CanadaEmergency!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 20 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Feb 20 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
after reading trailmix's review i realise that i only have a sealed envelope from my medical...i had a chest x-ray done but they did not give me a separate envelope. what do i do? i'm not even in the same town right now that i had my medical done AND my interview is on Friday?
Please help me...

Hi Schmelle,

I have never read a review where anyone had to produce the x-ray - they said to my Husband, "just give me the medical without the x-ray".

I did read one review where the CO told the interviewee that he could tell everyone that it's not needed - anyway, I wouldn't worry about it good.gif

I mean I can call the hospital in Newfoundland and have them courier the copy to the consulate or even the hotel in montreal so it could potentially be there by tomorrow afternoon if i got it tomorrow morning. Do you think I should be crying my eyes out right now....i can't believe i messed this up.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-20 16:00:00
CanadaEmergency!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
after reading trailmix's review i realise that i only have a sealed envelope from my medical...i had a chest x-ray done but they did not give me a separate envelope. what do i do? i'm not even in the same town right now that i had my medical done AND my interview is on Friday?
Please help me...
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-20 15:51:00
CanadaAPPROVED IR1!!!!
Hey all,
I just got back from the consulate in Montreal...I was only there from 730am until 930am....I am need for the xray!!!! Thank you all again...I will write a proper review when I get back to Toronto on Monday.
And a note to everyone...I saw quite a few people with xray envelopes...they all left with those envelopes in hand!!!

SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-22 10:20:00
CanadaFeb 22/08 CR1 interview in Montreal
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 11:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
woo hoo! You must be so very happy!
Congratulations to you both! :) :thumbs:

Congrats to you both!!! I believe I was right after you at the consulate on Friday. It looked like you left with smiles so congrats. I'm sad to hear that the guy said it could take TWO WEEKS to get you visa. He told me it would be sent out on that day or by today for sure!!! No movement from the Canada Post tracking yet but I understand that it is not always reliable. Anyway, best of luck to the both of you....and once again congrats!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-25 23:46:00
CanadaPolice Certificate Questions
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 25 2008, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You get the name check and if you have a criminal past then you need fingerprints.

I am pretty sure she will need police checks from canada and china.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-25 23:54:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 26 2008, 09:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay for Florida!

Hey Schmelle, who did your interview, was it a man with gray hair or movie phone guy?

Movie Phone guy...what a voice...I totally said to him "you should be an actor" kind of funny. Why do you ask?
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-26 10:57:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 25 2008, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Best of luck in this next exciting chapter in your lives!!! smile.gif rose.gif

Woo hoo! Glad to hear your interview was boring smile.gif

So when are you moving and where are you moving to?

Well...I am ready to husband is already Florida. Will be heading down there as soon as I get my visa in hand. Hopefully this week. It should be mailed today. I will be in Fort Lauderdale.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-25 13:07:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
First of all...I want to say thank you to everyone here at VJ....this process would not have been possible without your help!!!!
Ok here is my Montreal IR1 Interview review and I'm happy to say that it is BORING!!!

Feb 22, 2008
I arrived in a cab at the consulate at 7:30 was minus 20 and though I wanted to be there early I refused to get frost bite!!! I got out of the cab as they were opening the doors and perhaps there were 7 ot 8 people in front of me. We were scooted through security...I didn't bring anything other than my folder and my wallet which was a good thing. I got my number and waited in the first room for about 15 minutes and then we were escorted to the infamous 19th floor.
At this point it is 7:50. I was surprised and delighted that the people started being called at 8am.
So at 8 am I was call to the window...gave my number and letter and once again asked to wait.
8:15 - called to the window...lady asked me a few questions about my case as she sorted through my file. My husband and I have a co- sponsor but she was very glad that I had brought my husbands current US employment information. She took my medical (no xray), 2 passport photos, and xpresspost envelope. She asked me if I had any other cases filed in my name and I said "no" (which I realised after was not right because I had filed I129 as well but decided to go the IR1 route.) She had to pull the K3 big deal. Was asked to go and wait while they went through my medical and file.
8:50 - called back...lady said my medical was good...took my fingerprints...asked a couple more casual questions...basically pointing at things in my file and asking if that was brainer.....once again asked to wait.
9:10- called into the official interview room...very friendly man confirmed my fingerprints, asked me where I met my husband, and said you have been took 3 minutes. He handed me all my original documents. I asked if I could pick my visa up but he said would have to be mailed either that day or Monday.
9:15 - danced my way out of the consulate.

All in all...very painless...they did not need xrays and I saw a lot of people leave with their big envelopes. I will be calling my doctor in Newfoundland to let him know I was put in a panic for no reason. The people at the consulate were very nice...I had all my stuff in order so there were no loop holes. I imagine they can seem very impatient and cruel if you show up there unprepared. I just incourage everyone to read and read and ask and ask so you are not thrown by anything when you get there!!!
Now I wait for my visa to arrive by the ever reliable Canada Post!!!!
Cheers, Schmelle
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-25 11:17:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
QUOTE (happilycontent @ Mar 1 2008, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks you guys!! I'm just trying to figure out now which is the better/easier route, either activate my visa ASAP, or wait until June, as that will be our second wedding anniversary. (it's so weird, that we have conditions since we've been together for over 6 years now, but I guess that's the procedure) innocent.gif 3 months will go by fast, right? whistling.gif Thank goodness my husband is only 3 hours away.. Vancouver <--> Seattle

Congrats on your interview!! I hope you get it all organized soon!!!
All the best,
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-02 17:51:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (flames9 @ Mar 5 2008, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I phoned my peeps up and told them to have it there prior to 5pm!! Glad it worked!!

I'm here in florida...can't believe my flight took off this morning!!! i will write a full POE review when i get my brain back.
thanks again to everyone!!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-05 19:21:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 4 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 4 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tomorrow is the day! I CAN JUST FEEL IT!!!

good.gif I agree!

Showed up on tracking (for my Husband's visa) on Wednesday, arrived on Friday.

HOLY #######...IT ARRIVED!!!5PM!!!! i had to book a flight out for tomorrow which for some reason was much more expensive but i'm heading to the airport at 4am!!! holy #######!!! right now there is a snow storm happening in toronto...hopefully it wont be too happy to have the mysterious package in hand!!!
thanks everyone for being so nice...i will update on how the border crossing goes.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-04 22:33:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 3 2008, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so my magic 8 ball was was not the special day. :angry:

stupid 8 ball.

hey all...
my visa showed with canada post last night but it was accepted early yesterday morning in montreal. i just called canada post and she told me it should have arrived today. well it didnt. i'm so upset now. tickets to florida have doubled after today...going to cost so much more now to fly once it does arrive. i'm so discouraged. i mean i know it's not the end of the world but it's just really trying my patience. sorry to nowhere else to really vent where people understand.
thanks again.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-04 15:31:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 3 2008, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Mar 2 2008, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 2 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am looking at my time line and it took about 2 weeks for me to get my visa.

hey thanks...i know there shouldnt be any problem....i should get it this week....i really really appreciate being able to talk and vent with you all. it really helps having a support group. i will see what happens tomorrow...then tuesday....and so forth....hopefully i will have good news soon.
thanks again for the support.

Hang in there schmelle! It will show up this week!

Yes, while Canada Post did get my Husband's visa here in record time, I believe I checked it the day before it arrived and it still said it was at the P.O. in Montreal.

ok just got another email from montreal saying my visa was issued on friday...still nothing with canada post but at least i know it is moving in the right direction....
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-03 14:48:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 2 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am looking at my time line and it took about 2 weeks for me to get my visa.

hey thanks...i know there shouldnt be any problem....i should get it this week....i really really appreciate being able to talk and vent with you all. it really helps having a support group. i will see what happens tomorrow...then tuesday....and so forth....hopefully i will have good news soon.
thanks again for the support.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-02 23:00:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 2 2008, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tomorrow is the magic day! I can just feel it!

Good luck I really hope you get it!

Hey Thanks...I'm kind of going a little nutty. The email they sent said "...will advice again" What the hell does that mean????? I hope they havent changed their minds!!! Can you imagine!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-02 17:48:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
Ok...still nothing...still not registered with Canada post...i will keep you posted....hopefully tomorrow (monday) something will happen.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-02 15:46:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (flames9 @ Feb 28 2008, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where does it say she heard back???

Sorry I screwed up the position of my it is.

"The visa hasn’t been issued but will more than likely be issued this afternoon or tomorrow. I will advise you again.

Thank you

Operator 6"

Just got this from Montreal...I think I will be hunkering down in the cold for another weekend at least. Thanks for the advice ...I emailed 3 times before I got a response!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-28 19:03:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 28 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Schmelle,

You might want to try calling, sheree got through last week:


QUOTE (sheree @ Feb 24 2008, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 24 2008, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hi Sheree,

Sorry you are going through all this hassle. You mentioned that you called Montreal, my understanding is that they don't take phone calls anymore. Can you please let us know what number you used and what time of day you called.


"The visa hasn’t been issued but will more than likely be issued this afternoon or tomorrow. I will advise you again.

Thank you

Operator 6"

Just got this from Montreal...I think I will be hunkering down in the cold for another weekend at least. Thanks for the advice ...I emailed 3 times before I got a response!!!
Hi trailmix,

Al called 514-398-9695 extensions not sure about the extension though. He was the one who called and talked to them. He called 2pm first and was told to called after 3pm.

SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-28 18:35:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 28 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Feb 28 2008, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 28 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww sweetie I'm sorry...
Have you tried emailing them? response yet.

Well I hope you hear something soon!
I'm sure you will hon, stay strong (F)

QUOTE (JMacQueen @ Feb 28 2008, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 28 2008, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you tried emailing them?

From the original post "and no response to my email."

Well I'm sorry, I must have missed that. Thanks for pointing that out. :blink:

i'm just so worried that it is lost in the universe...i dont even know what the next step would be!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-28 12:01:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 28 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aww sweetie I'm sorry...
Have you tried emailing them? response yet.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-28 11:54:00
CanadaNo Visa...No Tracking...No Move
hey all...
just had to vent that it seems my newly approved visa has been lost in space...(i mean probably not but sure feels that way)....i know that another lady with her interview on the same day as mine got hers and she live in NEW BRUNSWICK!!! how can that be when i'm here in toronto. no tracking on the way to talk to a human at the consulate and no response to my email. i'm am so pissed off that i can't really celebrate!!! was planning to leave today but dont have the's really crappy.

does anyone even know what the next step would be if it just doesnt show? does anyone have an angle on contacting montreal? when i called it said they were not speaking with people for immigrant visa issues must email.

anyone with advice would be appreciated.

SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-28 11:45:00
CanadaThinking ahead...
QUOTE (David_n_Amber @ Mar 6 2008, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Amber came to my interview in Vancouver. We were definitely confident in our evidence because we probably had about 47 trees worth of paper and junk with us, but I personally think that having the USC at the interview makes the CO not have any 2nd thoughts about the legitimacy of the visa... USC is definitely not needed there, but if they have any questions they want to ask about hte USC, they can ask the fiance instead of you and if you're not good at interviews, thats a good thing to have them there lol

I just went through the interview process alone and in some ways I'm glad I did. I basically put my case together and have been obsessing about it from the start so I was ready to do it alone. That being would have been great to have my hubby there in Montreal and we totally would have made a mini-vacation out of it but we couldnt justify the $$$. We have spent a small fortune on plane tickets this past year and we couldnt really afford another hit. It's totally your need for both of you to be there.
Good Luck
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-06 11:51:00
CanadaToronto Pearson Airport
Well after a long day of waiting for Mr. Postman to arrive I left my house at 430 pm defeated yet another day. I thought maybe some new nail polish would make my heart hurt a little off I went across the street to Shopper's Drug Mart. Just 15 minutes later I was walking hone and feeling a little better at the thought of shiny red toes when I see a Canada Post Truck coming down my street. In my brain I'm thinking this is just another cruel joke as it would be the third Canada Post Truck that has blown past my little house on my one way street that day. THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT!!! It stops, the man gets out and says "Obviously you have been waiting for this!" I reply, " Would you mind if I hugged you!!!" So there you have it...5pm it arrived...the big fat xpresspost envelope filled with a mysteriously sealed envelope (obviously filled with all my work from the past year) and my newly pimped passport. Suddenly that lump in my stomach vanished and I started sob.

I only allowed myself a moment to indulge...had to get on re-booking my ticket to Florida. See I knew that if I could still get a flight out that day, Tuesday, there was still a shot at getting a fair priced ticket. Well this option was ruled out pretty quickly. I knew that if I booked that 7pm flight that there was no way to get to the airport (5pm traffic) and get through customs in 2 hours. So I booked a flight for Wednesday morning at's expensive but prices didn't get any better until after the weekend and I didn't have that long. I figured I could get there by 430am when customs opens and get through a little more efficiently. Now I feel good...ticket is booked...called my hubby...all is well. Then I see the weather...ICE PELLETS AND SNOW STORM WARNING FOR TORONTO!!! I think...well I really don't care at this point as long as my flight is booked. If it is canceled the airline will take care of it.

So at 3am I get out of bed and check the airport update...75% of flights are canceled...I keep flight is ON TIME. Ok...I think...I have got to get to the airport. I had booked a taxi for 4 am but man the weather was really really bad. Snow covered roads with ice pellets....not cool. My taxi arrived at 3:50...he was laughing at me...he was like "I'll take you but your flight is canceled" I go, "NO it's not canceled, it's on time and I can't chance it going without me and losing another flight!!!" So off we took an hour to get to the airport when it should have taken 20 minutes but the driver was great...really nice and he got me there safe and sound. My flight was on time. I checked in and started on my way through customs.

So I get to "normal" POE and as expected he sends me and my fat envelope to the secondary room. I check in and wait. There really isn't much to tell at this point. I waited from 5am to 5:50 am and then the lady in the office called me in. She verified my address in Florida, took my fingerprint, and had me sign what I guess will be my new Green Card once it get processed. At 6am I was on my way. My flight boarded at was a little late leaving because of the de-icing but no worries.

I arrived in Fort Lauderdale safe and luggage did not. Had to wait for the next flight to arrive with my luggage. A long day but the end result was sweet success...had dinner with my hubby.

All in all the POE portion of the day was such a non issue. There is nothing weird except for the wait. Make sure you give yourself at least two solid hours before your flight....I would suggest two and a half. I was there at 5am and it still took an hour....if my flight had been later in the day I'm sure customs would have been even busier. So that is all. The end of the story....for now anyway. Good luck to everyone on your journeys and thank you all again for the help and support.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-03-06 10:47:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Trailmix my case completed yesterday November 28, 2007!!!! I called NVC this morning so I guess I'm on to the next "waiting game"!!! I have my fingers crossed that you complete soon too...our timelines are so close!!! Anyway, do you mind updating me on the Interview timeline.....YES!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-11-29 10:20:00
CanadaQuestion about things to do before Montreal Interview

May I please ask you who send you the DS-230 Package, Was it Montreal Consulate or was it NVC

Thank you
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-07-10 19:27:00
Oh ..I am in Toronto...So my interview will be at Montreal..You r right about "not seeing it again part" I think that way everytime I had over my passport to any agency!

My hopes just got crashed, as i am going on a 6 weeks vacation starting mid nov no scope of attending interview in nov (beginning) before I leave sad.gif

Still hoping for an October date ..

Thanks Flames9!
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-09 15:37:00

Do you know how it will take for me to get my passport back from the Embassy? with the visa stamped on it? Is it same day or next day or 2-3 days etc etc Any Idea?
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-09 15:18:00
devil.gif here is the disclaimer in her line:
"It looks kind of like this, but not exactly:" laughing.gif
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-09 12:36:00

Thanks a million for your reply ..Do you know how it will take for me to get my passport back from the Embassy? with the visa stamped on it? Is it same day or next day or 2-3 days etc etc

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-09 12:30:00
Hi Folks

Just a simple question ..After the CR-1 (Spouse Visa) Interview at Montreal , do you have to submit your current passport there? I always thought the green card was a seperate card and nothing has to be stamped on your current passport

Please do let me know

Thank you

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-09 11:40:00
CanadaPolice Clearance question !! Please help.

You will also have to get a certificate from the Indian Consulate in Toronto , saying no negative records ..( This is for the PCC In India)

Best of luck
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-10-15 16:11:00
CanadaCR1 interview in Montreal

Anyone with CR1 interview in Montreal during the month of November? Just want to figure out if they have allocated interviews for November yet

Thanks for the info

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-10-15 16:33:00
CanadaWho is voting tomorrow??

Is it true that if you are in US , and a Canadian Citizen , you cannot vote ..Is there any online voting system?

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-10-15 16:15:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Thanks Flames9,Waitforever,Pandora01

Waitforever: Where are u getting these stats from?..Is it from the timelines posted here or some other Montreal Consulate Link ?

If it from stats here on VJ then they may not be accurate ...

My case will leave NVC only end of this month i think , As my australian police clearance is going to take about 15 days more ..etc etc...

So I am looking to get a case complete early October ...

Being extremely positive, I am going to say that I will get an early Nov Date for the Interview yes.gif


Thanks again

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-05 09:27:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Thanks cattattude, Just read about ur interview experience, Great review
wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-04 15:58:00
CanadaMTL (and others) Waiting for an interview date
Hi Folks

For the time being my CR1 is still stuck at NVC waiting for my Australian Police Clearance and Original Date of Birth Certificate ...

Do you know how long it takes the Montreal Consulate to schedule your interview once your case reaches them ? Is it the same for CR1 and K1

All inputs are highly appreciated


wingsforeverFemaleCanada2008-09-04 14:53:00
CanadaContacting Montreal Embassy
Hi Folks

Just wondering if anyone can help me with some info

I had to postpone my CR-1 interview ( which was scheduled for Dec 15th) as I was out of the country and returned back just few days ago , I wrote to the embassy saying my dilemma and also sent them copies of my ticket and earlier note to NVC explicitly letting them know that I cannot be available end of nov till early jan ...I got a reply from the Montreal embassy that "the contents have been noted"

Now here is the issue:

a> Now when i call NVC they say , they dont know as all the files are with Montreal Embassy and that I need to contact them directly
b> Montreal embassy doesnot entertain phone calls, so I emailed them twice still no reply

Any ideas if there is any other way to contact the embassy ?

Any suggestions appreciated and Thank you

Happy New Year!!!

wingsforeverFemaleCanada2009-01-07 14:39:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
I have a similar worry about moving to the states. Every time I visit I find there is no choice and no way to find healthy food - especially since I travel through Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. On one particular trip, I gained 5-8 pounds from eating off-the highway meals. I couldn't find a single vegetable anywhere. Health stores seem far and few between , whereas, in Toronto, there is a health store on every other block and choices galore. Is home cooking really the only way in the U.S.? Why hasn't the health food craze become as popular there as it is in Europe and Canada? Is it a mentality thing? Is it a commercial thing? Both perhaps? I've never seen so many fat people in a Wal-Mart before - I really feel like I'm in a foreign country! ;-)
Toronto GuyMale02008-11-28 15:16:00
CanadaJuly 3 Montreal Appointment
QUOTE (ndave @ Jun 28 2008, 10:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deb has he appointment on July 3 at 0830. Just wondering if anyone else from VJ was going that morning. If you go, Deb will be the blonde with the "deer in the headlights" look and the terrible case of the shakes. Sorry that I can't be there with her but I have to work. Maybe someone else from VJ can try to calm her down!

Hope its not too late but I just got approved this Monday and put kind of a blow by blow thing on my post just to calm down people who were as stressed out as I

Hope it helps Deb out!!!!!!

Mike & DebMaleCanada2008-07-03 07:22:00
CanadaLocal Police Certificate or RCMP?

I'm very confused about which one to get. On one hand I read that RCMP is better because it's a Canada Wide search (and it avoids the 3 municipal checks I would need)but requires fingerprinting first, then application for a criminal check. When I called the 613-998-6362 number and they say there is a 150 day wait time on Criminal Checks (and I KNOW I don't even have a criminal record),

On the other hand, I look @ Toronto's Police Services and they use the same database as the RCMP and they DON'T require fingerprints, of course they also don't state how long it will take for the criminal check.

So which service do I use that will take the least amount of time? I'm 3 months away from my wedding date!

Thank you,
LordfalcoMaleCanada2007-07-10 20:15:00