PhilippinesJust found out my girl passed the medical!!!
QUOTE (MikeMc @ Aug 19 2009, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rockhouse @ Aug 19 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
^Yep. The NVC letter with the MNL # can be snailed or scanned and emailed to her. The guard will need the MNL to let her in. Once inside she will need the "appointment letter" email that was sent when you set up the interview. Just scan it and email it to your girl.
Good luck.

Oh so we will need to setup the interview before trying to get the medical done then?
I was thinking we could have the Medical started by Friday/Monday of this week/next week then schedule an interview so we could try to opt for the earliest available interview.

This was a point of interest to me as well. I started a previous thread on it, and got different answers from different people. I eventually got frustrated and decided to just wait for the interview set-up so she could have both the NVC letter AND the "appointment letter".
My girl said that she wasn't sure if only the NVC letter was good enough because although the guard at the entrance only wanted her NVC letter, the first lady she went to inside the clinic asked her for the appointment letter from the embassy.
It's basically your call as to whether or not you want to risk going down there with only the NVC letter.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 11:06:00
PhilippinesJust found out my girl passed the medical!!!
^Yep. The NVC letter with the MNL # can be snailed or scanned and emailed to her. The guard will need the MNL to let her in. Once inside she will need the "appointment letter" email that was sent when you set up the interview. Just scan it and email it to your girl.
Good luck.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 09:10:00
PhilippinesJust found out my girl passed the medical!!!
Thanks yall. Yeah, she said her arms are really sore. Luckily she got the shots in the late afternoon, now she is already in bed so she can sleep off the soreness.
Next stop...USEM!
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 08:39:00
PhilippinesJust found out my girl passed the medical!!!
Just talked to her. She said she passed with no problems! She had to get 3 vaccines, all included in the medical fee.
She said that the guard at the clinic needed her NVC letter for the MNL #, and the lady inside needed her "appointment letter" email from the embassy.
She said that it was super-busy, like 200 people in the clinic.
Anyway, she passed and we are praising God right now. Now her and her mother have an extra day in Manila to celebrate along with 8,000 pesos! good.gif
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 08:16:00
PhilippinesApproved! :)
Wow! Congrats! Sounds............easy! smile.gif
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-20 08:46:00
PhilippinesFiancee Passed Medical Next Up Interview
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-20 11:27:00
Philippinesmeeting her family for the first TIME!!!
QUOTE (Arbind.Ariadne @ Aug 20 2009, 05:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gtron @ Aug 19 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
there's a lot of generalizations and assumptions in this thread. you cannot relate your personal one week or couple of month experience to an entire country of people. maybe your husband or wife is from a province that is much different than manila or something else. somebody even mentioned that they are simple people. what does that even mean? are you saying filipinos are simple people? nobody else found that rude as hell?

another thing, just because someone's family asked you for about money that doesn't mean that anyone traveling to philipines should be prepared to be hounded for money by their so's family. that's you're family now. one, it's not every family is like that. two, keep your families money issues to yourself. this is a public board.

his post was asking for some simple advise and a handful of people turned it into judging and describing an entire country in a few single sentences. it can't be done so stop it.

sometimes i read these forums and i'm amazed how people aren't more offended by some of the posts on here. unreal.

anyway, there are some customary actions that may exist throughout the country but be sure to research the customs that might be unique to the area you're traveling too.

sorry i wasn't more helpful but i mostly posted that because i was so turned off by some of the posts in this thread.

This is the best answer I had read so far. It makes a lot of sense to say this because when my fiance visited me for the first time, nothing traditional or usual happened. It completely varies from one family to another. Talk about being conservative or liberated.

Umm, that's my point. Your experience is "unusual." whistling.gif

It's all good though. I wouldn't trade my girl, or her family, for the world. We even plan on living there someday!:)

Edited by rockhouse, 20 August 2009 - 08:26 AM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-20 08:24:00
Philippinesmeeting her family for the first TIME!!!
QUOTE (gtron @ Aug 18 2009, 08:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
there's a lot of generalizations and assumptions in this thread. you cannot relate your personal one week or couple of month experience to an entire country of people. maybe your husband or wife is from a province that is much different than manila or something else. somebody even mentioned that they are simple people. what does that even mean? are you saying filipinos are simple people? nobody else found that rude as hell?

another thing, just because someone's family asked you for about money that doesn't mean that anyone traveling to philipines should be prepared to be hounded for money by their so's family. that's you're family now. one, it's not every family is like that. two, keep your families money issues to yourself. this is a public board.

his post was asking for some simple advise and a handful of people turned it into judging and describing an entire country in a few single sentences. it can't be done so stop it.

sometimes i read these forums and i'm amazed how people aren't more offended by some of the posts on here. unreal.

anyway, there are some customary actions that may exist throughout the country but be sure to research the customs that might be unique to the area you're traveling too.

sorry i wasn't more helpful but i mostly posted that because i was so turned off by some of the posts in this thread.

You're way to serious. One of the extreme PC crowd huh? BTW, you sure did give some good answers to the TS questions.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 08:32:00
Philippinesmeeting her family for the first TIME!!!
QUOTE (charlie&pam @ Aug 18 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rockhouse @ Aug 18 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.
Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.
Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

really that bad???? so did it ruin your trip?

Nah man, not at all. My girl is worth every grief in the world. The second trip was better though cause i knew to expect it. I have helped her family alot, and will continue to as long as i am with my girl. They just have an old-school mind-set that if you're Amerikano, you're rich.
As far as being in public, if you've ever been to Mexico, it's kinda like that. You know, like if you're walking to a taxi, some random guy will jump in front of you and act like HE'S the reason it stopped. Then he asks for money. Or if you're pulling into a parking spot, some dude will run up and GUIDE you into the spot, lol, then ask for money.
Then there's the actual beggars. If you eat at a fast food restaurant near the street, be sure and sit away from the windows, or atleast YOU don't face the's hard to eat when 5-10 kids have their faces smashed against the glass with agonizing looks of pain on their faces.
If you watch them fter you give them money usually you'll see them run off to go gamble it away or buy something to huff on.
All this stuff is expected in any 3rd world country IMO.

Edited by rockhouse, 18 August 2009 - 04:17 PM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-18 16:13:00
Philippinesmeeting her family for the first TIME!!!
QUOTE (Joseph & Ana @ Aug 18 2009, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I must have gotten lucky. The family didn't want any money from me. They even refused the town school from giving me a letter requesting money for the school. They wouldn't allow them to give it to me.

I wish you the best of luck.

Lol, that's kinda my point. The TOWN SCHOOL was even wanting some of the action, how much more her relatives. You lucked out that they didn't actually ask YOU, but i can almost guarantee you that your girl dealt with it when she was alone with them.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-18 15:22:00
Philippinesmeeting her family for the first TIME!!!
You're basically gonna step off the plane as Donald Trump in their eyes. My girl was constantly bombarded with financial requests from just about every relative. The requests ranged from buying MP3 players for cousins, to paying other relative's debts off. Some of which were hundreds of dollars.
Quite honestly that was the worst thing about the PI for me. It seemed like EVERY SINGLE person wanted money from me. It got old real quick and even started to wear me out in a very negative way.
Be prepared, and be stern with your girl with regards to your budget.

Edited by rockhouse, 18 August 2009 - 03:19 PM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-18 15:16:00
PhilippinesHow often do you talk?
I think it's a testament to the sweetness of a good Filipina. I just don't get tired of talking with her. Every little thing she says and does is like magic.....wait, that's a police song!
Well, it's good to hear so many here have good communication with their mate. I really can't wait for her to get here because it will be SOOO nice not to have to sit in front of this computer so much!
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 15:31:00
PhilippinesHow often do you talk?
I was just curious how often, and how much the couples here talk. Me and my girl talk on skype and google talk. We have logged over 1,500 hours of talk time in 1 year. She speaks great english and our topics cover everything from theology to quantum mechanics to what we did that day.
It's so nice having a mate that has the EXACT same core belief system that i do. I really believe that couple's that can keep each other interested through mutual, good conversation will always have a good sex life and a long relationship.
So how often do yall talk?
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 10:19:00
PhilippinesQuestions about the DS forms from USEM...
Thanks yall. I appreciate it! smile.gif
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 08:10:00
PhilippinesQuestions about the DS forms from USEM...
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 23:24:00
PhilippinesQuestions about the DS forms from USEM...
1) Can these be hand written, or do they HAVE to be typed?
2) In the spaces that do not apply to her, N/A, NONE, or leave BLANK?

Anyone that has already completed these, and gotten their visa, please respond....thanks.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 21:15:00
PhilippinesQuestions about the DS forms from USEM...
Does my fiancee fill all those DS forms out directly on the PDF file online and then print them? If questions don't apply should she use N/A or None?
We want to hear from people who have already filled these out so she does it right.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 20:49:00
PhilippinesN/A or NONE?!!!!!!!!!!!
OK. I understand that, however there are other questions not related to any numbers that should be N/A but won't accept N/A, NA or NONE.
We have decided she will leave all those blank in order to continue and print.
I am through with this thread. If they put her at the back of the line because of the blanks and she misses her flight home, we will deal with that sh*t at that time.
Thanks for the answers.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 23:07:00
PhilippinesN/A or NONE?!!!!!!!!!!!
Many of the questions that require numbers will not accept N/A or NA or NONE. For instance, number 19 says, "spouses DOB". Well she doesn't have a previous or current spouse so she tried N/A, NA and NONE. The forms then tells her that in order to proceed it needs numbers filled in for the DOB of spouse.
The only way she can proceed to page 2 is by just picking a random number for her spouse, (which she doesn't have), or to leave it blank.
Can someone PLEASE pm me or something regarding these forms. We want to do it right, but there seems to be NO right way to do it!

Edited by rockhouse, 22 August 2009 - 10:55 PM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 22:55:00
PhilippinesN/A or NONE?!!!!!!!!!!!
OK. The Embassy website has a link at the very bottom of the visa page where you can download a DS-156 form. The instructions, (and everyone else), says DO NOT leave ANY answers blank. Either write N/A or NONE.

When my girl filled out the form and pressed "continue" to get to page 2 and print, it says that it won't take "N/A" on certain answers. The only way she can proceed to page 2 is to leave those questions blank! Which the instructions and everyone else says NOT TO DO!

So does she leave these blank, print it out and then HAND-WRITE N/A in the blanks?.........
But wait! It says NO HAND-WRITTEN forms will be accepted for the DS-156!

I'm at the end of my rope with this BS.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 22:34:00
PhilippinesN/A or NONE?!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for that link. Even those examples are for work or tourism related trips though. The way my mind works is very specific, objective and within context. These DS forms are like damn inkblot tests at a shrinks office.

USEM: "What do you see?"
Us: "Umm, a cat"
USEM: "Wrong Muthaf****s!! It's a dog! NEXT!"

I'm soooooooo sick of this whole process.

Edited by rockhouse, 22 August 2009 - 10:08 PM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 22:07:00
PhilippinesN/A or NONE?!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and my girl are freakin out on these DS Forms! These questions are not SPECIFIC enough! For example on the DS-156, number 25, it asks for the name and phone number of the person-
"Who you will be staying with or visiting for tourism or business"
What the hell should she write there? Is it my name, N/A or NONE?! She's not coming for business reasons! It's a K1!
On alot of the other places NONE and N/A are very interchangeable! They want these things filled out properly but the questions aren't specific enough!
I'm so sick of this BS!!!!!!

I downloaded an example form of the DS-156 from VJ but it seems not real accurate on alot of the answers. Someone PLEASE help us with a link to a PROPERLY and COMPLETE filled-out DS-156 form!!!
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-22 21:41:00
PhilippinesQuestion regarding evidence of relationship for USEM...
Thanks yall.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-24 21:07:00
PhilippinesQuestion regarding evidence of relationship for USEM...
If our case was filed in March of 2009, and the USCIS had evidence of our relationship such as emails, chat logs, letters, etc., isn't that stuff forwarded to the NVC, then to the USEM?
If it is, then all the USEM would need for relationship evidence would be anything AFTER the NOA2....correct?
My girl wants to know if she should bring emails, chat logs, etc. from March until now, or just from the NOA2 until now.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-24 20:24:00
Awesome! good.gif
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-19 08:18:00
PhilippinesQuestion about printing emails for interview...
I just don't want her to bring something that looks like she typed it herself, but printing the yahoo page uses twice the paper and causes her to have to find an internet cafe that has their computers networked to the printer.
I don't know what she should do.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-25 20:06:00
PhilippinesQuestion about printing emails for interview...
My girl tried to make it easier on herself and also save money so she copied and pasted all of our email evidence into Microsoft Word. So basically it looks like a document rather than an authentic email. All of the dates, and the smileys are on the word file, but it's still not like a printed email page.
I'm thinking that maybe this would be an issue with the C.O.
Any thoughts?
BTW, please only people that have had the interview or heard first-hand about this subject respond.....thanks.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-25 19:53:00
PhilippinesMy House for My wife Sheryl.
*pokes head in, looks around, slowly backs out*
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 09:37:00
PhilippinesFiancees/Wives from Cebu
My girl is from Cebu and she got her's at St. Lukes in Manila. They told her she needed 4 but when she asked what they were for she found out that one was for chicken pox. She already had that one as a kid, apparently the nurse was speaking in Tagalog so fast that my girl couldn't really understand when the nurse asked about the chicken pox vaccine.
After telling them she already had that one, and showing them the scar, they went ahead and gave her 3 shots. She told me what they were for but i forgot. blush.gif
All 3 were included in the medical fee.
She had sore arms for about a day but that was it.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 16:41:00
Philippinesupdate of my baby that have no hearbeat
All is as God will's it to be.
God bless you. rose.gif
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-21 08:16:00
PhilippinesI am so SAD!!!
You are over-reacting big time. If he wanted to keep pictures of his ex on the walls thats one thing, but to freak out over a bag that was around when they were together is absurd.....unless he has some sort of sentimental bond with the things she owned, then i see how that would be awkward.
As long as you know he loves you, and he hasn't given you a reason to think anything else, then i would forget about it.
Life is gonna get alot more difficult together than a bag.

Edited by rockhouse, 26 August 2009 - 08:34 AM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 08:33:00
PhilippinesPacket 3?....
^Yes, after speaking with my fiancee she informed me that the USEM sent the email "appointment letter" AND a hard copy letter of information about her interview, via Air21.
That is all she has/will receive, as i understand it now.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-27 11:44:00
PhilippinesPacket 3?....
QUOTE (edp333 @ Aug 26 2009, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some Embassies use Packet 3, but the USEM used Packet IV only. Packet IV is what you downloaded from the USEM website.

Many of the embassies that use Packet 3 need this packet sent in before getting an interview date.

So why is the guy in post #9 saying they got "packet 3"?!!
I knew atleast 1 post would have me trippin out again!

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 21:45:00
PhilippinesPacket 3?....
^Cool, thanks man. We're both in the same boat then. Nothing to do now but wait and hope all goes well for our girls.
Thanks yall.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 18:59:00
PhilippinesPacket 3?....
Umm, my fiancee is having her interview Sept. 2nd. She has already passed the medical, and she has all her DS forms and evidence ready.
From time to time i hear about "Packet 3". To my knowledge my girl has not received any "Packet 3", or "Packet 1 or 2" for that matter.
What are these packets, and are we missing something that is vital to the interview?
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-26 16:46:00
PhilippinesWhat's the PIN?
I called 1 day after i received the NVC letter and Manila already had our case in their system, but said it hadn't "qualified" for interview. I think it takes a day or so of actually being in their system and getting squared away before it's "qualified".
They told me to call back in 2, i called back the next day (yesterday) and it was "qualified" and the lady let me pick an interview date.
I would start calling daily a day or so after receiving the NVC letter.

When you set up the PIN which allows you to speak with a rep, and if the case is "qualified", they will ask your name, fiancee's name, the MNL #, her birth date, her address, and her email address so they can send the "appointment letter" which states that she is eligible for medical exam and interview.
The lady sent the email to my fiancee while i was on the line with her, and when i got off and called my girl, she had already received the email "appointment letter".

Edited by rockhouse, 14 August 2009 - 09:59 AM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-14 09:55:00
PhilippinesWhat's the PIN?
Yeah when you call from the USA have your visa card ready, follow the voice prompts, and you will set up a PIN # account supposedly good for 3 calls. The PIN will be assigned to you from them, you don't pick one.
I used mine exactly 3 times to get the interview scheduled. But others have used the PIN more than 3 times. Be sure and call alot, the status of your case could change within 1 day. Good luck.
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-14 08:16:00
PhilippinesFilipinos who will be going to Texas or living in Texas
I'm 30 miles or so NW of Austin. My fiancee's interview is this Sept. 2nd. She should be here soon!
rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-17 10:53:00
PhilippinesVISA application payment
I paid my visa application fee thingy just few days ago.. Anyway, the rate during that day (the 25th of August) was Php 6,419.00.. I think they're basing it on the dollar exchange rate. I didnt have any DS-157, so the bank provided me with one with a stamp on the back along with the receipt.. The bank lady said, there's no problem with bringing our own filled-out DS-157 form, that means they wont be providing us with one anymore (of course..hehe)... since you'll be bringing your own, they'll just ask for it and stamp it on the back...well at least, that's what the bank lady told me.. smile.gif

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-30 09:59:00
PhilippinesPassed - Medical
Nice! We're both on the home stretch now!

Edited by rockhouse, 25 August 2009 - 09:33 AM.

rockhouseMalePhilippines2009-08-25 09:33:00