K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
Just found this...don't know how much of it is correct, but it certainly is hopeful! I had to laugh that the first link in that thread was to here, but check out the last post in the thread on page 3.

Have a Looksie
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLength of Relationship???

Strict qualification apply to the K-1 Fiancé Visa. Both parties must be single, over the legal age, and have an intend to get married. The applicant must have met the fiancé(e) in person within the last two years, unless the applicant's religion opposes or there is a medical condition. Any children under the age of 21 may also qualify for K-1 visa as accompany relatives. They, too, will be able to apply for green cards afterwards.

Anita CocktailMale02006-02-07 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to Submit!

Well guys and gals... time to drop the hammer on this bad boy and send in our K-1 application.

I just took 4 hours putting it all together. I have yet to put the pictures in baggies and such but for the greater part.. it is done.

Any last words of advice for final assembly? I have read assembly instructions a hundred times but now that D-Day is here.. well.. I am a little spooked to hit the beach! hehe

I am going to use heavy duty paperclips for this mountain of paperwork unless someone else suggests otherwise.

Thanks for the advice and wish us luck!

Randy & Olya

You're ahead of me in the filing, so unfortunately I do not have any words of advice....but CONGRATS! and best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLack of english a problem at interview?

I don't know for sure, but in their minds, and in mosts minds, I suppose they see communication as a vital part of a marriage. They'll look to see if you two can communicate, because if you can't, they might question your relationship...

I don't know for sure, but if I worked in immigration that would be my idea.

I was thinking the very same thing...

But I have this neighbor who has been married for like 50 years...seriously, no kidding...he doesn't speak spanish, and she speaks no english. Hah, maybe that's the secret to a long marriage :lol: :lol: :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-07 00:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaDiffusing the Threat from within

If all Arabs were like JP, the world would be a much better place.

As for all racism being unacceptable -- there was a discussion a while back about
"reverse racism" and someone argued quite convincingly that black on white racism
was acceptable because blacks aren't in the positions of power where their racism
can actually have as strong an impact (if any) on that group as a whole, even if it
was anywhere near as widespread a problem.

that's exactly right, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Minority groups can engage in stereotyping and prejudice, but racism is believing one's race is superior to another, and believing you have the right to dominate the race(s) you deem inferior. A race of people who do not have power to dominate another, cannot be racist.

Agreed, peezey... about the fact that it's not reverse, sideways, or's just plain ol racism. ;) But I disagree because minorities CAN be racist afaic

Oh, and to add my is anyone's right in a America to be a racist...I've seen that thrown around here...and yes, it is a right....doesn't MAKE it right, but you get my drift.

And lastly...

Why are you calling yourself Leila and wear traditional arab clothing? Your in America hun ;) :star:

Best.comeback.ever. :lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbs:

Edited by LisaD, 06 November 2006 - 09:11 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-11-06 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab
[quote name='wife_of_mahmoud' post='552043' date='Nov 7 2006, 08:52 AM']To LisaD and sarah and hicham:

I will comment where and when I choose. Some people have the time and inclination to get up into every single thread; even to carry what I consider rather high schoolish grudges here and there. :wacko: However, I don't.[/quote]

Just as I will comment where and when I choose...we can go back and forth on this all day you know. Classic message board bog standard argument. However, telling others how and what to post seems kinda silly since you feel you have that right, but then want to infringe on the same rights of others....especially when the comments and questions were genuine. Yet you come in here telling people what to post.....

'Do as I say not as I do' with you, innit?

[quote]If I don't comment on most of the tens of thousands of posts here, rest assured -- it's because a lot of topics don't really interest me enough to warrant a response, even if I had the time and inclination to read them all. The argument "why don't you comment over on that thread" is quite beside the point, and seems to be an attempt to deflect possible criticism here.[/quote]

This has nothing to do with anything....I don't know why you're going off on a tangent here about other posts. If you're referring to my comment about VP and calling the 7th grader a #######, then you missed the point altogether.

[quote]If you've paid attention, you would know that I've had my disagreements with VP. There have also been times when I've agreed with her. Much like any other person here -- you both included.[/quote]

I do not pay particular attn with whom you disagree and with whom you don't. Nor do I keep a scorecard for you. Despite what you may think, it doesn't matter to me! I really couldn't care less personally...but no one here was being out of line nor was anyone starting a bickering contest...funnily enough, until you showed up casting aspersions on people for asking questions...with your finger-pointing judgements.

[quote]I have no interest in playing a VJ version of "Heathers."[/quote]

Ok, you can play the VJ Board Mommy then...sit on your throne telling the rest of us what to do :rolleyes:

[quote]By the way, mybackpages is no bandwagonist, either -- and if you think so, you are quite mistaken.[/quote]

Saw her on the thread a few times before you showed up. Didn't say anything but 'yeah right' after you posted, which I thought was funny. Hence my comment. But let's not get anyone's panties in a bunch.

[quote]Both of you seem to have leaped to the assumption that my post was directed specifically at you. But now that you mention it, perhaps you are recognizing something in yourselves.[/quote]

Oh so now you're playing amateur shrink as well as know-it-all? omG how funny! Perhaps a lil reading comprehension class would help, for you missed the 'if you're referring to me' response at the beginning of my initial response to you. I am not going to let you sit here and cast a blanket statement on all of us who are asking questions, because you're apparantly too backhanded to actually be upfront and say 'PERSON X I THINK YOUR POST IS...', you'd rather assert yourself in such a cowardly way as to not be direct, yet then be slimy enough to respond with 'oh maybe you're recognizing something in yourselves'. WOM, it's not cute, it's not clever, it's not's actually quite pathetic & I'm quite embarrassed for you. So go look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're not as important as you think you are. Lather, rinse, and repeat until you come back down to earth.

[quote]As they say.... "Fling stone inna hog pen... di one bawl out a him it a lick."[/quote]

I don't speak farmer lingo...sorry! :lol:

[quote name='mybackpages' post='552053' date='Nov 7 2006, 09:00 AM'][quote name='wife_of_mahmoud' post='552043' date='Nov 7 2006, 07:52 AM'] By the way, mybackpages is no bandwagonist, either -- and if you think so, you are quite mistaken.[/quote]
:lol: I guess i am not very good at the VJ game of insults because I didn't even catch LisaD's comment.

Of course I place more value on some posts than others. :whistle:

Irony, love it!!!
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-07 15:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

It's ok to be curious and ask questions, and VP has really been quite patient and gracious about answering them. But I have to say that some of the comments here are really crossing the line from "innocent questions" into ridicule and personal attacks.

I am saddened (yet not surprised) to see that some of the unkindest remarks are coming from other women -- women who would likely characterize themselves as "liberated," yet for some reason feel the need to publicly snipe at another woman's choice of attire.


Right on target! :thumbs:

Yeah, lemme jump on this bandwagon too!

Hey, WOM, before you start lecturing everyone for judging VP on what she wears. for mocking her/etc...perhaps give VP the same lecture when she's callin 7th graders sluts and whatnot :thumbs:

ok, nite nite now!
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-07 01:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

What VP chooses to wear, and when and where to wear it -- whether or not another finds it to his or her own liking -- is her choice, her right, and her business.

It's ok to be curious and ask questions, and VP has really been quite patient and gracious about answering them. But I have to say that some of the comments here are really crossing the line from "innocent questions" into ridicule and personal attacks.

I am saddened (yet not surprised) to see that some of the unkindest remarks are coming from other women -- women who would likely characterize themselves as "liberated," yet for some reason feel the need to publicly snipe at another woman's choice of attire.


If you're referring to me, your comments are out of line as I am genuinely curious. Jeez, gone are the days when one can ask a question without someone reading into things. No one here ever said it wasn't her right to wear what she wants..
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-07 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

Here is someone else that understands the importance in veiling to deflect "unwanted attention".
Came up with the same solution also...... :thumbs:
Posted Image
I think Lisa asked " if you only veil every now and then, why veil at all?" I am interested. Really. :yes: It's fascinating and I would like a better understanding. I always thought it was a religious gesture to veil. Like a full time commitment.
Thanks :star: :star:

Yeah, I am really curious as to the answer to that!

I'm asking like if you were veiled, how would they actually know it's you? What if you and I are the same height and I put a veil similar to yours on...could I go pick up your kids and the teachers would be none the wiser?

and that!

oh, and one of Jacko's kids is wearing hot pink too ;)
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-06 22:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

My kids school knows it's me when I come to pick my kids up whether I'm veiled or not.
I don't wear the face veil most times and not to work. I do, however, wear pretty traditional Arab-style abayas and headscarves to work and no one seems to mind. I actually get compliments on many of the things I got in Egypt because they're so beautiful. :D

I'm asking like if you were veiled, how would they actually know it's you? What if you and I are the same height and I put a veil similar to yours on...could I go pick up your kids and the teachers would be none the wiser?

And if you veil sometimes and not others, what is the significance of the veil?

Please don't infer a tone, I'm very interested!

VP- Great colour pink!
I have a genuine question-
If your husband takes you out to eat, can you uncover then?

I don't think she was asking you if your husband lets you unveil. I think she was asking that if you do wear it out, and you go to a restaurant do you just take it off to eat or what do you do?

You're right, Sarah...she wasn't asking the 'let' thing she was asking the logistics of the veil with eating.

Edited by LisaD, 05 November 2006 - 05:52 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-11-05 17:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab
I too have a genuine question or two...can you go to work/the bank like that? And if you pick your kids up from school, do they make you unveil before letting the kids go?
Anita CocktailMale02006-11-04 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

water helps ppl lose weight, not gain.

where does she say she has him drink water?

Ooops, my bad...i misread 'whatever' for 'water'. :lol: so maybe it's a glass of chicken fat, instead :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-12-03 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

Is he micromanaging your weight and food intake the same way you are micromanaging his weight and food intake?

Why are you wanting to fatten him?

Excellent questions Shele!

I can feel my arteries closing just having this discussion :P

I asked Hicham what he would think if I tried to make him fat with cholesterol and lard and he wasn't really delighted about that idea. He said no more mayo on his sandwiches. Also, he's on a diet now.

D would be hella pizzed if he was making the effort to stay healthy by going to the gym and I was sabotaging his health with all that #######.
Anita CocktailMale02006-12-03 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

Is he micromanaging your weight and food intake the same way you are micromanaging his weight and food intake?

Why are you wanting to fatten him?

Excellent questions Shele!

I can feel my arteries closing just having this discussion :P
Anita CocktailMale02006-12-02 14:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

I had that worry when Rachid came that he would loose weight, but I have some tricks that I use and he has gained over 20 ibs.
*I make a big class of whatever and just take a little drink and say "oh im done you have the rest" and he drinks it all
*I always put way extra cheese on whatever he is going to eat
*extra mayo on his sandwiches
*I get him cookies and I'll take just half of one and give him the rest
oh and saturdays when I have the morning off I make the biggest breakfast .. if I eat slow he keeps eating if I get up from the table he will get up too... so I eat slow... :D

water helps ppl lose weight, not gain. And if your husband wanted to gain weight, there are healthier ways, such as weight gain protein shakes.....mayo and cookies and whatnot is an awful way to gain weight. Why not make him drink melted butter? :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-12-02 14:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoodbye

This list is used as a vehicle for playing the martyr

'I know what I say will put me on the list' 'I know I'm on the list, but I'll be brave and spit in the face of strife as to speak my mind! Go me!!'

Oh mannnnnnn I gotta get a pic for this. ** off to rummage around **

GO MEEEE !!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

OK how about this one ? :innocent:

Posted Image

LOL I know.... I know.... "Is THAT the best you can do in a quick turnaround?!?!" :bonk:

hah good one

how bout this one?

Posted Image
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-14 15:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoodbye

Will someone please post this "list" that keeps being mentioned ?? I am totally out of the loop on this and I'm starting to feel like there's something I'm not being told. :angry:


Hold up.

Wait a minute.

Am I on the list too ??????


This list is used as a vehicle for playing the martyr

'I know what I say will put me on the list' 'I know I'm on the list, but I'll be brave and spit in the face of strife as to speak my mind! Go me!!'
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-14 14:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoodbye
I'm going to choose my words very carefully here, so I hope everyone here can appreciate the fact that I'm not trying to offend anyone...BUT...I think threads like this perpetrate the same drama they are complaining about. And everyone comes in and picks a line in the sand so others can feel free to complain very passive aggressively with sweeping generalizations. I don't think it's right.

We are all adults here...why can't things be sorted out in a rational, reasonable manner? Do any of you ever wonder why there's so much drama and personal upset in this forum? I'd dare say its substantially larger here than any other place on VJ. From a non MENA perspective, it seems like it's a constant pizzing contest in here over who knows what, who's more qualified to speak about things, people who are 2 seconds from getting deeply offended, etc. It's ironic that this forum is indicative of what's actually going on in the MENA region (of course to a lesser degree, but you know what I mean).

Take it fwiw, and I'm sure someone will come tell me why I'm wrong, why I offended someone, or why I'm not 'qualified' to speak. But at the end of the day, we're all adults maybe find some common ground, or figure out a way that so-and-so doesn't get a rise out of you. We all at this site share a bond, and you women in here have a deeper one. No one knows what it's like to be you, but another MENA woman would most prolly have the closest idea. So you can use this resource of being on common ground, and use it for your benefit, or you can continue this ridiculous pizzing match that is used for fodder and amusement to everyone here.
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-14 12:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoodbye


Hope you stay, and the PMS are childish as you said. THis group can have so much to offer to others that need the help, me included, but we (or I) already know how to fight and argue. I don't see any other group being made fun of so much as this one, I liked Maggie and I think those of you responsible for her words will see yourselves, but then again you probably wont.

And just the other day I thought you were an advocate for "two sides to every story".

Anita CocktailMale02007-01-14 00:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Posted Image

For someone who thinks my posts aren't worth responding to, you certainly are spending quite a bit of time showing yourself up like acting like a petulant child. If you truly thought I was a troll, you wouldn't respond at what you're doing looks to me like an attempt to deflect from the real issue here.

Call me troll all you want...I have put forth my opinion can either discuss it or ignore it. Instead you prove incapable of carrying yourself with the grace & dignity of theeducated & mature woman that you claim to be....and I find that quite sad. In a ha-ha sort of way though too

Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO


Lol, and you're how old? :blink:
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 19:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO


There you go again responding to me. I thought you weren't going to?

Meanwhile, I have very clearly laid out my POV. You wanna dismiss it as trollish, that's fine...but throwing around labels like this just proves you have no intelligent response. So thank you for agreeing, or at the very least not being able to contradict anything of what I've said :star:

It's so funny how you always say you get maligned for putting forth your opinion, yet you malign others with ease!

Edited by LisaD, 08 January 2007 - 07:17 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Lisa, again I say, I know from experience that you are a troll and I will not respond to your posts. Nothing you say is worth responding to.

You just did. Duh
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 19:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

I agree as far as the children of immigrants. When D comes here, our kids will be part English. They will be able to qualify for a British passport if done so before a certain age. But we are not talking about first gen Americans here.

And no one's saying that you should deny your heritage...but it's heritage, and one must keep that in mind. As a 3rd gen American, I can categorically say that if USA and Italy went to war and each had a draft...the US would draft me, not Italy.

It's always special to keep to your roots and practice tradition and whatnot, but that doesn't mean one should deny their actual nationality by saying 'I AM AMERICAN'

But WOM made a perfect point....nationality has nothing to do with an opinion. It's not more valid cos your forefathers were born a certain place.

Lisa, the only person for whom you can decide that they leave their heritage at the door is you.

As far as WOM goes, she was trying to make the point that her HUSBAND'S nationality validated her opinion. That contradicts what you said was her point.

Now, perhaps you have your finger on the pulse of what the English or Italians wish to do when they immigrate here, but your family came voluntarily, mine did not. When we get the chance, and insha'allah, that day will come, I will appear with my great-grandfather's property deed to claim what is rightfully ours. If you have nothing you want in Italy, that is your situation. I am Palestinian, JP is Jordanian. That is as much of a part of our identity as WE choose for it to be, not you and those who feel as you do. That is fine for YOU.

How can you pretend to know WHY my family came here? I mean we're playing semantics now, cos even if everyone came to this country for a better life/the opportunities etc...does that mean it's completely voluntary? There are tons of immigrants who came here cos they were starving in their own land, and the only chance at having the means to feed your family was to emigrate. Does that mean it was all 'hey let's give up our homeland! won't it be fun!'

So the distinction of WHY ppl come here is moot..the fact is we're here. You, your parents, grandparents are American. Whether you 'identify' with that or not is another story, but technically you're a born and bred American.

WOM's hubby is doing the 'more Palestinian than thou' olympics because of YOUR comments.

I AM Palestinian, as is my family; I'm not just married to one.

what's that gotta do with holding an opinion?

The fact is, marrying a Palestinian doesn't make you an expert on Palestinians. I have family too, but I'm not going to go into some pissing contest with your pride to prove who is more Palestinian than whom.

I would win, I assure you. I am not Palestinian by injection, and I wouldn't be less Palestinian by divorce.

So you'd win the game you don't even wanna play even though you started the qualifications anyways, and you just have to let that be known. As far as your condescending 'Palestinian by injection' comment, well that's just so declasse & disgraceful that I almost am suprised you said it. Almost

, but I'll be damned if I will stay put for someone to slam me and my heritage because, without knowing much about me, they assume they're more Palestinian than I am because of their marriage, so their opinion has more weight than others.

Yet your opinion holds more cos your great-great-grandad was born there? Why not just discuss whatever issue you want without having to qualify yourself as the expert? You started this thread making comments that WOM showed you as being untrue - you even admitted it - and yet you still bash her for not having a valid opin cos she's not Palestinian. No one's slamming you for your opinion, even though that's a common cry in many of your threads. But to hold your opinion as more qualified/better/etc than everyone else's is really quite silly, WOM's whole post was 'wait a minute, this is where my husband is from, his experience is this..' yet she's criticized for relaying the info cos she's not Palestinian.

I'm gonna stop the quote wars now cos I'm bored with it, but at the end of the day, I have learned quite a bit about the UK in the past 7 years...some from living there, some from just talking to David about his experiences, etc. I have successfully argued British politics to the point where ppl in the pub were clapping. I think every one of us has a love and interest in the country where our SO came from. To diminish that experience and knowledge as 'not enough' is very short sighted imo.

At the same time, her husband's opinions are quite valid because he was relaying his own personal experience was telling a different story than what the 'I am Palestinian hear me roar!' poster was saying. There's an old saying 'you can't teach a granny to suck eggs'. Cos you're sat here trying to say you know Palestine better than him! hahahah However, I will speculate that had you not started this 'more Palestinain' game, it never would have been brought up. And now you don't like it, even though you started this whole thing.

Edited by LisaD, 08 January 2007 - 06:51 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 18:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....


then how did they get here if they didn't come from there?

Who said I was FROM Palestine anyway? My great grandfather and grandfather were. I said I'm Palestinian, and I am. Keep your voluntary immigrant stories out of this. We didn't leave voluntarily, we were pushed out. There's a difference. Think of it as if China finally gave up Tibet so the Dali Lama could go home. Much more like that than Europeans escaping Europe on their own. Lots of you went to Palestine, btw.

You are no more Palestinian than I am Greman.... My Great Grandfather was driven out of Gremany so dont start your ###### on me... you are american of palestinian desent... that is all nothing more...

And as far as I am aware there is nothing stopping you moving to Palestine at this time if you feel so close to that culture.... then you will be an American in Palestine... wont that be fun.


There was a debate/discussion on this in off topic awhile ago. Many Americans, including myself, want to know where our families originated from. And it is important to us. Just because I was born in America does not mean I should be ignorant of my family's heritage. I am many different nationalities combined, while being a USC born in the US. It seemed in the discussion in off topic that British people seemed to have the most annoyance with us Americans who like to say what nationalities we are. Well that's just how some of us are, and you can't tell us we aren't allowed to say, for instance..I'm Italian, Czech, Ukranian, Scottish, English, etc yes I am a lot of things. lol.

My future children will be half Indian. Just because they are going to be born in the US are they supposed to pretend they aren't Indian since they weren't born there? No. So you can argue your side as much as you want, many of us Americans will not ignore our ancestry. America is a newer country, we all came from somewhere (unless you are 100% native american) and it's important to know where.

ETA: Of course I am no expert of any of the nationalities that I am, because it's all so mixed and some info is lost to the past.

I agree as far as the children of immigrants. When D comes here, our kids will be part English. They will be able to qualify for a British passport if done so before a certain age. But we are not talking about first gen Americans here.

And no one's saying that you should deny your heritage...but it's heritage, and one must keep that in mind. As a 3rd gen American, I can categorically say that if USA and Italy went to war and each had a draft...the US would draft me, not Italy.

It's always special to keep to your roots and practice tradition and whatnot, but that doesn't mean one should deny their actual nationality by saying 'I AM AMERICAN'

But WOM made a perfect point....nationality has nothing to do with an opinion. It's not more valid cos your forefathers were born a certain place.
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 18:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Next, you initiate a very insulting "who's more Palestinian than who" game – a game which you subsequently have the nerve to blame me for starting. But it was actually you, with this remark:

I AM Palestinian, as is my family; I'm not just married to one. I don't need a lecture on how it is there or the atrocities that have and do go on or who gets along with whom. Why you think I do is not because of anything I actually said. I'm not interested in a "who's more offended by the Israeli government than who. No one has to agree here, but I would GREATLY appreciate it if emotion doesn't overtake reading comprehension, opening the door for negative assumptions.

When I responded that my husband and all his family ARE born-and-raised Palestinians, and that they agree with what I'd written about their attitudes about Jews and Israel, you became quite upset, and began to accuse me of starting some kind of “ranking” game. You can’t even admit that it was you yourself who started it, in an attempt to dismiss my responses. If it’s such a terrible argument to make, why in the world did you say it in the first place ?

I answered you that being of a certain heritage does not turn you into a person who lives in that country, and I used my own family to make a point. You either didn't get it at all, or consciously chose to be offended about things I never said or even insinuated.

Let me break it down more simply for you: one's heritage (just like one's marriage) does not turn one an "instant expert" in anything. Babies are not born knowing history and politics and culture. They have to learn it. But attaining this knowledge is not dependant on one’s ethnicity -- it's possible for anyone to be come an expert on any subject in the world. One does not need to be a 4th generation American-born Palestinian to have credible or even extensive knowledge of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And "not" being Palestinian oneself does not preclude one from attaining that knowledge. In fact, many experts on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are not Palestinian (or Israeli) at all.

It's really too bad that everyone seems to have skipped over your excellent post and completely missed the beginning of what prompted all of the current posts regarding nationality.

I am of Italian descent, for example. I would never claim to be an authority on Italian culture or poltics simply because of where my ancestors came from. And neither would I try to discount someone else's well-informed opinion on Italy simply because they were not of Italian descent.


:yes: :yes:
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 18:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Well, one difference between you and I is that I wouldn't be a transplant. My great-grandfather came here after losing his home to Israel. He brought his children with him. None of us have stayed away, so I'm not only about practice, cooking and looking. Like I said before, Europeans and Arabs, not interchangable. You talk about leaving your past, we talk about not leaving it.

I am American, just as you are.

The reasons for emigrating here are superfluous....and if you want to say you're a Palestinian before you're an American, that would technically be incorrect. And I think that was the initial point of WOM and her hubby...

And if you don't consider yourself an American, perhaps your immigration process is going the wrong way :star:
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 13:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

If anyone wants to know what my husband said, he is ready to translate it, but he didn't want to shame you in front of everyone.


Yeah arguing in another language is not right can anyone know if the TOS is being violated if the words are made secretive by being typed entirely in a language most people on here cannot read or understand. I have no problem with people writing in their native tongue, but a translation should always follow. And if it is something that "shames" someone, it could be a violation of the TOS.

What was said is a violation of the TOS, that's why it was said in Arabic. I offered to take it private, but no takers. I'm not going to be rude and talk in another language here when few understand. There's not even a point in that.

If anyone wants to know what my husband said, he is ready to translate it, but he didn't want to shame you in front of everyone.


Yeah arguing in another language is not right can anyone know if the TOS is being violated if the words are made secretive by being typed entirely in a language most people on here cannot read or understand. I have no problem with people writing in their native tongue, but a translation should always follow. And if it is something that "shames" someone, it could be a violation of the TOS.

I think the Arabic was typed to prove a point as far as 'who's more Palestinian', but that's just my take on it.

I do think WOM's analogy about being French was very relevant. omG, did I just agree with WOM? :o :lol:

You're right about the Arabic, wrong about the French. Unlike Europeans, Arabs don't cut their ties. Palestinians will always be Palestinian, and we don't stray far from our roots.

Mahmoud doesn't know me from Adam, so he has nothing to go by about my heritage but the comment that offended he and WOM. Some things about me simply aren't known because I don't discuss them publically, so there is no objective way to measure my relationship to Palestine through my own experience or thru my family ties. I'm 4th generation on only one side.

The custom of shaming was mentioned before, but shaming doesn't work well on people you don't know and who don't know you. You got the opportunity to see someone try to shame another one, but that's not what you come here for.

Continue the discussion, if you want. I'm weary of all the fighting over nothing. Anyone desparate for a translation is free to PM me.

Have a great day, all!

I'm not going to fight with you, but if you're 4th generation American, you are American of Palestinian descent.

I am of Italian descent...I am 3rd generation American, Yet, I know and practice all the Italian traditions, I cook Italian, I look Italian, etc.

But I'm American. And if I got transplanted immediately to Italy, I'm sure there would be visible differences.

Your opinion on Palestine doesn't need to be quantified as 'more valid' because of ancestry.
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 12:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

If anyone wants to know what my husband said, he is ready to translate it, but he didn't want to shame you in front of everyone.


Yeah arguing in another language is not right can anyone know if the TOS is being violated if the words are made secretive by being typed entirely in a language most people on here cannot read or understand. I have no problem with people writing in their native tongue, but a translation should always follow. And if it is something that "shames" someone, it could be a violation of the TOS.

I think the Arabic was typed to prove a point as far as 'who's more Palestinian', but that's just my take on it.

I do think WOM's analogy about being French was very relevant. omG, did I just agree with WOM? :o :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaOK everybody GUESS WHAT????
Congrats, Stacey & best of luck on your new life together!

Edited by LisaD, 08 January 2007 - 12:50 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02007-01-08 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Official Happy 1st Anniversary Jenn & Wadi Thread
Happy Anni you two...all the best
Anita CocktailMale02007-01-19 20:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!
I think it's fu-fu-funny & should stay open as the official Thursday of every week thread ;)
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-25 15:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

I think it's hilarious how much she's spinning out of control with all these pics :lol:

Posted Image

WoM, you are killing me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ow my sides!
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-25 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!
I think it's hilarious how much she's spinning out of control with all these pics :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-25 10:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

Posted Image


Posted Image

So you're resorting to picture insults now? Better make sure you don't infringe anyone's copyright! :lol:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-24 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!
defensive doesn't suit you, hon.

Actually, on second thought....... :lol:

I think it's funny how you're actually getting so nasty about this! I was merely pointing out your error....if someone posts an EXTRA disclaimer like you have (ps & btw, the t&c here already claims our posts as our property) would think that same person would be more mindful of not ignoring someone else's...but then again, I suppose it sadly just shows what kind of person you are.

Oh, it's from a free since someone else did it first, then that's ok :lol: ohhhhhhhhhhkay

Don't shoot the messenger because you've been called out with your hypocrisy ;)

Anita CocktailMale02006-10-24 09:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!
*they* haven't made a point to try to claim copyright on what they say, while ignoring someone else's copyright, which was my point.

As for me stalking you? No that's not the case whatsoever. Can you stalk a pebble in one's shoe? I've made no bones about telling you that I was curious.....I DID find your disclaimer fascinating....and if you can look at all my posts which you so nicely have dug can see it's all trying to get a straight answer from you, of which I never did. It started out as an innocent 'by the by' question, but your aversion to answer amused me. Big whoop.

And as far as me a fave and google 'cheese doodle pic' look in 'images' and tell me what's the first pic you's hardly bragging (as if google's owt to brag about anyways, lol) it's just common sense.

You want to sit here and be all nasty at me for pointing something out, well that's fine for you, but saying it after I agreed to drop it is a cheap shot. You want to drop this in a respectful manner, that's fine...but calling me names after I agree to bite my tongue is only inviting a response from me. Or this thread can just live on in perpetuity.

Edited by LisaD, 21 October 2006 - 02:50 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-10-21 14:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

Why is it I see that some of the same people that don't believe anyone should be policing (did I spell that right?) posts are the ones actually doing it? :huh:

If by 'some people' you mean me...I'll tell ya why :D I was bored yesterday, I noticed pic she posted....was lightly razzin her about the 'is that you or is the pic copyrighted, and then I googled & saw that it was indeed copyrighted. I'm not tellin her what to post and what not to post....but I will say I couldn't help but point out the problem. I felt since she's all © ™, she would be the first one to respect someone else's...but guess not!


Yes, the whole © ™ amuses me to no end, and many times I'm like a dog with a bone...but it was fun to see someone who makes a public statement be so disrespectful of the same thing when it comes to other people. And if ya ever catch me in a similar all means, bring it to my attn!

Have a good day ladies...I have an appt to get to (F)

Nice you're amused Lisa, but perhaps you don't realize WHY some of us have chosen to use the disclaimer. There was a "circumstance which we are not allowed to mention" (per Ewok's instructions) that was not so pleasant for some of the members here. If you stood in those shoes you may not be so amused.

of course I remember that which shall not be mentioned....but if you're going to ask for certain respect, shouldn't you be willing to offer it in return?

I'm not being flippant here, I'm really curious.

How am I not offering respect?

Sorry, just waiting, I should have been more clear...I was generally referring to respecting the copyright.

Anyways, I'm bored with this now, so I'm really going to try to let this die now :thumbs:
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-20 19:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

Why is it I see that some of the same people that don't believe anyone should be policing (did I spell that right?) posts are the ones actually doing it? :huh:

If by 'some people' you mean me...I'll tell ya why :D I was bored yesterday, I noticed pic she posted....was lightly razzin her about the 'is that you or is the pic copyrighted, and then I googled & saw that it was indeed copyrighted. I'm not tellin her what to post and what not to post....but I will say I couldn't help but point out the problem. I felt since she's all © ™, she would be the first one to respect someone else's...but guess not!


Yes, the whole © ™ amuses me to no end, and many times I'm like a dog with a bone...but it was fun to see someone who makes a public statement be so disrespectful of the same thing when it comes to other people. And if ya ever catch me in a similar all means, bring it to my attn!

Have a good day ladies...I have an appt to get to (F)

Nice you're amused Lisa, but perhaps you don't realize WHY some of us have chosen to use the disclaimer. There was a "circumstance which we are not allowed to mention" (per Ewok's instructions) that was not so pleasant for some of the members here. If you stood in those shoes you may not be so amused.

of course I remember that which shall not be mentioned....but if you're going to ask for certain respect, shouldn't you be willing to offer it in return?

I'm not being flippant here, I'm really curious.
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-20 15:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTh Th Th Thursday!

Why is it I see that some of the same people that don't believe anyone should be policing (did I spell that right?) posts are the ones actually doing it? :huh:

If by 'some people' you mean me...I'll tell ya why :D I was bored yesterday, I noticed pic she posted....was lightly razzin her about the 'is that you or is the pic copyrighted, and then I googled & saw that it was indeed copyrighted. I'm not tellin her what to post and what not to post....but I will say I couldn't help but point out the problem. I felt since she's all © ™, she would be the first one to respect someone else's...but guess not!


Yes, the whole © ™ amuses me to no end, and many times I'm like a dog with a bone...but it was fun to see someone who makes a public statement be so disrespectful of the same thing when it comes to other people. And if ya ever catch me in a similar all means, bring it to my attn!

Have a good day ladies...I have an appt to get to (F)
Anita CocktailMale02006-10-20 13:21:00