study

Childrens' books work well for memorization of objects too.

Along with that, you can post "stickies" (post-it notes) with the English/??????? labels all over your home to quickly learn what stuff is called.

I think for most people, drilling vocabulary isn't that important at first. You pick up enough words studying anyway. Knowledge of the grammar has been the biggest challenge to me (when to use the prepositional or accusative case, spelling rules, etc. ) The only thing my professor wants me to work on is grammar.

???????, ?????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????... ? ???? ????!

????? :P

Darn that soundless ?
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-20 07:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Language Self-Study
I started with Living language but (I admit) I did not devote enough time to that, even went back to it but I have really not enjoyed it.

I have the complete pimsleur set (1, 2 and 3), I won't go into details but it was the least I have spent on any Russian language material! ;) I really do like it but the reading/writing part worries me!

I also bought many children's books, ??????? and ??????? ????? ?????? (the latter was purchased during my trip).

I bought many movies on my friend, eBay including Kidnapping Caucasian style (english title), Prisoner on the mountains(english title), ?????? ????? (which was playing in a local (Arizona) theater when I left for Russia in March!), ??????? (the american garfield movie dubbed in Russian..sadly this is region code 5 (Russia) so until I can buy a region free DVD player... =( ).

Music, Olga picked out several CDs for me to listen to while I was in Russia, I have listened to these almost non-stop since I returned! =)

I am currently devoting much of my time to Pimsleur (at least half an hour each day but I have repeated the lessons more then I probably need to) , I figure writing will time. I have a good working knowledge of the alphabet but there are some rough points (?,?, and ?).

I have lesson 1-1 at 100%, 1-2 at about 99% and 1-3 at about 90% 1-4 is about 60%. =O

Also, I took Elementary Russian 101 but found I was quite bored in this class as it was VERY basic and I already had a decent knowledge of the alphabet which is what 90% of 101 covered! :angry: Furthermore, due to schedule conflicts with work and sleep I cannot take 102 at this time.

My instructor did mention a good Russian - English/English - Russian Dictionary by Kenneth Katzner which I purchased 2 copies of, 1 for me, 1 for Olga. I had it throughout my entire trip but only needed it about 3 times.

I bought a software translator on my trip that, according to Olga is great! Problem was, it requires a Russian version of Windows, which I also bought! =)
(More specifically the translator is looking for a FSU "code page" which I could probably (now) set up in my old Win2k)

These last 2 items work well with my Russian/English keyboard and some slight technical knowledge (how to set shift-alt to switch from English to Russian and back, this took some time to work out with basic Russian knowledge and a Russian version of windows! :o

That is my 2 k(opek) ;)

Marc and OlgaMale02006-06-30 03:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusflowers and gifts to Belarus

Hello all. I was wondering if anyone knew of a great and legitimate online vendor to send flowers to Belarus. Maybe I'm paranoid but a lot of the ones I was browsing seemed sketchy. Anyone have experience or any recommendations? Thanks.

I used this company to send Olga flowers on Valentine's Day. They have a list of gifts you can send and they do appear to offer their service to Belarus.
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-30 12:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow processing times
Olga's interview is on 6 Oct. 2006! =)

Just found out today! =)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-21 23:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGot Visa!
???????????? ;)

Edited by Marc and Olga, 24 August 2006 - 05:39 PM.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-24 17:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustravel thru germany on K1

Can anyone tell me if there is any problem with flight connection thur Germany(frankfurt) on k1 visa to US?

Thanks in advance

Found my own answer here


For anyone who has this same question in general. Delta airlines has a neat little tool. You select the country of citizenship, connection country and destination country and it shows you the visa requirements.

I actually found that Delta site helpful, I was worried that Olga may need a transit visa in South Korea...she doesn't since she will be holding a US visa and traveling TO the US from South Korea! :)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-12 06:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInconsiderate
I am thinking the only person being inconsiderate, is you (the OP).

Sorry but I imagine her life at the moment is not going to be all about you. You are providing her a place to stay but what about food, what about next month and the month after that?

Maybe instead of thinking about yourself and the money you feel you are "wasting", you should consider her feelings and needs.

just MHO.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-11 23:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusbetween NVC sending out and moscow
After I received the letter I checked the embassy website several times a day. When John posted Anna's interview date, I checked again and there we were! :)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-20 06:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusconfused where to start

thank u all for answering all my questions...i just cant wait to file for the visa!!...i have all the paperwork ready on my far as why she wants a lawyer..she doesnt have any previous immigration problems, and came legally with other probs whatsoever..both of us just want piece of mind i guess...

my last question...after all this paperwork gets processed and gets sent to moscow embassy, then she has alot of paperwork to do right? like medical record, police certificate? what else?
and at that time, i will need to do some more paperwork like proof of income and stuff?

thanks again!

She will receive a packet from the enbassy, it will contain DS-156, DS-156k, and DS-230 which she will need to fill out in English. I believe it also contains instructions on the medical exam which she will need to have done.

After you receive NOA2 you will need to gather some very important financial items, I-134. you will need to have a letter from your employer, a letter from your bank that includes current balance, amount deposited in the last 12 months, and date open.

I should note that Bank of America could not provide me with this information so I gave 6 months (which they could provide) along with a notorized letter stating the information requested.

Wells Fargo was wonderful, the nice man I talked to sat with me and added up not only this years information but also added everything up for the past 12 months!

I also included my previous years tax return though it is not require by the instructions, my case is a little strange as most of my income is from tips, my employer stated I earn $5.50/hour which happens to be what THEY pay me! :lol:

You should also send her all original documents at this time, remember file copies with USCIS, if they need an original, they will ask for one!

As I am sure Slim will tell you, you need to send that info to her ASAP (after NOA2). I used USPS Global Express, it takes about 2 weeks and costs about $30 compared to Regular mail that can take over 4 weeks or UPS/FedEx which can cost over $100! :o
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 09:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusconfused where to start

my girl is pretty stubborn..if i fire the lawyer...she will be real upset and if something bad happens...she will blame me forever...anyways...the lawyer gave me a real good deal...less than $1000...used him before for other stuff...........u guys brought up lots of good points...thank u very much...

new questions..

1. what is the thing about online visa application form?

2. she has been issued 2 visas to the USA before through work/travel program.....and went back before her visa u think it will make it easier on her?

3. i am writing the letter about how we met...does it need to be just how we met or somethings we did while we were together...should it be nice and short...or the longer the better?

4. can u tell me what these acronyms are?

5. i think i will use vermont center if i live in virginia?

thanks again !

1. Good question, never heard of an "online visa application" for a K-1 to the USA.

2. certainly that will need to be included on some of the forms, particularly once she received the packet. some of the questions are have you been to the USA, when, what visa.

3. for our I-129F, I wrote how we initially met, 1-2 lines. Several paragraphs about my trip to Russia since the question specifically asks about the personal meeting. I ended it with 1-2 lines about our ongoing relationship, emails everyday, weekly phone calls.

4. NVC= National Visa Center
VSC= Vermont Service Center
CSC= California Service Center

5. IF you were filing it yourself, yes you would file it with the VSC (see above :P ) however it may need to be filed based on where your lawyer works, he would know. :P
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-11 23:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusconfused where to start
With our visa, I was more worried about Olga's end since her English is fair to poor and the documentation from Moscow is in English, I just filled in the forms for her to copy, she passed with no problems!

Thanks to one of our own's SOs, who gave Olga some much desired Russian! :)

We did not hire a lawyer but Olga wanted one. I just explained to her that lawyers are VERY expensive (tell me that isn't true! :P) and unneeded.

All that is left is for me to win the lottery! :lol:

Edited by Marc and Olga, 11 October 2006 - 01:19 AM.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-11 01:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow medical before interview?
Olga tried the Vladivostok Clinic and was told 12 days. When she was actually going to have it done the doctor was leaving for Moscow :angry:

She had it done during her 3 day stay in Moscow but we were both worried it would not be done in time!
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-17 17:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew girl

Bar/nightclub, IMO not exactly a healthy way to meet someone, unless you are looking for an alcoholic.

hmmm....I met my husband in a bar....and we have a very healthy relationship... :unsure: just because ppl frequent bars doesn't make them alcoholics :rolleyes:

You're right. It just makes them drunks! ;)

Hmm Acoholicly challenged? Oh wait...this isn't OT! :o
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-17 17:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew girl

There's so many normal and healthy ways to meet people... But it's my opinion, no offense.

Like a bar/nightclub? Work/school? Perhaps the local store? How did you meet your "love" and happen to marry in a mere 5 months (almost to the day!)?!

08/24/2005 - Arrived in the U.S. as an F-1 student.
01/25/2006 - Married my LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bar/nightclub, IMO not exactly a healthy way to meet someone, unless you are looking for an alcoholic.

Work, can be ok, assuming there are never any problems...this wasn't the case with my experience meeting someone this way.

Local store, not good for the somewhat shy person, such as myself.
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-16 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusdo i need a russian visa?
I believe you will need a Transit visa. doesn't say so I would suggest phoning the Russian Consulate for your area and ask them.

That might be faulty info but that IS what I would do.
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 21:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest Wishes to Slim!

This is happening everywhere, not just in Prague, ever since some annoying terrorist figured out that explosives could be concealed in that fashion. Toothpaste is on the prohibited list as well in some airports. Picture a 747 touching down after a 14-hour flight, and nobody has brushed their teeth since going through airport security 16 hours earlier. Eu-u-u!

Congratulations to you and Elena on her safe arrival. Meeting Irina when she stepped off the plane in Portland was one of the high points of my life. It seemed almost surreal.

Strange, perhaps it was an airline thing but Korean Air gives a travel toothbrush and a tiny little tube of toothpaste, socks ( :blink: ) and sleep shades! I still have 1 set of official KAL sleep shades. :yes:

I forgot to mention the little zippered bag they came in, which I have one of those has my left over won in it! :)

Edited by Marc and Olga, 18 October 2006 - 10:22 PM.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 22:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLife as we know it in Russia...
Ah yes, this has made it's way into Off Topic...surprised?
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-20 12:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey

I haven't ever considered retiring in Russia...actually I've never even considered going there. Maybe I should? I love to travel, but I have a list a mile long of places I want to go to first...

I'm sure it's really nice...and I know it's beautiful...maybe one day when I have time and money :)

It IS nice, it IS beautiful, the people are wonderful and friendly (something you don't see much here in the good ol' USA) and it is far less expensive to live there...they do earn far less then we do though.

Just my experience though. ;)
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 09:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey

Welcome back A/W!!!

Have you ever thought about retiring in Russia so your dollar could go a little further?

And, by the way, if you're looking for men to "amuse" you, you'd have way more than enough "amusement" in Russia dealing with those guys. If you like us... you'll LOVE the Russian men!


BTW, Slim, I thought retiring in Russia would be good, my 401(k) isn't near what it should be for my age so here in the US, I'd probably have some problems retiring at a reasonable age (55-60).

Edit:fixed typo

Edited by Marc and Olga, 18 October 2006 - 05:51 AM.

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 05:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey


My calendar would not show Labor Day on it...then again my calendar says it is c???????. =P
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-06 11:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey
I have heard it is impossible for a single Russian woman to get a tourist visa.
Marc and OlgaMale02006-08-30 09:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMOS number and ...

Hi all, I called NVC and they said they have our case there now after our NOA2, and that i has been assigned the new MOS number.. First, does that imply approval at NVC? The lady ther said to wait some days, then call back to see if it has been sent to Moscow.. Also, looking at the Moscow site, I see that I can lookup the MOS number after Moscow has been notified, the list is updated on Mondays I think..

And I asked earlier about medical centers, and got some good info.. One more question about that since the date is coming closer.. I read here and on russianmeetingplace about harrasment, broken equipment and other problems at MOM.. Is it still the case, or is the MOM experience improving? I'd be willing to pay some extra at another clinic if it would be a better option.. Any current feedback form the clinics?

I believe monday's are the updates, you can search for the MOS# on the Moscow site and find out when the interview will be...assuming your number was included in the previous update!

As for the medical center's, I'm not sure which one Olga used in Moscow, originally she was planning on a Vladivostok medical as it is closer to home...Doc bailed the day she wanted to do the medical and thus she had to wait until she arrived in Moscow!
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-18 13:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLets direct our anger at another "Mail Order Bride" article

*popcorn crunching sounds...*


Side note: One of the comments to the article is from Elena Petrova, she runs a "IMB", if you will...

How do I know?

I met Olga through her website ~~>Elena's Models

Her comments?

This article is so full of lies and contradictions; it's appalling.

Ms Erbe wrote:

"But I say the mere act (to wit, the bizarre act) of deciding to marry someone from a foreign country who is just about guaranteed to be less well educated…"

I would say, if the woman is Russian, she is "just about guaranteed" to be BETTER educated. Russian women seeking marriage through online dating agencies are mostly educated professional women. You can see the research here: http://www.elenasmod...2006release.htm

My opinion is that it is incompetent authors like Ms Erbe that create the delusion that foreign brides are submissive. Nothing can be further from the truth. You must be brave enough to venture outside national borders in your search for a compatible partner (and this is what foreign brides are looking for, otherwise they all would marry the first guy who expressed his interest in them).

I am a mail order bride.
Ms Erbe can ring me and check my educational and intellectual abilities, so when she writes something on this subject next time, she at least has some real-life experience.

Elena Petrova

Enphasis added
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-31 18:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPhiladelphia POE denied entry

Yes, I asked the woman where her son was - He had to work she responded, he is a mechanic.
Even my wife thinks it is a scam.

I'm going with "scam" on this one as well.

I would have looked where the woman was calling from. I would think that even if she was "denied entry" she would have been allowed at least one phone call if she had said "people are waiting for me..."

I bet the son sent money for her plane flight.

I also bet he will never see a kopeck of this money back again...

-- Dan

Yes sounds like the send me money to come meet you scam...

then again we do not know IF he sent money for her trip... :unsure:
Marc and OlgaMale02006-11-02 23:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny recent interviews in Moscow ?

Hi to all! I posted under the consulate section, but I am also posting here to let you know about the interview at the Moscow Embassy.
Irina has her interview today. She SMS me when she passed. She told me that all of the women that were interviewed passed. It only lasted about a couple of hours for the 10 of them. This should be encouraging to the rest of you. Basically, be prepared to answer how you met. They surprised me by asking about our age difference. I am 10 years older than Irina.
Other than that, as long as you have your documents and money, be prepared to be issued a visa. She described the wokers as being very friendly as well. It was nice to hear that they made a stressful process easier for her and the other women. Good luck to the rest of you going through this long journey :dance:

I'm with Dan. Galina passed her interview with flying colors. I think they put a star next to her name on the calendar :-) Alls well at the Moscow Embassy. Very easy she said and shouldn't worry. She told me she felt that they already had made the decisions before they arrive. Good luck to all up coming interviews.

I got the same impression from Olga, she was asked about our age difference as well (14 years). She even showed our photos and the man doing the interview recognized Vladivostok, which she thought was "interesting".

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-16 23:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAny recent interviews in Moscow ?
Just got off the phone with Olga and am happy to say...she passed!

I was worried since Olga's English is not great!

We did not get to talk much as she was leaving Moscow tonight (10/06) and still needed to phone her mother, I will update after we talk tomorrow evening!

Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-06 02:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInconsiderate update!!

And you know, just wait till they find out they can file a false claim of abuse in America and basically get handed their green-card (if they can fabricate the evidence as well...) Don't think that IMBRA isn't going to COACH them on how to do this??? HAH!

I've read that they already knew about this before IMBRA but IMBRA tells exactly HOW to do it! :o
Marc and OlgaMale02006-10-20 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThat one-way ticket to the US
Nice that lots of people chimed in with SVo, but I believe VVO (Vladivostok Airport) is quite some distance.

VVO, Nice airport, had to fly there to meet Olga in person! That was the best week of my life...also the most expensive and worth every USD! :D

From VVO either Vladivostok Air or Korean Air and that would depend on when she left... Vlad Air departs on different days then Korean air.

I flew Korean Air.
Marc and OlgaMale02006-06-30 01:10:00