CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
Heh, on one of our drives from TO, we stopped in a small rural gas station and while paying I accidentally knocked half a stack of $1 off Rockstar coupons. I didnt notice that Buddy had grabbed the half stack that fell, and we used them all up when we got back to Columbus! Heh! On the day they expired, we picked up the last 8. Not as good a saving as 24 for 30 bucks, but it was still good for us!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 16:27:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
It is my personal opinion that Rockstar is greater than Red Bull smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 16:23:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 4 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (xtinab @ Dec 4 2008, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
After reading Fast Food Nation about 3 christmases or so ago, maybe 4, Ive stopped drinking pop altogether unless its mixed with some form of Gold Rum (Coke) or vodka (seven up). However, Buddy drinks lots of pop, and theres always sales of 12 packs for about 2.50 a case or less here :s so I'll make an exception. Anything but Coke on its own.

All this as I drink a red bull which is probably WAY worse! heh!

I don't know if that's good or bad....watching fast food nation turned you to alcohol to wash coke down and you also took up red bull laughing.gif


No no, I didn't replace the pop with alcohol tongue.gif That was my only exception to drinking pop! And Rockstar > Red Bull wink.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 14:32:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
After reading Fast Food Nation about 3 christmases or so ago, maybe 4, Ive stopped drinking pop altogether unless its mixed with some form of Gold Rum (Coke) or vodka (seven up). However, Buddy drinks lots of pop, and theres always sales of 12 packs for about 2.50 a case or less here :s so I'll make an exception. Anything but Coke on its own.

All this as I drink a red bull which is probably WAY worse! heh!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 13:16:00
CanadaSo THAT'S why coke tastes different in the USA
BB actually makes bread from scratch without a bread maker....when I was in Toronto, he did the most amazing thing ever

In the morning, I woke up with a package on my doorstep. It had arrived at about 8am, I woke up at about 9 am because he had told me he sent me a surprise so I was excited. He prepared a loaf...froze it and then packed it in dry ice and overnighted it to me from Columbus!!!!So I open this package and its a frozen loaf of unbaked bread! All I had to do was take it out, let it sit on the counter to defrost/rise then put it in the oven and bake it. It was a) the sweetest f*ckin thing ANYBODY's EVER done!!!! cool.gif AMAZING tasting honey wheat bread c) a deal closer for me to want to be with!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-18 13:32:00
CanadaWent to get my FL drivers license this morning
My eyes were horrible and I was cursed with even worse glasses all through school. When I was seventeen, I ordered contacts for myself. Same thing, they wouldn't let me leave till I could do it myself. I got there for my appointment at 6 and stayed till I had it. I left the office with them when they closed at 9pm. That was THE best purchase I've ever made in my life. Walking out of that office, I was the happiest girl alive at that moment.

(If you could see the glasses I was made to wear over the years, you'd understand)

Edited by xtinab, 10 December 2008 - 03:19 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-10 15:18:00
CanadaOath ceremony today!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-15 14:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Thats a really neat idea to put stuff out in the backyard for Christmas. The backyard is generally left alone this time of year, and I think its nice you included it biggrin.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-16 12:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
It does look good smile.gif I love the feeling of my hair coming out of the salon. I love the stuff they use! Im the same way with my hair. I have somebody cut it and I colour it, even experimenting with more than one colour (red on top, black on the bottom as of lately) Blow drying hair out takes some serious patience for anybody. I usually start with the bottom at the neck line and then go in small sections up. I always run my straightener through it afterward, and makes it extra extra extra straight and I love it! My new colour looks good, but I want to let the colour sit as looong as possible before I wash it again. Once thats done, Ill post pics biggrin.gif

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-14 23:02:00
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Thats messed up. Some people are so irresponsible.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-12 10:16:00
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Congratulations Laura!

To everybody that might be affected by the storm, be safe smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-12 09:17:00
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Aww, sorry to hear Marilyn. Everybody needs some down time, some me time once in a while, even Mama's!

Right now my bathroom has been "dexter-ized" The colour is processing, and the rinsing out will definitely be a fight. It will all be worth it in the end.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-11 00:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
To start or not to start :s A couple months back, I split my hair in half (from ear to ear) in a zig zag pattern, and did the top a cherry chocolate, and the bottom jet black. Well as all hair does, its faded. I have the stuff to redo it but MAN it was a lot of work. And a hellish mess in a white bathroom! lol! But right now my hair is at the right level of dirtiness to hold it! Bah!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-10 13:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Dec 10 2008, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So last night my husband said I have "Become an American" because I'm so cold all the time and after all I'm supposed to be from hearty CDN stock!.. i've been freezing the past 3 days and two nights ago I couldn't sleep because it was FREEZING in our apt.

Hubby turns down the heat to 60 degrees at night and one of the windows in our bedroom must not have any insulation in the walls which creates this tremendous draft in the room, and because hubby has to sleep closest to the door luv.gif in order to protect his bride (with what I have no idea I REFUSE to let him have a gun in the house).. I get all the draft at my back. I had EVERY blanket in the house on me the other night and i was STILL freezing.. headbonk.gif

We literally argued (like our very first argument EVER) about it for about 1/2 hr last night. He was making fun of me (something he never does).. and I said FINE!... and I put my pillow on his side of the bed and made him sleep on my side of the bed and said YOU SUFFER THEN! laughing.gif

Our SO's are attached at the brain some how. Buddy was the same way. Heat doesnt have to be on when at night, he says. I swear we went through the EXACT same thing for a few days. I was wearing track pants and a sweater under the blankets. I even did the exact same thing about switching sides of the bed. We eventually put plastic on the windows to help with the insulation, as well, the overdressing at night was quite a hint to him when he tried to start a midnight romp but had to get through 3 layers tongue.gif. We compromised and its up to 64 in the night now.

He was the same with the gun issue, but I had made my stance on that before the first time I had even gone to Columbus. He got rid of the by the second time I came down, without letting me know though. Then one day it came up again we started to get into it again. After a while he just looked at me and laughed and said just kidding, I got rid of it for you. I thought that was sweet.

Edited by xtinab, 10 December 2008 - 11:29 AM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-10 11:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Im sad to tell you the moving sidewalks are no longer. They were removed quite some years, actually. May they Rest in Pease.

Those were I remember being so disappointed on my way to Madison House one day.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 23:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
This is for you Toronto Peeps:

Edited by xtinab, 09 December 2008 - 10:19 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 22:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
snap, thats funny.

btw, Don't know if anybody knows of this site. Its

They sell some pretty cool stuff. Normally its one thing per day, and usually 2 for Tuesdays, but today they're having a woot off, so when they run out of the item, they load another. Usually something good comes up and for a good price. Right now its a iRobot Roomba Vacuum, lol but itll change as soon as its sold out. I love watching these things. Buddy's ordered many things from them and swears by them. You do have to sign up, but its free and quick (well it used to be, it should still be. If its not, then I'm a liar but dont know it yet)

Check it out! And remember, even if its something you dont want, check again in a short while, cuz it might change!
Goooooooo Woot Off!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 08:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
this is me waking up early....sucky! I get to go look after miss Addison today. Yay! and Nay! At the same time. Shes a sweetie but a pain sometimes :s
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-09 08:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
We're getting to toronto on Dec 24th. And will be with family on Christmas Day. Besides a get together with former co workers on another day, Im free till NYE, so any day is good for me smile.gif I could also post my karaoke schedule and then just pick a day! LOL!

Buddy doesn't know I've got some karaoke to catch up on, but Im sure he has an idea woohoo!

And the " i DONT love britney" wasnt supposed to be all caps. that was my bad I have a crooked pinky and it hit the caps button tongue.gif I didnt mean for it to sound like I was stressing that I dont love her. Im indifferent smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-08 15:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
LOL heres the thing though, I DONT love britney, but, I was interested in hearing the album after all the hype about it on here, so I "got" it and now I cant stop listening to this song! lol

btw, Are we still up for possibly doing a TOVJ drinkfest aka meet? (drinking NOT required, obviously tongue.gif ) I Know we'll all be busy with family and such, so if so, we should see what our schedules are like, and get the info out there in case anybody else wants to join up
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-08 14:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I cant stop listening to this song:

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-08 14:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
turns out I cant drink as I used to..heh I've felt horrible all day! Ugh!!

The shenanigans were scene right through, he knew what I was up to lol! I cant fool him!

I woke up in time and turned on the tv right when the video for Circus premiered... Britney overload for me lately, heh!

And I did not remember posting that post about the secret room, and the $200 Southwest Airlines Gift. wacko.gif

Pepernotens were put off for a bit, but they're being done tonight!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-07 18:02:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Secret rooms are the best!!!

Hehe We showed up about an hour late but we got a $200 certificate for Southwest!!! wooot!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-07 01:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Heheh I am being sneaky! We have his work xmas party tonight and hes just getting home soon, so i am getting into an inappropriate outfit for a work party and will tell him it's what im Its not that bad, just a short red and white kilt and a red shirt, but the fishnets and heels make it seem more too fun!

Oh and Favourite song on Circus so far: Amnesia...heh I love the oldies feel it seems to have smile.gif

Trickery, Circus and some Red Wine are making getting ready fun! woohoo!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-06 17:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Some oldies but goodies. I know Im guilty of MANY lol! Enjoy! (Should I have started a new thread for this? I didnt think it warranted one)

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are almost dead?

Why do banks cha rge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they already know there is not enough money?

Why does someone
Believe you when you say there are four billion stars; but have to check when you say the paint is still wet?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?

If people evolved from apes, Why are there still apes?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, 'It's all right?' Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, 'That really hurt, why don't you watch where you're going?'

Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.

Edited by xtinab, 05 December 2008 - 11:47 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 23:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I opted to order 2 photo christmas ornaments of Chimay (Kitty) and Guinness (the leopard gecko)
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 17:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 5 2008, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (xtinab @ Dec 5 2008, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Those are cute! Whered you order them from? I like the lizard one smile.gif Buddy has a Gecko and get all kinds of lizard and gecko trinkets. That would be an awesome present for him!

It's a gator! good thing you aren't in Florida, I think you would get flogged for that or something!

Anyhoo, I got them at Bealls Florida http://www.beallsflo...d...4&minor=494

They are on sale too!

Whats a gator anyways, but an extra large lizard! lol jk tongue.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 15:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Those are cute! Whered you order them from? I like the lizard one smile.gif Buddy has a Gecko and get all kinds of lizard and gecko trinkets. That would be an awesome present for him!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 13:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I cant wait. I still ahve to head to the Krogers and get the rest of the stuff I need. Ive never made them before so hopefully they turn out. Being in Columbus has made me so domesticated. Back in TO, I NEVER would have cooked or baked as much as I do here, lol

Also, this came on my Ipod this morning and I totally thought of Sprailenes and couldnt wait to get the lappy set up to post..LOL!

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 11:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Happy St Nicks Day! Im making pepernotens tonight!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-05 11:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Double Post:

Buddy just sent me this, its too funny not to post:

Apeiron's 10 Commandments of Child Naming
1) Thou shalt not give thy child a first name that is a last name (Kennedy, McKenzie) or the name of a place (Dakota, Madison).
Exception - If the place was named after a person (Virginia, Georgia).

2) Thou shalt not make up a name. Pick an established non-stupid name. If want to give your child an "ethnic" name, PICK A NAME FROM THAT ETHNICITY. Don't make up something! You might think you're ever so clever or that you're "keepin' it real", but you're ensuring that your child will never be taken seriously (Orangello, DaShawn).

3) Thou shalt not give thy child a name containing any punctuation (N'Fume, Billy-Joe).

4) Thou shalt not give girls a boy name, even if you give it a cute spelling. When a boy's name is used for a girl, it is no longer usable for boys: Dana, Ashleigh, Tracy and Stacy were all male names, forever made a gay joke by parents trying to be cute.

5) Thou shalt not come up with a cute spelling of an established name (Brandi, Lacee), nor shall you add a syllable to an established name (LaShandra).

6) Boys names shall be one or two syllables, unless the name is usually shortened. Alexanders are usually called Alex. Girls names may be longer because they can handle learning more than one syllable at a time. If you name your child Alexis or Alexandra, don't call her Alex! Cute, yes, but traumatic for boys named Alex!

7) Thou shalt give thought to what names your child might be called based on their name, and also to what their initials will be. If you are naming a daughter, her last a initial might change.

8) Thou shalt do a search to see how popular a name is with other parents and then refrain from giving your child any of the names in the top ten. Unless you have a very cool last name.

9) Thou shalt not refer to thy child by their initials, no matter how cute you think it would be.

10) Thou shalt research names that strippers use as stage names and refrain from naming thy daughter such lest she become a stripper herself.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 13:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Marilyn, I love your sig heheh. I had to take a second look! I thought my eyes were shaking or the screen was blinking! Great Sig!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-04 13:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
"Bacon Cheddar Curly fries...
bacon cheddar curly fries,
bacon cheddar curly fries....
All just for $_.99!"

I cant get this out of my head! (But I dont remember the price :S)
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-02 22:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 2 2008, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ahh yes. I used to work at a historical village, Doon Heritage Crossroads in Kitchener..where I had to dress up like I was from the early 20th century (around 1914.) Any ways, because there is such a German heritage in Kitchener, we taught the kids all about Dec. 5th. We even had one of these...



Best part of December 5th was Pepernotens!

Edited by xtinab, 02 December 2008 - 03:11 PM.

xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-02 15:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
You could always say you or the hubby have some dutch genes and therefore went the Dutch tradition of opening "some" gifts on December 5th smile.gif

My dad was from the Netherlands so we always had a gift or two on the 5th, although we made Christmas Eve our regular tradition. Ill let you borrow my dutch genes if you'd like smile.gif
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-02 13:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (thetreble @ Dec 1 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

This is going to sound weird but I've always wanted to experience being in a big storm like that. I've never been in a tornado before or under a tornado watch.

I never had either and was REALLY excited the first time the Tornado alarm went off (not as a test). They do weekly tests at noon every Wednesday, and My first time hearing one, I had NO idea what it was, and had a mini freak out. BB was at work so I called him and he explained it to me. I was like "So I dont have to grab what I can and run?" (Very closedminded, I must admit lol)

We caught the tail end of Ike here, and 50% of Columbus was out of power, some for almost a week. The winds were crazy, and trees all over were knocked down but I didn't see a funnel sad.gif I was looking.
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-12-01 11:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I was subliminally trying to convince him to get connect 4, weve past it many times and each time I always mention it! I looove battleship also! Board games were the best back then!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-30 11:51:00
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Today (Saturday) We bought both Sorry! and Trouble! Wooot! Awesome drunken board game night!!!
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-30 00:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
I can't wait till Caturday to post this...a very funny story!!!


And another:
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-25 14:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
buahah thats mom has a dvd of that yule log, and it also used to play on certain local stations for hours at a time...Christmas tradition at my parents house
xtinabFemaleCanada2008-11-22 13:52:00