Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
Offering support doesn't mean walking on eggshells...example:

Person A: our app was denied because we haven't met
Person B: why haven't you met?
Person C: don't be so fkin nosy! it's not your right to know!
Person B: I think you need to go meet your future husband
Person C: YOU.ARE.SUCH.A.B@STARD! *this* is exactly why VJ is such shite lately....WHY CAN'T YOU BE SUPPORTIVE YOU COLD HEARTED AZZHOLE!!!!!!!!

Scenario 2

Person A: Having probbos with my man, and he wants his money back...
Person B: Money for what?

I mean, really...
Anita CocktailMale02006-09-22 17:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People
Short of offering to change my legal name to hers and flying over to Egypt myself to meet her fiance, I don't think there's anything else I can do other than to say: save your money on a lawyer to fight a probably losing battle and use it to go meet your man.

But that was said on page one of God only knows which thread
Anita CocktailMale02006-09-22 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

Charles why are you defending him so much? I bet it would be different if Nessa was Arab.

mean guys do have to stick together :lol:

Just caught this little gem....erm, so :no: :no: :no:

Edited by LisaD, 22 September 2006 - 02:47 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-09-22 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor All VJ People

How am I or anyone else for that matter supposed to know that you sent him a PM about it? :lol: I think you are the one beating it to a dead horse. I am simply responding to your remarks to me. :yes:

it was mentioned in your post on the first page, then along comes sarah with a post saying the same thing. and that's all the 2nd page has been about. he's older and wiser now. so moving along......

With all due respect, charles...who made you the board hall monitor?
Anita CocktailMale02006-09-22 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan you girls help?

You trust him but you don't trust her...but if you trust shouldn't matter. That's a contradictory statement really...but good luck either way.

Anita CocktailMale02006-09-23 07:43:00
Middle East and North Africabroken heart

I know members who personally refuse to share ANY of their personal information simply because they don't wish to be fodder for those who have no consideration whatsoever for what they are going through.

this is always a good idea on the internet :yes:

... regarding their visa process. It is DEMANDED by many members. This is what I was referring in the context of this thread.

Get over yourself, Mother Goose....the post was put out there, we asked for clarification.

Jeez, if you think this place is the cesspool you make it out to be, I wonder why you stick around...unless you like being the tissue patrol. I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but your lectures are tired and tbph, getting on my nerves.

We're all adults don't need to tell us how to act. I don't care how you act insomuch as you stop getting on your pedestal and telling the rest of us what to do, or giving an oratory on how ####### we are. Govern yourself, and if this place is sooo bad:

1) leave
2) get over it
3) put everyone you think is so ####### on ignore

...otherwise, you're in for always being upset.

I say this with the nicest of intentions, but really...this mother hen routine really needs to stop imo.

This place will never be the happy happy rainbow and unicorns getalong gang, superfically Stepford place that you think it should be. I think you need to really accept that in order to find happiness in belonging to the place that it is.
Anita CocktailMale02006-09-22 12:02:00
Middle East and North Africabroken heart

:crying: :( Sometimes this journey defeats and conquers and destroys the hope and faith for people truly in-love Sad Lost and heartbroken for those of you who have the strength to keep going fight with everything you got never give up never give up God Bless!!!

Well, i just had a lovely chat with my husband (not)! It was a 2-hour chat in 3 months! And all he did was fight and blame me for this stinking process not working! He has to come from far away to chat with me and it cost good money, so he's skipping that too.

Now i'm so READY TO GIVE UP! I was hoping for a good nice chat, but got blamed instead! Who needs that?

I give up! And he wants HIS MONEY back! :crying: :crying: :crying:

What about me getting in debt to go visit him?
I can't take this anymore!

I've been 'almost there' since September last year! And still nothing!

Whatever happens - happens! I'm not lifting a finger anymore!!!
I'm done!


money for what?

I'm sorry Tanya...I hope this is just that ldr-stress that we all go thru from time to time
Anita CocktailMale02006-09-21 09:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaWeight
I'm going to be the lone voice of dissent and post an opposing viewpoint. I don't mind at all...and actually encourage...comments about my physique. Why SHOULDN'T my D feel comfortable enough with me to tell me what's on his mind? If he thinks 'oh her butt has gotten bigger' well then why should I set parameters on what he should and should not share with me?

Now I am not saying he shouldn't love me no matter what, but what I am saying is that there's nothing wrong with stating the obvious. I can go work out 3 hours a day at the gym...for what? For it not to matter to him? I say no. Yes I work ou for me, but at the end of the day, he is my life partner...and I'll tell you what. I am not down with having a fat husband. Having a good physique is don't need to be all rippled, but you should be fit. And if he was starting to go down a path of excess, I'd point it out to him so that he is aware of it. Yes I love him no matter what, but the simple truth is I would not be happy if he weighed 400 pounds and kept eating.

Though with a language barrier, I can understand how things sometimes don't come out as intended & they have the capability to wound. I don't think those are meant in the way they come across....
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-02 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblem with closed country and no meeting yet...HEEEELP!

what if this dude gets here and he turns out to be not what he portrayed himself to be? I dunno..I wouldn't risk it.

Caution...I am especially crabby today...........

I know arguing isn't nice, but this is basically the same risk we all took (or are taking). I just don't think anymore that you can say that playing house for about a week, a year before really plugging him in to the family, is that much better than petitioning him right in. I just don't like seeing the op get judged here because they could meet 10 times, and he'd still be a stranger on her doorstep. (if you don't think so, yours just isn't here yet) and we don't know that he has a military "problem". Military contract-commitment just might be a more accurate description so..... all I'm saying is it probably isn't appropriate to criticise the op's decisions on the matter because it's probably no more nuts than the filing as soon as you meet once..
the guy here just might be getting bad advise from the guys around him that don't know jack about immigration, and feed him scary lies about the border.

Without a doubt, it is imo :thumbs:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-09 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblem with closed country and no meeting yet...HEEEELP!

Good job breaking it down, Rahma :thumbs:

LisaD -- there is a lot of info you can find on the net regarding the trademark/copyright issue. As far as being "cute".... well my husband thinks I am !



so did you register it? ;)
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-09 14:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblem with closed country and no meeting yet...HEEEELP!

If one says they have trademarked and copyrighted the something, then they have. All you need to do is indicate that you have, and tada, it's done.

Now, registering the trademark and copyright is a whole other ball of wax, and is helpful is two people claim copyright or trademark to the same thing. Registering can help determine who has priority.

See, I was awake during my intellectual property law class :D

ty rahma :yes:

So is an unregistered trademark and copyright enforceable? So theoretically, does W_O_M's words belong to her, or VJ? And if it's unregistered, technically...what would be the recourse in someone ignoring it?

I'm fascinated!
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-09 12:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblem with closed country and no meeting yet...HEEEELP!

ok, I'll bite, Why????

I guess you missed the incident which may not be discussed on this forum.

Don't ask. Don't tell.

But you still actually haven't answered the question....did you actually trademark the name and copyright the info? Or are you just being 'cute'?
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-09 11:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblem with closed country and no meeting yet...HEEEELP!

Copyright © 2006 by Wife_of_Mahmoud™. Original essays, comments and photographs by Wife_of_Mahmoud™ are the exclusive intellectual property of Wife_of_Mahmoud™ and may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere in any manner without express written permission from Wife_of_Mahmoud™.

Did you really trademark your username?

I'm interested too....*bump* in case you missed it, W_O_M
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-09 10:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother Countdown Thread!!!!!!

What is the K-1 for you to get married you have 3 months to get married, you will reall y know a person in person. Not over the chat.

...... I can not possible know anythign about him until I really get to know him.
Fiance not a marriage visa, we get 3 months and then you have to get married.

If you're looking for red flags, Private, here they are. A K-1 is a marriage-based have already decided to be with this person the rest of your life. If you can say 'I cannot possibly know anything about him until I really get to know him' well then I'd really strongly advise you to get to know him. But if your fiance has repeated any of the above statements to the CO, then this is most probably the reason behind your denial.
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-18 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother Countdown Thread!!!!!!

Can you end this thread already, just give private her peace! She has been through enough!

:thumbs: one of the best statements i've seen in about 8 pages

I happen to think it's the worst.

Part of being in a true support system is saying what sometimes doesn't want to be heard. Yeah, all the 'rah rah sis boom bah I'm sorry' posts are great and emotionally soothing, the only posts to actually offer some constructive and helpful advice is from the posts that keep getting slammed as 'unsupportive'

Private, I'm very sorry for your denial. Please take the time you need to get your head round this so you can see these ladies here giving you some solutions to recitifying your situation and they are most indeed not kicking you when you're down.

Good luck
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-18 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaJP's Official Countdown Thread
Sendin ya some major mojo, woman!
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-18 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts?
on here? I'd prolly keep schtum cos there are none so blind as those who will see.

A friend? I'd have a heart to heart with her/him, but I'd be there for him/her no matter what.
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-24 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaReported threads / members from this forum
Shhh everyone, keep your secrets to yourselves!!!! :whistle:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-25 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

Nothing to figure out. I just prefer to use color rather than quotes.

Oh, sorry, I recall you saying once you couldn't figure it out....guess I was mistaken.
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-26 14:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

One thing I'm curious about - for those of you who did meet online.... Have you discussed with your SO the circumstances behind your online meeting? How did you distinguish the motives of your own SO who may have been in the cyber cafe with lots of others who were specifically looking for American women?

Don't look now but you finally figured out how to nest quotes within your replies! Now why can't you always do that, would make following these conversations so much easier :innocent:

:thumbs: yay szsz!
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-26 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

What is wrong with have a better live in the US AND look for someone that is truly
a soulmate.
If I wanted to better myself in another country and find my true love at the same time
then my motives would be genuine.

The problem is, they don't always come hand in hand.

On yahoo, when my prof was public, I'd get msgs from strangers all the time....barely mucking thru a sentence in english, and all they have to go on is my nick, which is fairly beige. No pic, no nothing, but messages like 'you have beautiful name and soul'

like #######? gimme a break :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-26 11:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

I told my husband right from the start to go out with friends, go have fun, we don't need to talk everynight. Now what man that is using you for a greencard will jump at the opportunity! They will. Its so easy for them. They say "sweetheart, I am tired now, I am going to bed early". Then off they go!

I would say there are many who would keep the deception going to realize they are being 'tested'.....mind you, I am NOT referring to your particular relationship....but this lil test alone I don't think would be a deciding factor.
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-26 11:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?

The regs do a fine job on their own of stirring it up WITHOUT any "morans"....

I (L) Caroline

where did you get your black and white thing... I like it... :D

Grr, i stumbled across it on a site yesterday or the day before, but now the properties are linking it to an image shack file.

it's not even in my history, so I dunno :cry: sorry!
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?

The regs do a fine job on their own of stirring it up WITHOUT any "morans"....

I (L) Caroline
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-31 15:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

I would disagree with you completely. I didn't take offense when someone made fun of my being temporarily in a wheelchair, or my surgery, I didn't take offense when ppl call me a biotch because I say what's on my mind. I was actually quite amenable and understanding with a lot of remember to what I refer to right now, don't you????? I don't take offense to most things...I DID take offense to your av cos I simply found it to be blashphemous, and short of putting you on ignore (which I didn't want to do) I really couldn't bear looking at it. No, you didn't have to remove it, and if you hadn't wanted to, I would have made another arrangement so that I didn't have to look at it. So I thank you for being gracious enough to do so.

But what I didn't do was make a whole full out hoo-ha, take the pizz with polls and posts, then claim the high road days later.

I'm not saying you don't have a RIGHT to be offended, but rather pointing out to you the flaw in the say in one breath all that matters is you and Nessa...which btw, I totally agree with & feel it's the most well rounded & level headed way to believe....but then you get all upset because some person you don't know says something you don't agree with.

By the by, the whole 'why are you worrying about my comments now?' doesn't really hold water as the same could be said to ANYONE on here who responds to another. I could ask the same of you, Charles. But more importantly is the fact that I am not 'bickering' with you...well at least that's not how this started. You are obviously more sensitive today, perhaps even touchy, and you immediately responded to me with a threat about Steven, and how you didn't want to argue. Well I wasn't intending on arguing either.

Can people not have a discussion where they disagree but it doesn't degenerate into a full out war? I mean really.

ah i get it now. i'm to blame for all the polls in mena?
the comment i made about it being someone else's life was in regards to (the example given) of sarah's mom choosing a younger man. yes, it's her mom's life. but that does not give someone the right to run down such a choice just because they don't believe in it, does it?
perhaps i am being sensitive, and the comment about telling steven was to highlight that you get offended by a few things he says, so eu tu brute? i find it amusing that when i'm offended by something like this, i'm wrong, but you being offended by my being offended it's ok ;)

In order to respond:

1 - omG show me where I said you were 'to blame' for the MENA polls???
2 - Again, for the umpteenth time, if you believe that 'Sarah's mom' should do what makes her happy and not what other people think...then I say to you 'physician heal thyself'
3 - I think you are being overly sensitive because you're reading into what I'm saying to you
4 - Don't confused 'offended' and 'annoyed by' ;)
5 - Once again, I never said you were WRONG. I simply said for you to follow your own logic and do what pleases you and N and to not worry about what anyone else thinks.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 13:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

if you believe this, then why does Sarah's comment upset you?

the comment above was in regards to her mother picking someone younger, and given that, there is no need for a person need to make comments about who a person chooses.

you're hardly one to not take offense about things, lisa. it seems you've taken offense with just about everyone on this board at one time or another, including me. one day we hear you remark negatively about the snowflakes, gumdrops and unicorn brigade and now i'm hearing i should not be offended when someone makes a comment which directly includes my relationship with nessa as being "gross" and 'abnormal" due to her and my age difference. i'm certain that such a remark, if floated in certain regional rooms, would generate an uproar.

Im asking you why you're offended when you have clearly stated that your happiness depends soley on you and Nessa and is not motivated by pleasing others....therefore others' opinions, following YOUR train of thought, shouldn't matter.

Maybe everyone on this board has taken offense to me, but deffo not the other way round. I don't see how you're recreating history, Charles. Yes, it's true that I was offended by your Christ crucifixion smiley, and I asked you to remove it....I didn't go on a board and say how nothing matters but what I think, then take offense in the same post.

ah glad you brought that up. let's revisit that shall we? i had a smiley crucifix for an avatar. you were offended by it. i find it most humorous that you were offended by it and pm'ed me asking that i remove it, yet i'm not supposed to be offended by sarah characterizing age differences between couples like she did? are you the only one who can be offended here? or is it only ok to be offended by smileys and not someone making remarks about a person's relationship?

Exactly Charles, so stop worrying about Sarah's comments as they have nothing to do with yours and Nessa's happiness.

so why are you worrying about my comments now? am i just your designated flavor of the day to bicker with? :innocent:

I would disagree with you completely. I didn't take offense when someone made fun of my being temporarily in a wheelchair, or my surgery, I didn't take offense when ppl call me a biotch because I say what's on my mind. I was actually quite amenable and understanding with a lot of remember to what I refer to right now, don't you????? I don't take offense to most things...I DID take offense to your av cos I simply found it to be blashphemous, and short of putting you on ignore (which I didn't want to do) I really couldn't bear looking at it. No, you didn't have to remove it, and if you hadn't wanted to, I would have made another arrangement so that I didn't have to look at it. So I thank you for being gracious enough to do so.

But what I didn't do was make a whole full out hoo-ha, take the pizz with polls and posts, then claim the high road days later.

I'm not saying you don't have a RIGHT to be offended, but rather pointing out to you the flaw in the say in one breath all that matters is you and Nessa...which btw, I totally agree with & feel it's the most well rounded & level headed way to believe....but then you get all upset because some person you don't know says something you don't agree with.

By the by, the whole 'why are you worrying about my comments now?' doesn't really hold water as the same could be said to ANYONE on here who responds to another. I could ask the same of you, Charles. But more importantly is the fact that I am not 'bickering' with you...well at least that's not how this started. You are obviously more sensitive today, perhaps even touchy, and you immediately responded to me with a threat about Steven, and how you didn't want to argue. Well I wasn't intending on arguing either.

Can people not have a discussion where they disagree but it doesn't degenerate into a full out war? I mean really.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

Charles is the one who said what I quoted about making yourself happy and not worrying about others....if he truly believes this, then where is the issue???

Whatever, I'm so tired of the same old same old. LisaD is right my ###.

Careful, you might upset me :cry:



Well, I guess I don't agree with Charles about everything then. I'll back up, I agree with Stina way back when.

I am sat here trying to have a discussion, and it's hard enough without your petulant antics. What are you trying to gain here? How is Stina's opinion from 'way back when' remotely relevant in any way to what we're talking about? Jenn, you are free to think whatever you wish about me...and guess don't need a bandwagon to validate that opinion!


Oh, and if you were trying to 'lash out' and hurt me, it either try harder, or give up ;)

I find it simply amazing that one cannot have a discussion without it denigrating into a name calling biotch fest.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

if you believe this, then why does Sarah's comment upset you?

the comment above was in regards to her mother picking someone younger, and given that, there is no need for a person need to make comments about who a person chooses.

you're hardly one to not take offense about things, lisa. it seems you've taken offense with just about everyone on this board at one time or another, including me. one day we hear you remark negatively about the snowflakes, gumdrops and unicorn brigade and now i'm hearing i should not be offended when someone makes a comment which directly includes my relationship with nessa as being "gross" and 'abnormal" due to her and my age difference. i'm certain that such a remark, if floated in certain regional rooms, would generate an uproar.

Im asking you why you're offended when you have clearly stated that your happiness depends soley on you and Nessa and is not motivated by pleasing others....therefore others' opinions, following YOUR train of thought, shouldn't matter.

Maybe everyone on this board has taken offense to me, but deffo not the other way round. I don't see how you're recreating history, Charles. Yes, it's true that I was offended by your Christ crucifixion smiley, and I asked you to remove it....I didn't go on a board and say how nothing matters but what I think, then take offense in the same post.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 11:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

Possibly it hurts someone who is more sensitive than others of us.

I'm not addressing everyone with what I'm talking to Charles about. But I can't understand how people straddle both sides

for example:

x: you're young and inexperienced (alluding to the fact that her opinion isn't valid)
x again: you've offended me with your opinion!!!

scenario #2:

X: I am in a relationship for myself and our happiness and couldn't care less about pleasing you
X again: your opinion of my relationship offends me!

These two scenarios straddle both sides of the argument...either her opinion is meaningless or it's valid, but it can't be both.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 11:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

I think this is the first time EVER I've agreed with Charles. :unsure:

Aww TY Jenn :thumbs: I'm all warm inside from your love ;)

But Charles...again, I am not bickering with you. Why can't you see that? I think you're being a bit beligerant here because you have nothing else to say.

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

if you believe this, then why does Sarah's comment upset you?

I think this is the first time EVER I've agreed with Charles. :unsure:

It's impossible not to agree with him on this one-he is arguing both sides of the arguement.
Plus he said Lisa was right. He is correct.

No, it's just some people like to tell others how they should/shouldn't feel about things. I.e. You shouldn't be offended by something someone says on a msg board because if you are you're just a big loser.

Charles is the one who said what I quoted about making yourself happy and not worrying about others....if he truly believes this, then where is the issue???

Whatever, I'm so tired of the same old same old. LisaD is right my ###.

Careful, you might upset me :cry:

Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

Exactly Charles, so stop worrying about Sarah's comments as they have nothing to do with yours and Nessa's happiness.

i'll be sure to point out this post of yours to steven ;)

What's that supposed to mean? I ask this because I'm curious, and it has no tone.

YOU said the bit I put in red, so if you truly believe that, there's no issue here what Sarah thinks.

i'm really not interested in fighting with you lisa, so i'll just let this pass by. you're right, as always.

Charles, who's fighting? It's not a 'right/wrong' pishing contest. I made a comment and asked a question...and would love for you to answer it.

What did you mean by you pointing this out to Steven, and how is that relevant?

As far as Sarah's comment, I just was merely pointing out your very wise words which should completely negate any feelings of being offended. Or am I missing something here?

And (((hugs))) to Caroline :)

Edited by LisaD, 01 November 2006 - 11:05 AM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 11:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

That's a big ME TOO!! out to Lisa.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Why do people feel the need to be validated by everyone?

It's not a matter of validation. It's a matter of being able to come here for help and comraderie and not be disresepcted merely for loving unconventionally a board full of other unconventional lovers.

She has a right to an opinion, as do you. So she was blunt, get over it.

If this is the worst 'offense' you have to take in life, then you are one lucky woman.

Yanno, just as you were saying about being PC and how things are taken re: the ghetto're using the other side to the argument for the 'age' issue. Either you want to walk on eggshells around others, or you don't.

The bottom line is, we're all not at a dinner in front of each other....real friends wouldn't divulge as much personal info to each other :lol: :lol: And since Sarah is so 'young and inexperienced', why does it matter what she thinks?
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

I know that my two cents does not matter much and I have to say that I am very reluctant to post on here. But I think it all boils down to respect. Sometimes people assume things and they attack and it is neither necessary nor fair to the individual. We all come here to learn and find some comfort, you know someone that is going through the same that you are. I for one have made very good friends on this board and a lot of the women that are a part of it do not post because they feel like they will be attacked. IF everyone says something is not right, then everyone can not possibly be lying or making things up. After my experience on this board I have learned that only the women how had been in my position understood what was going on. (Which is so nice, thanks Kiyah/CHI!!!!!) It would be nice if we could have some of the information that they provide on here because it could help everyone not just those that get denied.

I for one did not appreciate being called a liar and a fraud. And I think that people try to find all kinds of things. Like someone read my profile- I posted my story, I posted the truth and then someone attacked it. Top of this the people act like I printed out my VJ profile and sent it in. And someone said that I did not understand the visa process; I mean who did before they came to this board? I sat at work and cried for hours after receiving this news and then I notice that when I got a chance to get myself together, I come to the board to share the information and people had said all these things, like why is she not answering the questions etc? Maybe because I have a job???? Why was she asking about this, you said you would get denied a lot, and then people wrote out a whole line about my relationship like they knew the reason why I were where returned. This was funny because they where wrong the only difference me and my fiancé had was that I am black and he is a white looking Arab and the language busy that someone mention. I am not sure how it was but we do both speak English and French but most communication in is French because I am studying it and I want to get better at it. I am currently going to school for French and Arab and my mother is from Louisiana and they speak Creole a dialect of French. (this must have bothered me because I am still talking about it.) If you see some of my writing you will see what I am saying and I asked someone about this and they assumed that I did not know anything. This was too much and I decided not to reply to people. And one more thing someone told me that I missed spelled some words, well I could not see straight my eyes were watery and I did not know I was being “graded” on my writing. I think what I am trying to say is that sometimes we all need to considerate and respect each other because if we where all in a room together I think some of us would have assault charges.

I am not trying to start anything, I just wanted to get something off of my chest and I do believe this board can be addictive. I have stayed away because the issues that I have are not being address here. However, the forum about bored was good and I enjoyed reading some of the suggestions that you guys gave. I am going to Morocco in about three weeks and if anyone needs a favor let me.

Private, I don't understand the need right now to vent on another issue, but I'll give you my .02

You came on here saying how you felt you were going to be denied. You also said many things that would raise red flags in an interview....IE '90 days to get to know them and decide' or something to that effect. Something like that, if repeated by your fiance would almost surely result in a denial as that is not what the parameters of a K1 are for.

It's not a white/black thing.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 10:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

Exactly Charles, so stop worrying about Sarah's comments as they have nothing to do with yours and Nessa's happiness.

i'll be sure to point out this post of yours to steven ;)

What's that supposed to mean? I ask this because I'm curious, and it has no tone.

YOU said the bit I put in red, so if you truly believe that, there's no issue here what Sarah thinks.
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 10:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

Nope, and thats my opinion. Fun is for the young and beautiful only. ;)

You forgot thin ;)
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 10:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

i don't believe anyone here makes the choice in a SO to please someone else, do they? it's to make themself happy and certainly not you.

Exactly Charles, so stop worrying about Sarah's comments as they have nothing to do with yours and Nessa's happiness.

That picture is just gross!

I'm offended for the person! Surely heavyset people have a right to have fun?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 09:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING

LOL it is funny to see that I was being blamed for all the bickering before, and i dont even come to VJ much anymore and the same ones are still pissing people off. The proof was in the pudding... I wasnt the troublemaker :thumbs:
Sara, you are always saying whatever you want whether it is rude or not. If the woman is older than the man so what? It's thier life. Why dont you try living your own. Dont you have a new job or something to keep you busy?

Why are you stirring more irrelevant sh!t?

Why is what Sarah said offensive to YOU and YOUR relationship?
She CLEARLY said that FOR HER it was gross or whatever......That's her choice and opinion.
Does she have to have the same ideals or requirements in a partner to conform here? Can she (or anyone) not have an opinion on their own preferences in a partner? But yet that's exactly what you say later in your post-she and everyone CAN! You said up there about " mom's choice" not hers, it works both ways. FOR her in HER LIFE she chooses not to like that.
I PERSONALLY say " go anyone" not just " go grandpa" or " go mom". If anyone can manage to find happiness with a person, and maintain a relationship who the heck cares what Sarah or anyone thinks???
She is allowed an opinion on what she wants FOR HER.
I am curious as to why you would be offended that she thinks something is gross? What affect does that have on you or your relationship? At the end of the day, really who gives a flying frog what anyone thinks of our relationships?

would you be so kind were someone to remark about something that might apply to your relationship? i think not :no:

Why do people feel the need to be validated by everyone?
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 09:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFornicator
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-01 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

I didn't make the comment about this being America and to speak english, YOU DID. If you are so stuck on that idea then take your own advice and dress, act, speak like an Ameican.

I only made that comment as toungue in cheek because you were being so pleasant to me.

and just incase anyone was wondering, disagreeing with VP is a violation of TOS. :lol:

those words you're putting in my mouth taste rank.

Posted Image
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-06 23:14:00
CanadaDreaded MIL visit..

Gawd - I feel your pain, though I can't imagine how bad it'd be to have her visit for THAT long - damn!!!

I always tolerated my MIL, even after her first visit here after hubby had emigrated. I was ready to strangle her at times, but she didn't tell us how to live our lives or whatever, so I grinned and bore it for two weeks.

This last visit, however - 6 weeks after we had our daughter - was a game changer. She basically told us that EVERYthing we did with our daughter was wrong - from rocking her to sleep to her getting the hiccups a lot (like we can control that!!). She and hubby had a SCREAMING match the second night of her visit about all her negativity and nagging. He told her to shut up about it and start being HELPFUL, or get on the next flight home. She didn't really say much after that, but I guess she thought we couldn't see the looks on her face, or hear her sighs when she disapproved (which was all the time). I have no desire to ever speak to her again on a meaningful level. I will always be kind and civil, but that's as far as I can go. Hubby actually told me he doesn't know how I could ever stand to speak to her again after how she acted, so he does understand. But I will always try to be the bigger person for his sake. He doesn't deserve to see us fighting like cats and dogs, so I'll keep my head about me at all times going forward. If she does visit again, I will dread every second of it, but will rise above it for hubby. Maybe I'll just have to work a lot. :P

I know people (Lisa included!) who love their MILs and have really close relationships with them. I have to say I'm kind of sad that I don't have that kind of relationship with mine. I would love to. :(

What a stressful time for you that baby AND crazy MIL. :( Thank God she's an ocean away :lol:

But I am very thankful for my MIL now. She makes my heart happy...I can call her up at anytime and just shoot the sh!t with her, and vice versa. I'm not at all trying to brag, or rub salt in any wounds...I am actually just in disbelief that they are so awesome and I am this lucky. I know how you feel, Tracy - but I loathed my MIL with all my heart, and her treatment of me wasn't just some bossy boots I-know_better, but it was more like a 'I don't like you, and I'm going to make your life a misery, I'm going to interpret every single good thing you do for me as a personal insult and I'm going to tell everyone about it too' It was such a source of pain for me, because all I wanted was a happy existence with my family. When the light of my life - my beloved grandmother - passed away quite surprisingly, my MIL didn't even call me...She lived 2 or 3 minutes from my house, and didn't stop by, no phone call, nothing to say 'I'm so sorry you're going through this'. Sure, we had gotten into the argument previously, but when someone suffers a loss like that, you should put all pettiness aside.

That was in July, in December I was pretty much falling apart with grief over my grandmother still. She was an active participant in my life, and I regard her more as another mother than just some grandma you see once a year. Anyways, It was coming up to the first Christmas without parents and I were just devastated. My parents' friends had invited all four of us up to Orlando for Christmas. My mom politely declined...but I said 'no, you have to go..and you have to go without me' My mom was like 'absolutely not, we need to be with each other'. I told her they had to leave, because I had to know where my marriage stood.

My husband, beginning of December, was like 'what's the deal for Christmas?' I knew if my parents were in town, he would have happily just deposited me there and gone to his family for a few hours. I wanted the normalcy of a husband and wife sharing the hols together. So I told him my parents were going out of town, thus rendering me plan-less. He was like 'my parents invited me for dinner' and I was like 'I'm not going there'...he responded 'oh that's ok, you weren't invited fact, my mom specifically told me that you weren't welcome' :blink:

Anyways, I told him to go where he felt he belonged, and him being the child that always strived for their attn, went to his parents' for Christmas Eve. To an Italian, Christmas Eve is almost the bigger of the two days. I came home from work CE and stood with my key in the door praying that he would be there. I opened the door and the house was empty and dark. I literally walked in and called my lawyer. I put on a happy voice for my mom on the phone, cos she was already going thru her trauma of losing her mother, so I was all happy and said 'oh I'm eating at Jill's (my bff)...but I didn't. I didn't tell any of my friends, because I was too ashamed. Then I went to church alone, and literally drove around for hours in the dark, listening to Christmas music on the radio and crying my eyes out.

Of course, afterwards, he was all apologetic, he made the wrong choice, blah blah blah...but at the end of the day, you leave your wife, who's at this point just growing back her hair from brain surgery, still walking with a cane, one who just lost one of the most important people in her life, who had never spent a holiday away from family, and you leave her alone? And your mother specifically says 'she's not welcome' and you don't tell her to gfh? :no:

He supposedly learned his lesson. I don't really blame him cos he had a good heart, he was just very conflicted with needing acceptance from family. But I cannot believe a mother would put her son in that position, or even be so cruel to anyone, let alone a DIL. My ex had a hard time accepting the divorce, and fought it for a year and a half, wanted counseling, he'd come by my house and cry and literally sleep on my porch begging me to let him in, etc. All I said to him was 'you cannot teach a man that his place is with his wife' And I've never looked back since.

I really should send his parents a Christmas card and tell them what an awesomely profound effect they had in my life, and how their heartlessness prompted me to find the happiness I truly wanted. When I went to meet them for the first time, they sent me a plane ticket to come share 2 weeks at their house for Christmas. I was fully prepared that if they were maniacs, I was gonna buy my own ticket home and leave, quite possibly dumping my then boyfriend if he even showed one inkling of being meek. But it was awesome! After they met me, his mother offered my now husband her engagement ring! What an honor!!! I pinch myself to think of the wonderful family I have married into, and calling his mother on the phone just to say hi, or when she writes an email and signs it 'I love you, love mom' or when she's on the phone with my husband and says 'give Lisa a kiss and a hug for me', I just am so thankful I wanna cry.

My problem though was not just a horrible manson like MIL, but it was a meek and timid husband who didn't have the balls to stand up for me. I'm not trying to suggest that any of your marriages are doomed, mine was because of my ex and his lameness in standing up for me, the mother? we could have moved away from her :lol:

/overshare ;) Sorry for the long post and the overshare :blush:

Edited by Lisa C, 10 December 2010 - 02:23 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02010-12-10 14:21:00