Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioninfo about affidavit from 2 friends...
QUOTE (LuckyStrike @ Sep 14 2007, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Sep 12 2007, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOOK in the example forms.


The guides are your friends: guides6ly.gif

No mention of 'notarization' in the guides. The guides are not, necessarily, your friends.

Not exactly true. The guide refers to "affidavits," as do the I-751 instructions (but then stupidly links to some example letters as an erroneous example). Affidavits are notarized, or they are not affidavits.

Lest there be any doubt (like people thinking, oh, you're just being ####### or too literal), Black's Law Dictionary defines an affidavit as follows:

"A written or printed declaration or statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a person having authority to administer such oath or affirmation."

Does that sound like a letter? Or something that is not notarized? A notary public has authority to administer oaths and affirmations in connection with an affidavit.
JamesNot TellingColombia2007-09-14 06:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioninfo about affidavit from 2 friends...
QUOTE (john_t_03 @ Sep 13 2007, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the way you interpret the affidavit evidence is interesting. The problem is that one might be introducing a whole range of evidence that doesn't directly relate to the primary evidence that is about the marriage itself. For example, if my friend writes that he knows us since a certain date from a certain school, etc., I would be including evidence that he attended that school and something that proves that he really knows us such as invitations, letters, etc. It just seems like clutter to include this "side evidence" that only serves to prove statements made in the affidavit. I think the whole point of the affidavit is that it is based on someone's sworn word; evidence included just to prove it would be redundant. I think when the instructions say "Affidavits must be supported by other types of evidence listed above", they are talking about the evidence above, not evidence that is now about the affidavit itself.

It's certainly open to interpretation, and my interpretation may well be wrong (only because of shabbily drafted language!). But the instructions do say that the affidavits -- not the petition -- must be supported by the other types of evidence. That says to me that, rather than the "side evidence" you mention, they expect something sworn to in the affidavit to be supported by an item from "the other types of evidence listed above." That is, one of the items from the four other categories that could be included anyway to support the petition itself would be attached to the affidavit. (It's worth noting that one of those categories is the huge catch-all "other documents.")

I'm sure there are far better examples, but the affiant could say something like "I took the photo of the couple attached as Exhibit A" or "I am the individual listed as the godfather of the couple's son on the baptismal certificate attached as Exhibit B." Perhaps it would be redundant or even pointless, but it wouldn't hurt.

The larger point, though (which you acknowledge), is that regardless of how you interpret the language about supporting the affidavits, the affidavit should be a sworn/notarized document, not just a note that your friend Bob typed up and signed.
JamesNot TellingColombia2007-09-13 13:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioninfo about affidavit from 2 friends...
QUOTE (john_t_03 @ Sep 13 2007, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is not "United States Customs and Immigration Service". The correct name is "United States Citizenship and Immigration Services".

My bad. I composed that doc on the fly. It's a harmless error that would not affect the validity of the affidavit, however.
JamesNot TellingColombia2007-09-13 11:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioninfo about affidavit from 2 friends...
QUOTE (seppley @ Sep 12 2007, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you so much for all your replies....another questions, do my friends need to put the address of USCIS on top of the affidavit as well as their addresses( just want to make sure), like a formal letter? Thanks again:)

Again, click here and look at this sample affidavit.

An affidavit is not "addressed" to anyone. It simply indicates at the top the forum to which the affidavit is being submitted -- here, the United States Customs and Immigration Service of the United States Department of Homeland Security. The alien number of the immigrant spouse below that essentially serves as a case number, and the "In re: Joint Petition of John and Jane Smith to Remove Conditions on Residence of Jane Smith" serves as the case name. The friend's full name, address, and date and place of birth should go in paragraph no. 1 of the affidavit as indicated.

Re: what I said above about the instructions requiring the affidavit itself to be supported by other types of evidence -- a kindly VJer PM'd me to say that he disagreed, that despite the language, that instruction really should be construed as reading something like, "The petition may not be supported by affidavits alone, but must also be supported by other types of evidence listed above." It's just my opinion based upon the instruction as written that the affidavit itself should be supported by evidence attached as an exhibit. I would always err on the side of giving more, but I recognize that the instructions could just be poorly drafted on this point.

The important thing is to submit a sworn affidavit, not just a letter. Remember, the adjudication officer is weighing whether your I-751 interview should be waived. The instructions plainly state that the persons whose affidavits are submitted may be called to testify before an immigration officer (presumably at your interview). Thus, the existence of strong, sworn affidavits whose statements, if testified to in person, would firmly support lifting conditions would seem a definite plus in your favor when the adjudicator is making his or her decision.
JamesNot TellingColombia2007-09-13 06:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioninfo about affidavit from 2 friends...
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Sep 12 2007, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LOOK in the example forms.


The guides are your friends: guides6ly.gif

Actually, the instructions to the I-751 can be much more of your friend than the guides are -- particularly in this instance, where the guides essentially give misinformation.

Neither the instructions nor the USCIS regulation the instructions are based on (8 C.F.R. § 216.4) mention "letters" as evidence. Rather, they suggest affidavits. An affidavit is a legal document. It is not a letter, nor is it a letter that has merely been notarized.

The instructions expressly refer to affidavits "sworn to or affirmed by" at least two people. Both of these terms mean that the person is swearing the truth of the statements made in the affidavit.

The instructions also state that affidavits "must be supported by other types of evidence." Quite a few people have apparently misinterpreted this as meaning that the petition itself must be supported by other types of evidence. Yet the instructions are quite clear that the affidavit must be supported by other types of evidence. This means that one would attach some other type of evidence as an exhibit to the affidavit, which exhibit/evidence would be referred to in the body of the affidavit.

A while back, I posted an example affidavit in the pinned thread. The only thing it's missing -- other than a complete statement of the phony affiant -- is the reference to the other evidence/exhibit(s).

A fair number of people have repeatedly said that "letters" don't carry much weight. That, of course, is opinion, and if it is the case, may well be because they are not sworn affidavits supported by other evidence.

Good luck to you when you do your own I-751 in two years. good.gif
JamesNot TellingColombia2007-09-12 13:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Mar 11 2008, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 11 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Mar 11 2008, 06:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 11 2008, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kbf @ Mar 10 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got this email.
Current Status: Card production ordered.

On March 10, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

No offense, but if you're looking for congratulations, you've come to the wrong thread.

You didn't deserve to be approved before any of us, frankly.


So you are going to be nasty to anyone who filed at VSC that gets approved before you do???? it is hardly kbf's fault that he got approved before you or before me, I am pleased that this part of their journey is over for them and for that they have my congratulations...

Please dont treat you fellow VJ members like this, the decision about which cases get processed is not in our hands, so to say to anyone that they dont deserve to be approved before you, is totally out of order....


People deserve to get approved in the order they filed. Period. Hence, neither you nor any other direct VSC filer deserves to get approved before any of us.

Further, and more to the point, kbf already posted his (her?) approval in a separate thread, as well as on the full VSC list thread. So what's the point of posting it in this thread as well? Strikes me as kind of rubbing it in -- particularly since s/he -- AND YOU -- have hoped publicly that you get approved before us "invaders" do.

Take up your greivence with the TSC because that is where it should be placed.... not at the feet of the people who filed at VSC and until your transfer were on course to be approved at the 6 month mark.... so yes we do feel that you being transfered to VSC is going to push us back in the queue...

We have waited in line to be processed and when we were almost there when things get slowed down.... now nobody can say for sure that you have been put to the back of the line just as nobody can say for sure that you have been put to the front of the line.... The fairest way would be to allocate a few TSC cases to each adjudication officer for them to slot in with the cases they are alrready working on.... for all we know that could be what they are doing.... but for you to take out your frustration on another VJ member because you think they are rubbing it in is childish...

We all want to be approved and I think the way you have been treated from TSC is wrong, does that mean I think we should all stand aside and let you all get processed first... he no... the same as you would be if it was the other way round... but it is out of our hands... there is nothing we can do.. we will get approved when we get approved....

But remember james when you get approved ahead of anyone at VSC they might just feel as Pi$ed as you do now...


I've got a news flash for you: we are "ahead" of everyone at VSC, whether we actually get approved before those people or not.

The only childish people here are those who think that someone waiting only 6 months should be approved ahead of those who have been waiting a year simply because they filed directly with a particular service center. Or those people who have been waiting 6 months who think that they would be "standing aside" if, heaven forfend, someone who had been waiting a year were approved "ahead" of them.

Obviously, you do resent the fact that we have been transferred to VSC and that we have somehow interfered with your plans for an orderly 6 month approval. Well, I've got news for you, lady: when we filed at TSC, they were doing nice orderly 5-month approvals. Two months later, they just stopped.

You seem to be incapable of grasping the fact that TSC and VSC are not government agencies making up their own rules. CIS is the only agency here. And everyone here filed a petition with CIS.

Time for you to get off your high horse, stop resenting us, and learn to live with the fact that you were never guaranteed a 6 month approval time, just as we were never guaranteed a 5 month approval time.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-11 12:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Mar 11 2008, 06:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 11 2008, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kbf @ Mar 10 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got this email.
Current Status: Card production ordered.

On March 10, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

No offense, but if you're looking for congratulations, you've come to the wrong thread.

You didn't deserve to be approved before any of us, frankly.


So you are going to be nasty to anyone who filed at VSC that gets approved before you do???? it is hardly kbf's fault that he got approved before you or before me, I am pleased that this part of their journey is over for them and for that they have my congratulations...

Please dont treat you fellow VJ members like this, the decision about which cases get processed is not in our hands, so to say to anyone that they dont deserve to be approved before you, is totally out of order....


People deserve to get approved in the order they filed. Period. Hence, neither you nor any other direct VSC filer deserves to get approved before any of us.

Further, and more to the point, kbf already posted his (her?) approval in a separate thread, as well as on the full VSC list thread. So what's the point of posting it in this thread as well? Strikes me as kind of rubbing it in -- particularly since s/he -- AND YOU -- have hoped publicly that you get approved before us "invaders" do.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-11 10:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Gigiola @ Mar 10 2008, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww James .. could you keep an eye on Nebraska too please?

Triple the charges and double the time .. is that math?

Hi Jill! Long, LONG time no see! I gather you must have filed last March or thereabouts in NSC. I had thought the NSC Losers were in a worse position than us TSC-VSC Losers® because we had at least been moved out of the hellhole that is TSC, but it looks like we may have just been put at the back of a six-month line.

Triple the charges? I'll take what I can get!
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-11 05:34:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kbf @ Mar 10 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got this email.
Current Status: Card production ordered.

On March 10, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

No offense, but if you're looking for congratulations, you've come to the wrong thread.

You didn't deserve to be approved before any of us, frankly.

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-11 05:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (tweety @ Mar 10 2008, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sigh.... one year now and still no card mellow.gif

Happy anniversary, tweety!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-10 10:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Cassie @ Mar 7 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (emmysphere @ Mar 7 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have we seen anyone being approved from the loser list yet????


I occasionally get this sinking feeling that we're being treated as if we had just filed at VSC, and all the time we spent at TSC counts for nothing.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-08 07:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 7 2008, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopiacowboy @ Mar 6 2008, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kn687 @ Mar 6 2008, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is any one from this thread applying for Naturalization ?

My wife is eligible to apply now but her English ability (or lack thereof) concerns me. She got a "break" when we went for her AOS interview in San Antonio because the interviewer spoke Spanish. I am hoping that her English improves enough in the next couple of years but I could be unrealistic. She's been here four years already and can barely speak English so I don't know what's going to change.

I see you live in Texas, and I'm sure that with your wife being from Columbia, she can get by in Spanish - all the time. It is what I call the "Miami Syndrome". Everyone in Miami speaks Spanish - if you don't speak Spanish it can be very hard to get by. Thank God I'm fluent, as we lived in Doral, the most Spanish-speaking city in America - 91%. If I went into a market called Sedano's - forget it - hardly anyone spoke English. So, what happens is that Spanish-speaking immigrants for the most part have everything available to them in their own language - even Miami-Dade County will provide it in Spanish or Creole, too. Thus, there is no incentive to learn English. I want to clarify, I am not knocking on anybody for speaking Spanish, as we speak it in our home all the time, and we'll teach our children to speak it, too. But my husband is so dedicated to learning English and he (the Argentine) says to everyone, "you're in America - learn English". As he puts it, how could you come to a country and make no attempt to learn the language as you need to get by. He says this with all conviction though as he speaks 9 languages and has lived in 6 European countries.

Get her into some ESL classes STAT!!! - they're typically free or even buy her Ingles Sin Barreras. My husband attends two ESL classes a week at our local library and a citizenship class offered at the Baptist Church (we're Catholic), but we thank the Baptists greatly for the class. wink.gif My husband was telling me that there is a lovely Chinese woman in his citizenship class that is almost 69 years old and has paid more than $1200 dollars to take the citizenship test twice. She has been able to pass the questions portion of the exam, but when the IO asked her "What color is my shirt?" she just blinked at him. blink.gif Test failed. sad.gif

Actually, Hialeah Gardens and Hialeah are the two cities where Spanish is most spoken in the U.S., at over 90% -- Doral is "only" about 75%. (You can plug a town or county in here to get the percentages: Miami-Dade as a whole is about 60%, so I know what you're talking about. Happily, my wife already had relatively decent competency in English, and she has continued to work on it by taking classes . . . she also tries to make a point of only watching TV in English (something hard to do with all of the Spanish language TV offerings). The good thing, obviously, is that she fits right in with the majority down here.

We're in no rush for citizenship -- she can apply in April, but there is obviously no way she will get it in time to vote in November. So why throw another $700 at USCIS just to hurry up and wait for something she doesn't need right now.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-07 07:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Welcoming/adding BBAN as a new TSC-VSC Loser®.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-06 08:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (baunzerbrudi @ Mar 5 2008, 01:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today someone got approved after 7 months via VSC. We have seen quite some approvals over the last few weeks, none involving tSC transferees. Would this indicate that we are not on the top of their pile (otherwise how come an August filer gets approved while many of us are year long waits)? I wonder if we are checked for background or back in the men's room.

We were all last touched only at the beginning of last week, which is when they probably queued us up. I would think that this latest case to be approved was already on somebody's desk. We'll probably know if they are proceeding right to us if A_C gets approved in a couple of weeks or so.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-05 16:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (utopiacowboy @ Mar 5 2008, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 5 2008, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 5 2008, 07:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 4 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've seen people with kids get RFEs because there is still doubt.

I've never seen one, and you're talking in the plural? Can you tell us who these "people" are here?

About four years ago, there was a story in the SP Times about a couple who were undergoing the removal of conditions - they already had one child, were pregnant with the other and had received an RFE. They then submitted the documentation and were called for an interview to remove the conditions. They had assumed that with one child and a new pregnancy that would be enough to prove their valid marriage, but obviously not. In the end they were approved, but the woman said she couldn't believe that it had happened to them - she was actually around 8 months pregnant during the interview and thought it was ridiculous. All I can say is never underestimate the insanity of USCIS.

I agree that you should never underestimate them. Sometimes they pull you in for an interview for quality control purposes not because they necessarily think your case requires one. After all the interviews we've had, K-3, AOS, AOS for the kids, I don't care if they interview us one more time. It gives my wife an excuse to show off her photo albums. After half an hour of that, they approve her just to get her out of there.

Heh heh, you can bet if we get an interview, the kids are coming with us. I can only hope that our youngest has a runny nose and is in a particularly destructive mood.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-05 09:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Jessiesgirl @ Mar 4 2008, 04:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 4 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(like 5 mins. for people like Joel and me who have kids).

Unfortunately, there is a newbie over on this thread who believes that having children makes (or should make) no difference.

You wish!!!!

Ha ha ha, hit a nerve have I devil.gif

I have watched you since I have joined this site James and you like to think you have all the say, and try and mow down anyone that doesnt agree with you crying.gif

I wish? I wish what, precisely?

Methinks I am the one that hit the nerve, noob. If you had been here for any longer than a month, you would know that I'm an attorney, so of course I am predisposed to "mow down" people who take an opposing view from mine.

I do apologize if I have offended with the truth those people who want but can't have children (or who have long since had children).

To you, child-hater that you are, I offer no such apology. Be gone, newbie.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-05 07:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Staashi @ Mar 4 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've seen people with kids get RFEs because there is still doubt.

I've never seen one, and you're talking in the plural? Can you tell us who these "people" are here?
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-05 07:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (us1415 @ Mar 4 2008, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (junglee069 @ Mar 4 2008, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Mar 4 2008, 06:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (junglee069 @ Mar 3 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey james - thanks for updating me - i hadn't checked up on vj or the uscis site in a week or two - and yes, i was infact touched on 2/25.
i am about, what - 10 days away from a full year since we applied! this is madness.

oh well, all is well that ends well. let's see how much longer they drag us. any bets?

If I were a betting man, I would probably go the logical route and guess that the March 1 processing time is now more or less accurate, and people (at least us bulk transfers) will be approved about a year after our filing dates.

How long can it take an adjudicator to look at an individual file and decide it should be approved? I can't imagine it taking more than a half-hour tops, and less with certain other cases (like 5 mins. for people like Joel and me who have kids). There should be no FBI name/background check holdup because they're now allowed to approve petitions that have been in the system for more than six months even if that check hasn't been done.

we have a daughter as well - so add me to that 5 minute approval time frame! ;-)

We have 2. Would that be 2.5 minutes then? devil.gif

I think if you have more than one like we do, they should just rubber stamp the damned petition approved upon receipt.

Unfortunately, there is a newbie over on this thread who believes that having children makes (or should make) no difference.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-04 15:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (junglee069 @ Mar 3 2008, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hey james - thanks for updating me - i hadn't checked up on vj or the uscis site in a week or two - and yes, i was infact touched on 2/25.
i am about, what - 10 days away from a full year since we applied! this is madness.

oh well, all is well that ends well. let's see how much longer they drag us. any bets?

If I were a betting man, I would probably go the logical route and guess that the March 1 processing time is now more or less accurate, and people (at least us bulk transfers) will be approved about a year after our filing dates.

How long can it take an adjudicator to look at an individual file and decide it should be approved? I can't imagine it taking more than a half-hour tops, and less with certain other cases (like 5 mins. for people like Joel and me who have kids). There should be no FBI name/background check holdup because they're now allowed to approve petitions that have been in the system for more than six months even if that check hasn't been done.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-04 07:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Ara4 @ Mar 3 2008, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quick question:

In the time card, you list the date for biometrics. I submitted to TSC in April, got moved to VSC, but I haven't gone in for biometrics because I haven't received a letter saying that I should. Don't we do biometrics after we're approved? Have you guys gone in for biometrics already?


Biometrics are done within a month or so after filing your petition, so your appointment letter was lost somewhere. I've heard one possibly apocryphal tale of someone being approved without having biometrics, but I wouldn't rely on that.

I would immediately take my NOA1 down to the nearest ASC (click here to find it) and ask to have them done. Lots of people who never received their biometrics appointment notice have done the same thing. Lots have also wasted time making phone calls, InfoPass appointments, etc., to try and get a notice. Best thing is to take matters into your own hands.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-04 07:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (rhenryv @ Mar 2 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
James, not dead, just quiet. Don't now how you got that idea. Please add me back. Thanks.

Whoops. Sorry. It was because you hadn't been here (or at least hadn't logged in under your username, according to VJ) in 3-4 months. The thinking was that if the VSC transfer notice everyone got almost a month ago didn't get you and the other three similarly inactive folks back here to VJ to see what was going on, nothing would.

Also welcoming/adding emmysphere as a new TSC-VSC Loser®.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-03 07:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Everybody's checked in and up to date (except Jun, but I have little doubt he was touched on the 25th also).

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-01 23:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Gaston @ Feb 29 2008, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called them ,and they said that that letter was a mistake ,and that the case still not aproved ,and that it is at vermont maybe somewhere ,who knows ,he said that this cases sometimes take more then a year ,please call back and check ,what a #######!!!!


Nothing to see here, just another CIS screwup, move along everybody.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-03-01 22:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Gaston @ Feb 29 2008, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is a complete different letter ,this one is a white papper from TSC ,saying that the card is in production ,but still shows pending ,they ask me to allow 60 days ,then call if i do not get it .

The online case status still shows that the case is pending? I would call just on that basis alone and ask them to explain what's going on. Makes no sense.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-29 11:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (burs @ Feb 28 2008, 04:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaston @ Feb 28 2008, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that letter was fron TSC before got transfered .anyways i hope everybody gets aprove soon ,and starts enyoing life without this feeling of being waiting for this card

I think Gaston is confused. We all got the letter about the transfer that in the top right corner said "CRI89 approved." This This may be what he's talking 'bout. doesn't mean card production has been ordered though.

Probably, but why would he say the letter told him his "card was in production"? And the letter was dated Jan. 23, a week before the transfer letter. But I find it hard to believe that they approved all of us at TSC and then transferred us to VSC for mere card production.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-29 08:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Gaston @ Feb 28 2008, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is funny they also sent me a letter saying that my card was in production ,please allow us 60 days to delivered it ,then at vancouver still pending , i do not undertand anything ,!!!!!this is going to far

What??? I'd trust the letter over the online case status. I'm assuming it has the right name and case number and everything. What's the date on the letter?

Anyway, that's GREAT news! And you have 3/18/07 NOA1! That could mean they just blew through a bunch of cases and approved 'em wholesale! We'll know as other folks pick up their mail today and tomorrow . . . .
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-28 12:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Adding Pici0274

Given the touching pattern, I wonder if we've been sorted through and handed out among adjudicators. Where's A_C? He should be the first indication that we're either being actively processed or in a box in the back corner of a closet somewhere.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-28 07:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kbf @ Feb 27 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kezzie @ Feb 27 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will watch closely to see if my approval comes before the TSC people or like james says I will be pushed back and have to wait longer than the 6 months I was expecting.....

Good Luck to all you ex-TSC's


Kezzie I am praying for your February 08 approval. I am right behind ya.............

I would hope that the transfers don't push you guys back and that VSC keeps on its six month approval track, but unless they push us to the back of the line I don't see how they can keep that up unless they hired some more help. Maybe you both will still slide in as they tee up the transfers . . . .
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-27 15:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (imailin @ Feb 27 2008, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baunzerbrudi @ Feb 27 2008, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
should this really have been "sorting", could they conceivably have put us in the back of the line like a new arrival? In that case we can wait for another year...

NO, I don't think so.... you have to have faith. Even with USCIS....Good karma brings good karma!

Well, I would never underestimate the ability of USCIS to screw up, but I would agree that the powers that be there (or at least those at VSC) are like most people and do the fair thing when given the opportunity. So I believe that we must be at the top of the pile.

That might seem unfair to the people who filed at VSC just over six months ago and who would have otherwise been on the brink of approval but for these transfers, but there were a whole bunch of February 2007 TSC filers who were on the brink of approval back at the end of June 2007 when TSC simply stopped approving I-751s . . . .
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-27 14:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Adding Gaston and updating smartie.

Looks like everyone was touched on either yesterday or the day before. Sounds like they were just sorting through us.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-27 13:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Updating for Angel7422's 2/25 touch and imailin's 2/26 touch. It does look like yesterday's touches were only for those with May-June NOA1s. No idea what that means . . . .

Gaston and pici0274, post up your NOA1 date and biometrics appointment dates if you want to be added to the list.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/14/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-27 12:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Cassie @ Feb 26 2008, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (baunzerbrudi @ Feb 26 2008, 10:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nickbishop @ Feb 26 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (kalstravels @ Feb 13 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question to all those that hev received the e-mail on Feb. 13 2008 (or will shortly, don't lose hope):

Did you notice that the wording said "was transferred and is now pending standard processing at a USCIS office."?

Note they did not say "center". Do they mean a USCIS field office? If so, then this is something new.

Also, if you were to simply check to see where your application was, without ever receiving a letter in the mail, you would not know where the application was... Yup, try and look for any evdience online that our transferred TSC applications are in Vermont. There is no evidence of that now - normally there would be a message like "This case is at our Vermont Service Center". It says nothing like that, if you were touched on Feb. 13, 2008. All it says is a "USCIS office". Why the hell didn't they say "USCIS Center"? There are 4 centers nationwide, but a bunch of offices.

Maybe I am overreacting, but this is the USCIS.

I'll just take their last geographic mention - which was they were transferring to Vermont....but I am not cool about it.

I received this message for my i751 aswell called my lawyer and he says its an interview, prior to this message i received others sayin standard interview.

so we all would have an interview then???

I don't get that feeling at all. The word interview has not appeared in anything communicated to me yet. There is someone on our list who got a notice where an interview is mentioned, and until I hear otherwise, I am assuming I am not in line for one. The letter I received said that my case is being shipped to VSC, and that's where I think it is now.

There's no way all of us are getting an interview, or even any of us, at least going by the email/online status message or what the new guy's attorney has said.

Kal read too deeply into the message, focusing on the use of "USCIS office" instead of "service center," and overlooked the main status line that says the "case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred." Well, if it were transferred to VSC, then all the message is saying is that the case is pending at VSC.

The lawyer is apparently as clueless as anyone here, if not more so.

I'm just curious when the approvals are going to start dribbling out because these 3-4 months of old I-751s must have become a sudden priority there.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-27 08:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (Cassie @ Feb 26 2008, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Feb 26 2008, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Updating for today's touches, which are from the bottom of the list. I have no idea what that pattern means.

I know, this whole thing is getting squirrely.

I think it's just a whole bunch of throat clearing before they put us back in an orderly pile.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-26 16:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Deleting 4 dead users.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/14/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

Edited by James, 26 February 2008 - 04:13 PM.

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-26 16:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Updating for today's touches, which are from the bottom of the list. I have no idea what that pattern means.

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/14/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-26 16:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
No touch for me today, at least not yet.

Maybe they are being shuffled or passed around the office. Or maybe they are alphabetizing them.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-26 12:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
It may be safe to assume everyone got touched yesterday, even those who just received the 2/22 email, but I'm just updating those who have reported in. (There are still a few people who never reported being transferred to VSC, but they've been brought along for the ride even though for all I know they may have left their spouses to become a Vegas showgirl or join the French Foreign Legion.)

UserName............NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Last Touch......Approved
.....03/09/07........04/06/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.......03/21/07........03/29/07........02/14/08........--/--/-- (service request)
......03/23/07........04/20/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (service request)
.....04/20/07........04/25/07........02/25/08........--/--/-- (senator involved)

JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-26 06:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
Huh, although I had checked earlier in the day, I checked again and found out I just got touched today, too.

Maybe it's a consolidation touch -- they've put us all in one big pile (as a prelude to the dumping that pile in a cardboard box and putting it in the janitorial closet of THEIR basement men's room).
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-25 17:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (burs @ Feb 25 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Feb 23 2008, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (burs @ Feb 22 2008, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (James @ Feb 22 2008, 01:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (imailin @ Feb 22 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaston @ Feb 22 2008, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had mine transfered to VST from texas on january 31 ,now today they changed status to pending ,is that mean that i am on the waiting list again!!! its been almost 1 year

Today??? Would you send us the exact paragraph??? Please!!!

Could be that he just checked the online status for today for the first time in over a week. No email was sent for the 2/14 touch, which says of one's current status that the "case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred."

I did receive an email on 2/14. It could be that some people's status is just now being updated from "transferred to VSC" to "pending at service center to which it was sent" whereas other's (yours truly) have been updated last week. If this is the case, instead of approving the transferrees one by one, they may just want to approve everyone at the same time (which kind of sucks because being a March filer I don't want to be approved with an April filer on the same day - I want at least a one day lead :-).

Yeah, I misspoke, there was an email for 2/14 obviously, and I got one, too, and now so have a bunch of others for, what, 2/22? 2/23? What does the online status say for "last updated"?

I received an email on 2/13 (not 2/14, sorry) and my status was changed to "pending at the service center to which it was transferred). Today, I still have that status, but my "last updated date" is 2/22. No email, though. This just blows. Wife and I want to go to Italy next week, but I am not sure if the Italian embassy would look kindly on my wife's expired greencard with an extension.

Now THAT'S interesting. You got the 2/13 "pending" email but you have been touched again since then. I got the 2/13 email but still just show a 2/14 "last updated date." (All of these email apparently generate a "last updated date" for the following day.) Your file seems to be going somewhere now! Or maybe they just moved you to the pile with all of the others who got the "pending" email late.
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-25 11:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (jsouthwick @ Feb 23 2008, 02:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (utopiacowboy @ Feb 23 2008, 01:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's a party! We got an email late this evening saying the same "Current Status: This case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred. blah, blah, blah......." Lots of touching going on but nobody's getting to home plate.

There doesn't seem to be any order to it since our original NOA1 date from the TSC is 4/19/2007.

For a sick laugh check out the processing times for Texas now that they have unloaded the TSC "Losers" to Vermont, now 4/26/07, and poor Vermont hasn't moved off of March 1st, 2007 since last month's post. You have to feel for the VSC original filers. Texas has slowed then down.

What I find ironic is that my 4/20 NOA1 is now outside of the TSC processing time for the first time. Of course I'm no longer there (not that making a service request based on that, or even on the 3/1 VSC processing time, would do any good).
JamesNot TellingColombia2008-02-23 07:40:00