K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled for K1 VISA - Filipino Fiance Pregnant - Advice

you'll also need a passport for the baby. My daughter was born in California (2 days before I was to fly back to Toronto for her birth scheduled nearly a month later) so she is an American Citizen with an American Birth Certificate. I'm not sure how hard getting the passport without an american Birth Certificate or how hard it is to get a passport in your fiancee's country, but as of Jan. 23 all infants require one with a picture----which is amusing because my daughter will look different in a month as we are scheduled to fly to US for 30 days.

Either way, double check the requirements for passports and which one is easier/faster to get

Best of luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-23 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?

What I see from this man's post is 'should I cancel because I know I'll be importing some hapless woman to be my wife just as soon as I can'.
In my opinion, he doesn't love this woman, he's only sore because she's rejected him despite the 'obvious' financial benefits.
As well, as the fact she's 'wasted his time' when he could have been busily getting any other woman who would have him imported.

God spare me from a man like him...I pity the woman he will most likely eventually procure.

Lets all step outside our cozy love bubbles long enough to realize that this could happen to ANY of us! One minute you think you're both on the same page and the next he rips the rug out from underneath you! This happened to me about a year ago Angel so before you hit this guy in the head with a verbal brick, why dont you sit back and look at both sides of the story. azcactus, cancel this worthless, tainted visa application and start over. You dont need to be ANYONES hero, you shouldnt have to support her family (when her brother is perfectly able to fill in where she left off) and you definately dont need this woman to pull this "Im scared" excuse somewhere down the road during your marriage. You're not her babysitter, she's suppose to be your future wife and the other part of a STRONG relationship. Ditch her - lets not metion how cowardly it was to break off 4 years on Yahoo!! Gimme a break!!

I would just like to point out that I did not write the portion you have quoted above your comment. I don't think I hit anyone over the head with a brick--my post was the one explaining how a foreign fiancee may or may not feel--my personal feelings.


AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it in my best interest?
I gotta say again--as the Non USC in the relationship--that it is a very very big step to leave your country, family, HOME. Even if it is for love. I can only imagine how much more difficult it must be and scarey when your family is not emotionally supportive on top of all that.

The question I don't think I have seen you answer yet is "DO YOU LOVE HER?" I know you've mentioned other women, more fishies in the sea, and having met online. Are you simply looking for a wife--any wife--any foreign wife? Or have you spent all this time with this woman and her child because you love them? I know that you must be heart broken about her sudden change of heart--but honestly, it may be the fear speaking on her part. She may simply need you to go and reassure her. It may not be fair to you emotionally-but she may be testing you to some degree. Or she may seriously be that afraid to go and abandon her family.

Personally, I wouldn't cancel anything yet. You are already going there, you have nothing to lose (not even the monetary since it's already booked and paid for) you may find that things can be worked through and- if not -at least you know you went down fighting.

either way, good luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 01:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner


Welcome aboard! I'm new-ish as well. I spent some time on here before sending in our petition though you have personal insight you will find members a great emotional resource. As well, since it seems you've been out of the biz for a bit--you might get a bit of insight too. I am sure I'm not the first, nor the last to thank you profusely for all your help in understanding the process behind the curtain and to hope that our inundating you with questions doesn't discourage you from joining in.

It's taken me nearly 2 hours to get to the end of this thread and feel much better (and 2 minutes later- a little worse) knowing it is a human being that is looking at my case (and the hundreds of other fellow VJer's cases)!

But alas, I have a question't help myself and I am hoping it is something that others might have been wondering too..

DOES SIZE MATTER?? (sorry--all that "touch" talk)

We sent in our K1 petition to CSC -received Feb. 16 and I am now regretting how big the package was(rarely said!). It weighed 3 pounds!! Was 150 pages numbered. Scott and I have been together for 2 years and have had 15 trips back and forth to see each other so I documented each trip. 104 pages of documentation to be exact. I listed each trip by date and who went where and a short summary of the highlights as a Table of Contents and gave each trip an attachment letter -A-P. Each Trip separated by a thicker stock of paper with the pictures(1-4 pics) stapled to it in a plastic baggie and the same summary on the divider (with a tab at the bottom with the coordinating letter). Between each divider there is the flight itinerary, at least 2 emails from before the trip and after the trip to him, from him or correspondance between myself and his family or he and my kids (to show a relationship between all family members), phone bills from both of us placed sporadically between trips, a picture of the "ring" and reciept in the month it was given, proof of trips taken together, the list goes on. All this on top of the 28 or so pages of forms, g325s, passport pics and birth certificates. Oh-and the 22 page divorce decree from his previous marriage.

I was so chuffed that I had all this proof, this 2 year relationship that culminated itself into a very detailed 150 page, 3lb package. And now...I'm thinking.....would 40 pages have been better. Will it take them 90 years just to read through everything (all important infor is highlighted-names, dates, to, from etc for easy reading). Or does the Angel on my other shoulder have it right when she yells at the troublesome Devil on the left "Hey! This is going to be a breeze-who could deny such a thoughtful, well put together and very complete package! will find we all have our own neurosis on here! Mine today(because tomorrow's will be different-especially if we get our NOA1!) is did we do our package right? Will the size an amount included help or hinder?

Anyhoosie! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart and many others for taking the time and risking your wrist's health in answering all of our questions and best of luck on you and your hunny-bunny's journey--hope we can help you out when the need arises!
AngelD :bonk: :wacko: :wub:

Just a quick note. This is my thoughts as if I were to receive your package as an adjudicator and not based on anything else.

So, as I would heft this door stop of a packet onto my desk I would first think to myself that while it may be a tad much, this person has their stuff in one sock so to speak (translated – you have your act together, maybe a bit over the top- but together none-the-less). I would always have too much information to look through than not enough and have to send out an RFE. It just may happen that a piece of supplemental information is found on those extra documents. One never knows…

As an adjudicator, I know what exactly I’m looking for, what’s relevant and what’s not needed to be looked at right at the moment. I’d check the things I needed to check and basically ignore the rest, (unless I needed to find a specific piece of info that I thought might be included within your packet). Otherwise, it all stays in the file, but unless its something I’d deal with to make a determination on your case I wouldn’t bother (unless it was a real slow day and I wanted some entertainment or something to talk about at lunch with the co-workers. “Hey Mary, you should’ve seen the packet I got today…” Just kidding. We usually never talked shop and because we’re always busy, time to browse doesn’t usually happen.

So to answer your question more directly – I don’t think its gonna hurt your case any if that’s what you’re worried about.

Thank you thank you. That was pretty much what I was hoping to hear. And if my pics end up as fodder for lunch time gossip-I hope they have at it! Sent in some great pics (no nudes of course-lol)

Sorry to ramble, I'm in CA now visiting my USC fiance and he left his computer at home today--so I actually get more than 3 minutes to check mail--I'm so excited and have missed VJ so much I'm writing and reading up a storm-you will soon find out how addictive this site can be-if only to read some of the great blips of humour that run through the threads.

Thanks again and have a great day--rest them wrists!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

Welcome aboard! I'm new-ish as well. I spent some time on here before sending in our petition though you have personal insight you will find members a great emotional resource. As well, since it seems you've been out of the biz for a bit--you might get a bit of insight too. I am sure I'm not the first, nor the last to thank you profusely for all your help in understanding the process behind the curtain and to hope that our inundating you with questions doesn't discourage you from joining in.

It's taken me nearly 2 hours to get to the end of this thread and feel much better (and 2 minutes later- a little worse) knowing it is a human being that is looking at my case (and the hundreds of other fellow VJer's cases)!

But alas, I have a question't help myself and I am hoping it is something that others might have been wondering too..

DOES SIZE MATTER?? (sorry--all that "touch" talk)

We sent in our K1 petition to CSC -received Feb. 16 and I am now regretting how big the package was(rarely said!). It weighed 3 pounds!! Was 150 pages numbered. Scott and I have been together for 2 years and have had 15 trips back and forth to see each other so I documented each trip. 104 pages of documentation to be exact. I listed each trip by date and who went where and a short summary of the highlights as a Table of Contents and gave each trip an attachment letter -A-P. Each Trip separated by a thicker stock of paper with the pictures(1-4 pics) stapled to it in a plastic baggie and the same summary on the divider (with a tab at the bottom with the coordinating letter). Between each divider there is the flight itinerary, at least 2 emails from before the trip and after the trip to him, from him or correspondance between myself and his family or he and my kids (to show a relationship between all family members), phone bills from both of us placed sporadically between trips, a picture of the "ring" and reciept in the month it was given, proof of trips taken together, the list goes on. All this on top of the 28 or so pages of forms, g325s, passport pics and birth certificates. Oh-and the 22 page divorce decree from his previous marriage.

I was so chuffed that I had all this proof, this 2 year relationship that culminated itself into a very detailed 150 page, 3lb package. And now...I'm thinking.....would 40 pages have been better. Will it take them 90 years just to read through everything (all important infor is highlighted-names, dates, to, from etc for easy reading). Or does the Angel on my other shoulder have it right when she yells at the troublesome Devil on the left "Hey! This is going to be a breeze-who could deny such a thoughtful, well put together and very complete package! will find we all have our own neurosis on here! Mine today(because tomorrow's will be different-especially if we get our NOA1!) is did we do our package right? Will the size an amount included help or hinder?

Anyhoosie! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart and many others for taking the time and risking your wrist's health in answering all of our questions and best of luck on you and your hunny-bunny's journey--hope we can help you out when the need arises!
AngelD :bonk: :wacko: :wub:
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

Hello everyone,
This is my first post so don't flame me for protocol or if I say something out of place.

I joined VJ because of two reasons. First, I just sent off my initial I-129F packet to NSC for processing and 2) I used to be an Applications Adjudicator (Immigration Officer) at the NSC (2003) so I thought perhaps I could help out someone with any questions they have on how the NSC operates. Or at least the part that I worked in. Some of the processes are the same regardless of departments. I'd be happy to give you as much info as I can as there aren't any real secrets and since I don't work there any longer I can speak about it.

As for my K-1 journey, to make a long story short, I travelled last summer to Kiev and met a wonderful woman (and her daughter) quite by accident. We spent a lot of time together during my trip, fell in love and the rest as they say is "history".

We finally got around to compiling all the docs and as I said, I sent them off to NSC yesterady so I guess I fall into the February Filers category. I hope to have her and her daughter here by August (hopefully)!

So, I make myself available to anyone who has questions about the Nebraska Service Center and its quirks or the BCIS as it were in general.

Finally, to answer a question that some of you might be thinking - "no, I can't do anything to help you specifically with your petition. Just like I have to wait in line with everyone else on mine also. Yes, i still have friends who work there, but its againstthe rules to do favors and can get a person fired. And I would never put my friends in that position." But I'd be happy to answer other non-specific questions as I can. I don't know everything but I will try to help where I can.


you're an angel!...i hope you can really help me with my K1 visa problem.

my problem is regarding my daughter who is not listed the petition. my fiance hired a visa attorney to do the paperworks for him. the petition was approved by the USCIS only to find out that my daughter was not listed in the my interview schedule is coming, i don't know how i will go about it if they question me about having a daughter when it says no children in the section where it is being asked in the form.

my daughter is 17 years old and will be pursuing her studies in the Philippines. although we all have come up of not having her join with us there in the US, we still want her to derive a K2 visa from me. my fiance and i want her to have timely visits to us in the states once i get my visa approved. is it be possible for her to have K2 visa?

if that can't be possible, we may opt to get a multiple entry visa for her will the law permit it?

so any of the 2 options will be okay for me and my USC fiance.

thank you so much for hearing my story. God bless!

Hi, I would say that on the surface that this is not good and needs immediate attention since you are getting ready for your interview. When this subject is brought up, it should raise immediate red flags with a consular officer. The reason being is why the child was left off the application.

I think if I recall the petition specifies if you have children and then asks who will be accompanying you to the US either now or later. So, the officer will probably suspect marriage fraud/marriage just to get in the US and it will be your job/your attorney's job to convince them that this is not the case and that it was just a misunderstanding. Otherwise, why would a person leave their own child off of an application? Thats what wil be thought because you signed the document as being "true and accurate".

I would have your husband immediately call his attorney who filed the original application, chew his butt for not getting it right and potentially jeaopardizing your visa approval. I hate to suggest threatening anyone, but your husband needs to strongly convey that if the attorney will not correct HIS (the attorney's ) mistake then further action will be taken against him (the atty) should his (the atty) mistake cost you your visa! That is a last resort obviously as at this point you just need your atty on your side to get you out of this jam he has created.
Take action today you don't have a lot of time to waste. Sorry to give you bad news. D.

Would this be a case that a "congressional" request might help in? With the aid of the lawyer (notarized letter admitting his mistake maybe?).
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 14:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??
you rock!

see-right under my 'lil nose!! been there--didn't see it!

thanks so much- -maybe the little one will nap today---one can wish
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 15:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3??

I just want to make sure all of duckies are in a nice neat row and can anticipate what comes next....
can anyone tell me what's in the infamous PACKET 3? I keep reading about it and haven't been able to find anything that describes what is required in it.... of course, If I could get more than 10 minutes on the computer without my 8 month old trying to climb under my chair, I could probably find it myself (and will feel silly when someone tells me it was under my nose all along--Murphy's law-lol)

thanks for the short cut to the info

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 15:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 Questions
Got some questions about package 3--we are dealing with Montreal

Do we wait till we actually have the documents in hand before signing the checklist and sending it? Or did anyone else just check it and then start grabbing the things--birth certificates-I had the kids long forms somewhere but can't find them so I am going to send away for them again as I need to for mine.

Was going to go get police check a number of times but life has been so busy that I wasn't stressed about it--now that we have package 3--I'm a bit more stressed!

I am assuming that they schedule the interview once this checklist is in and I don't think things will take that long to get. We would just like to have the interview for the beginning of August.

so my question is---sign and send checklist and hope we get everything in time or wait till I have everything in hand--thoughts??

thanks again for everyone's advice, help,suggestions etc

best of luck on your journeys!!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-06-12 14:39:00
CanadaPassports as of January 23

maybe it was the cute baby! they usually make most things easier! LOL

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 16:10:00
CanadaPassports as of January 23
Hello everyone

Not sure if this is where to post this but here goes

For those Americans in Canada---my daughter is an american born in California but resides here in Toronto with me. We planned a trip to see her daddy (my fiance) for Feb. 9 and didn't realise that the new passport requirements included infants. I don't have her Canadian Citizen Card yet so getting her american passport seemed the fastest thing. Can't believe we went in Monday Jan.22 and it arrived today-Jan.24!! The lineup there was nothing like when I got my older kids passports 2 years ago through passport canada. We were at the American Consulate for 1.5 hours!!

so something is going smoothly

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 15:41:00
CanadaChild Tax Credit (baby bonus)
hmmm..that stinks
how long before they would notice I'm gone?

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 18:22:00
CanadaChild Tax Credit (baby bonus)

the more threads you read, the more question that pop into your head!

I live in Toronto, get the Child Tax Credit and the National Tax Benefit (or whatever they are calling baby bonus this year), I see you can still get EI when you move to US on K1 visa--are we still eligible for the Child Tax Ben too? When I've filed for income tax this year the ammount of my combined CTC and NTB will be pretty good--3 kids and on Maternity leave for most of 2006)

it would be a handy sum of money till I can start working.

Any help much appreciated-eh!?

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-24 17:05:00
CanadaMedical exam cost in Canada
thanks everyone for your answers

going to update shots for everyone----and will see if my insurance through work might cover the other things--worth a shot!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-26 12:56:00
CanadaMedical exam cost in Canada
When we go for the Medical Exams--

do we have to go in Montreal?
does our Ontario Health Cards cover?
if not-any idea on how much it costs?
do my two kids need them too?

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-23 18:01:00
CanadaFeeling A Bit Numb

Well a week from today I'll be crossing the boarder and activating my K-1. This weekend I moved out of my apartment. Did anyone else have that very surreal experience of sitting in their apartment, starting at the blank walls, looking around you and realizing this is all really happening, and feeling an out of body experience? I am 100% about our decision, looking forward to the change, and of course being reuinited with the man of my dreams, but to leave one's country, it's altogether overwhelming at times. I just think about learning new towns, new stores, new "brands".. making new friends, and social scene. I know it will all sort itself out, that time is the one thing that will help the situation. I'm not down, don't get me wrong, but I am curious to hear anyone else's "packing" stories :)

My Love,

You truly have made waiting for you so worth all the heartache of our separation. To see what you have had to go through and put up with as this process has ground on so seemingly slowly at times humbles me and reminds me that I am the most blessed man around.

I can't wait to see that bridge again knowing it will be the last time I have to cross it alone. Before, happiness was seeing New Brunswick in the rear view mirror as I crossed it. Next Monday happiness will be seeing PEI in the rear view mirror, with you in the passenger seat, holding your hand as we drive across together.

I know this transition will be difficult at times for you, but I am right there for you my love. I don't want to be on any other journey except the one that leads closer to you and your heart.

I am so thankful I get to love you for the rest of my life :)

WOW :crying:
That was beautiful. But now all the other SO's on here will have something to work towards!! I can only hope that my fiance has that depth of understanding when this process is over. After a year of research-he finally looked at a handfull of websites (including this one) that I have been on. (And yes-he is the US counterpart that should be filing everything-he just can't multi-task worth a darn). He has a glimmer of what the process entails and is starting to understand that is not just filling out 2 forms and crossing your fingers.

We thought we would have this done a year ago. So I started the heinous act of "downsizing". Not easy with 2 teenagers and a life time of memories. The idea of leaving my country scares the bejeezes out of me. Disprupting my children's lives etc. But in the end, I love him, they love him, he loves us (all of us) and now we share a beautiful little girl together too. Sometimes, people have to selfish. Look out for what will make them happy in the end. Thank goodness my kids love him and understand that mommy is doing everything for them in the end. Makes all this "process" ####### seems like nothing and the "move" even less.

Best of luck and you've got yourself a great guy!
Angel :innocent:

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-29 17:29:00
CanadaMovine-? about customs and border crossing

Not that I was worried about being caught transporting anything just wasn't sure if they went through everything (man-that would take forever!) I was more or less concerned with how to pack it to make things easier if they did do checks.

No worries--no plants, no pets, no firearms

Great advice for the computer! Do I need to do that for tv's too?

Thank you thank you
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 13:48:00
CanadaMovine-? about customs and border crossing
We are sending in our K1 petition in a week or so and I am just curious about when I am ready to move to the States.

If we choose to drive (long long long drive from Toronto to California) do they actually look inside everybox when you cross the border? SHould be be bothered taping every box securely if this is the proceedure? Or do they xray it or what?

Any answers greatly appreciated
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 13:17:00
CanadaThings to do to make my Canadian feel at home.

I remember one of the first times my fiance was with me in the candy aisle in the US... he said he had a taste for smarties. I went and picked up a bag of OUR smarties, you know those tart fruity little powdery candy bits? Needless to say the US smarties were definitely not what he was looking for. When he described his smarties, they just sounded like M&Ms to me... :pop:

haha your "Smarties" are our "Rockets" and we give them out at Halloween! And our Smarties are barely similar to M&M's. Gene bought me some M&M's in lieu of Smarties, and they're horrible. They don't melt in your hand! That's what's so wonderful about Smarties! eat the red ones last. hehe Anyone remember wetting a red Smartie and using it for lipstick as a kid?

Carla (F)

red smartie lipstick! oh how I remember--and the gaudy blush too! ahhh the good ol' days!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 14:13:00
CanadaThings to do to make my Canadian feel at home.

I miss ketchup chips already :(

do none of the states have Ketchup chips?! I never noticed when I was there. If not, man are my kids gonna be peeeeeeeevvvvvved! :(

oh the little things we sweat about--hee hee--takes our minds of the big things
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 14:10:00
CanadaPacket 3 from Vancouver

thank you so much for including the scans of Packet 3! There was some info in there that I will need to get my USC to get and will have plenty of time to get him on it!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-06 16:45:00
CanadaMntrl Pckt 3 checklist

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-06 23:30:00
CanadaMntrl Pckt 3 checklist
I've read ahead anticipating the next steps after we send out the I-129f.

I have only seen the packet 3 checklist for UK and Vancouver. They both require certified copies of marriage and divorce certificates. Are these for the USC sponsor or for the Foreign Benificiary? And does anyone have a copy of the checklist for Montreal/Toronto?

My US fiance is the only one that has been married and divorced and I have never been married. We just need to know if we need to get the certified copies while we are in LA or not to bother if they are required for me.

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-06 22:19:00
CanadaTravel Restrictions after married
THanks Kathryn

Helps when it comes to planning the wedding and honeymoon. So much for a long awaited and much needed vacation!! LOL

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-07 21:31:00
CanadaTravel Restrictions after married
I understand that we need an AP to travel back to our originating country (Canada in my case) but what about travelling outside of the US but not to Canada--for example-for our honeymoon we'd like to go on a cruise. It won't be going anywhere near Canada. Do we need an AP to do that too?

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-07 19:20:00
CanadaAnyone else in the Petaluma area
Hey Emily!!

We've had season passes for Canada's Wonderland for the last 3 years! I loooooooove Roller Coasters!!

Kids are torn between being very excited to move to sunny CA and having a dad and leaving Toronto and friends behind. At nearly 15-my daughter is very attached to Scott and is devastated when he has to leave. One day she wants to move, next day--not so much! My son was ready to go 2 years ago-lol (ME TOO!)

I'm such a pack rat--which is why I am putting it all together-I have everything when it comes to tickets, pics, emails and such!

I fly out in 15 hours! YeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY! Can't wait!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Again
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-09 01:50:00
CanadaAnyone else in the Petaluma area
Hey! No problem--It's not like I don't have to bring a huge suitcase anyway! ANd karma is a good thing--lol.

My kids are 13 (boy) and 14 (girl) and his daughter is 9 and he also has an 18 year old son who lives with his mom. We all went to Disneyland last year--I think they would prefer MarineWorld!!
They like real rides-lol

I'm sooooooooo done our K1 package! FINALLY--the thing is 3 inches thick! Sending it Monday from Petaluma! YEay!

I'll be in touch via VJ while I'm there--maybe we can go for drinks or something!!!!

Thanks for all your help--I am sure I'll be looking for more later--lol it seems never ending

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-08 18:00:00
CanadaAnyone else in the Petaluma area

Aww, you're too kind!

Jason says there's actually an American equivalent of Mars bars. I can't recall its name at the moment... maybe it's Milky Way? Ketchup chips I've yet to find. Cost Plus World Market's good with stocking imported goodies though, if you're feeling homesick.

What I miss from Toronto is my parents' home-cooked food. Can you bring some along with you, please, pretty please? ;)

I went through Toronto Pearson Int'l and they didn't give me an EAD stamp when I went through it in September.

Be prepared for loads of rain during your visit! Today was like a warm summer day, but it hasn't rained in a long time, so the storms might take a while to blow over...

Yeah, Scott says it is supposed to start raining as of Thursday. I'm used to it. Never fails--beautiful weather for weeks at a time until I'm to visit. Last Christmas was insane! Brought my 2 kids with me for a "family" christmas and to go to disneyland/world and it poured the entire two weeks! Hard to tell the kids that normally the weather there is awesome!

Where does your mom live? Anyway you can get her to drop something off here at my house by Friday? I wonder if it is in my checked luggage if it would get through?

Or if there is anything else your family would like to send you? I am being very serious. If they can get here by Thursday night or Friday morning I would be more than happy to arrange a place where I can drop it off to you. I would offer to go get it from them but I have an 8 month old and no car and DAMN! it's freakin cold out!

I read recently that EAD stamps were offered going through Windsor to Detroit at the Ambassador --going to look into it further.

Think about it.....
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-06 22:14:00
CanadaAnyone else in the Petaluma area
It's too bad you aren't in the area--I could bring you Ketchup chips--they seem to be the consistant thing missed on here!

I see from your K-1 story line that you got an EAD stamp crossing at Windsor. Do you know if this is a consistant thing? It might be an idea to post in a new thread that you were able to get your EAD stamp crossing there in 2007--seems to be alot of questions of how to get work authorization and where is a good place to cross to get it. I have heard you can't get it at Toronto's Pearson Airport but I am going to ask when I leave this Friday for a visit.

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-04 12:38:00
CanadaAnyone else in the Petaluma area
you some Canada! Just a thought. I wish I could bring some Canada to everyone but alas...Sonoma County

but inexpensive things like a mars bar or two (cause we are paying to go through the visa process so now we are poor! lol)

Just a thought--any takers??

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 21:34:00
CanadaReview of Dr. Laity's Medical Exam (London, ON)
Thanks Galateia!!

An awesome run down of what to expect. I of course thought you meant "internal Pelvic exam" and was just dreading the whole thing. It's bad enough I've had everyone else "examining" my coo**ie (had a baby recently) I really didn't feel up to one more! If it was required-I'd of course do it-but hate it none the less.

I am sure your posting will put many minds at ease. It was quite thourough to say the least!! Makes me almost want to make the commute to London rather stay here in Toronto to have the medical done (but time and cost are always a factor).

Best of luck with the next steps!

Thanks a ton
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-05 12:16:00
CanadaReview of Dr. Laity's Medical Exam (London, ON)

Had my medical exam with Dr. Laity Friday morning. For those of you who are considering going to London vs. Toronto, I highly recommend going with London.

Some time ago I called the Toronto doctor (Seiden, I believe) and the receptionist was appallingly rude. It would have been far easier to get to Toronto by bus than London, but I refused to give my money to people who would be so gleefully unhelpful and vicious.

I have to say, Dr. Laity's receptionist/nurse alone would have made the whole experience worthwhile. She was incredible; warm, spunky, helpful, extremely competent, and I was treated like a 'person' not just a 'patient'. I spoke to her several times on the phone, and she was both friendly and helpful then as well. I was very, very impressed.

Not only that, but Dr. Laity was also warm and friendly, and so matter-of-fact about the exam itself (we were cracking jokes during my pelvic exam about how fortunate it was that I'd zipped off to the bathroom before we started) that I was not at all uncomfortable despite the fact he was a male doctor.

He also managed to avoid leaving a bruise at the needle site; normally bloodwork leaves me looking like I live with a prizefighter who has anger issues.

The receptionist was very interested to hear about VisaJourney, as she is often pelted with anxious questions about the entire process that she cannot answer. Now she has somewhere to refer them to, and was pleased to have something useful to offer them.

Generally, my experience with health care professionals has been thinly veiled indifference and impatience. Rarely do you find a medical professional who values the humanity of their patients.

Two thumbs up. :thumbs:

It's great that your experience was a good one. I thought that there was no pelvic exam for the visas? Or is just specific to the office here in Toronto. I went to their website and said explicitly there was no pelvic.

Can you give a rundown of what exactly what they ended up doing -ei-bloodwork, heart etc?

I am sure it will put many minds at ease--like mine...

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-04 23:24:00
CanadaBest/Most in Canada and USA...
First off--Emily-thanks for the add as friend--I wanted to add you as a friend but I don't know how :help:

as for Best and Worst

the obvious healthcare differences of course!

I am in the middle of winter in Toronto and I WILL NOT MISS IT! I HATE THE COLD!! and can't wait to be in Petaluma for all of February-Hoping it will be spring when I get home.

The biggest difference I noticed was that noone walks in California. I mean not even from store to store in a big shopping complex. EM-not sure if you noticed at the strip plaza with the Zellers or the one across the highway with Trader Joe's (Oh yeay! Trader's Joe's basmati rice in a week!) that no one even walks from the Zellers to the grocery store. INSANE! In Toronto, if you're not on the TTC you are walking somewhere. My fiance doesn't even walk the tiny 2 blocks from the house to Whole Foods!! LA is even worse. I felt like a nincompoop when I asked him what was going on that no one was walking around on the sidewalks when we drove to LA to visit his mom. He laughed and said everyone drives in CA!

As for shopping. I like Trader Joe's. Whole Paycheck is a bit nuts--I'm a Food Basics/No Frills kind of girl here. He's in for a rude awakening when it's him, me, and 4 kids in the house. No more Whole Paycheck (except maybe on date night!)

ugh--gonna need to take driver's test--I hope it's true there is no parallel parking on the exam-I avoid it at all costs!

I've realised that people are people no matter where you live. I grew up in a smallish place in Ontario (Peterborogh) much like Petaluma and moved to London Ontario (mediumish) and now live in Toronto (big-ish) and people are all the same. There are great ones and not so great ones!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-03 13:40:00
CanadaInterview date for MTL Embassy

Maybe it's just me, or maybe there are just more K1's out there then K3's... But does anyone else get the feeling that the K1 interviews seem to be scheduled much quicker then the K3's??

Hindsight is a bi***, but I know wish I had not gotten married and had filed the K1, much quicker.. :(

I may be wrong (as I heard this from a lawyer-hee hee) but I was told to go for the K1 because it was faster. The reason--when applying for the K3 you apply for citizenship (not up on all the accronyms and proper form names-I-130?) at the same time. The timelines run in conjunction with each other so if there is a slow down in the one application process the other halts too. I think it's if there are issues or slower pace in K3 that the I-130 stops progressing. Not sure if this is accurate, but it is why we chose K1 rather than K3.

* just second hand info-but hope it sheds a little light

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-05 21:47:00
CanadaHow much did you bring with you?

2 checked luggage, 2 carry-on bags :)

When my family came for my wedding, they brought a few more bags of my stuff with them -- mostly photo albums, CDs, and winter clothes (I'd arrived in the fall and didn't need too much warm clothes then).

I used to teach high school, so when I get to visit Canada again, I'll probably be lugging my teaching resources and books with me. They were too heavy to bring with me, and I'm not going to pay to have them shipped here when I can't even work for pay!

In a way, I'm lucky because I don't have many possessions as a recent university grad.

I'm new to VJ and just read where you two are from! I live in toronto and my fiance is in Petaluma! It's a small small world! I am flying into San Fran in two weeks with our 8 mos old daughter to visit Scott for a month! Usually I am very excited because regardless of the time of year I can pull out my sandles! I hear this year it ain't gonna happen! Petaluma weather not too far off what Toronto had over Christmas! Ah well--we'll have to spend more time INDOORS!

Best of luck you tow--2700-ish miles apart sucks!
Angel (Toronto) and Scott(Petaluma)

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-26 12:27:00
CanadaOF-156 Vs. DS-156
One more thing! Your timeline in the timeline on the processing time page says your interview is set for the year 2008---a type-o or is it really that far away??

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-06-12 13:48:00
CanadaOF-156 Vs. DS-156

Hooray! We finally got our Packet 3 from the Vancouver consulate, and we faxed it back right away, so I hope we get our interview date soon :dance:

But I was looking at the consulate information, and was a bit confused by the "order to put stuff in" list.. So my question is:

Is the OF-156 the same as the DS-156 or are they for different things? Since we are applying for the K1 Visa do we need to worry about it? I can't find much information about it.


We got our packet 3 on Friday. My question is, did you have all the documents you needed in hand before you faxed it back or did you just send it in hopes to get it all back in time--mainly the criminal check?

I still need to get some things and don't know if I should send the check list in now so we can get our interview date sooner rather than later.

Thanks for your help


AngelDFemaleCanada2007-06-12 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!

I noticed in your timeline that you sent your divorce decree. Stupid question, but what did it look like? My fiance is divorced (15 years ago) and he has this 40 page legal document that he considers his divorce decree. He lives in California. Just wondering if there is a one pager that he can apply for. He has no idea and I've never been married so I wouldn't know.


My fiancee's divorce decrees are both 3 pages each. Maybe the 40-page legal document is the divorce decree along with the division of their properties?

Yes, I think all of that is included. Where do we draw the line and should I send the whole darn thing?


AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-28 01:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1!!!

Well, I mean, it is something isn't it???!



Indeed! Congrats to you (F)

I noticed in your timeline that you sent your divorce decree. Stupid question, but what did it look like? My fiance is divorced (15 years ago) and he has this 40 page legal document that he considers his divorce decree. He lives in California. Just wondering if there is a one pager that he can apply for. He has no idea and I've never been married so I wouldn't know.

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-28 01:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI can finally say the words-"I'VE BEEN TOUCHED!!"
What a great Mother's day gift! Our file has finally been touched! Our petition was received Feb 21 2007 and this is the first TOUCH we've received! I know! I know! Doesn't mean much but at least our file is out of a dank box on the back shelf! Our daughter's first birthday is May 25th! What a great b-day an NOA2 would be!!

Haven't been on visa journey in a while! Off maternity leave and back at work! I try hard not to obsess too much so I stay off of here! I was getting out of control and stressing too much!

Just doing one day at a time and my American is coming to Toronto for a month to celebrate our daughter's first b-day and my son's grade 8 graduation! Life goes on until it really begins!

Good luck to everyone still waiting for NOA1's 2's and visas!!

Yeah Yippee Hooray!

(gotta find hope in the little things!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-05-13 15:54:00