CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Grilled some short ribs Korean bbq style last night. Served it with angel hair pasta, as I did not have the time to go to the store to get some rice noodles. It was pretty good!

Tonight, we will have the left overs :D
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-18 06:48:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Krikit, Eggspectations is a good restaurant! Its super pricey (like 4 dollars for a itty-bitty glass of OJ, but freshly squeezed OJ!). There is one in Columbia that's awesome with wonderful service if you are interested ;)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-12 15:24:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Krikit -- it went up until the 80's in Baltimore Tues and Wed and maybe Thurs? I know it was so cool yesterday and pretty cool today. AND there's some good kielbassa around here! I've had luck just grabbing one of those pre-sealed packages at the local supermarket. If you are going to be near DC, lots of specialty shops there where you can get really good ones!

So tonight we are having friends over and I am serving some Asian inspired foods -- fried wantons for appetizer, beef sukiyaki and chicken with cashew for mains... and cupcakes for dessert :lol: Im kind of annoyed because the wanton wrapper I bought is obviously of low quality -- they are so dry and won't seal, so I dont think the cream cheese wantons (which I folded and "sealed" with toothpicks) will turn out okay :(
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-10 13:17:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
It is too hot to cook! I was planning on making alfredo tonight, but I cant stay in the kitchen without melting, so forget that. Just called the hubby to ask him to drive to the store and get a pack of hotdogs and a bag of fries! Yay for junk food!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-08 17:29:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We went to an Irish pub today and I had a "french dip" -- roast beef sandwhich and this yummy dipping sauce. I have been limiting carbs in my diet to lose weight, but I totally lost it today as I didn't eat until last night. But I'm glad to have lost the carb battle today to that sandwhich cause it was gooood...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-31 20:39:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Went to dinner at the local Irish pub for a belated celebration of my MIL's birthday -- born on St. Patrick's day.

I had something called a Seafood Rachel, which I thought was fish and chips... but it was battered fish sandwhich... on some dark bread with coleslaw and mayo. It was bizarre but pretty good. I actually ate the whole thing :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-20 21:33:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I sauteed frozen spinach with garlic and dried herbs and added marinara sauce and ricotta cheese to form this gooey but yummy spinach sauce to toss pasta in!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-14 19:48:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We went up to my in-laws' tonight bec my nephew (in-law) was staying for the night. MIL served burgers and fries, as the little redhead devil wanted it.

Anyway, when dinner was ready, he ran to the kitchen, plopped on the nearest seat, all excited for his burger. I went, aren't you going to wash your hands. He looks at me with big, wide, innocent eyes, burger in hand, and goes "its too late now... I touched the burger!". He then starts wolfing down his burger and suddenly stops and tells me in a super serious voice, "besides, I will wash my hands after." LOL! I love my little nephew.

I did eat a bit of salad to try and offset the bad food ;)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-13 21:48:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Lately Ive been too busy to cook a proper dinner... I would just throw in potatoes in the oven to roast :P Hehe lame.

But tonight Im going to grill some chicken marinated in oregano and olive oil and melt some fresh mozzarella on it and then top it with fresh basil. I plan to also serve penne tossed with cherry tomatoes, basil and mozzarella chunks.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-11 17:02:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Oh no Carla :( Hope you heal soon so you can go back to yummy foods!

Tonight I am debating on making vegetarian lasagna or garlic chicken and roasted potatoes. Since Ive been craving potatoes, it might be the latter.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 08:37:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I got so lazy, just diced some yellow potatoes, threw them in a super hot oven and roasted them til crispy and tender. And then I ate ice cream.

God the carbs...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-02 20:38:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Me too! Its pretty good, and will ensure I will have major fiber this week.

For tonight's dinner though, I am making chicken pot pie. Bought the shells because it takes too long to make them... but making the filling using all the chicken and veggie left overs this week. Planning to serve it with a side of broccoli and cauliflower heads sauteed with garlic and chili flakes
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-28 17:00:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I roasted chicken breast that was marinated in olive oil and oregano and served it with roasted baby reds and bell peppers.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-27 20:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Just made eggplant parmesean and homemade chicken fingers (ran out of chix breast so half were made with left over mahi mahi... hehehehehehe!)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 18:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Breaded chicken and roasted potatoes. By the way this day is going, Im gonna need some carbs...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-23 11:20:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tossed some whole wheat pasta with cherry tomatoes, fresh basil leaves and chunks of mozzarella cheese.

Sapphire and Marilyn: I make cilantro rice a little different -- I just use white rice (heat it up if Im using left overs), toss finely chopped cilantro, lime juice, lime rind and salt and a bit of pepper and it's pretty yummy! Ive never thought of cooking the herbs in the rice... but maybe Ill try it.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-22 19:12:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

Making garlic bread and spaghetti tonight.

Last night's falafel was a fail. I kind of knew that was going to happen... I only had canned chickpeas on hand. I'll try again next weekend.

GASP. FALAFEL??? Share your recipe, yo!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-20 21:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I made french toast and cheese omelette tonight! And got lazy and made hot coco from the packet.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-20 21:16:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight I am going to fry up some bacon and toss the left-over pasta on the fat... and crumble the bacon on top. Its really horrible and fattening, but the hubby can use a few good lb's... And Im going to make a very big salad for me and the MIL. Being snowed in is not good for the hips!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 09:56:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

Oh hey... i'll come over for some of that!!! I swear, I am an awesome dinner guest!

You can definitely visit me when you are here! Hopefully the snow will met and we can relocate home. Shouldnt take more than a year :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-09 20:39:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight I'm making dinner for the family as they have adopted us as we wait for the ice to thaw in our house :P

I am making a simple alfredo sauce and toss fresh tagliatelle in it. I am also making chipotle chicken tacos and guacamole salsa.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-09 15:04:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We have evacuated the home front because of the weather and are at the in-law's. She made the best pizza -- homemade pizza dough and all, and of course I had to have that and some home made ice cream. I knew it was a great idea to come here in the middle of a snow storm!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-05 21:12:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight we are having mac and cheese, stuffed tomatoes and just cut veggies on the side!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-04 08:06:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I am baking pizza-chicken! Pizza only I am using chicken breast for the crust. Also tossed some potatoes and butternut squash in the oven. The house smells sooooooooooooooo good.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-03 19:53:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I made salmon and glazed it with soy-maple syrup... but the syrup burnt in the oven :( The salmon was still yummy, even after the mad frenzy to un-smoke the house. Served my fish with whole wheat penne with some really good marina from Costco and vegetables.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-02 20:59:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Doh! I should have re-checked the poster -- it was Krikit who got chicken (which she said for roasting) at WF for $4.99! Hehe sorry!

Oooh I want waffles too! But we dont have a waffle maker. Maybe in the future...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-31 15:40:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight Im making fancy breakfast food for dinner! Planned to do it last night but Maryland had a sudden onslaught of snow and got stuck at my in-law's instead (safer driving there than braving the city when hubby works so close to their house). She was having a dinner party and served beef tenderloin... so I didnt mind.

So our dinner will be ham and cheese wrapped in puff pastry, cinnamon sticky buns, and grown-up iced tea.

TM: $4.99 for a whole chicken at Whole Foods? OMG.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-31 15:28:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight, the husband and I are going out to dinner... literally. We are gonna walk to the neighborhood pizza pub and pig out on grease. Problem is, I just stuck my head out and realized its below freezing out. Bah.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-29 17:17:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Sprailenes: do you make your veggie burgers? If so, share the recipe :D

Tonights menu is potato soup, ham and cheese biscuit and grilled cheese sandwhich for the working husband.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-28 11:55:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight Im making salmon cakes and whole grain pasta tossed with herbs.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-27 08:57:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We are finally having some chicken tacos tonight. Ive been trying to make this dinner since last Sunday... but we never did bec of hubby's work.

Am making some guacamole and fresh salsa. And I thought Id make some iced tea too. Yumyumyum.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-24 17:10:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

male servers with honey balls? :o

WELL...the male servers prolly had honey balls... :devil:

But the ones I had I actually got from a bakery. They were like timbits oozing with honey.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-22 21:28:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Oh man, I miss the Danforth area... there is this little Greek restaurant at Pape I think and they have the best gyros and the hottest male servers :D And oh the honey balls... YUMMM.

Tonight Im making chicken tacos for dinner. Headed to the food store to grab the tacos after this!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-22 15:36:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight the hubby is attending a networking event for work, and wont be home for dinner. Was planning to make fish and veggies steamed in foil packets then hubby reminded me of his little shindig.

So itll be leftovers... or cookies....

HMMmmmmMMmm...... COOKIES!!!!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 15:33:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We are having oven roasted salmon tonight. I think I will serve it with pasta tossed with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-20 15:43:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight Ill be grilling some tilapia and making some steamed veggies... thought to serve them with whole grain pasta but maybe Ill take on Krikit's dinner advice and serve them with garlic butter rice!

Edited by darkchilde794, 19 January 2010 - 08:19 AM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-19 08:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Hmm cant say for a lot of other Filipinos, but I dont eat a lot of hotdogs.

Im no expert in the Philippine gastronomy, and I dont remember far enough to really know market prices there, but I suspect that one of the reasons hotdogs were originally added in the Filipino spaghetti recipe is probably because meat used to be expensive in the country. The country is more known for seafoods being enclosed by the Pacific Ocean. Hotdogs also add to the over all body of the sauce.

The balance between sweet and tart is the hallmark of Filipino spaghetti anyway, not really the hotdogs, and I think with easier access to foreign beef products, people add regular ground beef now a days :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-18 21:53:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

so tomorrow's dinner is going to be Filipino Spaghetti.... I have never had it before but I have heard from a few people that is good...

I still need to find a recipe though.. I know the basic ingredients , tomato sauce, banana ketchup, ground meat, hot dogs, garlic, brown sugar... yes I know that sounds a little bizarre but I am going to try it anyways :P

although instead of ground meat I was thinking of using the meatballs I have frozen in the freezer...

Filipino spaghetti FTW!!!!!!!!!!! It is soooo yummy. I can never find banana ketchup around here so a good sub is just white sugar. And lots and lots of garlic. And hotdogs!!! My grandma also adds a bit of tomato paste, so the final sauce is both tart and sweet. SIGH, I want some :P

Rhiann: Why not try cooking for you and your fiance? Buy groceries enough for the two of you and cook every other night... My husband hates to try new things and hates left-overs (stoooopid, I know). So I made an agreement with him that if he tries new things, I will try my best to only cook for 2 no matter how impossible it is. And Ive done so since moving here.

Tonight hubby and I wont be home til really late so I will just throw some pizza in the oven. Too lazy to make my own dough, but did make some marina over the weekend.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-18 07:35:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Marilyn -- Ive made a menu for this week too! Its a challenge to stick to it, but Im really able to bring down our grocery bill and stick to healthy foods.

Tonight's dinner is creamy spinach lasagna, which I will be starting so I can stick it in the oven by dinner time, after I make some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-17 13:12:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Undid my 5k run by eating 3 slices of Papa Johns. It was good though.

And now Im hungry :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-17 00:24:00