CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
Heheh Naked Body Test here too!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-14 09:33:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
Since I do a wii fit body test everyday, I check my weight and BMI according to that, although its been said that the Wii's BMI is not completely accurate. While I may weigh myself every day, I try not to look at my day to day gain or losses, but rather the overall. I can be proud of the loss of 2 lbs yesterday because that was aside from the daily fluctuations I normally have. If that makes any sense :s Basically, I gained some poundage over the holidays and was up more than normal and now im back to the range I was in Oct/Nov

Edited by xtinab, 13 January 2009 - 07:15 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-13 19:14:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
Congrats Carla! Thats awesome!

I think I've also been making progress. Over my first week, altogether I lost 1.4 lbs. This is taking into consideration how weight fluctuates 2 lbs every day. I allowed myself to splurge a bit on the Friday night and Saturday since my main goal is moderation, but then gained it right back. (+1.1lbs as of my weigh in on Sunday night) I did my work outs last night and had lost 2.2 lbs. Yay! Im hoping that its the start of a great streak!

Krikit, I did edit my page, personalize it a bit, so maybe that helped? Hopefully by now youll have gotten the invites and found everybody smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-13 14:39:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
I got it smile.gif


Ironically enough, I keep breaking from my wii fit workout to check this thread and update my spark.

headbonk.gif back to the board!!!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-12 20:43:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
I just checked my page, and the box that says "only my friends can see" is not checked. I should be searchable huh.gif

edit: I did get the team invite, right after posting this smile.gif

Edited by xtinab, 12 January 2009 - 08:30 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-12 20:30:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
I just tried and got the same thing sad.gif

I just also tried to do a search for you, Krikit and it didn't come up either. :s

Edited by xtinab, 12 January 2009 - 07:36 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-12 19:34:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
Hah! Im not the only one! I've been on Spark religiously every day entering my food. Its helped with so much! Helps me make wiser food choices for myself being the biggest thing. It's also been a great help with my new year purge. I feel great not drinking any beer during the week. I had half a glass on the weekend and that was it (moderation point +1!!) Ive even started making my own juices with the juicer I got for christmas although those are a bit harder to add in :s. I've also been forcing myself to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I fill up 2 Gatorade bottles (both at 32oz each) with some Brita and leave them in the fridge, or carry one with me. Works out great. Im loving spark biggrin.gif

My name on there is (surprise surprise) xtinab
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-12 14:37:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...

QUOTE (TheATeam @ Jan 5 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another great website is They've got a food tracker, a recipe website, a section for fitness which includes exercise videos etc, and tons of articles on everything from nutrition and wellness to motivation. The message boards are pretty good too! I find that it's working for me.

QUOTE (Travis & Kim @ Jan 6 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

a friend emailed this to me today - I have already signed up - tho probably won't start until tomorrow with it as I am gong out to a bday dinner tonight - YAY for bellini's tongue.gif

I checked this site out yesterday and I'm definitely liking it!

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-06 15:04:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
Hi everybody! Its been a while for me here also biggrin.gif
But it seems im not the only one on this bandwagon here! Ive also made a resolution and sticking to it. Ive given up beer and the wacky tobacky till I lose 10 lbs. Both of those make me lazy, hungry and bloated, so Ive cut them out for the most part. I'll probably indulge once on the weekend but Its mostly because I also really want to try to teach myself moderation. Also, I'm not allowing myself any sort of drink till I do at least a 15 min run a day. Even for a glass of wine with dinner!

Im hoping this will at least get me started back to my ideal weight. I'm also adjusting my diet to include more fruits and veggies and less chips and chocolate! Oh man, giving up those S&V's will hurt but again, its all about teaching myself moderation. Instead of taking the whole back to the couch with me, maybe Ill grab just a cup! We'll see how it works out!

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-05 13:47:00
CanadaWhat are you listening to?
I just picked up the Lady Gaga album, not quite through listening to it all yet. Not bad so far. Its taken a backseat to this sing Buddy sent me, Tiptoe by Glitch.

That and Ive recently aquired Ministry of Sounds Saturday Night Classics...reliving my clubbing days biggrin.gif

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-19 15:44:00
CanadaTim Hortons Has Done It Again!
Theres Timmy's everywhere in Columbus. Buddy went to one the other day when I told him about the new trailmix and he said they didn't have it sad.gif

Number one difference I noticed was the large in Columbus was much bigger than the one in Toronto. Well, all the sizes were really but I got a large so I noticed that one the most tongue.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-19 15:51:00
CanadaWhy does it have to hurt so much?
Soo sorry to hear about your loss, Laura sad.gif

My Romy was also 8 when he got sick. He also was a big fella, 18 lbs! I should have known he was sick when he started to lose weight. Soon after he became more and more lethargic. When I took him to the vet, I had no idea his kidney had failed and he was already very close to the end. That was probably the day I cried the hardest ever. I had no idea that when I left my house with him in the morning he wouldn't be coming back. I'm also sorry you weren't there for his last moments.
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-18 17:34:00
CanadaGot a job
Congratulations! Thats awesome news smile.gif And agreed with everybody else....Whole Foods is a great store!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-24 11:27:00
CanadaJuicer Recipes???
Buddy's got a juicer. We made Grapegruit and Apple juice (about half and half, then modified to taste) We also used the pulp stuff exactly for what you said, we also strained the juice, and the "froth" made an apple sauce which we ate as a snack. We tried to use as much as posible, my favourite being the mango left overs, we used with Tuna steaks to make a mango salsa. It was delicious!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-23 13:35:00
CanadaHe proposed!!!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-02 14:05:00
CanadaNew to the board
Hi! Welcome to VJ smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-02 14:12:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 8 2009, 10:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we always get the blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese.. mmmm so good..

Thats my one Tim Hortons constant...I always get that. It is so good!

I'm wondering, those who said PF Changs, do you guys have Pei Wei as well? Definitely one of my favourites. Also Mongolian Barbecue. Ruby Tuesdays, I love the Salad Bar! And for fast food, there's one in Toronto now, Chipotle tops it smile.gif

As far as Olive Garden goes, its owned by Darden, the same company as Red Lobster ( I worked at RL for 2 years) We were told there that all the Olive Gardens in Ontario and most of the ones in the rest of Canada were closing down.
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-19 16:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
When I was growing up, we lived in townhouses. Our first neighbour was a family from Somalia, and all their cousins. I have no idea how many people lived in that house, and the cooking permeated through the walls into our house. That lasted about 3 years.

The next neighbour had 4 kids, 2 which were 2 and 4 I believe. My sisters room shared a wall with the mother and she REGULARLY heard her getting busy. (She even once heard her gettin busy with another dude from the townhouses who was half her age, and married! LOL!) The 2 youngest (the boys) were terrors. They used to sneak into our house through the attached attack. Unlucky for me, it was through my bedroom closet!! The one boy once came up to me on my porch and asked me why I had so many pairs of shoes. I asked them what he was talking about, he said he came into my room through the attic and saw :s They had other problems growing up, regular problems that some families go through, but they made no effort to keep the kids out of our house or keep the noise down.

Ironically enough, we've all grown up and some of us are pretty close to members of the family now. Luckily.

My worst situation was with a roommate rather than a neighbour, I let this friend of mine come live with me. All was fine at first but then she started going back on her words on a lot of things. Mostly problems with my boyfriend at the time who was living with us as well. I can understand if I had hid the fact that he was living there, but we talked about it, she was in a bad situation and needed a place fast. She was fine with it. Eventually she ended up racking up a $900 phone bill, accused me of ruining her rug with red wine, stealing her KETCHUP AND MARGARINE (after she had put an invisible line in the fridge and I clearly had my own) We had only communicated through email for the last few days, mostly me asking her what she was planning on doing about the phone bill trying to get some sort of commitment from her to pay it. I kept a record of everything, went to talk to the local police about the bill and what I could do to get her to pay it, and how to get her out the most amicably. I did everything by the book, and luckily so. The NEXT day I came out of the shower to 2 cops standing there (heh, One was dreamy, I was kinda happy to see them wink.gifwink.gif LOL! ) So she had called the cops saying I threatened her and said I was gonna lock her out and steal her stuff and other lies and bs. After talking to them and showing them everything I had (all the emails and such) They basically told her she had nothing and that she should pay the bill and move out as she said she would. She then started throwing accusations out at them and they just ignored her. She asked if she had to sign a report and they were like MA'AM THERE IS NO REPORT! She moved out that weekend, and only paid 300 bucks off that bill. We had agreed that if she moved out Jun 1 instead of Jul 1, id only charge her 800 instead of the 900. Oh and to note, she never paid her share for the internet, then got mad when I unplugged her pc from the router and took the cable out. You dont pay, you dont play!

She then went on to send nasty emails to anybody we both knew. She dragged that situation out for a looong time, to anybody who listened. Luckily, she had a history of being a poor me drama queen and most people knew the truth anyways.

LOL sorry for the long post, that situation brings out the anger in me. OOOhhh If I saw her walking the streets in TO today....

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-01-14 11:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
Humph! Men! *screams
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-22 14:19:00
CanadaThe Vent
Treble, same thing kind of happened here when Buddy moved into this house. I was here when Time Warner was coming to set up the internet. When he was all done he asked me for payment, which I didnt have. I messaged Buddy and Buddy was like get his ID number, his name his license and anything and everything you can because he cant ask for payment. I told the guy that we werent supposed to pay now and he went back outside to his truck, made a call and then came back and said "Oh sorry my system wasnt updated yet, thats right. It says that here now" Then left. Apparently there was a scam going on down here, where the techies are contracted by TW but dont actually work for them. They ask for payment before they leave. Then the customer gets a bill from TW saying you havent paid. The contractors had taken the money themselves.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-19 11:53:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Dec 9 2008, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Although once in Metlakatla, we went to this fisherman's house and he had this long long shag carpet, and I took off my shoes and the carpet was soaking wet and soaked my socks.

I must say, I was half through this sentence and was thinking soft shag carpet, comfy on the feet. I could FEEL my feet sinking into it, based on the word 'shag' alone. I was very wrong. sad.gif My feet are cold now.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 16:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (xtinab @ Dec 4 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dont get me started on them giving her a pacifier at 2 1/2 already! She screams and cries for it at night, they say but nap time, its soo easy to get her down with out it. They give it to her because they dont want to deal with her crying at night. The parents make me want to tear my hair out!!!!

Today Addisons dad dropped her off (still with the paci in her mouth) and was telling me how life has been so easy since he put a tv in her room. He was going on about how they put her in at about 8 and she goes down right away (that he knows of) With the tv on. They were having problems getting her to bed, and this was his solution. Is it wrong to feel so against one's parenting skills?

Buddy once said (jokingly of course) that some people should get a license to have children. A license that involves a very in depth test. With a mandatory 80% to pass. I'm starting to agree

Oh and to the topic on hand, I always go to take my shoes off, unless they say otherwise. I like the idea of keeping slippers in the car, because my toesies get cold also.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 16:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
Ooooooooh i have a vent about recycling also! You have to pay for it here?? I was shocked, and kept asking for the recycling bin. Buddy told me that recycling is private and you have to pay to have them come pick it up. Very Annoying. Trash is twice as much as before.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 11:04:00
CanadaThe Vent
Heh that can definitely be frustrating.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 14:59:00
CanadaThe Vent
Eep! Whatever hes doing, he's sure pushing your buttons!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 14:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (autumnchik @ Dec 4 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just my 2 cents: The reason spanking "works" is due to the consistency. When a parent says, I will spank you if you do this ... and then does spank, the child learns there is a consistent consequence for their actions. Do I recommend other consequences as an alternate to spanking, YES!!! Parents need to be consistent and follow through with what they say. Other consequences work well when they are consistent. I am not at all saying someone is horrible if they do spank their children, just that in my experience, I have found other things work better WHEN THEY ARE DONE CLEARLY AND CONSISTENTLY.

Man oh man do I ever agree with you. The little girl that I babysit sometimes here is soo spoiled and her parents let her get away with ANYTHING. They are soo wrapped up in what theyre doing (what they're doing = watching TV, playing xbox, watching dr.phil, anything EXCEPT looking after her sad.gif ) that they dont ever come through with consequences. And then, after they finally do do something about her misbehaving, they will cuddle her and be all "im sorry" when she cries. However, with me, she knows, if she hits, shes going into her room, and the gate is going up and I will sit there and talk to her about why we dont hit our friends. She is such a well behaved child when shes with me but as soon as one of her parents comes home, she turns into terror child again, and the hits come out. If I take her to her room, shell cry and her dad will come over and pick her up and hug her and let her out. Makes me wonder why they have me here sometimes. The other day she thru a temper before her dad left and when I went to take her out of the situation she started waling on me hitting me over and over. She was crying because she was mad at me for taking her away from what she was doing (which she wasnt supposed to be doing in the first place) and her dad was like "Awww come here baby" and went to cuddle her, I was like NO. She does NOT get cuddled for hitting!" But he did it anyways sad.gif Its soo frustrating.

Dont get me started on them giving her a pacifier at 2 1/2 already! She screams and cries for it at night, they say but nap time, its soo easy to get her down with out it. They give it to her because they dont want to deal with her crying at night. The parents make me want to tear my hair out!!!!


Edited by xtinab, 04 December 2008 - 01:28 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 13:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
Theraflu does not work nearly as well as Neo Citran. This I know is true. Last night I had a theraflu to try to knock me out the way I know Neo Citran can, and it did NOT stand up to the test. It worked, but it just took longer than the neo citran would have.

McDonalds in hospitals is rather ironic to me. Just another thing I will never understand.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-02 12:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
I wish I could fall asleep sad.gif I have to be up early and cant sleep...irk...I was lying in bed literally for an hour now and nothing. Fail.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-02 00:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
I had something like that happen to me with Bell Canada. They sent me a bill, saying it was due 2 days before the actual date of the bill. It was completely up to date, so there wasn't any past due. I called them and told them about it, and paid it, but the next month they tried to put a late fee on me! I wasn't having any of that, and ended up getting a month free tongue.gif

Man I hate bell! Another time, at the end of November, my internet stopped working just out of the blue and a month of no net, and countless hours with tech support, they finally found out my account wasn't updated with my new phone number from April!! They were telling me my pc had a problem and I needed a new ethernet card and this and that...Grrrr thats not all either..I hate bell...Im going to have a beer!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-24 23:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
bah! bad news here too! At BB's house he doesnt have a full basement, just a crawlspace under the whole house. Down there we have a pump in case of flooding and all the heating ducts, plumbing etc is down there as well. On Saturday I heard some weird gurgling noises in the shower and the sink, and went to check it out, and under our washer and dryer, a pipe was gushing out all the water the washer was using! At that point I forgot about the other noises and thought it was only because of the washer. Yesterday we investigated and every time we use the water, the pumbing down there leaks bad...and water drips out every time we shower now under the whole floor of the bathroom! Our house is older and nice, but slowly but surely we're finding out that all the "nice" things are just band-aid fixes to modernize the house, but none of the structural fixtures were updated at all! GRRRRRRRRR Thank god we're just renting! Landlords dealing with it right now thankfully!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-17 12:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
#######? lol!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-13 11:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
I absolutely LOVE Toronto, and my karaoke scene, and my family and friends, but ive been here now for 7 days, and I am ACHING to go back to BB in Columbus! Im supposed to stay out here for at least 2 weeks to make sure I dont overstay in the US, But I dont know if I can do that.. Some of my friends are constantly on me to go here go there do this do that....bah! Im tearing my hair out! I never thought that this kind of pressure would be so stressful. Right now all I want to do is go back down to Oh.


(Funny how Karaoke was listed before family and friends...there might be a problem there in itself!)
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-10-31 13:57:00
CanadaHometown Canada

A Great Article on Toronto smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-06 16:53:00
CanadaHometown Canada
ohmy.gif Snap! I went there back in 2004 I believe it was so it has been quite a while. Sad to hear sad.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-03 15:53:00
CanadaHometown Canada
Oooh! Ive been to the Wye Marsh and St Marie! the Boardwalks there are awesome smile.gif We also went to this house close to there that had all kinds of kittens available for adoption. I would have taken all of them home if I could!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-03 13:24:00
CanadaHometown Canada
QUOTE (flames9 @ Mar 2 2009, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (xtinab @ Mar 2 2009, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I forgot my interesting fact smile.gif Remember Elvis Stojko anybody?


I read online a few weeks back--that he is now down in Mexico teaching figure skating!!

ohmy.gif He abandoned Canada???

tongue.gif just kidding of course smile.gif

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-02 14:17:00
CanadaHometown Canada
I forgot my interesting fact smile.gif Remember Elvis Stojko anybody?

xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-02 14:09:00
CanadaHometown Canada
Born in North York, Ontario
Raised in Richmond Hill
Adult life lived in Forest Hill, but now back in Richmond Hill, since I spend almost half my time in Columbus with Buddy smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-02 14:02:00
CanadaHow did everyone meet their american/canadian significant others?
I love reading these stories!!

Essentially Buddy and I first met in a room on IRC in 2005. A good friend of mine had invited me into the room so I went in and found a bunch of other people I had known as well, and some I hadn't. Buddy being one of them. We were all members of a world wide music forum ( But our paths never really crossed on the forum. We talked a bit, exchanged msn, flirted a bit but I guess it just wasn't meant to happen at that time in our lives. Fast forward to February 2008 (A year ago!) I find this really cute pug and its licking the page, its called the screen cleaner, and its funny. I send it to practically everybody on my msn list, Buddy included. Hes there and we start chatting. At the same time, he turns the pug into a file so I can make it my screen saver, and we joke around that this pug brought us together because we haven't stopped talking since smile.gif The messages went from MSN to texting to phoning. He came to Toronto for the first time in March, and now were discussing our visa options biggrin.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-02-11 16:47:00
CanadaWhat am I forgetting?
Last time I was in Columbus w/ Buddy we were at one of the candy stores in the mall and they had Aero Bars and these:

I hadn't had one of those in forever and had no idea they werent even sold here!
xtinabFemaleCanada2009-03-30 12:49:00