CanadaWeight loss support
Yay Peachey for starting the thread!

My short term goals:

1. Lose 15 pounds before vacation (May 13) and DEFINITELY before the WIL's wedding
2. Have sexy, toned arms because they are not sexy at all

Long term goal:

MAINTAIN the weight that I lose -- I lose weight easily and put it back on just as fast, and even more

Right now Im eating normally but Ive basically cut off processed foods from my diet (well, I have pigged out since getting stuck at the in-laws' due to the snow in Baltimore). I also try to run a total of 8-10 miles a day. Ive slacked since the snow storm, but Im going back on the treadmill tomorrow!

My work also offers fitness workouts for free, so I want to add those on top of my regular runs. And when my chiro clears my neck injury, I am definitely going to lift weights again.

Edited by darkchilde794, 16 February 2010 - 09:06 PM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-02-16 21:05:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
Thank you guys.

This is a really sick way to phrase it, because I wish that this entire situation did not happen, but I am really glad that this crazy coworker decided to take her insanity over email. And she sent it to my official work email too, so the big bosses have to intervene. I made sure to also forward the email to my own supervisor and to another coworker who also has to deal with her for night classes. I am also extremely fortunate that I have ties to the college -- the big big boss and admin staff all know me, so they did not believe that I could possibly be verbally abusive or have a mental breakdown. I can just imagine how this situation could have turned out if I were a new hire from overseas who knew no one in the campus.

Anyway a bit more background on the situation. During the regular semester, I teach part time at the main campus. But for this summer session, I am teaching at a satellite campus that is shared by other local colleges. This coworker is our college's personnel in that satellite campus. She has worked there part time for 2 years and have never really had to deal with the bosses. Basically, she comes as she pleases and sets the labs for the faculty that teach there once in a while.

Apparently this same coworker has had MAJOR issues with other personnel in the other colleges that run this satellite campus. When this craziness came out, I immediately confided to the main admin supervisor of the satellite campus. And to my surprise, I was told situations similar to this have happened before, and this coworker has shown aggressive, troubling behavior in the past. But no one has filed an official complaint against her because her actions could not be documented, and so my big bosses were unaware of all of it.

But when news of what happened to me came out, one by one, the personnel that she has crossed all came out to talk to me. This was really good for me because I was pretty depressed, and I was worried that they will believe her over me, so stories that corroborate what I experienced certainly helps my case. The main admin supervisor even set a meeting with me and basically said (in a much more eloquent way) that they are very happy that her crazy behavior has been exposed as they have been praying for her to move out of the satellite campus.

Anyway the big bosses had a meeting with her today. I chose to remain at home even though I should have come to work to finish grading (I marked 30 scantron sheets by hand than face her in campus). I will find out Tuesday what happens. I am worried that they let her go, because she will think that I had her fired and she might actually kill -- no joke, she scares me. And Im also really concerned that she might actually be moved to the main campus, because I work there and therefore will have constant interaction with her.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-07-01 20:38:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
I have a crazy coworker. Literally.

And my week has been so stressful, so I am back at VJ, venting.

Last Thurs, this crazy coworker took exception of something I said in passing the day before. My comment was not malicious or inappropriate or anything. Heck, I don't even know what she was upset about. All I know was Wed noon time, we were laughing and giggling hysterically about life. But sometime during that, I said something inappropriate to her that kept her up all night long and disturbed her. So she wrote me an email Thursday at 2:30 in the morning that I need to only talk work-related talk to her. So when I got that email, I was confused and asked her what I did wrong. She refused to talk to me, walked out on me in the middle of me trying to talk to her, and just told me that she does not want to talk to me. So I shrugged it off, left her alone, and when I was ready to go home, waved goodbye -- and she waved back and even wished me a happy weekend...

Come Monday, I receive an email from her that she is taking time off from work because she could not tolerate the verbal abuse that I subjected her that Thursday. She claimed that I went apesh*t on her, threatened, intimidated, verbally assaulted her, that I assassinated her character. She said that she was sooo fearful of me during my mental breakdown that she was ready to call the cops in the event that I would try to hurt her by hurling the computer at her. And she said that if I ever repeated that abusive behavior, she will not only call security but call the cops, because she needed to protect her mental health.

Good god. I don't even know how I got through that day because all I wanted was sit in front of the computer and stare at that email. I was sooo freaked out that I quit the lab that I had planned to teach, which she will be prepping for (she works at the college that I am in). I reported her to my big boss and told him that I refuse to teach the labs. AND on top of all of that crazy nonsense, I felt like I had to defend myself against these insane allegations to people who have known me since I was in college, who have been part of my life, who attended my college graduation, who Ive worked with every single day since I got this job. And I cried. I hardly cry. I fight back, but this is one fight I was not going to face. Monday evening, when hubby and I were finally alone, I sobbed so hard my eyes were so swollen.

Anyway I am just so exhausted from this... but I needed to vent to keep my sanity.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-06-30 20:45:00
CanadaDenied at POE
Cody, Im so sorry to hear this. I wish you and your fiancee the best. I hope that no matter what happens you two can be together.
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2009-12-01 08:50:00
CanadaWedding Details

5 days until my party wedding. I also have grown a huge zit on my chin in anticipation of my wedding :(

Also, Arabella get's married on Thursday!... but she's not around much anymore :(

BAH you'll still look beautiful and that is why you hire those $$$$ make up artist... so they can do MAGIC!

Yeah where is Arabella??? I wanna see pics :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-26 07:12:00
CanadaWedding Details
Kimbear, your pictures are beautiful! Congratulations again!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-16 16:05:00
CanadaWedding Details
I got my wedding invitation sample today! I got some paper samples too and have decided on what it will be (with the hubby's consideration of course ;) ).

Of course I am not marrying until next year... but I am so excited! :D

Edit: Hmm I tried to link the site but it's not working... bah. Anyway if you are interested, it's under the Botannical collection, named "Daryll & Jennifer" in this website: The picture shows it in bright yellow, but I am having it changed to deep violet and cream.

Edited by darkchilde794, 13 April 2010 - 10:08 AM.

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-13 10:03:00
CanadaWedding Details
I agree with both rae and Sapphire -- even if they are for opposing sides! :P

In one hand I would never go to a wedding without giving a present. Last summer a student in my lab was getting married and she had a super duper uber fancy reception at Canoe's in downtown Toronto. The meal prepared for her guests came up to 150 dollars (just for the dinner). So I would have had to give at least 150, which was just not something I could do or want to do... so I decided not to go.

However, in some situations there are people who are in one's family and may not be in good financial situation. My husband has cousins who are still in school and are struggling. I would never think to not invite them to our wedding... and I also will not expect them to give money or give more than what they can afford.

I guess it's a tough position to be in when it happens to you...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-09 14:03:00
CanadaWedding Details
While we are in the topic of rudeness, when hubby and I got married, we received neither a gift/card nor a congratulations from his brother and his brother's witch. So now -her- wedding is coming up, and I just dont want to get her a gift/card or say congratulations. :D
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-07 20:09:00
CanadaWedding Details

Why do people think that when they don't want to come to the wedding they can tell someone who will tell me?

Really, I have 3 cousins who haven't responded yet, so I sent them a facebook yesterday. One responded saying "Oh, I thought my mom would tell you I can't come". Really? I put a self addressed stamped envelope in with the invitations. How hard is it to write your name and check the box saying you can't come?


Oh Im sorry Peachey :( At least you know the people who ARE coming to the wedding are people who WANT to be there :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-07 12:04:00
CanadaWedding Details
Oh Colleens, it is beautiful! It is very elegant :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-06 06:55:00
CanadaWedding Details
Yes girls, I said yes to the dress!

MANY MANY MANY thanks to Peachey who helped me get in the million dresses I tried on (like 10 or so!). After pretty much figuring out I won't buy anything until the fall, the consultant (who was so busy with ANOTHER bride) came to me with a dress she thought I should tried. I put it on and was floored. It was beautiful. And I really liked how I looked in it. Thank you Peachey for saying I looked good in everything, but this one was THE ONE. My MIL who was with us called later in the day and said she was all teary when I was in it :)


As stated in the feedback, the pictures do not do this dress justice. It is so beautiful.

Anyway, I am just in shock I bought the dress and I now officially feel like a bride! (Even though I had been one for a bit...) :D
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-05 17:51:00
CanadaWedding Details

I bought my wedding dress on June 13th of last year. I went the day I came home from my first visit to Canada, found my perfect dress and then found out a few days later that they were discontinuing the style so I had to buy it. :)

Hmm thats a good point! Well I'll see what's available today. Theres lots of little boutiques in my area and I want to see them too, but who knows, I might find the one today... :)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-05 06:01:00
CanadaWedding Details
I have an appointment with a local David's Bridal store tomorrow! It is super early to even consider wedding gowns as my event is next year August, but at the bridal show I attended in February, a David's Bridal rep gave me a 50 dollar coupon towards a gown, if I made an appointment with them by April. So I did! And I am excited! Peachey is coming down with me too! (YAY!!!)
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-04 19:52:00
CanadaWedding Details

Someone give me a gold star! I've read through this entire thread, LOL!

To jump in late on topics previously discussed...

In lieu of premarital counseling, my parents bought Dave and me each a copy of the book 1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married by Monica Mendez Leahy. We talk on Ventrilo at least a few hours every night, so we're going through that book as we feel like it, and it's pretty neat, brings up a range of topics we might not have thought to discuss on our own.

I bought this book and hubby and I went through it together, before we decided to make our engagement official! It's a good, insightful book and opened conversations that we probably would have not discussed. My favorite part is the "chores" list, and after answering it, hubby went "why do I have more chores than you?" I shrugged and to this day, he still does :P
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-04-03 20:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
Sapphire, you cant leave, you have another 2-3 years before citizenship ;)

Thanks Huggles :) I also realized the dress is under 300 dollars. That would be soo awesome. I do love its simplicity and just the flow -- perfect for a summer wedding. The wedding gown Ive always imagined myself buying would be one that I can take to the seamstress, get it cut, and wear for cocktail parties :P And this one, I think I can do it!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-05 19:29:00
CanadaWedding Details
Thats why I dont want to commit to any dress until maybe late this year -- because by then the styles would be different. Also, I dont know if its worth waiting even until spring as I have a summer wedding and I want to have more a summer style dress. I go from loving a full ball gown, to loving a trumpet style to loving just a simple dress like the one I put up.

I definitely just have to wait and be patient!

And it is soo exciting to plan for the wedding. I didnt think Id be excited but I really really am! We've decided on a menu yesterday (appetizers and dessert and all). I think there will be sooo much food so we're gonna hold off on the pig roast, but rather have a Fil-Am brunch the next day (Sapphire, Im sure your hubby knows what Im talking about!) and we'll have all the out of town guests and the closest family relatives over to open gifts and just party... after the party!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-05 10:51:00
CanadaWedding Details
This is the dress I am currently in love with! Its super simple but I love the softness of the dress and the back part. I have fallen in love with other dresses before but this is my current love right now!

darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 21:16:00
CanadaWedding Details

I have this intense urge to go look at wedding dresses although I know I can't get one till I start working, so I don't want to go and fall in love with something we cant afford yet. GAH! I still have to pick an actual date, I'm thinking the 22nd of October is a good possibility.

OMG I totally relate! I dont want to fall in love with something then buy it then fall in love AGAIN with another dress. I think they say start 8 months prior to your date, so thats at least half a year from now!!!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 20:28:00
CanadaWedding Details
The menu tasting was wonderful! I brought my MIL and my husband's grandfather (he's 90!) and we had so much fun. The food was great, the people were really nice and very honest about how much I really needed, etc. After tax season, hubby and I are gonna go out and taste cakes. I cant wait!

Is it taboo to write thank you cards by hand? I wrote all my thank you cards (all 50+ of them!) by hand after my civil ceremony. I did write a personal message to each guest and so forth...
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 20:11:00
CanadaWedding Details
I agree Sapphire -- if its really good, really simple Italian food, it will be delicious. I dont want something drowning in paramsean and red sauce though... just something really simple and tasty.

I think our menu includes a simple green salad, mozerella and basil salad, pasta tossed in a light sauce, chicken, beef and salmon medallions grilled with olive oil and spices and potatoes and other veggies on the side. Because of the venue, we have to find a Filipino caterer who will do the roast pig... but Im definitely having one, whether its at the wedding or the Sunday brunch after.

We are also having platters of appetizers before... and I wanted to do a dessert treat. But my venue director was saying it would be a looot of food... since we are having a wedding cake too. I dunno... am thinking just pastries and cookies and then cake... we'll see.

I am sooo excited! My day is sooo far away but I def want to savor all the little things I have to do to put it all together!
darkchilde794FemaleCanada2010-03-04 10:08:00
Canadacanadian credit score in us ??
QUOTE (Reba @ Nov 12 2007, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You sure could. The penalities would be the same as if you were still a resident of Canada. Interest would continue to build up, and eventually your account would be sent to a credit collections agency.

Call the credit card company and make arrangements for payments. Just because it is not "easy" )ie: most of them are just too lazy) for a US credit company to look up doesn't mean that all of them won't. Your bad credit in Canada can still haunt you in the US. And if you ever decide to return to Canada to live, you'll be pretty much screwed if you leave that credit card un-paid.

I agree, although the idea of racking up my cards and running off is tempting you never know when these things will come back to haunt you. I would have to imagine that even though your good score won't transfer that if you were applying for a major credit card a defaulted credit card from a sister company may hinder your chances.

Not to mention future employers may do a credit check on you and take the extra step to find your Canadian credit score.
Dylan'sWifeFemaleCanada2007-12-01 22:34:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting
That's excellent news, Lenie! :)
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-05-07 19:19:00
CanadaShould it take this long?

I filed for DCF in Vancouver in November, and returned the checklist and DS-230 in February also, and I haven't heard anything from Montreal either. I have emailed twice with no response (once about 5 weeks ago, then again last week). I can't find a telephone # to call them so I have pretty much just accepted they are way behind and I'll be lucky to hear anything before the end of the summer.

The NVC have no record of my application and told me it was being handled completely by Montreal.

I filed DCF in Toronto in January, sent back DS-230 in late March, haven't heard anything since. Called DOS today (because of all the dates/approvals floating around), but still no interview date set. :(

Husband is here visiting this week, so I'm hoping he's my good luck charm. :)

I don't really know/understand what the holdup is with DCF filers. :bonk:

Edited by birdnerd, 21 June 2010 - 10:44 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-21 22:43:00
CanadaShould it take this long?
They seem to be (finally) catching up with the IR1-CR1s - scheduled them for July, and now the K1s - scheduled for August. However they do not seem to be moving forward with DCF dates, I know there are a couple of us who submitted our DS-230 in February, March who are still waiting to hear.

I do plan on calling this week, though, as things do seem to be happening. ;)
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-19 11:21:00
CanadaEathquake in Ottawa

Wow - that is some wicked weather - Tornado watches from Peterborough to Lindsay to Kingston in the East and Windsor/Chatham-Kent/Leamington in the West as well as the Midland area. Mother Earth seems to be objecting to something in Ontario!

The G20? :P

I heard someone posit that it's mother nature getting back at us for busting open a deep-water oil well. ;)
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-23 22:28:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

How does it work for the marriage certificates? We need to go to the courthouse 72hours prior getting married for i don't know what reason, pay the fees, etc... So we're going tomorrow! Is it for the marriage certificates? It takes 3 weeks to receive? We're gonna get married the tuesday after tomorrow. I started to file some documents for the AoS but still need to prepare a lot of stuff. I'm gessing it'll all be ready by the time the marriage certificates comes in the mail!

THe 72 hours before wedding thing is your marriage license, whereas you apply for your marriage certificate after the wedding. That can take a few weeks.


Congratulations in advance. ;)

Edited by birdnerd, 28 June 2010 - 06:42 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-28 18:41:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yeah, that's the info I had as well! But someone posted a review last night for a CR-1 interview, and from what I can understand, their interview was yesterday...

If it's Gordons2009, their interview was on May 27th...

I'm pretty sure the consulate is closed for all American AND Canadian holidays. Must be nice. :lol:
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-01 07:09:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I called today, as it's my husband's birthday, and he was hoping for an unexpected birthday treat, but no such luck. DoS woman said she'd had a lot of people calling and asking about Montreal interviews.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-05-26 18:26:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
It does seem a bit strange that nobody seems to have received an date this month (even us IR1/CR1s). They have all these case completes, but then just not schedule anything? I know VJ only represents a small portion of the people going through this process, but really, NO interviews scheduled? ANd the DoS person I spoke to implied that they wouldn't be scheduling again until the beginning of June. :blink:
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-05-23 21:32:00
CanadaHow Long ? Geez!

So I called DOS again and this time they told me that my visa was not approved yet but that on june 7th my passport was received by a consular officer. How is that possible when I sent the passport at the beginning of april? Anyone else had a situation in which there was such a big gap between sending documents and documents being "received" ?

Took them a month to 'receive', i.e. log, my DS-230. Takes them a while to open their mail, sometimes.

Slow as molasses in January, as they say. ;)

Edited by birdnerd, 06 July 2010 - 09:07 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-07-06 21:07:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Interviews

Anyway, hang in there, birdnerd...Surely your turn is is mine (though baby is going to complicate things for me!)


Heh, unfortunately, this process is pretty much preventing us from baby-making at this point. ;) But yeah, they've certainly got you between a rock and a hard place, baby/interview-wise.
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-07-21 21:04:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Interviews
I've always thought this was a really interesting page - look how few immigrant visas Canada processes!
Immigrant Visas
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-07-21 18:22:00
CanadaConcerned about Petitioner name changed on DH case

I do have concerns...while speaking to the lady at the DOS, today...she asked me for:

the case #
husbands name
the petitioners name

She explained to me the petitioners name was not the name I gave her; mine. I was dumbfounded. Somehow my sisters name; the sponsor is now listed as the petitioner??????

I am unsure why the change and how it was changed...the I-130 clearly has my name as well as the supporting documents, listed as the petitioner, in which I accompanied my husband in Ottawa.

The only place I see my sisters name listed in the forms of what has already been sent in, is on the DS-230 Line item 10. I have not sent in the I-864 as it was not requested, which would will have my sisters information.

Any thoughts on if I should intervene in this, which could delay the appointment scheduling or should we wait until we are in Montreal to bring it to their attention?

Please feel free to chime in.

Hey all, dragging this up again...I was just told this same thing by DoS yesterday (and confirmed by another agent today) - they have my husband's parents names as petitioners instead of my husband. We are not using them as co-sponsors, and, like leonsgal, their names only appear on the DS-230 in the parents info section.

I was advised to contact the consulate to fix it. How's that been working out for you so far, Lil? ;)

What up, yo? Is someone in Montreal entering this info on the wrong line? Is someone at DoS reading it wrong? Are they just trying to screw some more with the DCFers? :P

Edited by birdnerd, 23 July 2010 - 09:09 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-07-23 21:08:00
CanadaConcerned about Petitioner name changed on DH case
Maybe try sending an email to Montreal? Put something like 'Error in petitioner's name' in the subject line (and your case number, of course) and explain what happened in the body.

Trust Montreal. :rolleyes:

Took them 4 weeks to just log/enter my DS-230! :blink:

Edited by birdnerd, 01 June 2010 - 07:26 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-06-01 19:25:00
CanadaDCF Interview

5 months since I sent in the checklist as DS-230 and haven't heard anything. No replies to emails either.

4 months for me. I haven't even bothered emailing, but ditto to not having heard anything. :unsure:

Maybe we DCFers need to email/write all at once, tell them 'hey - why are we being passed over consistently from month to month?'

Or something along those lines.

Edited by birdnerd, 12 July 2010 - 01:31 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-07-12 13:31:00
CanadaDCF Interview
^^^^^ Thanks for the replies, guys. :) Yeah, the DCFer seems to be a rare breed around here. Edmontongirl was lucky, she was done in 4 months, start-to-finish!

Ah, I see - I guess everyone's support info is brand new to the consular staff, as it would have been NVC who received all the paperwork. I was just wondering, because all they've received from us so far is the I-130 and the DS-230. (I'm still a little <_< that it took them 4 weeks for just the DS-230 to be logged in)

My fingers are still crossed to hear something date-wise this week. ;)

Edited by birdnerd, 29 May 2010 - 10:43 PM.

birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-05-29 22:41:00
CanadaDCF Interview
If any DCFers could chime in on this, I was wondering if the interview in Montreal for DCF filers is longer/more complex, seeing as how the COs have never had a chance to look at our I-864s, etc.?
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-05-29 11:22:00
CanadaApproved!! IR-1 Interview
That's awesome, chika. :thumbs:
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-08-17 18:47:00
CanadaThis is not IT
Boarding pass from return trip (if she flew) would be a good item.

Unfortunately, people have waited many weeks for approval after submitting documents after interview, some up to 12 weeks. Takes them a long time to get to mail.
birdnerdFemaleCanada2010-08-24 19:22:00