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Yea we've been watching a lot of HGTV lately. Just getting ideas and stuff.

Just wanted to add (and I obviously have not gone through the previous posts...)... don't forget your tax credit for closing a house before April 2010!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-23 11:22:00
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Just wanted to throw in my experience with the DL and SSN because I had to deal with those agencies this week. UGH. Both refuse to give me either a full driver's license (I have a temp one that expires in 45 days) or a new SSN with my married name, because I had a SSN in my maiden name. So both are saying wait til immigration updates you (ie. makes it known for all the US agencies that me as the married person and me as the single person, are one and the same). But will that happen??? We shall see...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-20 21:21:00
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Hello friends! Happy Valentine's Day to all!!! :)

Last night my BIL, the WIL and my most wonderful nephew came over. The WIL was her usual witchy self and her demeanor pretty much "glummed" down the entire dinner. However, my nephew and I had sooo much fun. He and I made a bet on Wii bowling -- winner gets to tickle loser for a full minute. I had no idea this boy was such a Wii bowling wiz -- hit 5 strikes and cleared up all his spares. He banked a 202 and tickled me for a minute! And afterward he sat beside me and we snuggled while we watched the other grown ups play. God I love him!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-14 08:04:00
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Hello everyone! Today is the second anniversary of my husband's grandmother death. So the MIL and the rest of the family are taking his grandfather (who is turning 90 this year!) to watch the Valentine's Day and for dinner at a local restaurant. The best part? The WIL isnt going to be there. *pumps fists in air!*

Anyway am really excited to get out of the house after the snow calamity that fell on Maryland...

Edited by darkchilde794, 12 February 2010 - 10:43 AM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-12 10:41:00
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You make me laugh (I mean that in a good way) :lol:

Aww, Im glad I made you laugh :) I love to make people laugh! :D
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-11 15:23:00
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Thank you Reven :) I work part time and was super lucky to have such arrangement made way before I moved to the US, and just had to wait for the stooopid EAD for me to sign the contract. Good thing EAD came in just in time!

Wyatt/Krikit: Awww :( Moving is very stressful and fights do happen. Im all moved in to Baltimore now but I still picked several fights with the hubby this week bec of my move. I know, doesnt relate really. But he wanted to move to Baltimore and thus I had to move to Baltimore and the snow in Baltimore made it impossible to live there this week and now Im mad at him for deciding to live there.

... yes, it confuses him too when I explain things...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-11 13:04:00
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Trailmix, you need to take the snow back to Canada :P

We got about 22 inches of snow just yesterday plus approximately 30 from last weekend :P

I just got hired to teach last Monday and Ive basically only worked 3 days bec of all the snow that came... school is closed until next Monday! How is that for a bright new semester?

Carla, that is the sweetest surprise ever! Gene is such a sweetie!

Well I seriously went and shovelled today -- I typically just stand around and take pictures of everyone, but I unearthed or unsnowed the cars and the neighbors' cars just because I needed to be outside and bake in the sun! I did meet my in-laws' neighbors' dog, Bailey. He is the most behave, sweetest, handsomest black lab ever!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-11 12:09:00
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Minnew, that is such an awesome chocolate gift!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 22:10:00
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*Whew* what a day!! Tim's sister and brother in law's house caught fire this morning. It was in the attic, over the living room, and by the chimney. My brother in law said as soon as he saw all that smoke, he called 911. Good thing, as the house can be fixed, it will take a while. I'm just glad they're ok, and it happened when they were awake, and not asleep.

OMG! Hope everyone is safe. That is sad news :(
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 21:58:00
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Its still snowing... and snowing... :P

My in-laws' neighbor Mr. Brown has gone over the long shared driveway with his snow blower 4x today. I think hes sooo bored out of his mind that he'd rather be out in the cold with a "purpose" than at home on the couch :P

I dont blame him... Ive checked my email at least twenty times in the last hour... :/
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 16:39:00
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I know right! As Im typing, I want to report that I can actually hear the wind rumbling outside...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 10:05:00
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TM: I think Im energetic because Ive been basically eating and sleeping nonstop in the middle of this snow storm! Theres nothing else to do :lol: I go to bed at 9 pm and get up at 8 am!!!

There IS that occasional shovelling... but I dont really shovel. I stand there and play with the snow, taking pictures of my husband, hehehehe. My reasoning: we women do all the birthing, so its only fair that the men do the shovelling!

Minnew: Congratulations on your work!!! Best of luck to ya!

Flames: They are saying in the news that we might lose power today :( Glad you are home safe!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-10 09:54:00
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You got it ;) :thumbs:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-09 21:16:00
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Whoa, lots of things happened while I was gone!

Its snowing soo hard right now! :(


Wyatt: Goodluck!!!

Lgg: I completely agree, I HATE winter. I thought I wont have to deal with too much winter moving back to Baltimore, but boy was I wrong :P And its not even snowing in TO :P

Krikit: Well, pretty soon youd be joining us snowed in peeps! :P

TM: Whoa, thats a lot of places! How did you end up in Singapore? Seems really far away! :P

Marilyn: Damn thats a good place to work in... :o
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-09 20:45:00
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Gah J&K, your boss is crazy. I bet he's at home not working right now :P

The college is close and it looks like I will be work-less til next Mon... (with all the additional snow coming). But the hubby had to work on Sunday (bec he couldnt on Sat) and the whole week. Tax season sucks.

Sprailenes: I dont shovel too. Its a man's job. Like giving birth is a woman's job. I think its fair :P

Finally got my pics uploaded in this uber slow computer. It was a big snow storm :P;l=25ccaac725
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-09 12:52:00
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Hope you feel better Carla *hugs*

Maybe Vancouver can take some of our snow. My city is in a state of snow-carnage :P Hubby and I tried to come back yesterday and could not find a place to park. Ended up parking at a shopping mall almost 2 miles away. Its not a far distance and we certainly can do 2 mile walks easily, but hiking up the snow is haaard! I will post the pics of it in a little while.

And the good people of Maryland has done some job at clearing off the snow, except on merge ramps. Hubby and I were fine driving I-95 until we merged to 70 -- the ramp was ICED!

J&K -- My MIL told me that the snow is starting at 10 am on Tues and not ending til Wed. We will never leave our in-laws' in that case :P Gah, I hope your hubby has been resting :P We will def see more pics of him lifting snow!

Derek -- those are some crazy pics!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-08 08:12:00
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That would be John...the other half of J&K :D :lol:

It is a man's job :P

Gah, we are getting more snow too girl!

I told my husband last night that when I was packing to leave for Maryland, I had left all my snow boots and really, really good snow coats to my sister in TO. Told her, "It never snows there, I dont need these."

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-07 15:02:00
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So the snow in DC et al.....

[*]Why did they close schools, offices, etc long before the snow started falling? :unsure:

So everyone can get off and raid the supermarket for eggs, milk, bread, dairy and toilet paper.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-07 14:18:00
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I'm pretty amazed that they haven't officially closed Federal agencies. My wife was quite amused yesterday that there was no mail service for her building. She understood why, but then uttered the USPS motto: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."

There must have been a loophole in there somewhere. :P

Funny but my husband's parents' mailman got through yesterday and delivered a bunch of ads/junk mail. My FIL went, "well that was a complete waste of the mailman's time..." During the last two snow storms (yesterday and last December), the mail has arrived, which really is commendable. At least their mailman is!

So when I was in school, I would rejoice at school cancellations because its instant vacation! But now that I have crossed on the other side, these closures are stressing me out :P I already lost one class last Friday and just found out the school is close on Monday too... And then of course, there is a storm coming on Tuesday which will affect Wednesday classes... :unsure:

Anyway off to shovel more snow. We are hoping to be able to come home today. I think its nicer to be snowed in your own house :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-07 10:51:00
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Yeah, my wife left work quite early today because of it. Pretty crazy...two feet of snow! :wow:

My husband's work closed too! And they announced they are close tomorrow... but that everyone needs to work from home :P

I just looked out the window -- cant see the ground anymore!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-05 17:04:00
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Sprailenes: Congratulations to the little guy! Wooohooo! Interesting that you mentioned that Ethan's previous teachers wanted to classify him as ADD... I was watching a PBS documentary of how little kids get put on medication because they are "uncontrollable" in school, and teachers/doctors dont try to figure out if its cause they are bored or prolly overhyped with overly-sugared foods, etc. Glad Ethan found a stimulating program where he can be himself!

Wyatt: Yeah, I realized how potent those bars are.... I only have one now. *feet*
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-04 20:41:00
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I made some oatmeal scones and they are so good. Damn good that Im on my second piece. These scones are supposed to be my "healthy high fiber" breakfast, but at the rate Im going, it might not last til tomorrow... *pat self*
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-04 16:03:00
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I had a taste of those coffee creamery with hazelnut flavor. OMG, why have I never tried those out before??? It was sooo good.

Thanks for the coffee Carla!!!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-04 08:49:00
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My husband informed me that he is going to iron his work shirts today. I usually do the ironing but bec of the random blizzard last night, we ended up at the in-laws and I hadnt caught up with all the chores until now. And now Im about to make dinner.

So husband is going to do his own ironing! He must really dread it because in putting off the ironing, hes done 2 loads of laundry, re-filed the filing cabinet, eaten a BIG snack, fixed the stairs and shoveled all the snow off our front door/porch.

I find that ironing 5 work shirts will take a quarter of the time than doing any of those... Poor baby. :lol:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-31 17:42:00
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And kittens. :unsure:

Not to mention sugar and spice.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-29 14:28:00
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Hahaha I'm convinced my wife is trying to kill me, she bought some insanely healthy pasta yesterday that had 20 grams of friggin fiber per serving and I had 2.5 for dinner. My stomach was seriously speaking to me in thirteen different languages while I was watching TV and letting my ferret sleep on my chest. She kept looking up at me, rather annoyed I do believe, as her little ears couldn't take the conversation my stomach was trying to have with her hahaha


My husband was mad at me sometime last week bec I made a batch of oatmeal cookies which he ate half a dozen of. Then right after, I served whole grain pasta for dinner. He said his stomach is on strike...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-29 12:08:00
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I'm not sure, my mother did tell me that women don't have gas and don't sweat...

Absolutely. We perfume... and glow.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-29 10:14:00
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Goodmorning everyone!

Thank you Carla for the coffee!

Yesterday was the first time Ive had coffee in months... and maybe Im imagining things but I think it caused me to be up all night. Of course getting my EAD approval might have done that too:P Anyway hope everyone has a good Friday and weekend :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-29 08:05:00
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I am kind of psyched because my weight seems to be going down, slowly but surely :D .. I am hoping to lose about 15 to 20 pounds by the summer... i need to lose more but that is my goal right now...

I am not doing anything special.. I just try to watch how much I eat and I try to drink mainly water...

I am so jealous and happy for you! Weight loss is soooo hard. Ive been trying and so far Im stuck at the same weight. I am not very good at watching what I eat but Ive been working out a lot. Hmm maybe I should start watching what I eat...

Anyway congratulations! :thumbs:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-26 15:34:00
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Well, I consulted with my wife and decided to go for it. :D

Some folks will see this as foolish, but...meh. I'd pay $300 for five days with my wife ANY time.

Wise decision! Just factor in the emotional cost of being apart and youve already paid off that 300...

Edited by darkchilde794, 21 January 2010 - 10:05 PM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 22:05:00
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Good gravy!! You wouldn't believe how far back I had to read just to find out why Reven had a #######!!! :jest:

Oh you didnt know???

Thats whats holding the baby in place... ;)

Just kidding!!!! :lol:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 17:55:00
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Holymoly... I just had a big scare :P

Earlier in December, I took my neighbor's package off the street (literally) as the idiots from the post office left it on their doorstep. Turns out it was their wedding pictures and when the dude picked it up, I invited him and the wife for dinner (so we can finally make friends *CHEER!!!*).

Anyway he wrote a thank you card and slid it inside the door slit thing. We have a regular wooden door and a glass door in front of it, and our door has that mail thing on the bottom. Nobody uses that as we have a regular mailbox beside our door.

So while washing dishes, I suddenly hear a bunch of clattering sound by the front door. I -KNEW- the husband was off at his event so I knew it wasnt him... And I wasnt expecting anyone. So I thought I was being burglarized :P Then I saw the mail thing move and I got even more scared.

Of course, rather than stand closer to the back door and prepare for an exit, should it be a real robbery, I just stand in front of the front door, eyes wide open, in my pink bunny slippers, with a soapy hand holding a fork :P

Anyway when the card was slid into the house, I picked it up, opened the door and stuck my head outside. Smart :P *pats self*

Me and the neighbor gotta clarify some rules over dinner for sure.

Edited by darkchilde794, 21 January 2010 - 05:42 PM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 17:41:00
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Yes, I'm sure bringing them a used, pre-peed pregnancy test will make for a great first impression. :P

Dont just bring one stick... those are only 90-something % accurate, might still have an x% doubt...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 15:42:00
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No x-ray if you are pregnant, so dont worry! I think Zansgirl is right, you get a diff test. But you gotta let them know you are pregnant right away (might need to bring proof just so no hassle?).
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 15:35:00
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Yes congrats on the house, BUT wait for the house inspection,lol One has to be prepared to walk away if they find too many things to fix and the sellers wont fix or give you $$ back to fix them! And ensure one finds a good home inspector, believe me they are hard to find! One should never use 1 that ur Realtor recommends! Was a report on 20/20 or 60 minutes yrs ago about how these realtors (yes not all,lol) and the home inspectors were in it together! So the home inspectors woul dpretty much only pick up minor problems, and overlook the big things as they didnt want to loose the deal. no deal, no $$$ for the realtors!! Not saying this happens a lot, but from my research, visiting home forums, they say its best to find ur own. And then research some of the findings! I made the mistake in one of my residences where the home inspector stated the place had certain piping (can't spell it, sorry,lol) and that it wasnt the greatest but was ok. Well guess what, if Ihad did a simple Google search on that piping, i would have found out that it was a HUGE problem!! So partially my fault that i didn't do the research, but he wasn't exactly honest either. keep in mind, a Home Inspector can only inspect what he sees! As well ensure you do a Good inspection! TAKE UR TIME, going through the house. Seen it on soo many forums were people just rush through the house in all the excitement! Sorry to say,the excitement does wear off, and when u look closer, it is too late! If ya have kids, leave them with a babysitter and take ur time going through each room! As well one should visit the area at different times of the day/week if you can. Best of luck

Yes, making sure that you have your own inspector is important!

Also, another advice (sorry!) is to look at the neighborhood at night and during the weekends. Just to see how it goes and how things are... things arent the same during the day. Also, note your neighbors too, that is pretty important in the grand scheme of things. Hope your inspection goes well! GOODLUUUUCK!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 08:12:00
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Huggles! Congratulations on your house!!! Man, howd I miss that :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-21 07:54:00
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Haha All someone has to do now is buy a Barbie Doll and take the clothes off, pretty much exactly what she looks like too. Heck the Barbie Doll is probably 35% less plastic Lol.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-20 10:31:00
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Hmm, its actually a package of shampoo for my mom :P So Im not too stressed out about it. BUT, I sent it using one of those boxed things thats a flat rate or something and she said I had no tracking :/ Oh well. If we dont hear from them for another 5 days, I can get 100 dollars...?

So yesterday while at the William and Sonoma outlet, I picked up a small jar of Gingerbread Butter. OMG. Its sooo delicious. I am eating it as we speak and it is sooo damn good. I wish I had bought more.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:50:00
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Bah.. they wouldn't do it for me this am...

I hate my post office.. :angry:

GASP I didnt know I can insist for a tracking number. The person said I couldnt do it and wont give me a tracking number too.

Hope your package doesnt get lose Emancipation.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-19 12:14:00
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Thanks Carla!

Awww Krikit *hugs* It will be fun when you are in DC! You and your hubby can come to my house for dinner!

Today is my husband's second day for this year's tax season. Hes already been at work for an hour and he'll be staying there til 8 tonight. Its not like he's being deployed or going out of town or anything, but I really do miss him when he does long hours. I know. Im whiny AND selfish :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-01-19 08:37:00