CanadaNo available Appointments?

Hey guys,

I was informed by DOS that packet 4 was sent to me, and im trying to book an interview in Montreal and its saying no available appointments at this time! What does this mean? I used to log in to the site and always there was available dates!

This is most likely caused by the budget issue/government shut down. The good news is that they have reached an agreement regarding their budget so it means things should be back to normal soon. :)
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-08 22:09:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

Aahh, you got a ticket number in the high teens, yes? At Notre Dame, I said to my friend "that girl was at the interview too... ... I think..." Well, hello! And congratulations!!

:lol: That's hilarious. I said the same thing to my sister at Notre Dame. I was in the high tens. Congrats as well! Now we play the waiting game for our Visas to arrive.

Edited by GLo, 15 April 2011 - 10:53 AM.

GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-15 10:52:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

Awww soounds good...congrats! I would be dancing in the rain! lol
I am going with my hubby to his it okay that I just show my passport and go in with him? Or the guard will create a problem.

:rofl: I was too tired from a lack of sleep to dance. Plus I brought more than I needed for the interview so I was hauling around 10 lbs of paper. Unfortunately I don't have my P4 letter with me at work, but there is a section (near the end of the letter) about who is allowed to accompany you at your interview. A passport is accepted as ID.

"herding" is the right word for it! It was a bit of a gong show... I was wearing a blue rain coat, but I was trying really hard to not lose it so I didn't really chat with anyone.

I think I did see you. Did you go to the Notre Dame after the interview? I think I saw you there as well. I was the short Asian girl with a grey wool sweater and purple scarf.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-15 10:12:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews
Here's a review/recap of my interview yesterday.

- Arrived at the entrance and lined up along with other people at 7:45am. Make sure to have your appointment confirmation letter/e-mail and passport ready for the guard at the door. Make sure to read what is not allowed in the embassy (e.g. backpacks, large purses, nail file, etc.) and leave all prohibited items in your hotel room. The guard turned away several people who had backpacks.

- Secondary security screening. Again, have your appointment confirmation letter/e-mail and passport ready for the next guard (who checks your name off from a list). Essentially, you will experience the same security screening done at airports (minus removing your shoes). Take all your loose change out of your pocket and remove your belt, etc. and place them in a tray. Walk through the metal detector. My shopping bag was flagged because I had 3 Valentine cards that plays music. I had to surrender them to the security and they gave me a ticket so I can pick them up on my way out. I also noticed that others had to surrender their automatic/electronic car keys. Paperclips, 3 ring binders, and alligator clamps are allowed and they were not flagged.

- Going down a set of stairs and waiting in a basement room until another guard escorts you to an elevator to the 18th floor. In case you forget to bring your 2 passport photos, there is a self-serve photo booth in the basement room. I think the cost is $10.00. Sorry I can’t remember because I was somewhat anxious throughout this whole process.

- Once you’ve reached the 18th floor, a greeter checks your appointment letter and crosses your name off a list. You are asked to line up at the end of the room and you are giving a number.

- Once you’ve receive a number you wait until it is called (as indicated by a switchboard/screen) to a specific booth (which ranges from 1 to 12). You will be asked to go to a booth 3 times. Expect to be sitting and waiting a lot. The 1st time to give them your passport, confirm that you’ve paid your fees (print your receipt of payment if you paid online), and fingerprinting. The 2nd time to provide the following:

- 2 passport size photos
- a photocopy of your passport
- your birth certificate (original and a photocopy)
- your medical exam results (sealed in an envelope)
- a copy of letter of intent to marry (by your fiancée/petitioner dated within 30 days of your interview)
- I-134 - Evidence of Support (along with supporting documents – I submitted my fiancée’s income tax for 2010, 2009, and 2008 and copy of his pay slip

- The 3rd visit to the booth will be your actual interview. I was interviewed by an extremely friendly and nice young woman. She asked where and when I met my fiancée, if I had any criminal records, if I had been denied entry to US, where is my fiancée currently living and are we planning to move. I was expecting to be asked to show pictures, letters, cards, e-mails (all chronologically organized and labelled in a huge binder and a huge file folder) but she never asked for it. They also never asked for my X-ray (which I was hauling around from Toronto to Montreal and back). The next thing I remember is providing a signature on one of the documents and being congratulated. She gave me 2 sheets of paper: one on FAQs regarding fiancée visas and another on DHL instructions.

- After completing my interview, I had to inform the greeter that I was leaving and I had to wait (along with others) to be escorted by a guard back down. Yes…More waiting! I picked up my Valentine cards and left the building back to my hotel to call my fiancée with the good news. It was raining when I was walking but I was too happy to notice it. :D

Good luck to everyone (who are doing their interview)!

P.S. I almost forgot to mention this, but entire process took approx. 2 hours. Again expect a lot of waiting. The view from the 18th floor is nice but again I was too anxious to notice it. There's also a play area for children and a TV which was playing "Jimmy Neutron", the movie.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-14 11:02:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

yayyyyyyy :D What are they talking about next Thursday for ?? Could we go through this all over again ?? My interview is on Friday !!

I'm not sure if we will go through the same process again. I would keep an eye/ear on the news to see if there's any possibility of a shut down. Chances are...There shouldn't be as long as they finalize their budget. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Timberline. :)

Iampatricias, I hope your interview went well. There were so many people being "herded" from one room to another that it was impossible to figure out who you were in person. After 2 hours of going through security, submitting my final paperwork, and finally the interview...I have been approved :yes:

Best of Luck everyone!

P.S. The security guard was very strict in terms of bringing a backpack into the embassy. Leave your backpack in your hotel room and put your stuff in a grocery bag (e.g. re-usable ones from Metro, Loblaws, etc.). Oh and if you have any cards that plays music, they will temporarily hold them at the security desk. I had to "surrender" 3 of my Valentine cards, but I picked them up on my way out. Going through security was almost like going through airport security at Pearson except I didn't have to remove my shoes.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-14 08:56:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews
A tentative agreement has been reached. So things should be back to "normal". This is sigh of relief for some of us. Hopefully this will mean that everyone else will be able to schedule their interview as well. :)
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-08 22:14:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

No no, no shut down at all! My interview is scheduled for Wednesday, so keep hoping for no shut down! Or if they're going to play hardball that they come out with a new budget on Sunday night so no interviews have to get rescheduled at all!!

Ugh...I hope their budget issue gets resolved too. Re-scheduling will mean more delays and I think we've waiting long enough. Not to mention we have to change our travel arrangements and accomodations. And in my case, request time off work again.

I hope to see you there iampatricias on Wednesday. My interview is at 8am.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-08 13:49:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

The whole discussion about past medical history and current health status took less time than the first station where the lady collected my passport, pictures, and money.

:lol: ROFL...I couldn't agree more. I think I spent more time waiting to see the next person (e.g. nurse, technician, etc.) than talking to anyone. The "interviewing" doctor will ask general questions. Do you have any heart diseases? Do you have any STDs? Do you have any mental illness? To be frank, I don't recall the doctor asking if I had a history of drug abuse.

In regards to the post regarding embassy closures, I don't think it should affect us. But don't quote me on that.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-07 13:31:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews

I moved mine up so now I'm going on the 13th as well.

Good info on the medical - I'm going to try to get back to work for lunch time so that timing works out quite alright :)

No problem. Your medical results will be available for pick up within 48 hours (so April 7 after noon for you). Bring a large shopping for your X-rays when you're picking up your medical results. The secretary didn't ask for an ID when I picked up mine.

Good luck!
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-04 15:50:00
CanadaApril Montreal interviews
April 13 :D
Just did my medical yesterday in Toronto. Got there at 6:45am and done by 8:10am. It was faster and much more friendlier than my regular doctor's office. Then again, I live in Toronto.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-03-29 13:51:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
For those who are considering taking VIA. They are having a promotion until April 19...50% off fares.

Again, I took VIA from Toronto to Montreal. One way is approx. 5 hours long, but the seats were extremely comfortable and they offer WI-FI. It's on time and you don't have to deal with traffic.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-15 10:44:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?

You might want to check viarail, thats how I'm going.
It leaves from union station and drops you off at Montreal's central station.
It takes about 5 hours but its more roomy that a plane, it has wi-fi, you don't have to go through the hell that is Pearson airport AND most importantly its $155 roundtrip per person. So MUCH cheaper than flying!

Good luck! My interview is on the 28th,so nervous!!!

I took VIA rail as well, but I purchased my tickets when they were having their 50% off fares promotion. As mentioned, it takes you directly to Gare Central (which is near Rene Levesque Blvd.) Essentially it bring you into the heart of Montreal and approx. 15-20 min. walk to the U.S. Embassy.

I preferred the train since the price is reasonable, it's on time, and you don't have to deal with traffic. Plus the seating is much more comfortable compared to planes, buses, and cars.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-14 09:16:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
As noted by some of the replies, you can send Packet 3 using other delivery options besides DHL. I used Xpresspost (using the old address since it was not updated) and it was forwarded to the appropriate address. Whatever you use, always have a copy of your documents and always use some sort of tracking. That way you won't create even more stress.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-18 10:50:00
CanadaTime between medical and interview
Your medical results should be available within 48 hours. I had mine done in Toronto, but the procedure/policy should be the same at both Toronto and Montreal offices. I had mine done on a Monday and it was available for pick up on Wednesday by noon.

For more info, please visit the Panel Physician site.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-18 10:43:00
CanadaMedical review.......Toronto

Is there a list of required immunizations we can look at? seems like it would be something we could make sure we knock out before we even get to the medical. Thanks for the review... good luck!

Yes. All the required immunizations are listed on the Panel Physician website. If you don't have a record of your immunization, I would recommend going to your physician and request a titre test. :)
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-14 09:01:00
CanadaMedical - Toronto
That's somewhat odd since they are very prompt at returning calls (within 24 hours or so). The number listed on the Panel Physician website is correct.

Another option (which I acutally did since I was tired of playing phone tag) is to e-mail them directly. Include your name, contact info, the date of your interview, and indicate you want to book an appointment at their Toronto location.

Their e-mail address is
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-20 13:44:00
CanadaCan I transfer to Vancouver?

I don't want to come off as abrupt - but everyone just has to go through the process and abide by their rules. May as well learn that now since you're going to be running by USCIS rules for the next 3-5 yrs or so.

We all would have loved to go through Vancouver, but trying to circumvent the existing rules isn't going to help.

I agree. Trying to bend the existing rules can lead to nothing but trouble. To be honest, you have to be realistic and extremely patient to get through this process. Otherwise you'll be disappointed as stated by Udella&Wiz.

Wishing you the best of luck with your visa process,
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:18:00
CanadaQuestions on Montreal Interview and Required Documents

Now to wait and hit refresh atleast once an hour to check whether the DHL tracking number is there or not :P

:lol: I was doing the exact thing last week.

DHL will also call you. They called my home while I was at work, but I rushed to my DHL pick up location once I saw a waybill number. If it's being picked up, take a screen shot of the info. My DHL guy seem extremely happy that I had it. It made his job easier.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-26 12:28:00
CanadaQuestions on Montreal Interview and Required Documents

Hmm...I live in North York as well. There's a pick up location in Markham (30 Micro Ct, Markham, ON L3R 5N1) This might be closer for her.

Ugh I just realized it should be 95 Micro Ct for Markham location. Sorry my brain isn't working today. :bonk:
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-18 15:33:00
CanadaQuestions on Montreal Interview and Required Documents

Thanks. Fortunately for us, the DHL pickup location is only about 30km from where my wife lives.. She lives in North York and pick-up is in Brampton.

Hmm...I live in North York as well. There's a pick up location in Markham (30 Micro Ct, Markham, ON L3R 5N1) This might be closer for her.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-18 13:56:00
CanadaQuestions on Montreal Interview and Required Documents

Phew. Thanks :)
Now I can relax.. till I find something else to worry about :P

:) Better said then done.
Just an FYI, if the DHL pick up location is not convenient for you then you have an option to have DHL deliver it directly to your address (within Canada) for a cost (ofcourse). The information can be found here or after your interview (on a badly photocopied page).
GLoFemaleCanada2011-04-18 12:42:00
CanadaMarried & Applying for AOS - question about marriage certificate

So I made the big move on April 30th. That in itself is a sorrid tale. Let me highly recommend if you plan to enter the US through Toronto Pearson, leave A LOT of time between flights.

Thanks for the heads up! I'm actually doing my POE through Pearson as well in June. Out of curiosity, which terminal did you leave from? I think I've encountered this US customs officer over the years when I was visiting my fiancee.
GLoFemaleCanada2011-05-11 15:36:00
CanadaAny Suggestions on Hotels?
I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express - Centreville (not the tacky one in Chinatown). The front desk staff was extremely friendly and bilingual. And most importantly the hotel was clean. I paid in advance for my room ($109 not including tax) and it came with a little kitchen (which I didn't asked for but it was nice to have a fridge). Like most Holiday Inn, free breakfast was served :D

It was approx. 15-20 mins. walk to the US embassy. Best of luck at your interview!
GLoFemaleCanada2011-05-17 12:44:00
CanadaLess Harassment When Crossing By Land or Air???

I cannot believe what has happened to this thread (I just, only now, have had the chance to read through everything)! wow.gif

Personally, when I have crossed the border I have had both big scary white men and small scary black men harass and interrogate me - and I'm a mixture of both races (you would think I would get a break somewhere, right?), lol!

Anyway..getting back to the topic...

The reason why I was flagged is NOW a funny story ('cause Lord knows it was traumatizing for a long time):

Back in 2007, I was able to have time off from work and decided to spend it with my beau (2 months). I was naive and ignorant to how US visits really worked (my way of thinking used to be: "I'm Canadian, so what's the problem"). So, my honey came to pick me up in a US rental (I know, I know). I decided to pack A LOT of stuff, brought no ties, and no return ticket because I was unsure of the departure date and what form of transit I would be taking (Again, I know, I know - just didn't know at the time.. Remember: Naive Canadian mentality, lol).

Basically... I was treated like a criminal - was fingerprinted, had pictures taken and was refused. We drove back to Toronto, got all my ties together and attempted to cross at 1:30am - was interrogated AGAIN (asking me ####### like why did I bring my documents of evidence with me.. because you told me to IDIOTS) and then finally let through.

Ever since that day, they have continued to treat me like $#!^ (even though I show them all of my documents); although, let me give them some credit, there were a couple of times where they were actually friendly, made jokes and did not give me a hard time.

But, otherwise, it's been emotionally straining - I've learned to deal with it over time and since finding this website I totally do NOT take it personal anymore. good.gif

But it has been awhile, so just wanted to get some valuable opinions and mentally prep myself.

So thanks to everyone who responded appropriately smile.gif

As far as the first comment Rhiann made - I was not offended by that at all, to be quite honest. Was it irrelevant? Most definitely but I find myself doing the same thing (stating irrelevant descriptions) from time to time (just keeping it real), like DeadPoolX said, "it was simply a description. It's not like she said anything racist or derogatory."


It was Rhiann's latter comments which raised my left eyebrow - seemed very sketchy.

But yah...anyway - let's all keep the peace, have respect for everyone and stick to the topic tongue.gif

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-16 17:53:00
CanadaLess Harassment When Crossing By Land or Air???
Thanks so much ladies!!!

I think I just needed some emotional support, a lil kick and some words of encouragement to reassure me that I'll be good. good.gif

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-15 18:44:00
CanadaLess Harassment When Crossing By Land or Air???
Hi my fellow Canucks!!! smile.gif

Quick question:

I plan on visiting my fiance, soon enough (not sure when, as of yet), and I'm up in the air about how I should travel...

I've been flagged back in 2007 and I've been harassed pretty much everytime I cross since then (which is why I carry a HUGE package of evidence showing ties to Canada and never lie) but the interrogation that I have to deal with (which is on and off - I guess it depends on which officer didn't get dibs on the chocolate timbits) is emotionally frustrating and puts me in great distress (I always go straight to the bathroom after they allow me entry and literally bawl my eyes out in the stall) ...

So my question is...

In your opinion would I be less harassed if I take a bus or fly (flights are ridiculous, so I'm considering the bus *sighs*)???

**It's been awhile since I last crossed the border (July 2008) because I HATE dealing with the unecessary drama they put me through so I'm not even emotionally prepared as I usually am (I used to go every month from 2007 - 2008)

Oh..also.. I'm planning on including a copy of our K1 package along with the original NOA1 with the rest of my "ties" evidence - Opinions anyone? Good idea? Bad idea???

bkg info:
I'm from Toronto hoping to fly to either LGA or JFK (I hate going to Newark) so anyone who can relate, as far as location goes, I would appreciate your replies smile.gif

THANKS A BUNCH, in advance (I guess that wasn't so quick afterall, my bad, lol)!!!
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-15 17:53:00
CONGRATS!!!! kicking.gif

I most definitely will cry - and my beau will just laugh because he already knows how emotional I get, over everything - I even felt myself tearing up when reading how you were hugging the glass (but I stopped myself, hehe), lol!!!


TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-18 09:49:00
CanadaTravis & Kim and July09Bride - Good luck with your interviews in Montreal on Thursday!
I know I'm a bit late, but I still wanted to say...


kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-18 08:52:00
CanadaNOA2 Approved
kicking.gif CONGRATS!!! kicking.gif

This is seriously encouraging news for everyone who has applied through VSC (since we've been seeing extremely fast approvals with CSC)!!!

Keep em' coming Vermont!!!

Edited by TdotGirl, 19 April 2009 - 06:44 PM.

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-19 18:44:00
Canadawhy did u choose to live in US instead of Canada?
Same reason as most people - He's more settled, owns a home, has a recession-proof job with great benefits (so not concerned about health care) and a salary which can support the both of us; plus I have more opportunity to advance myself there, rather than Toronto. I rent, could definitely not support him here and I LOVE NYC smile.gif So it was, not at all, a hard decision for me to make.

I love Toronto, as well, but only in the summer, lol. And I will always consider myself a CANADIAN (and I will be wearing all of my "Canada" t-shirts when I'm out about) - even when it comes to applying for citizenship, hehe!

He does, however, want to move to Canada - some day.. He truly looks forward to becoming a Canadian citizen and would definitely move here if he could work in the same field, with the same salary, but for now, it's just not cutting it.

As far as raising children - I personally feel that it takes good planning no matter where you raise them good.gif

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-18 08:49:00
CanadaAPPROVED I-751 for AntandD!!!
I'm so happy for you!!!

Now you can be completely stress free. smile.gif

Wishing you an easy and wonderful delivery and a beautiful and healthy baby!

***Love, Live, Laugh***

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-04-19 19:01:00
CanadaJust for a laugh....
QUOTE (CDAgirlMI @ Mar 5 2009, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

"It's not like I'm an immigrant or anything...I'm from Canada!"...classic!!

Definitely classic!!!

I actually said that to my fiance at one point when crossing the border while being harrased, lol
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-03-06 09:05:00
CanadaUS Healthcare going Public
I agree with SapphireDreams - Great explanation TrailMix smile.gif
And well said Carla and Treble good.gif

The current healthcare system is absolutely and inhumanly pathetic and saddens me deeply - so a change is mos def needed!!!
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-08-14 11:54:00
Canadapacket 3 questions
Hey online homies!!!

I had the exact same letters sent to me (the ones Ebrech N Persona posted). I sent them everything they requested, however, on my cover letter I stated that I did not sign the 156-K form since the instructions stated so and that I also did not include the birth certificate, police certificate, evidence of engagement to my fiance and evidence of financial support and that I will provide them at the interview.

I didn't feel secure enough sending those documents in the mail, just in case they got lost.

Hopefully all goes well with what I sent *prays* smile.gif
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-09-03 10:58:00
CanadaGood Luck on Friday the 13th!
Thanks for your answers everyone smile.gif
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-14 10:52:00
CanadaGood Luck on Friday the 13th!
Looks like Friday the 13th isn't unlucky like they say, but who's "they" anyway?!

Congrats to everyone so far! Good news is always uplifting and refreshing smile.gif

I have a quick question...

Do they keep the "evidence of support" (tax returns, mortgage documents, bank statements, etc.)..should I have to make copies for them to file away (which I really don't feel like doing, lol)???

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-14 10:00:00
CanadaMontreal November Interviews
Hey Everyone!!!

I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to you all for receiving interview dates!! I'm so happy and grateful that most of us were able to fit in just before Christmas - what a great freakin' present, eh?!


Good luck and blessings to us all for the actual day...we're all going to breeze right through don't stress! wink.gif

Add me on to the list for November 23rd good.gif I'll be on the lookout for my fellow VJers who are scheduled that day (let's pray it's not too cold..oooh laaawd)!

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-10-23 10:49:00
CanadaQuick Question...Maybe a silly one :-/
Oh thank you sooo much everyone! Or I should say...MERCI BEACOUPS!!! Hehe wink.gif

I will definitely see you there Danu (and GOOD LUCK - this will be cake) - we will be the ones bundled up like eskimos (I HATE the cold)!

Good luck to everyone else!!!!
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-22 23:53:00
CanadaQuick Question...Maybe a silly one :-/
Hi guys!

Congrats to everyone so far!!! kicking.gif

I'm currently in Montreal and have my interview tomorrow and we took a stroll by the consulate last night to see how far away it is from our hotel...

My question is:

Do we stand in front of the glass doors which is located exactly at 1155 St-Alexandre (or is there some other gate or door to wait by around the building)??? <---this is probably the only thing I'm worried about because I don't wanna show up early and wait in the wrong area *eeeeks*

Please don't make fun of me for asking this, lol! Thank you so much smile.gif
TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-22 13:06:00
CanadaGood luck today's interviewees!!!!

star_smile.gif APPROVED star_smile.gif

So sorry I took so long to let you all know (I just got back in to Toronto and I was too tired to log onto the computer by the time we got back to the hotel). *And now my back hurts from the megabus and I'm too tired to write my review, so I'll do that tomorrow, hehe!

DANU!!! You didn't get to see my happy dance once we came out so here it is ------> kicking.gif

You're awesome Steph - it was so nice meeting you, as well as the others..SOCK LADY & DALENE -great peeps and company!

Everyone on here is COMPLETELY RIGHT in saying that the interview is the EASIEST part - it's CAKE wink.gif

So to all the fellow interviewees don't stress and GOOD LUCK good.gif

TdotGirlFemaleCanada2009-11-23 23:49:00