K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestouched
I'm still waiting to be touched..

'Like a virgin, touched for the very first time...'
- Madonna


TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you Lord !!!

Our case has just been forwarded to the embassy last week. It took only one business day for NVC to do it. They recieved on Aug. 3rd and sent it out on Aug. 4 ! Amazing isn't it ?? Good luck to all VJ family, may God bless you guys.

All I can say is.... WOW THAT WAS FAST! (Does your mom work at USCIS or do you have hotline to God? - If it's the latter, say a payer for me please!)


TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi got my NOA2 TODAY
I'd be happy right now if I could just get a touch... hehe!

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLike a virgin, touched for the very first time...

If you call them on the phone and they open your file, it will be touched in response to the call.

I did not call them until just now when I got the second email, the only thing I can think of, is that #2 was in response to #1, or that my congressman to whom I wrote a letter complaining about the backlog at USCIS sent them something on my behalf. The person at USCIS that I just spoke to could not tell me why I got #2.


Edited by TucsonBill, 08 August 2006 - 06:28 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLike a virgin, touched for the very first time...
Yesterday, the 7th, I sent off an email asking for an update and I got what everyone else has been getting lately:

The California Service Center (CSC) does not accept inquiries from the general public via email. All inquiries must be submitted to the National Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-375-5283

But today I get an email that says:

On August 7, 2006, we responded to your request for more information concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30 days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283

Was this a 'real' touch or what? I'd be interested in knowing if anyone who got the first reply, got the second reply like I did.


Edited by TucsonBill, 08 August 2006 - 06:24 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this enough???
I'd state clealy in the cover letter, and write on the back of the photo that it is the ENGAGEMENT ring(s), and also, include a receipt for the engagement ring(s). I think if done properly, it could actually be a big plus on your application. I have read in other places, and I was also told by an attorney with whom I consulted before filing my petition, that evidence of an engagement ring(s) were a big plus on your I-129f application. Regarding your tickets, the travel agent should have a copy of your purchse in his computer. Additionally, try to get 'frequent flyer' credit from the airline directly, and you could use those milage credits as evidence for your trip. The airline might even be willing to respond to an email with specific reference to your trip. Try emailing the customer service unit with your flight numbers and dates to request frequent flyer mileage, and then attach that to your response once the miles are added.

I would guess that given the given the current relations between the USA and Syria, you might be in for a long road ahead, but let's hope thats not the case!

It will be interesting to see.



Edited by TucsonBill, 07 August 2006 - 11:01 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice PRONTO
Unless I'm wrong, the amnestey program is not meant to help people who entered the US under false pretenses - ie commiting fraud on the visa application I think would warrant a permanent ban. Be sly and get as much proof as you can :P

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed some advice PRONTO

Have gotten myself into a bit of a mess. My EX Fiance was approved for her Fiance visa back in April.Came here July 5th. Anyway,it turned out BAD X INFINITY. Turns out she used me to get here,and,in the process,was talking to another guy here in the US. Anyway,I threw her out when I found out. Now,she's in Dallas with this other guy,and,says she is going to sue me,because,of course,I signed the Affadavit of Support. Anybody know who I should call,or what course of action I should take? Any and AL advice will be GREATLY appreciated.

By EX fiance, I am assuming you never married her, which she has 90 days to do so or get out or she has an overstay on her visa. Tell her 'good luck' ever getting another visa to the USA because this incident will be noted on her file. Part of the the USCIS paperwork asks if she has ever entered the USA before, and BOOM they'll pull her prior file. Tell her to enjoy her 90 days because she'll never set foot on US soil again. Just thank your lucky stars you did not marry her!

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage
It's 90 days from the date she enters the US, but there is also a limit on the amount of time she is given to enter, 4 months I think, with one extension possible. Rearding the exact amount of time she has to use the visa, I'm sure someone else will correct me if I'm wrong.
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE help! its Urgent!

Bill, if it makes you feel any better, we didn't date our pictures and got approved. Don't worry too much, trying to go back and find what you may have done wrong (I read the other thread you started today). I understand that it makes us extremely anxious when we're waiting for our NOAs, so... :hugs:.

TY - (I needed that!) (F)
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE help! its Urgent!

2. I think you're referring to the passport pictures, right? Just send one passport picture each and write the date it was taken on the back with pencil or pen.

I sent in 2 passport photos, I was sure I read that I was supposed to send two, maybe thats just on the new forms? Also, I think on my photos of us together, I sent 4, two were marked 'April 2006' and the other two were marked "July 2006" with both our names. Will I get an RFE because I didn't put the day? (I included copies of my airline tickets and hotel receipts so they could see the days of my travel).

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-07 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo "clean" cases=

My guess would be that if you have a previous application on file, they are going to pull that file and take a look at it so that your fiance can be notified about your previous application, and for good reason. See my earlier post:
My Prior Post

Hopefully you did not lump me in with your previous post...
Beneficiaries only get notified IF the petiton was previously approved...mine was withdrawn midway through.

No, I was in no way lumping you with my previous post, but I'm not so sure about your fiance only being notified of prior approvals. The quesiton asks if you have ever filed an I-129f before, not if it was approved. Even if she does not receive some sort of 'formal notice' she'd see it on the I-129f.

The point of my prior post was just to inform you of my own personal experience, and that they probably would pull your prior file, and why they do.


Edited by TucsonBill, 08 August 2006 - 10:42 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo "clean" cases=
My guess would be that if you have a previous application on file, they are going to pull that file and take a look at it so that your fiance can be notified about your previous application, and for good reason. See my earlier post:

My Prior Post
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-08 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Still working on March 06, 2006 cases???

<07-05-06> sent out K-1 application
<07-12-06> K-1 recieved (transferred to CSC from Nebraska)
<07-17-06> 1st NOA1 recieved
<07-25-06> Touched

It seems to me that the March applicants are getting the 'short end of the stick' for what ever reason, many people have had approvals that applied in May - pray for those march applicants!

I'm just curious, was your touchn on 7-25 caused by email or phone call, or was it just a 'touch out of the blue'

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-09 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy the silence?
the USCIS website "online case" checker thingy has been down all day, anyone call them to find out when it will be back up?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-10 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone who submited an I-129F in July been touched?
Well, Becky and Sam got 'touched' (above) - the only reason I think about an RFE is because I'm sure I must have screwed something up becuase I sent in my paperwork before I found this site :( - It just seems like that even those of you who have been waiting a long time got touched pretty quicky, (just to see if all the paperwork was complete?) and then got the RFE - then had to wait a long time.

If I am not mistaken, a regular RFE basically moves you back down to the bottom of the pile :( I am just hoping if I am going to get an RFE I'd get it soon, perhaps if i got a couple touches, at least I could think maybe I didn't screw anything up... *sigh*


PS what you see as a 'touch' for me was just because I called, not a 'real touch' - hehe

Edited by TucsonBill, 20 August 2006 - 03:30 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-20 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone who submited an I-129F in July been touched?
It just seems like after a month I should at least get an RFE or something...

This waiting is just crazy - ya I know - lots of people wait WAY longer than me and a month is nothing, it just seems they'd check my papers and send an RFE or SOMETHING :(
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-08-19 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched 2 times in two days!
We did not find this site until after our application was already sent, and I'm (Bill) worried I may have missed something on the application - I hope not! Hoping to get NOA2 soon, but maybe it will be an RFE...

Bill & Pao
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-09-22 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjuly filers

hi all! :D

who among you here filed I-129F for K1 visa on july28 '06 or even after that date??
coz we filed ours on that date and up till now theres still no confirmation or anything watsoever.
can you enlighten me with this one pls..
do i need to worry or is it normal for them not to inform us till this month?
thank you for your input. B)


You don't have your timeline filled out so I am confused if you are talking about NOA1 or NOA2, if you have not received your NOA1 and you sent in your application in July, I'd be very concerned. You should have your NOA1 very soon after filing your application, not more than two weeks. Was your check cashed? Did you send your I129f with any kind of delivery confirmation? Call the USCIS toll free number and see if they received your application, maybe your NOA1 was lost in the mail.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-09-22 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC NOA2 =)

:) :D [font=Century Gothic] I just want to share how happy I am. Rob called me 12am Manila time informing me that we received NOA2. That was really a good news! I was surprise that his petition was approve sooner than I expected it to be. I was overjoyed that I could hardly get back to sleep again. It's getting near that my Love and I will be together. I guess we owe it a lot from VJ'ers who been so kind for feeding the information and guide we need that helps & contribute to expedite process of I-129F petition.

I hope and pray that you guys are next...



The following is the latest information on your case status

Receipt Number: WAC06237xxxxx

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On September 21, 2006, an approval notice
was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this
notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your
address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case
status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or
advice from USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please
contact the National Customer Service Center.

National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.

*The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice
that you received from the USCIS.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

This kind of news sure is encouraging, but I feel for those who are still waiting from months ago :/

There simply seems to be no reason why some have to wait forever, and others get approved right away. I am curious if you got any touches before your approval. With all these other touches going on for July NOA1's I'de started checking mine like 5 times a day - or more! lol


TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-09-22 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone noticed time of day for NOA2 approvals?
I've never seen this topic discussed, but then maybe I missed it. I'm watching to see if we'll get our NOA2, (or maybe an RFE) soon. Does USCIS 'close' at a particular time? ie after offices close at the CSC should I not expect anything until the next day, at the earliest, or do they keep working at nite? Has anyone ever gotten their approval 'after hours' from CSC?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-09-22 20:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,
Hey Gary...sorry to hear to story...I wish I could help you with information, but the only thing I can think of is to talk to a REALLY good IMMIGRATION lawyer. The best of luck to you and your wife. Will be praying for a fast solution to your case.

MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2010-12-02 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFor Brazilians...any good know sites to learn English?
Hi VJ's...Am getting closer and closet to the day that I go to Brazil to bring my wife and two kids back with me. My daughter 17 and my son 7 are nervous about not speaking English yet, so I have been looking for Free Online English Classes, but most of them do not offer Audio translated from English to Portuguese and vise-versa. Do any of my Brazilians friends here know of any good sites where my kids can start learning English?

Thank you all very much!

Never Give Up :-)
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-24 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYES!! my wife got date for interview in Rio, but kids cases not done yet...
I just got an email saying that my wife is schedule for her interview on the 1st of March, 2011 at Rio Embassy...but my concern is that I still didn't get notification that our kids (17 and 7) are done at NVC. When I called this morning, the recorder system told me that they are still reviewing the last documentation that we sent like 3-4 weeks ago. Has anybody gone through this situation? I plan on calling every day till they tell me if they need other documents or asure me that my kids cases are done...

Thank you for any information provided.

Never Give Up!.
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-24 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anybody know?...
I just got an email saying that my wife is schedule for her interview on the 1st of March, 2011 at Rio Embassy...but my concern is that I still didn't get notification that our kids (17 and 7) are done at NVC. When I called this morning, the recorder system told me that they are still reviewing the last documentation that we sent like 3-4 weeks ago. Has anybody gone through this situation?

I plan on calling every day till they tell me if they need other documents or asure me that my kids cases are done...

Thank you for any information provided.

Never Give Up!.
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-25 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I get expedite for my kids? Wife has interview on March 1st
Hi everybody :-)

This is our situation: this last monday, we got an email saying that my wife has been schedule for her interview on March 1st at Rio De Janeiro...on tuesday, we got two email requesting us to send original or certified copy for both of our kids (we already sent them months ago!! ) question is, can they expedite my kids cases and send them to Rio and have my wife take our kids and their original birth certificates with her to the interview??

As always, thank alot for the info :-)

Never Give Up!!
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-26 14:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBrazil: Rio: Expediting to receive approved visa faster?
Everything will be just fine... :-)

Last night I got an email with my wife's interview appointment for March 1st!... very very happy!!
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-25 16:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBrazil: Rio: Expediting to receive approved visa faster?
HI!! :-)

I will be very interested in reading your Embassy review after your interview...and please let me know if you can pay extra to expedite the delivery of your passport with your visa...good luck!!
May the force be with you.
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-01-22 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLost NOA1
Hi... I got all my correspondance via email from NVC, that way I can reprint anything that they sent me.

Good Luck on your journey :-)

Never Give Up.
MarcoGomesMaleBrazil2011-02-15 17:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on the denial

I agree with this, and I agree with the government for not issuing immigrant visas to people who haven't met. I'm sorry, but that's the honest truth.

While I agree with this in theory, I discount statements like these from people who file for SO's in European countries--especially the UK--as it's so easy--both in time of flight and cost of air fare--for Europeans to travel to the US or vice versa. It's NOT so easy for people from some other far off countries.

Nevertheless, I do agree with the underlying thought. I also believe people getting married should meet in person before getting engaged.

That doesn't even apply to our situation. I met my husband face to face in 1997, we were engaged and married in 2001, and I have been living in the UK since then. It has been an incredible hardship. I would never have the cheek to apply for a visa for someone I'd never met; I'd just expect them to deny it.

As for traveling to Egypt...if you can get to Europe, you can get to Egypt. It's so dirt cheap to fly there from here these days that there's not much of an excuse for it financially.

My ticket to Pakistan cost 1900.00 :huh:
is this chump change?

WHOA! I though my $1700 ticket to Russia was steep! :o

And Rebeccajo is probably correct, it is very difficult to get a visitor's visa from most countries, the person applying must have some VERY STRONG ties to their home country to prove they are not intending on immigrating.

As for the OP, if it is the trip to meet in person, then what about the trip makes it a hardship? Cost of travel, I would imagine it would be about the same as the lawyer, I saved 6 months for my trip.

Fear of flying, well many do have that fear, I suspect it would take an awful lot to prove that you could not get over this fear, but for your love, do you not think it is worth even a try?

I do not mean to seem harsh but there is a saying, "Love conquers all" not "love conquers all but fear".

I love to fly but I always saw the 747s and thought to myself, I could NEVER fly in one of those (they scare me to pieces...since then I have and enjoyed it very much, well going anyway! :lol:
Marc and OlgaMale02006-09-21 06:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHaha
I know I'm a little late in the thread but...

When I played EverQuest, I followed some message boards for that game...we had a saying if you did something stupid you page 8'd...

someone tried what people described earlier, 2 accounts on the board (ip addys later confirmed) but on page 8 of the thread the poster posted as ID #2 thinking they were logged on as ID #1!
Marc and OlgaMale02007-12-08 18:31:00
Canadaduel residency to retain Canadian Health Insurance
Well thanks for the info... Anton doesn't believe me when I tell him this....
What's new? This is one of my pet peeves, he says I will wait and see even though the facts are out there in black and white!
it seems right now like the US residency is more important than the Canadian for him anyway.
He still needs to visit his father for a month or so before the snow sets in for getting the house winterized again for another year.
He can go to the Alberta Consulate and get it from the horse's mouth since he thinks I am full of it...
I guess I am more concerned about Canadian residency and health insurance because I know how hard it is to get it here and how expensive.
I just changed jobs so I am without until Sept. 1 when the new job kicks in.. and I didn't want to COBRA for one month from my old job because that is 1/2 a paycheck.

moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-08-11 20:27:00
Canadaduel residency to retain Canadian Health Insurance
Thanks for the answers I told him it would not be that easy...
He had a chance to take the Canadian Citizenship test back in April but was here due to AOS not allowing him to travel to Canada.
I guess he can go up there and visit, but he won't be able to work?
He owned his own business and paid taxes as self employed.

moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-08-10 20:38:00
Canadaduel residency to retain Canadian Health Insurance
My husband has residency in Alberta/ landed immigrant from Austria in 1995.
He just got his green card here.
He needs to maintain residency in Alberta to keep his health coverage, then he wants to work down here in the winter's to stay warm. He is going to put me on a family health plan up there too, so I will start spending summers up there with him.
Anyone have two residency's?
Here in US and there in Canada?

thanks for any answers.

moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-08-09 18:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLength of stay outside of the US
I have been looking at the guide lines for filing after we recieve the conditional green card. I know right at the moment prior to getting his conditional green card, Anton cannot travel unless he applies for advanced parole and then it must be a good reason to leave the US.
The question is....... he would like to at least spend a few months each summer in Canada with his father after he recieves the CGC. How long can he stay in Canada when he travels?

Thanks for any answers,

moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-04-23 22:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBeginner Questions
Well like my disclaimer on the bottom just giving advice from personal experience, our INS officer told us if the green card expires without the extra paper work submitted within the 90 days prior to expiration you will be deported.
She bluntly told Anton he would be deported back to his home country of Austria rather than Canada where he has residency.

Congrats on the green card,

moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-05-18 21:27:00
The I-134 does not request any tax returns at all, (unless you are self employed). If the Egyptian consulate does not request any tax returns in your packet 3, I can't see why you'd be worried about it.

I never provided any tax returns, and was never asked for any, until the AOS stage.

Personally, I would not give them any information they don't ask for.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-06-17 09:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCousular officer '' Where is your Fiance''.
Please keep us posted on this, I REALLY want to see how this story pans out!!!

What a crazy messed-up process this is!

I've generally been pretty conservative in my beliefs when it comes to our immigration laws, I've always believed things should be done the legal way, but stories like this!?!?!? When you try to follow the rules, do things the RIGHT way ... and stuff like this happens... it really gripes my butt! (Not to mention the problems one has just trying to get correct information about thier case!).

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-27 18:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCousular officer '' Where is your Fiance''.
I would get this CO FIRED! If the website says that the petitioner does NOT need to be present, then I would get the SOB FIRED from his job!!!! I would FAX the US Embassy there NOW and quote to them off of thier own website!!! Tell them this CO SHOULD BE TERMINATED!

IMHO :protest: :diablo:
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-26 21:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccination requirements

Be very careful. Only approved doctors can do these vaccinations. Most of these doctors are not on common insurance plans. I just had another friend at work with this similar situation and paid $100 a shot due to the doctors not being on the insurance plans.

I would check either the embassy web site or the NVC web site for more information and answers. I'm not sure if this applies to you, but make sure your doctor meets the required qualifications.


I am confused about this. I am bringing my fiance and her daughter here from Thailand. Her daughter has her immunization record, (as she needs it for school), but my fiance does not. She was planning to get immunized prior to comming to the US simply because it's cheaper there.

Are you saying there is some list of USCIS 'approved doctors' that have to do them, or are you just saying that in order to be covered by your insurance you have to go to a doctor on your medical plan...

If my fiance gets her vaccinations in Thailand, brings ther record here, and has her daugthers immunization records fom Thailand, will that be sufficient for AOS?


Edited by TucsonBill, 13 October 2006 - 01:32 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-13 13:31:00