K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

Approveddd!!!!!!!!!!! I130 approved :dance: My I130 was approved on Aug 8. I just got the NOA2...I am hoping my I129 gets approve soooooonn..plzzzzz...



Congratulations. It does seem they're trying to process both applications together these days. I will be surprised if you don't see another approval within a day or few.

To possibly help others waiting, I would like to ask a qualifying question or two.

One person that received approval quickly was awaiting deployment in the US Military. Are you on any expedited process, or do you believe your paperwork is categorized the same as everyone else?

I notice your papers were at Vermont. It seems like they definitely have things going much smoother there than CSC.

Again congrats and thanks for any reply,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-16 22:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***


Thanks for your reply. You are right. I had it in mind that the $1010 AOS fee was to be paid before he got to the USA, but you are right. We have two years to pay it after he gets here. I got that confused. Now, you are talking about $355 for the K-3? I filed the I-130 in May so I thought I still was under the old rules and was going to send $170, so according to you, I now have to send $355? Is that to cover the rest owed with the new fees after paying $190 for the I-130?




Disregard my comment about the K-3 fees. I was only making a point on how excessive they are. I used new fees for future applicants.

The stress of this process can cause tunnel vission. I'm glad you will be able to continue with your K-3.

Waiting to save for the AOS fee will only push back the date you will be eligible to apply for citizenship. But that is second to getting our loved ones with us.

Keep your head up,


Thanks again for your reply. I just need to ask one more thing. Am I correct in sending $170 for payment of K-3?



Hi Deb
Hope you are doing okay under the circumstances. We all very well understand the pain of AOS and other fees but I believe as Robin pointed out that the K-3 is valid for two years and you will have fair amount of time to save for it. Also, if you start saving right from today, you will have even more time but I just want to say hang in there and we all will get thru this painful process. Not knowing your financial situation, I hope I dont cross any personal limit by writing about savings and all that. If I did then my apologies. That was NOT my intention. I am trying to lift up your spirit and encourage you in this painful process.

As for your question about fees, from what I know so far, I dont think we have clear answer yet for the Petitioners who sent in there I-130 prior to the fee increase and will be sending their I129F later. The best thing I can suggest is search VJ and also call the USCIS national customer service number. They should be able to answer this question, again the key word is should. :)

A very valid point about comparing the amount of fees we end up paying for these USCIS processes and when it comes to "sponsoring" your family. Though, I always thought that the new AOS fees were a bit ridiculous(esp. for family based immigration(K3) versus employment based), I never looked at it from the perspective that you just mentioned in regards with the poverty guidelines. Great point!!! but ofcourse its only great and valid from OUR perspective and not from USCIS'. You know what bugs me the most is, even after paying all of these high fees, I probably wont see any comparable return (as cutting the wait time). If the wait time decreases by paying the high fees, then I guess it may be worth it.

Anyhow, god speed to all and Deb hang in there. You will figure things out as u 'll go along this process. I know easier said than done but things have a way of working out at the end (most times).

Gluck and try to have a good weekend. :thumbs:



On such a critical question regarding fees due, I cannot comment with any certainty. A knowledgeable person on a Yahoo Group (MAG-ANAK, a Filipino/a American group) named Ray Bacon is extremely knowledgeable in these matters. I believe he takes the stance you need to send the K-3 fee with your application.

I highly recommend getting a direct answer from USCIS. Ask for the person's name and ID number and maybe even a confirmation number if available. Include any direction with your application.


I read the fee increase press phone conference with the USCIS director. The accepted overall fee increase is 66%, across the board. As we know the AOS fee went up from $325 to $930, or a 186% increase. What many probably assume is they will greatly increase the speed to adjudicate the applications. But...

Their goal is to improve processing speeds by 20% !!!!! Wow, nice value for the price. Also they commented that this will take time to ramp up. That part is understandable. So with all those fee increases, processing will go from a promised 6 months to a whopping 4.8 months! I feel so special...

I'm self-employed. I could NEVER increase fees 66% to 186% and remain in business after notifying customers they will only reap a 20% benefit from such huge fee increases.

I believe USCIS, for the most part, is a department so removed from the majority of Americans, thus public eye, they have next to ZERO accountability for their (lack of) performance.

I would like to slap the management on the back of the head and ask them what the heck they are thinking.

Ugh. Makes me so frustrated. Sorry, venting...

One more thing while previewing my post. Isn't it nice how employee-based applications can expedite their applications, but we must deal with this slower process? I would gladly pay the $1,000 expediting fee to get my wife here faster. Also K-1 applicants can get a SSN right away in their maiden name. We have to pay another $300 plus to get an EAD. What the stink. They are on drugs, or something.

Again, just blowing off steam. I trust everyone understands...

Happy Friday,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-10 12:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***


Thanks for your reply. You are right. I had it in mind that the $1010 AOS fee was to be paid before he got to the USA, but you are right. We have two years to pay it after he gets here. I got that confused. Now, you are talking about $355 for the K-3? I filed the I-130 in May so I thought I still was under the old rules and was going to send $170, so according to you, I now have to send $355? Is that to cover the rest owed with the new fees after paying $190 for the I-130?




Disregard my comment about the K-3 fees. I was only making a point on how excessive they are. I used new fees for future applicants.

The stress of this process can cause tunnel vission. I'm glad you will be able to continue with your K-3.

Waiting to save for the AOS fee will only push back the date you will be eligible to apply for citizenship. But that is second to getting our loved ones with us.

Keep your head up,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-10 10:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

Getting depressing again...:(


I am really depressed as well because my husband's passport photos did not arrive in the mail until after the fees went up and I can't afford to pay $1000 for AOS. We now have no choice but to pursue the I-130. Does this mean I can no longer be a part of this thread?




I understand your concern. If I'm not mistaken, you can apply for AOS within 2 years of entering the United States (the K-3 Visa is valid for 2 years); therefore, you have all that time to save the money. If you can afford the first, unchanged fee, I trust you can save the $1,010 ($930 + $80 biometrics) within two years.

Other members, correct me regarding the timeframe if I'm wrong.

There are fee waivers, but we don't qualify under the I-485/K-3 application.

What is sad is the following. Under the 125% of poverty requirement for proof of support which is $17,112 for a family of 2 (husband and wife only), the $1,010 AOS fee is 5.9% of your annual income.

If you include the $355 K-3 (now includes the I-130 and I-129F together), the total is $1,365 which is 8.0% of the minimum required level.

THAT IS INSANE. Talk about a regressive tax. It is unbelievable this is remotely acceptable to them. In my opinion, allowing me to stand on my soap box for a second, everything for adoptions and spouses should be FREE, or at minimum subject to your income level.

Anyway, I understand your situation. Make sure you run a full analysis and understand all the facts, fees and timelines before you give up on seeing your husband before giving up the K-3 and going with your CR1.

God speed,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-10 09:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

Average days between NOA1 & NOA2 for CSC...Is that from when CSC received it?..transferred to CSC?..pending at CSC date?...or from the beginning when it was sent to Chicago?
Mine: mailed to Chicago-- 105 days ago
transferred to CSC-- 88 days ago
Now pending at CSC-- 64 days ago

My understanding is the NOA1 RECEIPT date is the date USCIS uses to place you in the queue for adjudicating your I-129F application, not the transfer dates.

CSC was pretty negligent on sending some NOA1s. I don't know if that included transfer notices. Since the order of working on these apps doesn't depend on when they are transferred, or when notices are received, the date to use for timing is the NOA1 RECEIPT date sent to Chicago or the service center, if sent directly as some are now doing.

My interpretation of dates, etc. is the following. Except for the delay caused by a slow NOA1 I-130, resulting in a delay in sending your I-129F application, any lag time in transferring or receiving notices of the transfer should have no impact on your timeline. Maybe that will offer comfort to some that feel their transfers were lagging -- it shouldn't matter.

Again these are my observations and interpretations. I could be wrong.

Good day,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-06 18:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

Posted Image


First, thank you very much for providing this filtered (for good data points) spreadsheet. Would you mind answering a question regarding your estimates?

My VJ Timeline suggests my I-129F NOA2 is expected on September 13, 2007. This of coarse assumes users have entered their data correctly and interpreted the fields accurately.

What are you basing your estimates from? I like your estimate MUCH better, but after visiting the March filers' thread, I think your estimate of my NOA2 will not be realized.

Just curious and not criticizing at all.

Thanks again,

Hi Robin, I do not have good data for 129F NOA2 lead time so i did some prem analysis and i am using 120 days for CSC and 140 days for VSC. This is rough at the moment and i will improve it once some of the folks in March and April start getting approvals.


How about this data for an idea, since some I-129F NOA2 data is starting to trickle in for March applicants?

Taking NOA2s received since July 1, 2007, I come up with the following.

For CSC:

Days from I-129F NOA1 to NOA2:
Data points: 224, 98, 141, 133, 133, 132, 105, 112 (8 total data points)
Drop the high and low gives a total of 6 data points totalling 756 days.

Average Days from NOA1 to NOA2 for CSC: 126 days.

For VSC:

Days from I-129F NOA1 to NOA2:
Data points: 134, 105, 95, 93, 123, 133, 111, 87, 125, 105 (10 total data points)
Drop the high and low gives a total of 8 data points totalling 890 days.

Average Days from NOA1 to NOA2 for VSC: 111.25 days.

Using my I-129F NOA1 of 4-25-2007 and adding 126 days, I come up with an estimated NOA2 receipt date of August 29, 2007.

FYI to readers, a nice place to add/subtract dates can be found here: http://www.timeandda...te/dateadd.html

Good day,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-06 12:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

Posted Image


First, thank you very much for providing this filtered (for good data points) spreadsheet. Would you mind answering a question regarding your estimates?

My VJ Timeline suggests my I-129F NOA2 is expected on September 13, 2007. This of coarse assumes users have entered their data correctly and interpreted the fields accurately.

What are you basing your estimates from? I like your estimate MUCH better, but after visiting the March filers' thread, I think your estimate of my NOA2 will not be realized.

Just curious and not criticizing at all.

Thanks again,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-08-05 20:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures*** K-3 May and June 2007 Filers ***

This list has expanded significantly but still missing data shaded in red. PM me if you have updates or post in thread.
The names are / sorted by month when the I-129F NOA1 was received.
Good luck.

Posted Image

Can you explain in more detail what exactly you are looking for regarding the Transfer Sent Date and the Transfer Received Date? I just want to make sure I (we) are giving you what you're looking for.

I received a transfer NOA. Are both of those dates on that? Or is the received date when we got the notice in the mail? There are a few interpretations on this, and I would like to supply what you're looking for.

And thanks a ton for the chart. It is the best estimate so far, even better than the VJ estimate since so many enter bad data into their timelines. (c'mon people) (thanks to those accurately entering data btw)

Thanks again, Robin
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-07-20 14:40:00
PhilippinesMarriage Contract Authentication

Can someone tell me what the U. S. Embassy wants for an authenticated marriage contract?

All I can find sarching VJ is directions from last year: (has to go to authentication office in malacañang (ofc of the president) to have it authenticated. if she's lucky enuf, she can get it authenticated same day, if not she has to go back the next day to get it. Lastly, she has to go to Dept of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to have a seal and red ribbon on it. this might take 3 days processing.)

Friends of my wife tell her the NSO does the authentication now. But none of them have been through the K3 interview. :help:


My understanding is you must have the NSO cert. copy of the marriage contract on NSO security paper. The local registrar or place you submitted the marriage cert. should eventually send this to the NSO. HOWEVER, this can be a slow process, up to 6 to 8 months we were quoted.

We were told to contact the NSO to expedite the process by asking for the marriage cert. to be "Endorsed." This puts it on a fast track process.

My wife's mother took an original certified copy from the local registrar and personally ran it up to Manila NSO. They said to come back and pick it up 2 weeks later. This is because she pre-paid for the copies when she dropped it off. I believe she could have simply dropped off the marriage cert. and requested it be "Endorsed" (or fast-tracked) and then ordered the copyies online.

So I recommend to check with the local registrar where you sent the marriage license and also call or visit the regional NSO office and ask about the processing time and possible endorsement of the NSO certification.

We were first given an estimate of 6-8 months for processing. After we fast-tracked it via "Endorsement," it took only a few weeks, +/-.

RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-06-10 17:15:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
RobinAtAileen has passed! Thank you Lord.

Aileen said the interview was about 3 minutes. When he noticed our ages were close, both in our 30's, the consul said "This will be quick."

If you're self-employed, I recommend getting your IRS Tax Transcript. The consul took that and not any of my business-related certificates; although, I would still bring them. (For those reading this with future interviews.)

Thank you to EVERYONE that have supported us through this board either directly or indirectly.

God bless you,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-29 09:38:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
QUOTE (irene @ Nov 23 2007, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
first question in NBI , they usually have the stamp for that thumb print mine has , but if she did have computer finger printing ,it maybe ok too , by the way where did she applied her NBI ? second about DS 156/7 , wat i did is that i had the two DS 156 print online coz of the bar code , the one with the packet dont have and the DS157 i had one print online and one from the Bank Receipt coz the form is being validated at the back beside the receipt they gonna attach to the form . Just make sure u have two copies of DS156 and DS157 , they dont get my DS156k though coz they said its for K1, and make sure u glued ur pictures already coz many have to come back in line for that when they have to get ur lucky ticket nub. Goodluck to ur interview, and that day is my b-day so im sure u will approved lol ,


Thank you. My wife got her NBI in Mabalacat. I don't remember the specific branch, sorry.

Thank you to all that have helped and offered advice.

RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-23 21:29:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
QUOTE (DeeZee @ Nov 23 2007, 07:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RobinAtAileen @ Nov 22 2007, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife has her interview 11/28.

Question. How many 2x2 photos are required for the USEM interview?

Thank you,

You will need 2 photos for the DS forms. Don't forget to attach them to the forms in advance.

Thank you.

A few more questions, please.

For the NBI Clearance, do you need to have your thumb print (or finger print) on the clearance form? I believe my wife's document has a place for a finger print, but they didn't have her add it. She did say they scanned her finger print on a computer or something.

Second, what do you do with the $100 payment receipt DS form given by BPI? Can that be simply attached to the pre-printed out DS-156/7 form that my wife already filled out, or does she have to fill out and use the blank form she received. I heard you can just attach it like a receipt? Is this correct? Also does the US Embassy prefer the DS-156/7 (and receipt) need to be paper clipped or stapled together?

Here is a little advise for those reading this thread. There is a great hotel near both the St. Luke's Extension and the US Embassy. It is called Cherry Blossoms. They have a room for only P1,515 which includes hot water shower and a simple breakfast included. Also there is a wonderful Yahoo! Group called MAG-ANAK that has very knowledgable members. They stray off topic a lot, but are very helpful when asked specific questions. There is a guy on there named Ray Bacon that is excellent.

Thank you very much,

Edited by RobinAtAileen, 23 November 2007 - 10:54 AM.

RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-23 10:52:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
My wife has her interview 11/28.

Question. How many 2x2 photos are required for the USEM interview?

Thank you,
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-22 23:40:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
Can you just show up early for the St. Luke's medical exam, or do you need to call them first to let them know. My wife has all documents, etc. I just want to double check if showing up early without warning is acceptable.

RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-11-05 10:23:00
PhilippinesNovember Interview at US Embassy Manila
Our K-3 application left the NVC on 10/3/2007. I have been checking the Manila US Embassy web site schedule. Does anybody know if they have yet updated it for mid-October yet?

If they have, we missed this update.

How do most of you find out your Interview date? Is it from the packet letter or through the web site?

Thank you. We're hoping to spend New Years Eve together. She will stay for Christmas regardless of Interview date, so she can be with her mother for the holiday to make the transition easier on her mother.

God bless,
Robin & Aileen
RobinAtAileenNot TellingPhilippines2007-10-15 18:51:00