CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey all - got my P4 yesterday. Wondering if we should start a new topic, August Interviews in Montreal? What do you think? Didn't wanna break off all by myself...sniff...thought I'd ask first... :)

Happy Canada Day (in advance, won't be online tomorrow), B

* Vero - thanks for doing the chart/amping up the excitement, and hope you're having fun at the beach!

Edited by Brenda2010, 30 June 2010 - 10:55 AM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-30 10:53:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Who tells you you can't visit? Your work?
Sparkling whine sounds pretty good!!!

Gosh, I'm getting FREAKING nervous about Friday now... I'll be ok, I just want it to be done with NOW!

Ahhh... :wacko:

Oh yeah, forgot you were going on Friday...don't be nervous, you have nothing to worry about provided you bring all your proof, which you will. I'm so excited for you, going to be a great visit/holiday! Just get your sh*t together and think about the beach!! :)

Nope, not my work that tells me I can't visit, it's the US Gov. - from what I've read here once you get your Visa (which hopefully I will on the 24th) you can't enter the states without activating it, which I'm not prepared to do till mid-December.

Yup, get yourself a bottle of Proseco tonight - btw, it'smuch easier on your head/stomach the next day than Sangria!

I won't be online again till Monday so hope all goes well on your trip down - lemme know how it goes, B
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-23 12:04:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Hey Brenda2010, do you have to stay until mid-december because of work? Gosh, that is a long time!
Well, at least we'll be approved by then ;)

Well I don't have to stay but makes sense financially - we get our bonuses second week of Dec. so hopefully it'll be worth my while! Now that I've had some time to think about it I'll probably need that time to get all arranged for the move anyway...just hate to be told what to do, ie. no visitting the states! :)

So definitely, celebratory drinks this Friday - I'm thinking proseco (sparkling Italian wine)...yummy!!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-23 11:34:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

RATS! DOS office is closed today??

Dunno, but they're probably closed's St Jean-Baptiste Day, Quebec holiday
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-23 11:31:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Brenda! Congrats! Since you have the closest p.3 log-in date to mine, you are the one I've been keeping tabs on :blush:
Oh man, I just HAVE to get my date... right??? :huh:

You will you will! When did they log in your P3? Looks like they're getting faster at processing.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-22 14:12:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Well, thanks to Vero and J&J, I got my interview date today - August 24th! Surprisingly, I did not freak out, instead chose to be po'd that it's a Tuesday (so will have to take 2 days off work), and obsess about the fact that I'm not planning to move until mid-December soooo no visiting my fiance in between. That sucks. He'll stil come up here, but I've come to really like Baltimore, and that's a long time not to visit...

There's just no pleasing me is there?!! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-22 14:02:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
oh my gosh...just thought I'd see if anything happened this afternoon before I wind it down here, and WOW did it ever!I'm so very happy for all of you who got interview dates today. Have to admit, got a little teary eyed reading all the posts. Now you can really enjoy your weekend!!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-18 16:41:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Just called, and noooooooooooooooooooo, no date yet. I'd decided that if I didn't call at all this week (which I didn't), the universe would reward my incredible self-control by granting me a date. Damn universe. This calls for at least 4 or 5 rounds of ciders tonight!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-18 13:43:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Admire your self-control Vero and Chris (btw, are you Vero, or Chris?). Just noticed you'll be going to Virginia...I'll be right next door in Maryland. Kinda funny...first neighbouring provinces, then neighbouring states...!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-15 12:21:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Well, just called, 'eligible but no date assigned'. God I hate those words!! I'm leaving work early today, heading up to the cottage - my drink of choice this evening for virtual cocktails will be beer...well, starting with beer, will no doubt switch over to a nice Pinot Noir at dinner.

Good luck all who've yet to call, good weekend!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-11 14:20:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Yup, mine's like that too.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-08 15:34:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
I agree Supportgeek. Also I found making up my own pretend date does wonders to manage my expectations...for example, mine's July 29th. Crazy, I know, but it works/helps me manage my expectations.

Also, I've decided I'm not moving down till December so the summer interview date is really inconsequential - at least I hope it'll happen before then. Dear Lord...

Chin up Vero, this too shall pass.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-08 11:58:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
If dates work I would love to meet up with you guys for live snacks and cocktails! By then, what with all the virtual practice, I'll be the fat drunk in the corner!! :)

I've decided I'm not going to call today. I won't, I won't, I won't!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-08 10:25:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Brand new week hasn't started off well for me...just called, and nope, no interview as yet.

Thanks Vero and Chris/J & J/Wishing for joining me for virtual cocktails...let's line 'em up again for this Friday...celebrate or drown our sorrows, either way!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-07 15:28:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Just called...still no date to have a cocktail! Anyone care to join virtually? :)

Have a good weekend, good luck to all in the next 1/2 hour.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-04 15:32:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
And congratulations from me AandB! So happy for you, can't imagine how you must be feeling right now.

I'm feeling a bit deflated - just called, waited 15 mins., then on hold for 3 which I thought was a good thing, but noooooooooo, interview date still pending. Booooooo. Think I'll have a drink at lunch, that'll cheer me up!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-04 10:11:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Good weekend all?

You guys are too funny with your pretend interview dates...I love it, I'm going to do it my pretend date is July 29th!

Forgot to tell you that when I called/found out I was logged on the 19th the operator told me to call back end of 1st week of June and they'd most likely have the interview date assigned then. So in keeping with previous comments, June 4th seems to be of some significance.

So happy the fees went up, not! I'm just adding it to my 'immigration tab'...
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-25 08:56:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Thanks Vero and Chris! Yes, hope the medical goes well tomorrow.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-20 14:16:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
WOOHOO! Just called, and we've been logged! Couldn't tell me when, just that it happened - I called last on Tuesday round noon so sometime between then and now.

Perhaps this is a sign of good things to come for those of you waiting to hear about interviews - maybe they're going to cram them all in before the long weekend so they can relax... :) Fingers crossed for y'all.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-20 10:51:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Congratulations all!! Guess I'm the last one...sniff... :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-18 14:39:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
So I just called (again), it's official, I'm obsessed! Couple things:
- don't you find it odd that they can't tell if your P3's been received, only if it's been logged? Yes, I have the post office tracking/confirmation of receipt but still...
- doesn't it drive you bananas when they say 'good luck' after telling you you've not been logged yet...good luck? How 'bout hope it's processed soon? or, 'Should be any time now.' That'd make me feel a bit better, rather than thinking it's up to the Visa Lotto Gods...jees...
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-18 13:26:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Alright, I caved! I'm so mad at me...promised myself I wouldn't call till Monday but I was compelled to do it.

Spoke to 'Katy' who advised that 'Montreal is currently experiencing a back log and as of April 30th they were still working in logging those received mid-March'. Uh huh. Think that's the party line because as we've seen some people who submitted later have been logged already.

Jees. Why did I do that????

Thanks for adding me to the list Wishing, think it might be a while till I can provide a log in date!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-13 09:52:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hopefully me! Montreal received our packet 3 on Monday/the 10th...I've promised myself I will not call until next Monday...will not will not will not!! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-12 15:24:00
CanadaImporting Vehicle

I've been tryign to search to find the threads about importing a vehicle to the us but for some reason i can find them....
I just called Hyundai to see about a letter of compliance, she said it was no problem and ran my VIN to see if there would be any issues for when I did need it. She said that my car meets all US standards except section 208 : my car doesn't have a side passenger airbag. She also said that she found that to be common and hasn't heard of anyone not being able to import their vehicle becasue of it but she was not sure.
My questiona are... would I be allowed to import it with this exception? Would I be able to register it in NYS OR would I have to install a side air bag (in which case I don't think it would be worth importing) to make it compliant?

Another thing you could do is contact the DMV in NYS - from what I've heard the local DMVs seem to have the last word on what is/is not compliant.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-08-17 10:41:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

Yeah! Brenda2010! Awesome news!!!

And (drum rol....) here's our list, one last time, updated and all!

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date ..... Countdown to I.D. ... Result of I.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd ............ xxxxx ............. Approved!
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th ............ xxxxx ............. Approved!
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th ............ xxxxx ............. Approved!
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!
Tater&####### ....... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 20th ........... xxxxx ............. Approved!

Good luck on your move, Brenda2010, and best of luck with everything else! We started a topic for the August crew for the AOS process, pop in when you're at that step!
Cheers everyone!

Will do! Thanks so much Vero, you're awesome! Hope you're enjoying yourself south of the border!!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-09-07 13:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hi all - I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, things have been a bit nutty round here since returning from, visitors, Anyway...we were approved and I now have my visa in my hot little hand! As others have said before me the interview was no big deal at all - in fact, I was kinda disappointed at the lack of pomp and circumstance. More on that in my detailed review. Long and short of it is if you're prepared - and again I was thanks to you all - it's a breeze. Kinda freaking out now much to do...sell the house, start the moving process, wind things down at work...can't believe it's really happening after all this time.

Netguy - I'm assuming you were the guy with the woman from Florida and cute little boy...can't believe I didn't make the connection at the time, forgot you had your interview the same day...I was a bit overwhelmed/focussed on the interview, totally forgot about VJers. Crazy I know.

Congrats to all those who've now joined the 'approved club' and to those who have poe'd!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-09-06 10:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Hey guys - just wanted to let you know that I'm heading up north for the weekend this afternoon, then to Mtl on Monday for our interview on Tuesday, wooppee! Taking a much deserved mini holiday and won't be online till I return next weekend. Will be sure to post a review asap. Thanks for all your help to date - thanks to you believe I'm well prepared, fingers crossed! Hope everyone has a great weekend, B
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-08-20 10:46:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

if you have a copy of the 129f petition paperwork, you should have a copy within?
if not, i'm sure his passport would be enough..that's all i'm bringing with me (besides the huge folder containing the papers we've been accumulating since november)..monday. MONDAY.!!!!1

jeez - panic attack!

Thanks Valerie - I do have a copy of the 129F but there's just a cc of his passport. I'm going to assume that'll be enough/no birth cert required for him. So it's Monday for you...wish ours was Monday...want to get this damn thing OVER WITH! Best of luck, although I'm sure you won't need it as you'll be well prepared.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-08-17 11:22:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1
Guys - it's been a while since I've been on...self preservation really, thought my head was going to explode...the more I read the more anxious/excited I got and knew I wouldn't be able to make it through the wait to the interview without therapy or pharmaceuticals!

So huge congratulations to all those who were approved over the last month or so - can't wait to be in your shoes!

Our interview is on Tuesday - think we're in good shape, other than the trembling :). Wondering if, and please say no, my American fiance needs to bring his birth certificate too...he'll be bringing his passport, think that's all he needs. Think the birth cert only applies to the CDN, but am having a moment of paranoia.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-08-17 10:38:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

Good Morning everyone!

Yeah I guess if your French is a little rusty, some people in Quebec city might not be as nice to visitors compare to Montreal... I just hate walking down on Ste-Catherine at 11 in the morning and having a bouncer invite me in for a lap dance in one of the many crack houses/strip joints :lol:

Oh well!

I hope you're having a good time with your hubby! I can't believe July is almost halfway done!!! I look at our list and am so excited for everyone!

Here it is by the way, updated and all! :D

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 28 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 21 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 27 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 27 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 41 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 34 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 29 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 42 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 47 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 41 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 30 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 42 days
funeshah ........... xxx xxxx ...... xx xxxx .......... Aug 16th .......... 34 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 48 days

Well, this week I'm tackling the support form. I've heard in other forums that the form has an expiration date on it or something? As anyone on here had issues with it? Did you just print it out off the USCIS website?

Have a good day everyone!

Hi all - haven't been on in a while, turning out to be a crazy busy summer for me (2 friends getting married, relatives visiting from Scotland) on top of all the immigration stuff. Think I'll start pulling all together for the interview 1st week of August, gives me couple of weeks, plenty of time I hope!

Vero, I read somewhere - about a month ago I think - that there was a new version of the support form - and yeah, I'd print it off the USCIBC site just to be sure.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-07-13 12:56:00
CanadaAugust Interviews in Montreal - K1

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date! ... Countdown to I.D.
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th .......... 37 days
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd .......... 30 days
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 36 days
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th .......... 36 days
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 49 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th .......... 42 days
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th .......... 38 days
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 50 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days .......... Aug 25th .......... 51 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days .......... Aug 23rd .......... 49 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th .......... 39 days
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 34 days .......... Aug 24th .......... 50 days
Halfnhalf .......... May 25th ...... 40 days

Updated list! Gosh, Rose416, only 30 days to go for you!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Thanks for starting the new thread Vero - much easier to scan through/less pages than the 40+! You're so organized, really appreciate you keeping us all in order. Happy belated July 1st and 4th! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-07-05 15:31:00
CanadaAnnotation on Visa
That's great news, thanks all. Now I can relax again. Well, for a little while...thoughts of moving keep me pretty wound up these days!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-09-07 13:38:00
CanadaAnnotation on Visa
Hi guys - received my Visa and am a bit confused by one of the says, PET EXP /REVALIDATED: December 23, 2010 underneath PETR: my fiance, and above PET. FILED date.

The visa was issued on August 30 and expires February 24 2011 so I'm not sure what happens on December 23...I'm guessing it's an internal thing, checking our records again maybe? Dunno but I'm a bit nervous as I'm not planning to POE till the end of December.

Anyone else have this on their Visa? Know what it means? When you have a sec., thanks, Brenda
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-09-06 11:30:00
Canadawhos In Maryland/washington?Northern Va
Hey guys - I'll be in Fells Point, Baltimore, but not till December/early January. Unfortunately have to stay and wrap up some things at work.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-09-06 10:13:00
CanadaDo you have to be in the US before you ship your goods?
Thanks all, good advice, appreciate it. So i guess my dreams of my fiance doing all the unpacking have been dashed! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-10-22 13:07:00
CanadaDo you have to be in the US before you ship your goods?
Thanks for the laugh guys! Nope, no longer worrying about being denied, instead I'm freaking out about moving logistics. That's really too bad I can't ship the stuff in advance - was hoping to stick my fiance with the unpacking!! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-10-21 15:07:00
CanadaDo you have to be in the US before you ship your goods?
Hi all - I'm entering the US on a K1 visa and I'm trying to plan the move for December. I still have to sell my home and confirm the closing so dates are still tbd.

I'd like to ship my stuff before the closing date with the moving company, giving them a cc of my visa/passport and they could move it, my fiance could receive it in the US.

But, 2 separate moving companies have told me that I need to be in the US before I can move/ship my stuff. Is that really the case? Can anyone offer any advice?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-10-21 14:12:00
CanadaHagerstown maryland MVA review
Thanks for a great review Canadiandggl, super helpful for me as I'm moving to Baltimore MD. I was wondering what sort of hoops I'd have to jump through...all seems pretty straightforward.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-11-18 12:23:00
CanadaCustoms Question
My understanding is that if the goods are not staying/are returning with you then they're not subject to duty.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-11-18 09:39:00
Canadafees associated with the K1 Visa??

I've seen your signature and I always think...darn! Were those passports pics laminated with platinum or something? Why so expensive? :wacko:

LOL - seriously, they should've been! I kept getting dinged for multiples, then had to get digital cc as well...think the real issue was I did it at Blacks. Not to diss Blacks but I'm sure I could've found a cheaper place. Will do next go round!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-11-23 12:16:00