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Got back from celebrating Easter at my PIL's house. It was wonderful! We have food good enough for another week -- she sent me home with HALF a turkey breast :P Really awesome day, played with the kids and ate lots of candies. The only crutch to the day is the future WIL. Man, I dont know what I did to her, but she was a complete b*tch to me. But I took everyone's advice and remained super sweet and friendly to everyone, ignored her, didnt even try to talk to her at all (just to BIL and my nephew). And she got even madder. It was awesome :P I think Im going to do this all the time now! :D
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-04 19:50:00
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Today finally ended, thank god. It was sooo bad in sooo many levels. Spring break + holding classes on the day BEFORE spring break = NIGHTMARE

But tomorrow we are headed to DC to the tidal basin to see the cherry blossoms after my hubby gets off work. We are going to walk around the area (assuming we can) and then grab a nice dinner or so. While waiting for him, I'm going to make cupcakes that I promised my MIL to bring for her party for Saturday.

AND I am ESPECIALLY happy that hubby only needs to work for two more Saturdays!!! I finally get to reclaim him back from tax season :dance:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-02 19:55:00
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Sprailenes -- I live a short 20 minute walk from the aquarium! You are totally in my town!

Anyway just wanted to pop in and say hi and night! Long day today and likely another long one tom :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-30 20:23:00
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The sink installation is finally complete! Thank god as I was about to go to my in-law's house too hehe.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-29 20:09:00
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Well the sink is 98% complete. Hubby and FIL found out that the original pipe from the old sink won't work with the new sink... all after already going to the hardware store. So hubby is going to finish the installation today. It sucks not having a sink at all, but it is very pretty and almost there!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-28 21:10:00
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In my experience there is a lot of swearing that goes on with this type of installation :lol:

Anyway hope it goes well and they are finished soon!

I am sure there were a lot of swearing from them :D

Finally was able to use the washroom too *CHEER*. Hubby and FIL removed the old sink and put in the new one, and are testing the water line. I am hoping that the entire thing will be complete by the end of the day! :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-28 15:29:00
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So the hubby decided to change our sink/vanity today, for good reason too, as our old one is just horrible and it leaks. My FIL used to work in construction (retired now) and came over to help him. Our original plan was, my MIL and I were going out, leaving the boys to do the hard work, but she is sick and so she stayed home. Anyway, no complaints or anything, I am enjoying snuggling in bed and catching up on TV shows etc. The problem is, I need... NEED... -NEEED- to pee so badly :wacko: :D SIGH. At some point, I will have to make them leave the bathroom and turn the water on, I guess :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-28 13:53:00
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It's been super cold the past few days here, I can't imagine that the blossoms would be out in full glory for like at least another week. I think that my lavender has died since it got so freaking cold the lats couple of days. Now that is sad to me.

The weather forecast predicts that it will be warm next week! I am so excited!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-28 11:53:00
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We are going next Saturday and just braving the crowds. Last time we came a bit too late and all the blooms were gone... and I worry with all the warm temperature that the flowers will fall.

If its crowded, meh... I just wanna see the flowers, take some pictures, go to a nice little cafe for supper and see fireworks!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-28 11:32:00
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Congrats Huggles! Crossing my fingers for you!!!

DC folks, the cherry blossom festival starts today!!! Hubby and I are hoping to see the blossoms before they all fall off :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-27 20:17:00
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Kayla I am glad that you are okay! Hope that it was just a mistake or Mathew just accidentally forgot to lock the door, etc. I hope that nothing happens to you and Mathew. *hugs*

I took my spring/summer clothes from the basement and hauled all of them up two flights of spiral stairs. I almost fell and I think I somewhat hurt my back, but I am finally reunited with my clothes!!! I am so excited for the summer, having had such a horrible winter...

Anyway now I just have to fix the basement as it functions as the "trash" room for both of us :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-25 15:43:00
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Just wanted to drop in today and say hello to everyone! Ive been quite busy and have not had time to go on VJ. Hope all is well with everyone. Well today is another day of cleaning so I am off to do the chores :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-25 07:59:00
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Marilyn, just wanted to say grats for hubby getting a day shift! That is just very nice!!! And that I thought "awww" when hearing about the 4 year old asking you! Hope you feel better.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-24 20:51:00
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Awww Sam she is a cutie! Glad you found a little pumpkin to love :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-22 19:18:00
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Marilyn, sorry to hear about your gall stones :(
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-19 19:25:00
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I registered for SimplyHired and they do advertise all the jobs available for whatever youre looking for very well. And I think at this point, you just want to apply everywhere!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-18 21:12:00
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Sorry to hear that Sam :( Hope the cleaning up isnt so hard.

Our thoughts go for you and your family and dad Flames -- safe trip and hope all ends well.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-18 10:01:00
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I woke up to a note from my MIL saying that someone left the fridge open a smidge all night, and when she woke up the temperature inside was 67.

I'm waiting on my coffee and the sanity that follows before I begin to decipher what must now be thrown away. :angry:

Girl, why cant she do that??? It doesnt take a lot of time to throw away foods! *comf*
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-18 09:22:00
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Awesome weather today!!! Excited to go for a run again when hubby gets back.

Wyatt, the waters here are very high too. FIL says he cant go fishing for a while til the water recedes!

So the agenda for today is to clean and mark papers...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-18 07:57:00
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Apparently he missed the part all over the outside of the envelope and inside that says you're required by federal law to fill it out completely and truthfully.

So, if he wants to be goofy about it, it'll cost him $600 ($100 for failing to comply, and $500 for you for lying about him), and he'll probably still be made to turn over the information. :P

LOL!!! I missed the part that it's required by law but someone at work pointed it out. Seriously, he wasn't being goofy about not filling it out, he just doesnt want to... but now he has to LOL!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-17 08:51:00
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We got the Census information today. I was excited to fill it out and started doing until my husband started going crazy because I was putting his name and information on the sheet. He said I can put myself down on the Census but just not any information on him. I replied, "honey its the Census... did you want me to fake your identity? Or lie about the number of people in this household???" Apparently he does not want the government to know about him. Considering that Homeland Security has all the pertinent information about me, INCLUDING my finger prints... I thought it was a little to late for that... :P

Edited by darkchilde794, 16 March 2010 - 07:24 PM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-16 19:22:00
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Oh Minnew, sorry to hear about your hubby :( I hope he will be safe and be back as soon as possible. Congrats on the new job offer though!

Haha thats some weird dreams guys :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-15 18:45:00
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Its like facebook. Facejourney :P *cringe* The colors make it hard for me to distinguish which is which :P Ok, Ill stop whining now.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-14 13:58:00
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Oh Marilyn, Im sorry to hear that :( Hope you feel better. I think its best to rest and feel better than force yourself to work and worsen your condition. Feel better *hugs*
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-11 12:34:00
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Morning morning! Hubby is at work while Im at home. Got lots of stuff to clean and papers to mark, but right now am enjoying my date with the new TV. Oh so nice not to have to fight over the remote ;)

The weather is so nice lately! Hopefully tonight it would be as splendid as the other nights so we can go for a run.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-11 07:24:00
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We have 2 Vizio's and rather impressed on the quality of the picture as the price of the TV was great! Bought ours from Costco and the pic was superior --in my mind--to the higher priced sets that were next to it.

We got a Vizio from Costco too! It wasnt very expensive and definitely fits in our super tiny bedroom :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-07 15:36:00
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Welcome back Krikit! Glad that your mom has stabilized for now. Please let me know if there's anything I can do from Maryland... at least with the DC moving part :P

So today we finally got a new television. Neither hubby nor I have ever bought a new TV -- the one we have in our house belonged to his grandfather, who was getting rid of it bec he bought a new Vizio :P We have been saving up for this TV for a year and have had the money to do so but just never did... until today! My husband was soooo happy. He was so careful to put the TV in the trunk and even drove ever so carefully so it wont shift while turning. I told him, I bet if it shifted while turning, you would demand I climb in the trunk to hold it down :lol: So now, am just waiting for him to finish installing our blinds in the first floor, then the TV next... and the in-laws are coming downtown to hang out a bit. Busy, busy Sunday!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-07 15:27:00
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So Varba decided to have a guys night tonight. I drove down to Baltimore and had a nice dinner with darkchilde and her hubby. I was gone for 5 hours and the guys are still here. I'll be spending the rest of the evening upstairs I guess!

I passed out from sushi overload last night! It was so good!

Last night I watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarves... it was on ABC Family :P I was so enthralled... havent seen that movie since I was 7 or so!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-07 09:28:00
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WHOA theres a Tims in WHEELING??? :blink:
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-05 11:15:00
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Carla -- hope you feel better after your appointment. Hope that it wasnt so horrible :(
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 11:29:00
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Thanks for the coffee Carla! Loooove the mug -- where did you find that?

Another week of daily nonsense... except now theres no more Olympics to watch :( Oh well, off to regular programming!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-01 07:28:00
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I hope your mom feels better Krikit.

Congratulations to everyone who or who has a spouse that got promoted!

I spent the entire morning with the MVA -- more of that later as I have to teach in half an hour. All I can say is, thank god I dont have to deal with them again.

AAND I am so sad that the Canadian women curlers were defeated by Sweden last night. Curling is my favorite olympic sport this time (partly because I cant stay up so late to watch the figure skating AND its a sport where its all strategy and forethought) and Ive followed all the games. I was so sad they lost, but Im soo proud of them. I am also glad that they weren't bitter about their defeat and accepted their silver gracefully.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-27 11:37:00
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I want to cry with all this sushi talk :( I MISS SUSHI SOOO BAD. Not that there arent good sushi places here... they are far away! Man for 15 dollars for lunch, I can good quality sushi and sashimi at Yonge Street. I have yet to find a good Asian neighborhood in this area... there is this place called Han Arum (spelling?) in Ellicott City but its like garden variety Asian food and its more street food quality. There is this one Japanese restaurant two blocks from my house... but I really dont trust it :P After all, this is Federal Hill hahahahahaha

I cant wait to visit TO again and stuff my face with sushi and kbbq!!! OMG all you can eat kbbq!!!! *DIES*
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 18:08:00
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Totally off topic.

I am so craving for bbq eel and white rice.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 16:00:00
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The next day, all of his clothes were tossed in a pile outside in the snow... :lol:

*highfive Pauley and Rob & Mel*

Good thing my man has more sense than to say silly things like that, Wyatt ;)

Heck, I even got him domesticated within days of me living in this country *CRACKS WHIP*

Haven't been back in this thread awhile! Congrats to the new homeowners--such exciting times!

I've tried three times over three days to get into the Olympic Store here in Vancouver to buy this hoodie but in red for me and the hubby.

Posted Image

They're out and have been trying to get some in from surrounding stores (if there are any left). I'm starting to get desperate, bought the the Roots Canada red hoodie instead but I really want the Olympic logo. Sigh.

Thats really cute though! I love the simplicity and the lines of the sweater.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 13:12:00
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Good morning all! Thanks for all the well wishes :)

So, we now have a stove...woot! They showed up early this morning to deliver it. Yay!

I need to go back in this thread and see what you all have been up to.

I have a lot of cleaning to do.

Good luck girl! Dont wear yourself out doing so.

I remember the first time I moved to our house -- this was back in Nov. Hubby had bought it in the summer... and cleaned it once... :angry: So the night I came into my beautiful home, IT WAS HORRIBLE. Worse part, my entire family was flying in the next night because we were getting married 2 days later. So I spent the ENTIRE day before I got married cleaning... scrubbing each and every inch of the house. I told my husband that if the house ever reached such filthy conditions again, we are getting divorced :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 11:46:00
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Sam and Minnew, you guys will be buying homes before you know it! Or at least getting your own place! The really low house market was one of the reasons why we decided to buy and not rent -- if we rented a house in the area we live now, we'd be paying more than our mortgage. So we both decided not to have a wedding but invest in a house! And Im really happy.

TM, sorry to hear about all the troubles. Hopefully all of them will come and go fast, and you can enjoy your new home!!!

Sprailenes -- condos rock! The security is awesome too, I never felt worried coming home late or having weird people come in the building.

Congrats to all of you closing your homes!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-25 07:22:00
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too bad david and i cant' take advantage of the tax credit for a house...i'll be moving down ther beginning of april but by the time we found out our interview date there really wasn't enought time to house shop etc. If my process hadn't had any issues i would have been down here earlier but not much can be done. so we are goign to stay with his parents for the frst year (hope that works out ok) and try and pay off our credit cards, and save up for a downpayment, and appliances etc.

it's just really hard to say bye to that 8k though lol. ah well..sh1te happens eh?

Im sure theres still something thats gonna be offered out there! And this is still a good time to buy a house with all the houses being so low AAAAND really low interest rate. We thought our rate was low when we purchased last July but they are even lower now!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-24 07:46:00
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Ahhh! So the bank messed up the documents, and they had to be rewritten. Well its a good thing the lawyer caught that.

We're not working with a lawyer, it never dawned on me that a lawyer would be useful or necessary. People use lawyers? Don't make me panic now Trailmix!! :lol:

Hmmm I thought you have to in order to get the deed, etc. You wont need to meet one, I dont think, but you need one to complete your house transaction...?
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-23 19:59:00
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Yea we've been watching a lot of HGTV lately. Just getting ideas and stuff.

Just wanted to add (and I obviously have not gone through the previous posts...)... don't forget your tax credit for closing a house before April 2010!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-23 11:22:00