CanadaTax question
QUOTE (Allie @ Mar 17 2008, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just did my taxes using Ufile and it calculates a nice refund to me. I was looking over the print off and noticed there wasn't any Provincial taxes owed deducted in the calculations just the Federal tax owed. Can someone enlighten me on this, are Prov. taxes exempt on this non-resident return

I, too, am a little perplexed. I noticed that no Prov. taxes were calculated in, but what you should notice on Schedule 1 under line 46, a surtax of 48%.

I found this note at - If your client is a deemed non-resident, he has to pay the 48% surtax instead of tax to a provincial jurisdiction.

Can I ask how you identified yourself in U-file, i.e. did you put in your old Cdn or current U.S. address, did you you count yourself as a non-resident? deemed resident? or did you put in a province of resident.

Input from anyone else would be much appreciated.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-18 11:33:00
Canada2007 Canadian Taxes
QUOTE (flames9 @ Mar 22 2008, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That was it
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-22 12:49:00
Canada2007 Canadian Taxes
This came up in another post, but for the life of me I can't find it. From my limited understanding, however, I believe the only purpose a spouse's income is required is so that your non-refundable tax credits are correctly calculated.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-22 09:41:00
CanadaForm 2555, Foreign Earned Income...
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Apr 3 2008, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One last question, then it's done...

What do I do with question 15c? It asks, "Did your visa limit the length of your stay or employment in a foreign country?" It then gives a yes or no checkbox. Réjean is a Canadian citizen, so this does not apply. What do I do, check no? Or not check anything? Or not check anything plus write N/A off to the side?

The answer is N/A (since he was not in the foreign country on a visa)
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-04-04 11:18:00
CanadaForm 2555, Foreign Earned Income...
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Apr 1 2008, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey, everyone. I need more help.

Background info again: Réjean worked from January 1st, 2007, to August 24th, 2007, earned a gross income of $15,674.21, then moved to the USA on August 31st, 2007. He received no EI, had no RRSPs, and did not work in the USA. We have no children/dependents.

Part I, Question 1 asks for his foreign address and foreign employer information. Do we put his old address and old employer information down there even though he doesn't live and work there anymore?

Part 1, Question 9 asks to list his tax homes during the tax year and dates established. Do they just want "Canada" or his full physical address?

Part 2, Question 13a asks if he's submitted a statement to the foreign country where he claimed bna fide residence that he is not a resident of this country. How do we answer that? He sent in his "leaving Canada" tax return. It says if we answer "yes", then we cannot use the form.

Réjean spent 243 days in Canada (1/1/07 - 8/31/07) last year before he moved here, so that does not seem to meet the 330-day physical presence test; however, the instructions say "for at least 330 full days during any period of 12 months in a row", so does that mean we can count the year 2006, as well? So on Line 16, we can put down 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 (or 8/31/07)?

I am so, so confused. PLEASE HELP ME! crying.gif

Part I, Question 1 asks for his foreign address and foreign employer information. Do we put his old address and old employer information down there even though he doesn't live and work there anymore?

Part I, Question 1:
I put in the address at which I lived during that part of 2007 before I moved to the U.S.
Part I, Question 3 and 4b:
Employer name and address where I worked during that part of 2007

Part 1, Question 9 asks to list his tax homes during the tax year and dates established. Do they just want "Canada" or his full physical address?

I put Ontario, Canada (because that was my tax home during that part of 2007 before I moved to the U.S.) and the date established is 01/01/2007 (even though my tax home was established prior to 01/01/2007, we are only concerned with the tax year 2007)

Part 2, Question 13a asks if he's submitted a statement to the foreign country where he claimed bna fide residence that he is not a resident of this country. How do we answer that? He sent in his "leaving Canada" tax return. It says if we answer "yes", then we cannot use the form.

The answer is "NO" because he was, I assume as I was, a resident of that country during that part of 2007

Réjean spent 243 days in Canada (1/1/07 - 8/31/07) last year before he moved here, so that does not seem to meet the 330-day physical presence test; however, the instructions say "for at least 330 full days during any period of 12 months in a row", so does that mean we can count the year 2006, as well? So on Line 16, we can put down 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 (or 8/31/07)?

If you are qualifying under the Bona Fide Resident Test there is no need to fill in any portion of Part III (as the comment on the form just above Part II clearly states "complete either Part II OR Part III"). In Part II, question 10, I put the Date bona fide residence began as from my date of birth and ended the date I moved to the U.S.

End result was, the IRS accepted the Form as I completed it because today we got our very lovely cheque in the mail

Hope this helps
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-04-01 20:53:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Apr 14 2008, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm doing my taxes under my parents ufile account (cuz it's how i've always done it)

So Can I just change my address there to make it reflect my new US address once printed?

I typed my US address directly on the Current Address page in U-File
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-04-14 19:41:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
QUOTE (Allie @ Mar 20 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ Mar 20 2008, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 5 2008, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TOMN @ Mar 5 2008, 05:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I must have clicked something incorrectly; it asked be about status on 12/31 and I said non-resident. then the only choices (4) were different non-residents for the whole year .

Hi Tom,

I haven't had much experience with non-resident part year returns lately but, I do use Ufile and i'm looking at it right now. I'm not sure which section you are referring to, if I select non-resident as at 12/31, it doesn't give me 4 choices.

In the emigrant section at Ufile you get these choices:

Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident

Select the relevant option. If none is relevant, click Next.
You immigrated to Canada in 2007
You emigrated from Canada in 2007
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007.
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007 and you are making an election under s. 216 of the Income Tax Act.
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007 and you are making an election under s. 217 of the Income Tax Act.
You are a non-resident of Canada and you wish to file a NR6 return.

I tried selecting the emigrated section and it just asks for income in Canada and other countries, what day you left Canada etc.

If this isn't what you are seeing, try using the search box in the upper left and entering Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident, should bring up a pop up screen, then click where it says:

Date of arrival *
* Needs tick in Interview Setup.

That will take you to the screen where you enter that you emigrated.

In U-File, this is what I found works best through trial and error and on advise from http://forums.serbin...=emigrant taxes.
1. On the Identification page, put the Province you last resided in under "Province of Residence"
2. On the Current Address page, put the U.S. address where you now reside
3. On the Emigration from Canada page, put your departure date
It should all work out

But it asks for Province of residence on Dec. 31. I didn't reside in Canada on Dec. 31 and my departure date in June isn't going to match Dec. 31
Also if I do put being in Canada on Dec. 31 I'm not sure how that is going to affect my resident status in the U.S. for the foriegn oncome tax credit (form 1116) when Lorry files married /jointly on her U.S. return

From my limited understanding, the reason to put in your previous Province of Residence (on the Identification page only) is so that U-File can correctly calculate your Federal and Provincial Taxes and Non-Refundable (pro-rated) tax credits; and since the tax return can only be mailed in and not e-filed, change by-hand the province/territory of residence to U.S.A. so that for the record everything will be hunky-dory. Reading through the link I referred to above helped me understand the logic.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-20 15:29:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 5 2008, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TOMN @ Mar 5 2008, 05:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I must have clicked something incorrectly; it asked be about status on 12/31 and I said non-resident. then the only choices (4) were different non-residents for the whole year .

Hi Tom,

I haven't had much experience with non-resident part year returns lately but, I do use Ufile and i'm looking at it right now. I'm not sure which section you are referring to, if I select non-resident as at 12/31, it doesn't give me 4 choices.

In the emigrant section at Ufile you get these choices:

Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident

Select the relevant option. If none is relevant, click Next.
You immigrated to Canada in 2007
You emigrated from Canada in 2007
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007.
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007 and you are making an election under s. 216 of the Income Tax Act.
You were a non-resident of Canada for all of 2007 and you are making an election under s. 217 of the Income Tax Act.
You are a non-resident of Canada and you wish to file a NR6 return.

I tried selecting the emigrated section and it just asks for income in Canada and other countries, what day you left Canada etc.

If this isn't what you are seeing, try using the search box in the upper left and entering Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident, should bring up a pop up screen, then click where it says:

Date of arrival *
* Needs tick in Interview Setup.

That will take you to the screen where you enter that you emigrated.

In U-File, this is what I found works best through trial and error and on advise from http://forums.serbin...=emigrant taxes.
1. On the Identification page, put the Province you last resided in under "Province of Residence"
2. On the Current Address page, put the U.S. address where you now reside
3. On the Emigration from Canada page, put your departure date
It should all work out
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-20 12:22:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ Mar 5 2008, 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ Mar 5 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My confusion is as follows: Is a person NOT required to pay Provincial (Ontario) Tax when one has emigrated?

I've answered my own question

The reason this question came up, is even though I know that I have to prorate my Ont Tax Credits to my leaving date, when I do U-file there seems to be no evidence that Ont Tax is calculated (on the summary page) probably due to the fact that I do not live in Ont as at Dec. 31. How does one reconcile Ont taxes to be paid when it seems the software does not calculate this without a province of residence. My dilemna.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-05 14:39:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ Mar 5 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My confusion is as follows: Is a person NOT required to pay Provincial (Ontario) Tax when one has emigrated?

I've answered my own question
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-05 12:27:00
CanadaCanada Tax software for deemed non-resident married in 2007
My confusion is as follows: Is a person NOT required to pay Provincial (Ontario) Tax when one has emigrated?
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-05 12:07:00
CanadaIncome Tax question
QUOTE (LindaB @ Mar 5 2008, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ Mar 5 2008, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is what I was told by Revenue Canada. Put in my husbands name, N/A AMERICAN RESIDENT (instead of SIN) and his income (converted). Was told that being out of the country, you must mail your return to the International Tax Services Office, 2204 Walkley Road, Ottawa. I was not told to include any statement of explanation since this office is familiar with all issues specific to international and emigrant returns.

I am still living in Canada though, so I don't think that would apply to me to send it to the Intl Tax Services?

one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-05 14:52:00
CanadaIncome Tax question
This is what I was told by Revenue Canada. Put in my husbands name, N/A AMERICAN RESIDENT (instead of SIN) and his income (converted). Was told that being out of the country, you must mail your return to the International Tax Services Office, 2204 Walkley Road, Ottawa. I was not told to include any statement of explanation since this office is familiar with all issues specific to international and emigrant returns.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-05 09:55:00
CanadaRecipe Board
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 25 2008, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kimmbo @ Feb 24 2008, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if any of you have any favorite, Sheperds Pie recipes would love to see them.. Its one of my husbands favorite things and I tried to make it when I first moved to Canada and got married..he liked it but didnt love it..his mom used to make one that he loved but she passed away last year and I dont have her recipe..

Since were moving in April, Im already planning a Canada Day dinner for him..Sheperds Pie and homemade Butter Tarts (got the recipe from Canadian Living)...Last summer I purchased a bunch of Canada Day themed tableware..table cloths, plates, cups, decorations etc...I got enough so that I could bring them out for my husbands first Canada Day and Thanksgiving away from Canada..

That is such a cute idea kimmbo!

Well my Husband loves my Shepards pie - it's nothing fancy - but here goes.

I either use roast or steak for the pie and I slow cook whatever i'm using - until it's at the falling apart texture. I cook it in a bit of seasoned water (usually in the oven wrapped up in tin foil as I don't use a slow cooker). Seasoned with worcheshire sauce, salt, pepper and some garlic.

For the potatoes - I just make mashed potatoes with milk and a bit of butter.

I fry some onions, add that to the meat after it's cooked, I use canned gravy x 2. Once I have put the meat and onions in the crockery bowl I use in the oven I add the gravy and some more worcheshire sauce and sometimes more garlic.

Put the mashed potatoes on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake it for about 1/2 an hour, voila!

Not very exotic, but it tastes good!

Here's my twist:

Bottom Layer -
Brown lean ground, drain; saute onions and garlic; mix with the meat and a dash (or 2 or 3 or ...) of worcestershire and HP, salt & pepper to taste
Middle Layer -
Can of whole kernel corn, drained and grated cheese OR can of baked beans and no cheese (all in the preference)
Top Layer -
Mashed potatoes, spread evenly; slap on a tbsp of butter and spread across the pototates, then take a fork and stroke the top making ridges.

Bake 30-45 minutes at 325 and then a quick broil to brown/toast the top
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-02-25 10:31:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
I go back to Canada one weekend a month (usually the 2nd weekend, Fri-Mon) and on the Thursday before I make up a batch of Chili Mac for our dinner and leftovers for another meal to feed my husband over the weekend.

Saute 1/2 green pepper (chopped), 1 small onion (chopped) and 1 large clove garlic (diced)
Add 1 lb ground beef, brown and drain
Stir in 14oz can diced tomatoes, 1 tbsp mince jalapenos, 1-1/2c spag sauce, 3/4c water, 3/4c uncooked elbow macaroni, 1 pkg (or 7-1/2 tsp) taco seasoning & 1 can mexican salsa
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10-15 minutes
Top with grated cheese

one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-06 14:19:00
Canada2 RFE's :(
I submitted ONLY the Supplemental Form to the I-693 (Documentation of Immunization) with my I-485 Application as specified in the Instructions for K-1 Fiancees. I still received an RFE for Medical Examination I-693, even though I had the initial DS-2053 submitted prior to getting my Visa. I had a copy of the DS-2053 sent to me from the Civil Surgeon "back home" and took that along with my copy of the Supplemental Form I-693 back to the US Civil Surgeon and then got my I-693.

As quoted from the movie, The Great Debater, "do what you’ve got to do so that you can so what you want to do".
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2010-04-01 12:08:00
Promptly filing a 1040X (Amended U.S. Tax Return) for 2008 would be the prudent thing to do.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2010-04-04 20:38:00

Laura I was just speaking to my accountant yesterday regarding my 2009 taxes and then we got talking about next year. What I understood is that once you cease to be a resident of Canada you do not need to file Canadian taxes (excluding the year you moved and had residency in both the US and Canada for portions of the year.) I'm thinking you would claim that money on your US taxes as foreign income.

Anyone else?

If it is just EI you received from Canada in 2009, you shouldn't have to do a Canadian Tax Return. As stated by OBX, if you filed a Leaving Canada Tax Return for the previous year, that's the end of that. However, you will have to add that as income on your US 2009 Tax Return and then take a credit on Form 1116 (Foreign Tax Credit).
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2010-03-31 22:07:00
Canadaoh oh
A tax credit is available for on Foreign Earned Income (i.e. employment income), by filling out Form 2555. Credit is available for other types of income (i.e. UIC, RRSP, etc) by filling out Form 1116.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2010-04-05 20:25:00
CanadaThinking Canadian in the USA
I miss thinking in "Celsius". I haven't been in the U.S. that long for pete's sake (well 2-1/2 years); however, I find that I have to keep my mind refreshed by googling the weather on a frequent basis to get the temp conversion.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2010-04-15 08:01:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
Cool, a reason to bring this up. Celica: American, "sell-la-cah"; Canadian "sah-leak-a". I used to own one and when it came up in conversation, my US husband had a wonderfully (annoying) holler at the way i pronounced it.
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-02-20 14:21:00
CanadaCanadian RRSP withdrawal and our US taxes
This is my first year filing with my U.S. citizen husband, and I too had some RRSP withdrawals for last year. After a number of calls to the IRS to confirm each step, this is how I accounted.
RRSP withdrawal entered on line 16b of the 1040
Fill out Form 1116 (Foreign Tax Credit)
Enter the tax credit on line 51 of the 1040
You would also include this distribution on Form 8891 (US Info Return for Beneficiaries of Certain Canadian Reg. Ret. Plans)
one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2008-03-04 10:40:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
My bad, forget my suggestion to refile an amended 2007 return - that was bad info. I had to look back at my return and you DO have to declare the unpaid amount on your Departure Return on line 130 (other amount) and make a note "HBP repayment".

QUOTE (bluegreen @ May 3 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (one_day_at_a_time @ May 3 2009, 07:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You should have claimed the HBP/RSP withdrawal as income on your 2007 tax return - I would suggest that you will have to send in an amended 2007 return.

QUOTE (bluegreen @ Apr 28 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know about HBP? I withdrew funds for the HBP in 2007. I have not repaid any yet, since you have two years to start doing that. However, I understand now that I need to claim that money as income, since I no longer qualify for that program. The CRA site says I have to claim it on the return of the year in which I withdrew it, but other reading suggests that I claim it on my departure return (which will be 2008). Which is it?? So far I have entered it on line 129 of my departure return, even through the T4rsp is from 2007. It is nice becasue it is pretty much the only income I am claiming for the entire year. If I had to go back and add it to 2007 it would have way bigger implications, I think. I am so not au fait with this stuff.

However, I am still confused about whether I was a deemed resident for 2008 (I think so. I still have a house, po box, bank accounts, cell phone.....and I spent a good chunk of the year in Canada). If I am a deemed resident am I allowed to cash out of the HBP plan? I, of course, cannot get through on the International Tax 1-800 number, since I am a major procrastinator and it is constantly busy starting at 6 am.

ALSO, does anyone know if I can use Quicktax for my departure return? The departure return is just a general T1 return with a departure date included, right? I am confused because although Quicktax has kind of figured out that I am now a non-resident (It asks for worldwide income, etc) it does not explicitly ask for the departure date like it does right on the first page of the T1 form.

Hmmm. I don't think I should have done that because at the time I was a resident and still participating in the program. I added it the return as an HBP withdrawal, but obviously I was not taxed on it since I was participating in HPB. Now I need them to know that I am no longer participating. SO maybe NOW it is appropriate to file an ammended return?

I have not filed my taxes yet because I still haven't been able to contact that international tax office—it is busy non stop! Hopefully today I will find a human to talk to.

one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2009-05-10 05:31:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
You should have claimed the HBP/RSP withdrawal as income on your 2007 tax return - I would suggest that you will have to send in an amended 2007 return.

QUOTE (bluegreen @ Apr 28 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know about HBP? I withdrew funds for the HBP in 2007. I have not repaid any yet, since you have two years to start doing that. However, I understand now that I need to claim that money as income, since I no longer qualify for that program. The CRA site says I have to claim it on the return of the year in which I withdrew it, but other reading suggests that I claim it on my departure return (which will be 2008). Which is it?? So far I have entered it on line 129 of my departure return, even through the T4rsp is from 2007. It is nice becasue it is pretty much the only income I am claiming for the entire year. If I had to go back and add it to 2007 it would have way bigger implications, I think. I am so not au fait with this stuff.

However, I am still confused about whether I was a deemed resident for 2008 (I think so. I still have a house, po box, bank accounts, cell phone.....and I spent a good chunk of the year in Canada). If I am a deemed resident am I allowed to cash out of the HBP plan? I, of course, cannot get through on the International Tax 1-800 number, since I am a major procrastinator and it is constantly busy starting at 6 am.

ALSO, does anyone know if I can use Quicktax for my departure return? The departure return is just a general T1 return with a departure date included, right? I am confused because although Quicktax has kind of figured out that I am now a non-resident (It asks for worldwide income, etc) it does not explicitly ask for the departure date like it does right on the first page of the T1 form.

one_day_at_a_timeMaleCanada2009-05-03 06:51:00
USCIS Service Centers1-130 Processing Times

If the petition has not been approved by USCIS you still have an opportunity to apply. Sometimes lawyers do not give appropriate advise. It will no longer be an option if an only if the petition has been approved and sent to the NVC. If you have not received any  notification from the USCIS, be it through the USCIS status link or mail, that your petition has been approved, then you still have the opportunity to petition for a K3 visa. You might as well call USCIS to find out your eligibility. Definitely, 16 months is quite long to wait. 

oyomintoMaleKenya2013-10-01 00:24:00
USCIS Service Centers1-130 Processing Times

I really have no idea how long it takes, but from what I hear is that it can take over a year for your spouse to come. However, you can petition a k-3 visa. This is a non-immigrant visa for a spouse whose petition is still being processed, but you have to petition before the 1-130 goes to NVC. I think this will be quicker. please follow this link for more information: http://travel.state....pes_2993.html#1

oyomintoMaleKenya2013-09-30 18:54:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanscheduling another appointment

Sorry for what happened. I really have not idea about this but try to start a new account and see if the calendar shows. Also you might need to try changing the appt date even when it has passed, I think the system might allow you to do so. Let know how it goes. I have not scheduled mine as we are still waiting for the police certificate from Manila.

oyomintoMaleKenya2013-10-23 14:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionnairobi embassy taming too long

I just checked and found out that the Nairobi consulate has received our petition. I wonder how long it will take them to send the necessary documents to my fiancee.

oyomintoMaleKenya2013-09-25 01:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionnairobi embassy taming too long

Ours was processed by the NVC and sent to the Kenyan embassy on Wednesday last week. I have been checking the visa status link and it states that it (petition) is in transit to the consulate. I therefore think that it is worth checking to see whether they have received yours. Here is the link:


Please let me know what your says so that I can if they actually update it. Also i



You do NOT need to notarize the affidavits.


I think the EAD combo card takes between 2 and 3 months to arrive, but I'm not sure how is that affected if you state that you have a trip on that date, and/or if you request an expedite. Also, I think people over this forum strongly recommend not leaving the US without the EAD combo card in your hand.


t looks we are on the similar steps and I would appreciate updating each other on how it goes. I hope all goes well with you. Good luck

oyomintoMaleKenya2013-09-24 17:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresanyone have any experence with kazakhstan
Hi I am going to be starting the K3 visa process in the next few weeks. My wife and I are wondering about how long it takes from the time I fill the I-130 till her interview and did your spouses have a hard time getting the visa? If anyone has anyother info we would be grateful too Thanks
TJ & Ksusha
my almaty babyMaleKazakhstan2006-09-08 14:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost there!!


The K3 will probably still be faster at this point... and it is very likely that you won't have a choice as to which one to pursue at first as the USCIS's new streamlining policy means that your I130 should be retained while only the I129F is forwarded to the NVC for further processing.

You would have the option of filing the I824 and paying $200 to have USCIS forward the I130 to the NVC... but I have yet to see an I824 be approved for anyone on VJ.

Good luck & congrats again!

Thank you very much!!! and I did not know about that new streamline policy they have. Also once the I129F reaches the NVC in terms of your exprence how long did it take for them to call you{or your spouse} for the information packet, or if you could let me know where there is a good place to track the progress.
Thank you very much!!!
TJ & Ksusha
my almaty babyMaleKazakhstan2007-02-14 17:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost there!!
Hi everyone I got really good news I recieved both approval notices for the I 130 AND the I 129F today. Now I have a few questions does this happen to everyone where they recieve both notices?? Also to on the approval notice for the I130 it gives a prioriy date of November 1, 2006 and i had a recepit date of the 7th of november so will it be better to follow the I-130 to get my wife back here quicker, or should I follow the K 3 route because I am kinda lost on this one. I appreciate any one's advice or exprence very much on this. Thanks everyone :D
my almaty babyMaleKazakhstan2007-02-14 16:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 134 for kazakstan does anyone know what you need???
Hi everyone I am really confused on the 134 and well tomorrow I am going to be taking care of it. But I need to know the embassy in kazakhstan do they need one or 3 years of tax information? I am confused about it because on the US embassy's website they say they only need the most recent tax information and W-2s, however I am being told from someone else that I need 3 years of tax information and I only have 2 though so I am really worried about this. I dont want my baby girl to get denied or have the interview be pushed back because of this :unsure: So if anyone who has had experence with the embassy in almaty if you can give me any tips or suggestions I would really really be thankful for itAttached File  DSC01987.JPG   871.73KB   4 downloads
my almaty babyMaleKazakhstan2007-02-20 21:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost there
HI everyone !!! I am so happy I recieved the letter from the NVC stating that the petietion is being sent to almaty withing a week. Then Ksusha is going to get her packet and well now I just have too send out the I 134 and the letter for her and well she does not know it yet either and well that will make her day that now it's all in her hands over in kazakhstan. I will be sure to let you know what happens with that well take care everyione and good luck to everyone of you!!! We all need it LOL
my almaty babyMaleKazakhstan2007-02-28 22:12:00