Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAffidavit
Seems pretty similar to the ones I sent. I did not notarize mine by the way though doing so could only help. Try to get family members too.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-30 12:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUSCIS sent a reminder to file I-751
I did not receive any reminder.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-02-29 11:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionmy form I-90 is denied because i didnt file form I-751to remove my codition

ill send out the form I-751 ASAP after i have collected all the evidents and witness statement. so just to make sure , i don't need to reapply form I-90 again, do i?

NO not ASAP. Wait til May 26 for the 90 day window (based on the dates you posted) to file the I 751. Do not file I-90. You should not have filed it in the first place so why would you refile it? It sounds like you may want to get a lawyer if you don't understand the filing requirements.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-05 23:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhot topic
This ridiculous process of getting green cards reminds me of The Trial by Kafka. Bureaucracy for Bureaucracy's sake. It is also absurd how people can hop over the border and get free health care and college tuition via the Dream Act but we basically sign out lives away with the Affidavit of Support and can't even get the time of day.

Edited by wasabi, 11 April 2012 - 10:26 AM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-11 10:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionhot topic
This whole process becomes very emotional. It is easy to lose your objectivity and your cool. I have been burned and annoyed by USCIS so I know they can act unprofessionally but I don't think the interview was as antagonistic as you might have perceived it to be based on what I read in this thread. However staying calm no matter how much it seems the interviewer is toying with you is key. I know sometimes easier said than done.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-10 21:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?
Yes as you noted I did not need to sign. I think for me the card was sent from Laguna Niguel strangely there wasn't any postmark I could detect.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-24 21:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?
Just got the Green Card in the mail. This stage of the journey is over!
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-24 16:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?
I just got another email that says the following:

The USPS reported that they picked up mail from USCIS containing your new card on May 22, 2012. You should receive your new card within 7 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, please call our customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

It's weird nearly six months of silence and now I am getting updates like twice a day.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-22 18:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?

Thank you Amber! Fingers crossed your card production gets ordered soon :thumbs:

Just got a second card production e-mail so hopefully things are moving along now... :innocent:

Me too mine said this:

On May 22, 2012, we mailed the new card directly to the address we have on file. You should receive your new card within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

It says within 30 days but hopefully it will only take a week.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-22 10:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?

Thank you!

Yes my online status changed today for the first time since my NOA date last year. It now shows a last updated date of today and when I click on it, it has the message about card production. The initial review circle is no longer colored in and actually no circles are colored in.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-19 00:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?

FINALLY! :wow:

5 weeks and 3 days after my approval date, I got the e-mail all of us in thsi thread have been waiting for:

On May 18, 2012, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

:dance: Hope the rest of you get yours soon! :dance:

Just got the exact same email 5 minutes ago. Looks like they do them in batches. The final countdown begins...
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-18 20:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?

Same here, my approval letter came in the mail approval date April 10, online status still initial review. I always though card production was handled by a separate company... But everything to do with USCIS seems slow of late. :( Vermont seems faster at card production but then I guess they should be after how long approval is taking there. :bonk:

I also was approved 4/10/12 and nothing since then, no online updates. It's nice that we are approved but there is that nagging feeling of doubt something will go wrong between now and when we actually have the card in hand. It's also a pain to travel in limbo between now and having the new card. We have a few important flights coming up and I'm worried someone in TSA will notice the expiration date on my wife's card and not understand the letter that says it's approved. I realize there's nothing I can do but it is annoying. On the plus side this will be the final annoyance for ten years.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-15 18:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long from approval letter to receipt of card?

Hopefully so!
I started getting paranoid, reading the approval letter over and over :wacko: It also doesn't feel better knowing that they never updated my status online, it's still under "Initial review" :hehe:

DITTO LOL. Hope it gets here soon.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-04 18:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers

Received Notice today that the guys were approved as of May 1! :dance:

Cool. I'm still waiting to get my wife's actual GC in the mail but feels good to be approved.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-05-05 23:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
I don't mean to get overly political on a nonpolitical forum but I'd say the USCIS process has been the major interaction with the US government in my life. Based on how slow and sloppy this whole process has been I would be very worried about a government run healthcare system. I am all for reforming healthcare but after all the rigmarole with the USCIS I want the government out of my life not more in it!
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-23 23:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers

Hmm, lets see what this 2.5 inches included this time..(by the way I LOVE how they ask for all documentation since 9-2009 but gave me a tiny envelope to mail it I was really grasping at straws to come up with stuff so I mostly stuck with what they wanted (Bank statements and utility bills).

*Blue Sheet
*Our legal identification
*Copy of our dental office print out showing both names, that husband is married and that son is listed
*Postcard from our former real estate agent reminding us who she transferred us to. We are using Coldwell Banker to sell the home that is currently only in my name due to having bought it several years prior to our marriage. We will be putting the new home in both names.
*Copy of the due receipt for our business license renewal showing husband's name and our address
*Our home and car insurance statement with ours and both our sons names on it
*Our joint bank statements since the month we were married (full copies)
*Our PG&E bills (full copies) since mid 2011 when we went ahead and put both our names on the account.
*Misc emails from friends and family witnessing our relationship

That sounds more than adequate I would think you'll be fine. We have the approval letter but still waiting for the actual Green Card.

Edited by wasabi, 19 April 2012 - 11:22 PM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-19 23:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Stinker What did you send?

Edited by wasabi, 19 April 2012 - 01:01 AM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-19 00:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
I tried to attach a file but I don't think it worked so I have it shown below. Names and other personal information have been changed but this will give you the general idea. The personal knowledge statement was adjusted to reflect each individuals personal relationship with my wife and I. For example Landlord, friend, family.


Regarding #A123456789 Jane Doe

IN Regards to I 751 JOINT PETITION OF:




My name is Max Doe. I live at 123 Charles Rd Boston, MA 02134 USA. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein:
1. I have known Jane Doe since November 2008 when I met her at our family celebration of Thanksgiving.
2. I have dined with Jane Doe and John Doe on multiple occasions. John and Jane have been guests at my home and I have been a guest at their home on multiple occasions. I have witnessed them living together as a married couple.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Edited by Kathryn41, 18 April 2012 - 09:40 PM.
to remove personal name

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-18 11:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
A few things others still in this RFE limbo may find worthwhile to know. However just because this information is true for me doesn't mean it will be true for you.

1) The USCIS website still shows my wife's status: Initial Review, with a date of being last touched as of 10/14/2011. It did not update for the RFE or the green card approval.
2) Among the evidence I sent was 6 Affidavits. None of them were notarized.
3) This most recent package contained mostly new evidence and only a few of the previously submitted documents.

Edited by wasabi, 14 April 2012 - 10:46 PM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-14 22:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers

Man I really do hope VSC picks up speed... <_< Phil went through the entire interview process at that job I mentioned a while back. It's located in NY but we've been upfront with them regarding the GC and about not wanting to move until it's in our hand. My brother-in-law works there and is pretty high up so I'm hoping they'll be more lenient if they really want Phil to work there. He's gone through all the interviews and it's been 2 weeks and we haven't heard a 'yes' or 'no' yet. I just hope they don't write him off simply because of this GC nonsense. I'm already not happy with USCIS, I don't need another reason. I'd really like to move up to NY because my sisters live there and this would be the perfect opportunity for it if Phil got a job offer. C'mon VSC... don't let us down!

If it is a matter of getting the job or not do you need to wait to have it in hand? The NOA1 letter is the same as having a green card for working purposes. I realize it's a bit harder to explain to HR but it is legal.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-14 20:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Wonderful news my VJ friends. My wife's Green Card was approved. Just received a letter today saying the decision was made on 4/10/12. So it took them one week from the date of receiving my reply to make their decision. If you look at my timeline you can see this is identical the time frame when we last had an RFE. What a relief!
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-14 19:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
I wonder how long it will be before USCIS acts upon my RFE reply. The last time they were actually pretty quick but that one was a bit more straightforward.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-11 10:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers

I am in a similar position. I thought I sent what was a pretty good package originally. I've sent a second package containing Affidavits and 4 years of travel reservations in both our names in my second package plus a few other things. If this doesn't work I am out of ideas. Like you we have various challenges to deal with and certainly could do without the USCIS being a nuisance.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-07 10:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Stinkerpotsam what was the reason for your RFE? What did you send in your I-751 package?

Edited by wasabi, 06 April 2012 - 07:13 PM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-06 19:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers

Anything on retirement accounts (401k, pension) or life insurance that shows your spouse as the beneficiary?

Any way of showing healthcare related costs you have paid for your spouse? We lined up Health Savings account statements with Dr. office bills.

I would wonder if your RFE is randomly generated as a kind of quality control check. IMO, your evidence isn't much different than ours and we were approved.

Thanks for the feedback however I already put together the RFE package and mailed it just today. It was the most convoluted RFE I have received and I've gotten 3 so far. The other two were much more specific. This one contained a blue sheet of paper, it said RFE and my wife's case information. Stapled to it was a white sheet of paper stating various documents I could send to show a valid relationship. As I said I had already submitted all the suggested documents but now have gone above and beyond. My package contained the following new information. I also included some previously submitted info but won't list that.

6 Affidavits from, friends, family and my landlord as I stated. My landlord lives on site so he can attest he has seen us together almost daily. I included his business card also.

Bank statements from the inception of our account to present + a voided check (we previously sent only one statement)

Actual health insurance cards not photocopies. I happened to have duplicates on hand.

About a dozen new photos

Travel receipts. The travel receipts amount to almost $10,000 which I summed up and put in chronological order for them. Everything is in a tidy package with an index as the cover page.

I am praying this is enough. I am out of ideas of what else I could send them. If this fails I wonder what is next? An Interview? My wife and I would agree to an interview. We have lived together daily since we met and have nothing to hide. That said I would prefer not to have an interview as you never know what kind of oddball questions they are going to ask.

If I had to guess I think it will be enough. I think often the RFE's of this type are meant to scare you and see if you will step up to it or drop it entirely.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-02 21:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
I was very surprised and very annoyed we got an RFE. However I think my additional evidence is quite compelling. I've gathered 6 affidavits from friends, family and our landlord attesting to the validity of our marriage. I also have vacation travel receipts dating back to the beginning of our relationship to present day. I have a few new photos and will be submitting duplicates of our actual insurance cards this time.

I very rarely get offended in life but I am offended we got this RFE. We seem to get them every step of the way and I even used a lawyer up to the point my wife entered the US and he did excellent work. It seems they don't like the way we look as a couple or the country she is from. I know they need to prevent fraud but I feel they are being excessively critical without basis for our relationship. I will be very happy when this is done and hopefully is the last time I need to deal with the USCIS.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-01 22:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Unfortunately I got an RFE. The RFE is requesting additional proof of a relationship. I was quite surprised by this as I provided.
Joint Tax returns
Joint Bank accounts
Health insurance cards for us both
About 30 photos of us together all over the United States
A will bequeathed to us each as the principal beneficiary
A living will designating each other as principal determinants
A jointly signed lease

I am planning on sending:
about 10 new photos
Affidavits from friends, family and our landlord attesting we are married
25 travel ticket receipts with both our names on them printed from Orbitz and Travelocity
I am resending the information about joint bank accounts + a Voided check
and resending the information about our jointly filed tax returns

Anyone feel free to chime in if you can think of anything else or if you think this is enough.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-03-30 16:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Is it normal not to have any touches since I sent in my wife's I-751? We did get a biometric notice which we went to but there hasn't been any touches since October.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-02-23 12:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
I filed in California.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-02-10 11:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 October 2011 Filers
Just another October filing waiting for something. My case hasn't been touched since the day they received our 751. We did go for the Biometric as scheduled.

Edited by wasabi, 08 February 2012 - 07:41 PM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-02-08 19:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived RFE in response to I-751 Petition
kat loves matt I think we are in somewhat similar situations even the dates of our RFE are the same. I really hope they are satisfied with the packet I just sent. I put it together very fast, maybe too fast because I want to get to the finish line. I'm disheartened to hear your affidavits didn't help you avoid an RFE but I have heard they are not too high on the proof of a bonafide relationship list so I guess it's no surprise. Regardless I did include 6 of them including perhaps the most important one which is from our landlord.

I have been playing over and over again in my mind if some detail of what I sent in was wrong or could have been presented better. I will be glad to have this headache over with.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-03 15:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived RFE in response to I-751 Petition
I just got the same letter and replied. I included joint leases, bank accounts and joint tax filing information in our original submission so I was shocked I got an RFE. My response included travel receipts and 6 affidavits from friends, family and or landlord, plus a bit more banking information.
wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-03 12:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSurprised to get RFE
I got that generic RFE letter too and at first was scared by it since most of the items it suggested I had already sent. I ended up sending a few new financial docs, some new pictures, 6 unnotarized affidavits from friends, family, and landlord. I also sent 4 years of travel receipts + a few original items. We successfully got approved. It may be too late to start creating joint accounts and things like that now if you haven't already. The USCIS wants to see a history of commingling not actions taken in response to the RFE.

Good luck.

Edited by wasabi, 19 April 2012 - 01:11 AM.

wasabiMaleThailand2012-04-19 01:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (jennysp @ Aug 11 2009, 07:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
where do you suggest i submit my application?

Fairfax sees 319b applications on a regular basis. My wife had her interview in Iowa and it was the first 319b case they'd ever seen. The adjudicator didn't even know it was possible so she initially denied her application. It ended up costing several thousand dollars in lawyer fees to prove our case. In hindsight, flying to Fairfax would have been much cheaper. If I did it all over again, I definitely would have gone to Fairfax.
mnbinthMaleThailand2009-08-11 11:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (jennysp @ Aug 10 2009, 04:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! My husband owns a 50% of a us firm together with his american partner who also owns 50%. They put up an accounting outsourcing firm abroad since 2007 and we have been stationed abroad ever since. We are expected to stay abroad for a period of 5 yrs. My husband and my three children are all US Citizens.
Tried my luck the first time:
Last 2008 i applied for n400 under 319b, got an appointment but missed it since i was about to give birth to my third baby. I even stated it on my application but i guess they dont really care much about my timeline. Gave registered mail twice, called USCIS twice stating my reason for non appearance. Received a notice from them stating that i need to contact them bec of non appearance. Sent registered mail again. Kept calling USCIS when my interview will be, they never gave me a straight answer. Finally, i went back to the states because it has been almost a year since i've filed my application only to find out that my case was denied due to non appearance! It seems i do not have much luck with it.
So my questions are:
1. Is it worth it, applying for n400 under 319b the second time around, or am i just wasting money?
2. Has anyone filed from california, or even the west coast that has taken the oath ceremony the same day? or is it better to have it in fairfax?
please help me!

1. The back of your interview notice gives instructions how to reschedule your interview. You should have just rescheduled for a later date after you recovered from having a baby.
2. What type of firm does your husband run? It must follow the following rule. It sounds like your husband is engaged in developing foreign trade for the United States.
(B: in the employment of the Government of the United States, or of an American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General, or of an American firm or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the development of foreign trade and commerce of the United States, or a subsidiary thereof, or of a public international organization in which the United States participates by treaty or statute, or is authorized to perform the ministerial or priestly functions of a religious denomin ation having a bona fide organization within the United States, or is engaged solely as a missionary by a religious denomination or by an interdenominational mission organization having a bona fide organization within the United States

3. You already have a green card right?
4. Citizenship is worth the cost if you think you might qualify.
5. Contact your local U.S. congressman's office and they can make an inquiry on your behalf after you submit your application.
6. Take some of the detailed legal documents from this post with you to your interview to support your case if you don't have a lawyer. http://www.visajourn...howtopic=175821

Edited by mnbinth, 10 August 2009 - 10:35 PM.

mnbinthMaleThailand2009-08-10 22:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (bebs03 @ Mar 15 2009, 05:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bebs03 @ Mar 15 2009, 04:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am about to apply under 319b.. I just got my LPR 2 months ago. My husband is already in italy (Im in the states). My question about the 3 year as LPR being waived was answered.. now do I need to be residing abroad to apply under 319b ?? or can I apply here in the states and then go with my hubby? Thank you for answering in advance.. I really appreciate it because Im so confused! unsure.gif

Oh and one more thing! whats with the flight itinerary thing.. Like someone else said. Am I supposed to just aim? That doesn't make sense. We dont know when will they give me the interview or even respond before hand. Please help!

Either request the interview in Fairfax for a same day oath or buy a flexible ticket. It is not clear anywhere how this part is supposed to work and all offices have different processing times. I posted my experience here http://www.visajourn...howtopic=175821
mnbinthMaleThailand2009-08-10 02:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (bebs03 @ Mar 15 2009, 05:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am about to apply under 319b.. I just got my LPR 2 months ago. My husband is already in italy (Im in the states). My question about the 3 year as LPR being waived was answered.. now do I need to be residing abroad to apply under 319b ?? or can I apply here in the states and then go with my hubby? Thank you for answering in advance.. I really appreciate it because Im so confused! unsure.gif

You can be residing anywhere and still apply. I posted a bunch of additional information here http://www.visajourn...howtopic=175821
mnbinthMaleThailand2009-08-10 02:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
I started a new post for this topic with more detailed information at the top. Click here.
mnbinthMaleThailand2009-01-31 13:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (Thomas and Milena @ Dec 22 2008, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys,

So I just found out that Milena's 319b interview will be in Atlanta on 12 February 2009. We will bring everything we have used on our immigration journey, including proof of bona fide relationship. I will have information documenting that we will be posted overseas for at least 1 year after she is naturalized (until September 2010), and she will be ready for the civics test.

My only question is this: the 319b process requires that the newly-naturalized citizen leave the country within 45 days no? Right now, our flight is 51 days after the 12th of February. Should we change this? Will they ask for documentation to show that we are leaving the country within 45 days? Is there a chance we could have the oath a week or two after the interview? (Atlanta usually does oaths on the same day?) We are having a child around the 8 March, so it would be nice not to be rushed out of the country. smile.gif

Thank you guys so much for your help on this. I am certain I could have never done it without you guys. Or at least without paying the $1000 lawyer fee that I was quoted for a 319b application!

Thomas and Milena

$1,000??? Dang, I'm totally getting ripped off... mad.gif Oh well, it's all worth it in the end. Just have to keep my eyes on the end goal.
The 45 days question is the same one I have. I'm not sure whether or not to bring proof of travel. How can I do that if I don't know when the oath ceremony is or how long it will take to get a passport? Have you tried calling USCIS? Last time I tried that, they didn't even know what I was talking about. Maybe if I can get to a higher tier customer service person. My wife's interview is on January 26th and I'll post an update with what I know the same day.
mnbinthMaleThailand2008-12-22 14:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 Expedited Naturalization 319b Information
QUOTE (Thomas F @ Nov 21 2008, 06:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the way, I know there is this rule that my wife has to leave the US within 45 days of her oath. Will the officer ask for proof of this at the interview? Right now, we have a flight for 5 April. This means that if the interview takes place before 25 February, our flight plans will show 50-55 days before we are planning on leaving the states again?

This is very premature, since we haven't received our interview letter yet...but does anyone have any thoughts? Did the officers ask you guys for proof that you would be joining your USC spouse abroad within 45 days?

That's one of the big questions I hope to get answered at our interview whenever it is...
mnbinthMaleThailand2008-11-21 07:33:00