CanadaGood luck today's interviewees!!!!

star_smile.gif APPROVED star_smile.gif

So sorry I took so long to let you all know (I just got back in to Toronto and I was too tired to log onto the computer by the time we got back to the hotel). *And now my back hurts from the megabus and I'm too tired to write my review, so I'll do that tomorrow, hehe!

DANU!!! You didn't get to see my happy dance once we came out so here it is ------> kicking.gif

You're awesome Steph - it was so nice meeting you, as well as the others..SOCK LADY & DALENE -great peeps and company!

Everyone on here is COMPLETELY RIGHT in saying that the interview is the EASIEST part - it's CAKE wink.gif

So to all the fellow interviewees don't stress and GOOD LUCK good.gif

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-23 23:49:00
CanadaQuick Question
Thank you all for replying and easing my nerves, seriously..'cause I've been tripping out and my fiance is saying that I'm getting all worried and stressed out for nothing. Yah, there really isn't anything I can do.

As far as emailing the Consulate, I did..and I doubt I'll get a reply back from them, but it's all good, I don't take it personal anymore, lol.

But seriously, CanadaPost really needs to step up their game 'cause I will NEVER use them again!
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-12-11 15:35:00
CanadaQuick Question
Allo, allo everyone!!!

I received my visa last week but just got to my parents this week to finally take a look at it.

My mom said she had a really hard time taking it out of the mail box (my parents live in an apt.) and ended up ripping the xpresspost envelope as well as a bit of the sides of the brown sealed envelope that I have to submit at the POE (it's ripped at the bottom corners not at the top where you would open it).

Thanks CanadaPost...they really shouldn't have shoved it in and should have just left it at the nearest post office for me to pick up *gosh*!

Although it is obvious that I didn't attempt to open the envelope, I'm still a bit concerned about the rips...will the border agents give me a hard time???

In the meantime, just wanna say thank you to everyone on here, I don't come on here often but you all have provided great information and advice since I've joined and I'm extremely grateful for it - wishing everyone WONDERFUL & JOYOUS HOLIDAYS smile.gif
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-12-11 09:11:00
CanadaYet Another Quick Question, lol!


Wow!!! I've been like a chicken with it's head cut off up until now, lol! My advice for the 2K10 VJ newbees: try NOT to do the BIG move during the Christmas holidays :wacko:

It's been so crazy that I actually forgot that I even posted this :blink:

I thank you all for replying - incredibly helpful, as usual!

Now that I'm officially over the border, it's time to do the SSN, MARRIAGE, AOS, DMV, ETC. stuff - oh joy! I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but I seriously cannot wait until I can totally chillax and not think about any of this stuff, lol!!! :sleepy:

(L) (L) I just would also like to say that even though I'm not on here that often, I truly am grateful towards every single one of you, you have all kept my sanity (and saved me beaucoups dargents) - I seriously could not have done this without you guys and I keep you all in my prayers and wish everyone the best on not only their visa journeys but their life journeys, may Love bless you all, all the time!!! (L) (L)
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2010-01-02 10:53:00
CanadaYet Another Quick Question, lol!
Hey Peeps!!!

I cannot find this information anywhere and as much as I tried to think about it over and over, I don't even know who to call to verify an answer...

So I come to you all for some knowledge! helpsmilie.gif

I would like to know if I am legally able to change my maiden name to my husbands and yet still keep and use my maiden name in Canada unsure.gif

I would love to and don't mind taking my husband's name because all of my documents will be from scratch however....

Eventually, somewhere down the road, we would like to move back to Canada, but I really wouldn't want to change everything over, I would much rather just keep everything the same - Is this legal to do (does Canada care that I'm known by a different last name in the US)???

Thanks so much everyone!!!

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-12-18 23:15:00
CanadaStopped at the border - visiting before CR-1 complete
I just read this and had to smile.

My husband and I just recently went through the exact same thing, although a bit harsher. We went through the Sarnia boarder and brought all our paperwork with us to the exact same outcome. They fingerprinted me (Canadian Citizen) and took my photo's and explained to me that I wasn't allowed to temporarily stay in the US while our Visa was processed. The officer was very friendly about it and it was a bit scary (we were in the boarder patrol over for over 3 and a half hours for questioning) but my husband had to drive me back to Toronto and head back to Chicago without me.

We asked while we were there about me travelling to the US now that this has happened, and they explained that I shouldn't try it unless I brought very strong ties with me that I'm returning to Canada and it is only a short visit for a specific reason.

A month after we were having a family get together in Georgia, and I had a round-trip ticket purchased. I packed my bag with current phone bills from Rogers, bank statements showing my open TD account, pay stubs from my employer, a letter from my parents that I'm currently residing with them etc. I was stopped for secondary questioning before boarding the flight from Pearson, and was asked if I had ever been denied entry before. I told him the entire story about the Sarnia incident, was completely truthful, let him tear through my bag and check all my paperwork and in the end he was more than happy to let me board the flight. He gave me a 5 day extension past my roundtrip fare dates in case I needed to stay for an emergency in the US and then explained if I did not return I'd be in big trouble tongue.gif.

I have a roundtrip ticket purchased for Florida and I'm leaving in a few days to spend a few weeks with the in-laws. I'm hoping it goes as smoothly as the Georgia visit did.

All in all, maybe it depends on the officer that stops you, but the way I was explained the situation was it's alright to visit, but not for anything more than what is necessary at any given time. We were told that it is not okay for me to live in the US for 6 months, even though they grant Canadian citizens 6 month visitor visa's, when processing immigration documents. It's viewed as trying to sneak in inadmissably. (I did have two immigration charges laid on me when I tried to enter Sarnia. He said they were just administrative charges, nothing criminal but it would be flagged on my passport). He said there's a huge distinction between visiting and living somewhere, and 6 months is by no means a visit.

Just thought I'd share that with you, you're not the only one it's happened to. Good luck in the future smile.gif
emjaykainFemaleCanada2009-12-07 13:58:00
CanadaIs anyone moving to Illinois?

I never noticed the pattern, we are being used for our constant 25 C + weather and lack of any real winter!!!!11

My husband lives in Chicago, and that's where I'm headed when this is all through =)
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-01-14 13:23:00
CanadaIssue with my medical yesterday. I need some advice.
Ah, that's wonderful.

Thanks so much everyone!!!!
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-11 17:30:00
CanadaIssue with my medical yesterday. I need some advice.
Thanks alot everyone..I feel alot better. I tried asking Dr. Seidan exactly what would happen if it turned out to ''be something'' or what steps to take..but he was very rush rush with my medical and was out the door in a blink haha.

I'm hoping to get my results back next week. If I don't and my medical isn't complete..what should I do about my interview?
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-11 17:26:00
CanadaIssue with my medical yesterday. I need some advice.

So my interview in Montreal is on March 23rd. I went to my medical in Toronto yesterday (March 10th) and everything was going great until he felt my glands. Apparently my lymph gland in my throat is abnormally swollen (I've always had problems with my glands in my throat being swollen but he didn't take that as a valid explanation). Anyways, he informed me that I need to go get this checked out so he can have an explanation from a doctor of what it is before he completes my medical. I went to a walk-in and had some blood work done and then was also referred for a few ultrasounds. I went to the ultrasound clinic and have an appointment booked Friday. They said the results should be in by Wednesday the 17th the latest and my bloodwork should be back by then as well.

The question I have is..what if it's not something normal? What if I do have a problem and it can't be resolved before my interview? Or what if the results aren't back by then? Do I call the consulate and tell them what happened and that I need to reschedule and interview? Or do I go and then provide them with the medical when my results are in? I'm not sure at all what to do just in case that happens, and although I believe it's nothing as I've always been in perfect health, I want to cover all my bases since it's getting pretty close to my interview.

Everything else from my medical (blood test, x-ray etc) was completed. He said he just needs a copy of my results regarding this lump from another doctor and then he'll be satisfied to provide me with the completed medical.

If anyone has had a similar situation or any advice about how I can handle this if worst comes to worst it'd be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone!!!
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-11 12:22:00
CanadaQuestion regarding Medical
Thank-you so much, you guys never fail to be helpful.

I really appreciate it :)
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-17 11:48:00
CanadaQuestion regarding Medical

At the interview, when you are asked for your medical documents, you would hand over the note that you have and explain the steps you're taking to complete what's required. Then, when you fax your info to Dr. Seiden and his office finds everything in order, they will mail your medical documents (sealed) to you, which you in turn would mail to Montreal.

This will likely put a bit of a delay on the issuance of your visa, I'm sorry to say. But at the very least, you should be told at the interview whether or not you've been approved pending your medical exam results. That means, long as you receive that sealed envelope (which is Dr. Seiden's seal of approval), you'll have the visa issued as soon as Montreal gets back to processing your case.

Thank you so much. Do you know anything about how long it takes after I mail the medical to Montreal for them to review and issue the visa (if I'm approved pending medical)?
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-16 12:16:00
CanadaQuestion regarding Medical
Hi There,

I posted on here about a week ago regarding issues with Dr. Seidan being unable to complete my medical. I was sent for further testing for an issue with my throat and am still waiting for the results. I was told by the ultrasound clinic my results could take up till Friday to come in, and then I still need to speak with my actual doctor regarding them and any other steps that must be taken to clear the issue up.

My interview is Tuesday March 23rd. My Husband's flying up from Chicago on the 20th (Saturday) and we're leaving Monday the 22nd for Montreal. I strongly believe my medical issue will not be cleared up by the interview date. I was given a piece of paper by Dr. Seidan that basically in his handwriting says ''I need a medical note explaining the such and such issue and all results from tests done by a Doctor''

It's written on the paper given to you if you miss vaccinations (I have none of those missed..he crossed out all vac's and wrote the note in the corner in pen) so it has his name and office numbers on it.

When I go to the interview, do I just show them that and explain why my medical isn't competed? And once I get my results and fax them to Dr. Seidan, what do I do with my medical? Mail it to the consulate?

Thanks again everyone, you're always so helpful :)
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-16 11:54:00
CanadaMarch 23rd 2010 Interview - Approved!
Hey Everyone,

So Robert and I got to Montreal on Monday the 22nd, we went to scope out the location of the building and it's a bit hard to find. The entrance really doesn't have any huge markers saying it's an consulate (I was expecting a large American flag like the consulate in Toronto hehe). We arrived the next day at around 7:05 am and it was freezing outside as well as raining. There was a couple already waiting in front of the doors and after about 10 minutes more people started to steadily arrive. A lot of people were crowding around the door waiting to be let in trying to keep dry. When they finally opened the doors, everyone was shooed over to the side and told to line up. The people who were huddled were kinda grouping at the front of the line instead of moving back which was really frustrating. We obviously were aware that we were 2nd in line and planned to enter in that place, but some people who had just arrived were trying to force their way in first.

Once we got inside (we were "B" :)) we went through security and were led upstairs to the waiting room. We were called to window 9 to verify information on our documents as well as clear up a few questions. She asked if there were any previous marriages, children, military service etc. She then took my fingerprints and asked us to sit down and told us we'd be called back for our interview.

About 20 minutes later we were called for booth 10 for our interview. We had a very friendly woman who asked if Robert was my husband (haha) and then swore us both in to start the interview. She asked us:
1) How did you two meet
2) Asked me what I did for a living
3) Asked Robert what he did for a living
4) Asked me the month/year he proposed
5) Asked us what makes the relationship work
6) Asked Robert if he had health insurance

She never looked at any of our evidence and everytime we answered question she told us to hurry up and give a very short answer :) Hahah

Then she announced we were approved and off we went.

Great experience overall

Edited by emjaykain, 26 March 2010 - 10:54 AM.

emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-26 10:51:00

We were actually the 'B' couple behind you :) I'm glad to hear you two were approved!!!
emjaykainFemaleCanada2010-03-26 10:39:00
CanadaVehicle Importing and Registration into California
Thanks for the feedback. Your responses echo what I've been able to pull together from other sources. I'm getting the letters from the manufacturer for FMVSS and EPA compliance. I spoke with someone from the DMV technical compliance section and she was helpful and basically outlined what you stated.

The driver abstract is a good suggestion. Thanks. I may also get a copy of the vehicle information package here in Ontario which shows if there are any liens, etc.

The information re ability to pass the smog test is reassuring.

Thanks for the advice.

marsh.davehMale02009-02-16 09:10:00
CanadaVehicle Importing and Registration into California

I'm preparing to relocate on a TN-1 Visa for temporary work in California and was wondering if anyone has specific experience driving through the border and registering a car into California?

I know that I need the compliance letter from the manufacturer and based on what I can read the EPA Form 3520-1 waives temporary residents under code 'M'.

The CBP and customs process seems pretty straight forward. Does anyone have any experience with insurers and smog tests?

I spoke with someone from the DMV and she said I needed the Smog Test (successfully!), US customs letter, bill of sale and the cert letter.

Has anyone taken their car to CA and had it smog tested? What cars pass and which ones don't?

Both of my cars are low km 2008's so mechanical condition shouldn't play a factor. One is a Jeep and the other a Mazda 5.

Any comments or words of wisdom? This is only a temp visa so I don't want to go through any mods.

marsh.davehMale02009-02-05 17:00:00
innocent.gif whistling.gif

I'm removing conditions soon good.gif hi eh! to Canadian VJers and everyone.

daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-15 08:24:00
CanadaI found the motherlode!
I miss smarties and mars bars smile.gif

but the shipping! ouch helpsmilie.gif
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-15 08:20:00
CanadaScary experience!

Laura you kept your cool wonderfully! it could have been very ugly.

You definitely deserve kudos from everyone, but especially your bosses.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-21 17:02:00
CanadaMust we Hate America?
Interesting article. I still heartbreakingly miss Canada - and of course my family. We made many mistakes in planning (or not planning well) my move here and setting up our life together.

I get angry at the social injustices here in the US, but I also recognize that Canada has many problems too, they are different though.

I admit, I am a US basher blush.gif and sometimes it isn't pretty. However, one thing that the US does better than Canada is the postal service - USPS rules over CanadaPost any time!
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-21 17:13:00
CanadaOff topic but SO FUNNY!
Weird Al is brilliant!
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-31 22:11:00
CanadaAnyone know the name and title of the song they always play at Hockey Games?
There's a compilation of sport songs that has all of these - you may be able to get it from itunes

go Leafs yes.gif
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-31 21:38:00
CanadaQuiz: How to choose a candidate
Hmmm, I did this during a break from the democratic debate. It's a tough call between Obama and Clinton. I'd love to have a woman president but as my husband calls her, she's an old white boy in a skirt. Obama is great! I'm almost glad I can't vote this go round.

Ron Paul is good but he scored wayyy down on my list. Could we differ on gun control? jest.gif
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-31 21:53:00
CanadaTrying to do Income Tax in the USA
I was married to my US husband in July 05. We did joint taxes. Since they were too much of a headache we used a specialist in Canadian/US taxes. I think the guy's name is Serbinsky, if you search this forum you'll find the links. Other people here have used him. Email, phone and mail - no personal face to face. It was only a few hundred dollars and well worth the cost for less effort than doing it ourselves and peace of mind.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-02-06 20:41:00
CanadaSo I'm leaving for Canada in less the 48 hours
I agree with SapphireDreams. I'd say I was visiting my honey for the weekend or whatever it happens to be.

Too much detail confuses people.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-02-06 20:46:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
Wow Reba! I feel your pain - I've gone through similar stuff. These workaholic men with no social life! I'm a workaholic too, so it's almost killing me not being able to work. some people wish to have such time on their hands.

You said upstate New York or Vermont, but be careful. I live where New York City folk call upstate, only 2 hours outside of NYC, but I could be on Mars. If I want to shop beyond groceries, gas, and Walmart, I have to drive 45 minutes. With no job, that's a lot of gas, so it's lucky I have no money to shop. If I want to volunteer, like becoming a Big Sister or working with kids, the only place wanting such volunteers are a 50 mile drive away! crazy, right! So choose a town if you can!


QUOTE (Reba @ Feb 23 2008, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've been here a little over 3 years now, and I still don't like it much. I'm getting used to it, but I can't say that I'll ever like it here tongue.gif And by "here" I mean small town western North Carolina. I have no idea if life would be any more enjoyable in some other part of the country. I'd like to think so, because its hopelessly miserable here tongue.gif and we plan to move this year somewhere closer to the border and therefore closer to my family. Up-state New York likely, or maybe Vermont.

The only reason I'm here in the US and he's not in Canada is because Canada wouldn't let him in. We would still have a year or more of paperwork to endure with Canadian immigration to get him able to cross the border, and I've been bugging him to get on it since the day I arrived. wacko.gif

When it became apparent that I'd have to move to the US rather than him to Canada, I begged and pleaded that it be somewhere other than this area, but unfortunately BOTH of his parents fell ill with terminal cancer and they wanted him to move closer to them. Why, I have no idea, they never wanted to see us after we got here tongue.gif huh.gif

He was working 80 hour weeks when I arrived, and I had no friends or anyone to talk to. Ever. I tried to "make friends" with his parents, and for whatever reason they just didn't like me. Too outspoken for them. Too liberal. Too Canadian.

Everywhere I went to try to meet people, I would be insulted about being an immigrant, or my non-racist sensibilities would be insulted to the point of nausea.

My husband has no close friends, so there was no-one "built in" so to speak for me to get to know. And with him working 80 hour weeks, he had no time for me to show me around or introduce me to people. I was completely and entirely on my own.

I've had 4 jobs since I got here, and the one I have now is the most tolerable, though boring and mindless. I get paid a pittance, barely liveable wage, and the cost of healthcare scares the ####### out of me. And yes, I have insurance, but the freakin' deductibles are so bloody high, it doesn't really cover anything. By the time we meet our deductibles, I'm fairly certain the year will be over and we'll be back to square one, OR my employer will switch insurance companies again so we'll start from scratch again at Jan. 1. They apparently have done that for the past 3 years, which I wish I'd known when I took the job last spring. Not that it would have mattered, there are no other jobs in this town. Our county has the highest unemployment rate in the state apparently. And a lot of employers don't offer health insurance benefits because it costs too much. My husband has been out of a job now for just over a year. There are others in town, whom I see quite often applying for jobs at the furniture plant where I work, because I'm the receptionist and they're in there once or twice a week looking for work...some have been out of a job for 2 years or more. There's just no jobs here. And the town doesn't seem too anxious to try and bring in some industry to get people working again. I work at the LAST furniture plant in town that is still manufacturing and not totally outsourcing to foreign countries. Henredon just closed up their plant at Christmas and laid off 500+ people and kept on less than 20 office employees. I think I've seen all 500 of them come thru our place to put in an application. sad.gif

I also expect that we'll be back to lay-off hours this summer, and I will only have 4 day work weeks. Which means 4 day week paychecks. We haven't got caught up on bills from last summer's lay off yet sad.gif

Home may only be a 2 hour plane ride, but the cost is anywhere from $400 to $700 or more and I just don't have the money for it. My take home pay is less than $1000 per month. So I'm stuck here for the duration. And I feel stuck, all the bloody time. We don't even have the money to go to a movie in town most of the time.

daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-02-29 07:45:00
CanadaLeaving Your Home Behind
Unlike other countries, I think one of the issues Canadians may have with moving to the US is that we assume that life in the US is very similar to life in Canada because on the outside, traveling through many communities, that's what it appears to be. We share an overlapping pop culture and drive through the suburbs in Canada and the US, they look eerily similar. In reality, there are many differences. Health Care is a prime example.

Did you know that one true sign of being Canadian is insisting on the differences between Canada and the US!!!!

I don't know how other people make their decisions to leave home, but I suspect that like me, many people make the decision clouded by that love for and desire to be with the loved one far away.

They say it takes up to 7 years to adjust to immigration. I still want to go back to 3 years ago when we filed the K-1 paperwork and I'd not file. I've been here over 2 1/2 years. EVERY SINGLE DAY I believe I made the wrong choice to move here instead of staying in Canada. I went through a great deal of anger at myself and depression. Now I'm resigned. But I'm turning 43 years old this year. I don't have a full time job as yet, I can't get hired in my field and quite frankly, now that I see the state of education here in the US and the effects of NO child left behind, I'm not sure that I could get hired since I don't teach to the test. I also have lost my retirement benefits from Canada. No full-time job, no pension, expensive health insurance has high co-pays and other fees. My financial stability is obviously in jeopardy for the rest of my life, as is my health care. My husband is a work-a-holic, which would be fine if I could get a job here full time. However, the full impact of this is that he doesn't have a social network of his own outside of work. I don't either. As a result, we have neither the money or the contacts to do many social things. I have a few acquaintances, but no friends. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my lifestyle. I miss Tim Hortons!

I don't mean to whine, just state the facts of my life. We considered NONE of these issues before I moved here. We did not set up the situation to be ultimately successful for me. We just did the absolute minimum planning about what would happen after I got here, got married, and filed for AOS. I have nowhere close to walk my dog. Much of my stuff is still in storage because our place is too small, but we can't afford something bigger, we live too far away from urban areas so that I can't enjoy my hobbies. All we could think of is being together and working through the immigration stress that for some can be a nightmare. I think you are smart to recognize now what you have and to look at the bigger picture of your whole life, not just the relationship. Depending on your personality and location, it may be easy to replace, it may not.

I know not everyone feels like I do. But you may want to read carefully many people's stories about their adjustment, not just from Canada. You may get a good sense of the challenges that we've faced and that will maybe give you the opportunity to better prepare yourself for your new life.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-02-20 07:42:00
CanadaConsidering divorce, k-1, remarrying
They might question your sanity!

Seriously though, they will probably scrutinize your re-application in minute detail.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-02-06 20:50:00
CanadaGood Job Calgary!!!
Hartley Bay Rocks!

Wish all people put more into it.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-03-31 15:54:00
CanadaDriving to Canada - Ontario
I drove to Canada through the Queenston/Lewiston crossing mid March. While I had no problems crossing either way, the Canadian official noticed my greencard expiration date of 3/30/08. So she told me this:

When driving a vehicle with US plates, (as I was), the person must be legal in the US in order to enter Canada.

I'm wondering if Canadian officials are getting tired of us getting stopped at the border going back into the US?
Anyway, FWIW, BE CAREFUL!!! Make sure you have all your documentation when you go home for visits.
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-03-31 15:03:00
CanadaThe Canuck Clearinghouse Thread
knitted dishcloths! Is that a Canadian thing? My stepmom made me a bunch! They're great!
daisy16Not TellingCanada2006-01-30 07:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Jan 21 2008, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 21 2008, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok you're in, no preliminary visas here so nessa is in too. easy.

Only one question before Charles reaches the Don Cherry level of Canuckdom. Explain any two of the following (most Canucks don't know these so if you don't get it maybe some of my fellow Canuckleheads will help):

1. Polar Sea and/or Manhattan
2. Dammit, Les, you pissed on my rug!
3. Manicouagan Fu**-You Call (this one's too easy)

*wondering how many people are going to answer one of these or all three?*

I have ***NO*** idea what this is!!!
How long before you give us the answers devil.gif
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-22 12:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Just came back from visiting family in Toronto - I met my brand new niece for the first time!

First time in Canada since last May, and I discovered Timmys on the NY thruway on the way back! No more smuggling sandwiches and donuts across the border innocent.gif
daisy16Not TellingCanada2008-01-21 16:56:00
CanadaMontreal interview...Visa....denied....hmmm pending...
Thanks everyone! Our fingers are crossed.

I emailed Montreal yesterday to see if they had received our extra documentation we hand deleivered last Friday (5 days ago) and see what the status was. I got back an email basically saying basically

"hmmm well we get lots of mail, it might or might not have been received but either way nothing has been touched on your file...bye"

Fantastic! I travel a bunch for work and am stuck without a passport until who knows when (I asked for a timeframe in my email and of course it was ignored)...I have no doubt the visa will be approved and I'm not super concerned about that side of things - but not having or knowing when I'll get my passport back really sucks. I can't go anywhere which is not something I or my company planned on and it's really making things difficult.

I hate that when you have an important circumstance (like losing your job) and you ask them for some help they basically ignore your situation and give you the same form letter email. Why bother even respond?

arrrgghhhh why can't this process be simpler??????

Wait wait wait

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-07 11:12:00
CanadaMontreal interview...Visa....denied....hmmm pending...
Thanks everyone for your support. I hope all goes well with what we've already provided - but if for some reason thats not good enough my company just offered me a job in the US so I can provide the offer letter to the Consulate as proof of US income as the official had given as an option. So we have double what they need - assets and US income that exceeds both of the requirments so I think we'll be in good shape. I just hope it all happens sooner than later!

Bowflex - thanks for your experiences and cautions. As for taking it easy on applicants - I was not in any way trying to offend anyone or belittle anyone - just offering my experience. I realize some people are nervous and whatnot but I was nervous too...My only reason for posting my advice is because people didn't follow the easily laid out information when it was provided during my experience. Nervous or not if people take the time to read signs, and listen to instructions they will save themselves some hassel and won't be snapped at by the immigration officials. Just my opinion/ more, no less. Not meant to be hurtful...just trying to be helpful. Sorry if it came across otherwise - that was not my intention.

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-05 11:53:00
CanadaMontreal interview...Visa....denied....hmmm pending...
Sorry it’s a little late but here it is….our interview experience on June 1st in Montreal.

We drove from Toronto to Montreal on Thursday and got to our hotel around 3:30pm, we had a decent hotel – The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth on Rene Levesque. It was not too bad and about a 5 minute walk to the Consulate. We ventured out Thursday night to get our bearings and to find out exactly where it was etc.

Friday morning we left the hotel around 7:00am, stopped by Tim Hortons for a quick bagel and off we went to the Consulate. Got there at about 7:25a and there were already about 5 people lined up for the non-immigrant Visas and no one in line for the immigrant visas. So we got into the immigrant visa line and were quickly ushered through security/metal detectors etc by a very nice polite young female security officer. She gave us a little white square with a letter and number on it and told us to keep it until we got upstairs. She told us to proceed down the stairs and to wait in the waiting room until we were brought up to the 19th floor. When we got downstairs there were about 15 people waiting.

Around 7:45a the same security official came downstairs and asked for the immigrant visa applicants to follow her into the elevator, there were two other guys, the security officer, myself, and my wife (so we were basically 2nd in line). We got up to the 19th floor and were directed into a room off to the right where we were to go to the counter hand in our number along with our passport and documents etc. We went to the counter and were greeted by a very friendly and polite lady who took our number, asked for each documents which we had organized perfectly which she commented on not only our organization but also our the amount of documentation and how prepared we were. She took all the docs and gave us a slip to bring to the cashier so we could pay the fee. She advised us to return after we paid with the receipt and drop it off to her. So we did, paid $380US, brought the receipt back and were told to go wait in the waiting room until we were called.

At about 8:40a the guy in front of us was called into room D8, he came out about 10 minutes later with a huge smile on his face and gave the thumbs up…a successful interview! He took the elevator down and was done. 10 minutes later we were called to the same room and were met by a very friendly man behind a glass window. He said good morning and welcomed us etc, asked us how the process has been going and if it had taken more time than we’d expected etc. We replied back saying we were held up a bit by the Adam Walsh stuff but for the most part were just happy to hopefully be in the final leg etc. He was pleasant and really didn’t ask us many questions – basically where do we both work, what were our positions, etc. He didn’t ask anything at all about when we met, our history, or really anything about our relationship at all. Didn’t ask to see any of the documentation we brought (photos, joint apartment lease, bank records, etc). Things were going great….and then….He says that basically because we are both living and working in Canada and have no “US income” we are denied. He was super nice about it and said he used to be able to make the judgment call and just approve us but couldn’t do that anymore and that the rest of our application is absolutely perfect. He said that even though our joint annual income is over 10 times the minimum poverty level required it didn’t matter. He told us that the only way we could be approved is if we got a co-sponsor who had the required “US income” or if either of us had an employment offer in US dollars. He kind of shook his head at the process and basically apologized for it being so dumb that obviously we can’t get US employment until we are legally allowed to work in the US….but can’t be legal until we get a job in the US…it’s a catch 22.

Obviously our hearts sunk to our feet….all this year and half of effort, expense, and all for what…a BS loophole that obviously doesn’t have any bearing on our case as we’re both very educated, employable, and have earning potential far beyond what is required…We were extremely deflated.

Finally I recalled the I-864 and how you could declare your assets to offset the income level – so I mentioned it to him and he kind of perked up and said that definitely if we had financial assets that met the requirements we could provide proof of that and we’d be approved. So we were pretty happy…our petition just went from basically “denied” to “pending approval” So we asked him what dollar amount we needed etc and he typed up a letter stating what we needed to prove etc and gave it to us. We asked if we could provide account print outs and bring them back that day and he said we could and bring it to the Consulate and it would take about 7-10 business days to be reviewed and approved. So we rushed back to the hotel got all our accounts online and printed out all balances etc, copied them all and put them in an envelope and high-tailed it back to the Consulate. They took our docs at the front door and signed them in etc and we were done.

So now we wait...and hope to god that everything from here on in is smooth. I really think the guy felt genuinely bad that he had to follow the bureaucracy and deny us when it obviously shouldn’t have applied to us, but he had to do his job and we understood that. So now we’re in a spot where we’ve met the conditions he’d asked for and submitted the documentation to back it up and now we just wait….

So not the climactic ending to a horribly long and anxious process we were hoping for with the big rubber stamp saying “approved” did not happen…it was more of a lackluster hmmm….I guess we wait another 2 weeks to see if we’re good to go….so wait...wait…wait…we go…

A couple of observations…

The interview process is insanely overdone. To come all the way from Toronto (5 hour drive there and 5 hours back – 2 nights in a hotel, etc) is insane. We basically go through security, drop off our docs, pay the fee, and talk to the official for 10 minutes. All of this in my mind could be done via correspondence. The medical was never even opened from what I could see…they didn’t even want my X-rays. I lugged them all over the place and they never came out of the envelope. We were never questioned or asked to prove our relationship or any of that….I really don’t know what the purpose of the interview was.

People DON’T listen. Applicants are grown adults who can’t listen. Can’t read, and can’t follow simple instructions. Everyone talks about how rude or unhelpful the immigration officials are….if I worked there I’d be exactly the same way. People who are applying for immigrant visas were lined up directly behind the sign that said “non-immigrant visas” if you don’t know what kind of visa you are applying for….go home and read up. When the official says “go to the right” people instinctively turn left… There was this woman there who was wondering aimlessly all over the place – she’d go to one of the officials and ask where to go – they would tell her nicely where to go and point her in the right direction…she’d go the opposite direction. They told her to go to window 13 and she goes to the elevator…listen!!! If you have language issues – bring an interpreter. If you want to minimize the “attitude” you get from them….listen….read…observe…follow instructions!!! I can’t stress this enough. It was amazing watching these people do exactly the opposite of what they were told.

Take it easy….be patient…treat the immigration folks with respect. This one is self explanatory….I saw people there who strutted around like they were the most important people in the world and that the immigration people “owed” them something. This attitude will get you no where. Be polite, patient, and respectful and they will do the same to you.

Well guys that’s our story. Unfortunately it’s a work-in-progress instead of a completion, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed and let you all know when we get some good news!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-05 08:29:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving

You're awesome! I just called the GM number you listed and paid the $75 and it's on it's way. Thanks for that great info. I aksed the guy if that was all I'd need and he said "yes, just bring these docs we're sending you to the border and you're all set, nothing else is required"

Very nice and easy...I wish all this stuff was so simple!

Thanks again!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 11:36:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
Hey Colin,

My car is a Gm ('02 Pontiac Sunfire), I don't mind paying the $75 to get it done soon. If you have the phone #'s etc and the process you went through I'd appreciate your experience



I guess my quesiton is - is it going to be quicker and easier for me to activate my visa during our leisurely trip to the US to visit and shop for a house when we're under no time issues or stress etc...OR...would it be better to do it when we're all packed up in the U-Haul - 1 hour into a 24 hour drive and get to the border? If this is the case, are there any benefits to doing it one way or the other? Any risks? If I do it at the airport on our leisure trip - how long does it take? Do I have to be at the airport more than the normal 3 hours before the flight departs?

Any info is helpful!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 10:58:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
Hey VJ'ers,

I have a question about the POE stuff. I hoping to get my Visa delivered this week. Once it comes, my wife and I will be booking a trip to fly to the US to go house shopping etc. We will be flying out of Toronto so of course will need to go through airport security/customs etc...

We are not moving to the US during this trip - we will be after we buy a house and all that (likely 4-6 weeks after this trip). Do we have to activate the Visa and all that stuff during this first trip across the border or is that done when we are actually moving? Would it be easier to do this during this trip (not having our U-Haul all packed up and ready for a 24 hour drive), or does it have to be done when we are physically moving?

Any opinions or information?

Also - I am going to be bringing my Canadian purchased car across the border when we do move, can I get the paperwork at the airport to import it? Does anyone know the forms/information we need to get that process going? (i"ve read some stuff about it on here but some of it is dated and hard to follow)

Thanks everyone for your info!

DarrylNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 09:22:00