Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
I don't know what the answer is, but I wanted to say I empathize with you working moms. It is so hard!

I didn't work most of last year when I was pregnant/had my son in Sept. This year, I started over VERY part time in a new company (self-employed realtor, btw). When I didn't work, I stayed home with the baby, and took care of the home. My husband was working, and I didn't think it was fair to him to not pull my own weight around the house. I was responsible for everything home related, and I was fine with that...because he was working all day, and I was home. So it was easy for me to take care of the home, and have it nice for him when he got back from work. I don't feel it was his responsibility to work a full day, then have to come home to have to start cleaning a mess, when I've been at home all day long.

Then I started to work, and it was hard finding a balance. But, we both worked together at the house. Granted, I am a bit cleaner than my hubby...there have been times when he would walk past something that I would have dealt with. And anytime that would happen, I would mention it to him. I don't like nagging, I don't like fighting...and I certainly don't like treating my husband like a child...he's a grown man, he's my partner. I'm not going to set up a pice of oak tag with a chart so that he can get a star for the day for doing what he should. I am not his mother, nor his maid, and he knows that. And as partners, I give 100%, and he knows I expect the same from him.

Especially when both parents work, you must be hell-organized in order to work at an optimum speed, lol. While it may seem that I'm a housewife at times because I can work from home...I'm not. I have a 1000 things to do in a day workwise (I'm back full time), so I cannot and will not do everything.

Coincidentally, when we were finding our new 'legs' wrt to division of labor, we wound up watching that show Hoarders, and it made him so sick, that he's been awesome ever since. Especially the episodes where the family has small children. It's an extreme example of how a horrible home can affect a child. Granted, hoarding doesn't equal slight disarray, but if you (the OP) stopped cleaning altogether, how would the house look if it was solely up to him?

I'm sure he wants what's best for your child, so perhaps watch an ep of Hoarders to get your point across?

One suggestion as to the toys: I have found that when Nick has his choice of any of all of his toys, he winds up not really showing an interest in any of them. So we have started cycling the toys. We have a box where all the toys go, and every few days, they get 'cycled'. So he feels like he has new toys, and totally shows different interest when they are re-introduced. It also lessens up on the clutter of having everything all over the place.

Good luck!

Edited by Anita Cocktail, 30 June 2011 - 11:04 AM.

Anita CocktailMale02011-06-30 11:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSex lives of married Egyptians laid bare - news article

Agreed on all accounts.

My husband (during our conversation about this article) said that, in his opinion, the main reason Egyptian men want a virgin is because that way their performance can't be compared to another man in the mind of their wife. She doesn't know if his performance is poor. Obviously not all men think this way otherwise divorced gals like myself wouldnt have Egyptian husbands. :P

Give a starving man a stale saltine, and he'll think it's the best Ritz he's ever had...

hahaha, si man si

please don't.
Anita CocktailMale02012-05-21 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaLesson Well Learned
Everyone needs to relax. And no one should be making menopause jokes about his fiancee. Talk about low blows, sheesh.
Anita CocktailMale02012-09-26 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
'Stay off my forum' is just too fantastically delicious for words.
Anita CocktailMale02012-08-22 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMet someone

excuse me, but i have done nothing wrong stating that beauty for ashes should be happy.

The error is presuming the rest of us don't want the same.
Anita CocktailMale02013-02-05 11:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMet someone

By the way you are RIGHT and I am very sure this is not going anywhere. I just write things I imagine in my mind.. ( And as you can see my imagination is pretty damn fertile by the way...I am just trying to somehow piece back the pieces of my life together. Its nice for ANYONE to care about you after so many years of abuse and maltreatment.

I met him at the hospital in the waiting room waiting for an IV treatment for my illness. He has auto immune too and takes a similar medicine... Hes just a really nice guy and I thought the whole situation was very ironic

I still love my ex and I dont know if i will EVER recover from what happened. Its so hard when you really love someone and they just used you. My health is just so poor right now and my heart is so broken. My face swells from my kidneys. My walking is labored. My lungs fail. I lost my smile, my sparkle, my dreams. I even stopped writing. Morphine and another short story are really my first ventures in years...The reality is I might just be too sick to EVER have a life again... I used to be a vibrant, happy person when I first went to see my ex and after the things he did, which I would have NEVER believed another human being could do to another person, my health imploded. I got my house back. Hes much quieter now. I guess the rage of using another person coupled with the tears in my eyes, wanting to escape for the last 3 years unleashed the nasty in him. I dont know if I will ever let the rage out inside.. But the fact that I see any kind of glimmer of sex, hope, rebirth or survival is what kills me. How much time is appropriate to grieve. I went through the unthinkable four years ago and I havent heard the words I love you or had my hand held in as long. I can honestly tell you, I dont remember the last time my hand was held or my face was kissed. I havent had a kiss on the lips in 2 years..I think its ok if I dream about something...I think its ok if I let that pain go....

Ok, don't know me, but I know of your story even from when it first started. Let me just say that what you went through is horrific and really heartbreaking, and I'm terribly sorry that you had to endure that.

Out of everything I've ever read of yours, this post (and the poem) is the most troubling. So let me play armchair shrink for a second, and give you a different POV.

First of all, if your lungs are failing, and your kidneys are shot, you need a doctor, not a boyfriend or dinner date.

Secondly, the *most important* person you need to get love from is YOURSELF.

You refer to this man as 'morphine' which I feel is so very telling. I think it betrays your 'oh I'm just being silly' act. No other person can take away your pain. It would be great if it were possible, but it's not. You cannot carry this baggage around forever. Well, technically you can, but honest to God, I can't see that being pleasant for you or any of your friends/loved ones. I know I'm sounding like a horrible cow, but I didn't make this post to berate you; I did it in hopes of maybe being a blast of cold water on your face. It would be fair to neither you nor this other man if you even go for a dinner date, become fwb, or anything like that...until you are at peace with your *past*. Don't drag that sh!t around's not worth it. And what purpose is it serving you? Go to your ex's house at 2am...what do you think he's doing? He'll be sleeping. That's right...he's losing no sleep whatsoever over what happened with you, but you're just tearing your heart out over and over again, falling into a pit of what I see as depression.

I'm not suggesting it's just that simple to let go...but I really and honestly am suggesting you get some therapy. That is *not* meant as an insult at all....but when you refer to some casual friend as morphine, it's gotta set off some alarm bells somewhere. Your poem made me incredibly sad and I practically felt your pain.

You have every opportunity to live a happy life for the rest of your days...but that is down to you. If you're going to claim defeat now, you will fulfill your own prophecy. If you want your life to change, you have to be the one to change it.

I know I have a caustic style, and I probably have offended you, which I truly didn't mean to. I wish you the best of luck.

Edited by Anita Cocktail, 21 January 2013 - 08:34 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02013-01-21 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT
Now I want waffles. For days on end.
Anita CocktailMale02013-02-18 23:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT
I don't understand buying cars, houses, having the 'lil woman' stay at home when there's no money put away for food and gas. Especially with kids in the home, but hey...maybe the kids like pancakes.

Glad to hear it all worked out for you Amber!
Anita CocktailMale02013-02-18 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe cold, hard truth about MENA "husbands"

 I wish everybody else the best in their endeavors and in realizing why they have to be so nasty in attacking a woman they do NOT know. I have the right to my own opinion even if it is not very PC and I am not the only one who shares the opinion about MENA men. 

You don't know why people are 'attacking' you (they're really not) because THEY DON'T KNOW YOU...yet, you tar most of their husbands (men whom you don't know) with the same brush as your own. Yeah yeah, you're not talking about 'all', but then you'll talk about 'men from the region' 'most MENA men' blah blah blah. 

If you can understand how maligned you feel, think of how what you say comes across about their husbands, and by extension, them. 'Most' MENA men (according to your posts) are scamming abusive bastards who prey on insecure women, who mostly are fat and old. You, naturally, are the exception, because you're not fat, ugly or old, therefore you really don't understand why he was a #######, so of course, it has to be his culture.

And really, everyone here has been helpful, and hasn't thrown that kind of hate your way. 


So I married Obi Wan Kenobi?

Umm, married The Doctor...sheesh get it right.



Edited by Anita Cocktail, 21 July 2013 - 09:25 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02013-07-21 21:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe cold, hard truth about MENA "husbands"

Excuse me, or you are assuming things? First off you and the other posters have tried to justify the bad behavior done to me by painting me as the one with a problem, rather than looking at the situation for what it really is, a man who was a scam artist and played in my head, as dozens of other men have done on here to other women. You guys paint the woman as the culprit as a defense mechanism to convince yourself that the same won't happen to you because you are "mentally stable" and able to choose a good partner. Good luck. Remember that princes can turn into frogs overnight. Mwahhhh


No one is blaming you for being abused. But the bottom line is, you alone bear the responsibility for continuing a petition for a man who physically abused you. That's not BLAME, but it is the truth. Your job, imo, is to figure out WHY you did that. 

I must admit I read the abuse as having been prior to marriage. It was a bit vague. But ok, you were married when it started but it was before he came here. 

No one is 'at fault' for being a victim/survivor of physical abuse....HOWEVER, you need to figure out how you rationalized it as being acceptable enough to get past it, and not immediately canceling his petition. We all tend to ignore warning signs...some more dire than others. This was a big one for you, and I believe your path should involve getting the root of how you were able to ignore this. For your own peace of mind, I suggest focusing on that so you don't repeat a similar pattern in future. 

However, he didn't scam/assault/whatever you because he was from MENA. You're bootstrapping (imo) as way of dealing with this in a way that I don't think is fair to yourself, to truly be able to put this behind you. I see you clutching at straws....'I'm not fat, I'm not ugly, I converted, I did blah blah blah'. It's not formulaic...none of those reasons will help you really put this to bed and deal with it. It's not as if any of these listed reasons could or would justify what happened to you.

Again, I wish you well and I'm very sorry you had to go through this. I hope you can see that I'm not posting here to 'pile up' on you, rather to offer you another perspective, that I feel will *truly* help you on the road to healing. 

Anita CocktailMale02013-07-21 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe cold, hard truth about MENA "husbands"

Maybe I was insecure and naive, but that doesn't change the facts that most MENA men will NEVER go to the lengths for a woman that the women goes for them. You convert, respect their culture, respect their family, agree to raise children in their religion (those children will know little to nothing about your culture and religion), as yourself, will this man do the same for you? No, he will never abandon his beliefs for you.


As a general comment, religion should be a very personal and serious choice one makes with his/her God. It should never be about choosing a religion for your SO. It should never be about doing it for someone's not like getting a new haircut to entice your husband. 

I am sorry that this happened to you, my heart goes out to you. I would probably have never commented had your topic been as you stated in your OP 'this is not universal but this is my truth'...yet the posts are filled with multiple generalizations and just look at the title you chose. This is not the first time a topic like this has been on here, and I would suggest you think back to the you of yesterday, and imagine how receptive you would have been to reading something like this. It seems like your intentions are're just trying to 'warn' people...but at the end of the day, it's NOT a universal truth of MENA. You're not Martin Bashir with some groundbreaking expose that's gonna blow US/MENA marriages 'wide open'.

I think if you want to help women, a universal truth definitely is that if a man physically abuses you, you should not marry him. There is no excuse for that, but that is not exclusive to MENA men. Or even if you want to focus on never losing yourself in a man, no matter what the blindly adopting his views, by excusing reprehensible behavior with thoughts like 'oh it's cultural'. Many women have lost themselves to some degree to men, and there are many horror stories out there...and guess what? Not all those men are of MENA origin.


I wish you well. 

Anita CocktailMale02013-07-21 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion

I have tons.. but I do know one thing for sure.. that I do have a translated letter from Belgium that they were not going to help him with any assistance.. cause at the age of 1 yr old.. his parents moved to the Netherlands.. and since all of his benefits were paid into the Netherlands.. Belgium told him that he would have to get help from them .. then of course.. Netherlands.. said we don't care .. your Belgium. Trust me at this point I wouldn't believe a thing.. but I do have that in Writing and translated. .. He had no one that he could write in his address too.. that was the address issue

Not to kick you when you're down, but don't you think that a man of this caliber could fabricate this too? I understand you don't know which way is up, and no one's saying every single thing he told you was a lie, but you have had many many people tell you that it's just not possible. People who are from Belgium.

It's so hard when you're betrayed, cos really, you start second guessing everything and doubting every single thing...but in this instance, I think you were completely snowed. He wasn't homeless. He probably was staying with a woman, and didn't want you calling.
Anita CocktailMale02011-07-18 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion
Wow I remember one of your threads when you were so worried and outraged for him becausenhe was supposedly homeless....I'm sorry you're going through this now.
Anita CocktailMale02011-07-13 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 received so fast, not ready.

Wow, well good luck, but your worry is almost an insult to those of us who have been waiting. Makes me wonder how they decide who gets theirs and in what order, VERY frustrating!

Everyone has his/her reasons, and really...who are you to say that her concerns are insulting to you?
Anita CocktailMale02011-11-15 17:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCivil union in England, but apply for marriage visa for America?

I haven't been around in VJ was back in 05, but I lurk from time to time.  I just had to say how awesome it is to FINALLY see these topics on here. 


Good luck to the OP and his/her spouse, as well as all the other international gay/lesbian couples!!!!! <3

Anita CocktailMale02013-07-21 22:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied !!!!
Forgive my ignorance, but why would a civil suit wind up on a criminal record?
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-14 11:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Lets break out the bevvys!!!

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Anita CocktailMale02006-04-26 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
I honestly don't know what to say, Pittman...and only you have the answers to this whole mess. But I have to ask you: how would you feel had you not been able to locate her and the children? You got off very lucky this time. And if you are seriously questioning her sanity, how can you in good conscience keep her close to your son?
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-14 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
I'm sorry Pittman, I really hope I am wrong, but something is drastically wrong here, and I think your wife is using you. Obviously, the fact that she brought up what you said about legal action says that it's on her is it on her mind because she's insulted you could think such a thing, or is it on her mind because she's scared you might do it?

That's the question you need to ask yourself.

Good I said, I hope I am dead wrong.
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-14 11:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

lol - guys, you two are lovely and wise people - don't you worry about jumping to conclusions, because you know what? You only had a certain amount of info to go by and did so in a respectful and kind manner :) (F) (F) (I am thinking of certain people here who can be REALLY abrupt and unkind, and you two aint them :) )

Thanks for the kind words JayJay, but sometimes I need a good slap upside the head & remind me that I don't know the full story!

I can be pretty opinionated at times :o :lol: But trying to judge a whole marriage based on just a full posts is kinda ignorant of matter what it sounds like in my I'ma defer to the OP & hope he knows what he's doing & hope it all works out for the best

Edited by LisaD, 02 February 2006 - 12:29 AM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-02-02 00:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
Yeah, I agree with Sol....had I known that there were medical issues at work here, I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions either.

I do wish you the best of luck & hope it works out....
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-01 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce
Pittman, wake up and see the writing on the wall!!! I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it's glaringly obvious that she's using you.

She doesn't seem like she's going to 'try' to make her marriage basically just threatened her to staying with you or else she & her family will be shipped back to Mexico. Is that the way you want to live your life? With a woman who'sonly staying with your for citizenship? Cmon now....she will be gone the morning that she gets her'll be thinking that all is fine...and one day I am certain she will up and leave.

Look at the title of this thread...possible marriage fraud. You wrote that, not anyone else. You yourself know it, but don't want to really face what's going on htere. I understand your heart is at stake, but at the end of the day, a heart can be stupid...a heart can be decieved...and a heart only hears and sees what it wants to. You have said it's easy for us to come to a conclusion because we're on the outside looking in, but realize that because we don't have an emotional investment, it's easy to be objective.

To summarize your situation:

You became friends
She offered you $2k to marry her
You said no, I'll only marry someone I love
She said she loved you
You got married
Despite her being flush enough to offer you $2k, you slogged your guts out sending her money every month
She comes from a well off family & was living nicely & sending your hard earned money to other family members
She moves here, is unhappy...asks you to move to Memphis, and when you say no...she asks for her papers & says she is willing to move without you.

Seriously, how in the world can you not see this?
Anita CocktailMale02006-01-31 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

"Now here is another example: On August 17th, 2005 my wife called me and said she was crossing the border illegal again because she had no money. In July i was there and gave her 500 plus bought enough diapers for the month. She wanted to cross the border and go to memphis for work. Well I'm in Louisiana, I asked her why not come to Louisiana. She said she had a job in Memphis and would come see me when she could. I was in a panic and sent her 710 dollars, she stayed in mexico. On September 10th I was back in mexico and she had no money. I asked what happened to the money I sent, she said she owed it to her mom. I find that strange that in a months time she spent 500 and then had to borrow another 710. She had no bills."

So "out of nowhere" she had $2,000 to bribe you with into agreeing marrying her for immigration benefits, but to cover the above expenses she never had any money for.

that's an excellent point
Anita CocktailMale02006-01-30 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce

Dude, the fact she not only asked you before marriage how to become a resident in the states, but that she also offered you $2,000 on top of that right after you told her "by marrying a US citizen" should VERY CLEARLY answer your own question!!!

Ditto! To the O.P. I would like to understand, given the solicitation that you assert she made prior to the blooming of your "relationship", how is it that you could ever believe this relationship was based on anything but deception?

She was clearly on a mission. Did you not see this? You wonder now that it may be fraudulent?

In my opinion, guys like you make this process over bearing for the rest of us....

Sorry, but you clearly got youself into this and now you need to get yourself out of it.
There aren't any answers in these forums for you.

Find a lawyer.

Posted Image

To the op...even tho I agree with everything above, I am sorry that you're going thru this.

Edited by LisaD, 30 January 2006 - 07:44 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-01-30 19:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
Here's my $24.99:

Andrea: letter's fine overall....don't think he's gonna do much, but hey, if it makes you sleep at night, that's all good. But it prolly wasn't the best idea throwin it out here...we're all waitin and working so hard at this...and like let's just say it DID's kinda like a 'neener neener' at everyone here...
i'm special' type thing....and no one likes a queue jumper :no:

Plus, let's just say it did work too....well I'm not sure Porter would like the notion that he does personal favors for ya shoulda just sent the letter & been all :whistle: here about it

I don't have a probbo with your letter....long as you don't go all TerriO on us *looks around to see who gets that* We're all in the same boat...none of us are in a pissing contest...and to belittile someone who's waiting out the process as not doing enuff is kinda #######. There are good folks here who have exhausted all of their options, and unfortunately, when that's done...all that's left is waiting. They are trying to help you not (as they see) spin your wheels...but of course you want to learn on your own and that's fine too. But just understand where the motive is coming from. No one here is trying to rain on your parade...

Best of luck on your journey (F)
Anita CocktailMale02006-07-23 23:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm in UK wife is in the States, been apart now 5 months

Only other wrench in the mix: Did you overstay on any other entry? You said you were silly to leave for your son's wedding... How long had you been here before that? Good luck.

It was the first thing that sprung to my mind when I read that as well.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-24 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInsurance issues
Well, how are you flying here? Is it a one-way ticket? Because if it's not (as it's ridiculous that return flights are usually cheaper) and you're planning on abandoning the return part of your journey, why not make the ticket's return be the day before you get covered on your fiance's insurance? That way your travel ins might cover you up until you marry.

But check around as I have no clue what coming on a return ticket implies.
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-02 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for work prior to getting EAD
Isn't there always a place on an application which says 'date on which you can start work'?
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of support
The i-134 gives me great headaches as I am self-employed, and only started working in September. If we file shortly, I won't have enough time to have a full year's tax return to show. Any ideas guys?
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos of us both - do dates matter?
hopefully, they can discern the age by my changing hairstyles, heh.
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance vs. Spousal Visa

Request for evidence- usually they ask for a additional documents, depending on what they think needs more supporting proof

Aha! thank you! :thumbs:

Now it all becomes clear
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance vs. Spousal Visa
To the OP, I can totally feel where you're coming from...we are at the stage where we are deciding what to do as well...I was leaning towards the K-1 because I've seen a few posts on here where people have been apart for 18 months!

But to everyone...may I ask what an RFE is? Perhaps I haven't hunted around this site enough to see that there's a glossary or anything...but I'm dying to know

Refusal for entry? :wacko:
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you plan?
[quote name='lem' date='Feb 5 2006, 08:52 PM' post='13771']
[/quote btw...who wants to swap dress pics? :P :P :P

Who wants to swap dress nightmares??? I had a dress. Long story short turned out there was a problem with it and the national chain bridal store refunded my money... thankfully. I've order a new dress (actually two- so I have a backup) and it is supposed to be here sometime in March. That's cutting things a little close...

omG! you must have been going crazy!
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you plan?
Let me preface this by saying we haven't filed yet. BUT The visa process totally threw a wrench in our plans!

Before we started looking into all this, we were planning a cruise wedding with our family & friends. I even got so far as to talk to the group coordinator of the cruise line (yeah, I know, duh)...anyways lo and behold, if you file for a K1, he can't leave the country after getting since all the cruises go into international waters, that's our plans ruined :(

I don't want a crapload of his friends and family here & not on a cruise because then I'll feel obligated to house the important family members, cook, be a social director, etc for a bunch of people while trying to plan a wedding as well. That's too much stress for me!

But if we pursued a K3, that wouldn't be a probbo...but then if we're pursuing that, he needs to come over PRONTO to get married, so everyone can't jump at the drop of a hat.

So we're doing what people here have suggested; small first wedding, and big one a year later. Hell, I even contemplated going to Vegas and having a quirky elvis wedding or summat offbeat since it can't be what I want. The first anni 'wedding' will be the one we plan to perfection.


btw...who wants to swap dress pics? :P :P :P

Edited by LisaD, 05 February 2006 - 08:38 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestemp work permit w/k-1
I finally found the other thread :dance:

Here ya go!
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-07 00:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestemp work permit w/k-1
There was a thread here not too long ago that said that temp EADs could be given out at any POE.
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
oh man guys, I feel like such an idiot! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've been thrown so far by a few loops in learning all this stuff, guess I'm trying to anticipate the next one...

Whew! B)
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-07 00:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today

Example: your immigrant will not be eligible for means tested benefits, including medical, for the first 5 years here. Doing without medical care/insurance is a big culture shock for UKCs coming over here, and living 'poor' in the US is a different critter than living poor in the UK.
As a K-1, there will be a period of 4-6 months where he will not be earning, for all practical purposes. Plan for it, and make sure that will not be a barrier to your success.

I'm a little freaked out by this, and had no if he gets a job which gives medical benefits, he's not eligible?

I think you missed the point. Most likely, he won't be able to *find* a job for 4-6 months because that's how long it might take, from time of initial entry, to get the "permanent" EAD in order to be able to accept permanent employment that might offer medical benefits. Since people from the UK are accustomed to government-paid health care...that period of time being completely un-insured might be a cause for discomfort.

The part in red is what concerns me more...I'm not concerned with the 4-6 mo bit.
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-06 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today

Example: your immigrant will not be eligible for means tested benefits, including medical, for the first 5 years here. Doing without medical care/insurance is a big culture shock for UKCs coming over here, and living 'poor' in the US is a different critter than living poor in the UK.
As a K-1, there will be a period of 4-6 months where he will not be earning, for all practical purposes. Plan for it, and make sure that will not be a barrier to your success.

I'm a little freaked out by this, and had no if he gets a job which gives medical benefits, he's not eligible?
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-06 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad a Heartbreak Today
Just found this...don't know how much of it is correct, but it certainly is hopeful! I had to laugh that the first link in that thread was to here, but check out the last post in the thread on page 3.

Have a Looksie
Anita CocktailMale02006-02-05 23:46:00