CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

You really are the best people, I'll miss you guys!


Looks like I'm in it for a while still - 2 days ago got a letter from USCIS saying they couldn't get a hit on my fingerprints taken back in APRIL!!  Way to go guys, nothing like waiting 6 months to tell me that. So I've got an appt to do the prints again November 14 but I'm just gonna do a walk in. Lord. This is what happened with my 2 year card - I ended up going 3 times, the last time to a special 'print' place. Blech.


Patience, must have patience...

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-10-29 07:43:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Congrats mandaNchris, what a relief!  


I so envy you being in Canada Vero, it is such a lovely time of year - so weird in Baltimore...we had a 90 degree weekend! Can't wait to put on a sweater and a pair of boots.


Update: I got fed up waiting so I went on the USCIS site again this morning - status was the same but there was a # to call (1-800-375-5283) if you felt your case was taking longer than usual. Called the #, 5 mins later spoke to a representative who confirmed that indeed, mine was outside the normal processing times of 6 months from application. I filed end of March and Vermont's now processing end of April. Lord!


Now they're going to send an inquiry to the Vermont office, hopefully that'll speed things up, but in the interim I can expect a 30 day wait to get their response to the inquiry. Nice. I think I'd like to work for the USCIS, long turnaround time = less workplace stress, hahaha!



Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-10-08 10:01:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Thanks Vero. I have no idea why they would transfer it there. It says that our center is the Vermont one on the USCIS site. I'm also wondering why after all this time has passed that they decided now to transfer it. It just seems so weird to me.

That is very odd, sorry, super frustrating! My case seems to be stuck in limbo - have heard nothing, filed back in March, just checked on the uscis site and it's still under 'initial review'. Hate the waiting!! 

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-09-26 09:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Wow, just catching up on all the guys have been busy!  I was up in Canada for 3 weeks in August, so wonderful - the weather, the swiss chalet, poutine, hahaha!


That totally sucks about the RFE Alaba, sorry - I filed 3 weeks before you and am still expecting to get one any day based on their previous problems with my fingerprints. Lord. Seems so dumb - filing so long ago and just getting the RFE now. Oh well, just have to be patient.


Vero - yeah, we're experiencing home ownership woes/expenses as well. Our previous house was small, well built, no problems at all, but this one is much bigger and older and poorly renovated (which is why we got it for a good deal so I guess I shouldn't complain) - but I tell ya, if it's not the sewer backing up it's appliances breaking down, insulation issues. Jees. I love it, just a bit tired of forking out money all the time. Wish I was handy/could fix stuff myself. Oh well. Oh hey, honeymoon ideas - I've travelled a lot over the years, been to loads of all inclusives...any place in particular you wanna go? I love Mexico and am a huge fan of the RIU all inclusive resorts (which are all over the caribbean), check 'em out, lemme know if you have any questions.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-09-04 11:20:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Congrats Nickbits, J&J, Val erie and Vero and Chris!! And congrats on the new home Ken and Kate. We moved into our new house May 24th - still getting settled but we absolutely love it, even though we've still got boxes piled high in the office and can't find my dinner plates, lol!


Uh oh, just realised I have to change our address with immigration, uh oh, probably should've done that sooner!

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-07-15 11:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

So renewed my drivers license today - got a new one for 8 years, weird, thought it would only be extended for 1 year as per the extension letter (which they were not interested in seeing, just my green card).


Constantly amazed at the somewhat arbitrary way things are done, oh well, at least I got it.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-05-09 09:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Yup, now you just wait smile.png They won't send you a receipt for bio appointment in mail.


Damn, that's what I was afraid of more waiting, lol! You'd think I'd be used to this by now, patience is not my best quality :)

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-05-01 09:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys - so had my biometrics appt yesterday, guess I won't hear anything till a decision's been made or an interview's requested right? There's no notification of bio receipt or anything? 

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-05-01 08:15:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Decision Date: 4/16/2013
Status: Approved!

No interview or RFEs! Yeah!

Letter said new card should come in within 60 days. Never got a case update email though.. strange.

Wow that was fast, congratulations!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-22 07:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Glad you got your Bio appointment date in the mail, I hope these dates are right, looks like people are waiting more in the 8 to 9 month wait right now, But it seems if you get randomly picked for a interview you get your card way faster. At least the waiting game isn't as bad as when we were doing the Fiancé visa. There is even a chance we could apply for citizenship before we are even approved for the 10 year green card..heh I guess we will seeee!!!

Really...8-9 months, wow. Yeah, as much as I hate waiting at least I've gotten used to it, not so stressed as I used to be, just have to be patient, it'll happen.

So citizenship - need to bone up on that. For some reason thought we had to be in the country for 3 years, and have our 10 year green card before we could apply. Will have to revisit the guides. Thanks for the heads up!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-15 08:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Anyone else seen this on the USCIS website? I was checking my case status and came across it...helps to manage expectations. Nice to know they'e falling short of their goal, lol!

USCIS National Goal - 6.0 Month(s)

USCIS National Average - 7.3 Month(s)

Vermont Service Center - 7.6 Month(s)

Effective as of: February 28, 2013
View national volumes and trends for all applications
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-13 17:03:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda2010 .... 3/21/13 ..... 03/29/13 ........ 04/30/13
Rose416 ....... 2/xx/13 ..... 02/xx/13 ........ 02/14/13

J&J has a magic keyboard!!! Good for you Brenda2010, I'll send you good vibes on the 30th!

Haha, thanks Vero...I'm sure I'll need it! Where can I get a magic keyboard??? lol
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-12 14:08:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Usually takes a week or two, but for some people it's taking a little longer depending where there service area will be for biometrics. Some of the service centers are overly booked so they might just be waiting to book more appointments. I noticed that the Philadelphia area is taking longer then most. If it doesn't arrive within 2-3 weeks I would call USCIS and ask why you haven't gotten a appointment date yet, they will probably put in a service request for you to get a appointment date.

Thanks J & J, that calmed me down a bit - and lo and behold, received it the same day you posted/April 10...scheduled for April 30, yayyyy! Now lets hope they can read my damn prints so I don't have to go 50 times to get them done!!
Have a good weekend all, B

Edited by Brenda2010, 12 April 2013 - 07:49 AM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-12 07:48:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Any news?

Nope, getting a little nervous - wonder what I do if I don't receive one? Weird. Will not freak out for another week. Well, will try not to freak out. :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-09 11:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

My biometrics appointment letter is dated 01-14-2013, about a week after I received my I-797. Maybe give it another week? What service center are you going through again?

Oh good, today would be a week after so we'll see - why o why am I so impatient? Lord! Going through Vermont. Have a good weekend!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-05 09:12:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi guys - how long after you received your I-797 did you get your bio appt.?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-02 16:11:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13 ..... 03/16/13 ........ 04/10/13
Brenda 2010 ... 3/21/13

Congrats on the bio appointment, one step closer! :thumbs:

And received my I-797 on the 29th!

Now waiting for my bio appt., which I'm a little worried about - last time they couldn't get a proper 'read' on my prints...had to go twice to the local immigration office, failed both times, then they gave up and sent me to another office affiliated with the FBI where they were finally able to get a good set. Anyone else had this happen to them? Bit irritating having to go numerous times and having it delay the process.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-03-31 09:45:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Glad you got your drivers license renewed without a problem Vero!!

Congrats, Ken and Kate and Brenda2010 on sending in your ROC!!

Thanks J & J!!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-03-27 13:16:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

User .......... ROC sent .... I-797 Rcvd ...... Bio. App. ..... RFE .... Interview .... ROC Result...... Card Rcvd.
Nickbits ...... 9/17/12 ..... 09/25/12 ........ 10/23/12
J&J ........... 12/4/12 ..... 12/07/12 ........ 01/02/13
Vero and Chris. 1/03/13 ..... 01/07/13 ........ 02/08/13
Val erie ...... 1/29/13 ..... 01/31/13 ........ 02/28/13
ken and kate .. 3/11/13
Brenda 2010 ... 3/21/13

Yeah! One more to the list! Congrats Brenda2010, and you're welcome! Have a great weekend!

Thanks Vero! Just checked, they received our package yesterday, the 25th - now lets see how fast they cash that cheque! Haha - yup still spelling it 'cheque', I refuse to give in and do 'check'!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-03-26 07:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi all - here I am, bringing up the rear, again! Just mailed off our ROC package this morning.

Vero, wanted to thank you again for your help with the submission. I too found it easier than all the other forms/documentation we've had to provide, but as usual procrastinated and stressed about it just as much, lol!

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well, us too. Can't believe I've been here for over 2 years now...time flies!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-03-22 12:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Mine only took about two weeks from the time they got it, I sent mine UPS Standard, but USPS would work just as good too:)I only sent mine UPS because the office is open later. Just so you know you don't need to send in your Canadian passport with ROC, just a copy of front and back of green card, but it would be a good idea to get your passport done before your greencard expires so you have two forms of id that is valid.

Good to know, thanks so much, you're always so helpful!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2012-11-29 12:27:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

It was super quick actually... Don't worry about the passport expiring during the ROC, I was sure I read that somewhere and I cannot find it now... From sending it to receiving it back, it took two weeks to the day, and I was changing my name too. If you're going up during Xmas, you can get your pictures done, that's what I did since I was up during the summer.

It'll be OK, I didn't mean to freak anyone out, I feel dumb now because I can't find the reference... When does your passport expire?

Sorry, super delayed response!! That's great yours only took 2 weeks - how did you send it? USPS? My passport expires June 2, 2013 and my GC's up May 25, so I have time to renew/get it back before/if I need to submit it with the ROC docs. Only thing holding me up at the moment is this house we're trying to buy - closing date keeps moving thanks to the sellers and I don't wanna send it off till we're moved in (if that happens at all, honestly, I'm starting to lose confidence, boooo). Anyway, thanks again Vero, you're so helpful!!

Edited by Brenda2010, 26 November 2012 - 05:57 PM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2012-11-26 17:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hi everyone!
Glad to hear from you Brenda2010!!! Glad that everything is going well!

When we renew our Green Card, our passport needs to be valid for at least another 6 months, or something along those lines. I renewed mine because by the time I send in my ROC package, my passport would have only been valid until July. Plus, I wanted to change my name on the passport so it matches the Green Card.

Wow, only half an hour away! Nice! I have to drive two hours to go to the closest office. Not fun...

J&J, let me know when you do send it in, I'll update our chart :)

So my address change documents were received on 10/15/2012, and I still haven't received a notice or confirmation of some sort... And neither has Chris (for being the co-sponsor)... Anything to be worried about? :unsure:

How long did it take you to get your passport back? Starting to freak out now...working around vacation planning and ROC timelines, fun! Not.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2012-11-09 13:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey everyone! Can't believe how far we've come! So nice to read all your updates, hear your good news. Congrats on the new house Vero - we just bought one last month, after an entire year of looking, lord! We move end of November - get possession mid Nov. but have a lot to do...the people who owned it did a pretty good job of trashing it.

So, for some weird reason I thought we had to submit the ROC 6 months prior to green card expiry, not 3...guess I just got some extra time, which is very much appreciated. Although, must say, I had a look at the form and it looks easy peasy compared to some of the others we've had to fill out! Not thrilled that we get to fork over another $500 though, boooo.

Question about passports - why did you renew yours early? Mine expires June 2 2013...any benefit to doing it earlier? Oh, is it because you get 'the stamp' after ROC is approved?

Sorry, as usual I'm relying on you guys who're further along in the process to help me out, I do try and pay it forward with newer members though...hate to be a slacker! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2012-10-23 17:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi all - been off VJ for a while, have been enjoying not thinking about anything immigration related but I have been thinking about you all, wondering how you're doing.

Just read a couple of pages so probably missed a lot of updates from others but wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad and your accident MandaNchris, that is absolutely terrible! I do think you're right though, you've got all the bad stuff out of the way and now 2012 should be full of good things. Take care of yourself and your family, think positive thoughts.

Not much going on here, which I suppose is good and bad. Bit bored. Still nothing on the work front. Kept myself busy fixing up our house for rent while we look for a bigger one to buy but haven't found anything yet. Recession hit Baltimore hard yet everyone still thinks their house is worth the overinflated price they paid for it years ago. So that's frustrating, now that all the housework's complete not really sure what to do with myself - besides cook and clean...this 1950s housewife thing is weird, lol!

Went back to Canada in August for 2 weeks and again this month for 2 weeks. Was nice to visit but glad to be back. Funny, don't really miss Toronto, probably because my friends and family come here all the time to visit, which is great.

Here's to a 2012 that brings us all much happiness! Will keep in touch.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2012-01-23 11:00:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Awww, you are just the sweetest Vero! I feel exactly the same way you do about our little family on VJ...don't know what I would've done without you guys.

Definitely, let's keep in touch and then we'll plough through the removal of conditions together. Congrats and very best wishes to you too!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-07-25 11:21:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey everyone, been a while! Heading up to Toronto next week, first time since I arrived end of December, can't wait!

Glad to hear everything's moving along, people are getting settled, cars at 0% interest :)!

Alaba - yeah, that's my understanding, that they want us to check in in 2 years to validate the relationship/that we're still together in order to keep the gc/status.

Wow is it ever hot here in Baltimore!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-07-21 12:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Congrats on the Green Card mandaNchris :thumbs:

Just have a quick question..When I travel by plane do I book my ticket with my married name which is on my Green Card or do I book it with my maiden name that is on my passport? I'm thinking on making a visit in Aug and the tickets are pretty cheap right now. I'm going to be landing in the states and crossing by land to get to Canada.

Not 100% sure but I'd say book it with your maiden name (so it's the same as your passport), take your marriage certificate in case any questions arise with your gc. When you have a chance, change your maiden name on your passport. Happy traveling! I'm going back in August too but we're gonna drive and I didn't change my name so should all be easy peasy, I hope :P

great thread sound all CRAZY :hehe: ....kidding of course, being the newbie on the thread..question to you Pearson AIrport ever a POE?

haha, yeah, 1.5 years dealing with immigration will make you crazy! lol So yeah, you can POE at any airport.

Edited by Brenda2010, 23 June 2011 - 02:35 PM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-23 14:35:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
So potentially dumb question - now that we have our green cards do we need to present/carry our combo EAD/AP cards? Think that probably replaces the need for that non?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-22 16:02:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

woohoo! got my card in the mail :dance: I was right, my picture sucks but oh well who cares I still have my card!! lol

Heyyyyy, that's so great, congratulations!! So there's an immigration law? Jees, what will they think of next?!! I can't imagine why I would need to produce the documentation at any given time but whatever...think I'll just keep a photocopy with me and hope that will suffice. Sorry your picture sucks but at least you're in good company :)

I am indeed going to apply for citizenship - have to research that...the wait, the process, the cost. But yeah, think it's a good thing to do so we don't have to continually worry about it. Also if you ever wanna move back to Canada/anywhere else for that matter, makes it easy to move back to the States without starting all over again.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-22 15:54:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys - lot going on the last week or so huh?

Firstly, wanna say thanks for all the congrats on my approval - got my welcome letter on Friday and yesterday got my green card (with very very ugly pic I might add!). Yup, the welcome letter was like the other NOAs, but the gc came with the blue pamphlet. All very exciting....can't quite believe it...after 1.5 years, wow, teared up a little bit.

So for those of you who have your gc's do you carry it around with you at all times as they suggest? I'm not going to, scared I'll lose it. I mean, I'll travel with it but not going to take it to the grocery store!

mandaNchris - you should have yours any day if my timeline's anything to go by...yayyyyyy!

Vero - so thrilled the new job's going well, that's awesome!

J & J - hope all's well with you, enjoying your time not spent on immigration lol
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-22 08:16:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Oh my god!!! :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: This deserves another thumb/dance combo! :dance: :thumbs: :dance: Congratulations!!!!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOAs ...... Bio. App ... AP Result ..... EAD Result .... Inter./Transf. .... AOS Result ...... Card Revd.
Alaba ......... 03/16/11 ... 04/02/11 ... 05/10/11 ... 05/12/11(a) ... 05/12/11(a) ... Int: 07/05/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
mandaNchris ... 03/11/11 ... 04/02/11 ... 04/22/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 05/24/11(a) ... Tra: 05/12/11 ..... ----------- ..... ------------
Brenda2010 .... 02/28/11 ... 03/07/11 ... 04/05/11 ... 04/26/11(a) ... 04/26/11(a) ... Tra: 03/24/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... ------------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... 10/08/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/22/10(a) ... 11/23/10(a) ... Int: 02/07/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... 10/18/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 12/14/10(a) ... 12/17/10(a) ... Int: 03/10/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/18/11
J & J ......... 12/06/10 ... 12/13/10 ... 01/05/11 ... 02/11/11(a) ... 02/11/11(a) ... Tra: 01/19/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
Wishing ....... 10/11/10 ... 10/20/10 ... 11/12/10 ... 12/21/10(a) ... 12/21/10(a) ... Int: 01/11/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 01/21/11
Valerie78 ..... 11/17/10 ... 11/24/10 ... 01/18/11 ... 02/08/11(a) ... 01/28/11(a) ... Tra: 01/18/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 02/19/11
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... 11/16/10(a) ... 11/16/10(a) ... Int: 12/13/10 ..... -Approved!- ..... 12/23/10
Tater&####### .. 10/08/10 ... 10/19/10 ... 11/09/10 ... 01/11/11(a) ... 01/14/11(a) ... Int: 03/03/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 03/14/11
ken and kate .. 11/15/10 ... 11/23/10 ... 01/06/11 ... --- n/a --- ... 01/28/11(a) ... Int: 03/29/11 ..... -Approved!- ..... 04/07/11

Well, June 15th is a good day so far, isn't it? :star:

Sure is! I'm off to the pool with a friend this afternoon then tonight girl's night, free concert in the park - what a great way to celebrate!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-15 11:42:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Got the job!!! I start Monday! It's a Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30 job! Just what I wanted!!!! Youhou!!!! Gosh I'm so happy! Finally things are coming together!!!! :star:

That's fantastic, congratulations! So happy for you! And so happy for me...just checked uscis site moments ago and guess who's green card's on it's way? That's right, this girl's!! Yayyyy!!!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-15 10:57:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Awww that sucks... I hear you though, I HATE waiting on stuff I can't control... What does it say on the USCIS website when you check your status? I'm sure you guys will hear something soon, I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you both! :innocent:

Glad you're going for a visit soon! Gosh, you'll see it'll feel so nice! I almost cried seeing the "Welcome to Qc" sign!!! How long are you staying? And are you flying or driving?

Yup, it's the lack of control that drives me crazy! They said they received our response and that they can take up to 60 days to respond so they're within the timeline but really people? 60 days? Everything else moved along so quickly. Okay, breathe, need to be patient. Thanks for the fingers/toes crossing!

Yeah I bet you almost cried, I anticipate much crying upon my return :) - we're planning on going for 2 weeks so we'll probably drive, only 9 hours or so, then we'll have the car to tool around/visit people.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-08 11:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Sadly no, I've heard nothing. Sent in response to RFE (criminal record checks in Toronto and Baltimore), they received them May 18th...what is the hold up???? I'm not very patient. Although I can work/travel with the EAP/AD combo card, just wanna get this done!

MandaNchris - when did you send back your RFE? How long have you been waiting?

Sounds like you had a great trip home Vero, I'm glad. I'm looking forward to my visit end of July/early August.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-06-08 09:52:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Good news, revieved my EAD/AP combo card today :-D

Fantastic, all coming along!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-05-23 07:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Yes, it's the first time since the big move! One of my brothers and his wife came down for our reception/cookout, so at least I saw them 7 months ago! We're gonna have a reception/cookout up there with my side of the family, so it should be fun! I can't wait to see all the kids and hang out and SPEAK FRENCH!!! :lol:

Awww, so happy for you...have a great time!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-05-17 07:50:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

I'm sure it's more of a matter of you worrying about it. I've heard people sending their I-129F petition through snail mail, and everything was just fine. If you want to make sure it gets there, and not worry yourself sick - something I would have done for sure - then pay the extra to get it registered/certified... But if it's already in the mail, don't worry about it, it'll get there.

Yup, I would've worried about it for sure! Sent it certified yesterday, apparently it'll get there Tuesday latest soooo, now I wait some more!! Hope what I sent them will suffice - criminal record check from here/MD done last week, and one I had done in Toronto for my K1 last year.

We just sent ours through snail mail. I have been worried about it tho. It was in an envelope from Chris' work with the work name on it and Chris stuck a sticker on with his name and our address but didn't write down anything else on the envelope except the address for the department of homeland security. I am worried they would think it's junk or something and throw it out.

No, positive thoughts my friend! It'll be fine.

Just got an email that on May 12 I my I-131 Travel Document (AP) was approved and i will be getting the notice in the mail :)
And then I got another email saying my I-765 Empolyment Authorization is in Card Production and will be mailed with in the next 30 days as well :D

Really happy!

Congratulations, that's awesome! Great feeling isn't it?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-05-15 09:59:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hey guys - for those of you who got an RFE did you register it at the post office or just pop it in the mail? Kinda think I should register/certify it...wanna be sure they get it after all this! When you have a sec., thanks, B
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-05-13 15:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Wow, this is all pretty crazy stuff!!! :bonk:

Alaba, what I would do is bring every NOA you have ever received since the K1, and ask if a mistake was made. If there was a mistake, I believe they can fix that at the biometrics appointment. I know of a member that had the wrong birthday on their green card, and they had to go for a walk-in appointment at the same place where her bio appointment was... Maybe you can knock two birds with one stone...

Brenda2010, does that mean you have to go all the way back to Canada??? What a pain!!! So, they did not match with the prints taken at the K1 interview, is that it? Gosh, this is so ridiculous!!! :ranting:

Well, keep us posted you guys, maybe this week will bring better news to all of you...

Thank God, no don't have to go back to Canada to have it done.

I did have to go to the backwoods of Baltimore though, to some fingerprint processing centre. Did that yesterday. Told them I was there because Immigration had tried my prints twice and failed and that they should run a date of birth and name check for a criminal record check but they said nooooo, they'd do the fingerprints again, then if that failed they'd do that as a last resort. Ridiculous. Sure I'll be back there next week!

Not really sure what they're trying to match to - makes sense though, what you suggested, the ones taken at the K1 interview. The problem seems to be that they can't get a proper read on them all the time - so they're only capturing say 5 out of 10 digits, then they do it again and get a hit on the other 5 but of course that doesn't match to the original ones that worked. Make sense? Ay yay yay. Going to the gym, gonna run it off!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2011-05-10 09:21:00