Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 March, 2013 Filers

Thanks for the info - we called Friday after work and I spoke with a Lvl. 1 who basically read me the info available on the website word for word. I said I wanted to confirm my address, and he said he'd have to pass me to a Lvl, 2 for personal info. It rang a few times, then we got another message -  opted for the call-back feature instead of waiting on the line for the estimated 45 minute wait. I received a call back at around 6:45 ET and spoke with a helpful operator who confirmed our correct address, then like you, said we were outside the normal timeframe so he sent out a service request. I understand the request will take a month to hear back on, which hopefully we will all be approved by then... either way, it was a relief to know our app was still in process instead of an RFE or approval sent to the old address. Thanks again. 

No problem, happy to help. And now we wait some more... :)

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-10-18 12:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 March, 2013 Filers

Does the 6 mos time-frame start from receipt of NOA1? I can't understand why we're still waiting while people who filed more than a month after us have been approved. Makes me feel like it went to the wrong address, or some neighborhood kids snatched our mail.

Apparently yeah, starts from receipt of NOA1. I can't understand it either - thought maybe it got lost in the mail too, we moved, but they have our new address and they say it's still in review so that's not it. Guess we just have to try and wait patiently, not stress ourselves over why they chose to drag their feet on ours. I swear though, if I get and RFE after all this time I'm going to freak out! I just want this done/to be able to stop thinking about it.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-10-11 09:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 March, 2013 Filers

Update: I got fed up waiting so I went on the USCIS site again this morning - status was the same, 'initial review', but there was a # to call (1-800-375-5283) if you felt your case was taking longer than usual. Called the #, 5 mins later spoke to a representative who confirmed that indeed, mine was outside the normal processing times of 6 months from application. I filed end of March and Vermont's now processing end of April. Lord!


Now they're going to send an inquiry to the Vermont office, hopefully that'll speed things up, but in the interim I can expect a 30 day wait to get their response to the inquiry. Nice. I think I'd like to work for the USCIS, long turnaround time = less workplace stress, hahaha!


If you're concerned about your application do call - in the long run may not do anything but short term makes you feel better!

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-10-08 10:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 March, 2013 Filers
Thanks Yurlka & Jim, HarveyAndTheresa for including me! All dates are correct
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-12 14:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 March, 2013 Filers
Hi all - I've been posting over on the Canada forum with another group but thought I'd jump over here too in the interest of sharing.

Apologise, I couldn't figure out how to update the list without screwing it up so hoping someone can add my details:
BRENDA 2010, applying through Vermont
Date of I-751 = 03/21/2013
NOA Date = 03/29/13
Biometrics = 04/30/2013

Thanks in advance, Brenda
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2013-04-12 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2010 K-1 VSC

Received my packet 3 today from the Montreal Consulate, and I spent probably a good 6 hours filling out the DS-230, DS-160, DS-156 and DS-156K. 4 different forms all requesting roughly the same data, in roughly the same format.. gotta love it :)

One question though, and I'm not sure if it's applicable here or in the Consulate forum, but there's a checklist I need to send back, stating I have obtained the specific document (passport, photographs, birth certificate, police certificate, etc etc) It says not to send the actual documents, just the checklist..


The DS-156K form says these same documents MUST be submitted with the DS-156K? What gives?

Hi there - we're a bit behind you guys, our application just left NVC so next up is Packet 3, which I'm dreading. What did you end up doing? Submitting the documents or not?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-04-20 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2010 K-1 Filers

I just found this thread! We filed on Jan 14 and received the NOA1 on the 19th. Is anyone else going to be at the Montreal Consulate for their interview?

I will...I mean, hopefully!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-02-26 16:35:00
CanadaAmerican Banking
oops - was trying to post, something happened - anyway...met with my fiances branch manager at Bank of America in Baltimore, MD - apparently it's not problem for them, just bring your passport, $$s to be deposited if you wish, and you're good.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-03-08 12:25:00
CanadaAmerican Banking

Thanks for the quick response!

I am, indeed, looking for a joint account. So I guess that means he has to go do some investigating. But it's a relief that it won't impact my filing. Thank you again. :-)

Edited by Brenda2010, 08 March 2010 - 12:21 PM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-03-08 12:18:00
CanadaDS 230
Thanks all for your advice, really appreciate it - heart attack successfully avoided!

Yes, probably record of travel to/from US isn't a big deal for Canadians - that said, I'll definitely do the supplement...although, there's gonna be a lot of 'date not remembered' fields on that table!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-04-21 14:48:00
CanadaDS 230
Got our NOA2 last week, waiting for Packet 3, thought I'd get a jump on the forms. Came to question 25 'List dates of all previous visits to or residence in the United States' and almost had a heart attack.

I've been to the US at least 50 times (travelling to approx 8 states for both business and pleasure), dating back to the 70s, can't imagine they'd require that much detail.

Anyone in the same situation? How did you/are you handling this question? Thanks in advance.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-04-20 15:41:00
CanadaDS160 online form problems
Thanks all...finally, finally managed to submit the DS160...kept freezing, kick me back to other pages. Bizarre. As annoying as it is you just have to keep trying.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-06 15:58:00
CanadaDS160 online form problems
Thanks all, I'll try again.

So did you guys submit a photo with the forms you mailed back? Kinda think we just have to bring it with us to the interview but as usual, I'm confused! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-06 09:23:00
CanadaDS160 online form problems
and yet another issue...

spent 1/2 hour filling in the online form, got to the part where you upload photo(which I'm not doing), went back a page and was unable to continue....the 'next page' hotlink isn't working.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Anyone else do the online form but not uploaded photo?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-05 15:51:00
CanadaVisa applicants from other Countries

good to know, kinda! :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-07 15:05:00
CanadaVisa applicants from other Countries
Has anyone else noticed that non-Canadian visa applicants seem to be processed much faster? In some cases a couple months from start to finish.

Any one have any theories? Just curious.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-07 14:41:00
CanadaDS160 online confusion
I suggest you just do whatever they tell you to do in the package received - regardless of what website says. Better more than less.

Yeah, that online form is a trouble maker - I tried 1/2 dozen times to submit - had no issue with confirmation though, it just popped up automatically.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-07 11:42:00
CanadaLogged in
Oh right, they still have to approve the forms I sent back, then I'm logged, then interview assigned...gotcha...sorry, need to slow down here...think I suffered some serious damage from trying to submit that damn DS 160 form online! :)

Thanks all, B
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-11 13:23:00
CanadaLogged in
Hey all - so Montreal received my packet 3 on Monday...understand the next step is to call (in about a week) to see if it's been 'logged in'.

From reading all the posts I understand they won't know my interview date at this point - you get that in packet 4 correct? - so i guess the purpose of me calling to see if it's been logged in is just to confirm that it's moving along...another thing for me to stress out about right?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-11 12:26:00
CanadaNexus / trusted traveller card
I got a Nexus card about 1 1/2 years ago, love it, so handy for my constant back and forthing to Baltimore. I intend to notify them of my status/immigration (once I arrive in the US).

Anyone had any experience with this? Been allowed to keep it/denied? Can't see why it would be an issue as it is governed by both countries, supposed to facilitate travel, etc. and yet I still have a sneaky suspicion...
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-11 13:55:00
CanadaNexus / trusted traveller card
Really? That's great news...I was half expecting a resounding 'NO'! Thanks for your very thorough response, appreciate it.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-11 15:02:00
CanadaNexus / trusted traveller card
I got a Nexus card about 1 1/2 years ago, love it, so handy for my constant back and forthing to Baltimore. I intend to notify them of my status/immigration (once I arrive in the US).

Anyone had any experience with this? Been allowed to keep it/denied? Can't see why it would be an issue as it is governed by both countries, supposed to facilitate travel, etc. and yet I still have a sneaky suspicion...
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-11 13:55:00
CanadaTitre Test
Thanks everyone - titre test it is!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-19 12:34:00
CanadaTitre Test
Hi all - I'm getting ready for my medical. Required immunizations for me are tetanus/diptheria/polio, measles/mumps/rubella, and chicken pox. Was advised that a verbal declaration for chicken pox would suffice, no documentation required - all other shots do require written verification from your Doctor.

I've had about 10 doctors over the last 25 years so have no record of past immunizations so last week I got the shots, again. No big deal. I could've gone the 'titre test' route - blood tests that identifies antibodies/confirms you had the shots - but I decided against it as it was going to take too long.

Now I'm thinking I should've done the test. Read somewhere on here that when you go to do your AOS in the US they will not accept verbal declaration of chicken pox so you have to either get the shot or titre - both of which cost upwards of $100. I'd rather do it now/while covered by OHIP.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-19 09:35:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
Just wanted to share my experience with the police check...went yesterday to 40 College St. Division in TO. Dropped off the form (I'd already filled out - you can get it online at http://www.torontopo...t/clearance.php) paid my $26.50 and was advised it would be mailed out in 7-10 days. I'm not in a rush - waiting for my P3 to be logged/interview date assigned - so that was fine with me, didn't need express service.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-19 08:57:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
Did you get the police check/certificate same day/while you waited?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:38:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
You guys are the BEST! What would i do without my fellow VJ-ers?? Thanks so much for your quick responses, I can sleep tonight now.

After reading your replies realised I had another blip in my reading comprehension - the mystery date was 7/27/2009 NOT 2010 - I guess a part of me wanted to believe it was my interview date. Time to have another drink I think! :)

Wishing - special shout out to you and best of luck with the financial stuff. We've gathered most of it already - paychecks, tax transcripts, employment letter - just need bank deposit statements. I think that's all we need, but given my fragile mental state lately who knows!! Night all, B
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-04 21:35:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
Oh boy, I'm ridiculous. Just had a glass of wine (to relax!) and re-read the checklist - it says to indicate that 'you have OBTAINED the document for each applicant', not that you actually have to have the blinkin' medical or police check. Sorry folks, the stress is getting to me! I am however still perplexed about that mystery date...weird.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-04 20:56:00
CanadaPacket 3 questions
Hi all - I'm sure this info exists somewhere but I've spent hours looking so am starting a new topic in the hopes that someone can help me.

Just received my packet 3 today - woohoo - BUT, I'm confused about a couple things to do with the application checklist:

- looks like they want me to say I have had my medical but aren't we supposed to wait till we receive packet 4/interview date to schedule?? I'm assuming people are just saying they have it because according to timelines people receive packet 3 then send it back next day...ay yay yay...

- same issue with police certificate...don't think I could've got it beforehand as I've read that you need to produce the letter from the consulate in order for them to do the check

- underneath date and signature and above my case number and name there's a date, 7/27/2009 - what the heck is this? interview date? random date??

Many thanks in advance to any/all who can help me.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-04 20:45:00
CanadaLe Sigh
Yup, it is torture. Maybe you could occupy your time/energy by creating a massive to do list for your upcoming move! That's what I did while I waited the 3 months for my NOA2...made me feel like I was somewhat in control. Although, it did stress me out a bit... :)
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-19 12:39:00
CanadaWorking on K1
Really? I'm in the same situation - coming down on K1, hoping to do some marketing consulting/freelancing for Canadian firms - but I thought you had to get a green card, which takes about 3 months. Otherwise you can't work for anyone, anywhere. Heartened that DOS says otherwise.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-21 11:35:00
CanadaImport car to the US
Wow, now this is something I did not expect! Admire your dilligence...I plan on taking my 1994 Mazda Precidia doesn't even have power windows, never mind air bags! :)

That seems a bit extreme that they won't allow cars in that pre-date airbags - craziness - I'm sure there's a gazillion of them being driven around the states.

Has anyone had a positive/no hassle experience they care to share?
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-04 10:21:00
CanadaMedical Review in Toronto
Too funny, I did see him/sat beside him in fact. I was in a black dress...bloody knees...wonder if he noticed...I was so embarassed! Fell on the streetcar on the way over...the nurses patched me up when I arrived, such nice people!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-14 13:51:00
CanadaMedical Review in Toronto
Just had my medical this morning - J & J, great review, hardly anything to add except:
- I arrived at 7:15 am, about 12 people in front of me (including couple families), was out at 9:15 am
- I paid first, then x-ray, then blood, then medical history/questionnaire (with very hilarious male doctor), then breast exam (with female nurse)

It really was all very uneventful. Lots of waiting around but just used the time to get caught up on my reading. Was told to come back on Weds. to pick up the file and xrays.

So happy, another thing off my list!

Edited by Brenda2010, 14 June 2010 - 01:04 PM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-14 13:02:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US

Hey Brenda2010,
I was trying to import my car too, and apparently if you don't have a passanger's seat airbag you can't import it, unless you have one put in... Haven't confirmed that yet but... My car is old too, a 1993, and I don't know if it'll be worth it now...

By the way, I like how you put the costs of the visa process in your signature; smart! :thumbs:

Lucky me, discovered that mine does have both driver and passenger airbags, let's hope the rest of it's okay.

BTW: I've heard that after market air bags are very expensive - most likely cost more than what the car's worth (mine's worth only about $4000). On the upside, I've also heard that cars are way cheaper in the states, lots of good deals.

You like the costs on my signature? Thanks! Helps me keep track, hopefully will help others too/give them a heads up.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-18 13:39:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US
Thanks for your response guys, think I've resolved it now.

Found my answer via Google, searching on 'Mazda Compliance letter' - found a form, USA/Canada Import/Export Request Form to be filled out and faxed to Mazda North America who will apparently reply within 20 days.

I'd sent my original request with all pertinent details online to 'contact us' Mazda Canada, have since written them back to tell them the correct information they should be providing people with!
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-17 14:41:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US
Hi all - I'd like to import my 1994 Mazda MX3 to Maryland...understand I need to provide documentation from the manufacturer stating that it complies with US rules and regs, show said documentation at POE and again at the DMV when registering. So I contacted Mazda Danada and they said what I'm looking for is a 'Recall Clearance Letter'...that doesn't sound right.

Any thoughts? Advice? Thanks in advance.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-17 11:54:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC

I hope I can make it! I work just 10 minutes outside of the city.

Last year a VJ members husband got me in, he works security at the embassy. I felt so privileged!:)

Really? That's so cool! Hope you get in this year.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-25 12:37:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC


I do this every year and this year I plan on totally bringing lgg! I hope she knows this. :unsure:

Sounds fun! All going well I can partake next year. Thanks for posting.
Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-05-25 12:18:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Hey all - got my P4 yesterday. Wondering if we should start a new topic, August Interviews in Montreal? What do you think? Didn't wanna break off all by myself...sniff...thought I'd ask first... :)

Happy Canada Day (in advance, won't be online tomorrow), B

* Vero - thanks for doing the chart/amping up the excitement, and hope you're having fun at the beach!

Edited by Brenda2010, 30 June 2010 - 10:55 AM.

Brenda2010FemaleCanada2010-06-30 10:53:00