K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 & B2 Simultaneously

I appreciate the information. But in the application for the tourist visa that she filled out talks about the purpose of the visit. She marked "visit a friend". Would it have been better to fill in "other" and then provide the explanation about the I-129F petition. Also, how should we refer to one another. Cause as of right now she's my Girlfriend and together we have every intention of getting married upon her entry to the US on the K-1 visa, and I haven't exactly proposed yet but I definitely plan on doing in the very near future (two months). So, just wondering how I should refer to her. I'm thinking I will always refer to her as a fiance because we will get married. It's just a matter or when.



How can you have filed a K-1 and not consider yourself already engaged?
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-08 00:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEx husband as Co Sponsor?
Your ex would agree to it???
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-07 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSecond Fiance Visa Question
John, I don't truly understand why you're so hesitant to tell her - if it was all chalked up to 'bad mistake/whatever' say 'oh I may not go through with the process now' means what? You want to keep this such a secret, that you're willing to change your life to protect it? I truly don't understand that.

Saying that, if I were engaged to a man, been with him for 3 years, and didn't know he was previously married - I'm sure at some point the past was discussed - I'd be hella pissed off and I would probably rethink my engagement.

You are in a pickle, my friend. Do the right thing.
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-11 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinacee wants to return to Ukraine

I would say the best choices for you now is to get a marriage license here first(whether you have a ceremony yet or not), then you could go to Ukraine and have a ceremony for her family after you get your authorized travel document or green card when applying for AOS. Going there and starting a whole new process through the k-3 after already doing the k-1 is not something your going to want to do. In my situation I just had a ceremony in my wife's country first out of respect to her family before we left her country, but nothing official, just the ceremony. Then we got our official marriage certificate here in America.I would do everything possible to keep her to stay until then. My wife really wants to go back to Brazil to visit her family, but she also know that once we get our Authorized travel document and Green card we can go back to Brazil and visit anytime we want. Everything takes patience!!

The only way she could get a travel document is AFTER she gets married & files for it. On American soil.
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-08 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if you get layed off???

It wasn't meant to be funny, sorry. Were it my fiancee and I was laid off I would much sooner WORK at Home Depot and qualify earning $10.26 per hour than collect unemployment and need a co-sponsor. I am way past the point in life that I will (or should need to) ask other people to sign off for me on my WIFE. If I couldn't meet the very minimal qualifications ($18,000 per year! Are you kidding me?!) I would be postponing bringing another person into my life who is unable to work and provide income for many months and will be in need of lots of expensive stuff after they arrive. When I am in a hole, I STOP DIGGING!

But that's just me.

I *heart* this response.
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-13 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with annulment concern

There are a few problems here if I read this right.

She married an American and obtained a green card that way. Was it a 2 year conditional green card?

Meanwhile they divorced and she married in the Philippines to a non-American.

Then she left him while still legally married to him and came to the US.

While here she married an American while still legally married to the second husband. Is this correct?

How did she obtain her 10 year green card and how did she obtain her citizenship? Specifically did she obtain the 10 year green card by filing Removal of Conditions based upon her first marriage or the not legal third marriage? Did she obtain her citizenship less than five years after she became an LPR, ie. based upon her marriage to a citizen rather than the standard five year wait?

I ask these questions because if I understand correctly there could be very serious ramifications for her in regards to her status here in the US. As I read it her third marriage was never a legal marriage since she was already married to someone else. Married is married whether it happened in the US or in Timbuktu. You can't be married in one country and not married in another, at least not as far as the US is concerned.

Thus first if she either obtained her 10 year green card or her citizenship based upon her third marriage (to the second American citizen) she obtained it fraudulently since she was never legally married to him. Second if she failed to disclose her second marriage on any immigration documents she is guilty of misrepresentation and could lose her citizenship.

She really, really needs to talk to an immigration attorney.

Ok so she was married to another person prior to marrying either American citizen? Then neither of those marriages were valid and she obtained her green card and citizenship by misrepresentation. If anyone in the immigration process anywhere at any time discovers she was never legally married to either American she will most likely lose her citizenship.

Now since she has already misrepresented herself on several sets of official documents which have severe warnings about making false statements, the question is how will she explain her prior and current marriages on the application for you?

As a citizen she is entitled to petition for a fiance visa for you BUT she really needs to consult with an attorney as to how her prior misrepresentation will be explained on the application. It asks for all prior marriages along with the dates and the paperwork to prove she is divorced/annulled. How does she intend to explain "well I was already married when I married a US citizen and obtained my green card and them later my citizenship by virtue of my illegal marriage"?

You took all the words out of my mouth, thank you.

Edited by Happy Bunny, 19 September 2010 - 01:19 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02010-09-19 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFIANCEE DENIED K-1 IN LAGOS, NIGERIA
May I ask if you thought about how you and your fiance plan to survive financially when he gets here? You don't have to disclose that here, but I was just wondering if you gave it thought.

Good Luck
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-21 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am in need for some wise advice.

As you can see, you're not the only one with this dilemma, so I would suggest contacting the OP of that thread if you have any information to share as it would be beneficial to her as well

I would get your fiance to fly over to retrieve the dog. Once you are issued the K-1, it will be 'activated' when you step on American there's no pooping over to bring the dog, then using the visa the next time you come.

Good luck!
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-29 01:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou be the consul ! Would we be approved ?
I'm no expert and am just spitballing here, but I think the income you rec for your daughter can be counted. She's a minor child, you are her guardian, so you are being given the money. While it's for her, it's still given to you.

I'm sure someone will come along to confirm or correct.
Anita CocktailMale02010-11-29 01:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference & divorce
My advice is to not worry about it...the UK is not a high fraud consulate, so things like an 8 year age difference should not be an issue.

The divorce thing? They are only concerned that both are free to marry, not to pass judgment on the timing.

Good luck.
Anita CocktailMale02010-10-30 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnofficial marriage + K1

Well, I know for us, we are talking with her parish priest and the simple reason is her family wants to attend her wedding, and can't come to the US. So, simply a religious ceremony there (we were quite clear to the priest that it CANNOT be a civil) and a civil blessing up here. Yes, we'll have to do a switcharoo of rings at POE when it comes to that, but it seems a lot more fair to both of our families.

No, I get that...just seems odd to me that it's so widespread on here - when technically it CAN complicate your you're in a position of withholding information from the consulate - and yes, even though nothing was 'official', it can be misconstrued and the risk associated with being denied over it.

Not to mention, it ust gets me nervous to read 'oh make sure you don't divulge THAT'.

If it's an engagement ceremony, then stop calling it a wedding. If you're not legally married, take off the bands...these things could trip you up at the interview stage. Sure, to you and me and everyone else, it's a huge distinction as far as 'not legal' but if you get an overzealous CO and your wife/fiancee/whatever slips up, you could be in for a bigger headache than you bargained for,

I can see the point of being fair to the families, but I'd suggest for anyone contemplating this, that it be done AFTER the visa is in hand. But that's just me.
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-10 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnofficial marriage + K1
Why do people complicate their process by these pseudo marriages? Not trying to be snarky, just really curious.
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-10 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting married
The things you need to ask yourself are as follows:

1 - How important is it for my fiance to be able to work when she gets here?
2 - How important is it for my fiance to be able to leave the country for an emergency once she gets here?
3 - How important is having a wedding and which family gets the honor of attending?
4 - How absolutely certain am I that this is going to work out?

Recently, there have been a string of beneficiaries coming over, and one or both parties deciding not to go through with the wedding. I'm not trying to be a downer, but I would say knowing your partner and trusting her are probably the most important factors in deciding which visa path to take. I'm certainly not suggesting that the K-1 is a 'try before you buy' type visa...that is not its intent...but at the end of the day, during the long separation while the visa was being processed, my own ex-fiance went quite nuts and did a lot of things behind my back. So I was easily able to call off the wedding and the visa...and it was a helluva lot easier than having to procure a divorce.

If it's important that she work, be able to travel freely, and/or wants her family in India to be there for the wedding, obviously your best bet would be CR1, go there, marry, and start the process. If those things are unimportant, and/or you'd prefer the wedding in the US, go the K-1 route. The time difference between the two is negligible imo.
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-10 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVermont, 5 months is up
Hey OP, you don't need to repost a dupe thread...your other one is alive and well.
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-12 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresComplicated Love Story - Help!

I've wondered about the possibility of holding dated material such as newspapers to demonstrate that the picture was not taken prior to that date. Would that be too silly? :whistle:

I'm going to Tokyo next week so I'm going to gather some more evidence in case of a RFE.

I'd just take a pic in front of a cinema which shows the current releases, but that's just me.
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-22 07:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat type of Visa is best for me and my Brasilian fiancee?
What is the date stamped in her pp?
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-16 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat type of Visa is best for me and my Brasilian fiancee?

Hi, thanks for the reply. She is here now, but she has to go back Sept. 1 to avoid over-staying her visa. We thought about getting married now and starting down the CR-1 path. I am glad you just told me if we did that she would have to stay until it is complete. That unfortunately is not an option. She has 2 weddings to attend to in Brazil, both her youngest daughter and her son are getting married. So, maybe the K-1 path is best for us since she needs to stay in Brasil for several months now anyways. I sure hope so. What do you think? Would there be a problem with her returning here on her tourist visa for a short visit while we are waiting? We don't want to do anything to put our plans into jeopardy. If waiting a little longer is less risky, we will just have to wait.

That's the point...that particular overstay would be forgiven because she'd be AOSing due to a marriage to a USC. But if it's not feasible due to other factors, this option isn't for you.

Edited by Happy Bunny, 23 August 2010 - 09:18 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02010-08-23 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat type of Visa is best for me and my Brasilian fiancee?
She is here now? TECHNICALLY since she came to the US this time not intending to stay, TECHNICALLY, you could get married, and file for AOS. Problem is, she wouldn't be able to leave the country until it's complete.
Anita CocktailMale02010-08-23 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving the US for honeymoon

Normally I would agree, however the k1 forum is for the process of "obtaining" a K1 visa. This isn't a procedure for obtaining the visa and therefore in the wrong place. I have been overridden by Kathryn41 on this one so it'll be staying here.

I do agree though that perhaps there should be a sticky in the K1 forum that explains what's involved with a K1 visa (and what happens when you arrive in the US) in one place. Far too many people (even one is too many) don't realise they need to AOS, or think they can just leave the US whenever..

There's already stickied. Ewok actually quoted and posted several of us....


Edited by Lisa C, 12 December 2010 - 11:08 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02010-12-12 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving the US for honeymoon
It's questions like this which really display how little research the OP has done.

PS - Since it was a K-1 question, albeit completely wrong, it should stay in the K-1 forum as it might answer the same question for another K-1er who hasn't done his/her research either...
Anita CocktailMale02010-12-12 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated with the wait and mad as He11!!!!

Thank you everyone for the kind words.
After I read the first 3 posts I sat down and cried and cried and cried.
As a result I do feel better. I guess there is some comfort from knowing that others are in the same boat. True we are all in the same shitty boat but at least we are all together.
Thank you again to the VJ community.
to Lisa C:
And, just as a side note, I did not say never hire an attorney, I gave 4 qualifiers, and obviously if you are not filing the typical K1 and have police records, are a child molester...... an attorney might be the way to go.
However, most of us here are average people in love and have no unusual circumstances. I am careful with my words and seldom use "never".
(notice I did not say "never use never". LOLOLO)

I hope you don't think I was being harsh. It's just that it's very important that we are distinguished as a community of anecdotal information...not UPL (unauthorized practice of law), and the last thing vj needs in its google search history is blanketly telling people they don't need a lawyer. Or a person who may have a complicated case thinks they can do it him/herself when an atty may be neccessary. I do understand your position, and I'm not trying to upset you, but it's very important to make those disclaimers

Not to split hairs, but that is the first thing you said. 'Don't bother with a lawyer'

I'm not saying every person needs a lawyer or doesn't...that's an individual choice for that person to make.

Now that that's been said, I do hope your NOA2 comes soon! (F)
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-03 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrustrated with the wait and mad as He11!!!!
I'm sorry you're having such a bad time of things, and going to see a doc as stated would be a good thing. However, please be very careful when 'advising' people to never hire an atty. Sounds like you got a bad one, but no member here should really make such a blanket statement.

Good luck.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-02 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI now meet the Income requirements. What's next?
I think it was smart on the OP's part to not file until already meeting the req's...saves him from a lot of undue pressure to scramble and get it with a ticking clock. Plus, he'll now have a few extra months of extra income...which can never be a bad thing, especially when he's soon going to be financially responsible for another person.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-12 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost a picture of your I-129 packet!

My packet was about 200 pages. It used paper clips to hold like documents together and then a larger binder clip to put everything together. I put photos of our time together in a plastic bag that was attached via binder clip to other evidence of our time together. Same thing for the passport photos of us. I annotated the back of each picture telling them when, where and what we were doing (for example engagement on new years my photos showed the ring which I included copies of receipts for and Christmas decorations in the background). I made sure to include pictures with backgrounds that placed us together at certain times of the year, with Christmas trees, Santas in the background, places that had obvious Russian stores by signs, and even one of them accidentally had a calendar in the background that was hung on the wall turned to January 2011.

My packet was likely overkill as I also included the I-134 with it and supporting financial documents and letter from my employer as to my job there. I did not want any reason for an RFE, so I included anything I could think of that would hold up the process. It took me the better part of 3 days to pull everything together, and I was very organized going into my trip to Russia. So anyone that has not already did this, I would advise much preparation in advance of the trip. Make sure many pictures that way really good ones that can't be denied as to when and where you were together. And of course sending in pictures of all the emails and such does not hurt either. I did this to show how much communication we have, but not show them every email and explode my package to 500 pages or more.

one more thing: pictures are secondary evidence. It's better to focus on primary evidence...plane tickets, passport stamps, hotel bills, etc. Pictures with Santa only prove that you were there during the holidays, it doesn't prove that you were there within 2 years.

and the svc centers aren't interested in your financials. At all.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-17 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost a picture of your I-129 packet!
Unless you have a specific need to front load your petition, there is no need for a petition to be 200 pages long. There was once a thread (I'm sure it's stickied here) by a svc center employee explaining the process of going through the petition. They have a huge load, so imo, K.I.S.S.

eta: 200 pages is even excessive imo for a front loaded petition, but that's jmho

Edited by Lisa C, 17 January 2011 - 01:20 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02011-01-17 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa is Overwhelming
Imo, DCF is definitely the way to go. Hands down.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-16 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?

I didn't jump to any tangent. I simply explained how it could be viewed by CBP officer, as I explained in my second reply (3 hrs before you replied).

Still sounded tangential to me. Fact is, anyone can be denied at any time. And the members of VJ are not the 'be all end all' regarding immigration law...yuor post sounded to me as if you're trying to say all CBP are think as planks and don't understand common sense, or immigration policy. The thing is to bring evidence which shows strong ties to home. A single woman coming to 'visit her boyfriend' is more of a 'threat' than someone with a current K-1 in processing.

I don't believe in mollycoddling anyone, but the thing is that it's perfectly legal for the OP to visit. Sure, she runs a risk, but if one is prepared, one can mitigate those risks to the best of one's ability. That should be the focus here...focusing on facts, not horror stories.

Anita CocktailMale02011-01-24 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for K1. Can I visit him AGAIN using my VWP?

No it doesn't make any sense.

Remember that CBP must assume everyone has immigrant intent and, if questioned, the traveler has the burden of proving otherwise. Having a K-1 in the process is clear and present immigrant intent and there is nothing stopping your from marrying while in the US on VWP then filing to Adjust Status without returning.

IMHO that would not be wise as if they deny your AOS on VWP you have no right to appeal and will be ordered removed. Since you have a K-Visa petition in the works it would be difficult for you to deny that you had immigrant intent when you entered the US.

Some will argue that since you didn't intend to immigrate on the VWP visit you're safe but remember they would see the existing petition as intent. Of course they can't deny solely on intent but if you are asked purpose of visit how will you answer?

I don't know how you jumped on this tangent re: aosing from vwp. That was never fact, OP has said that she is going back in April to finish the fiance process.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-24 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa 90days period
controlled by empathy? huh?

Your timeline is the most enviable timeline I've seen yet. Congratulations!

Agreed. It is a ridiculously awesome timeline. :thumbs:
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat can you do if your petition gets denied?
OP, have you rec'd your naturalization papers yet?
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US while K1 is processing

Probably would be easier to File the I-129F after you visited Alaska.

But this is a FAQ: http://www.visajourn...cation.html#4.6

Why would it be easier to wait?
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?

I am sorry for starting this thread and offending so many people. That was not my intention. I was angry with VSC (what else is new?) and since that anger is inversely proportional to the amount of activity at VSC and there was ZERO activity for the 5th consecutive day, that anger was totally out of control.

But I was wrong to take that anger out on this board, as it is my problem and not any of yours. Again, I am sorry.

I thought long and hard as to whether to post here any more, as there were the usual assortment of mockery posts, but when I saw the ever increasing firestorm by people I consider as good members, I simply had to try to put out the firestorm I wrongly started.

My intention, which seems to have been lost in the haze of my anger, was to dramatize the point that almost any country could make a credible claim for humanitarian expedite status, so it is arbitrary and short sighted to single one country out for that status and hang the rest of them out to dry.

Please do not tell me to not be angry any more. I know I need to not be angry, but that is about as helpful as telling a clinically depressed person, who knows he should not be depressed, to simply snap out of it and not be depressed any longer.

I do not harbor a belief that I am the only one being cheated by the government. I believe that all of us are being cheated. I do my best to encourage others here to stand up for their rights, but I can't help seeing this race to visa land as a competition. All of my life, everything was a competition and everything I have is as a result of winning that competition. So can you see why I feel driven endlessly to compete against everyone else for that elusive visa?

I will control my own anger from now on by refraining from posting my opinion anywhere on this board. I will limit myself to the facts.

And for those of you who don't know this, trying to explain to an angry person that he is wrong will solve nothing, as it will only cause him to dig in his heels and defend his position even harder than he has already done. Just ignore such a person.

Please stop the firestorm.

I'm not trying to sound snarky, but I sincerely believe that you should see someone about your anger issues, and your competitive issues as well.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDomodedovo Terror Attack: Expedite for Russia?
Mari, I *puffy heart* you.

I pray your fiance is safe.

Never in my 6 years on VJ have I seen such a group of impatient whiny petitioners. Presumably, you all developed these wonderful relationships despite the distance, yet now it's all about the 'EVIL US GUBBMIT' that is getting sh!t flown at them in every post I read here. It's ridiculous.

Slow your roll, and you will get your visa, sheesh.

Oh, to add; I can almost see the OP, hearing about this disaster and loss of life, and I imagine that split second where he realizes he can exploit the deaths of all those people for his own advantage, and it really turns my stomach.

Edited by Lisa C, 26 January 2011 - 02:55 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting USA while K1 Being Processed

I visited America twice whilst engaged, and both times I had lovely border agents. "Why are you coming to America?" "Visiting my fiance." They just looked at my return ticket, and one time jokingly asked if they could come to the wedding. Neither time was I asked what my intentions were (as in, they never even asked if I was doing K1 or whatnot). I did a CR1 not a K1, but I was in precisely the same position as you. Except for that proof that you've applied for K1 should be proof that you're not planning on staying in America before you get the visa.

Hang on, you told the CBP that you were visiting your 'fiance' while you were processing a CR-1? If that's the case, you lied to CBP, and I wouldn't recc doing that to anyone.

You were very lucky you didn't get caught doing so.


OP, Bring plenty of evidence as listed above and hope for the best. Like you said, it's not circumventing any law to visit while a K-1 is processing. If you want to be extra safe, maybe you can fly from Dublin? (providing Dublin still does pre-clearance? - someone help me out on this pls)

Edited by Lisa C, 26 January 2011 - 04:30 PM.

Anita CocktailMale02011-01-26 16:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfailed k1 im manila

"Secretive" is a word you interjected, not one used by others to describe Asian people or their culture. One person's lack of understanding of how another thinks does not invalidate anything. It just shows a lack of understanding, which of course, is nothing to be ashamed of. In my life experience I've seen about as much, "It's in the past so why not mention it." as I've seen, "It's in the past so why mention it." In this case, the reason why is that it matters but you only know that it matters if you know that it matters.

Please, lets stop speculating about the girl's motives and giving relationship advise. It's off topic and a moderator has already asked that it cease.

I'm not giving the OP any advice, as you'll see from my last sentence. It's up to him to decide what he wants to do. I was just commenting generally, which, might I add, is the exact same thing you did.

We can split hairs with words, but the general supposition that it's ok for the omission due to culture is one that I don't completely buy. I think everyone is capable of complete transparency within a relationship as massive as one where marriage is on the table. You may not agree, and that's fine, too.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-31 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfailed k1 im manila

Being married to an Asian (Nepali) I know and understand this to be true as well. If things are not directly asked, they are sometimes not shared at all.

I am not asian, but I also feel reluctant to share every part about my past relationships with my husband. He does not ask a lot of questions about them (due to his culture) and I don't offer excessive information. I hope to have learned from my past mistakes and not have to relive them.

I don't know this girl's intentions, but when you love someone, sometimes it is scary to tell about things that may cause you to lose them.

This visa thing tends to make us all a little more paranoid about questioning someone's motives.

not trying to single you out, but this seemed like a great time to chime in here.

I'm not sure I buy the 'Asians have a tendency to be secretive, it's part of the culture, etc' excuse as if culture is a valid excuse for not being totally forthcoming to one's future spouse. Although I can understand the rationale, it just seems weird to saying 'Asians cannot be fully trusted because they are secretive' and that just is wrong imo.

But the reason I quoted your post is what I bolded. When she and the OP got together, having a failed relationship is just part of the package. When I met my now husband, I had recently called off an engagement. Of course, in the span of 'getting to know' each other, it did come up...but it was nothing to hide in fear he'd leave...why would he? It happened beforehand. It was just as much a non-issue as telling him what my favorite color was.

...which leads me to my assumption that there must have been an overlap due to the short time span.

Finally, this woman went to an interview knowing full well she had two pending petitions. What did she expect? To pull the wool over the CO's eyes, her future husband's too?

The visa thing SHOULD make people's not a cheap process. And I don't just mean the petition, but the whole experience of bringing over, and caring for a foreign national spouse. Let alone the I864. IMO, more people need to think with their heads and gut, and not just romanticize it all away...especially when the foreign SO is from a high fraud country.

OP, the path is yours to take, whichever one you choose. Good luck

Edited by Lisa C, 31 January 2011 - 07:18 AM.

Anita CocktailMale02011-01-31 07:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWorried about supporting my fiance (K1-visa)
Hrmm, good question, I believe that IF the SIL and her children are not under your roof, you do not support them with an financial means, then they should not be included in family size.

But I am just speculating here.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-24 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in Caribbean

I understood that hence why i wrote what I wrote, but the question wasn't regarding the re-entering the US, It was purely the Jamaica question I was unsure about. I'm sorry that I needed to ask the question. Its my first time at this.

I bolded your re-entry statement because since you were aware it's a one time use visa, it would stand to reason that if you filed a fiance visa and not a spousal one, your fiance would have to enter as such, not as a spouse. Perhaps I could have worded it a little softer.

I don't expect you to apol for starting this thread btw...I think you read my response as having a hostile tone, which was not my intent.

Anyways, you've got your answer now, so no hard feelings? let's move on :)
Anita CocktailMale02011-02-03 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in Caribbean

Ok Lisa thanks for POINTING that out to me, I don't know where i would be without you POINTING this out

*shrug* if you understood that, this thread wouldn't be here. No need to be snarky, I capped for clarity only.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-31 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in Caribbean

Hi everyone,

I just have a question that I need a little advice on.

Once we have been granted the K1 visa (we are currently at the NVC stage) I am of the understanding that once you enter the US you are unable to leave and re-enter.

I was wondering if for example we were to go to Jamaica and get married there, then fly from there to my POE and then file everything is this still in the boundaries of the K1???

Any help with this is greatly appreciated

S & A

You answered your own q.

And think about the visa you got - it's a FIANCE visa, not a spouse visa. You enter as a FIANCE, you get married within the US.
Anita CocktailMale02011-01-31 06:30:00