K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hi all!

I just thought I'd pop in and say "Hi" - the ceremony was great and we leave in 2 days for the USA! Pao is packing as I type and I am wondering if she needs to make any special declaration regarding all the personal effects she will be bringing with her to the USA. We will be leaving Wednsday at 8:30am Thailand time, that's Tuesday evening US time, give or take a few hours, then its a little over 20 hours from Bangkok to Tucson.

I'm so happy! (we both are), :D:D:D

Kha poon krab! (Thank You!) - to everyone for all your help!

Bill & Pao
TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-02-18 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hey all, I am in Thailand now and plan to be entering the USA with Pao on the 21st, what does she need at the POE besides her visa and the sealed envelope? I read something somewhere about 'secondary processing' - what is that and does it have anything to do with the POE? What should we expect at the POE?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-02-11 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

congrats bill!

Bill, Did they ever ask for her marriage certificate. My fiance was married and now divorced. I have her decree translated and certified. However, I only have a copy of her divorce decree.
By the way, congrats. Chuk dee kap!

I meant to say I only have a copy of her marriage certificate. Thanks.

Sorry, somehow I missed this question.

The instructions for packet 4 say that all of the documents must be submitted in a specific order, and 'one original and one copy'. Pao had her original marriage certificate and the original certified statement regarding her divorce, and we submitted these with copies as requested. (When she went to pick up the visas. they returned the originals).

From a more practical standpoint, I should think that a "copy of a copy" of a marriage certificate would do in most cases, (and may not even be required on a fiance visa), but I do think you need someting origninal and certified regarding the divorce, along with a phtoto copy of the original certified divorce document. I should think they'd be more concerned with having an official divorce document since that would, in effect, document both the marriage and the divorce. You may want to have her go to Amphur and get a 'single certificate' if you are going to use a copy of a divorce decree. At first, the Consular Offical wanted this from Amphur to supplement the documentation that I provided, but then wavied that request too. My situation was a little more complicated since Pao has a 7 year old daughter that will accompany her and the date of the marriage was important in our case, since different rules apply to children born out-of-wedlock. Had Pao been married at the time Wynne was born, we'd have had to show she had legal custody of her daughter; where as legal custody defaults to the mother when a child is born out-of-wedlock.

My story is sort of involved, as the Consular Offical wanted a statement saying that Pao was single at the time her daughter was born, which Amphur said they could not do. The 'single certificate' is designed only to show that she is 'currently single'. I suppose if push came to shove we might have been able to get some sort of statement from Amphur that Pao was single at the time her daughter was born, but I simply argued with the Embassy that it should be obvios, since we had the certified marrage certificate which show she was married after her daghter was born.

In your case, I am not even certain that the marriage certifcate is even needed if she is divorced. It seems to me that some of the Packet 4 forms could be and probably are used with the I-130 filers, (for someone bringing their wife from over seas).

Yodrak is most knoledgable about these matters and could probably shed more light on the matter
TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-02-03 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Who is tougher on "official" documents that are not obtainable?
Would you folks say NVC expects things to be there no matter what?

I could see a document from a 3rd country being forgiven in Bangkok. But not a doc from the USA for a USC.

There are guidelines for what to do when certain documents cannot be obtained, and it depends on the type of document, such as birth or death certificates and divorce decrees. Generally speaking, when a certain document is not available, other kinds of evidence are acceptable but I could not give you any specific advice without knowing which document you are missing.

If you read the instructions for the I-129F, they address this issue.

Pao and I could not obtain a copy of her divorce decree, but we managed to get a certified letter from a a government marriage officer stating that the divorce had been recorded and that her ex husband had in fact already married somone else, and this was accepted by USCIS and at her interview, (at the interview it took a bit of arguing with the CO, as noted above and in my timeline).


Edited by TucsonBill, 03 February 2007 - 08:05 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-02-03 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

congrats bill!

Bill, Did they ever ask for her marriage certificate. My fiance was married and now divorced. I have her decree translated and certified. However, I only have a copy of her divorce decree.
By the way, congrats. Chuk dee kap!

I meant to say I only have a copy of her marriage certificate. Thanks.

We presented both the marriage certificate and 'evidence of divorce'. The marriage certificate was already in English since the marriage was in South Africa and it did not have to be translated.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-29 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
The Whole Story:

Pao went for her interview on the 24th as scheduled and delivered the documents to the window. Some time later they called her back and she got a 221-g for the divorce certificate and custody of her daughter.

I called the Embassy main number and kept getting the run around and finally I asked to speak to the operator supervisor, and I spoke to an Amercian lady and explained that the divorce decree was unobtainable because the court had lost the file. (it was a South African court, and a marrige back in 1999 during the government switch from apartheid and the records were a mess!). At any rate, the Department of Home Affairs did have a record that the divorce had been granted, but simply could not locate the decree. We were refered to a marriage officer that wrote a certified letter to this effect, and that her ex-husband had in fact already remarried to another woman in 2000 (the marriage to my fiance was very short lived).

At any rate, the Amercain operator transferred me to the actual consular official that conducted the interview, and I argued that USCIS had accepted the letter from South Africa Department of Home Affairs in lieu of a decree, and that sinc USCIS had accepted the certified letter in lieu of the decree, the case should not be being readjuticated.

Regarding the custody issue, as it turns out, she did not need a custody statment from Amphur since the child was born out-of-wedlock, (before she married the guy). 5 days of frantic phone calls, 2 trips to Amphur and 3 trips to the US Embassy, they finally decided to accept the documentation that was provided in the first place.

At one point, the Consular Official wanted a letter from Amphur stating that she was 'single' at the time the child was born, but I argued that that should be quite evident sicne they already had the birth certificate showing the child was born June of 1999 and the marriage did not take place until September of 1999.

To make matters worse, the Consular Official that I spoke to that interviewed Pao on the 24th, and left the office and was going to be in Camboida for 3 weeks, so on Monday (Thailand time), I had to explain everything all over again to the person who was handling the original Consulars cases. It was a real nightmare for 5 days.

Alls well that ends well I guess, they called her Monday at about 2pm and told her to bring her and her daughters passports back and she could get the visa's the next day, (today).


Edited by TucsonBill, 29 January 2007 - 02:57 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-29 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Finally got the visa approved. I'll be talking to Pao today when she gets home and post all the juicy details :) HURRAY!
:dance: :dance: :dance:
TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-29 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

I called the US Embassy in Bangkok but at first, they would not let me speak to anyone in the visa unit and insisted that I must email. I demanded to speak to the operators supervisor and explaind that it was my opinion that the officer there was readjuticating the case, and wound up actually getting to speak to the officer who did the interview. After hearing my argument - she agreed to reverse her decision and grant the visa for my fiance, and explaind how, under the circumstances, that she could get a statment from Amphur about custody of her child.

SO... half way there, fiance approved, child pending :P

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-24 01:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
OK, we hit a snag - help would be appreciated.

Pao was married in South Africa in 1999 and divorced in 2000 but I was told by the Departmet of Home Affairs in South Africa that they do not keep copies of divorce decrees. We got a certifed letter from them stating that her ex-husband had remarried, and a statement from the Marriage Officer that the divorce decree had been presnted at the time of the new marriage. I was told by USCIS that in the event a divorce decree could not be obtained, that this alternate documentation would be accepted and was in fact accepted by USCIS. I have also been told that a visa should not be denied based on evidence that has already been accepted by USCIS.

Secondy, they told her she needed evidence that she had custody of her minor child. The minor child was born out-of-wedlock and is a Thai citizen, and has never seen the father. Both USCIS and the local office told me that under these circumstances, there would be no order of custody required. Additionally, for a non-immigrant visa, there is no requirement that a father must give permission. Furthermore the father is in South Africa, married to someone else, and has not seen this child since it was a baby... can anyone help? Offier advice?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-23 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hey all, Pao is at her interview now (as I type this) and I'm just sitting here on pins! hehe

I'll let you all know how it goes.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-23 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hi all,

I see there has not been alot of activity on this thread lately, I just wanted to 'touch base' :) Getting very excited now, Pao's interview is next week and we're both very excited.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-18 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hello all,

My wife-2-b completed her med exam Dec 30th at McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai. The hospital told her that the med report would not be finished for about 7-10 days, because they have to send out for some of the lab results and because they are closed for quite a week during the holidays. So, we don't have the medical report in hand as of yet.

However, my wife-2-B then stated that she thought the hospital told her that they would mail the completed med report directly to the Consulate in Thailand, instead of asking her to pick it up. Is this the normal process? I thought that the hospital would hand the report directly to her and then we would carry it with us to the interview.


I personally have never heard of this before. My understanding is that they give her a sealed envelope that she must bring to the interview, anyone else?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2007-01-05 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Big congrad to you guys and thanx Ultimoxo for the indept story of the interview.

My fiance inteview is coming up and she just got back from picking up her police report. She called me up after she got home after a 10 hours bus ride and said they made a mistake on her mom's D.O.B. with just a few days left till her interview there's no time to get it fix. The place closed down on the weekend and she'll have to travel to Thailand a couple days ahead cuz she'll have to pick up the correct vaccination record from the hospital. OMG we're freaking out right now. I just hope that it's not a big issue. Someone please tell me it's gonna be alright.

I just had Pao check her police certification, and it just had her passport number, no DOB of her or her parents. It's just a short statement to the effect that she is not have any behavior endagering the peace and order or the security of the state.

I would think that such certifications would be in some sort of standard format. The fact that your fiance's has her mothers DOB is confusing to me.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-24 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

You must be thrilled! I am so happy for you and your fiance. Thanks so much for the info on the interview, it makes me feel better :)


I think I'd take the police report and present it, along with the other letter you have, and chances are they wont even look at the birth date. I'd have the replacement already 'in the works' just in case.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-23 23:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Assembling this stuff for the interview is making us a bit crazy. They tell you to do stuff in packet 3 and then in Packet 4, they tell you to do it in a specific way. Example, the online DS-156 and the blanks we are all trying to figure out. They are adamant in Packet 4 about filling out every blank but no mention in packet 3 when they tell you to fill it out. We filled in the blanks that don't apply in pen with "Not Applicable" but I would like to just re-fill it out online. Does anyone know if doing it again online generates a different barcode and make any problems? I would like to just re-do it so as to be sure they don't have a problem with the blanks being filled in with pen. I may just do it again and bring both.

James, thanks for the info on the DS-230 Part II. They say in packet 4 that it is needed but do not include it. I will probably just fill that out too and bring it just in case.

Also, the 2 appointment letters they give are not listed on the order of documents, but I guess you just hand them both over before you hand in the documents.

It would be nice if they had K1-specific packets. The general forms lead to a lot of confusion.

This whole 'online' thing is so new, that I don't think anyone really knows the answers yet. Some items had to be left blank, such as 'pager phone number' because the online form only accepts numerical input in that field which has caused some confusion. My fiance has a "/" character in her address, but we could not put the "/" because the online form will not accept that character either.

I sent a question to the embassy on this issue and did not even get a reply, so I don't think they know either!

Everyone reading this thread that has a similar situation should also email them with these quesitons, perhaps someone will get lucky and get an answer?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-17 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

did anyone have their fiance sign any of the forms from packet 3 beside the checklist? Looks to me that all the forms will have to be sign infront of the cosular officer. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I signed DS-230 part I and returned it with the checklist. On the interview date, I signed DS-156 at home (I didn't see in the checklist that it's said "do not sign this form"). But I didn't sign DS-156k. I'm sure that it doesn't matter if you sign it or not before you hand the documents to the consulate. If not, the consulate will let you sign at the window anyway. :dance: :dance:

We got an insert with our packet 3 titled "New Immigrant Visa Processing Requirements" that instruct applicants to mail in the passport style photos and a photocopy of the photograph page of the applicants passport. My understanding is that these new proceedures went into effect on Nov 1, 2006.

Additionally, the visa application has to be completed online now and printed out with a barcode, (per instrucitons in packet 4).


Edited by TucsonBill, 16 December 2006 - 10:45 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-16 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

did anyone have their fiance sign any of the forms from packet 3 beside the checklist? Looks to me that all the forms will have to be sign infront of the cosular officer. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also I'm worry about the DS-156 electronic version. It's state that all questions must be answered or the interview will be cancel. I didn't filled out question #18: Spouse full name Can't put down None) and #19: Spouse D.O.B(cannot put in N/a or na, must be dd-mmm-yyyy) and also #16 I only put down her cell#. My fiance doesn't have the other numbers requested and it only takes numbers in all that requested boxes. Am I ok, should I be paranoid about it?

Pao signed both the checklist and the biographic data page and returned those with the photos and the copy of the photo page form her passport. The photo page of her passport showed and expired date, so we also included a photo copy of the page where she renewed her passport that has the revised expiration date.

Regarding the questions you believe you may have left 'unanswered', you DO have answers in those quesiton boxes, just not the 'parts' of the question boxes that you dont have numbers for etc. I did mine the same as you did yours and I don't believe it will be a problem. In a way, I guess I am glad that our interview is not until Jan 24th - hehe! I can see how others do before we have ours :)



Edited by TucsonBill, 16 December 2006 - 11:18 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-16 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Thanks for the link. It is strange they didn't send it. We will fill it out just in case.

did anyone have their fiance sign any of the forms from packet 3 beside the checklist? Looks to me that all the forms will have to be sign infront of the cosular officer. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My fiance signed the DS-230 Part I when we returned the checklist. The second part should be signed in front of the consular officer.

Also I'm worry about the DS-156 electronic version. It's state that all questions must be answered or the interview will be cancel. I didn't filled out question #18: Spouse full name Can't put down None) and #19: Spouse D.O.B(cannot put in N/a or na, must be dd-mmm-yyyy) and also #16 I only put down her cell#. My fiance doesn't have the other numbers requested and it only takes numbers in all that requested boxes. Am I ok, should I be paranoid about it?

I thought the same thing. I already got my barcoded version saved, so I was thinking of just writing in "Not Applicable" with a black pen.

These forms in packet 3 and 4 are a bit strange and not extremely well thought out. The letter that says that the DS-230 Part II is included also says to not to use the letters "N.A." and write "Not applicable" where appropriate on DS-230 Part II. At the top of DS-230 Part II, it says "Mark questions that are not applicable with a N/A"! I checked just in case and its the same version of the form that DS-230 Part I that they sent in Packet 3 was. Talk about confusion.

The online version of the form, will not accept the '/' (slash) character, and this may be the reason they say to write out 'not applicable'. I discovered the problem with the slash when we were trying to write Pao's address.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-16 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hum, no visa appointment schedule update this week, they're really slacking it seems. As of today, Friday Dec 15 its still showing the Dec 4th update:


TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-15 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Hi all!

Pao finally got her Packet 4 documents, so as before, she scanned the entire packet and I uploaded them in both the orginal TIF scan format and then the converted to PDF format, (PDF is a bit smaller for those of you on modems:


For scans of the complete packet 3 forms, see below:

Hey all, I have some information that may be useful. When Pao got her packet 3 from the US Embassy in Bangkok, we noticed that the forms were different than those posted on the embassy US Embassy website. The checklist is not included on the website, or the instructions in Thai, or the new requrement regarding sending the photographs or the passport photos in. Pao scanned both front and back of every document included in the actual packet received and I have posted them in TIF (high resolution scans) and in PDF format here:


These are the current packet 3 documents as of 11-07-2006

Hope this helps some of you.


Edited by TucsonBill, 13 December 2006 - 09:09 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-13 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
YAY! Finally - got our interview date, Jan 24th - that late in the month kinda sucks but at least we're on the schedule now :) We have our 'NON-legally binding ceremony set for Feb 17, and she WANTED to give 30 days advance notice to her employer, but she does not think it will be a problem that she wont be able to now... oh well!

Thanks everyone for your help and advice!



Edited by TucsonBill, 06 December 2006 - 10:49 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-06 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Ya. I sent one email after the first week trying to confirm receipt and they tried to say they had not recived it. I sent a second email after Pao got the name and date it was delivered (Nov 22) and they confirmed receipt - that was a week ago. I just fired off a 3rd but no reply yet.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-04 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Evolution, If I get a packet 4 at all, I also will upload the docs as Bill has done.

Thanx alot :thumbs:
Tomorrow will be week number 3 for our packet 4 and it's we will be in week number 6 for our packet 3. Man it's a good thing I sent in those downloaded version of packet 3, or else I won't be seeing our interview date anytime soon. I don't know if I should email them about packet 3 not being here yet and ask them how long will it take for packet 4 to arrive.

Now that's frustrating, you returned your packet 3 forms on Nov 15 and are STILL waiting for the interview date? Did you check to see if your BNK number showed up on the Ebassy website appointment schddule yet?


I was checking timelines for the Bangkok embassy for recent people who had interviews scheduled, and they normally received their intervew date about 10 days after they returned thier packet 3 forms. Now all the sudden we have people waiting upwards of 3 weeks? What gives? I'd send them an email to, put "2nd IV inquiry, BNKxxxxxxxxxx, NAME OF BENEFICIARY" on the subject line and ask them when you should expect your interview date.

This is very frustrating, here I though we'd made it to the last step of this process of getting her visa, and now they're slow as the CSC. Looks like these latest 'new proceedures' intended to speed things up, have had the exact opposite effect.

Maybe if I'd stayed in Thailand they'd have given me our interview date too.



Edited by TucsonBill, 04 December 2006 - 04:55 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-04 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
OK - As I noted earlier, it appears that the US Embassy in Bangkok honored my request to open a provisional file as Pao received her Packet 3, 4 days after I faxed the request, and I am fairly certain the file had not yet arrived from the NVC yet. It appears that she he got a second packet 3 when the file made it to Bangkok, and the packets differed ONLY SLIGHTLY. The second packet included a 'letter' personally address do Pao, (real name Sarewan) - in which I have blacked out the more personally identifiable information. The letter also lists her daugher, Sabrena, as she plans to accompany Pao.

The second item included in the second packet 3 that was not included in the first packet three, were the instructions for completing the visa application itself online as is required now, as it must be prited out with a bar code. Other new instructions, as indicated in my last post that were included in the first packet 3, regarded the mailing of the passport style photos along with photo copies of the photo pages of the passports for Pao and Sabrena, (and of course the checklist and biograhpic data forms).

Therfore, I have now updated my post of the packet 3 contents to include a copy of both addtional peices that came with the second packet 3 that were not included in the first packet 3 we received. Here are the links again:


The TIF archive are high resolution scans and is about 2.5 MB and the PDF archive (converted) is about 1.5 MB.


Edited by TucsonBill, 03 December 2006 - 10:59 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-03 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hey thanx a lot. Hopefully everything will be ok.

While I'm expecting the packet 4 to arrive here in the state right before the interview date. Does anyone have the packet 4 scan. I heard that packet 4 contain the list of order on how they wanted the paper works to be present. I've been reading that on the day of the interview, you have to turn in the application in. Are they talking about the packet 3 paperwork? At what window exactly, cuz I been getting mix messages. Some said it's window 1 and 2 and the other said at window 5 and 6. Which one, really. Just trying to get a head's up before time.


I am not sure how it works for Cambodia, but for Thailand, I posted the entire packet 3 contents to this thread a few pages back. I tried taking the packet 3 forms directly to the Embassy, but they would not accept them and said I had to mail them in so I sent them in via EMS (confirmed next day delivery). I have not gotten my packet 4 yet, but when it comes I'll post its contents as well.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-03 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

My fiancee will be traveling with her cousin who live and work in thai. I gave her the direction and number of the hospital and the post office name. And they're gonna find themselve a guide who will take them to places they needed to. Cost around $13 a day. How much does the hotel cost around there? I hope that she have enought money to travel though. Wow we just found out today that to go into Thai you'll need a visa or passport stamp at Phnom Penh. they said that should take about 3 days to get it back. Hopefully she'll get her visa by the time of the appointment.

One more thing does my fiancee need to get a Police Report done in thailand too? I just don't see any reason why. Someone on this thread mentioned to me about writing down the police station, us embassy, and etc. Just curiouse. man now that we got an interview date, days seems to be passing by quick. Don't have time to rest.

I stayed at the SC Park Hotel for around 1200 Baht or $30USD per nite, and it was pretty nice with air conditioning, and a very nice breafast buffet for about 150 Baht or $4USD. Any 'good' taxi knows where the US Embassy is, and can easily find the hospital too. You might as well have her go by and pay her visa fee at the post office too, $4000 Baht, or about $100 USD. She only needs to get police certifications from any country she has lived in, countries she's just visited on tourist visas dont count.


Edited by TucsonBill, 03 December 2006 - 03:46 AM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-03 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Ok, I'm gettting frustrated. We returned our Packet 3 forms on Nov 21, next day delivery, and still don't have a packet 4 or an interview date - what gives? To top it off, Tuesday, the day they normally update the appointment callendar on the website, is a Thai holiday, (Kings birhtday).


There, got that off my chest.



Edited by TucsonBill, 02 December 2006 - 10:51 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-02 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Does anyone still have the link to the embassy map? By looking at this map I got, I'm seeing Sukhumvit street on the south side of the Embassy. And looking at the address of the Bumrungrad hospital, I'm guessing that the hospital is somewhere near the Embassy, correct. Oh man so much stresses right now. Trying to figure out how to get my fiancee to go to Thailand to get her med done and to find out where the embassy location is before her interview date :( . It's tought on her right now, especially not knowing the language and never been to Thailand before. Just trying to find someone to take her there is a pain.

I gotta do something...

Get someone to write her taxi instructions in Thai on a piece of paper from the airport, and have the airport call her taxi. You can get a taxi all day for around 1500 B. You could also try hooking her up in a hotel with Cambodian employees. There are alot of Cambodians in Thailand, I'd think you could find someone to help her out with the language problem. Lots of Vietnamese too, if she speaks any Vietnamese.

I could as Pao if she knows anyone who speaks cambodian she could call if she gets stuck..



Edited by TucsonBill, 02 December 2006 - 08:30 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-12-02 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
PS it's kinda strange, after she got the first packet3 (the one I uploaded) she got a second packet 3 that had the instructions to do the visa application online, the first packet 3 did not have those instructions.

I actually faxed a 'request for provisional file' - just for the heck of it to the Bangkok Cosular Secton, and the first packet 3 she got came 4 days later from the Embassy, the second packet she got came from the US... strange?

I know they are not supposed to be honoring requests for provisional files anymore, but it appears they did :P If we had waited till we got the US packet, it just came a couple of days ago.

It seems that not all of the Embassys know they are not supposed to do provisional files anymore or something.... maybe thats because so many other websites have not been updated and alot of people do it anyway...


Edited by TucsonBill, 30 November 2006 - 09:34 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-11-30 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2


Good point.

We never actually received the package three...we just downloaded the forms from the web. TucsonBill or anyone else who actually received the Packet 3 from the consulate, is there information in that package which states how current the police report must be (3 or 6 months)? I can't find that information on the web...



I uploaded scans of the entire packet 3 contents a few pages back on this thread. I just re-read the insructions, and all they say is not to send in the check list until you first obtain everything on it, including the police report(s) (more than one may be necessary if the applicant has resided in other countries or has been arrested in any other countries). It does not say how current they should be, but I assume from the languge that the date of the report should be after you receive the instructions to get one and before you actually send in the check list. Pao's police report only took about a week and a half, she paid like 40 baht (about a dollar) for EMS (next day) delivery once it was issued.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-11-30 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hey, is there an advantage to filling out the online DS-156 as opposed to filling in the barcoded one in packet 3 and taking it to the interview? I don't quite understand the difference.

The online version of the DS-156 is now required by the US embassy in Bangkok. My fiancee had to rush and do the online one because we found out about it just the day before her interview!

Anyone buy this PIN and visa appointment service subscription?

The PIN and visa appointment service is for non-Immigrant visa applicants only, and not used for K-1 visas. This is due to the fact that the embassy schedules the K-1 appointments for you, you cannot schedule them yourself.

How in the heck did you get your interview so fast anyways?? hehe


NEVER MIND - I see 'military expedite' :P

Edited by TucsonBill, 29 November 2006 - 11:47 PM.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-11-29 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Also we have tried various ways of getting the field to accept the numuber such as 00 000 0000 and 66 00 000 000 and even +66 00 000 0000 - no matter how we enter the number it wont accept it. It wont accept leaving the space blank, it wont accent N/A or none - its like the field will not accept anything we put into it and wont allow us to progress to the next page without filling it in - crazy!!
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-11-29 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Is anyone else having problems with the new online DS-156? When Pao goes to enter her address, part of it is "49/76" but the field wont accept slashes, so she had to write "49 slash 76", also in the business phone number field all she is entering is numbers, and it rejects the numbers and says "invalid entry- the business phone number field can only contain the following characters : A-Z, 0-9 $, ?, period,apostrophe,hyphen,and space" and numbers are all she is putting. It won't let her advance to the next page until she compltes the current page - what a nightmare!
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-11-29 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!! friday the 13th
Great News, and Have a Blessed Journey.
moondancer627Not TellingCanada2006-10-14 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED

Ok, Here it is..... YAY!!!! It's about damn time lol Let's hope the rest of this process goes alittle faster.

Receipt Number: WAC**********

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On October 10, 2006, an approval notice was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.

We'll be praying for everyone else.


Did you ever receive an email stating that your RFE was received back or did you just receive the notice of the NOA2? CONGRATS~!

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-11 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy RFE - Wants more evidence

I solemnly swear, for my own sanity, that I will not record every touch received.

I've always wondered when I see this, how does not recording every touch received help you maintain sanity since I bet you check for them 5 times a day anyway? :P

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-10 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy RFE - Wants more evidence

Maybe less is more after all.

I agree .... I sent my inbound/outbound boarding passes, corresponding passport stamps, and three pictures.

Hello what additional proof did you send it -- I recently reiceived RFE and they asked for more evidence and fiancee BCertificate-- I am planning on sending my engagemenet ring recipt more pictures and his BC what do you think--

My RFE actuyally went into a little bit more detail and specifically requested copies of my bank and credit card statments showing purchases and withdrawls in Thailand. Did yours request more evidence of having met in the past 2 years or more evidence of relationship?

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-10 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy RFE - Wants more evidence

Go Bill, GO!!! You're going to have that approval in no time, now. I just know it!! Send that thing back in!! Easy, peasy!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: Can't wait to read the good news that I'm sure is soon on its way!! :D :D :D

I hope so! Thanks for the vote of confidene :D Now, any suggestions on how to answer my RFE - hehe!! I just posted a new topic :)

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-06 01:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy RFE - Wants more evidence

Oh, I should've posted my comments here instead of there...

I don't understand. You sent all of that information and then got an RFE for you to clarify the unsolicited information you sent? And this is good? And you encourage others to do the same?

Did you know that Adjudicating Officers are required to look at (and then vet and evaluate) every item that you send in? Did you know that sometimes the evidence raises more questions than it answers?

More than one person who have used immigration attorneys have said that they were told to 'bury them' with evidence.

Clearly thre are two schools of thought on this. I am of the opinion that it depends on a factors to which we are not privy, which may include different standards being applied depending on the country of the beneficiary, or just the particular opinion of the person reviewing the case. I suspect a combination of both. I honestly don't see how anything I sent would have sent up any kind of 'red flag'.

I figure if you send them every scrap of evidence you have, it leaves them nothing else to ask for. The fact that Tom had to use a Priority Mail "BOX" to send all of his "evidence" and was approved in less than 30 days, is proof enough for me that it does not 'slow the process down' when you send alot of information to them.

TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-06 00:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy RFE - Wants more evidence
Tom sent a priority mail BOX of evidence of meeting in person and got approval in less than 30 days, here is what I sent:

copies of my airline tickets, receipts and itenerarry
copies of my hotel receipts
copies of my luggage tags
copies of my boarding passes
copies of my receipt for the engagement ring
copies of my passport with Thailand stamps
4 photos of us together

All this was sent for 2 trips I made to Thailand in April and July of 2006

The RFE specifically requests copies of bank statements or credit card statements showing withdrawals and purchases made in Thailand that include my name, location and full date.

I don't care what anyone says MORE EVIDENCE IS BETTER, THE MORE THE BETTER!

Maybe some of you have been approved with less than what I sent, and maybe it depends on who the person who is assigned to your case, maybe other factors play a role, but I am convinced beyond doubt that to send 'too much' is way better than not to send enough!

I will be posting this to the RFE thread also.

They also want more details on how we actually met.


PS I AM THRILLD THAT THIS IS ALL THEY NEED :D (unless I get another RFE :unsure: )
TucsonBillMaleThailand2006-10-05 19:36:00