K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresit's 3:32 am and I am

they were there in front of my very tired eyes! I was looking for the tiny little envelope they put them in for safe keeping but forgot they were in the larger envelope with the negatives!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH--besides a few signatures when I get to California--we are DONE DONE DONE DONE!

yeay! Sending it off on Monday! Yippee! Hurray!

now on to the next step--long form birth certs, divorce decrees, criminal checks, and and and and

thanks guys!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-08 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresit's 3:32 am and I am
thanks! I imagine I will dream about nothing other than visas and passport pics--lol and acronyms!!
Have a great night-ish! Congrats on makin it through this wonderful process--lol

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-08 03:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresit's 3:32 am and I am
now I can't find my darn passport pictures! aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I want to go to sleep! It is going to drive nuts! NUTS I TELL YOU! After finding emails, printing pics, copying itineraries blah blah blah blah--it comes down to 2 tiny little pictures I had taken 2 weeks ago!!!!

It's a good thing I cut off all my hair 2 days ago---cause now I can't pull it all out!

yeay...? feb-filers!?


It will still be where ever it is now in the morning. LOL

needed to rant!

have a great Thursday fellow VJer's
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-08 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures****DREAMS****
How bout "Nightmares" instead of "Dreams"?

I am having the opposite delusion (or at least hope it is just in my head!)
I am thinking every worst case senario possible. After painstakingly checking, rechecking, and oh!-checking again all of the paperwork to go out, THinking it was perfect - I will have forgotten something as silly as not signing a form, or forgetting to put the check in, or leaving out the entire I-129f form completley. Or the entire package is eaten by the hungry FEDEX monster and never makes it there. So there is never an RFE because they don't even know we are applying!! Oh yeah--I hope that with thinking I am pleasantly surprised and the process goes much more smoothly....maybe I am just playing a bit of reverse pychology on myself!

I guess we all have our coping mechanisms!!

Rock on VJers! And best of luck on all our jouneys!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-11 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved!
Yeay! Yeay and double Yeay! :dance: :joy: :thumbs:
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-06 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question

Indonesia K1 1 1 0 70that 70 is the number of days till interview after the consulate gets the package in Indonesia. thats after the month at NVC and the 90 days you will wait while your I-129f is at CSC. 70+30+90=190 then add in transit times of the application. Looks like way more then 15 to me

I know that nobody is mean but they all want to help me. This FIANCE VISA K-1 is what I have read about. I think this is what visa I need. I will ask my b/f for this I-134 document and then telephone US Embassy and ask how I file for this visa. Thank you all for your help.. Only 15 days if in Indonesia I think I wish to move there to.

I was just quoting what someone else has put down as how long it took them to get their K1 approved and she was from Indonesia--------I certainly wasn't suggesting that everyone gets anything done that quickly---was simply trying to help
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-18 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly Question

First off..welcome to Visa Journey. It's a great resource for anyone looking for more information on visas and a great support for those intrenched in the process!!

Secondly, I think what people here are asking of you is to go and fill in the information in your PROFILE. THis is a place where you can write down the details of your relationship, where you live, where he lives, and give people some insight in who you are and what your situation is.How you met, how long have you been together, do you want to get married, are you already married? This is a community where people rely on each other to some degree to get answers and support and like most communities is based on give and take. There is a certain ettiquette involved. THose here who have been asking and answering questions for many months--if not years--have built a level of trust and friendship with others on this site. The way to start is again--by filling out your profile.

Thirdly, from what little you have said, you need to file for a FIANCE VISA K1. This is for people who want to get married. It takes anywhere from 2 months (15 days in Indonesia--I think I want to move) to a year depending on where you live and where your finace lives and the circumstances that surround your relationship. Read the guides. I was much like you---I was here as a guest for a while, not sure what I was doing and a little afraid to sign up and jump right in. After reading alot of posts-it seemed like there were many people on here who were already friends and I felt like an outsider or an intruder. The secret is to be polite, first try to find the answers yourself by reading posts, threads, guides etc, when asked for more info so people can help you-give more information-as much a possible, don't sweat the meanies--they are everywhere, people who don't know how to be polite in return, if you get extra help from a fantastic member make sure you acknowledge it, and pass on the what you know. If you run across a question you know the answer to-offer your information-even if it is just a simple Good luck

Best of luck in your jouney--hang in there because it's a long process but in the end it will be worth it!!

Angel--a newbie!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-17 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to check status

Thank you thank you for replying--I've gone and signed up and will hope the check is cashed soon-we're about a 4 days behind you but using CSC so I'm hoping it will be close to the same time line! And I am obsessive so I'll be checking everytime my fiance gets even an inch away from his computer!!

Best of luck--hope it's a speedy process with no glitches for you and yours!!

And...thank you a million times over!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-20 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to check status
Hey everyone

We sent our K1 in to the California Service Center and it arrived Feb. 15 at 10:03 am and was signed for by N. Labone. Just wondering how we check what's going on with it now--many people seem to have a heads up with the NOA1 and I jus figured we needed some sort of number to check on that stuff---help! I have tried a quick search but must be wording it wrong and I'm visiting in California and we only have his work computer so I only get a few minutes on here to do anything--ANNOYING!! I feel so cut off-lol but loving every minute with him just the same

any clue on how to find out what's going on with our app would be awesome!! thank you thank you

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-20 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this good enough
That is basically correct

you-the USC making the initial petition for the K1 visa must write in the space provided on the I-129f form how you met and that you met in person. You AND your fiance must write a letter of intent to marry within 90 days--there is great example/template in the downloads section on this website.

I simply downloaded them and put in the correct names for each letter and the other important information(should see it in red on the example--don't forget to change it to black when done). There are individual versions for each of you there--Benefiary (fiance) and Petitioner (you).

Hope this helps
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-20 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How wonderful. Very good news.

I see you have written in your timeline that you got your NOA1 THEN got the hard copy in the mail---can you tell me how to check for the NOA? I know I've seen how to do it somewhere but I have very limited time on the computer these days to do a complete search---

and best of luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-20 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy does it take so long to cash a check?


If it was a bill or something, it would have cleared my bank already. :crying:

If you haven't come across this thread yet--check it out--he used to work for NVC a few years ago and has some great insight--this is what he wrote about checks--this should help alot.

for more the thread is

1st post former NSC adjudicator now petitioner

it's awesome

Husk wrote:
A bit of background info regarding the money/check cashing issue.

All petitions come into a centralized mail room at the NSC. Any monies attached to the petitions is immediately separated and locked away into the vault or repository where they keep the funds until a Brinks truck arrives at some point during the day. The mail room is a “secure” area and not accessible unless you work there (badge in and out etc..).

So, in case you are wondering, the adjudicator (or other staff) never handles any money. Once the application arrives in the mail room and the funds are removed, it goes to a central receiving/processing area where it is keyed/entered into the CIS system by contractor staff, placed into an A-File, assigned an A-number and corresponding bar code and placed on the shelf in the centralized storage area to await further processing. That’s why similar dates stay together because they are in-processed at the same time. Boxes of applications are withdrawn from storage on a first in first out basis, always working from oldest to newest.

The reason why it seems the checks are cashed before the petition is touched is because CIS deposits the checks and monies before a application is ever ready to be worked.

I hope that help to explain that.

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease pin Huskerkiev's first post
please please pin Huskerkiev's first post

if you have questions about how checks are processed, how our boxes of files are managed, or are looking for insider info on how things are run behind the scenes at a service center, what a processer sees or looks at when they open your file, need to be reassured it is a human working on your file - this is the post to read

Huskerkiev has some awesome insight and helps to lift the proverbial fog that surrounds why and how things are done and how it effects us as petitioners.

he has answered a number (a really big number) of questions that are very helpful and are all questions that have been asked recently in other threads.

As a new petitioner he is here for the moral support we all are seeking and has offered up some invaluable info that supplements the great advice and knowledge base already here on VisaJourney (certainly don't want to deminish the hundreds of helpful souls on here giving their advice, opinion and help in any way)


and a big big thank you to Huskerkiev
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-24 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill it be an RFE?
from what I read in one of Huskerviev's posts (he's the former NSC worker) that it's a real human reading our files and that in some cases (not all but some) depending on the case worker, they will do their best to ascertain the correct information from within your file. The person might read it and say "oh what a silly mistake-of course logic says that this person can't have done this on that date because the information before and after dictates that to be impossible--lol chuckle to one's self and on to the next bit of info :bonk: ". I don't know which question he had the typo in so I can't say whether or not it will be seen as a totally undeniable typo. Of course, you may always get one of the stickler workers who will immediately send and RFE because he/she doesn't feel the information is accurate enough to draw the proper conclusions.

Not sure if this hampers or helps you, but I have learned in life to keep expectations low and prepare for the worst so that anything else is a pleasant surprise (just have it all ready to go just in case)

Good luck and deep breaths
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA few quick questions re: K-1 filing
did you buy your tickets online through, or other website based company ( etc). If so you should be able to print the itinerary or receipt. I just printed all the email confirmations from expedia that were sent to our emails they show travel dates, cost of tickets, who paid, etc. I'm usually a pack rat but for some reason didn't keep any ticket stubs--I'm a duh!

good luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 19:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance won't get K1 in time for July wedding - Tourist visa?
if you get married before you k1 visa(fiancee) is issued the k1 in process will be null and void. you will have to restart the entire process over again and reapply for a K3 visa(spouse)

I would suggest waiting on the wedding - especially if being together is the most important part. I know it sucks that you made all these wedding plans but they do say NOT to make any solid plans until you get your visa because the timelines are not definate and anything can happen (like being denied altogether).

I would start to see if there is anyway for you to put certain things on hold so you don't lose what ever money you put down on things. Unless of course the ceremony in Thailand isn't an official marriage (just for show so her parents and family are involved). If it is a legally binding marriage then you won't be able to bring her back on any other kind of visa than the K3.

I also think but am not positive, if you get the K1 visa you are required to marry in the United States.

Best of luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa documents check list
I literally just finished putting mine together to send on Monday--so I'm just going over my list to compare

Did you include the downloaded and customized Cover Letter which lists what is included in the package in order?

Don't forget the check--signed and made out to United States Department of Homeland Security?

Any answers to any questions that would not fit on the forms that required an extra sheet of paper to finish them--example-question #18 how you met, or for me it was my kids names wouldn't fit in the space provided--if you had to add sheets make sure they are signed and dated.

DId you make sure you and your fiancee wrote/typed NONE in spaces for Wife or Husband--I didn't notice until later it says to put NONE if so stated (if you don't have a wife or husband)

Did you remember to right dates, names, places on back of each picture?

On plane itineraries or emails---highlight important information like to and from names, dates, flight dates etc. just makes it easier to find the info at a glance.

Hope this helps
Yeay mine is done done done

Best of luck!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-08 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa documents check list
You need a letter of intent from both you and your fiancee. She must sign hers and you must sign yours. There are great examples on VisaJourney under "DOWNLOADS" see link below.

They open using Microsoft Word and I simply put in our information, Name, addresses, dates etc-print and sign. They are very straight forward. You can add to it or not or write your own.

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-07 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 or check cashed

checked cashed Feb.23 and we could read the WAC### on the back of the check online!! YEAY! just need the hard copy of NOA1 dated Feb.21

to all those still waiting---I'm sure it'll be any day now

good luck and thanks for the encouraging words
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 or check cashed
my goodness! if I'm obsessing about things like this so early on---JUST YOU ALL WAIT TILL THE NEXT ROUNDS!! MOUAAAA HA HA HA HA!

Can't wait until I'm locked out of the online system for the first time--then I will know I have finally made it as a real K1 visa waiter!!!

thanks guys--just nerve racking when you spend so much time putting something together and finally have it sent and all you want is a tiny bit of relief to know things are moving in the right direction. it doesn't help to read other timelines of people who sent theirs in 2 days before us and already have the check cashed, the case number and have been able to repeatedly check the nonstatus of their case online a billion times already--lol lol

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--if we aren't nuts to start off with-we will be in the end :bonk: :jest:
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-23 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStill no NOA1 or check cashed
we sent our K1 out to CSC and it was received Feb. 16 at 10:03 am--still no sign of the check being cashed or an NOA1 in the mail......................

just would like to see a real step in the process being made...waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :crying:

I know I know..patience!!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-23 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInappropriate Touching
keep in mind, being "touched" may simply be the file being moved from desk to another. This I learned from reading a great post by Huskerkiev--he used to work for NSC a few years ago.

best of luck--still waiting to be touched--lol
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 00:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA Gruelling Update

I guess I just wanted to share what our latest endeavor is in the immigration process for my fiance and me.

For those of you that had not read the very long thread from about a month ago when it seemed I was having a meltdown because of an incompetant lawyer, here is a very brief update....
--June '06, hired a lawyer to handle our K-1 visa process
--July 12, NOA1
--Oct. 31, touched
In the meantime, many contacts to our lawyer trying to find out 'status'. Checking the USCIS website daily. Stess, anxiety, & hope that we would hear something anyday!
--Jan. 29 '07, joined the VisaJourney website and posted to the forum asking for help since we were getting none from our lawyer. Rec'd many great responses and by the end of the day I had learned that our petition had been filed (by our immigration lawyer) in the wrong place and nothing had been done what-so-ever. It was devastated.

We have finally been able to track down our application and found out that it was closed back in October, probably when it was touched on Oct. 31. It seems someone would have been notified that it was closed, but the attorney's office claims they were never contacted. Honestly, I don't trust any of them, but no way of proving that part of it. Darryl and I both had to gather up all paperwork once again, have photos retaken, all the necessary things when you are originally applying for a K-1. Darryl express mailed all his information from Australia and it was all overnighted to the Nebraska Service Center - where it should have went originally. We are now waiting for our NOA1 (once again) and starting this horrible waiting period once again.

We are taking the neccessary steps against this lawyer for compensation. Darryl also has an appointment with the US consulate in Sydney on March 12 to see if they will renew his B-2 visa (another long story where our lawyer screwed us!). If they do renew it he will get to come for a visit in April. I am so nervous and excited for March 12 to get here to determine if we will get to see one another in April. What really sucks is that just months ago, I was absolutely positive that the next time Darryl came to the USA, it would be for good. Now, I am holding on to the dream that he will get to visit for 3 weeks in April...then go back home. Just doesn't seem fair.

We have also cancelled all wedding plans for our April 21 wedding and decided not to reschedule the big lavish wedding we had planned. We will take our losses, try to sell what we can and also try to get some compensation from the lawyer at fault. We would not have had to cancel if he had done his job properly. A big wedding no longer seems to be important to us (although it once was, since it is a first for us both), I just want to get him here for good and start our life together.

Darryl and I both try and remain optimistic although some days it is very difficult. It's been gruelling, but we know that someday we will look back on all this with a smile and a sigh of relief that it is over~!!!

Oh Kym I am soooooo sorry to hear this. I've kept up to date about your postings and am so glad I didn't hire a lawyer. I read somewhere that going to your Congressman can help in a big way if there is a serious problem. I would suggest doing that asap and maybe he can help push the new petition through. It just sucks that your lawyer was such a big jerk he couldn't just admit they had done something really really wrong so it could be attended to early on.

We all have our fingers crossed for you.
Good luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUpdate
best wishes! think positive!! :wub:
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Agreements

I just met with my Fiancee in St. Petersburg. Previously, she had been excited and anxious to get to America ASAP, but this trip she seemed nervous and apprehensive. She finally mentioned that she was unsure about her future and asked if i would prepare a marriage agreement. I said i would. But to me, the man, it appeared that either she did not trust our marriage to work or maybe had talked to someone who suggested a marriage agreement to be sure that if the marriage did not work, that she would get compensated for it. First, i would like to get everyone's opinion on why you think she may have asked for the marriage agreement, and, second, what should be included in the marriage agreement that would be fair for both of us. I would like her compensation in the agreement to be based on years of marriage to me. If the marriage only last one year or less, i do not think she should get much from me because it might be a reason for her to divorce me. As the marriage years are added, i believe the assets or compensation should increase. She is much younger than me and i know that she wants to leave Russia and come to America so i do not feel she needs any more reasons for a divorce once she gets over here. Please give me your opinions on everything regarding marriage agreements. Thanks

I'm not sure what was discussed as far as an "agreement"-like was it all about the money? But here is what I wrote to another fellow with fiancee issues and what your fiancee may--or maynot be feeling. I have also thought for a second or two about an agreement-something that would maybe say that if for some reason things didn't work out I could at least get me and my kids back to Canada since I won't be working right away. We're not really going to need anything like that and California is a community division state so if we got divorced we would split things anyway. But like any marriage you need to have all these issues discussed just like whether you are going to have kids or both work or your plans to retire etc. I wouldn't take it too personally yet. It may just be a real need on her part to know that she isn't leaving her life behind for a whim (it's not like you are dating for years while living 2 blocks away and all she has to do is move in with you)

What follows is just how I feel as the foreign fiancee--hope it helps a little

I am the Canadain marrying a USC. I love him, he loves me. We've been together for 2 years and now have a wonderful 9 month old daughter together. It's been hard to be a family from 2700 hundred miles away (he has a 9 year old daughter and I have a 14 year old girl and 13 year old boy) not to mention new parents with the distance. We have only just sent in our petition last week.

As a woman with 2 kids that I have raised on my own, I have a life. A great job, a house (rental), friends, family. my kids have friends, boy/girlfriends, school, favorite hang outs and a life. We love our country (it's Canada -other than winter, what's not to love?). We don't live in poverty, we don't suffer from disease or have to live through wars or other unimaginable atrocities. We speak english and have health care. As much I love my fiance, as much as my kids love him like the father they have never known, as much as I love my step daughter, and as much as I love the thought of no more frikkin winter-----this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I spend weeks at a time crying over not being able to be with him everyday. Feeling like we are living two barely crossing lives. Like I am missing so much not being there with him. Or even worse, how much he is missing of our daughter's life. But even though my desire to be with him in the states as a family consumes my every thought every day and night-even when I am here in California with him--I am scared to death!

My children and I have to move--something I hate even if it is a block away. We started to sift through our lives-lives we built together one step at a time-to determine what bits and bobs will make it to the states. What do we feel is insignifacant and should be left behind. thrown out, sold. It's expensive to ship everything there and who wants to have to buy everything all over again? The kids have to switch schools (something they have had to do only once when we relocated within the province of ontario so I could get a better job--they were very young and bounced back quickly and I promised it would never happen again) They have to leave their friends and loved ones behind and start over. Some of these friends have been there for 7 years (and yes they will make more-we know that as adults but kids rarely see beyond next week). They will promise to stay in touch but we know that will never happen-it's $700 to fly and none of them can afford it. I struggle with the hope that they know that this move is in our best interest, and hope they know that we both love them so much that all we want to do is be a family. I hope that in the end they don't hate us for making them move to a new country because mommy is in love.

I have a great job that offers me full benefits in the field I am trained in. I have earned my title there and the perks that go with it and have forged relationships. It will be hard to leave. And I am afraid that I may never find the same kind of work here. Certainly not right away at the same pay.

We have health care--FREE--in Canada. Not so here. It is outrageous-especially with 3 extra kids and woman of child bearing years.

Toronto, Ontario has snow--but we don't have earthquakes-we aren't sinking into the ocean, we don't have war, we don't have Bush (no offense)

I know where the good grocery stores are and the cheapest place to buy things. I don't need a car (gas, insurance, repairs $$$$) because we have a great transit system.

In Toronto, I stand on my own. I support my family and myself. If there is a problem, I know where to go to fix it.
In the US, if anything goes wrong--god forbid--we get divorced, he dies or whatever-there is no safety net. That sucks.

I love him, he loves me and together we love all our kids. But it doesnt' mean that it isn't the scariest thing on earth to think about leaving your country. The security of everything you know and love. I can't even imagine how hard it is for anyone going through this who is coming from a country that is tremendously different to the United States. The language and cultural differences alone must be frightening. Yes, there are perks and some will have a better life for it. But there is something to be said for the devil you know.

Sorry to rant---I hope this gives you a little insight into what may be going on in her head. Of the heads of many (not all) of the non-USC Signifigant Others out there.

WE LOVE YOU USC'S, and we sacrafice a large part of ourselves to be with you as you do for us.
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help!!!!
What about your step father? I am assuming He is the US Citizen that is sponsoring you. Your mother is not the one sponsoring you. How does he feel about you leaving. If he is still willing to be your sponsor (willing to support you financially as he has declared that he would when he sent in the affidavit of support)? As far as I understand, you have every right to be in the US with your K2 visa as long as the person who is your sponsor is still supporting you.

I know you asked this question a while ago and there have been no responses. I think it's because no one really knows what to tell you. I am not totally sure what I have told you is fact and simply not just my opinion but it may be good for you to read all the guides on K1/2 visas and the forums on green cards etc. It will help you understand the process. I would then try to get ahold of an immigration lawyer as soon as possible. (you can usually find one that will offer a free consultation which will let you ask a few questions and get your answers you need)

I would also suggest looking into some sort of community center that communicates and caters to your native language and culture--they may be able to help you find the services you need (though your english seems to be pretty good) but it will help in making sure you really understand what your options are.

I am so sorry this is happening. I hope you have had time to make some friends that you can lean on.

Best of luck

ps--this is all just my opinion and not to be taken has hard facts
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Coming to US before K1 is Approved on Tourist Visa
Hi and welcome to VisaJourney

If you marry your fiancee while she in the US on a visitors visa she will have to return to her home country and then you will have to start the visa process all over using the K3 visa (for spouses not fiance).

Most countries that do not require a visa (not including K visas) to visit the US can usually visit during the K1 process provided you can prove strong ties to your home country--job, bank account, own a home or have a lease, children or other family. Access is at the border crossing's discresion--they can deny your fiancee access even if she can prove stong ties because it is usually assumed they are entering the US to immigrate. So the burden of proof is on your fiancee.

If you are already a month into the visa process I wouldn't set yourselves back the 2 months. Wait for the fiancee visa and then get married. Others with better knowledge of where your fiancee will probably give you better advice than I can on whether or not she will be able to get the tourist visa since I'm from Cananda and don't need a visa to visit then US for up to 90 days.

I can say that 3 weeks ago -just before we filed for our K1-I crossed into the US with my American Citizen infant daughter with a packet full of proof that I had strong ties to Canada--2 teenage children, a job, a lease, letter from employer and was yellow flagged--which means I was sent to another area for further interview before being allowed to get on the plane to the States (in Cananda you "cross the border" on Canadian soil in the airport). The interviewer asked why I was going to the states, why we hadn't filed for the K1 visa yet and told me I was being "sloppy" by travelling before the K1 was sent in. I told him I had the packet of information for the visa petition and we were about to send it in. He didn't want to see any of my proof even though I offered it to him and suggested we apply ASAP(which I explained we were just about to do). He then told me to not to worry because he wasn't deny us access this time. I was relieved but still very nervous. So even if you have all the right info they might say no--they are human and sometimes if you get someone in a crappy mood or is having a bad day it can transfer to you!

Anyway--best of luck--you'll find lots of great resources on here and some wonderful people with a ton of knowledge!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-03-04 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA I received 130 days ago, but still...
a "touch" simply means that someone within the UCIS office has touched or moved your file. It can mean that it was moved literally from one desk to another. It's barcode on the file is scanned everytime the file changes hands or desks for one reason or another. Unfortunatley a touch doesn't necessarily mean that there has been any progress on a case file (or that there hasn't been). Check out HUSKERKIEV -1st post from a former NVC employee--it's about 4 pages back. He has given great insight into what touched mean and a ton of other insider insights.

best of luck and here's to being touched!!!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-26 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust you change your name?
yeah--ours isn't too great backwards either--but it's great for a giggle!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-03-04 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust you change your name?
we've discussed hyphening our name -his then mine Dettmar-Steel. He has a daughter with his last name, our daughter with the hyphen and then my two kids with my last name--if we hyphen everyone's last name then noone feels like they are losing anything-rather they are gaining something and we would all be the same.

Either that or we should just come up with some great new last name Stettmar, Steetmar, Steelmar, Marsteel, or how 'bout it all backwards--Leets-Ramtted.
LOL it could be fun to just make something up that we all agreed on as a family!!

I think keeping your maiden name is great! Or even him taking hers--my fiance's brother took his wife's last name and they love it!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-03-04 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

Just wanted to post we got our NOA1 today in the mail, California received it on Feb 12, and the notice was was dated Feb 16th. I was so excited, even though I know now it may be a long 3 months or more, just knowing it makes me feel better.

Yeay for you!!! Congrats!
We just checked online banking and the check was cashed and have already plugged in the info on the online status to see we got our NOA1!! Just waiting for the hard copy!!

best of luck on the rest of the journey!!!! Race ya! hee hee :whistle: :thumbs:

A :innocent:
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-24 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

Wow! That was quick. I submitted mine to CSC at Laguna Niguel on 2/14/07 and was received on 2/15/07. I am still waiting for my check to clear and for my NOA1. I'm just crossing my fingers that I get it next week.

Congratulations on your NOA!

mine was received on Feb 16th so it's good to know ours should be coming soon!! Sucks that it's Friday!!! Hopefully we'll get them Monday and Tuesday!!!! good luck!!

And Congrats to everyone who just got theirs!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-23 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA YAY YAY NOA1!
Thanks everyone!!!! Funny hough-I haven't stopped reading thread upon thread in here--I thought I might give it a rest for a bit--you know-a day or so--lol lol lol before I was on here refreshing all the time--maybe tomorrow-ha ha ha

good luck everyone!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-25 01:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA YAY YAY NOA1!
Yippee! I knew being obsessive would pan out! Next step--getting locked out of online services!!!

Sent Feb. 14
Signed for Feb. 16
Received Feb. 21
Check cashed Feb. 23 with WAC#### readable on the online banking
Hoping for hard copy of NOA1 Soon-ish

Here's to February! And October, November, December and January!

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-24 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould this be true?

I'm hoping it's not a mistake. I hope you get the noa2 in the mail next week. I dunno, maybe it's just one of those things. I would send husk a pm and see what he says.

I feel so much better seeing someone else sending people to Huskerviev!! I have flogged his name on here whenever I get a chance (and was feeling a little bad about it--lol) But he seems to be the "go to guy" at the moment!! thanks for being a fellow Husk-cheerleader
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-03-04 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnever met fiance
Just curious--and I'm sure it will help other more experienced VJ'ers answer you better

Why haven't you or why can't you two meet in person?

I'm seeing Iraq as the foreign country--I can't imagine visiting either way can be an easy thing at this point in time but I'm not sure if that is a good enough reason.

I would also suggest checking out the forum that deals with specific counties or regions--it's in the second batch of forum headings on the forums page.

Oh yeah---WELCOME TO VISAJOURNEY!! it's a long road but everyone here is on a similar path and are a great source of support of information so don't be shy to explain your situation and ask questions-also-read as much as you can on here so you have a better understanding of all the processes-it will help in asking questions

Best of luck!!!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-03-11 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

See... earlier on today, I wanted to post and tell you that of COURSE she is scared, she is giving up everything and everyone she knows to be with you, and no matter how happy she is to be doing so, it's still going to be totally overwhelming. I also wanted to say that, although you're no doubt hurt by what's happened, you shouldn't let her go that easily, you shouldn't lose hope, and damn right, you shouldn't waste that plane ticket - you should get straight over there and find out what it is she's so afraid of, talk to her, reassure her, let her know it will all be alright, and remind her of why the two of you have stuck it out through all this waiting and uncertainty. I wanted to tell you that if what she's told you is true, and that the problem is that she's scared - you should be able to convince her that everything will be ok, that you'll always be there for her, etc etc etc, and so on... and that everything could almost certainly work out just fine.

But on second thoughts.... I can't even imagine this happening to me and my reaction being anything other than sheer, vomit-inducing terror at the thought of losing the person I'd been counting on spending the rest of my life with. Like TracyTN says - I know that if my fiance (he's the USC) told me he was having second thoughts, I'd be on the first plane out of here and on his doorstep, doing anything in my power to make him change his mind. I would be throwing up, shaking, in hysterics if something like this happened... and can't imagine ever thinking 'ah well, plenty more fish in the sea'. Like I said... I did want to tell you not to give up, and I will still say, that if you truly love this girl, and if you are serious about her, what she needs is reassurance, and for you to understand (see AngelD's wonderful post for an insight into what I'm on about here...), not for you to get angry and reinforce the idea that yes, if she leaves to be with you, she really WILL be all on her own. But judging by the fact that you seem incensed about the fact that she's 'cost' you a few thousand dollars, rather than devastated at the idea of losing the love of your life... maybe you could talk her round if you tried, but if the money is what you're upset about here, don't do it. Better for both of you this has happened now - before she's had a chance to get to the States and start experiencing culture shock and homesickness and needing you to be there for her...

Still, never mind, eh - plenty more where she came from, and maybe the others have a bit more backbone than this girl. Who needs a wife who experiences such tedious emotions as doubt and fear, hey? :whistle: :unsure:

AMEN! ROCK ON SISTER! you can be the devil to my angel anytime! I too was torn between my response and yours. It's damn hard to be the one to give it all up for the one you love. But if I ever showed some doubt (which by the way-I have in little bits--man it's so scarey I want to pee my pants sometimes!) he has stepped up! reminded me we are a team and we can overcome anything. Had he said any less, I would be gone, gone, gone, gone! As much as I love him, as I am sure you love yours, we need to know that the sacrafices we are making are worth it. That when we cross that border, visa and life long possessions in hand that they will be there, strong and ready to tackle the world and my roller coaster of emotions! Anything less--buh-bye!

My thought, if he gives up this easily---he was just happy she "destroyed" the "dream" first so he didn't have to do it. Maybe not. If not--fight, support, live, trust, try, love, work at it! No matter who you end up marrying or being with -it's all work, it's all hard-it has to be to be worth it!

Here's to us! Here's to them! Life isn't a dress rehearsal and there are no take backs or do overs so do it the best you can the first time!
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise! Surprise! Surprise!!!!!

I'm very sorry. There is not much to say to you about your feelings-you have every right to be upset. What I can offer is some insight into the mind of a woman with kids in the process of the K1 visa.

I am the Canadain marrying a USC. I love him, he love me. We've been together for 2 years and now have a wonderful 9 month old daughter together. It's been hard to be a family from 2700 hundred miles away (he has a 9 year old daughter and I have a 14 year old girl and 13 year old boy) not to mention new parents with the distance. We have only just sent in our petition last week.

As a woman with 2 kids that I have raised on my own, I have a life. A great job, a house (rental), friends, family. my kids have friends, boy/girlfriends, school, favorite hang outs and a life. We love our country (it's Canada -other than winter, what's not to love?). We don't live in poverty, we don't suffer from disease or have to live through wars or other unimaginable atrocities. We speak english and have health care. As much I love my fiance, as much as my kids love him like the father they have never known, as much as I love my step daughter, and as much as I love the thought of no more frikkin winter-----this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I spend weeks at a time crying over not being able to be with him everyday. Feeling like we are living two barely crossing lives. Like I am missing so much not being there with him. Or even worse, how much he is missing of our daughter's life. But even though my desire to be with him in the states as a family consumes my every thought every day and night-even when I am here in California with him--I am scared to death!

My children and I have to move--something I hate even if it is a block away. We started to sift through our lives-lives we built together one step at a time-to determine what bits and bobs will make it to the states. What do we feel is insignifacant and should be left behind. thrown out, sold. It's expensive to ship everything there and who wants to have to buy everything all over again? The kids have to switch schools (something they have had to do only once when we relocated within the province of ontario so I could get a better job--they were very young and bounced back quickly and I promised it would never happen again) They have to leave their friends and loved ones behind and start over. Some of these friends have been there for 7 years (and yes they will make more-we know that as adults but kids rarely see beyond next week). They will promise to stay in touch but we know that will never happen-it's $700 to fly and none of them can afford it. I struggle with the hope that they know that this move is in our best interest, and hope they know that we both love them so much that all we want to do is be a family. I hope that in the end they don't hate us for making them move to a new country because mommy is in love.

I have a great job that offers me full benefits in the field I am trained in. I have earned my title there and the perks that go with it and have forged relationships. It will be hard to leave. And I am afraid that I may never find the same kind of work here. Certainly not right away at the same pay.

We have health care--FREE--in Canada. Not so here. It is outrageous-especially with 3 extra kids and woman of child bearing years.

Toronto, Ontario has snow--but we don't have earthquakes-we aren't sinking into the ocean, we don't have war, we don't have Bush (no offense)

I know where the good grocery stores are and the cheapest place to buy things. I don't need a car (gas, insurance, repairs $$$$) because we have a great transit system.

In Toronto, I stand on my own. I support my family and myself. If there is a problem, I know where to go to fix it.
In the US, if anything goes wrong--god forbid--we get divorced, he dies or whatever-there is no safety net. That sucks.

I love him, he loves me and together we love all our kids. But it doesnt' mean that it isn't the scariest thing on earth to think about leaving your country. The security of everything you know and love. I can't even imagine how hard it is for anyone going through this who is coming from a country that is tremendously different to the United States. The language and cultural differences alone must be frightening. Yes, there are perks and some will have a better life for it. But there is something to be said for the devil you know.

Sorry to rant---I hope this gives you a little insight into what may be going on in her head. Of the heads of many (not all) of the non-USC Signifigant Others out there.

WE LOVE YOU USC'S, and we sacrafice a large part of ourselves to be with you as you do for us.

(if you love her like you seem to, take the trip as a way to find out what is really going on, you may be cutting of your nose to spite your face. she may just have realised the enormity of it all--I did as soon as the petition left the fed-ex building)
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-22 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI totally forgot my Name was changed when I was 6
I guess all you can do is wait and see. Can you get the supporting documentation to prove the legal name change while you wait just in case? Was all of your identification changed? Like your birth certificate etc?

Sorry... not much else to offer than a hearty good luck

AngelDFemaleCanada2007-02-17 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled for K1 VISA - Filipino Fiance Pregnant - Advice

you'll also need a passport for the baby. My daughter was born in California (2 days before I was to fly back to Toronto for her birth scheduled nearly a month later) so she is an American Citizen with an American Birth Certificate. I'm not sure how hard getting the passport without an american Birth Certificate or how hard it is to get a passport in your fiancee's country, but as of Jan. 23 all infants require one with a picture----which is amusing because my daughter will look different in a month as we are scheduled to fly to US for 30 days.

Either way, double check the requirements for passports and which one is easier/faster to get

Best of luck
AngelDFemaleCanada2007-01-23 23:07:00