CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
Hey VJ'ers,

I have a question about the POE stuff. I hoping to get my Visa delivered this week. Once it comes, my wife and I will be booking a trip to fly to the US to go house shopping etc. We will be flying out of Toronto so of course will need to go through airport security/customs etc...

We are not moving to the US during this trip - we will be after we buy a house and all that (likely 4-6 weeks after this trip). Do we have to activate the Visa and all that stuff during this first trip across the border or is that done when we are actually moving? Would it be easier to do this during this trip (not having our U-Haul all packed up and ready for a 24 hour drive), or does it have to be done when we are physically moving?

Any opinions or information?

Also - I am going to be bringing my Canadian purchased car across the border when we do move, can I get the paperwork at the airport to import it? Does anyone know the forms/information we need to get that process going? (i"ve read some stuff about it on here but some of it is dated and hard to follow)

Thanks everyone for your info!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 09:22:00
CanadaWhat to Expect
We just got our XpressPost envelope yesterday! In the envelope there is your passport with a Visa glued to one of the pages in the middle, and a brown envelope (maybe 8" X 10") that is sealed up and has big notices on the outside that says 'Do Not Open'. Thats it. Your passport and the envelope.

You take the passport and the envelope with you to the POE and give it to the customs people, apparently they take you into another room, take your envelope, review the contents, finger print you, have you sign some stuff, and send you on your way. From what I've read here and from the conversation I had with a customs guy, thats all there is to it.

hope this answers your question

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-21 07:26:00
CanadaFinally! Visa in hand!
I went to the post office today and woooo hooooo we finally have the Visa in our hands! I've ot my passport back with the Visa in it along with the "Do not open" package. We are sooo excited to finally have this process over with!

Thanks everyone for your help and kind words. We'll be activating it next week when we fly to Texas to start house shopping!

Thanks everyone!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-21 07:30:00
CanadaMontreal Interview June 13/07

Another one snagged.....That blows! I'm sorry to hear you have to jump through these hoops too. It's great that your son will co-sponsor you though and it should be a non-issue, just a pain in the a$$ waiting.

Good luck with your co-sponsor and getting the Visa nice and quick!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 09:06:00
CanadaSocial Security Number - Who do I call to check status?
Thanks guys, I'm going to head to the closest SSA office tomorrow morning and get this process going....I don't know what I was thinking when I thought it actually might go smoothly through the DS230 checkbox deal....oh well.


DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-07-17 13:32:00
CanadaSocial Security Number - Who do I call to check status?
Hi everyone...

Well I got my visa and had it activated and all that, now I'm waiting for my SSN and actual green card to arrive. It's only been 2 weeks since we activated the visa but now we're in the process of purchasing a house and our bank needs my SSN before we can close (in 2 weeks). Anyone know who you can call to check the status of it? Any way to get it quickly? I checked on the SSA website and the two 1-800 #s provided both say they're out of service (nice...). Can anyone shed some light? Phone number, email address, anything??


DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 14:32:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Hello all,

Just wanted to post an update...we have been waiting for 3 months for our interview in Montreal and we received the following letter today:

Your immigrant visa petition (I-130) was previously approved at a US consulate. Congress recently pass the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, a law requiring that all I-130 petitions undergo a further screening to determine if the US Citizen petitioner has ever been convicted for certain types of crimes. Because of this new requirement, the Department of state has instructed embassies and Consulates worldwide to suspend processing on any I-130 petitions that were filed through a US Consulate after the effective date of this act and to forward these petitions to the Department of Homeland Security's Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for further processing. To meet the requirements of the Adam Walsh Act, every I-130 petition filed since its effective date (July 27, 2006) must undergo an additional law enforcement check to determine whether the petitioner has a criminal record relevant to the act. Consular officers do not have access to and by law are not authorized to obtain petitioners criminal history records, which must be reviewed to establish eligibility under the Adam Walsh Act. Consular officers, therefore cannot run the checks now necessary to approve a petition,

You are waiting for an interview but we are required to send the petition to USCIS for their review and approval. Unfortunately, we have no idea right now how long this action will delay your case. As soon as we receive additional guidance on handling these petitions, we will inform you. Please do NOT submit any documents to us at this time because we cannot proceed with processing your case and any documents submitted may be outdated by the time your case is eligible for processing. We understand that this change may cause significant delays for some families, but it is based on legal requirements that we cannot disregard. We sincerely regret the additional delay and inconvenience this will cause you.


Immigrant Visa Unit Chief

So there it is....

I guess the only thing I can say is that I'm deflated and very disappointed. I was so excited to finally get this mystical letter from the US Consulate - tearing it open to see that big fat interview date....this was what I was let down with instead. "No idea how long this will delay you case" Days??? Weeks??? Months??? Years??? No indication of how long this may continue to keep new wife and myself in limbo....

Sorry if this same thing is happening to you, we sympathize. Lets just hope for a quick resolution to this issue and get things back on track.

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-02-12 17:25:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
Well folks - I'm very new to the message board but I am sooo glad I found it. I thought there was some sort of problem with our application and were somehow being left behind on the interview scheduling. We married in late August and submitted the I-130 petition in mid-September. Everything seemed to happen really quickly and seemed to be going great. We got out package with the checklist and had all of our documentation collected and sent back to them within days (we had sarted getting the documents we'd need early to expedite the process). SO anyways we sent back the checlist right away via overnight courier and it was received and in the system October 31st (i think thats what they said). So now we wait....We called in December and they rudely said January/February. So still have heard nothing so we emailed them this time (hoping to not have to hear the growling voice at the other end of the line) asking if they could please check the status of our case# (very politely of course). We got the response

Thank you for your email.

Correspondence will be sent shortly regarding the status of your file.


IV unit

What does that mean???? Does it mean they're checking into it and will email us back with the status or does it mean...wait for an undetermined amount of time and we'll send you the letter in days...weeks...months...years??? So now we're kind of left with a we bother them again (and it definetly seems like a bother) to clarify what we should expect to be hearing and when? Or just sit here waiting...??

I'm just glad thier are others out there who are experiencing the same thing. I have checked through the listing of everyones timeline and the status of their case (feel free to add me if you'd like) but it seems strange that after October 4-5 they haven't scheduled anything else for anyone. I hope those interviews start getting pushed out soon , we'd really like to get this process moving.

Oh well wait and see. Good luck to you all, I hope things start moving along well for all of you!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-02-09 12:17:00
CanadaWhat would it happen to my RRSP, RESP if I am no longer a Canadian resident?
QUOTE (jedinite @ Nov 15 2008, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are taxed on the entire amount of your RRSPs when you pull them out. The institution that holds your RRSP will automatically withhold a percentage (around 30%) for tax purposes I believe. Since RRSPs are a way of lowering your tax rate, you will pay on the interest you have earned on them plus the principle.

You will have to file this as current year income to the IRS but the amount that you paid for taxes already in Canada will be used towards your current year IRS tax filing. So if you paid 30% on your RRSP when you pulled it out to the CRA, and you owed 33% to the IRS the they would take your 30% you already paid to the CRA and give you a tax credit for it, and therefore you would owe an additional 3%. If you ended up paying 35% to the CRA and you owed the IRS 33%, then you wouldn't owe the IRS any additional money since the tax credit you would receive exceeds the taxes you owe. I do not believe that you can use the additional 2% tax credit against your US earned income, but you should check with your accountant.

Great info - we're actually doing this right now and would love some more details. My wife and I are living/working in the US and sold our remaining Canadian RRSP this year (2008). Right off the top we paid 25% non-resident tax. So that said do we have to report this sale on our US tax return? if so, can you tell us how and/or what forms we need to fill out?

Also - do you know if we have to do a Canadian tax return (we have no other canadian income, just this one RRSP sale)? If so, do you have any tips or advice on what we need to file or extra forms etc?

Thanks very much for your help


DarrylNot TellingCanada2009-01-25 20:58:00
CanadaPacket 3: DS-230, Part 1. Questions 20 + 25.
Thanks for your input, everyone. I have a few more questions coming up but they'll be in a separate topic.
bauserMaleCanada2008-12-08 17:28:00
CanadaPacket 3: DS-230, Part 1. Questions 20 + 25.
Filling out the DS-230 for a K-1 Packet 3 response to the Montreal Embassy:

How detailed were your responses to question 20 and 25? See my concerns below.


Question 20 "List below all places you have lived for at least six months since reaching the age of 16, including places in your country of nationality. Begin with your present residence."

I lived in Scarborough during my childhood, but that has since been amalgamated into the City of Toronto... so Technically I've lived in Toronto all my life, just at various addresses (parents' house, University residence, apartments). Since there is no "address" column, is it sufficient to say I lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from my date of birth to present?


Question 25 "List dates of all previous visits to or residence in the United States"

Seems a bit ridiculous to have just 3 lines here. I've been to the States countless times throughout my my life (from single days to weeks at a time). What did you all do about this part?


Thanks in advance!
bauserMaleCanada2008-12-08 15:09:00
CanadaDS-160 -- necessary for K-1 appointment letter queue?
Just FYI -- I heard back from the Montreal Consulate and they said that I can send ahead the DS-230 part 1 and document checklist without completing the DS-160 first. So it's possible to send them out of sequence as long as you plan to do the DS-160 within a reasonable timeframe (I told them it would be ~7 days behind the rest of the stuff).
bauserMaleCanada2008-12-16 16:10:00
CanadaDS-160 -- necessary for K-1 appointment letter queue?
Thanks! I just renewed my passport and am picking it up on Dec 24th... I will email Montreal and find out if I should wait to send everything together. Will let you know what they say.

QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Dec 9 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would send them an email and ask. They responded to my email the next day I believe it was.

I have a feeling they need both forms, but I'm not positive.

bauserMaleCanada2008-12-10 11:42:00
CanadaDS-160 -- necessary for K-1 appointment letter queue?
Anyone out there know if the DS-160 electronic submission is required as part of "Step Three" of the K-1 Packet 3 checklist?

i.e., "Once we have received and processed the completed Form DS-230, Part 1, and your document checklist, we will send you an appointment letter... four to six months from receipt of this checklist..."

The reason I ask is that I'm about to send off my DS-230 and completed checklist -- but I just realized that my passport needs to be renewed so I can't submit the DS-160 until I get that done.

I can try to get a rush passport renewal tomorrow but it's gonna be tight cause I am traveling to see my Fiancee by air on Dec 26. So if anyone knows that I can safely wait to submit my DS-160 in mid-January while I go ahead and send the other packet 3 stuff now (caveat: without delaying my application a month)... please let me know!

Thanks in advance.
bauserMaleCanada2008-12-09 17:56:00
I left them a message with them yesterday (Dec 18) at 10:30am. They got back to me at 1:46 pm, same day. If you have caller ID the number will say "restricted".

Did anyone catch the cost of the medical? Their website says $185 but I thought I heard the receptionist say $181... but i was a bit distracted at the time of the call.
bauserMaleCanada2008-12-19 10:44:00
CanadaBeer Thread
Fave local brews (Toronto):
  1. Steamwhistle
  2. Amsterdam Blonde
  3. Mill Street Tankhouse Ale

Fave imports:
  1. Kronenberg 1664 (France)
  2. Holsten (Germany)
  3. Leffe Blonde (Belgium)

bauserMaleCanada2009-01-12 10:45:00
CanadaPacket 3 - Send only the DS-230, checklist in?
QUOTE (carrieandadrian11 @ Jan 19 2009, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I do that then? Just send in the DS-230 and the checklist for now. And then fill out online the DS-160 in the next few days?

Yep, that's what I did. 'twas confirmed by the consulate as well (Montreal).

I also recommend sending your paperwork with XpressPost because you get a tracking number.

Edited by bauser, 19 January 2009 - 01:00 PM.

bauserMaleCanada2009-01-19 12:57:00
CanadaPackage 3 has finally made it here!
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 20 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For question #25 ( List dates of all previous visits or residence in the United States....)
What do I put in the Type of Visa column, and the column after that ("A"No.)....

I put n/a for those. Canadians don't need visas to travel to the states for shopping/tourism/vacation (personal trips).

Unless you have US Visas in your current or previous passports this would not apply... someone correct me if I'm wrong!
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-20 22:56:00
CanadaPackage 3 has finally made it here!
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 13 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I fax these forms back, along with the checklist, or do I need to mail them???

Use Xpresspost so that you have a tracking number (i.e., you'll know when it arrives at their PO box). A little extra money for extra peace of mind.
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-13 16:33:00
CanadaThe best route to follow for a Canadian marrying an American
I'd just like to add something about timing: If you get married first you may have a harder time crossing the border (especially if you are together) unless you can prove intent to return. This is usually done in the form of a letter from your employer or a mortgage statement.

I have a friend who had a bad dose at the border because he was traveling with his wife (neither had status in the other's country yet and he did not have intent to return) and their passports got flagged. While you are engaged can just state that you are visiting friends (it's true) and you will probably not receive further questioning.

Personally, I chose the K-1 Fiance visa because I didn't want to go through all the planning and execution of a marriage only to return to Canada right away and wait for a year to get back together. With K-1 you stack all of your major milestones after the long waiting period, rather than having a big waiting period between marriage and reunion. Food for thought.
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-22 18:07:00
CanadaMy Medical Experience
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Jan 21 2009, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well she called me back today and told me that all I need to bring to prove that i had the Gardisil shot was my little yellow immunization booklet with it written in. Which seems wrong to me, but I'm going to do that because in order to get a letter i have to make an appointment to see my Dr. and that is just a pain for me. So I hope she's right.

My proof of a recent tetanus booster was in the standard yellow immunization booklet... just FYI.
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-22 18:11:00
CanadaMy Medical Experience
QUOTE (k34 @ Jan 20 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My one question: on the phone I was told to bring $275 cash... is this just so that I have enough to cover everything in case I need vaccinations (planning to get them in advance though)?

That is so weird -- they must have just raised their prices! I only paid $185 and that is what their website said in the "Exam Costs" section. I just checked it and the price has jumped up to $275 and it is even reflected on the webpage. Who knows why it went up 90 dollars -- the only thing I can think of is that new TB skin test mentioned earlier in this thread. If you find out why the price went up, let us know.
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-20 22:44:00
CanadaMy Medical Experience
QUOTE (chris11xb @ Jan 19 2009, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bauser, I noticed they gave you an Xray. Did they say anything about the new TB skin test? ... I'm just curious if anyone going for their medical in recent weeks has had the TB skin test instead of the Xray, since USCIS is now switching over the requirements for the AOS phase. But it seems Canadians are continuing to have the Xray, so if that's what they want, so be it. I'm sure they're still sorting out what and how they are changing things.

Lori (and Chris)

They didn't mention a new TB skin test. If it does replace the x-ray one day, hopefully the medical goes faster for subsequent applicants... the x-ray requires too much waiting and the film is huge (no way it's fitting in the file folder I'm using for my interview documents).
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-20 09:42:00
CanadaMy Medical Experience
QUOTE (to_hope @ Jan 15 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What time did the folks with whom you left arrive? I think I'd rather get there later and leave later, as opposed to get there early and leave early.

I was near the front of the pack of the 2nd (and final) group of x-rays. There was one girl ahead of me who arrived around the same time as me (7:10) and about 4 people (including Empath, who said she arrived at 8:00) after me. Since I got out at 10:30, and there were 3 people ahead of Empath (who said she left at 12:00), it's safe to say that they all finished between 10:30 - 11:30.

So it looks like if you are in the 2nd group your wait time will likely be 3-4 hours (done between 10:30-12:00).
bauserMaleCanada2009-01-19 10:02:00
Canadapetition I130 approved, I am in US can I file for everything else from here?

Hi guys,

I am a Canadian citizen who married an American citizen last year in Montreal. we were together in Montreal for about 8 months and then decided to move to US. we packed our stuff and crossed the border. we had tickets to go to India for 4 months. we filed the I-130 in December. we came back from India to US in April and two weeks ago I recieved the approval for the I 130 petition. The case is now at the NVC. I called but the application is not in yet.
I am currently in US, ever sice we got back from India. Now, I know they will send the papers for me to follow to the canadian address I gave them (my brother's). But Is there any way I can follow up on the application from US? The only status I have now in US is a visitor, which I am entitled to stay for 6 months.
Can I follow up on everything from here or do I have to return to Canada and follow up from there? If I talk to NVC, will they change my address to US (my husband) and allow me to follow up everything from here?

Please help.

Hi there,
I have been reading about your experience and wondered if I could ask you a couple of questions as your case is kind of similar to mine. My husband and I (he's a USC) lived in Torontofor two years and we decided that we wanted to come to the US. We applied for our I130 petition in March2007 and since then my husband has moved to Florida. I'm here in Florida visiting with him and I'm still waiting for approval of my I130. Just wondering how your process is going? Did you go back to Canada?
Thanks....from a fellow Canadian
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-04-18 17:58:00
Hey all...
Does anyone know how to abandon the I129F? My husband and I jsut recieved notice of I130 approval and there has been no word on the I129F so I think we will just go for he GC? Any ideas?
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-06-08 10:43:00
CanadaIR-1 Pending, visiting USA

Go here:

But I'm a bit confused, your information said you're filing for a K-3 but the process indicates that you are in the CR-1/IR-1 process.


we applied for both but it seems that the I130 is moving and I have not hear a thing from I129 yet so we are moving forward with the CR/IR1. We have been married for over two years. Does that explain?
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-08-02 12:58:00
CanadaIR-1 Pending, visiting USA

Hello everyone,
Well things are coming along. I have sent in my DS 3032 and my I864 fee to NVC and now I am awaiting my forms. I'm currently in the US visiting my husband. Any other Canadians out there that have spent a chunk of time in the US while they were waiting for their visa to be processed in Canada. Did you have any trouble at your interview when it came along?

Have you added your name to the list of Canadian folks waiting for their IR1/CR1?? If not, please do! The more the merrier!

Maybe I sound dumb but where so I do that....?HELP!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-08-02 10:20:00
CanadaIR-1 Pending, visiting USA
Hey all,
Thanks so much for the input. From the sounds of it I am safe to stay here in the US for 6 months at a time...which is what I will do and then I will go back to Canada to finish out my visa. I think the timing of everything should work out pretty well. I hear that Montreal is taking forever to assign interivews from the time your case is complete at NVC...I guess that remains to be seen.
Good luck all...
Canadian Girl
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-08-02 08:34:00
CanadaIR-1 Pending, visiting USA
Hello everyone,
Well things are coming along. I have sent in my DS 3032 and my I864 fee to NVC and now I am awaiting my forms. I'm currently in the US visiting my husband. Any other Canadians out there that have spent a chunk of time in the US while they were waiting for their visa to be processed in Canada. Did you have any trouble at your interview when it came along?
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-08-01 12:43:00
CanadaOff to Montreal in the morning !
QUOTE (Cantwait2gethome @ Oct 4 2007, 12:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well all , its our final step ! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif We are leaving tomorrow morning and driving to Montreal. I am such a nervous wreck right now blush.gif . I keep thinking I have forgotten something or feel I am going to forget an important document behind (even though I made my husband go thru the folder 3x! whistling.gif )

Our interview is Friday at 9am...its going to come to fast hehe.

I want to express my many thanks to those that helped me through the shady areas. Now our future is in the Montreal Consulates hands !

WOW...GOOD LUCK!!! I'm so impressed by how quickly you got through the process. It was really fast!!! Let us know how it goes!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-10-04 08:25:00
CanadaFees in Montreal for IR1
Hey all,
Hopin that my case will complete really soon...I know I still have some waiting TO DO...of course. Just wanted to know if anyone out there knows what kind of fee (if any) and how much I will have to pay when I go to Montreal for my interview. I have been reading some interview reviews and in there some people mention "going up to pay the fee"...can anyone shed some light on this for me. Just want to be prepared finacially if need be.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-10-09 14:13:00
Hey All,
Wanted to let you know that I called NVC today and my case completed yesterday......YES!!! Guess now it's another waiting game for the interview.
I just wanted to let you all know (if this is helpful) that my case was not updated on the phone system so I wouldn't have known I was complete if I hadn't spoken to someone.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-11-29 10:25:00
Hey All,
Wanted to let you know that I called NVC today and my case completed yesterday......YES!!! Guess now it's another waiting game for the interview.
I just wanted to let you all know (if this is helpful) that my case was not updated on the phone system so I wouldn't have known I was complete if I hadn't spoken to someone.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-11-29 10:26:00
Hey all,
Just wanted to let you know that I jsut just got off the phone with NVC and I have an interview in FEB...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!
Happy Holidays.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-12-20 17:06:00
CanadaInterview in Montreal

QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Dec 20 2007, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh Sweetie I'm so happy for you guys!!!
Congratulations!! good.gif

SchmelleFemaleCanada2007-12-20 11:11:00
CanadaFriday Interview!!!!
Hey all,
Just wanted to touch base with everyone. The big day is this coming Friday...I hope the weather holds out in Montreal so I dont have any problems with the flight. I will definitely write a review...I hope the review is so straight forward that is is BORING!!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-19 12:29:00
CanadaEmergency!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
QUOTE (raymaga @ Feb 20 2008, 04:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You do NOT need to take the X-ray with you to the interview.

Don't worry about it at all.

ok...first of all i have to say that without all of you i would have jumped off something by now!!! this process is crazy!!! i have never met any of you but i feel that we are all connected and i appreciate you all so much. i am going to call the hospital in the morning, have them copy the xray, have my brother pick it up and bring it to montreal with him on saturday. if they need it, i will have it to bring to them on monday when the consolate opens. i dont go back to toronto until 945am on monday and it's a train ticket which is totally changeable if need be.

i am going to pack my suitcase and have a gin right NOW!!!
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-20 16:41:00
CanadaEmergency!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
QUOTE (Crikey! @ Feb 20 2008, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't worry about it, Schmelle. You won't need it. But I'm thinking..... is the envelope they delivered to you a huge one or a regular 11x14 (or whatever) size? In any event, if they really need it at the interview (which they won't) they'll ask you to send it to them. You'll be fine. good.gif

the envelope i have is a sealed 8x11. i just spoke to the doctors office in newfoundland and she said that the results of the xray is on my medical (in the sealed envelope) but of course the xray itself is not. i did not get a copy of my xray when i had it done...i guess i'm just an idiot. i can try and get my family to go to the hospital tomorrow and get a copy and courier it to me in montreal. i mean the secretary at the doctors office was like "you must have it" thye wont approve your visa without it!!! i dont know if she's on crack or what ....
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-20 16:16:00
CanadaEmergency!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 20 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Feb 20 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
after reading trailmix's review i realise that i only have a sealed envelope from my medical...i had a chest x-ray done but they did not give me a separate envelope. what do i do? i'm not even in the same town right now that i had my medical done AND my interview is on Friday?
Please help me...

Hi Schmelle,

I have never read a review where anyone had to produce the x-ray - they said to my Husband, "just give me the medical without the x-ray".

I did read one review where the CO told the interviewee that he could tell everyone that it's not needed - anyway, I wouldn't worry about it good.gif

I mean I can call the hospital in Newfoundland and have them courier the copy to the consulate or even the hotel in montreal so it could potentially be there by tomorrow afternoon if i got it tomorrow morning. Do you think I should be crying my eyes out right now....i can't believe i messed this up.
SchmelleFemaleCanada2008-02-20 16:00:00