CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey Rose416 -
I'm in Cali too and have not yet gone to get my Driver's license for multiple reasons (and reading on other VJ forums....)
-the 10 day requirement in California is true BUT what will happen is that the only proof they will accept before you have your EAD or AOS is your I-94. They will issue you a license that will EXPIRE on the day your I-94 expires. Also they will likely take away your foreign license. So if when your I-94 expires you do not yet have your EAD you are SOL (S&*^ outta luck!)
-So I've decided to wait until my EAD arrives to go get my California driver's license...

If anyone else has any insight its welcome:) California seems to by pretty annoying about these sorts of things tho and have different rules then other states...

Thanks Wishing. I think I am going to wait until I get my EAD and see what happens. My husband actually has to visit the DMV to renew his license in December, so I'll send him with some questions to ask. Saves me having to wait in line for a denial.
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-11-09 22:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
The biometrics appointment is really easy. They don't even ask you questions - just take your fingerprints and photograph. I was in and out in 5 minutes.

I juts went to the bank today with my hubby. We opened up a joint bank account. All I needed was my passport, SSN and I brought my marriage license just in case. Another super easy transaction. Now all I need is a job so I can put money into my account!

I am working on my resume and patiently waiting for my EAD.

I posted a topic on the forum concerning applying for a drivers license. I wonder if it's better to wait for my AOS to arrive? The DMV site says 'apply within 10 days of receiving residency or special privileges.'

Anyone attempted to get their license yet? Vero, I know you were denied, and a girl I know had to retake her driving test before she was accepted. I hope this isn't the case. I had a heck of a time passing the driving test in Canada (teenage nerves!!!) and do not want to go through that again any time soon!!
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-11-08 17:29:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement, but I'm not getting my hopes up... Star_shine who's from NC had to get her congressman involved to get a letter, after having waited two months... It makes me nervous because we're somewhat close, and I hope it's not a trend in the southern offices... But there's not much I can do at this point!

Congrats Rose416! Another step completed! How did your cookout/party go?

Oh, and thanks nickbits for the info about 'touches', I just now saw it! :thumbs:

It was great! Thanks for asking. The weather turned out to be sunny and warm. We had a little rain in the evening, but by that point we were all so hot from dancing, it was really refreshing.
How was your party?
I hope you get your letter soooon! I don't think you should start worrying just yet. I was freaking out about my SSN card taking so long, and just when I started to panic, it arrived in the mail (:
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-11-01 11:36:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
I got the letter for my biometrics appointment in the mail soon after I received my NOA.
I am sure yours is coming Vero. The appointment itself is so easy. Took me less than 10 minutes to get everything done. Now I am on to the next step: opening up a bank account!!!!
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-10-29 10:17:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to check in, I haven't been able to spend to much time on the puter lately. We have been having some rough and happy times at the same time. Our aunt had passed away unexpectedly last week..She will be deeply missed, in the mist of it all my Shower was planned to happen this passed weekend and we continued on with it because that's what our aunt would want. My mom showed up and surprised me at my bridal shower. I was shocked! It was planned for 2 months, I had no clue at all..It was a very nice surprise in the mist of everything else that has been happening. Our aunts memorial is going to be on Friday. Still have some planning to do for the wedding, which is right around the corner. We are very excited, but wish our aunt could be here to celebrate it with us at the same time.

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well and are enjoying your new lives with your loved ones!

Can't wait to start my AOS process with ya'll.. I might need some help with it when the time comes. I haven't really had any time to even go through it yet. I did recieve my SSN in the mail last week tho. I didn't have no problemos!

Love,Peace & Chicken Grease, heh
J & J

I am sorry for your loss J&J.
I know what that mix of emotions feels like. A month ago Clay's grandfather passed away and was put to rest the day after my bridal shower. That night and into the day of his funeral, Clay's cousin went into labour and gave birth to a baby boy. What a roller-coaster! My lesson learned was how important family is, both old and new.

Vero, I'm happy your celebration was a hit! We'll be having our BBQ this Saturday. My mom, sister and best friend are flying out to support me. I am soo excited. Just praying for sunshine in Fresno (:

Other than that I am STILL waiting for my SSN to be sent in the mail. I am trying not to stress...
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-10-18 10:13:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
HI Vero,
I got my NOA1 in the mail October 8 and my biometrics appointment letter arrived yesterday. I am scheduled for October 28th. If you'd like to add that to your list.

Thanks a bunch!

I got 3 NOAs. One for AOS, AP and EAD. It feels good even though I know I still have a long time to wait...
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-10-13 10:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hi Rose416! Good to hear from you!!! What are you up to lately? Are you volunteering like you wanted to? I've added your date!

User .......... AOS sent .... NOA1 ....... Bio. App ... AP/NOA? .... AP - Result ... EAD NOA? ... EAD Result ... AOS Result
mandaNchris ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Rose416 ....... 09/25/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Vero and Chris. 10/06/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
J & J ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Wishing ....... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Alaba ......... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Valerie78 ..... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
nickbits ...... 09/16/10 ... 09/24/10 ... 10/28/10 ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Brenda2010 .... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------
Tater&####### .. xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx ... xx/xx/xx.... -----------.... xx/xx/xx ... ---------- ...-----------

My husband and I adopted a rescue puppy last week, so my days are busy. She's a 4 month-old rott/hound mix and is so much fun.

We're having our reception/BBQ on October 23rd. My Mom, sister and best friend are flying out to support me. As much as I look forward to receiving my EAD, I really am enjoying being a 'lady of leisure'. (: Now all I need to do is train my pup to let me sleep in (:

Have a great time at your reception! Is any of your family from Canada going?
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-10-06 16:31:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi Vero,
Congrats on sending off your AOS.
I sent mine on September 25 and just received my e-notification. I'll let you know when I get my actual NOA1.

Thanks for making the list again! It's so fun to follow our progress.
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-10-06 13:07:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Hi August Crew,
After being in California for nearly 6 weeks, I have finally sent off my AOS package.
What a relief!

I haven't received my SIN yet. I applied with my married name and was told I have to wait 4 weeks for them to do a background check. I guess I wasn't in their records yet. Oh well..I am trying not to stress about it.

Now that the AOS is done, I can breathe for the time being. VJ's guide is super useful for tips. I found that making a checklist and including it in my package was helpful. I almost forgot to include something on my way to FedEx. I triple checked before I actually sealed the envelope.

Also, you need 6 passport pics. At first, I thought it was only 2, but you need 2 for AOS, 2 for EAD and 2 for AP. I went to COSTCO to get mine for about $12.

Good luck everybody!
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-09-26 13:19:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Hey guys I've always done these changes of address online (as I hate having to make 50 calls to change addresses everywhere)

So for government stuff (CRA) if you get an EPASS you can change all your info online. Although I've only used this so far for moves within Canada so I may end up having to call them this time. I'm aiming at calling them this week exactly to stop any GST/HST credits!

Here are the options on the CRA website:

Last time I changed OHIP I went to the local office. But you can also do it at Service Ontario website.

Hope this helps:)

Hey guys,
I just got off the phone with Ontario Sales Tax Credit. I was told I need to send a photocopy of my Passport K1 entry visa and one of my marriage certificate for their official record. When I originally phoned last month to cancel my GST/HST credit, it was a smooth transaction and not much was requested. Has anyone encountered this before?
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-09-08 11:58:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey
Stress? What's that?

My fiance took one look at my face when he came home from work and said, 'oh no, here we go again.' The AOS is going to take longer to prepare than I had anticipated. Oh well, just another obstacle to cross. I want to cross it with you guys! YAY August interviewees!

When we get our Permanent Residency we can REALLY celebrate!!

I'm coming up to my 2 week anniversary of POE and have been enjoying this time with my fiance and planning our civil ceremony (this Friday!!)
Last week we applied for our marriage license and scheduled our ceremony. I'm starting to think about applying for my SSN. I think this is the first step. Without it, depending on the state, you can't get your driver's license or open up a bank account.

The only thing is, I have to apply for it in my maiden name first (because you have to apply with at least 60 days left on your I-94) , and then go into the office once I have my marriage certificate and apply for a name-change. Craziness. Anyway, it's different with every state, so don't fret.

I've also started volunteering. It's a great way to give back to the community, keep busy and make new friends. On my days off, I've been experimenting with new recipes. It can be hard not working, but at the same time, it's nice to have this opportunity to settle and establish roots.

Good luck to you all with your POE and welcome home!
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-08-24 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJanuary 2010 I129F filers
We sent ours December 28 and received our NOA December 30. Now the waiting game begins..
Rose416FemaleCanada2010-01-20 20:18:00